Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, May 09, 1874, Image 4
Ibnu'ito iml'cr (CertC BY RICHARD W GRUBB DARIEN, GEORGIA, -■ SmitDAY MOK.MNG, MAY ftlh, ISM. ALL SORTS The political wav still continues in Arkansas. Want requires more philosophy than taking things as they come ? Purling with things as they go. Electric belles—female telegraph operators. Druggists are not inappropriately termed the “pillers” of society. Each West Point cadet costs (lie country SB,OOO by the time lie i • fit to takq his place on the active list. Three Ashautee chiefs have been hanged for cowardice. An lowa doctor approved of tight lacing because it kills of! all the fool ish girls and leaves only the sensible ones. Some young chap thinks it easy to enter an ol 1 man’s hon*o, because his gait is broken and his locks are few. The best cure for dirt is a water cure. A gorgeous Georgia girl recently peddled out 3000 kisses at 10 cents a smack, and then gave the money to the pooh' to buy coal and tlaunel and things. The young men of that town feel within their individual and collec tive breasts that charity is divine. The cranberry growers of New Jer sey have sent Queen Victoria two bar rels of cranberries to eat with her turkey and vension, providing her al so with a recipe for cooking and serv ing them in American style. Washer-woman’s motto—“ While there’*, life there’s soap.” Dr. Livingstone describes the smelt ing furnaces of the Africans, in the re gion near Lake Nv;v. a, as being day structures about six feet high and three feet in diameter. The ir mode of opi ration is primitive, yet they pro duce excellent iron, so good that the natives pronounce English iron r >t ten in comparison. In the South i’a ulicthe Indians of Eteri, Peru, speak a language under stood by Chinese coolies. If there is one time more than another when a woman should he en tirely alone, it is when a full hue of clothes comes down in the mud. A Louisville girl, v, hose lover called every morning and stayed all day loll." ilt* 0.i1*.. .-1g;... >ui., aged at so much attention, and con cocted a plan to get rid of him by asking him to move the piano up stairs, and after that was and me. changed her mind, and had it moved down. She had it moved to and fro seventeen times before he discovered the point. A little buy ran into the bouse the other Jtty, crying at the top of his voice because another little boy would not let him put hind on iiis head with a shingle. SoiPe children are like their parents) no accommodation about them. “It is my opinion," said a Detroit judge toiwi) boys who wore brought before him for drunkenness, “thai I ougtf.* to stop proceedings and boot- jack you both : but I Imvn’t the boot jack and shall line you live dollars each.’’ Whooping cough can bo cured by n preparation of chestnut leaves, and brown sugar. The leaves should be boiled, and the liquor sweetened with the sugar. Except a living man, there is noth ing more, wonderful than a book; a message to us from the dead—from human souls we never saw, who lived perhaps, thousands of miles away. And yet these, in those little sheets in paper, speak to us, arouse us, ter rify us, teach us, comfort us, open their hearts to us as brothers. L. C. il )pkins, b e great dry. goods merchant of Cincinnati, is going to retire utter thirty year s business, rich ami honored. Advertising did it— he spent $25,000 in a single year in the newspapers. We copy tie following from an old philosopher: “Never praise or talk of your children to other people, for depend upon it, no person except yourself cares a single tanking about them ” * B@L Governor Smith has commute 1 the sentence of Mr. Thos. Ware, of Worth couuty, who w„s to have been hung on Friday, the first of May, for the murder of War moth, to hard la bor for life. Thomas Ware, accom panied by two other men, attacked WarruothjWho was sitting on his fence, and stabbed him so severely tli it he died. Before he was disabled, how ever, Warmoth jerked out his pistol and shot Ware. Ware was twice con victed. Governor Smith now com mutes the sentence on the ground that Ware, being himself shot in the affray, and on the testimony a lduced since the trial that the men who were with him in the attack, and who es caped, were seriously implicate I in it, and that ha was shoved ahead as In ,r leader. The coinmution is generally considered a wise and iitft step.—At lanta Herald. Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, DARIEN. <JA„ RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, (i HOCEIUES, WtUliS & MEDICINES, l BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C. djHkv . KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ■ ; A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK o! everytliilig' in their line of business. i *■ i „ * ... . -A* ~ PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Masters of vesels mid do well to give them a call, They invite the attention of the public to their new Spring Stock, A lino assortment of t * STRAW GOODS AND HATS, all of the latest styles. f Press Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. They also keep on hand a iirst-class stock of ' fc Harness. Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage /trimmings. Ac. Their stock of Crockery, Stonej t; y-„. _ . . / ‘ --V- China, and Cr|aes wares are V, X / mil THE DARIEN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY. SATUBDAY MOANING * AT % Darien, MITISH CO., GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. (LETTER, SUBSCBIPTION PBICE ONLY ■' $2 50 PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES LIB ERAL. CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. ®lw DoHsw aiVefeta ,fuu. A Newspaper ot the Present Times. Intended for People Now on Earth. Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Sons, and Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR *SO. Or lees than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a *SO Club at every Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, *2 A YEAR, of the same size and general character as thk WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the news to its subscribers with greater freshness, because M comes twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, S6 A YEAR. A prseminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world. Free, inde pendent. and fearless in politics. All the news from everywhere. Two cents a copy ;by mail, 50 cents a month, or *6 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. Four Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club). Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, due year, to one address (and the faemi-W eekiy one year to getter up of club), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-Weekly one year to getter up of club). Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, to one address (and the Daily for one year to the getter np ol club). Fifty Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, separately ad dressed (and the Daily forone year to the getter up of club), Sixty Dollars. THE PEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. Eight Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY in Post Office orders, checks, or drafts on New York, wherever convenient. If not, then regisiti -he Utters containing money. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, Bun office. New York City. FOODRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Brunswick, Ga. g§ THE NDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH, ON SIIORTTOTICE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES, t SAW MILLS, SAVIIU CARRIAGES (BEST MADE,) * ENGINES, INDAI.I, KINDS OF MA€HISEEY AND OTHER OASTIIS, EITHER IN BRASS OR BON. 1 HA VING competent mechanics in the machinery, foundry and blacksmith dtparlments, 1 confidently promise satisfaction in v.’C’.'kinuui-bi;'. f As tltese work} are more convenient, to the mill men. rice planters, and sh ij id ntr. around Darien, 1 respectfully solicit pat ron a tre from till v| ) wish work done. TERMS CAS!4-On delivery of work. Ycrv Respectful! v, T.V. SMITH. April 2S--If. I SOS PI NTIRG. HAVING POW|]R PRESSED NEW TYPE AND FIX-* Hires, large stock o| ruled and flat papers, card stock, &c, r on hand, and first-class workmen, TIE APPEAL PRINTING OFFIOE, BnrXSWICK, GEORGIA, Is prepared to prom >llv execute all classes of Job Printing, on short in tice and a! trices that will compare with the lowest, —workmanship and material considered. ORDERS SQLBCITED FOR PAMPHLETS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEM ENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OP ALL KINDS, % And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if attended to in person. Apii' £>— v \ ! I. t w 1