Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, May 02, 1874, Image 2
Sarienttimkr 6a;ettf RICH’D W GRUBB. A L. ADAMS, - - Associate E H tor DARIEN, GEORGIA SATtIBkY MOItNENL KAY id. t%*4. HO MORE INFLATION The Republican Party bus been shaken of late, to its very core. If it is true that a house divided itseif cannot 3tan J. then this party is doomed. Connecticut paralyzed its expectations on the 6fch of A an i General Grant's veto message bright consternation into its ranks on the j 23d of the same moatu. It is the wisest thing the President has done yet, whether he deserves the credit for it or someone else. We think a litiie pressure was brought to bear on him, or he would not have changed his mind so suddenly. We have ever been in favor of returning to specie payment, and we have watched with a jealous eye any n. fla fcioa of our trashy currency The prosperity of the State depends largely on its financial basis and a wise management ot the same. Our business men through mt the country understands this. Infiat on .3 noth ing but the old credit system tab up by the government, and carried out on an extendad scale. It is quite time that “war necessities’ ceased, and that we return to i pea >e foun la tlon. then the laborer will know what his dollar will buy, ruJ the mer chant what his goods are worth. Business will revive in many parts of tiie country, and all the legitimate branches of trade start up an.-w, if this veto is curried cut in the princi ple of it. Contraction and not infla tion, when dealing with pr emises to say. is our theory. Congri ss has quandered alike the public honor and the public treasury, and we are glad to see this veto of oue of its pet measures. The schemers m the Nt tionai Capitol are legion; tnoo.y placed many of them there, and to make money is their end. i'he national cmhre** 'Y too elaa- tic; too chaugedbie. lu ?av. Uj air know, it h.ia no intrirmi: value. The inflationists are tile Batlers, Mortons, Government contractors anil specula tors, who get rich at the expense oi the honest working portion of the country. A more equal distribute n of the currency might be made, which would benefit the South, but we hard ly expect it of this Congress. rive us a money medium which will regu late itself. Doing business on credit is unsafe at least. “KNOWLEDGE IS WEALTH.'’ ’“Knowledge is wealth.” said His Honor. Judge Schley, ; n his remarks to the Grand Jary on Tuesday morn ing last, -and with such expressive language did he clothe his th ig r - upoa this subject that not oae f his listeners could fail to understand that he fed a ieep interest in our e loca tional matter;. He explained, in a clear and unmistakable manner, how the acquirements and proper use of knowledge is made to take the place of physical labor: how one man who has acquired, and uses his know led c<- arightto enable him to per - ' >r:n the i bor of many men who live and w rk ignorance. He gave the Jury to a - that we were sadly a need of a weii organized School system. We sincerely hope, that ere long, ir, may become oar duty to a>. e thar something has been done in the right direction in this matter. His Honor aiso stated, what is very apparent to every citizen of this county, viz: that we greatly needed anew Cos art House. We iiope some action will sisc be taken to satisfy sms necessity. Anew Court H use and a well-or ganized School would add much to the attraction of our town. Somebody is anxious to know whether Grant was frightened into vetoing the currency bill fcv the New York herald s declaration :ha : ia tioc meant civil war. Not abr ms political friends insinuate that New York money cUd it. They kn jw the man.— SlukxMti Amt ru:un. CHAHGES SS‘i T H Change is the universal law in tins fluctuating world. Sometimes it •> award and upward, and again, it i* award an uown war out ward is the arbitarsry decree of Ni ture. Of + en the changes going on aeem very strange and ursaf.sfac ry. but time sets everything : > rigut-i. po litically if not moral v. The refiner, who sits over the mol ten liqn. 1, watching it in the crumb..*, mav bring out a very beautiful ami useful thing from an unpretending hear, of ore, wfa -ill may have Lam for centur.-s .u its grave, ami yet Lu w:. heart may be—is—a fountain uf un purity. Purity does not belong to this woild in us present make-up, but Chang# does. There is no nok nor corner in our earthtv home tuat ts ns iZ wan. Nature never changes, bat it changes ail things. Great changes generally work slowly and silently, until some i;Ule volcano is smothered, when they burst forth in the accumu lated fury of centimes. There is a deep undercurrent m. the South, imperceptible in the mass, but nevertheless, it is doing its legitimate work, ai. 1 ; t food results Lave a, ready come from it. The South carries in her right hand the key winch L- to unlock her future destiny, an<l show her to the world in i new ao ; commanding light. Na rrow La died w shout m n er upon th..- . vtdy land. Because toe 'enemy has oren hreis no ev. fence to the contrary This large and sunny Empire is vet in its infancy, agriculturally, mechan ically, and we may say. morally. Let no one take offense at the last state ment, for infants are the embodiment of morals! There is mailing which change cannot easily, bud silently ac complish. The great work for the people f this part of the country to do, s to intelligently and disp.-is.-i- nately at tend to their own Ljasm> -with i i-- termination to leave an iuhet itauce to their children o moral, in' eetuol, and national atre .gth. 1 1 do ih;s successfully, the resources of the Su;es must be properly developed Euhghteumeut and is tjttpifevHMfee k'gfjje ju'mAcvuß: i ***- aLzer the w rid has yet fonnJT I have nothing to say of rel'gi.-u ; w : rs in this oonaecciun. Sons of too South, an 1 ian ... o too! there is a noble-work bifor you, requiring atr ; , baud;, wi.lxng . ;r • and deter mi :ie>l purpose. Vv . yg. . roil the stove away, or w 11 yju i.iy down in inactivity and shame, while this garden of Paradise is developeu by strangers, and you left withe at a home or name ? Let activity be your watchword, and perseverance your molt.-, arm success is sure. I speak of the suc cess dependent upon, and sure ro : L -low the proper development of this good y land. Lot no one m sconstrue my meaning. Experience is a great an 1 success ful teacher, brand.e g til A he rt - deeply that as long is it pulsates, her instructions must be heeded. We have learned to munufuc- are, as as well as produce, a dozen thi ,s where we used to produce bat This lesson, aii ae, fool-wed u . w: reanima .e the hi :iril to the extent oi hundreds of millions of doil-;r:s. I: will make os an in iepeudent people. All this cannot be accomplished in teu nor twen>v years. There are seri ous obstac. s . the way which Wtl have to be i ve.cocae, ai.i th y must be. wib be, we think. We mus unit with the West to secure ur - ire the inti rnal improvemeu.s. We must invite and encourage inrun, -i: We must deai wisely wjm the : honestly, irmly. We mast foeg the past in the halo of glasy .ua* aor r ands the future. We must not deal with trifles, and m a trifling man ner. the dcati-r.ea of generatet s v-t unborn, are in ocr keepi-.g. We usuat know no section but the Govern neat; no party but the Conaiatun no purpose, bat what raxes in the wei.are : of all. We must make education so free md general that all oho wo], mav learn. We must insist irselv > ritiier than attempt to pa a iso at .ers. We must not fret it the ch i"g- > which are continually taking lace, bir ra'her keep puce with them, that we may be benefltted rather than hindered by them. * Changes, there have been, ana there always wi 1 be, -m i. in is alike, nsei 'sa and mol:sli to dgiit against th<-m. fwiraer direct them m the right chanaeL Le the nv t r flow into the ocean, bu: keep it wi hi a . s chan nel if possible. AFFAIRS IN GEORGIA We would be pleased to haw# all tie Georgia papers exchange with ns. Memorial Day was celebrate-d last Monday at Atlanta, ;n grand atVie. The Georgia Baptist C rt*>**c -n met m Americas List weex. There .v-re pro w*vf, upwards of one bn mired and forty delegates. Old I. W. A"*ry. r’,r a long time cn:ef-ed:t.r of the Atlanta CondUu l'f /is, ias purchased i thirst interest in the Atlanta Herald. We wist both papers s ccess. . * Jevio win soon have a ne< W hotel. Bill Biain, formerly of Bru rvaA', wild when completed. Mr. Rea is we of tbs civerst gentienrenAiu the State, id kn >*s exactly bow to keep a botei. W* have before ns a e-.awr*bf the Mae a Star, anew di.ly j.ist starts:il in that ci y. May success ciwwn its most sanguine efforts. Judge Gibson, of the Cir ;ni:, ‘-goes for” the Lottery Business with gloves tf. We gin ss the Jhs iidn’t draw anythi: gia the Efccm ky Lottery A e k S cpLc :s and Ben 3 li are , uavin. i lively timeriLronglTEte news papers. Ai l an fa Ehrald reporter hast a an interview with J. W< kes Bo> o - .pipit. Booth says Ailed L: o u a; i that .e :• • am., ted a irs*l err a‘ . _ do. gS' He says th;-u**fae ou y hpe for the Bona is the election of a D' mocra ic Pres. lent. Wet, it most be so if a lead man says so. One handsome fr. -ml Joiwi Gorman, is writing i a vor - wuepEnr an letters to the Manor Telegraph. We v >u lei- if German is still btint.ng .-he P. G in G ? Govern' r Smit h Las gobbled up the North and Sootu Railroad and placed Col. Fie vhel.eu ia charge. Gen rl -1 , 3. Go,- !-m, ur hi finguishe Bea r is fce*i.g promi tie iti v spoken of a -oaauction .vit.i the y.cs Presidency. We s.iv camlidl'y t .a. we ire for Gordon, first and last. Washing run ■ amity La §. f. ur-a-g --e 1 eh. :ke! $ exhibiti >aA Ws have but few of tua tnxs The Georgia pup* rs are due s-.ng the ereu: it:ou busontths. Some ■ i .he 't - in iavwi* iif b ;ig aped. We gae.-s ia&uu is u. fi-vor >f cream at ion. A -p c. - : ..'patch f.• toe A tan. .*. Condiljuon says that the riven ~t R :.v- • ■ .go. I. e v it, r. n Si . v i.i w .... rte feet ofh i.Teeth and had been :ut f tli- iatuka for several jays, and thi dam i_e or ps is mmense, especially a'oug th-; tine. It is Li ped the water w. Ic -t Come ink- -.own ta- ighit v-is s- .iiru mg. Che Ci.-ruet Band of Brunswica ; i ,-e a gi-iu.i eiii. r i-ament in La ci v. i u V. ei...esunv. a* e have a. yet heard toe parti, oars, but we are sat:shed Lue -ys iiu uooiy anO attr appreciated. Bruuswick is to have i gram . hi., oa i uesdav mght and the Appeal slm eries for m rs an. useurenta. Ira E. Smith, Esp. t ciever y.g Lawyer oc Brui.a vie a. :!iveie t 11. _a- il a ,r:>s u ba. u.'day in . j. Q.„ .. larg ' e.v i turtle o i to pay their r spec s o the siki; dead. John H. McCall mu. Esq., tm* lv lum > rnu.i of Brunswick, was i-4*-sre i F remae Oi tue B‘U sw a a .x>- Com paay, las wee.*. Ab* * r -eleeiuj COUill Jlt have Lev. n ...ade. f;,. clever ~n jo-.a. ge in-. 1% T. Duufl, £a*j , was chosen Si-eret-axjfut. Treasurer. TheOiev Oiuacil of Brunswick ‘*i u to elec!, a Mirs vvi Usi w-*ek in gfiiet oi Henry C. Taylor, Esq, the cgver gentienmn who resigned to take a better *pohish,” but &..•*!. ow .g t the . iere wer to ma . ■ d.dales la the held. Hoa* l to get a oe :.er i_ i.i t.,a b.a Tay'or for 1..r --suai. We uo ice a a accouafi m the . < siu. .V-uc.s. >r til a .'.can. of Jo ,R. Dn . ii yB. M- Backar v-.iei. So Ma ry's Li.it week. It seems that the cause of the *if ray gr ; .v oat cf a mu i -an .wi -a g.r to i . i:u of can:.-*, wuic.o they ii been play ing, a ih *ct time bef. re the occaraace of the Juficulty. Had we the space in a co* a mus, >-s w :a.a give car r a.lers a.. the gartieu.ars s we .ave gathered -hem D oa is recovering. Ladies, of course, are interest ed in knowing "what is worn by the Gc nd Duchess Maria; the new.y made wife of the Duke of E. abargh. One of a number f rich Parisian dresses which formed part of her ele gant trousseau will serve as t sample. It is is of sky-blue terry velvet, cov ered with a tunic of Ind.a muslin draped in antique fashion. The ma terial is so light and fine that the whole tunic will pass thro ago. a ring. The folds of the corsage are held in place by clasps of fine pear's, are newie-Liade Dan!..-ss r FAm " "i , a blonde, fair and you g, and tl< dress must be exquisitely a* :*p ; >*d - her with and roy 1 state. ProbuLl hi litterally "one fa thmisan an i cere tr.d - : pendirare—the little sum t five thou sand dollars in gold. sq£F There can be . tr.. dial', says an exchange, ‘‘that Hv Mr the greater part ot’ the mischief done in this wurld is a- ne by may peopi", an that sn liness. is ss a rule, quite is, t. not m <c dat gerous to the com u so tv than wickedness, inasmuch as tne unreason rag enjoy an immunity fr an punishme it for their offeus<-s w ji uot extended to the unprincipled. The New Y Itk Bulletin, in its is- ue of Satainiav, says that the best rice lands in Louisiana are with n the ii-aided districts; which fo-r it the ' image 1e a i great as t - B>. 'tin.. jes, fiu'-uce upon the market f< r bar uaa i tte. Lasi yvar L a•an i '. rolu ?ed 30,000 tierces. t\ ir 1. DARIEN MARKET —BY— CHAS, O. FULTON Dealer in MEAT'. VEE ETA SEES, KTt’. *r*Si ecul arrentl >u _ ven to ai 1 <) R D EPuS. Hu-.-inir !iu:l tv > -.-ear' xperiena. si -he ..Hnw. I feel tMtisfiuil that I au \jri. V ij "3 -A a.—3— -■a.'- a-*- - • Mv tlianlc.- to the publi Ur as z" PATKGNxAGE li.)pc for a <;i >ut.innance 01 tin ■ same. C O FULTON. Ma h-ly jdAW£3 QMXLJLVLdr I-* Dry Go< I! r ouh-L' • Pro luris. -Ci!.. uTC.., •* DARIEN. GEORdIA. May I—tin. Pu ! nains 1 t e*SV if* s? 1.1 4 wh Y • hv as? D ARIEN A dRITNS Wlf' R. GV . A. T. PUTMAM, Prt’r. Mav —il-tf. WI M. YG u3f £jk WATOHMAKUI, DAHTS2T. OEQ3EAIA. May—2tf. I. E. FMNKLiN, AST, Baustswiat, ca„ DEALER, ry Ai' uding' Giass. Fi’ames. ?i.*ture.d T l-Xails aa-i K: B-r ... - ~.1 -'.V Eyes, Brackets. Hat / Racks. Jtc. Ac.. AS CHEAP AS • IN BE HMD .DsTWESE. H i? i— macqu & b r ur. , wick yS> aX v-b f rail roai. Change of Schtdule. SCPEIUNTBSDIiNT'a Ofvicb. M. t A o. R_. MaCos. Oa., Apri IS. 1874. on anri ifter Sunday Ipn! J 7. VS. -mils on tills i*mi ivil* rail is fblli.ws : Du v* oat PASsny.ian rHAL-i -unja ts htctpthd ; La?* Mucon - - - - - x * Ar- - e it .fiiMiup - H:45 p h Stivo Jesatip - - - - nil p t ir -e st Brunswick - in ;W p * ~v n.*T CASsaiwsn tbain -*n.it iiicuptsd Leaee Bon -wink - - - 2-15 1 * Acrivis At, , -sap - - % - 4.16 a x weave Jesoi) - - - U i t Arrive it Maoon ... S.oo p x . i W-t-QS—TT.I.S vOOOXODATION lP D AT3 871 -ETTSI! ■ -tar* o Macon - - * - 5 SJ p x Hawv.asville - SiHJ p s Leavoxl.iwkinsvole - 7.15 a Arrive it Macon - 11 V, as The town isy passenger inii upress train maxes liose comii-ei'.on v-.ta tra.na of A caiu.c .nd Sii.f u..r):oi JViso-j for 7’m da. mm. na iay 'rain con nects a. i'i-uo or yavannah. ind.it M,..'.0u Air points Sortil, East tnii Wspt. J.ve W ROBEHTSON. Aprt-e-'f Uenen. enperintender- SAVE YOUE MONEY I TIIiES M HUB H TT r s VEitY "i PO Etc VNT rHAT BTVf -.T OJH 1 'CnCg FI O THiC PL.- S WHERE THEY CAN GET Tha M-:st Par leir Manaj j l B CfBAHT .1, A E. UA Mil ill OLD sTORE. •.(MINER BROAD AND SCREYSN STS., DABIISN, GA., Wcuid rpifcfftiTv nvit - l.hti attirnGon of 'it ;r iVii-ntU uml ra Aioaf? of I tut t" their large m well #*r lectod stock of Go.ieral Merchandise, COXSISTOti; F DRY B € O DS CLOTH ‘NG. EAT S and CAPA BOOTS an l SHOES, GROCER IE 3, rLorr, . OKN, OATS, A AT. LIME, h A -H. &c- CHCCKERY. STOVES GLASS’WAHS Tin- w are Table aad ~ 43, 4* Cutlery. •s J Fan?iinj k, O i Par; . n :• ;ir .l ?, n U iV r,. ■ .fi v s^-e.s. Ciiptitias r are especial \ i- vite.,l to examine j■' nai amjplete -sto'-k f SHIP CHANDLERY. before r. elsewhere, which we are selling *r prices chat will compare favorably with any city in the South. GOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. GIVE US A CALL, A £ R STRAIN t— t v ‘li BURNEY, r £ BFUBKLAYER. [j p-opa:’oil to do plain and rn:.m-nfciP Mastering. BRICK WORK —AND rlaii'CaiiAin; ia every style at short aotice. D.RIEN. GEORGIA. loiaim HOUSE!! 1 DARIEN. : ; GEORGIA, ; MiN Y ;i(Btio s !ta'.-s V*"j -nmt m this hnnw, ■ iarinat. J i ,d! ' r mtintli, uw .j Proprumr r.-iki-s nlßOense iasr-'C • !>i> 1 t f PArWNG AND FRIENDS .Hi,; ■ i,; . iusiru FtBST-OLASS icrommortu nuiis. • rut. £ s wmig •■> -• 1.-ly tiusui a tile follow me rate* * Boiii-ti „ii| lufeniff per month T.ioiit Botml . 80.-n-t iimi a tveeit— 10.00 Bunrrl ■" " per An- 0.IH) >te;i !* JS LutigliitlH 15 A. E. CARE, Proprietor. 3Vt C 3 :rWAT, derm m/C’JLUNAnT DSAI-BH OHOrcE F I.'rt'-Y OraOCEUtES. Xi;< . IS.. .VS. HjeT-v 3< g'.FS. dux taps'. H.aDW.vEi£. cctleut. s< i.>l books. *c. Brosiil s, -c* n:-rtiillmir -i'li-.iippowte-he Custom li.iUw,:. >.UtIE.V. Ga. A d il AY— Im. L, iCXfVSATJ, daeisi, g e orgia, . isales r> T . jrv loud?. Hath.' B<)<_■ ts. Sh o '.•??, •Gruwnes. tc. April i>—lm. “WiLLITi EL HOYT. fa-?] riii.O;']! it id# D.*iIEN. ' IA. Ann'. & —tr. j VJ. Robert Gigmiliat, ATTOLHEY AT L|W, LAGA. jyli' -iPT ATT !t'< :• -ivi.n tn il 4:: ii.-ia.-M* ii Fir-r m mi: Bt-mi .ek ' ..a ;, tui ,n 1,1.. ’-rt -..11ea ( Mt* *. >v;uiniih. | WALTER A, AT TORNE \ ’causel3or at ijw, * E:. LTSTMIMT DARI EX, GA. ll*l . . 'ranine n Itin Si. j>ri.irCourts if th<Bian ” * ii M oar it. Cmiitrn, Olynn. Wayne, Ap •iii. ■' o is. i. Liiiiiev .ami Bryan A .no’ in ‘iia .' ••inns f mrtw socui***- of Bdiikjiiprcy. Jtsi. Fir .ii ir arri-ution gjvn to rhe’ collection of c i in-, so l ihi* 'taniiiisuoii of Lami Titles A|..B * D. T. I>l NX. wh\ Kin & S?. A& a t Brunswick, Ja. 7 I l ru \ XT) S’ 7 !. kS } ;jj o V s ;-'v York. 1>• t t;m h. Bfi-ioii},uiii Pliiiat uipJiia, it lowest r: iU-*. it -v ;iiu .-h:! a- loidkim ?Lvr :im 'Miimrrriai ! F •0- r £ii allow:"! <m film* .avail I .7ai.-auiat 'a, anti r.GSP paper statignaby A.tD PAPER BAGS. f’RbTWKR & \[CHO!>. l-Wi BUY S'EYEr, savannah, oa. Airl “li—Hn. DR. L.IIEINn SRUXswrrK. Georgia, Circs al! ii*eaes >cro<u!a. Inn vr*, Dysp* jwia, Piles. C ;h sas pfioa. tonsil and all jr the intu-. *tl Fewer. neraona sndnuig from any of -he a'Hisw i!s ns ■ v .1 do ve 1,0 pall on Br. L. EEINS. anil a '-rod. .1 •■•aytabie medrine*, and protected hy parent. \ pril > -tv BALTX M O R E PEARL HOMINY. Ha -injiilie ptile meney of rhe celebrated ft :' 1 ; .• . • IQMPA ' W; eave to on:Alie arrenrion of Goreera and o h P s oil in >ii ftillmvimr nrreies mannftic •’V ’V -be id*., lamt-ti Company Irion Pure 'olbera White * **ro. am warranted U> keep for I'iee :n any r limna HOMINY Ta Urn*it* -md Cases;-f Li) 'AvIP. or LG AKA F HOMINY “ip* oar will v'ißen.'e.i*. nl Northern srares.— ’ll, MEAL, in Bartel-, and Cases, mostiv aged rii-n Br-rad. cAf?- ffLiV Avery aboice. and viil , M , n ,iw AT ie aseu n connection with Vhfc Flour s -S’! kinds of pastry, hreau, ate. [ILL FEED OR CHOP, i sn—or irtitue off l -dr ill M ait cattle, n raen. am ,w ie. etc., imnir ;hepor than any iiaer lean, ■(di crenel mi the low of milk n cow*. , v •] ,■•] i ie -H" i: lmuami ".irer- or-esg. 3 s - JASH. F.tsiitilt. and Expenses added. 6v J. A. 3TSECIER. "nmission Senthanr nd D-aier n Grain. Hay, Coai. and Connn— p-nunce of ail kimis A.so ; Ant Sir Ole siiiui) .' -ey Is'nnd linsco. Consign, tats of all Count;-- Produce solicited. Orders Unp.y ailed. J. A. MERCIEB. fcy rirest. ra mundi. "■ orll _G~*m.