Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, May 09, 1874, Image 3

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    Ihuicn limber fectte.
U )(AI7DKl > AirrMF,y r LV
—We were pleased to meet in our office a
few days ago, our young friend Jos, E. Lam
bmght, who is engaged in rice planting on
the Altarunhft River, lie promises to give
us all the “dots" over liis way.
_-15e sure to read the cards of Messrs. D.
];. Wing, and O. Hopkins, limber Meas
urers. They are both clever young men and
we cordially recommend them to the public.
-Oub City was visited during the first
pu.t of the week with quito a heavy rain. It
was very much needed.
Thus. Wheeler. Esq , the clew*Collec
tor of Customs, will pica -,e accept our thanks
for favors extended to this office.
-Through the courtesy of Mr. 0. Hop
kiss. we took a pleasant buggy-ride put to
the Ride on Sundav morning last, and at ten
ded services at the Episcopal Church, Rev.
Mr. Chute, pastor.
The Steamer Carrie, Oapt. Joe Smith,
arrived here on Saturday night, and left on
Sunday morning for Savannah. She did not
make her tegular trip to .Brunswick, and the
Satillu River.
Darien needs a shell road to the Ridge.
Who will st ft the. all in motion?
■ -The ‘‘Professionals” closed their per
formances in ■ this City on Saturday night,
and left for DoLoy Sunday morning. We
understand that their show Was well worth
tiie price of admission.
Major 11. S. Hal Mes, the popular Gen- :
■eral Super):i ten .lent ol th-*. .Atlantic & Gull
Railroad, has our thani.s for an annua] passs
over his Road tor tin: year ISil.
We are happy to state that the 'I mmic
ment on the first of May, and the ball given
by the Mclntosh Light Dragoons, were a
grand su ■ ess. V, e regia-t that we were un
able to attend, although we would have giv
er, our readers a synopsis of the evening's
•entertainment through one of the niiaehes
of the (Jazettb office, who was on hand, but
through tin kindness of a friend who partic
ipated in a part of the festivities, and
"knew how it was himself, ” readily oifiereJ
his. services, to become the Reporter tor the.
occasion, which he ilCl ill handsome .stale,
and by reference to another column, our read-'
ers can leal a the lull partie ilars e, tln gratnl
-We are happy to kuo.v that our fir :id.
I)t. John 11. Coyle, of i’iio.nasville. expects •
to come to Darien next winter to s: old *u few i
weeks m tlie practice oi Dea*a, baigery.
1 he D >etor is a skiff fill dentist, and a pro- :
ic.-sionai visit from him will he kindly rc- '
ceiveivod here. We, wish he could be ii.-
(UlCt.d t. ' loeatc in re. A re.,.,leaf liuniis ,s
it.-eded very much. W.,at do you say, It ***
tor ?
i,e' ti-e I', ; A| it!.-, a prey,
Where fllsJ ,;,i , insulate aucl met! decay."
I'm: ft. ,K. tfiiirch on the “lli.lg**. fins j
obta.ue.l a nice Culaue! Orgiti. P v.a - put j
upon trial last Sabbath, for the first turn , 1
and worked vr 1 . We hope they w,d o.g.m
choir and rehearse • very Week We ]
believe in congregational sitig.ng, but like i
ho instrument and choir to lend. Itime are ,
some very good voices on the "Ridge,” and
v.e advise tiie owners of them to ‘let them
Out ’ 'Using awry, yc joyous bird.-. !
- It is to he hoped that before another
six months shall have paused away our city,
vill he provided w.tfi a Court Horne—Town
Hall. We are very much in favor of a good '■
City Hall, put in tin care oi' our city Mar
shall. It the M. E. Church house could be |
bought for a .reasonable ; rice, we should
t ..ink it advisable for the city to secure it.
We are not. inform and ; regard to v.Uiat i.c- ,
ti->u has bei n taken in the mafti but should
think some arrangement might be tficted
by which both ,Ic. city and .be t’liwrcli
would be bciretilted. No need of a School
House, of course not !
-The ladies and gentlemen, hoarders at
the ‘ Magnolia House,” were, last Tin-s lay
evening, invited by the generous ITopi re-tor*
Mr. A. E. Carr, to meet in the Hall, for too
purpose of whiling away the dull hours ol
a portion of the night, preparatory to retir
ring to their ‘little beds,’ in a social dance.
At an early hour the room was put in order,
and well lighted, ufer which, the ladies and
gentlemen took their places on the floor to
“trip the light fantastic *to the music cx< u
ted by our townsman, Mr. Rosknburg, who is
an accomplished violinist. When the dance
was over, the party partook of some refresh
ments, and feeling perhaps, that they'lia-1
enjoyed themselves sufficiently fur the night, j
di-persed to their respective apartments to
dream of happy days gone by.
-The S h inner, containing ice fir R. K.
YValker, arrived on Wednesday. Every
body should now keep cool. Mess. A. AR.
.Strain also received a lot of choice goods.
—Our friend A. W. Corker, Esq., will
please accept our thanks for courtesies ex
tended this office during the week.
- The Schoooner "Keepsake’ which came
in port a few weeks ago, dismasted, is being
—There was another ball given Thursday
• night at the Magnolia House. The party
consisted principally of the hoarders of said
—The steamer ‘Clyde,’ arrived in this
port on Friday morning, from Hawkins ville.
—See the card of -T. R. Fran klin, of Brun
swick, to he found in this issue.
— lor the past two or three weeks out
S city has been very quiet, more especially the
r present week. Nothing has occured within
the “limits” to interest or enlive the ever
vigilant Marshal, or police who are always
• watchful lest seme thing should ‘turn up’ in
violation of her laws. Darien is, at this
time, much more quiet and peaceable
than would be supposed by strangers, jndg
ir from its previous reputation.
The Tournament, and the Gte;l Bull nt
the Magnolia House
DARIEN, Aliy 1871.
Editor Timber Gazette :
There is ever in the hea’t of ”• a rest
less, secret yearning for sonnJfc to trans
pire that will arouse the fee life 1 pleasure
and drive away despoiideiv*, ' ith them
the things hoped for are ijp’' '-* luv
their different temperaments >1 !l fi
turns. Some hope fur gain, at ' i!,: '• M''
rocal affection, and so on; but h the p.
pie of your little town theieß l3 to ho no
diversity of opinion in tbi#P ect every
one appealing unanimous iir-t beliet that,
what will please the one is su !l ut to drive
dull care from the other. Tl feeling was
beautifully illustrated on tiie of the
first of May, at the Grand Mi v .' Hall, giv
en at the Magnolia House bj i: • Mclntosh
Light Dragoons. Your cfr'ont! nt was,
I'y accident, an eye witi!# ;UK ' ulthoiigu
prevented by promise, frord ua B.V partici
pating in the festivities, sh never regret
being present on the occasp
1 arrived in your town
the morning of the fi.stif'd although a
stranger in your midst, c : l soon see by
the hurry, to and fro, andgf" general com
motion, that something ■'■<• than usual
was about to take place. I inquired ami
learned from a passer-by. i‘ a grand gala
day was in coiitcinplut iiii Molntosli
Light Dragoons—he toldjr pvere going to
assemble on their paradtgrounJ at two
o'clock, for the purpose ©Bavin•; a Tour -
nament, after which, the would be n
Military Pallet theMagijo House. While
receiving this intormati ti heard tiie suuml
of a brass horn blowing-.' assembly and
could see Horsemen pi *ug to and tin,
which so aroused my in.J \ pride that 1 do
t named at once, to ijjiel see the tun.
Of course I expect id to w ■ ‘"ben, to my
great delight, one of y ijpv. /y !.. upotable
citiSens, driving by, iiivfi me to a a at in
his buggy. 1 accepted am iihso.-n perched
beside Lim; a short el.jf brougnt u.s to
the oM : 1.1 where t hero, tv > ahc.ely, a lar ;C
crowd of ladies aud geniitan. gathered to
gether, watching the * .flliolis made by me
O'-mpany in their tlriii, aui.iHinled by 1 apt.
A. G. W ylly. -S
In a short time the <p.i|>:tny was dtav.'ii
in line to cojiiineuce ■. til; previous m
which, a eommittc-? <-<p • •>! t aptaitt
Wyu.y and Em itcnaiitK i n:u au-l Erri.to.
.vaittd on the. ki.iics. prßul to ap-digiz in
oeliaif of th" ( np.-. p w mat ..av:.- a; ;•
field nui! S-. Capt 'LI 4 LT, i I 1- Wi
i.uarks, st-ai xd the c.tasjfe-vhi h w-'.s the ■•-
be; el ■ e be .’ji
or a brass haul v. si ii.e. -ted. Ac ;.! .o
found this the cans, wftK-Company dn; -
i inns having been jf r ; i.<e T 1 o;.U '-.a'bOiila.
by this'S'c. dic-r. f
Ti:' i x iv.es ! • ;.i“ wb •’) w is.,at
heal and nig— t.L fu < • a ( •
sjrivs, . Ti : eo!ite.| .. 1 wax- 1
stiMiigev when boj| of u.i coute.-bants i> -
.-. ,ic an ire ■ts jfi M-1 t o' 1 ■ ' '■'
w. :e on ti, grouinKwiin, ssir, ; tneii as tious
iu tin if
when the jn iges silcued up the coir- •■-1
Mr. D. S. biNvLAI .'..vs declared w:
fine (.Ninip. ny v 1 • !
•if the j-Mg-i's sti.ljl e.l C ; ... J-iKA .'. <
i.ii a ono of the j'lfi'?*. i' l ,l * w
reimuks. present- i iic I ,- i-‘ to Mr. Sin :. 'in
not, hhi r, .t .air i ■ !■ .- ■ '* ■
util rs on the c\< (” n.'j of iheii ii 1;u
--sliip, soldierly Ik| ..g. fie
The crowd tin u• i.d ;.-i m t
in the evening fofth* dan e uid ore ui
had spread her curtain over busy •_■.n th.
the suit, fewcetf-ni: .ds ot ntusic could ha
heard fl" tin ■n tb s’ill-huslud eviaiiu. 7 .
and ever unit cm ■ aid be seen leoiah
Ibrii.a, rohie.l inilr :ii r.’tire. trii).‘M
along iu the fiiq . . of the house iio^i
whence proceeded the nitTsic. This influx'
continued eu* li.i'-i or tour Low ■ v.hu n a
crowd of a’l.-oiit tv hi'.’.uhr.i olu and young,
hail assembler :• 'tl >a to pay L-.i in t >
tiie goildess ‘ I'l'psicbo'.T. M ell v • - that
homage paid, for eve y eic wti > lift .1 with
‘he prospect, a; 1 i ~c!i face was ellulgeut
with the rays oi liviiic irhT.tci.i'f- ‘as though
;he god b . i 7 lied ' ' cry s
an inordinate i ;siiv to dance. They did
dance, waltz, < l idfille, polka, earn in
their turn were ieaulitullj exccut. and by the
light, sylph-lik- jfonns and tniiy feet of the
beautiful bulif pieneut. I say beautiful
from the fact Shju it has never been uiy good
fortuno beforcjlb set so much beauty arrayed
in one assembly as was present that night;
one in particulnr, whose name was exactly
in coiLsouancavith the name of the month,
the first day o which was being celebrated,
was, by nnaiiinous voice, declare 1 “gor
geous” and pronounced Belle of the evening.
Every lady ms nwgiiiriccntly dressed; each
seeming to know! what colored ribbon or
wreath best suited! her complexion, thereby
adding to the multifold charms that nature
bail already lavished upon her person. The
gentlemen, too. wtie ne. xly attired, especi
ally those in luifoi nis. The old Confederate
Grey brought vividly to my mind recollt; -
tions of the past, and while there watching
everything where rayrth reigned supreme,
oft wculd a *nl thought steal over me and
my memory revert to days of vure, when at
the dawn oi'day 1 have seen the tine, raan.y
form of a comrade clothed in that uniform,
‘ all joy and life, knowing no care, and before
night see him hurled by the cruel an ; ruth
less hand of wir into an untimely grave.
But enotighV of this departure from my sub
At twelve o’clock the crowd was invited
into an adjoining room, where there was two
long tables spread, covered with every im
aginable delicacy and luxury that the appe
tite could crave or desire Pleasant conver
sation, dfiuking wine, and sampling the
| different viands, was here indulged in foi
the next hour, when the ball room wasagatr
entered, the dance began and continued uu
til the “breezy cal! of incense breathing
morn” could be plainly heard, together with
the regrel of every ono present, that tiie day
had dawned to end the festal night
Before concluding, Mr. Editor, it will not
be asm s to-indulge in an expression of my
opinion regarding this affair, and of those
under whose imiuodi ite supervision it was
had. Never have I seen, nor do I think
there was ever a place where mutual enjoy
ment was more manifest than was there that
night, every ne seemed to enjoy him or
herself aliiitn and peace, good order and dig
nity was apparent, throughout. Upon the
whole it rctlects gicat credit upon Messrs.
Wing. Gl.\v n and Eppino, whom, I learned,
were the Committee of Arrangements;
also upon the gi.-nth manly and pleasant pro
prietor of the Magnolia House Mr. A. K. Carr.
t getheifv. ith his ass: ; ant, Mr. J. M . Cohen,
both of whom I would commend to the pub
lic as being ui quocunqveparatus.
Yours truly, MEC.
Isn't This True?
Darien is the least known of any place of
the same trade and importance in the South
ern country. Fine climate, beautiful natural
scent ry, g lod locafijou, a port of entry, com
merce with all,parts of the woild, the richest
lice luv.ds i.: fhc codutrv in and vicinity, the
best garden lands for early vegetables; vt-t
who knows it.
I. t any stranger go over our city, and lie
will appreciate the natural advantages it af
fords, and a.-fi; why th-.- people don’t- improve
them better? Dai ion is snubbed e very day
in tHe louse of its friends, and all uncon
sciously too. Its i.'irets accumulate old
shoes, and its back yard tilth, while the cit
*izoi:s pocket the m ;b-.y, and, as a natural
result, more or less sickness. The money,
they are clever enough to believe, comes
from tin i. -good management, but sickness,
they Ivy to climate. Four climate has to
bear everything I A person cannot help
making money here if he attends to Lis bus
itaess properly, neither can ho help getting
sick while Ir neglects proper sanitary meas
ures. While some have bo-m trying to be-
Jivvo that the ciiy was dead, ). and behold 1
been st.-a lily asin il
basin ti..;. “ ■ th -n i ''.ip' v Uiucc. a. part
of the count:.' lies not been prop- :).v udver
<l ip cl. in fact, it . ■ not been mlvei tic-d lit
all. A hundred ink s from litre theto isn't
mo ■ ui i . . hni.fi.i'd :im; k:;cws that Darien
was burned. Anut i.i r givat draw bank, te
th.:. ifi.iCi is the l.ifk ol access. It is the
■ a et s-ibbr city u t;.o United Spates.
. . fromSai '■ •• I■ wpLork,
aud the ft ms when the tr-vi-lic.-i' > • ! arrive
. . with more < r iu {Jew
Writ tlii.u in Darion.
,West ims b.iiii l a iff up by udverising
,a , Uiau a. y othm ojc t ;L.g. In iie pivs
jit, why j la,husrv.n ilhiii . oi itn
,.l., c done ..'.'.iio.it a-i.o. Unrig.
I’. ’%
..v s.i;; ’.. : .■■ by sid.-, and tn ■ o' clrha
.j.-.kv. .-•€■ i.: ‘p. :tor’s ink’ '..i1l sell.{J.vioc
.., a.,:.: ;.s the other. It .-s a i >Ci li.aiJm.-
:-. 1 r.r, , . ill.tu tic past ion years.
it a in. - b nr and. i t ixfonn the ptHdic
.- and . tit I eir pu|ron
.,tt.l... 1 f l granted, wjHm it ; ffng
Ij s e. • Ay ;* v j.j inducement lopluT.
I;■ :il . r .ii c mTry in i g:jrd to
.i, io .'i ign pievuris. I file oli
. . afih Slid bu - - dv*4
. .. n .; ffh c .:. var ev: r-.-'.j mis
uid.'i.stuo 1. In cur tin., fi in many Mutes,
•ve i'.ivi bi-q-igi'i’v Weu r. :I if J.ti Mas
safe in this i aitofthCQ at y. N- wtfed !
A city wi:.-out a d.iiiy iriidl, ." h i D use,
past ••••. W:p.;]>ei. S' '.rlroad, an.! .eiegiaph
ii-.'. Foi'tnn.tf !y. you have a Nowsp-.p r,
bQt recently c.staliti died lie vev< r. WilJ y >••
m; at ii ? ’.Yd! you give aid and < nCoirr
...... .. to the Gazetyj. urrd tliind-y help
■ bu lup horn - institute U ? The o is
great p' .'fic w rk t'G'.'ie the ■ ' : IV.II
.ou a:t hi.n i'V a liuci >1 p -.'.l'. :.u;;*', at) .
..if rv. v .nciii's 'in yoflr poavr to tuft hi:
mi, r s: of;. *ns city pap. . • nd likewise
:hit of; >ur wu business?. Tim editev. i .
tuiii, thr.mgh the ooiiinms *if ihe It ysei'i .
increases your busiu'-'f, eulai.ices the v.du<
. fyour jiropcrty, make., you feel a deep
pride in the weliiaic of your’ city, gives yoi
medium of t onrmunication with the world,
fights y lur battles, reports the local news.
k eps y u inf tu al >. f and e l'i.-o and p> ogress
(.fyour city, advocates such nieasuroc as
will make Darien such a city as its harbor
facilities and timber interests demand. We
expect you will r uder us the assistance we
have solicited at your hands Wo will have
no fears, but assure you that we appreciate
th.e courtesy so generally extended to us.
$33" Captain Harper informs it's that the!
Steamer Daisy will not make any move trips j
to the Landing on Saturdays'. Wc are sorry :
for this and hope it will be-changed bark as
heretofore. It costs hut htrle to run it on I
Saturdays and why not let it “went''and
thus accommodate the puliLc.
jBGr The aft 'tffiou ot the public is call.'d !
to the card of Mr. Wm. M. Yohno, Wuieh
muker, lobe found in another column, Mr.
Young is well known as an industrious And •
worthy citizen, and deserves the patronage *
of this community.
--The Flying Ponies, which gave the col
ored population so much tun last week, and
which lightened their pockets oi a quantity*
i of their surplus ‘stamps,’ has left for other
parts, and it will probably tie a long while
bei'oj .■ they will see them do so ‘sonic more.
—Some of our citizens are in favor of build
in., a railroad trom Draien to Walthourville,
No’. 3., A. A 7 G. R R. We would be pleased
to have the views of some of our citizi us on
; this subject. We will cheerfully give spue*
to anyone wishing to discuss the question.
—The steamer ‘-Currie,” waived on Fri
day morning lrom Savannah. E. F. D Coties
has takyn the pi ce ot Mr. Barry, as Perser
of the steamer. We had the pleasure of
making the acquaintsnco of Mr. Cottes and
find him a pleasant gentleman.
Dull in Capital Offenses.
Darien. May 4th, 1874.
Editor Darien limber Gazette:
The laws of our own State allow all per
sons, charged wiih criminal offenses, to be
released ou proper bail. Our laws recog
nize only* three classes or grades of crimes.
The first, is misdemeanors —punishable with
tine or imprisonment in the county jail, or
both, in the discretion of the Court. The
second, is felonies, and only punishable with
imprisonment in the Penitentiary, and the
last, known as u felony -punishable with
The first and second are always bailable,
and the.vMinnntting Magistrates are clothed
with pi 'rev to determine and receive the
amount -if bail, and the sufficiency of the se
curities . tendered; but they are always ex
pected and required to take none but good
and solvent securities. Tiie last, known as
lelonics. and punishable with death are only
bailable by the Judges of the Superior Courts
ot the different counties, and from the pe
culiar phraseology ot the statute, the infer
ence is clear, that in very extreme cases the
discretionary power is taken from him. At
any rate, lie is never expected to abnsa that
discretion and confidence which the law re
poses i ism, but in all cases of such felonies,
by 7 virtue of his. office, and the exclusive
power v| lin him, must use it cautiously,
discvv .fr' ami judiciously. And the very
morn-at a judge abuses that power and ev r
! cises that dis •retinn without proper caution
mid fore bought, that very moment he stul
i tifys th- law, lowers the dignity and Cuu
tamiuat.-s th" purity of the judi ual ermine;
the fear and awe, which by reason of the se
verity ."i the penalty is removed, therefore
that discretion should, in all c.es, be wise
ly exercised, if at all, and the bail slvoul 1 be
| good and solvent, for a criminal turned loose
upon a . traw bond, and especially when the
| chance., and probabilities of conviction are i
I strong, '-ill invariably fly froir justice, and
nine times out of ten will never appear for
Inal, in which event, he goes unpunished, •
and is ihereby encouraged to r* p and th-- of
fense—expecting the same lv-cilt. The
Untc’s *4t iriicy osc'icats. tha bond, nothing
s or cm l.v recovered, beoausc hi . .-■•■curi
i i.are • , - dvent, or as the case may b • in
: 'lit- majority of .-ases they shelter them v 1 cs
1 mder‘■••neof the cu mptiou laws ot our
. .State.
Whenever a Judge releases a prisoner
diarged with crim.', punishable with death,
tpo.t It .<(•'/; Load such us w.U not 8.-OU. *.
it the Court, hee ncou
■lira:., and the safety aud security of lit : in
I ih it corumunity is no more respected, than
lif there was no penally altac ied to the
' crime..
On;- r iuomnity knows oi an insti co ■
vher. a quiet peaceable and unoffending:
colored man was killed on the highwavs by i
an nssas-iii, in co'd blood and v. rthont any
cause c ; . .vueatiou wliatover. ILc tnur- i
it. fert* -ttVcstr,”./ r p. ’’L'd m: I.
anjt the i "uer emurnipcl to j.ul to await
the fin,d'i of tb • (Jr,.-id Jury; a true bill
' for numb r wis iT . . 1 a ;ain-t him, the case
! called for trial, a coutiuu mce granted the.
lid' upon the absence of a material)
. witness, and R fore the Court nad adjourned
.io was rel-'i: •• i upon a bond of two thousand •
1 lii.iiw. and h.N --ecuiiti s, which .•'.re three, 1
not worth onc-h.t!, 1 of that amount over and ;
alv.v ■ their just and lawful liabilities, not ;
.■■. yin 'void id nit the Homesteads allow- and :
rhi'i'i ; e law, and which they can a.. ii |
be :.r: e!> •: <-i at any moment. What a bov.l i
for . !■; . c i:m>! Where is the man ti; .
~'oul . ,t • suv • hi* life, make bis b-nd.-- ‘
nen s. ins mi 1 then flee from the righteous j
indr-aib'i of the law? lean not divine;
I his 110-ner’s reasons for so doin', but am j
fearful that before the next session of the'
] Superior Court, the murderer and assassin!
will li.- ■ ..i ex.’ ini\.itus.
- <?r- Or. D.t :• A report was iu cir uluti m
iin this o'.tv. a few evenings since, to the ef
fect that two of tin- Brunswick Pilots were
• illbal lv drowned, having not been been or .
heard from since the falling a very heavy ,
! rain a;id wind storm which occurn ands un< j
j few days -.go, and the supposition wars that
Fret. ■ pilots were caught mit and lost. Wt
t sineerelv hope that such i.i not the case, and '
that it will all prove a m- re rumor.
.Ti cling of Die Lumbermen.
A meet! g of the Southern Lumber and
Timber ffispciatiou will he held in Wilming
ton. N. C| Ain the 27th of May next. The
meeting ef organization of this association j
was held t :, .i Savannah test year, but mluok
of uumintnity of action prevented any ma-1
terial re. ilts for the advancement ot the!
lumber n.j-ijests from being accomplished.
The chief oi'ject of this association is to form
a colt. I iff of all the Souther n mill nu n fi r
the purpose of compelling the pur chasers of
lumber at the North to purchase and n e. i\o
lumber at the South subject to home nn a.‘*
uroment and j. spection; and to cause tic
abolishment of the foreign inspector. The
following is the call for the meeting in Slav .
SavanntH. Ga., April 21, 1874.
To the Members of the Southern Lumber and
Tunler Association :
\lai.s proportion of the director , and
niom'i r of your association consider it ad
visable tlibt a meeting of its members should
he held at an early day, to take into consid
er.ti'in the present condition of the tiado in
order to sa vgest some means for its improve
ment. I therefore name Wilmington, N. ('.,
jas the place, an 1 Wednesday. May 27th.
‘di-ox., nt 10 o’clock a. m.. as the day and
; hour of laceling. ' It is desirable that there
should be a full attendance, aud to secure
this I would suggest that each shipping port
s ad a full delegation, empowered to aet for
a!l the. nr ni . lis of that locality.
Believing;(that united action upon the part
of the Southern lumber manufacturers w.ill
be productive of great coral to the whole
trade. I tntrst each mend er will do all that is
possible ti secure a full attendance at the
comiug cqpiveution.
| T. L. KINSEY, l’resident.
11. H. f'LQFITw 1 'Vary.
- The County Coinmissoners met on Wed
nesday last, at 12 o'clock. Mr. Walter A-
Way having withdrawn his application for
the position of clerk, Dr. Scalding Kennan
was elected in his stead, for the ensuing year.
The Commissioners also elected Mr. 0. 11.
Steadwell, Harbor Master. They are both
competent, and. will no doubt, make effi
cient and worthy officers. There was no
other business of importance transacted dur
ing the session.
What The Press Say of Us.
The Darien Timber Gazette.—The first
number of this new and worthy candidate
for popular favor, reached us last Sunday,
and the well-filled columns and neat typo
graphical appearance of the sheet was, to us,
a source of great pleasure. A targe space is
judiciously devoted to local matters, besides
containing good editorials and interesting
The Gazette is well worthy of liberal pat
ronage, and we hope the business men of
Darien will appreciate and take advantage of
this vehicle of communication with tin pub
lic. Printer's ink, judiciously expended, is
the best investment a business man can
make, and we trust the columns of the Ga
zette will soon afford abundant evidence
that this truth is properly appreciated.--
i Seaport Appeal.
We have r ceived the first number of the
Timber Gazette, published in Darien. Ga.,
by Mr. Richard W. Grubb. It. is a neat jour
nal and promises well. -Thoma-mltte Enter
Darien Timber Gazette. This isJhe titlfi
ofa new pi per m Darien. Ga.. published by
our former townsman. Mr. R. W. Grubii.
The first number of which is upon our table.
It is a neat and well printed journal, filled
with interesting matter. It speaks well fur
the enterp.isa and industry of out friiiul
Richard, and we wish him an abundance of
success Quincy (Via.) Journal.
The first number of the Darien Timber
Gazette, published by Richard \Y. Grubb,
has made its appearance. Jt is a very neat
and thrifty looking paper, and willih uht’ess
succeed. Mr. A. L. Adams, the assm mtc
editor, is a graceful writer. >' tver.tnah Moi
inj AYifs.
We have .received th j first number of the
D.ißien Timber Gazette, published at Dari
en, Ga., by Mr.'Jlc hard W Gut : b. with A.
L. Adams, as associate. Th • Gazette pro
sents a neat appearance and is well edited,
and it is with pleasure that vre place it upon
our exchange lint, wishing it a prosperous
career. —Quitmfn JUpoHe \
Pi‘(scntmentSof the Brand Jury of lit In
tosh Coujitj April Term. SU.
We, the Gmnd Juror*, cho.-cn and sworn ; r the
entmly of Mclnnmh, April Venn 1374, begleaiaio
ruhmit the foliLviag report, j.raytcg for each in
structions as hii Ibmor, th. Jimvi tn.ii Diim n
- : |
Ist. Upon i Siintntng tho honk'' of T F P.,u:-. .
and hearing hif eviilence as loins acti-ma **> ti:
OSicio ,1 as ice of th* F-arc wo find that he tia
kept no t ill OitleC.T.l of Curt la UIIJ case til.d hV
him—ti". pVadfnrr Ignoiancc cT the laa p nvldlng
for 'he earn e.l We wi-uid. therefor', recoin mend
tha* t,i - tl l.of the Judge, w instruct •
him upon safinaw tliut a plea o r lguurunce wittuo
long! t h 1 (Mnhdered nn excuce.
2d. 't'a ho.iiifS. tt T . Wit-in, Tax CoLcctor. we
find nea) aiidforrecliy kept, but would rei'i uuutnd
Ihatti-: *• < i - j.;, 1 lft'iealjjfr with o •. ■ ■*w _•-y
copy Oi Hi'* i. :•: Thgmt, as wa Red that Use Digjfci
heretofon (i'isle it has, as general thing, b-oil
blarred, an j phi :h" i.hdc. illegible. We fcu'hnr
re,comm " il' nt '.lie U '.:e'■ rof Tax Returns he re
qnired her *f ': to -o .fit. :gnu‘ propsray on h'S Hi-
Rest that icnle' be ldnu ..e-d a 1 , in 7 ' 1 int in
ease excca/ieti tn conics uecesssiv.
Tilt hoof- of till- C ;n: Ti iruier .'■ * A.J cor
rect and J.iatlv k'-L-t. TA- in iksol i■ G. Campin 11
7 r . Ju-tiif of the IVace. we fi ,and correct, excipt
the ca(ie of billa Thom is, io 'ifiich special pieoent
mtint has been made by our body
The bin/ks of Wm. T. Thorp. Justice of tile Peace,
we Rn-.l cancel and neatly k pt.
Si ThFTttyJuii tn vvhicli county p.mu-era are
eouflin and. we h ivo o.\ tmiue 1 and find it ceil veutM
lateo, cleanly and well kept. V, e would refj.ectlttily
rocomuieint that a bfgher Board Fei.cc bt erected
round it to pri vent comwunicattoti tijnveco the
.irisoncTs fttei outside parties on in* public streets.
We would alo r.-cmniuend ihut the well In the jilt
yard b' repaired aid curbed
4th. Finding that we arc in need of a suitAß
Court 1 louse, we would respectfully rer-ni.i.ciid
that a committee of tiv j * f th-.-. Tax paying r tiz- ns
of this county b t appointed by the board of Count;
Ctiinniisi iont-rr, for Im*: purpose "f determining upon
a site, Style of building, cost and erection of a <-i.mtv
C,urt House.—the cost not to excetd tho turn ol
five thousand dollars, th ; building of ti.e same to
he awarded to the lowest and best bidder.
sth. By Reports, we find that the Rn id Commie
sionere iiave been very derelict in tlie.r duty iu c m
sequence of which the toads are almost in an im
passable condition. Wo would then fore te uui
mend that such lust-uctlons be given Ihe Road Coin
luissloners as will cat se them to rigidly enforce the
lav .
6tu. Learning that the last (trend Jury recoin,
mended an ’appropriation of one doll • and titty cents
per day for each Grand Juror, we would resp* ct fully
recommend that the same be at* dished, feeling that
the citiz ns should be willing tu ait iu a!! m:tters
of interest to their county tree of compensation.
7:h. Wo have examined theli-t ot voters at the
last election far county oncers and are unahlo to
make any report, trom the fact of rot being aide to
rend th names as recorded by the clerks.
Bh. We find from the Reports if the Secretary of
the School Commissioners, that th re is an unpaid
claim to Teachers for the year of IS7I ot Four linn,
dred and Twelve Dollar.- and Fi teen cent.-. We
would recommen 1 that the same be paid out "1 the
School Funds of 18*4. provided th? IV.I Tax co leer,
ed is sufficient to cover the indebtedness of 1871 ai.d
incident expenses of 1874. Me find that tw '• lean
cies hat e occtured in said Board, amt would roc.an.
mend the name.- of Thus. S AV ■'y an t John Rob.r
,nn to fill said vacant it s.
Our thanks ate das, and are hereby tendered to
h's Honor, Win- tchley. Judge p''csid,ng, fur tits
prompt dispatch oi business at this session*<f the
Court, and Jo for his impartial and corn twins de
iKeaiior tu a 1 with v li m he has been brought in of
ficial contact. And also to the Solicitor General
Waller 0, Charlton, and the Clerk ot the Court. Isaac
M. Aiken fur t-eir prdn ptness and courtesy to this
W. H. AVERY, Jr.,
D. M. DUNWOODY. rnnirß
Wm tv \ t.t, \' *penntendeL..
Ilo'tl Arrivals.
L. Mitchell, Savannah;J. T. Dent, Brough"
ton Island; Win. Robert GiguiliiaU Ilazle*
liui st, Gn.; Col. W. R. Pritchard A 3 chil
dren, Llizafield; C. F. Martin, Darien, Robt-
E. Carr A wife, do. Rev. R. F. Clute, Ridge (
Ga ; Miss Lula Clute, do; Wm. Clarke, do;
Miss Alary Clark, do; Geurge Smith, do; Dti
Holmes A daughter, do; H Remsoit, Chica
go; R. J. Massey, Atlanta, A. M. C. Duncaiii
City 7; J Ryan, Savannah; A. J. Thompson,
Tatrtal- county; H. Wield, City'; Mis* Steam,
do; Capt Colby, Doboy; W. F. Barry, str.
Carrie; A. Bailey A wife, Scotland; Wm. J.
Swan, New York; A Berg, Savannah; A. E.
Walker, Chicago. Robert Earnest, Cleveland,
Ohio; Capt. Lazarus, Doboy; J. 11. Morning,
do; T. H. Massey, do; S. Katysentein, City;
Isaac M. Aiken, do: Benjamin Dantxle, do;
D. Dunwoody, llidge, Ga.; S Thompson,
Tatnall county; C'apt. A. Abeal, Doboy; Mr.
Ravcm 11, City; W: F. Moss, do; S. E. Fitch,
Jersey City 7 , N. J.; Capt. Shunt StonPi God*
frey Rubier; Capt. T. J. George, Doboy; E.
S. Rector. Nashville, Tenn.; A. Bolton, Al
piena, Mich.; H. Griffith, Vermont; Capt.
Abeal, Doboy, Wm. Mitchcrson, do; Capt.
Scott, do; Capt. J. PrLuey and Wife, ship
City Obiwa: Isaac M. Aiker, Pilge; James
Abeal. Doboy; Capt. Lewis Agear, Schr. Jas
A. Potter; Geo. G. Benner, shr. Nellie Rotte;
.1 in X. Winn, city; A. J. Wright, Jackson,
ville, Fla.; S. C. l’erry Charleston, S C.; K<
S. Barclay. Ridge; Wm. Robert Giguilliat,
Hazlehurst; Thomas Giguilliat, do; Jas. M.
Banks, Macon, J. Brown, do; T. B. Good
-11 ail, London, Eng.; William J. Swan, My
hall Island.
Pictures! Pictures!!
The citizens of Darien are respectfully in
vited to call at Atwoods A. Avery's store
and examine the finest assortment of CrO
ni"s. Lithographs, Frames Ac., ever offend
here. Prices to suit the times. Will bo
open this (Friday) evening.
• ' MessbWl Atwoods A Avery have just
received 1000 bipihels of white and yellow
corn, 14') bbls. of flour, also lime, hair, plas
ter-pa', is, which they are selling low. Give
them a call.
MAY 8, 1874.
uHiitr. squark. i'*J
BO . 7to ry
4"0 . 7y tu 8
sno . .8 to B*.. 9y to tow
(i W .. to 9
7.1:1 .. ,9H to 10
800. . . 10 to 11
) MX to 18
1000. . UX to 18Si
•An nccomit of t.'ne high riv. rs, there has been very
ittit'tiaih r coming Into mu market for the last
'v 7 " The see. on of the _ .-ei is ai-o npon tis when
bn-ii.irs ol tin- t.ml hi Mi-peiio’aiJ. thr lirubit
metchaif going North and 1 1 *cwhere for the sum
in- r: h-m . the abovs low prices. Timber cutters
ne and not he di-rouraged, but go on with ihrir woik
more, vigor' us y. as everything points to in iucr te e
in the trade next reason.
May Ii- Scht James A. Putter, Oyter—Hew York
Voting Langdon.
V-'o 6 Sclir. Nr Hie, Benner—Waldobdro—Morn#
A W i lier
May 7 Schr. Eva L Lenand. frault—Boston—Hit*
tone i )• n-ter.
Aiay 7 Schr. Mary Collins, Collins —Boboh- Hit
tons ,V Foster.
M. J Park Jnlinr 1 ivnck—O'-.sgoi' Guy. S *
Miv 2 H irk F.tmuannd Car'.^tardef—Amr*rfiaffl
Epping. Bellas (v,
M iv V Bark Salem, Willis—Grangemouth—D. M
Ma> 1 - Dark Capella, Maugor—Liverpool—D II
M ' ~-Pnrk Uurting-in. ReJunge -ttertfisgan—A
00 he'll if o*l.
Ma;. ii Bark City of Oita v.t. Parley—OrceLrvk—
Guv. Stewart <fc Cos
Mav t; - Bark Gustav Fiederike, Sttirvcs— Liver
pool—n. M- Mnn’o.
Ma- (i—Bark Jehmina, Haase— Liverpool—Epping.
B Has A Cos.
V:■ v*l Brig Augusta Matilda, Seidel--Wixford—
Oily Stcwarl A Cos.
Miv D u ’. Chi-. A. ft'ivey, Fcott—St. Johus-*
; tliltous it Foster.
SI ] • ?*<>!iri-n, Ilolfey Loading lor United King '
■:i*iiii by V llll r ift Langdon.
Btik \icioija. liabuebceJser Loading foi Veiled
Kingdom bv Yeung ft Langduli.
Kjrk Carl tiign-t, Shwarts Loading for United
Knvd'-m by Yount; 4 L"nwd<*n.
Bark Johanna. Haase. Loading for United King
tlulli lu Kppiug. B ■ ■ | las ft Cos.
Burk I'.'iiinn mnl Curl. Harder. I oading for United
Kingdom by K.pping Bellas A - Cos.
link i-'.iui Frederirke Poggie. OMe. Loading fot
I’niii rl Kbu rlom bv Eppii'g. Bella.' A Cos.
limk .111 ie Heyn. Albrecht. Loading for United
K n lorn bv Eppii g. Selins ft Cos.
I lark Stanley, Nntvlg. Loading for Cnl’ed King*
and. in In K. ping. Bolins ft i o.
Baik i of Ottawa. Pin ley. Loading f'r United
Kindorn bv liny Stewart ft Cos.
Bilk .In in' F ivnck Loading for I'uited King
dom by Oily. Stewart ft f o.
Bark \n . i ; Maiilda. Siedel. Loading forli'niie#
Kingdom by A. Dobell ft Cos.
I! irk *li.iyen I.Hiuntzen, Harkrimn. Loading for
Unite 1 Kiu rdoin by A Dobell ft Cos
Bark s: r .ix. SaiTe. Loading Itif Vntfed King
dom bv A Dobell ft Cos.
Bark‘Hnrlirgen. P'-Jtiwrc. Loading for United'
Kingdom by A. Dobell ft Cos.
Bark Addon Satidere. Loading for United King
dom by A Dobi ]i ft Cos.
Bars John Burins. B ooks. Loading for United
Kingdom by A. Dobell ft Cos.
15 rk Resource. Draw Lo. ding for United King
dom by A. In bell ft Cos.
link igremont. Kenney. Loading for United
Kingdom by A. Dobell & Cos.
Bark lmii wody, Power. Imading for I’nilcd King
dom bv A. Dobell A Cos.
Bark Selma. Walli?. Loading for United Kingdom
! by 1). M. Munro ...
j Jiark Capi ; a, Mungcr. Loading for United King
dom by 0. M. Munro.
Bark Gustav Grederiiee, Starves. Losditrg to.
United Kingdom bv TANARUS). M. Murs.
Bark Mary Jane.'Budde. Loading for United kntf
dam bv I). M . Mnnri. , .. . . _.
Hark Milo,a. Bc-s. Loading for Lntted King
do a bv D- Me Miinio _ ,
Balk far -and. Johansen. Loading for L lilted
K :iio,i,ii.i bv Young ft Lanedon.
Ba'rk > iv.anna. O'Neil. Loading for l nited King
dom by D. M. Mi am.
Bark Pem-lope Overgard. Loading for United
K ngdom lay A. Dobell ft Cos.
v lop K ignar. Foster. Loading for l mted K.i g
riom 1 v A. Dobell ft Cos. _ .
Bark Atlantic. F.l’.ingsen. Loading for Suited
Kingdom by A. Dobell ft Cos. .
Brig Batters. Lewis. Loading foi l mteo Kingdom*
by A. Dotvell ft Cos. _. . .
'Brig Keepsake. Owens. Loading ior i ulted
Kingdom by A. Dobell ft Cos.
Brig Emma BeDg, Sademann. Loading for l mted
Kingdom bv Epping. Bellas ft Cos.
Schr. Charles A Bovey. Scott. Loading for 5t
Johns bv Uil'ons ft Foster ....
Ship New Wabitts, James Loading for United
Kin-’dorr. bv A. Dobell ft C" ,
ship Patrician, Ditehburu. Loading for LoitetJ
Kingdom bv A. Dobell ft Cos.
Bark Goidiolns. Williams. Loading for United
Knigd m by Young ft Langdon ,
Burk A\ ricati. Hosinna Loading for United King
dom hy Epping, Bellas ft Cos. . _
hr James A. Potter. Ogier—Yonng ft Langdoc
Sc r. Nellie Bell. B nner-M arts A Walker,
i hr Rva I- Gault —Foster
r tr ,*r t in- Hilt BS ft Foster