Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, May 23, 1874, Image 4
ILwa limber ©atcttr GO _ BY RICHARD W GRUBB■ DARIEN, GEORGIaT SATURDAY MORMS6, MVT 23rd. 1874. Selected far the Dxbies Tislbeb Oazstte.] Gaily I Sing. In eareet simplicity, Passes each happy dy. Roaming at liberty, Far, far away. There, with the merry bird?, Who, at the morn, takes wing, Warbling their Joyou? lay. Gaily I sing. There in a simple cot, With friends I love so well, Though humble be my lot. Happy I dwell' From morning, till the night I rove amid the bowers, And pass away the time Culling sweet flowers. “Fifty Dollars, or I Scream.” The pranks of a lady—at least in appearance—along Ibe line of the Missouri Pacific rail road recently, have caused the depletion of the pock et-books of several hotel proprietors at different towns, and among them W*r rensburg, and while the money was parted with, there is still at lent peace in the landlords’ household. It will suffice to narrate how this female “did her little job” at Warrensburg, as re lated to a Dispatth reporter; She visited the town in the capaci ty of a book agent, to impress upon the incredulous the advantage to bo gained by a subscription to the “most interesting and instructive work ever published.” Arriving in town at noon, she immediately went to a hotel, which shall be nameless, and regis tered, She was shown to a room and mado her toilette. Tho next step was to ring a bell which ushered a boy in her presence,to whom she communica ted the fact that she desired to see the landlord. The message wus de livered to the landlord, and in the course of a few imputes he met her face to face in her room. As he en tered the room she quietly lockod the door, and placing tho key in her pock et, said : “Now, Mr. ,1 wish to have a few moments’ chat with you.” “Well, ma’am,” replied the land lord, “what you have to say, say it quickly, for I am in a hurry.” In a very self-composed manner the book ageut drew herself up, and said she: “Now, Mr. you are a married man, are you not?” “Yes, ma’am” again replied tho hus band. “Well, then,” said tho book agent, “if you have any respect for yourself or family, pay mo fifty dollars or I will scream.” The landlord was bewildered, and being a mild-mannered man protest ed only iu well-rounded phrases. This but made matters worse and de siring to avoid a disagreeable reflec-j tion upon his wife and children lie ' agreed to pay her fifty dollars, which he did, and on the evening train she left for Pleasant Hill, where, it is said, she played the same game. The landlord at Warrensburg thiuks it rather expensive to pay fifty dollars to keep a woman from screaming, but there are only a few who know of it, and being a rather dignified gentle man, and one whose private character is spotless, he is not joked about it.— St. Louis Dispatch. A Colored Verdict. —Iu a town in Mississippi, two colored men were ar rested on a charge of burglary. The jury before whom they were tried were also colored. After the case was tried all retired and made up a ver dict, which was anncunced to the court. On being called, the Judge; asked for the verdict, which the fore man delivered: ‘Dis jury find dat one o! do cuses busted into de sto,’ an’ stole dat ba can, and dat de odder didn’t do nuf fin.’ ‘Which one do you find guilty ?’ asked the court. Dat’s de question, boss,’ returned the foreman; dat’s jes what we can’t find out, and I recommend dat de ’on orable coat jes hab anoder trial an’ find out which one ob dem two nig gers stol’ dat bacon.’ An apple shook its blossoms 0.1 the earth and made it bright and beau tiful, and yet the tree was uot impov erished, but soon replenished its branches with fruit it could not have produced had it retained the blossoms. Whoever will, may make his life the tree, and scatter the flowers of happi ness all over the earth. t&r If we once truly love, we love forever. There is no time in real af fections as far as this life is concerned —it has no existence—or, it is an eternity, nothing save the proved worthlessness of the object of our re gard can rend the bonds of affection. A wag, one evening, pulled down a turner’s sign and put it over a lawyers door; in the morning it rc-ad. “All sorts of turning and twist ing done here.” Defect iu manners is usually the deficiency of fine perception Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, DARIEN, <*A., RETAIL DEALERS IN y m ms, GROCERIES, DRUGS A: MEDICINES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line of business. 4 PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Masters of vesels would do wsil to giro them a call They invite the attention of the public to their new Spring* Stock, A fine assortment of STRAW GOODS AND HATS, all of the latest styles. Dress Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness, Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings, &c. Their stock of Crockery, Stone. China, and Glass wares are of the best qualities THE DARIEN TUBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Darien, MCINTOSH CO., GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. GRUBB, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY $2 50 FEE ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES LIB ERAL. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Brunswick, Ga. the undersigned is prepared to furnish, on short notice and at reasonable prices, SAW MILLS, SAW MILL CARRIAGES, (BEST MADE,) ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS AID PAE AND ALL KINDS OF M 4 € HI W I ft Y AND OTHER CASTINGS, BITHIR IN i EASN OR IRON. HAVING competent meehanms in tin* inn-hinery, foundry and blacksmith departments, I :mfidenf ly pi- miso satisfaction in workmanship and promptness. As these works are more conv< nient to the mill men. rice planters, and shipping, .round Darien, I tv.-pectfuliy solieii pat ronage from all who wish work done. TERMS CASH —On delivery of work. Verv Respectfully, T. F. SMITH. April 25—tf. JOB FEINTING., 0 HAVING POWER PRESSES, NEW TYPE AND Fix tures, large stock of ruled and flat papers, card stock. &e., on hand, and first-class workmen, THE APPEAL PRINTING OFFICE, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Printing, on short nctic-e and at prices that will compare with the lowest, —workmanship and material considered. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR PAMPHLETS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS. OF ALL KINDS, And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if attended to in person. April 2.V-