The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, December 01, 1853, Image 4

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And Newspaper for the People
IT will be seen by the annexed extract
from a letter of General Washington
to David Stewart, dated New York, 1 Vila j
of March, 1790, that the idea of such a j
paper os I propose to make the GLOBE I
originated in the mind of the Father of •
his Country. He said:
“It is to he lamented that, the editors or the dif
ferent Gazettes in tha Union Ho not more generally
and more correctly (instead of stuffing their papers
u ith scurrility ami nonsensical declamation, which
few would read if they were apprised of the con
tents) publish the debates in Congress on all great
national questions. The principle upon which
the difforeiuo of opinion arises, as well ns the de
cisions, would then come fully before llie public,
and a fiord die best data for its judgment.”— Spark's
Writing cf Washington, rd. 10 p. SI.
In surrendering my interest in the or-1
gun of a great political party, I cherished j
the purpose of continuing the Congres- !
sional Globe, and, if possible, in time, to j
perfect it into a full history of the action
of Congress, giving the debates accurate
ly and fully with the proceedings —all
stamped with the verity of an official re
cord. From the passage in the letter of
General Washington, which I have quo
ted, it will be perceived that he thought
this office might be combined with that of
a regular newspaper; and i* is certain
that the avidity of the public for news of
t he less important kind greatly contributes
to give wings to the weightier matter
which may lie called Congressional news
Having succeeded in my purpose of
perfecting the repotts of the debates in
Congress and giving them the official ,
stamp, T now propose to send them a- j
broad, in connection with the news of the j
day, in such haste as shall outstrip full
and accurate intelligence sent from the ;
seat of Government in any other form ;
whatever. It will even anticipate the
scraps of news forwarded to cities within
two hundred and fifty miles of Washing,
ton by telegraph. Before the events thus
transmitted are published in the morning
papers, (Tor instance, of H e city cf New
Yoik,'! the Globe containing them will
have leached the port office of that city
by the mail of the previous night
The process by which this will be effect
ed I now lay before the public.
I will have a corps of sixteen Report
ers in Congress; each in succession will
take notes during five minutes, then re
tire, prepare them for the Press, put them
slip by slip in the hands of compositors,
and thus, while a debate is going on in
Congress, it will be put in type, and in a
f< w minutes after it is ended it will be in
print. I shall by this means he enabled
to send by the Express Mail of 5 o’clock
p. m. for the East, West, and North, and
9 o’clock, p. m. for the Booth, all the pro
ceedings of Congress up to the ordinary
b.cur < f adjournment. Thus the accurate
debates of Congress will reach the cities
two hundred and fifty miles from the Cap
itol before their daily morning papers are
ia circulation.
‘I be miscellaneous r.evrs I shall be
careful to gather from remote sections of
the country by telegraph. Iw i 1 obtain
from the Executive Departments, through
official sources, the matters of moment
transacted in through agents
employed for the purpose, all the city
news of consequence in sufficient time to
be put into the Globe and mailed in the
Express Mail trains. In this way 1 hope
to create anew era in the dissemination
of news from Washington. Hitherto no
newspaper has attempted to give authen
tic accounts of things done at Washing
ton before the public mind at a distance
had received its first impression from ir
scs; or.sible telegraphic dispatches, or by
letter-writers biassed by peculiar views.
Washington has now become so great
a centre of political interest during all the
x ear—the proceedings of the Executive
Departments and the information collect
ed by them even during the recess ot
Congress is of so much importance to the
interests of every section of the country
that I shall continue the publication of
the daily paper permanently, with a view
to become the v< Licit* ol the earliest and
most ecriect
It ii part of my plan to reduce the
pice of the daily paper to halt that ol
similar daily papers; and thus l hope to
extend its circulation so as to invite ad
vertisement*. 1 will publish advertise
ments of the Government. To subscri
bers in the cities 1 hope to submit such
tenns as will induce them to advertise
their business in every village throughout
the Union, where th Globe is sent daily
under the fiat ks of the members of Con
gress, all ol vi horn take it, and some oi
them a large number of copies.
‘I he installation of anew administra
tion and anew Congress portends much
change in the cr urse of public affairs as
the result ot the next session. Many vast
interests which were brought up in the
last Congress were laid over by the Dem
ocratic majority to await the el< c'toa of a
Democratic Executive. The new model
ing of the tariff; the new land system;
tire question cl giving homesteads, and
making every man a freeholder who may
ebooso to become one; the approximation
of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by a
national railroad across the territory of
the Union; reform in the Army, Navy,
and civil cilices —all these great questions,
ith a thousand minor ones, deeply af
fecting multitudes if men and every
.States in the Union, will, now being uia
lured t v public opinion, come up tor the
Government’s decision. These new is
sues, co-operating with old ones, coming
op to be disposed of by new actors on
trie seen s at Washington, will be apt to
modify greatly, it not alter essentially,
the party organizations of the country.
To these elements of interest another
is liktly to be introduced by the interpo
sition of the agitations of Europe. After
nearly forty 3 ears ot [recce in Europe
there is en evident restlessness that now
teems fraught w ith tendencies threaten
ing war; and if war comes, in all likeli
hood there will follow such universal
change that ihe United St fetes can scarce- i
ly hope to escape its vortex. Indeed,!
lv<:sn late events it is aj parent that our |
Government is already urawu into Eu j
ropean ddliculliis. i tie clrcumtslauces i
are calculated to draw the public mind j
towards the next Congress wall much ex
The DAILY GLOBE will be print- !
ed on fine paper, double royal size, watt
t inatf type, (brevier and rionpariei,) at j
i ivt Do leaks a tear.
will also be printed on a double rovnt
sheet, in book form, royal quarto size,
each number containing sixteen panes
The Congressional Globe proper will
be made up of the proceedings of Con
gress and the running debates m> given by
the Reporters. The speeches which
members may choose to w rite out fhem
i selves will, together with the messages
! of the Piesident of the United States, the
, reports of the Executive Departments,
‘and the laws passed by Congress, be add
|edin an Appendix. Formerly I received
j subscriptions for the Congressional Globt
; and Appendix seperately. But this has
; not been found satisfactory, inasmuch as
jit gave an incomplete view of the trans
| actions in Congress; and therefore I have
; concluded not to sell them apart, consid
-1 ering that neighbors can have the advan-
I tage of both by clubbing in case tndividu-
j als shall find it too onerous to be at the
,charge of both.
To facilitate the circulation of the Con
gressional Globe and cheapen it to sub
| sertbers, Congress passed last year a joint
| resolution making it free of postage. 1
| annex it, as the law my not be accessible
to postmasters generally:
Joint Resolution providing lor the distribution ol
the Laws of Congress and the debates thereon.
With a view to the cheopcireiilolion ol the Laws
of Congress and lire debates contributing to (lie
true interpretation I hereof’, and to make (ret: the
communication between the representative and
constituent bodies:
Be tl resolved by the Senßte and House r l Rep
resentalivcs of the United States ol America M
Congress assembled. That from and alter the
present session of Congress, the Congressional
Globe and Appendix, which contains the Laws
and the debates thereon, shall pass tree through
Hie iriada so long as the same shall be published
iiy order of Congress: Provided, That nothing
herein shall be construed to authorize the circula
tion of the Daily Globe free of postage.
Approved, August 6, 185-2.
As I sell the Daily Globe at half the
price of similar publications, so the Con
gressional Globe and Appendix is sold
for half the cost of so much composition,
ptess-work, and paper. This 1 can af
ford to do, inasmuch as the subscription
ot Congress almost covers the cost of
composition, and this enables me to sell
for little more than the cost of press-work
and paper. It requires the sale of about
9,000 copies to reimburse expenses. If
5,000 only were sold, the cost of each
copy would be about slO4l The de
bates in the English Parliament cost a
bout times as much as l charge sub
scribers for the debates in Congress, equal
in quantity, and as well reported and
pi inted.
The next session of Congress will be a
long one; and it is believed the Congres
sional Globe, for it, will roach 4,000 roy
al quarto pages, as the last long session
made 3,901 royal quarto pages lour
large volumes each session. If subscri
bers will be careful to file all the num
bers received by them, I will supply any
that may miscarry in the mails. This
work increases in value ns it grows old.
The first seventeen volumes will now
command three times, and some ot ihe
subsequent ones tic ice, their original sub
scription pi ice.
1 he subscription price for the Con
gressional Globe (including the Appendix
and the laws) is fcix Dollars.
Complete indexes w Hi be made out and
fotwaided to subscribers soon after the
session is ended.
Subscribers tor tire Daily should have
their money here by the sib, and lor Lite
Congressional Globe by the 15*.h of De
cember. The money must accompany
an older for either the Daily or the Con
gressional Globe. Bank ne tes curre t
w here a subscriber resides will be r cei
ved at par. JOHN C. RIVES.
Washington, October 12, 1853.
Meriwether Postponed Sale.
ILL he: sold, before the Courthouse door, in
v f tht town ol Greenville, Meriwether county,
during (lie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
in January nrxt, the following property, to-wit:
One Eighth part of (he west haif ol lot ol Land
number 17, in theStli district of originally Tr up
now Meriwether county, levied on as the property
of John W . Bowdm, to satisfy a Justictv’ Court fi
fa in lavor ot James Fleinistcr vs said Bowdm. —
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
J. YV. REDDING, L). Stiff
September 26, 1353.
Administrator’s Sale,
PURSUANT to an order of the Honorable
Court of Ordinary in and lor Henry county,
ni I he sold, on the first Tuesday in January next,
bet ore the Courthouse door in the town of Mc-
Donough, all the lauds belonging to the estate of
John Elliott, late of said county, deceased —to-
wit: Lots of'and Nos. C 7, 68, 41,42, 23, 24, 25,
. and 101 J acres of lot No. 8, end 50 acres ol lot
No 10, all in the 7lti district —and 10)4 acres ol
‘ot No. 9, and 50 acres of lot No. 10, in the l Ith
district of said county nicking infill 2<!00 acres,
more or less; also, four oeres of land.pari, ol lot
No. 24, in the 1 Ith district of said county, with
anew saw and grist mill on it, now tu successful
Sold for the bent fit of the heirs of said estate.
Notes with approved security due the 251 h day ot
December, 1854, will lie requited in payment.
S. B. LUVE, \', ,
A. V. ELLIOTT. \ A,lrn ‘
October 20, 1853. 43
AGREEABLEto an order of the Honorable 1
Court of Ordinary of Pike county, will he
sold, before the Courthouse door in Gritiin, in the
county of Spalding, within the legal hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in December next, lots of land
No. 23. 24 and 42, in the second district of orig -
naliy Monroe now Spalding county, containing tiOO
acres, more or less, oetng a part of Ihe real estate
of Evans Shannon, la'e of Pike count y deceased.
This desirable body ot laud is situated on the
p ! ank road leading liomGr.fiin to F.ut Shoals, five
miles bom Gritiin, and is of good and productive
quality, with shout 150 or 200 acres cleared, £0
l.esh land, and the whole well watered. There are
on ihe premises a good and convenient dwelling
and all necessary out-houses, a good gin house, a
good well and springs. The place is noted tor the
excellent health of all who have occupied it.
The abeve lands will bn sold for the benefit of
the heirs Htid creditors ol said Shannon, deceased.
Terms on the da f sale.
kUUUUEL 0113, Adm’r.
October 15, 5.3. 42
Payette SStcr-CTxalr.
“SnET'ill be sold before the court house door in the
If town of Fayetteville, Fayette enmity, on
first Tuesday in December o xt, within the legal
boors of sale, the following Property, to hi':
Lot of Land No. 226, containing 2024 acres,
more or li as, levied on as the property of L. B.
Jackson, ir the 9th district of Fayette countv, In
virtue of a fi fa issued from 709i1i district G. M, m
•ayor of Edmond Jackson vs L. B. Jackson, Levy
made and retornnd to me l>y a constable.
Also, on 2024 acres of land, more or Ic6s, in the
Lower 7fh district, number not known, whereon
Jatn-s it. Jennings now lives. Levied on as the
property of James H. Jenr.mys, by virtue ol two
fi las issued from Fayette Superior Com t in fnvoi
ol R. K. Holliday & Cos. vs James H. Jennings;
the other in favor of Ofiiccrs ot Court vs James R j
Jennings. Property pointed out by J. K. Jen
Also, lot ol land, No. 176, co'itaiuinp ISO acres,
in the Upper 7lh district of Fayette county. Levied
|on as the property of Charles Clements, by virture
! of three fi fas one in favor of Qilltfnnd &. t iowoll vs
j (J. Clenieuia, and one in favor of James VV. Mokes
issued from Fayette Inferior Court,
rnts, the other in favor of Town fend & Crane vs
Clements, issued from Fayetto Inferior |
i’ropertvpointcd ou'.lbv defasdatu.
W*?. GLASS,SbcfT 1
No-e lst, livj. 44
Ccgrtl Kdf C3.
* dLuii''-trstl■=>?■’? *rw v
A GRKK -XBLK te ao h ! . m.raV<
Tl*. ("our l of Ordinary i oar.’ i i
lie sol i, on Ihe fii-t rue-mix “> ‘ v<-cud>> r •■ • N
before the Ooorihnu-u dnoi oHi l. wo o’ B 1 • r
Tax lor eo'ini v, Lot il’ Land niin r<m hind <-'i
and twenty one, hi the tweliUi . i.-lnei ol origin..
iVI nsengee now Tii vbir eminl v. Snlif ;is par! •
the renl estate of R'chnrd Mnml'-t. I !e ot Monroe
county, deceased. Sold lor (lie h.iolit ofliie liens
and creditors. Term-* on the dnv of File,
October 17, 185.1. 42-
AXS; ‘LL 1 sold before the Com'-hnuse ‘oor,
v V in tilr low nos Fapellevil'e, Kiivolie comi
ty, nn’ne first Tuesday in Decnnl or next, within
the usual emirs efj.ite. agrcini.i to an or'er >•
the Court of Ordinary of -aid eomily, < ne l.uudi-’ f
Acres of land, more or less, off ol the east -art ot
lot No. loo,in the Cth di-lriet of said county, nd
ninjr.g YV iili-11 Bra-sell and Jesse Jones. So 111 a
the property of Hirain Moses, Into of said county
deceased. Terms of sale, twelve months credit,
small notes and approved security.
ITU-:WRY B. vl AY, Arf’mr.
October 4ih 185.1 41
’ Administrator’s Sale.
W r ILL he sold before the Courthouse door in
ihe town of Fayetteville, ••'ayclte county,
Ga., on Hie fist Tuesday in December nex', with
in the egal hours of sale— agreeable lo an order ol
Hie Court ni Ordinary of said county. Fifty acres
o'’ Land, more or less, ell ol the south pari ol Loi
ol Laud No. 43, in the fifth disniri of said county,
cn!. t as ti e prop* rfy of Klbert Bisliup, ittte of said
county, deceased, Terms of sale made known on
the dnv Oct. 4th, 1853.
Administrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE tnan order of the Honorable
Interior Court or Fayette county, w hen sd.
tins’ for OrdiilK"V purposes, will be sold before the
Courthouse door r. 2 Americas, Sumter county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, within the
legal hours of sale, Lot of Land number three
hundred and forty nine, in the twenty eighth dis
trict ot originally Lee now .Sunit. r county. Sold
as the property of William It. Heart, !at<* of then
Fayette now Spalding’ county, deceased, S-Old for
i the benefit of the'heirs and creditor*. Teri,”* *>h
the day of sale. CLIVF.It J. HEAD, AdrnV,
October 17, 1851. ($3 oOprfJ 42
Administrator's Sale.
IN accordance xvi'h an order of Hr Rci errb le
Court of < trdinary of Fay To erirty v 11 te
sold al the Courthouse door in the ‘own of Fav
etieviile, in said county, on ihe first Tuesday in
December next, within Hie legal hours of sale, one
Lot of Land, nahteiy, Lot number one* hundred
and forty seven, in the seventh district of Fayette
county. Sold ns the property of Warren H.
Cooper, deceased, for tin benefit of the hep-s and
creditors, and lor the pmpose of a duoribulion
among the heirs of said dcceasi and. Perms of sale
—Twelve months-credit at least.
JIiPTHA L YNI’IIU : ,Sr., Ai'm’r.
of Warren Ii Cooper di cv ul
October 17, JSS3. 42
Ail mi and Ist i‘tl a v’s &a• <*.
war ill lie sold, ug re* al It- i•. an ot I r . { ‘:i-
V * Court of Drdinnrx of FnvetN .ro>r,'v, ••n
the fits! Tuewfay in December i ..-xt, etor.- ! h
Courthouse door in Ihe ‘own o! F uPu !!■ ,
said t-ounly, w limn Ihe legal ln.ap o’ sa'. , l ~i ,
Land rium er s'xiv six, i lb*- .ti>s i.- . •
I Fayelfe counl\; alaii, tie XX <-i bo Lot t
sixty live, in sutd disire'. .Ld sHo n.i.p. tv o.
George Ware, occcased, ter Hu t- ■ • fit o’ Hi,
heirs and creditors of.-ail iteeea-e<l. ter - o
sale, twelve mouth- cn eit
J'“ N S * OLt.I DAY, \d ni *r.
MIL RED YV.IR , Adm’ex.
October 17, 1 42
ExeciUm s’ Sale.
A G u F.FA ISLE to I tv* In-t \xih nn<t ‘estam<r.t
fl YVilltarn f /bde, la'*- i I Moline county, > e
< eased, nil S sold, tu I'ue ‘he (’ouithonsf do r in.
the town ot Forsvth, Vooroe ( ouuty, <{:>.. <>u l!i<
first Tuesday in 1 ieeendier next, wiihm'h’ nsm’
hours ol sale, lots of Land nnndu r iwo hundred,
two iiiindrcd and one, and one, Imndri'd and tif’v
acres of lot number two Inn ‘red non sixteen, all
situate in the seventh district of Monroe county.
Also, the tollnwmg NFGiiOFS, viz: Oliey.a
woman, aged 55 years; Simon, a hoy, 20 years
old; David, a boy, 15 years old; Arena, -a girl 13
years old, and Anthony, a boy, 9 years old. Sold
lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said
Terms of sa'c—on a cred sos twelve months.
WILLIAM .1. COLE, j --
JA? 03 YV. CORK, >
October H it, 1853. 42
Exi'Ctstor's Sale.
“TETSTILL lie sold at tie* lute resilience of Gilbert
V v Gay. late of Fayette county, deceased, on
the first. Monday in December next, the following
property, to-wit;
Fifty head of fine Pork Hogs; one lot of Mules
and Horses; Cattleof all descriptions. Stock ling.
Cotton. Corn and Fodder, Uouso-bo'd and Kitcli
cn Furniture, &.e, Terms of sale, twelve months
credit; small notes and approved security. A'l
persons indebted to paid Estate wi'l come forward
and make payment,and those having <l* mauds a
gainst, the same, are hereby not ilitcd to present
them according to law. October 4th, 1853.
THOS. B. GAY. 1 ~
ISAAC P GAY, J Exeeutari.
Executor’s Sale,
ly iU. be gold at the tAtf* residence of Zuhnd
V V and Dorothy Little, in Henry county on
the first day of December next, within the usual
hours of sale, all the perishable property of the
late Zabu! a*:-.! I) ua'.hv Lii!G, deceased, co n-ist
ing of 300 bills of Corn, vvi/h Fodder anc. Oats,
200 bushels of Wheat, Gallic, Mules, Wagon and
Cart, Pork, and Household and Kitchen furniture.
So ! d for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Sule
to continue from day to day til! all is sold. Terms
mnde known on the day of sale, this 3i dav o
O tober 1553 J O'l IN !1. ST All3, EV.
Ex-3Citt os-’s Sae.
A GRF.F.ABLE ‘o ttie last Will and TesUmen
J&. of Z ihud Little, late of Henry counlv, qc
eased, w ill he sold belore the ( > nurthoi'.,e dour
inllie town ol McDonough, ! Irnrv county on the
first Tuesday in Deeemlicr next, vy ilhin he usual
hours of sale, the follow ing lo-ivi!.*
Jeff, a man, 30 years of ,gr; Ha riel, a girl, 16
years of age; Martha, u Woman. 18 *eir- of age.
and eer infant ciiil ; Fancy, <; wo ea-, 45 years oi
agr; Jim, a boy,7 yarsol ag<*; Archy, abov. ft
years ot age.
Also infs of Land, No. 19, containing H 7 acre.*,
No, 20, containing 208 J; No. 46, c<>iila*mng 2024;
No. 45, containing 15 acres, more or less. Alsu
a negro girl, Jane, aged iSyittrsjcf the esta'e o
Dorothy Liltl .
Also at Gritiin, Spalding county, on th* firsj
Tuesday in January next, within the legal hmn>
ol ale, will lie sold, the billowing property',l< •ivt :
Lots ot Land, No. 21, contfibuug 100 litre
more cr less. No. 76, containing 2i £ J aer. s with ;
good Merchant Me! ilicnon, lot No. not known,
udjo'ning lot. No 76, containing I(j0 acres, mow
or less, all lying in originally the ilnrd district
Henry coTinty. Tins llie 2d dav ofOc'obi*r, 185 5
40— JOli N H Sf A i R Ex’r.
in?;i i, Henry comsty.
WHEREAS Danil 11. Pondei apples to m •
toi letters ol'fiu ir’ inm-hijiol ill* p'i -(,/ian
property ol Adam Lull* -am, uher<* -.June:
W. Tallv applies to me lor n* lei- *u Gu-idim
stop ol the person and property o! Kenkrica Dai
L'ltle—and, whereas, ’I homes K* rim applies
to me for fliers >1 Guardians’ t . ol (lie person and
property ol Demosthenes Little, m notcpluns ol
Zihud Little, late of said foUn'y, o ■eca-ed
These are therefore to not ily aP peisousi otieei -
ed, to file tllPtr oljeetioi.s, it lint they have, why
li lie s should not t>e'granted, within the time pie.
scribed by law, other tse letti rs w ill ire granted
said applicants.
(;iven under my bond at office, t ; is November
1853. 45 E. P. VV ATKIN . Urdmai>
a dminisii‘trix ale.
r*7 ILL be sold before the Court house door in
vv the ton n oi Met onmigh, Henry county, on
tbit first Tuesday ip January mx', a iifiown
man, by the name of Emily, abc.ui 2x years id g*
as tire property ol the estate ot A alciil'M Ei* *k
ate of said county, dcceast and. 8c and lot da 11 neb
f the heirs ard t render-. This JNovt mlr Ist
S.TJ. 4' 3— N/ $’ Y \V. FI rs F , Pt’ti ti*. J
Crral 2 r c fitir. . :
G'*xrnri?, ’'fij ‘ite county.
- R ‘■ tones, fliiar Inin of lane
* I < igys, •(• <t• mi for letters <r *!i—
•ms on ifooi sain Gljardia nufijp, lie having ext cu
b'd h - trust, n- Will more fullv appeal Irom vouch
er- on fi e.—
I'h"-f an therefore tp cite nntj admonish all and
sihguliir,*'he Kindred ol said minor, to he arid np
p'i rnt mv ellice, within the time prescribed In
nxx\ to show cause, rl any they have, why said let
ter- should m I he granted.
Given under mv hand an I official signature,
Hus th 16th ri.ix of November. 1 853.
47 01 ( C. HNO. V, .1 c. o,
Mevjwellter [)rcrsnll>r Sales.
; I Li. he -oh! before the Courthouse door in
Hie town of f -iivi ie, Mel‘l ether countv
bet eeu the o-iial leiursof sale, ou the first Tues
tlay iff Dee.endir r r? x':
j Lm ot Lneri, N■. (7d; severty—tx, in the tttii
I (iisl'ict of g-id collety of Meriwether—levied on
> as the properly- of Abram B Fannin, to satisly n
j certain Justices’Court fi fa, in favor of George
I Haa-(and tmoslerrcd to Saunders YV. Lee) ami
! against the siik! Abram 11. Fannin, Levy made
and returned to mo by a f’onsthlo.
Nov. I; 1853. kOBT. B. D \ RfC, D. S.
Oeorgla, SScsiry County.
HLREA S Lovi Cloud, adnunistiator ot the
v v estate ot John F. Y'annorden, late ot said
eeunty,deceased, applies toino for letter-oi’dismis,
-inn fmiii ihe un i her ndininislrot on of said estate.
I hose arc tin re(or>- to ede and admoiii-h a—
and singular the kill ired and ci eiHtors of said e-i
late, to he and appear at mv office, within Ho time
prescribed by law, to show ciil'Se, if any they have
why such di-nu-sion should not he granted.
Given under mv hand at office, tins August Ift
953- E. PYV ATKINS, (Wintry ’
Georgia Fayette County.
Hit.RF.AS Andrew J. Vlundy. Adminis
¥ V trator on lire estate of Kinchen Stricklen
ale of said county, deceased, applies for Letters
ol Dismission from said estate.
These are therefore io cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said decea
j *e<l, til beam] appear at my office, xx iltiin the time
I prescribed by law, io show cause ‘it anvjwliv
said Letters may not he granted.
Given under my Hand at office, in Fayetteville
Ins Y!ay 2d, |SS3,
| Ift - G EG.’ C. K ING. Pop! yO. F.C.
Ii aiiEly
HKRh.’ James F. Johnson. Administra
V 7 e• • r ofliie e,.'.*”[_ Rocella V/—non, bite o
s :id county, (leceaprclo me f)>r letters o
Dismission from said es(W‘ —’
These a re tocile and admonNh aM and singular,
the I, millcd :iini ercdilois ol said (It'Ci'lEcd, to be
and appear nt my otfiee, within ttie time pi- ‘Cltiieit
uy law, to show c: use, il any lin y have, why sa.'d
( tiers -1i.m1.l n it he granted.
Given under mx hand at office, in Fayetteville
Hus vi ny 23d 1353, 21
Gi.G. vt. KING, D< pt’y. O F G.
Ccorgia, Fayette Ccunty.
: > R'-AS.iolm Murphy, Administrator on
? r ; in- state o! .lami * Murphy, late ot said
i *.uotx , deceased, applies for Letters ol Di-missorx
imiii aid e-la;.-.
sh.-.- are His relorc ! o cite and Hdmonrsh *1! and
siogul.ii, Hi.- kmoi'eii and ci'-oiiord of said docca
, o b aii.i iipjiear at mv ofnee, wiilim Hi*’ time
p • < 'do <. .. . j.nv. t,. shew esu-t: (if any they have)
w!i V -.'Ot 1 .1 lit-. S-It - .idd i;(i[ he gIJ-.ntc ‘.
Hivrii in. ot my !ih. id al office, in Fa vet te villi/
•o. 30 ; h - 1 .. y o.’, 1853-
Ift G U. J KING, Dept’y. (J. F. C
(ieurgia, Fayette comity.
i fi.Utv.Aß Jo. n Wiliams, Aiirrimi trail*
V V “po.i tin- i s!,jt<- ot R uiem Mdl-nps, di ca •
-ed. ap,4\ to lie lor cih ra o! i:i-iiMssian from bio
i (•-!!e.
These nre tin-efure to cite an 1 admonish l
oul lugulai, tin: kindred and creditors of sai I de
■< ‘ as.-i. io he .out appear at mv oflicc, rvitiiirt! e
; unc (i i'MTib dby law, to show C.oisc, li any they
me wliy sd i letter- sh-oldd not lie grantod.
G'via) ui i rm, hand offii inily, ibis July 22d
1851 3ft— _ J L. B’aioak, Oriiinsr
IX ; Y (fays after date npplleaftnrt will the
KjJ.eade to tire Iron rrahle the Court of .Ordinary
ol Bike citunly for leave to sell lot of hind No.
One hundred and Forty, tn the t till district of die
4th section of originally Cherokee now D.tde
county, the sain- being part of ihe Rea! Estate ol
Wen. Brown, late ol said county, deceased.
N >v. IJ i55 5. Vl VL F il>.V 4, V I nr’x .
Georgia) Payette county.
Elizdo’tli Price, Administratrix
f V on the estate of Fiaucis Price, doeeared,
applies to me for letters ol dismission fiom said
A lininistration.
These art* therefore to cite and almonish a I land
singular,the kindred and < rcdtlors of said tlecca
■cd, to and appir ir at my office, within tile time
.fK’Scritred by Gw, to slimv cause, il any, why sail
tellers shout > not be granted.
Given und-r my ba*td at oliice, nt Fuyctteville,
i the 12ili dav of Septetnliyi* 1853,
37 - GEO. C. LING, Dept, C. C O
Gos’gia, Henry county.
11 E‘! fAd Jesse Prie.kett applies to me for
V T letters of (hsinission trom tiie admjmsrra
tion efthcestite el Jesse 11. Prickett, late o! said
count v, deceased.
These are therefore tohotify all persons tnfi'r
csted, to file their object ions, if anv tliey have, in
my office, on or before the first Monday* in Frdnu
ary next, why loiters of tfistnissloTi sboiild not in*
grat't'd; o'her wish letters ol distn : ssio*i will be
grnt< and ganiptnpheant.
(jtveti under my hand at o'fiee, this Juiv I8;h,
1853., E. P. WA I KINB, Ordinary.
Ssjfic ofiLasniL
ILL he gold on the first Tuesday in P,*.
VY ceoibcr next, in the towa of Griffin, Spa* J,m
counlv, one Lot of Land containing 202 ’
joining lands of Akins. WiUtarn- Goddard'and
1 others, rite abovei lot Wilt sold at public out
cry to the highest LiiScitir, i; )- iC) i previously dispos
ed of perse ittlly, L. C. BELT.
Lon'sviile, Jcfi* rsort couuti. 36
cherry" pectomc
For the rapid Cure of
I! .ftiJ b<i the river , upon the btnk Ihtrtof shall
grow nil trees for i eat wings leaf shall not fate atul
and ihejrmt thereof skull be Jur went aiul Ihe leaf
thereoffor ’
ere • <n ■ f e lor ‘h ••ink recorded long ago,
uei * v.-ry y* > and i new . g ~.i to the aaroranco
! l'ii! the---. i*.n I. rfiall . r i ;i j|.
i>ne ieal S<t “i*e iiit-covers and dif'gnatcs
th;'remedies nature has given, one bv one, (lie j’- that Hiilm our race yield to the control of j
tit. Oi all tin* maladies we i from, mmc lihb !
ir i ! more i idiiiis to a mifim ly grave lhn:i j
in* Gonsttmpiion of tfn* Lungs. Bui>jomed we
ii*( some evidence ihat t4is too mm he cured,’
lino I ‘ i Pulmonary Complaints, in all jfieir lortns
•ii j- be r.*uiovi*.l by Chehuy Pectoral.
Space will i*itfj permit us to publish lu re any I
piopi roon i.qil.e cures il lias afl'ccic , but the A- 1
g. n In low named, will Itenisb our Circn ar free
w tiercou arc lull pmliculuis R'lri i.(dls-putuhli! proof' 1
I these I lift*. „ ■ 1
Mifierers: n*.til and judge lor yotire!f. , J |
l : or Biffunzn and Whooping Cough. j 1
Nasfiwllc, Term, June 6 , 133. I J
Mr I. have rnj*6toilf$ ?<mt Tb*,->y t>*.to- ! a
,ral for? WhoopingCmtgh and Influenza and have
no he-ntationin pronouncingit aeompfote remedy.
Four of my children bavc been afflicted with these
diseases, uid the free use of the Pectoral lias al
ways afforded me almost instant relief.
We attest the truth of the above statement.
iVI. MeOiN IT, Editor Nashville Whig.
J. M. ZIMMEKMAN, Druggist.
For a ConsupliVf CV(jh.
Pittsburg, Pa. Feb. 23.18 M.
Dear Sir: —For three years 1 have heen afflicted
with a Onrtgh. so distressing that 1 frequently dis
patrod of recovery; much ol the time I was obliged
to sit up all night in my chair, as rny cough would
suffocate me when L loid r.own. Having used
manv remedies without much relief, 1 at lost tried
the Cherry Pectoral, which, under Providence/
has cured me altogether.
I am with gratitude yonrs,
This is one of the numerous Cures of Aslh
uia ii'lnch have been accredited to
Albany, N. Y., April 17, 18-48
Da Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir. 1 have for f®nrs aflludtd with Asthma in the woral.form, so
that 1 have been obliged to sleep in aiy.chair *o’
a large part of the the tune, being unableto breathe
on my bed. I bad tried a great many medicines,
to no purpose, until my physician presc. ibed, as
an experiment, your Cherry Pectnrol.
At lirst it seemed to make me worse; bnt in less
than n week I began to experience the most, grat
ilvmg relief trnni its use; and now, in four weeks,,
the r.isease is entirely removed, lean sleep on 1
rnv bed with ci nifert, and enjoy a. slate of health
w bieh I had never expected to enjoy.
Commission ano Forwarding Merchant.
From the President of Amherst Collar,
J. C. Aver. Sir: 1 have need your Cherry Pec
toral in my own case ol deep-seated bronchitis, and
am satisfied, from its chemical constitution, that is
san admirable compound lor the relief *l laryn
gial und branchial difficult!®-?. If my opinion, ut
to its superior character, can be of any service,
vou arc at liberty to use it as von think proper.
j Among t'ic other distinguished authorities who
! have lent their names to recommend this prepara
tion as the. best known to them for cffcctiana of
the !irugs, rc:
President Perkins, Vermont Merl. Co'lege.
Hon. Chief Justice Story, Snp. Bench U. S. A,
Prof. Valentine Mott, New York.
Piot'. Cfovelmd, Bowdoin Med. Os.
Prof. Butterfield, Ohio Med. Col,
Canadian Journal of Medical Review.
Boston Med. &Surg. Review.
-Charleston, S. C. Med. Review.
New Jersey Med. Reporter.
Hon. Henrv ‘Jlay,U. S. Senator.
I ton, Geo. P. Marsh, Am A nr. has. to Tinker.
Gen. Emanuel Bullies, President of Chili.
Rt. Rev. Ed. Power, Lord Bishop o Trertn.
Rt. Itev. Bishop Kcese, of (he Melii. E. Churcii.
) A ‘ebbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati!, Ohio.
rt.'-'-'V many eminent personages in foreign count nos.
No. only in the more dangerous and distressing
disease Oi }!■“ Lung**,hut also as family medicine
f r occasiona> s*B* Il is the safest, pleasantest and
besi in the world. . _ ......
Pufparsd akd Sotu cv TAMES L. A\ LR,
Drugget Chemist,
Sold in Gridin, by Dh. J. Washington -
Jox r. s, Hruggixt.
Georgia Sarsaparilla.
gjNOii Jaundice, Sick Ilend-Ache, DizmneFs
Loss of Appetite, Constipation of tfic B*w
els, Piles, caused by Cosiivencss, Pain iu rhe
Bones, or .Rheumatism,caused by thp use of Mer
ciny, Syphilis, Scrofula,Boils, Ulcers, fee. &c.
fui-preparation is made as pnrqas possible,
its bitter taste, ;.nd beneficial cflects'in diseasesoj
tire L'ver,and diseases arising from au impure
stale of the Blood, proves to be the purest aad
and most uaeiu! preparation of S&nrf-arii!r. tea! i
t'iiose who lurte used the virions p r op.i ration#
ul v.uvapariilj, will find, by the fusle and i fleet,
thuttiiere is more Sarsaparilla in one bottle ol Dr.
D’s. preparation, ihan ih hall a dozen bottless it
ia generally made.
That it might be more particularly adapted to
professional use, nothing but the pure Harsansrills
inis been used, that lor dii'erenc di seises, pby#-
esuns might combine or prestrib with it, such ar
tides as they might consider most appropriate is
eases nndei their treatment.
ltsiiiicriitivearid mildly purgative effect upon
the bowels, make it not only a good snhstitntefnr
Mercury, but useful in removing all disease* sri
vin® from the imprudent nse of Msrenry.
Prepared only by J Dennis, M. D Augusta, ©a
SoiJ in Grifiin by Dra. Long & Bliss, Dr. Leroy
Sneed, and Dr. Wm. R. Moseley; in Barnrsvill
by C. A. &. J. F. Nutting; in Foisylh by D. Sati
dd. no ft Druggists generally. 48—
Fnn the complete cube gs
Ccupks, Colds, Influenza, Jfsthma, Prenehtstir-,
Spilling of blood and oii e: Lvng Cor. -
plai.n’s , ending to
q q ’ ty' | ‘*]
czmu sZt'tiSms’%!
Jg ® J&-* . E._. : nnve you a Cmi“li, r, hicbvoo art
■* heglccti ng, under the idea that it isonly nt
14. .union toW, and That it w 11! soon “wear ii’ncll'l” Let a iriend 101 l you. in ail kindness, nha
\i iitgsoon he (lie probable result.
in a short time, it you conlinuc to neglect your
soli,you will begin to foci a Renee ol tightness and
oppre-sion a (Tons the thesf, secompanied with
urcucnl sharp darting pains. Then a dry, hack
ng Cough, will set in, and when you laiseany*
hirig it will be a thick and yellowish, or white
relay matter, streaked, perhaps, with hlood I
you still take tin medicine, these unpleasant scoop
willtoms increase, and you will soon have Hec
tic L‘’ev!;r, Com Chili s, jNicht Sweats, Cort
ous ItevPECTop.Anow, and then Cheat I’rostha
tion, II you still neg’elb yourself, a few weeks
or moiiiha w ill see you consigned to the grave,
, leaving your friends to mourn how rapidly COJS
| SUiVii > i’lON did its work, and hurried you a wav',
i Friend! nave you no cause to be alarmed? In the
above sketch you may see as in a glass, liovvoevcry
case ol the Consumption progresses, with tnlrlc < r
Css rapidity, to a fatal termination. Os a llie
Thousands and Millions w hom this great Desroy
cr has gathered to the tomb, every single casebe
gun w ifh a Cold! Il this had been intended to
all might have been well; but, being negleclad
urxJi-r the tatal delusion it would ‘‘wear itsell
oli,” it transferred its deauly action to the sub
stance oi the Lungs, exciting tln-re the formation
oi tubercles. Another, and another cold, uddeil
liie( (othc llame, unUl these luixuclcs tx gHii lo
so ten and sappurnle,leaving by their ulcaron.ui,
great cavities in the Lungs. At this c isis, the
disease is very difficult of cure, and oileiiltmcs sets
•<l defiance ail human means.
in the lultei or worst Mage, this medicine wil
oftentimes arrest the disease, or cheek its progress,
and will always make the patient mme comforta
ble, and prolong Ins life, and is ilierctbre worthy of
a l.iulj—but ii its incipient or limning p node
Consumption is as curable ns anv oilx r oi-eases
and * Dr Rogers’ Svrup of Liverwort, Tar adn
v anchalagua,” it taken at this time, will cure it
I this is strong language, till we tan relief you to
numberless living witnesses to prove -that it is
I'itU.hl And iherelore, weearnestly exhoit every
tn.iii, woman and child, who has a Cough, oris
subject io Colds, to kcop this medicine by you in
the bouse; and whenever you take Cold, do not
“let it ulmie” to work niisdnet in your system, bnt
eradicate it thoroughly, and at once, by this pow
erlu! healing compound, and leave your Longs un.y carry you in lull vigor to a good old agog
I . .. .. .
Have you delicate, weakly children, who are a!-
1 ways taking cold, and suhjeel to Croup? Rem
m !>.•{ l'ljero never was ir case of Croup, Which
id ‘tti originate in a Coht! And w he your child
oaa to bed wheezing and coughing, you know
(hat, before morning. Croup nray set i:i,and
yon can get *r e Physician, veor dear child uty
Übe heyrind/e och of help. We beseech you
eref ire, dii..v'aliie the lives’ ot’ ymir children I
Rli tt ilnsmedteine by you in the house, and whrn
epevouleones take cold and commence coughing,
give it to them ut onc(* s and resi not until the; cough
is subdued, \Ve conscientio lily aver, lifter the
most, extended expci icnee, that if this” a.l vice were
lollowcd, nocliild.need ever
tort he cold would he cured before il could arriAO
at this aggravated and filal stagey Let every
Mother, especially, heed well these icniarks, tbo
ihe may not hereafter, when mourning over the
yarlv blight,of some cherished blossom Jiavr oeca
ron bitterlv to reproach herself for her erinitnn
-neglect. It is an old adage, that “to be Ibrwarned
to be forearmed.” Parental so let it be in you
Be sure to ask for ’V. A. Rogers’ SvrnpefL'-
and ot no other be palmed on you.
f 0> TIL & MEAD,
111 Chartres Street, New Orleans,
Wholesale General Agents for the Sint thorn
States, to whom all orders and applications so
agencies inuct be addressed.
Also sold in Griffin,by J. W. JOKES t SON |
and bv Druggisis everywhere.
THE great remedy lor Rheumatism, Gout
Pain in the Side, Hip, Bad, Limbs and
Joints; King’s Evil, White Swellings, Hurd Tu
mors, Stiff Joints,and all fixed pains whatever is
Where'this Plaster is applied Pain cannot exist, —
These Plaster# possess I lie advantages of being
put up i'i 1 r tight boxes; hence lin y retain the.
till! virtues io all climates.
This celebrated Pain Extractor h -s been so ex
tensively used by Physicians and the people to gi -
Herat, both in this country and Europe, that it i*
almost needless to say anything about it. Yet
there may be ®ume who stand in need of its henling
powers who have not yet tried it. For their nukes
we will simply state what it has done in thousand*
ol cases, and what it will do lor them w lien tried.
bead, the following Testimony from a flyyician
Gkntlembn—Your Hebrew Piaster has cured
me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve
years past. During this period I labored under an
affliction of my loins and side, and tried many re
medies that rny own medical experience sngge.-ted,
hot wilhoHt obtaining relief At length I nged
your Plaster, und uin now by its gmiti efforts en
tirely cured, i will recommend tin; Jew David or
Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffering from con
traction of the moscles, or permanent pains in (lie
side or hark.
The people of Georgia have but to become ac
quainted with its vtrtnes when they will resort to
ts use. Yours, truly,
Forsyth, Monroe Cos,, Ga.
To Messrs Sen'll & Mead, New (Irtenns, La.
David?* er Hebrew Plaster in Xorth ( a<otino
Jtftssi'3’ l>corill fy Mead: l liuve been iroiibls
vvih the rlironic rheumatism lor the last twilv J
1 years. Dn the Ist ol July, 1849, I wa# so bad tint j
i | could n°’ ! “ rn ’"yycll in bed, amt the pain so ae- j
I vers that. I had not slept a wink for six days. At ‘
this time my attending physician prescribed the ;
“Hebrew Plaster.” and it acted like a charm; the j
pla nleft me, and 1 slept ,R.,re than halfoftne nigld, |
- djin three days 1 was able to tide out. t const- j
.inn's “Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy for ali j
how in ds ( >. Q. W. M’MINN.
| 5 H H H
Beware of counterjV:'* imitations!
nrpThe genuine w ill in ,titd' have the signn
tnreofE. Tatlor on the eiecl pltttf label
on the tep of e ach box.
. Purchasers are advises! thr.t a mean coftßt't
pit ofthis article is in
The genuine i* sold only by its, and bv #nt
agents appointed tbronglmut the
pedlar is allowed to sell it. Dealers nndjfl
generally are cautioned against
our regular agent#, otherwise th e aMB/i
-■lt noon with n v.oitl.Use artteloJMß
KCUVfi™* *&!*<
11 Chartres strevt, Nw w. •
Agents fi r the Southern
sidrra must he'rest-cd,’ i( Pes
c bv
J. W. Jonfs fc Bck, Griffin, Ga.
John Stilwrill, McDonouah. -
G. H. VVarrf.n, Joncsbortip |
Br.cKHAM & Buchanan,Zrbnlen,
S. 8. KKNUPim, Barnesvilo’
Andews & Little, Jarksn
HallS Yccno, Newnan,
.1.1 llf.esr, Gicenville,
Mien vnrRT & Mem XT Indisn 5 prihg
Extraordinary cure of lons of Health, Disordered
SlotOMh, Indigestion and }Jelv minuHon of B'.cod
lo the Head,
J Copy ej a letter from Mr. John LloM, •/ Etw-wei,
j near Harlech, Mcriovtlshrre.
I fg\o Professor QOI.LOWAY.-Sia
! JBL I aval! inyM'-ot Iho earnest opportunity o
j niorming you, tltul lflr a very long period, l was
l nil led wiUi u dßUgcrous giddiness fit., - ! fd?ji:? nS
wimmings in ihe head, n1 <e n.’< dby toss oi nppe
ea, disoritcrerl stomach and generally impawiri
iieallh. Evi rv means had failed lo give me any
permanent r< lief, anil at length 11 htcr.rne so alarm
mg thnt 1 was icnliy :■ Iruid of going about w.lh
oul an attendant, in this- melancholy condition,
wailed personly on Mr. Hughes, Chemist, fin
lech, lor Iho purpose of consulting him ns to wh
I had better 1:0; he Kindly recommended your Pills
i ried them < iilvout delay, and alter taaing them
tor a short time, 1 am happy to bear testimony lo
1 lieir woiiderlnl efficacy. 1 urn now restored to ■
pc-ifeet health, and enabled to resume ruy usual I
duties You are at liberty lo publish llris letter I
in any WHy you may think proper. I am, sir, jour |
obcd’l.scrvn’t. [signed] JOHiN LLOYD, j
June 6th, 1852.
Miraculous cut e of Dropsy
Extract ej a letter from Edward Rowlnj, Esq. es In
dia Walk, Tobago, dated April S lh t 1852.
To Professor Holloway—D ar Sir: I deem i
a duty I owe to you atid the public at large, to m
loitii you ol a most miraculous recovery Irom that
dreae.iul disease Dropsy, and which, under God,
whs affected by your valueless Pills 1 was lap
ped five times within eight mouths, and skillluily
treated by two medical practitioners, hut could noi
get cured, until I had recourse lo your remedy,
and notwithstanding all 1 hud undergone, this nil
racuious medicine cured me in the course ol six
weeks. |iSign*rl] EDV\ A 111) HOW LEY.
Inf alible cure of a Stomach Complaint, with Intli
gesiion and violent Heudarkes.
Extract es a Utter from Mr,S. Coven, Chemist, oj
Clifton, tar Bristol, doted Inly 14.'/r,1552.
To Professor Holloway—Hear Sir—l am re
quested by a lady named Thomas, iust arrivrn
Irotn the v\ esl Indus, to acquaint you that lora
period of eight years, lierst It and tamily suflired
Irom continual bad hr alitf, -arising from disorders
of the Liver and Stomach, Indigestion, lose of Ap
petite, violent Headaches, puins in the side, weak
ness andjceneral debility, ter which she consulted
1 tie most eminent men in iho colony, but without
any beneficial result; at Inst, idle had recourse to ,
your invaluuhlc Pills, which in a viry short time
effected so great a cliangc lor the better, that silt
continued them, and the whole tamily were resto
red to health and strength. Further she desires
me to say, that she has witnessed their extraordi
nary virtues in Uosa complaints incidental to chil
dren, pari icnlarly in cases of Measles and Sc#r
rina, having effected positive cures of these disea
’■3 with no other remedy,
fSignedi S. COWEN.
I’hsM eelftbroied Fills are wonderfully efficacious
in the fo'lowmg complaints:
Ague Debility Inflama’ion
A nr ter* Dropsy Jaundice
Bvllious Com- Dysentery Liver crn
plmis Erysipelas plaints
Blotche son Petrnils Irrrgii- Lumbago
the Skin larifxs Piles **
Bowel coin- Fetors of all ttiu. pain
plants hinds Retention of*
Colies Ft is fJrme
Constipation Gout Scrofu'.ar of
oftbe Bowels Henrl-ache Kings Evil
Consumptpon I digestion Si re, throat
Stpnc&Gravsl lieDolorex Secondary
Tumour*: Ulcers syrtifemS
Veneral Affec- AVorrns o* a'l Weakness
tious kinds from w lw'ever
cause &.c &.
rumours Ulcers symptom
Venereal A flee Worm# of all Weaknea
lions kinds from whatever
cous* 1 &.c. &.
Sold at *h(* erfabhshnnent of Prdesor Holloway
; 244 Strand, (near Temple B >r) London, ind hi
all Vendors ot Meoienes throughout the (Juliet
Stales, in boxes at 37c a 87c and SI Stic each
Wholesale by the principal Drug h-*u ; es in tin
Union; and by Messrs. A. B. &D. ■'AN Di’, ‘ c*.
There is considerable saving bi - taking the iar
g.-r siZ' I #.
If. U,—Directions for the gill ance *>i pitieu'r
in cverv disorder ar* 1 affixed to each oox
Porsalvby W.Vt. VV. LINCt iLN.' ih
*• W.JONE-, if >. ).
JA€ iV S
FSTHE great success that n ;it!<ihe
.S- tnenl ol all lmtl riisr-asef* With •'jaecb’-< ! i),
dial,” for lie last twelve m i k:-, f-s uuii'i i d th
pruprietut to g<> largely ito th<* mao i or#
mg it ueXpeiMu or pains liav* he n ■•■■•v- “ c •
we can p, and as regards i *- external appemancet
Ia ii rpa >s#n v wittimd coidr.s let em. t u.ii t >ri lai
Uiuti-de# every other o..iv on’i.i ill*
Jo the Stales.* Tin* hot it s were itia-.e expi-ssly
tir th purpose having th. oifo-nn- wo so own
inol.”c glu#.-: ‘■’■Jacob's UJiolera ei. Dyfenitry Cor
dim —ihe buttle together w:tn a tin •> p lolcd
p.i ptilet, is inclosed in a line steel •ii _ and
wrapper with !’> nr vignelt*-#; and lia- a'#’- upon the
top ot the Indite over theou side vvrupp* r a finely
engraved foe simile am mgruture ot
BLISS & CO.” 1 ln:#e logetb.l w"h w o kinds
of iarge tin*: steel engrav* “rueimp” i I -•< n> and,
so far av regards external appr-a oners, for . h- and ,*i
any thing ol tot: kind iu in Unite': States.
As lo lls merits as a remedy n> Pvi-entr y, I har :
rhaa, ami Cholera Moihn, we l-.eiievr and ven tor
surpasses evei v uthei pt| r -t ! < ‘ ot ih :ku-d n-.w
ef.>re the puhltc.
It is.® reliable preparation. #>, - ,-*r-.: ■ , miH * f
snual; and the trial even one ,tu I ,<• ,t
----teeted, will fully prove (m- iru’li ot’ • r - ttnmi
flict a pri paratinii never was . -ven to i.e piiidit:
that w tii so effi dually, nnu in oo -hurt a lime relieve,
ihatlie formula tor the pii pa aio.n was ft -I used
Te of th*: proprietor# in to- private praedee,
by onofght or ten years ngo, and Ins t>o n in In
handsffirotii that timeiip to tii! pr-sent, an iliiio#
never siling remedy in nowel atl< el ions.
FIIJC, Clan® of lllteiltgeiide riavi! tested i! tn ihe
practlcso anil people el emi •• migt.tmihoodr!
Ihavealto used and, lino oil’ and lift, >o tar as the
I pronrieairs have s.ny kiiowt'dg*', aie i rut.usiastis
m its prase.
We b vc ®lr**’y Mat* ‘ rr. on pamptvt* !, t'.at we
bdieveriil will i-ffeet a *••.. Ski -out ol ev* ry
hundred, v hen the rhrei ■ -el, loltnweo.
j and t hat eight y nut ,t t ■ -a ■ ,w id >-av*
Ib. come r< li-ve i and *'••• •■■■ *,v ! ins 2d or
| 3d dose lias tn-vii t.. k : •• ‘round our i- ti l i <.n
I w hat it ha# done duimg • iweive imioth-;
jfo nearly ••very ease, to 1 s w m ( v< i. mo, tii* 4
I not only been cured,bn ; cu • .•* .me er
j two or ihvee riiw* n! f#*-* •♦<- ‘i-ind *■ < >:,•
I regard it by any un-ans specific: mo do wain
J lieve, or pretend lo #. \, to ii win iim ev iy eas. ;
Itiiit wt do meiio .'o be uioii i stood-, .i-■ i*t it it is it*
kr n aceordieg to the rlireetuiii# .:r .-,1 until in'be
pan phlrl, a great inajouii ot the eases will
i not only he r< lit.veii bid enun ly < med. \V* liavw
I no fears in regard to it s sutci ss, except in some
• i few cases of ctulctr* ii There are many eases < ;
Ii bowel compifcints, pi(.duc-e, and kept op by the
i presencr *d worms hi the lolestinsi canal, mid *
j king # these remain, this, or i.o other iKotderv
* ano Diaf'-ttP preparation v.illrio any peimar-ef.
■ ! good. arebJrv ‘'‘-c.niiji* s cI.M me w.m bu -
|i C” s from the lioivtl?, pifo'ccco nr.o .. lii:!
Ituiulcsol a weak and debilitated foiieddu ‘Oil, pic
*^Bitc^tfl)y“pro|upsus idci.” —f-o tongas thts #'••<!<
5 it ■'lrritation remains, no penii'anent bin* fit tan t.*
‘ from any rein* by, until the cause ot In'.-
MRrifaUoM is removed.
■PflVc cannot heruid it lintli in the face and eyr s n •
nihe whole ivot'ld, that v.e chi l prorhicc *ihoii#.-ii and
lof cerliiicidi s” u: r< iatii n t the v. era;* riel < t:r* -l r ,
i hS effected, lor we iiK'e not gol them; lip! w e t.i.'..
j got a great plenty, enough we liink to s.iti-iy lb*
j most last idiin:#; and they are not certitic-it* # inane
j ufaitiind tor the occasion, got up to dupe ibe ur,
j wary, hut are cerldicnlrs ot men ol woilhaul-
I stauding in otir midst, and known to m in ly ev r y
t person in tin# and surumn* iug cfuinlii#. v- *
j could have inserted many other itcou u.i i.dat.'ees
1 ir* our pamphlet, ol *qul v due to those alvi tiuy
I pahtished, had we ad Snar e to have don .*t.
I —but to make a long #!on a short one, we a to
} the public, try a bottle, and our wind tor tt, vou \
I not be disappointed in its effects.
jTe you tte respectfully I.fii r lhi? pre; ;
! parueularly tor its olfieney aiur., ui t- r
i Venurnco o*!’ having a m liahir pr t-i ..1
’ prhparei! in eases of eutergi iv. 1> t
] you who wi-h 11 (or private prixt-ei. -•
I from the usual price.
TO Pl.J.\ Til S
j This preparation was e-j emtiy dt.-.‘-ie
jam! your females —uoiie pariieuioly lix-.-
live at a distance fr.uu a g...>d |.hy>.'e.i. ‘I
! such wc Would most reap eilti! y e'ivise, i,- p.n
j chase and have it always <>n band, esp ei.ih v :!
f > you are living in a rtisir.ei ot email :a wl.eie tfy
j! scnlery and DiarrhOM piivai! by so doing, y>,
j insv, by iis timely adimnislration, Ihe h e . t
! soiiio of your tmt!y, or the site ut vah.u.tde r;<
1 gro.
11,. rcr,,,^
I i ins pr.'fr.tfion U- peenliailv a ;>p’ed nod ad,, n
- bly suited, to lht: many peculiar maladies ii whirl.
! you are subject—loss ol nervous p..w <l. h.ahlv , x -
’ hntitlion, drpretSi (i a.iii gluon > st .te c! mind, lie
i which, il not remedied veiy soon, impairs ,ihc e
orgy of mind and ilisiixhb the < qu.uiundv ol I. m
per. In tliia you will lind a o r anc ion
ic, whose invigorating efhels v, id in gie n and leii.
even vlter a few di si 3. It contracts m 1 vei snei-s
prest ration of system, irregidarnies, ,
heartburn, vomiting, pain in the bar k ;>n<! Idm-,
false pains and pains ol the iiiensttual period.—
Yni will find il Sift at ali times, uxd spe< riy 111 i(s
joj era!ion. ‘J ins inerimue is itu!r and a; ! n r. !.!\
suited to those liysterieal feelings and that cm -.
voußivess, w hich uie so oiten an .ie< ompai.:nu:r.t i;.
• the niensironl period, aixl a great inunv e-s< r-
I could be t iled where ii is now In mg u.s. c! he. .Hus
j oUtje, in tins c ittivi v. ami ueigbiHxrng one..
Tit nVI .1. L£ A .>.
Whose business rails il-en, li.reu-fi ~..isoi mo
country*, whereCli • ■■ ..n ue , ami Dyseoier
prevail, should imf vvi e *r- ds in iiimt
trunks —that they o.u, .0 .-. -ifisea si evoreuc
ol disease, have ree-u s. =■ ,;t |~ > p. ,•
/• Oli CHII ■ ~
Phis niciiitone is Kl. tkiy Jii ■:. > ,t. lieu i
Complaints ol chiidon,. whm rteim g ouniit
only be readily • ur< t:,.hui pu v-. nh 0, U\ ■, t:%
use ol this Core, U:si< t>y pia v. n'ing t!. t,r
b<-c Tilling weak axe puny,.si no censt q.o 1 hi;,,j„
lid and ill-liuoior <i. *iuc!i suffenug on the part
of Ihe child, aim an ism Jv ol ihe piueids, c.-kIo hv
timely preehUtionaotl suraide uiiioxs te p^,.
For recornmeu ■ ners ,11 44 : a.-i •
Wc rcler the pubil*- .*► .i t . a psiet.
One But! I. , £+■• ;>!S
Six Bolt lev. y , m
Jta&M f. .
Will be ‘-stahlished r.*>y*. -* i!. ••>?. .rt!t*rre
Sutes ns fast as p >ssr le Wt n.Himiriilufoitise
ot two or llvrec montl-s. UA\t ii pint • m i|.~-
haildS of agents .11 (Vec. low-!* tviul BCUIt. me:;! ~i:j,
In any pa it of the* iirt-agenev in es
lablislied, w ill be sup’pliwii try making appimafioo 1
aecompaitier! Ivy reiialtt,- refercuivs, *
To our friends and the y-dum gem ral.'v, we wiH*
say that we know iu> twimr way t>, ob’iaxi vm -
patron.ige than lo a>li lor i*,an fin so dong.
can assure you that by gaining .. (U ir confidence
and t eating the eilicn cy oft iie rixalieuie, \ 011 w 1i i. I■- - -
lind your confidencix misplaced, lor ;ut a remen, ,
w e believe it amt is lioffer ..adapted I,',
clima'e arid thau any Northern pi
paratton. ‘ ■ *
V’.’c have wen at great expense > pot;trig
forth theCordml in its preser.. shape,: \t !n it new
succeeds in gainfag tin; con fide fige oi :i>e ju.bijc,
we shah feci ourselves repair* and big'ffv hono’eii’
Vla'nuiacliirud and tor s..le, wlxU*saje tr
tail, by W. W. HIJ-*iS 6;
Griffin., Georgia,
To uhoqs 1 all orders should be thw
which dOfic ra-peettidly solieilerf.
Griffin, April 90, 1853. —f? 1