The Georgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-18??, December 07, 1854, Image 4

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Cegal Notices. Meriwether Sheriff’s Sales. *n t*t ill, be sold before the court house door in V V the town of Greenville, Meriwether conn tv, on the first Tuesday in January nrx*, within tlic legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Lan * No. 145, and ISO acres of Lot ol Land No. 176, tn Ihe7(h district of originally Trouo now Meriwether county : Levied on as the. property of Sion A. Whcclcs, tosatDfy a fi. la. is ►tied i'rom the Superior Court of said county, in favor of William Park vs. Sion A. Whcclcs. Also, 50 acres of Land, olf of the north-enst vomer of Lot of Land No. 86, in the first district >f originally Troup now Meriwetlier county. Le vied upon as the property of Muses Mote,to satis fy two fi. fas. issued from the Justices’ Court, of the TOSih district, G. M. in said county; one in favor o( 1). C. Llodo,and the other in luvor of William It. IWscy vs. the said Mors Mote. Levy made am! returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 15, in tlio ioth district of originally Troup now Meriwether county : Levied on as the prrperty of Uriah Tidwell, to satisfy a fi. fx issnud from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of John Neal vs. the said Uriah Tidwell. Also, two negro hoys,one hy the name of Amos j aVrnt 9 years old, and the other by the name of Peter, about 5 years old; both of dark complexion, J levied on as the property of Levi P Blount, to satisfy four fi. fas. two issued from the Superior | ■Court of said county, one in favor-of Banning & ! Carter, and the other in favor of P. McLaren & Cos: and two issued from t lie Inferior Court of said | county, one in favor of John Knight, and the nth- ! cr in favor of Joseph Cone vs. ttie said Levi p. Count. ROBERT’ B. DARK, Sheriff. Nov. 25, 1554. Meriwether Sale. WILL he sold before the court house door in yrelown of Greenville, Meriwether coun ty, on the first Tuesday in January next, within ♦he legal hours ol sale, the following property, to wit: One black mare and buggy; Levied cn as the’ properly of Bcnajah B. Hinton, to satisfy two ti. I fas. issued from the Inferior Court of said county; i •one in favor of N. B &. H. Weed, and the other j in favor of Lyon & Reed vs. the said Bcnajih I>. Hinton. Also, one bale of cotton ; Levied on as the pro- 1 •petty of James Lan air, to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued from the Superior Court of Meriwether countv; in favor of Joseph B. Breedlove vs the said James Lan air. 11. 11. HUSSEY, Dcp. Sh’ff. Nov. 25, 1854. Mortgage Sale. ILL be sold at the court house door, in flic ▼ * town of Greenville, Meriwether county, ♦•n the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Jack, a hoy about 19 veais old, arid Rachael, a girl about 13 years old, both of daik complexion; Levied on as the property of Bennjah B. Hinton, to satisfy a moitgage fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, in favor of John W. Bedding and Jrsse Hinton vs. the said Benajali B. Hinton. Property pointed out in said mort gage fi. fa. H. 11. HUSSEY, D'p. Sh’ff Nov. 25, 1854. Administrator's Sale. AGREEABLY !o an order of the Court of Or dinary of Fayette count y, will he sold, a part of the real estate ol Richmond rl Jones, late of Fayette county deceased, at the court house door in ihe town of Fayetteville, on (he first Tues day in January next, it heirg about sixty-seven acres on tlic west side of the Lot of Land on which ihe willow of said deceased now resides, in the oth district of said county. Soid for the bent fit of the Iscirs aid creditors of said deceased. Terms 2 •nonths credit. JEPTHA LANDRUM, Nov. 20, 1554. Administrator. Administrator’s Sale. BY Virtue of a 1 order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, will he sold, on t he first Tuesday in January next, be fore the court house door in Griffin” Spalding county, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to Wit: The Plantation occupied by the late Solomon Strickland, Sr. on the road lea ding from Griffin to McDonough, containing shout 480 acres, more or less, with a good dwcl 4ing lioubc and out buildings. Sold as the pr 0 perfyot the late Thomas S. Strickland, late f Henry, now Spalding county, deceased, for Ihe benefit of his heirs. Terms on ihe day of sale. WM. B. NUTT, Ada V. Nov. SG, 1554. Administrator’s Hale. ILL bo fold, before (he court house door nt 11 Zffiolon, in the county of Pike, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours cf sale, a negro boy norned George, about fourteen years old, belonging to theses!ate of James W. By ram, late of Pike coant}', deceased. Sold f.r the bent lit of the heirs. Terms on the day of sale. W.V, ANDERSON, Adni’r No*. 16,1854. Adniinistraioi’s Sale. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janua- If ry next, before the Court-house ‘dror, in the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, within the legal hours of sale , the following property, to-wil: One hundred one anil a quarter acrcsof land, more or less, the north half of lot No 243, in ti e fi.lli district of originally Ucnrv, now p„ vette county, it lyi#g one mile west of Jo nesboro, on Flint river, belonging to the estate of Francis M. Jones, late of said county, deceased. Said for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased A. J. MUNDY, Aci’m . Noy. 3, 1854-45 Admin!strator's Sale. ILL fcc sold before the Court house door, w T in the town of Fayetteville, Fayette coun ty, within the legal hours ol sale, on the’ first Tnis day in January next,the following property, tn-wit: One Negro Wan, about 27 or 28 years old Solti as the property of Jesse Lasse! er, late ot Fa volte county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day cf sale. A. J. MUNDY, > . „ It. T. MUNDY, 5 Ad ,nrs ’ Nov. 3, 1851-45 Administrator’s Hale. WILL be sold, before the Court-house door, in the tow not Zebulon, Pike county, on the first I'iicsdny ii; January next, within the legal hours ol sale, Lot of land No. 169 in the first die ftict oforiginally Monroe now Pike county, less the widow’s dower, which has been taken from the north east corner of said lot; the land lobe sold supposed to be a little more than one hundred n r.tCP. Sold as p-operty belonging to the estate of Burril Coggin. late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. SILAS COGGIN, Ad’mr. Nov. 7, 1854. 45 Administratrix’ Sale. BY virtue ofan order of the Court ol Ordina ry of Fayette county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, befare the Court house door, in the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Lots of Land lo wit: No. 165. the west half of lot No. 164 and lice acres off of (he {north aide of lot of land No. 157, ail lying in the lower J3<li district of Fayette county.” The above lots •old as the property of the estate of David fxravcs, late of Fayette county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This Novt mher 6th, 1^54.—45 MAIILDA GRAVES, Ad’.nrx. Exexutrix’s Sale. WILL be sold, on Thursday the 2ist dav of December next, at the” lute residence of James A. MtCunc, deceased, three miles north of Jackson, at the place known asdic Cross Roads, all the perishable property belonging to the estate of said James A. McL’une, deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cows, Slock and Pork Hogs, Wagons,Corn. Fodder, Oats, and divers other things too tedious to mention. Also, at the same lime and place, if not sold sooner at private sale six hundred acres of land, it being the aforesaid’ Cross Roads lot, and four hundred acres on and near the Tussahaw Creek, all in said countv.— Sale lo continue fiom day to day until all is sold. Terms. All sums over five dollars twelve months credit with approved security. RU TH J. McGUNE, Executrix. Nov. 1, 1854.—45, To Debtor? and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Poun sey Maxey, late of Monroe county, deceas ed, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will ptesenl them duly authenticated. T. S. M. BLOODWORTH, ) SAMUEL B. MAXEY, > Ex’re. THOMAS R, GRACE, S Ncv. Ist, 1854.—45-t KxftcTittups'ale. PURSUAN T lo Ihe last will ofPouneey Mx cv, and ceased, will he sold before the Court house dour, in the town of Forsyth, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following property, to-wit: Thirteen Negroes, consisting or men, women and children; among which there i3 a good planta tion blacksmith; and also, all that, port ol land be longing to said estate, which lies south ol the Ala bama road arid west oftlic Forsyth road. Terms of sa!', a credit of twelve months with approved notes and good security. T.S. M. BLOOD IVOR TO, ) SAMUEL B.MAXEY, > Ex’rs. THOMAS R. GRACE, ) Nov. Is’, 1854. 45—Gt Georgia, Fayette county. Court of Ordinary, September Term , 1554 IT APPEARING TO TH E 30URT by the petition of Leonard E. Vickers, that Jesse Lasseter, late of said coi nty deceased, did, in bis ife t ime, execute to said Vickers his bond cosndi lioned to execute titles in Ice simple, to eid- Vickcrs, for west hall of Lot ol Land, No. 71, and north half of Lot of Land No. 91, in the 13th district of originally Henry, now pnyette countv, —And it further appearing that said Las setcr departed this lilc without executing titles lo said Land, or in any way providing therefor, and that said Vickers has paid the full amount of the purchase money therefor ; and having petitioned this Court to admit Andrew J. Mundy, Admin istrator on the estate of said Jesse Lasseter, de ceased, to execute to him titles to Said Lands in conformity to said Bond, —It is therefore ordered hy the Court, that a copy of this Order be pub lished in the Georgia Jeffersonian, and notice be given in three public places in said county of such application, that all persons concerned may file their ohjeetiohs in this Court, why said Admiais t rat of should not execute titles to said Lands in conformity with said Bond. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. A true extract from the minutes of the Court ol Ordinary of Fayette countv. GEO. U. KING, Dept. c. e. o. Sep. 5, 1854. —37 3m Georgia, Fayette county . Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1554 ef'feN the application of George H. Pago, it appearing to the Court that one Hiram Mo ses, late of said county, while in life, to wit : on the 26th day of November, 1819. executed the fol lowing bond for lilies to one John U. Corley, vi\: Georgia, Fayette county. KNOW all men by those presents, that I, Ili ram Mcscs, of the county aforesaid, am held and firmly bound unto John H. Corley, his Heirs, Ex editors and Administrators, m the sum of Four teen Hundred Dollars, for the true payment of which, 1 bind myself, my Heirs, Executors and | Vdministralorr, jointly and severally, firmly fcy these presents, sealed with my seal, and dated this the 25ih of November, 1849 The condition of the above obligation is such that, whereas, said Corley has ibis clay made and delivered to the said Moses his certain promissory notes for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars, due 25th December, 1851, — Now should the said Cor ley well and truly pay the said no'cs, then I, the said Hiram Moses, hind myself to make, orcause j to be made, to said Corley, good and sufficient j fee simple titles to Lor of Land No. (289) two j hundred and eighty-nine, in the Ist, district of l Coweta county, containing 202 g acres, (with the exception of 10 acres, more or less, in Ihe north- \ cas£corncrof the Lot, with all the appurtenances j belonging to said Lo!) which if I, the said Moses j shall do, then this bend to he void, otherwise to; remain in full (oree. HIRAM MOSES. L. S. ! Test and approved : R. B. Bridges, J. P. And it further appearing that the said John H. i Cos (Iky assigned said bond to one George H. Page on the 25th day of March, 1853, as follows : I control the within bond to George U. Page, for value received. JOHN H. CORLEY. March 25, 1553. And it further appearing lliat the conditions ofl said bond have been fully complied with on the part ol the said Corley and the said George If. Page ; ae.d it also appears that the said Hiram Moses, the obligor, departed this life without having executed titles (titles) in terms ot said bond, and that Letters of Administration on his state have Le< n duly granted to one Drcwry B. av, ol said county,—lt is therefore ordered by ‘ll Court, that the said Drcwry B. May, ns such Administrator of the Faid Hiram Moses, and all parties at interest, be and appear before me at a Court of Ordinary to he held in and <or said coun ty on the Ist Monday in January next, then and there lo show cause why the said Administrator should not make t itles to the said George LI. Page in terms of said Bond. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. A true extract (roin the minutes of the Court of Ordinary of Fayette county. GEO. C. KING, Dept. c. c. o. Sep. 5, 1'54—37-4in Georgia, Fayette county. WHEREAS Green B. Kobrr's applies to n t for letters of administration, om-the estate of Marion Roberts, lateol said county, aeoeased. These are t hereto re to cite and admonish all and singular, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under iny band at office this Nov. 27,h, 1854. ‘ ’ —4B J. L BLALOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette county. &/&/ H EREAS Wiley J. Gay applies tome for VV letters ol Guardianship of the person and proper, y of Francis McLeroy, Put M. McLeroy, Emily A. McLeroy and Thomas E. McLcrov, or phansol Ilcnry McLeroy, late of said county de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular,to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, il any they have why said fitters should not be gi anted to said applicant; Given under my band at office, this Nov. 27tf>, 1554. J. L. BLALOCK, Ordina.y. Georgia, Fayette county. WHEREAS Ol.ver J. Head and David P. El der apply to me for fitters of dismission from the administration on the estate of VVie. R. Head, late of said county, dec eased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, or concerned, to he and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, *0 show couse, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 27ih Nov. 1854. —43 J. L. CL A LOCK, Ordinary. Geotfiia, Fayette counly. WHEREAS I. M Smith applies to me for letters of administration on the cstateofß. M D. Avery, late of Rush county, Texas, de ceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, Iho kindred and creditors ot said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, lo show cause, if any they have, whv stud letters should not he'granted. Given un der my hand at office,this Nov. 19. h, 1854, —4B JESSE L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. C"4EORGIA, FAYETTE County.— Whereas HT Jesse Ward. Guardian of Nancy Bishop, ap plies to me lor letters of Dismission from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the parties interested, to he and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signtture August 7, 1854. GEO. C. KING, Dept cc o. ’ Georgia, Fayette county. SSi U ERE AS Daniel D. Denham, Guardian of C. Li. K. Easten uni Sarah Enslcn, ap plies to me for Letters’ of Dismission from said Guardianship. Therefore, all persons in any mannereonccrndy will take notice, and be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law,and show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under nty hand ot office, See sth, 1854. JESSE L. BLALOCK, Urdinaro Sep. 14, 1854—37 Georgia, Fayette County. ALL persons concerned arc des : red to take no tice, that J abt z M. Brassell has this day made application to the Court of Ordinary to re sign the Guardianship of John Cavcnder, orphan ot Wade 11. Cavcnder, laleofsuid county, de ceased, on Iho ground thut he is going- to remove without the limits of said Stato. All persons ob jecting, ore requested to be and appear nt my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any hey hnve,_ why said resignation should not be made, and why letters t!■ dmiission should not issue lo said applicant, J ESSE L. BLALOCK, October 2,1854—402 m. Curmory. Georgia, Fayette county- Court of Ordinary , September Term, 1854 IT APPEARING TO THE COURT hy the petition of Richard Wallace, that Jesse Lns seter did, in liisliie time, execute t said Wa'lnco his bond conditioned to make, titles in fee simple to said Wallace, for cast half of Lot of Land. : No. 71,in the 13th district of Fayette county; and It further appearing that said Lasseter died with out executing titles to said Land, nr in any way providing therefor; and the said Wallace has paid the full amount ot the purchase money therefor; and having petitioned tlvs Court to admit Andiew J. Mundy, Adm nistrntor upon the estate of said Jesse Lasseter, deceased, to make to him tides, — It is therefore order* and, that this Order he publish ed in Ihe Georgia Jeffersonian lor three months, and notice be given in three imblic places in this county, of said application, that all persons con cerned may file their objections in this Comt why said Administrator should not execute titles to said Land in conformity to said Bond. JESSE L.‘BLALOCK, Ordinary. A truccxtract t'romt he nvnutes of the Court ol Ordinary of Favctto county. GEO. C. KING, Dept. c. c. Sep. 5, 1554— Georgia, Fayette county, a TTST HERE AS George J. Mile*, Administra te f tor on the e-date of Thura ’A, Allies, ap plies for Letters of Dismission from said Admin traton. These are tlicefore lo cite and admonish all pers ns concerned, to !>o and appear al my office within the lime prescribed i>y law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letleis should not. he granted. Given under my hand at office, this sth September, 1851. Georgia, Fayette county. WHIEREAS Martha C. Smarr, Administra trix upon the Estate ot Robert R. Smarr, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission from said administration— These arc thcrclbrctn cite and admonish all por sns concerned,tobe and appear at my office, with n the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, ifany hey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Ju!v 3d, 1854. 27 GEO C. KING, Di-pt. c. c. o. Georgia, Fayette county. WHEREAS William J. Russell, Administra tor De bonis non, of Herring, Lie ofsaid county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Administration. Thesonre therefore to cite and admonish a!! and singular “lie kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hnnd at office, thisSOih October, 1854. —44 J. L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Faj’ettc county. ‘’(TS7 II ERE AS William J. Russell, Ad niuistra v? tor De bonis non, of James Loyd, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore 1o cite and admonish a!! and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, lo be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, ifany they have, why said b iters should not he granted. Given under mv hand at office,lbis 30;h October, 1854. --44 J. L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette county. VTIH i-JEREAS William makes applica nt ? tion to inc for Letters of Guardianship of the person and property of John Griggs, minor of Bryant Griggs, late ol said county.deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons t oncerned, lo he and appear at my office, within the time p-escribed by law, to snow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under (ny hand at office, fhis.2B:h Oc’. 1854.--14 J. L. BLALOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Fa_,cite county. onaPTiEREAS Robert C. Porter, Execute; of V v Michael Henderson, late of Fayette coun ty deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismis sion from said Executorship These are, there fore, to cite a,id admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within tlie time prescribed !>v taw, to show cause, ifany they have, why said let ters shouid-not be granted. Given under my band at office, this 33d dav of October, 1854. JESPE L, BLALOCK, Ordinary. (giLXTY ‘days after date application wi i lie made to the Court of Ordinary of Pike coun ty, for leave to sell nil the lands helcrging lo the Estate of’ Thomas S. Richards, deceased. This 2nd Oct. 1854. JOHN F. JORDON, Ad’mr. —4O with tlic will annexed. To Debtors ami Creditors. ; ALL persons indebted to the estate of Walker Fitts,'late of Fayette county, deceased, are requested to make immediate pavment, and those j having demands against said estate, will present them t.uly authenticated. NEWTON M. FITTS, Ad’mr. Nov. 19lh, 1354. —43 Dissolution. THE firm heretofore existing under the name and title of POWELL & PRITCHARD, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Powell will conduct the business end respond to the liabilities of the firm S. C. PRITCHARD, WM. H POWELL, Oct 23, 1851. 45-3 t PiAHO FORTES!! WE have now on hand the largest stock of PIANOS that we have ever had, all fresh and new, directlrom the Manufactu rers. They aroall of the latest styles ar.d patterns, and are unsurpassed in point ol quickness and elasticity of touch, volumeand brilliancy of tone, style and finish of workmanship. AYc have among our stock some of the late Patent NEW SCALE PIANOS. / winch a-- gitalin volume oftoneto Ihecelebratcd Grand I -anos. These instruments never fail to please the ear of every one who hears the tone of tliem. Also, we have some of the much admired r J nose Pianos have all been selected by one ofthc firm, and we boast that we are able lo sell them as low as any market in the Union with the freight’s difference, as the arrangements which we have lale ly effected with the Manufacturers will nuthorzei our doing so. Prices froaii 3225 to 3500 A written guarantee will accompany every Pi ano we sell; that is, “if, alter twelve months using any defect is found, we take the Piano back again and give anew one.” Secondhand Pianos to RENT,or for sale. — Prices from 850 00 to 8150 00. in neat Rosewood eases, 4 and 5 octaves, for sale prices SSO to $75. Flutinas, Aecordcons, Tambourines, Banjos violins, Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, and everything u sually kept in a Music Store will be found in ours. A heavy lot of Sheet Music on hand Ibr Piano I lute and Guitar. CLOUD & SHACKLEFORD Griffin, Ga. Hill St. Dec: I, 1853. ly AMERICAN ARTISTS’ UNION!! THE Subscribers to the Works ol the Artists Union are respectfully informed that from the unprecedented favor which they have received, the Socteta y feels confident in stating that the whole number jf Engravings (250,000) will be disposed of with n o lew months, of which due notice, thro’ the pnss, will bo given. Agents are requested to form Clubs and send in their Sub scnbcis without delay. J. VV HOLBROOKE, Srcrelarv. 32—3 in 505 Broadway, New York. Horse and Buggy for Hale- AN excellent family horse and good buggy are ottered for sale. because the owner has no uso Ibr I Item, For particulars ap ply at this office. ‘ Nov. 23, 1554; PBEMItTM 18180 JO (Blfe&lßQL* Y,%7OULD respectfully inform nil who are in ii T need of lull sets or partial sets of Teeth and who wish them put up with skill and exper ence, warranted to answer every purpose requi red, that they can now be supplied at short notice and with the same style put up upon a beautifii metalie base, which took the premium overal others of the kind at the late Fair in Macon, also the First Premium at. the late Fairin Atlanta. Dr. C, has lately made arrangements so that person? Iving in the country, or in any of the adjacent towns, can, if they wish, command his service free ofeharge, which will secure them against the many imnnsitons practiced by itincranquaek (ha crvbj'so the comtirv, Gridin, Jan. “for sale., r sSII I E subscriber desirous of making a change Ja. in his business, offers for sale his plantation, 5 miles South of Gridin, containing Eight Hun dred and Ten Acres in a body. wi sell in (inan ities to suit purchasers; but prefer to sc ill to gether. At the place where I reside arc two new framed houses, one a negro house capable of giv ing comfortable quarters to 25 negroes; the ollie a comfortable dwollhg—an extra good me-r house, a framed gin house 32 feet square, and coat ton screw, and all necessary out buildings. Over half the land cleared and under good fencing; six ty nr more acres of good bottom land, and upwards of (wcnty-live in cultivation. Apply soon to the I subscriber, on the road leading from Gritliri to ! Martin’s Mills, and gut snob a bnigain as cannot he had any where else. TiiOS. ANDERSON. July 3, 1854. 27—4 m BUTTER, OHESE, CRACKERS, &c. KEGS BUTTER 200 boxes cheese 100 ha’ rels Bolter and Sugar Crackers 50 barrels Pi!< t Bread 125 boxes extra and common Candies 25 boxes Soda Cr.okers 75 bids. Sate & Smitb’s.A B and C Su gars 25 bhls. Bute & Smith’s Crushed Sugars 30 barrels and 75 kegs Leaf Lard 25 t.lids. Bacon Sides 20 lihds Bacon Shoulders 5 lihds. choice Hams 75 boxes ‘‘Grant & Williams” s’.- and 8V Tobacco 175 boxer Family, Pale end No. I Soap 50 whole and Half boxes Pearl Starch 250 bags Buck and Drop Shot 200 kegs‘ Dupont's” Powder 50 halfand quarter kegs Powder 30 barrels S veet Mainga Wine 50 barrels New England Rum 100 barrels Phelps’ and E Phelps’ Gin JSO barrels Wat no Cincinnati Whiskey 25 ha'f barrels ‘‘Fulton Market” Beef j 300 hags Rio Cotliic Sit bags Lagu'.ra Coffee 50 bags Java. Cofien ~0 bags Cuba Coffee ;i 0 barrels “Domestic” Brandy 50 Lihds. “Porto Rico” and “Muscovado’ Sugars 20 barrels Cherry Biandy 50 barrels N. O. Molasses 50 boxes “ nrge howl” Pipes 150 barrels “Dcmncitd’s” Flour 50 barrels ‘ H. Smith’s” Flour 15 half pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes Holland Gin 75 dozen old brandy, vintage 1795 35 barrels Monongahela Whiskey 25 dozen Monongahela Whiskey 40 dozen Madeira Wine, choice 500 coils Rope 150 hales Gunny Digging 25 hales Twine 50 bar els Portland Syrup 50 casks pints Porter 59 casks pints Ale 75 whole, half and quarter chests Tea 10 chests ex, fine Hyson and Black Teas 50 bcxesCuba sixes Cigars 100 M. half Spanish and American Cigars 50 M. Cigars, choice brands. In slore, and for sale bv LiOLCO VIBE, JOHNSON & CO. Savinnah, Nov. I, 1554. —45-3 t To make Penal and lo punish any unlaw ) ful intrusion upon , or interference with, or molestation of Railroads m this State. WHERE AS, The safety of passengers trav elling on Railroads, requires the’ strictest • penal prohibitions to unauthorized persons in any manner interfering with such Roads, or other appurtenances, or placing obstructions upon, 01 moving, touching, or altering the Gates, Raiis, Switches, or other appendages of raid Roads. Section 1. Be it enact- il by the Senate and House of Representatives rtf the Slate of Georgia, in Gen eral Jlssembly met, and il is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That if any, person, or per sons, shall intrude upon any Railroad in this State constructed by any chartered company, or any part thereof, contrary to the will of the’company owning said road, the person, or persons so intru ding, sit ill, ar.d may be indicted as for a rnisde m anor, and upon conviction, fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the Co u rt. Section 2. Jlnd be il further enacted by the au thority aforesaid , That if any person shall wilfully and maliciously destroy, or in anv manner hurt, damage, injure or obstruct; or shall wilfully and ! maliciously cause, or aid and assist, or counsel, or advise any other person or persons, to destroy, or 1 in any manner to hurl, damage, or injure, or ob struct any such Railroad, or branch thereof, or any bridge connected therewith, or any vehicle, edifice, right or p-ivilegc granted by charter, and constructed for use under authority thereof, or i 1 any unauthorized person or persons shall turn, more, or In any manner interfere or meddle with any Gate, Switch, Sideling, or other appurtenen ces to such Railroad, such parson or persons so offending, shall and may he indicted, and on con viction, shall be linnrisoned at hard labor in the Penitentiary for a term of years, not less than four, nor longer than eight, and shall further be liable for all civil damages occasioned by any such act; and if death to any passenger or other person ou said Railroad shall ensue, from any such act, such act of offence shall be deemed and held to b>- murder, and shall be punished accordingly. JOS. DAY, Speaker Honseof Rep. ROBT. M. ECHOLS, Pres. Senate. Assented to 25th December, 1837. GEO. R. GILMER, Governor. 1,000 Dollars Reward Will be paid lor proof, to conviction, of any per son violating the provisions of the above act, by placing obstructions on the track of the Macon & Western Railroad, or otherwise injuring, obstruct ing, or interfering with the same. ISAAC SCOTT, President. Macon, August 31. 1854.—35-Gin nooK this war* THE undersigned offers his services to the cit izens of Griffin and vicinity, ns HOUSE PAINTER. 1 warrant all my work to bo well and neatly cxc cuted or no charge made, and hope by strict at tention to business to merit and receive a libera! ehare of patronage. J AS. M, DAVIS, Painter. Griffin, On. May-1, 1854. 13—ts CONSUMPTION! CONSUMPTION! Consumption can be Cured Dr . ROGER.S LIVERWORT, Tar and CANCJMLAGUA’ has res> cued its multitudes from the grave. Do you ask for the evidence? Then call on tho Agent, and get a pamphlet; a news paper is too small to contain it. In the pamphlet you will find well authenticated cases of individuals who were, in very deed, rescued from tho grave; for thev were upon the very verge of it, and given up to die by our best physicians and most skillful Medical Professors, when the Liverwort aud Tar came to their rescue, and delivered them hack to their friends. Although many of the cures seem almost incredible, yet they are not obscure; we have given their real names, and their ■cicact place of residence, so that they may be seen, and the tacts heard from their own mouths. 11l esc cures are fully cor roborated by physicians and professors of Medicine, who are well known and are of the highest standing in our land, who have been compelled to yield to the stub born facts: no cnc can dispute such evi dance. WE CHALLENGE THE WHOLE WORLD To produce more real bona fide evidence, in any court of justice, than we have i.n favor of this medicine!! We defy the physicians of every school, and all the medicines that have ever been ventned, t<* produce evidence of such remarkable cures as have been made bv Dr Itogcr’s Liverwort, Tar and Cancha lagua.” We confidently ask the Afflicted ( Not to purchase our Medicines, ) But to examine our pamphlet, and see for themselves, whether the evidence is as convincing as we say it is; if so, it may prove a ‘‘great blessing to you.” It costs but little lo give it a fair Trial! i Compared to what a physician charges—j but little when compared to what you value your health! What is the value of money without health? BIS WARE OF COUGHS AND COLDS! Recollect that Goughs and Colds are the forerunners of Consumption. Dr Ho ger’s Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagia, will break up the most distressing cough or cold in a few 7 hours’time. In many cases of years’ standing a radical cure has been effected in a very short time by trictlv following the directions. We i doubt not but that there are now “Thousands of Living Witnesses!” Who would have been in their graves f they had not used this medicine, ar> estir.g the disease before it became too ate! B^p,Who are those who have ceijified to the great value of this medicine? You will find the names of such men ns Hon. Jndge Wm. Burke, late postmaster of Cincinnati for more than twenty years; C. W. Srarbuck, Esq., proprietor of the Cincinnati Daily Times; Hon. John A. Collins, late agent and lecturer of the Grand Division of the Sons of To rope ranee of Ohio; llev. Henry Wiseman, and the attrtiding physician, Dr. !!. K. V\il* son, of Patriot, Gallia co., Ohio; H E Drake, Esq., Druggist of high standing at Xenia, 0; J. G. Hieronitnus and his ! atending physician, W. W. French, of Hollandsburgh, Darke county, Ohio; E B. Taylor, Escj., Editor of the Greenville Patriot; John Melendy, Esq an D. Ket davit Esq., Deacons of the Fongat, onai Church, Cmei-nnatit qH from Major Van Buren, brother of Mar tin Van Buren, Ex President of the United States. KixdeiuT’O ok, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1852 Mr. A. L Scovill. — Dear Sir: Having an occasion to use your Expectorant and cough remedy last winter, I Was re commended by the Rev. Mr. Tiffany, o th's place, to try the Liverwort, Tar and Chanchaiagua; 1 did so, anu think I was greatly benefited by it, and do heartily it to others as a cough reme dy 7. L. Van Buren. Kinderhook, N Y, Sop? 20, 1552. I fully concur in the above statement. Fred’k. T. Tiffany, Rector of the Episcopal Church. Would it be possible for such men of so high standing to be induced to deceive the poor consumptive? Be sure and ask for Dr. Rogers’ Liver wort, Tar and Canchalagua, and let nc other be palmed upon you For Sale bv Wm. B. Seay, G tiffin. John Stillwell, McDonough. J. S. Shell & Cos., Fayetteville. Andrews <s* Little, Jackson. Hall 4” Young, Newuan. J J Reese, Greenville. Barrett & Buchanan, Zebulon. Mickleberry Mobley, Ind. Spring A CURE FOR ALL ! ! ! /' ■ >< HOLLOWAY .. OINTMENT. Citizens of the Union: ¥OU have done me the honor as with one voice, from one end of the Union to flic oili er, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation, ll is scarcely two years since I made it known ampn v you, and already, it nas obtained more celebrity than any other Medicine,in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 33, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y, Astonishing Cure of Sore Less, after nine years standing—Copy of a Letter from Mr. YV.J. Langley, of Huntsville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, U. S. dated November Ist, 1853. Read inis own Words. To Professor Ho.loway: Sir,—lt is not my wish to become notorious, cither is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but to say, that your Ointment cured me of one of the most areadlul cutaneous diseases nhat flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely licyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I was afflicted wi*h one o’ the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man; and after trying every medicine l had ever heard of, I resigned in despair all hope of being cured; but a Iriend brought me a couple of large pots pf vour oint mcnf, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, ar.d 1 entirely regained my health to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment ol my friends. | Signed J W J LANGLY. An extraordinary cure ot a Dad Breast, when near ly at the point of death—Copy of a Letter from Ivlr. R- Durant, Np\y QjjemJs, November 9th, 1353. To Professor llolloway, 38, Corner of Ann and osaeassau Streets, JL Y, N Dforr Sir, — It is with heartfelt gratitude I have inPim you that by the use of your Ointment ea joatlls, the life of my wife has been saved. For nat hoy ears she had a bad breast, with ten running tw nus,'not of a cancerous nature.) I was told nothing could enve hen she was then induced and use your Ointment and Pills, when, in (he short pace of three months, they effected ape rfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We ob tained your medicines from Messrs. Wright & Cos. of Chartres street. New Orleans. I send tins from “Hotel dcs Princes,” Parts, alfho’, I had written it at New Orleans, before we finally left at that time not knowing youroddress at N. York. [Signed] R DURANT. These Pills should be used conjointly with (be Ointment in moat of the following cases: Bad Legs, Contracted and Stiff Joiuts, Lumbago Bad Breasts, Piles, Sore Throat, Fistulas, i Skin Diseases, Bu.nv, Gout, Bunnions, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Salt Rheum, Chapp’d Hands, Chilblains, Sore Nippier., Qlnudulnr Swellings, Scalds, Ulcers, Wounds. Sold at the crtablishincntof Professor Holoway,/i 33, co.n ‘-r of Ann nnd Nassau streets, N, York,l also by all respectable Druggists and Deale-s in Medicines tlironOhout the Uni’-ed States, in Pols, at 37J cents, 87 cents, and SI 50 each. To be had wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. There is a considerable saving by taking the la t tier sizes. N. B.—Directions for the gnidance of patients in overy disorder are affixed lo *ocli Pot. For Sale by WM. B. SEAY, Druggist Griffin, and VVm. W Lincoln, Savannaha.G May, 1854. THE GREAT REMEDY. For rheumatism, gout, pain in the side j hip, back, limbs and joints, scrofula kings evil, white swellings, ha r J tu mors, stiff joints and all fixed pains whatever. Where this plaster i$ ap plied pain cannot exist. THESE PLASTERS possess the ad vantage of being put up in air light boxes—hence they retain their full vir lues in all climates. Have yon friends going lo Californiaa By all means advise them to take along a supply of this plaster, it may save the n hundreds of dollars, if not their lives, as the exposure which they 7 have to endure in the r-.ines is sure to bring on diseases which might he easily cured by theu'e of this celebrated plaster, for the want ol which many have been obliged to quit their labors and fall into the hands of t‘rt physicians, who by their extravagantly high charges, soon takeaway the hue earnings of the bravest laboring man.— By sleeping in tents or on the ground, rheumatism, spinal disease, stiff’ joint.* lame back or side, and ail like diseasas are sure to trouble them, and many time entirely lay them up, and when the giim pie application of this plaster would give <hcm immediate relief, and enable them to proceed with their labors without de lay. Messrs. Scovil &. Mead.—Gents: I have been using your Liverwort, far and Hebrew Plaster very extensively in my practice for three years past, and it is with pleasure that I state my belie in their superiority over all other article with which I am acquainted, for the purs poses for which they are recommended. The Hebrew Piaster, especially, is n universal panacea tor local pains. 1 have also found it a most excellent application ior sprains and bruises. It gives univer sal satisfaction wherever used. S. S. Oslin, M. D. Knoxville, Ga., March 4th, 1853. XCS^Bewere of counterfeits and base imitations. The genuine ytII in futuie have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved no the label on the top of each box. The genuine is sold only by us, and by our agents appointed in the South—and no pedlar is allowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cautioned against buying of any but our rc igu[ar .agents, otherwise they will be v oosep upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL.& MEa <\ . 11l Chartres Street, New OiL. ns 1 : Sole General Agents for the Sot:7 m States, to whom all orders must- invai.a 7 Ely be addressed. Sold also by Wm. B. Seay Griffin. John Stillwell, McDonough. j J. S. Sheli & Cos.. Fayetteville. Andrews & Little, Jackson. Hall & Young, Newnau. J. J. Reese, Greenville. Barrett b Buchanan, Zebulon. Mickleberry & Mobley, Indian Spr Leonard Little, Barnesviile. January, 1554. 2—ly 11l AYER’S PHIS. ANEW aud singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases, Costivc ess,A ludigcstion, Jaundice, Diopsy, Rheumatism, Fcners,Gout, Humors. Nervousness, Irritability lflammations. Headaehe, Pains in the Breast, tilde, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c., &e-. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Mcdicineis not more or less required, and much suffering might be prevented, if a harmless but effectual cathartic were more freely used. No person can fel well while a costive ha bit of body prevails; besides it soon generates seri ous ar.d often fatO diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true ol Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend <o become or produce llie deep seated and formidable distempers which load the Ifcarsos a II over the land. Hence a reliable family physic s of the first importance to the public health, and Ibis pill lias been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons ol such exalted position and character as to forbid he suspicion of untruth. Amongthc niany eminent gont'emen who have tfstilied in favor of these Pills, we may mention; Dr. A A Hates. Analytical Chemist of Boston, and Stale Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high Prolessional character is endorsed-by the— Hon. Edward Everett. Senator of the United States, Robert C. Wintiirop, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Abbott Lawrence, Minister Plen. to England John B Fitzpatrick, Gath. Bishop of Boston I also, — Dr. J R Chilton, Practical Chemist of New York City, cndoiscd hv Hon.AV L Marct, Secretary of State. Wai. B Astor, the richest man in America. S Lei.and & co.. Proprietors o! the Metropoli tan Hotel, and others, Did ’pace permit, we could give many hundred certificates Horn all parts where the Pills have been -used, hut evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men, is found in tliei effects upon trial. I These Pills, the result of long investigation and stiidy, arc offered to, the public as the best affd ’ mo3l complete which Ilia present stale of medical science can afford. They are compounded, not ol the drugs themselves, hut if the medical virtues ol only Vegetable remedies extracted by process in a state of purity, and combined togeihei in such a manner as to ensure the best results. — This system of composition for medicines ha 9 been fonud in the Chcrty Pectoral and Pills both,to produce a more efficient remedy than bad hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason is perfectly obvious/ Wnilo by the old mode ol com position, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acrimonious and Injurious qualities, by this each individnn! virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and ob noxious qualities ofcacli substance employed the (left behind, the curative virtues only being retaind ed. Hence it is sslf-cvidcnt the effects shoulo prove, as they have proved, more purely remedil,- and the Pilh a surer, more powerful antidoja a disease than any other medicine known toeret world. , As it is frequently expedient that my medicines should be taken under the counsel of an attending physician, and ns he could not properly judge of a remedy without luiow'ng its composition, l have supplied the accurate Foipjlns by which both mo alnu craPihs are known, ten whole bridv ofciPs ractij otners in th Uniictl Starve and British A merican Provinces'. II however lliere should he any one who lias not received them, they wilt bo pmmptly lorwnrded by mail at his request. Ot all the Patent Medicines that are ottered, how few would be taken if ihcir composition was known? Their life cons sft in their mystery. 1 have no mysteryß’ The oorhpositicn of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are comoeteot. to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions o their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its cili 7 ct3 were known. Many eminent physicians have declared the same thing of my Fills, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. Phej operate by their poneriiil influence on the interna! viscera to purify the blood and stimulate if into healthy action —remove the obstruct ions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and oilier organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by corrcting, wherever they may exist, such de rangement:- as arc the first origin of disease. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 Ccn‘s oer Box. Five Boxes for $!. Sold by W. B.SEAY, Giiffin; Leonard Little Barnesviile; and byj; Dealers in Medicine every whore. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. The Great Purifier of the Blood. JVOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY LY IT AN infallible remedy for scrofula, lung’s-evi!, rlien tnatism, obstinate cutaneous erupiions, pimples or pustules on the face, blotches, boils, chronic sore eyes, ring worm or tetter, scald head, en largement and pain of ihe bones and joints, stu bom ulcers, syphilitic disorders, lumbago, spinal complaints, and all diseases arising from an in judicious use of mercury, imprudence in life, ur impurity of the blood. fjSMdIS invaluable medicine, which has become JL celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected 11 rough its agency, has induced the proprietors, at. the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the tire public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its voices and wonderful cu rative propclics. The following certificates, se lected from a large number, are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; and arc a!! from gentlemen well known in their lo calities, and of the highest respectability, many of hem residing in the city ot Richmond, Va. F BoYDEM.lisq. of the Exchange Hold, Rich* inor.d, known every where, says he has seen the medicine called Carter’s Spanish Mixture admin istered in over‘a hundred cases, m near’y all the diseases lor which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly good results He says it in the most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen. Ague anil Fever —G rent Cure —I hereby certify, that for three years 1 bad Ague and Fever oft lie most violent description. I had 6C.veral physici ans, took targe quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and 1 believe all the tonics advertised, but all with out any permanent rebel! At last 1 tried Carter’s Spanish .Vlixiure, two bottles of which effectually til red me, and I am happy losay I have had nei ther Chills or Fever since. I consider it the best Tonic in the world, and Hie only medicine tha’, ever reached my case. John Longden. Beaver Dam, near Richmond,-va. C. 13. Luck, Usq noW in tlie city of Richmond ar.d for many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, tlrat he h!s bought upwards of fifty bottles, which lie has given away to the afflic ted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to directions. Dr. Minge, a practicing physician, and formerly o( the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says ho lias witnessed in n number of instances the effects ofCartcr’s Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. Lie soys in n ease of Consumption dependent on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint ofS years standing, by the use of two bottles ol Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Great Cure of Scrofula’. —The Kditors if tha Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room cured of violent Scrofula, com bined with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from’Work. Two boftlesofCarter’s Spanish ,Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Edit ors, in a public notice, say they cheerfully recom mend it to all who are afflicttd with any disease of the bla6d. Still another Cure of Scrofula. —1 had a very val uable boy cured of Serotuta by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. 1 consider it truly a vhUi&blc medicine. Jag: M. T atlor, Conductor on the R F & P It R Cos. Richmond, Salt Rhcmn of Twenty Years’ standing- Cured I Mr. Th mpsox, residing in JrW city n Richmond, was cured by three bottles ot Carter’s ‘ Spanish Mixture, ot’ Salt Rheum, which he hn& nearly twenty years, and which all the physi cians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson s a well known merchant in the city of Rich mond, Va. an i his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, ol'Ricliinond, had a ser vant cured of Syphilis, in t lie worst form, by Car ter’s Spanish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it nil invaluable meutcine. Richard H. West, of Richmond, was cured o Scrofula, nnd what physicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottles ol Carter’s Spar ish Mixture. Edwin Burton, commissioner of the revenu says he lias seen the good effects ofCarter’s Spa oish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, an says it is a perfect cure tor that horrible disease Wm. G. Harwood, of Richmond, was cured n I Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter’s Span ish Mixture arid was enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at. M. Ward, Close &Cos No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T W Dyolt& Sons, No 132, North 2d Street Philadelphia. Bennett & Beers, No. 125, Mam Street, Rivh montl, Va. And for stile by W. B. SE AYL Griffin; A Bta Forsyth; nnd by Druggists everywhere. May, 1854. 10— A Warning. Delay not, harbor not in your mind that sen tence of fool’s philosophy, that a disease will get cured of itself, or that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars Beware how you tamper with your general welfare Ye wild and vicious youths, why will yo per* sist in dosing with the filthy nanceating com pounds daily proffered, thereby impairing you? appetite and digestion, and destroying you men tally ns well as physically, when you can be ctyccl with a few doses of pleasant medicines } Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suffer and repine, and drag out n miserable ex istence, nnfi'tcd for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pm suits o he. You who arc thus annoyed and wb to be restored to health aid vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and < ffectual, should consult DR. MORRIS His success in chronit diseases has been greater than that of any other physician of his (Jay Many who have been t years afflicted with disease or consequences rcstil mg from excess, have been restored to health and vigor by his really scientific treatment Should a personal interview be objectionable state your disease in writing—enclose five dollar* —address Dr W H MORRIS, through the Post Oflice, Sav nnah, G.v, and a pnekngo of uvea* tines, s-curdy put up. will be sent piivatcly nnd with despatch, full of direction a therewith* urvd no questions asked Persons living at a distance, ariil afflicted wiG Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cqiipcrs, Piles, Fis tula in Ano, Gravel Strictures, Gleet, or any di* case whatever of an aggravated or malignant char actor, can be cured by consulting Dr Morris by let ter. post paid, enclosing a fee. ’ Medicines pleasant nnd s*fe, Cftw-btfacnt per mail to any part of the Umted Stales. Particular attention given to llip treatment ol lemale complaints. Ladies who may he afflicted with irrcgtriajitfcs, flour alhijs or whites, prolap sus ufep.-nt- tailing of the womb, would do well to ny Wide all false delicacy, and promptly consuls Uie Doctor. Cures warranted ! All letters to receive attention must be post paid inclosing a tec. Address DR W. H. MORRIS, Savannah, Ga. Consulting rooms, No 78, Bryan Street, oppo cle Monument Square. July 13, 1854. A Classical Teacher Wanted. AQENTLEMANweII cpiaJified to take charge of on Acadeipv, can find profitable employ ment by addressing Henry R. Harris or Nuilianicl King, Fiut Shoals P, O. Meriwether county, Ga. Testimonials of moral character, as well as literary attainments, will be required. One who has had some experience jq is pitferrcd. Nty. 16, 1854. —46-$t