Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, June 06, 1874, Image 4
|lamn®imbcr®.urttc RH/HTMv' G DARIEN, GEORGIA SATI.' KBit MOKMMi, Jl >K full, 1874. A Queer Family of Lunatics. The family of James Scott, of Cbuk county, Ind , is afflicted with a very strange sort of lunacy, I hey are Mormons, and Scott professes to be the oracle of God. His wife was ta ken sick late in August, and lie con fined her in a room, to which he re fused to admit anybody but his son and daughter. The neighbors made seveial attempts to got in, but be al ways opposed them. One day a Mor mon minister called and said he bad received “manifestation from God" t© the effect that he should ses the wo man, but Scott replied, “I have a la ter manifestation to kick you off the premises,’ &nd kicked him according ly. Finally a baud yf men detyrmin- j ed to unravel the mystery. Ihej'j broke iuto the room, the father, son, and two daughters meanwhile stand ing by moaning and talking wildly. | They found the confined woman sit ting in a chair, and looking stiff and i solid as marble, lur lace void of ex- J pression, and sho evidently cpiite in- , different to all that was going on. . The woman, when she was first taken sick, got g, notion into her head that she would never die, but would lie translated as Elijah of old; and aftei sifting the matter, it is pretty clearly asceitained that Scott intended to keep his wife concealed until shod e l and then give out to the world that she was translated. A movement bus been mads to have the whole family examined by a lunacy commission. • What Gov. Baxter Says- The correspondent of the Cincin nati Commercial, writing on the 12th ult., describes an interview held with Governor Baxter, at Little Rock. We quote: W T e talked for some time, he going into the details of the miserable Ar yans muss. He said that the prosper ity and welfare of the State was at stake, and that if the Clayton and Brooks ring won. then good-bye Ar kansas. With such men in power, buying and selling the State at pleas ure, there could be no peace or pros perity'. “I con'd have been in the Stnto House to-day," said the Gover nor, “and in undisputed possession, had I consented to do the bidding of Clayton and Dorsey. But 1 would not. I could not. as an honest man, allow myself to be made a tool of to carry out their selfish ends. Ten weeks ago, in this city, I was aproach ed by a man‘coming from Clayton and Dorsey, who offered me a United States Judgeship and all the money I wanted if I would do certaiu dishon orable things to advance their inter ests. No, sir; it was only when they found they could not use me —make a tool of me—that they concocted this plan to rob me of the Governorship. That plot was laid right hero in this city, and all because I would not sell iny r self to Clayton and his ring.” Crematory age—“O, ma! mu ! John ny’s got the urn and is spilling pa’s ashes over the floor!’ “O, what a naughty Johnny! Get the feather duster and sweep your poor father right up!” • ■ • ....... - —- loy- An Irishman describing the growth of potatoes in his land, said, as a clincher. “An' sure, a bushel of them will fill a barrel.” 41 ay A Detroiter, who removed to Lone Tree, Nebraska, a year or two ago, writes to a tobacco house in that city, to send him five pounds of “fine cut” by express, adding: “I am a candidate for Sheriff'of this county, and I think by a judicious use of live pounds of good tobacco I can secure two hundred majority. **&“ Beauty and bashfuluess are of ten united; yet the loveliest maiden is admired for her cheek. jgfcgrA gentleman in Lafayette, lud. being asked to ‘take a drink’ declined, but said, if no objections were made, ho would take a loaf of bread for his treat. The party went to a bakery, j the treater bought a tea-cent loaf of j bread, had it done up, and his friend took it home. The loaf was after- j wards sent to a needy family. — People who like to do things on the spur of the moment should em-, igrate to Harding couuty, lowa. A ) couple there were recently married, j and after the ceremony the bride was obliged to ask her husband what her name was. The parties had only been acquainted a few houis. is an elm eighty-four j years old and about six feet in diam eter at Franklin, Yt., and the man ! n®ar whose house it stands says that *nen he was a boy be pulled it up, which made his father so mad that he walloped him with it and then set it out again — Wakefield, B. I, woman has fonnd an ovstev, the shell of which is eleven and a hat Inch'" - ’ or. Atwoods & Avery, BKOAD STREET, DARIEN, GA„ RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY DODDS, GROCERIES, DRUGS & MEDICINES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line ol business. PROMPT ATTENTION PAH) TO ORDERS. Masters of vesels would do well to gitte litem a call, They invite the attention of the public to their new Spring 5 Stock, A fine assortment of STRAW GOODS AID HATS, all of the latest styles. Dress Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness, Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings. &c. Their stock of Crockery, Stone, ru • „ 4 m. . *Vr, ‘ Anal THE DARI EN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNtfIIG A AT Darien, ICINTOSI CO., GEORGIA, BY * * RICHARD W. GRUBB, * SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY | •• $2 50 PEE ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES ÜB npnt FOUNDRY II MACHINE WORKS, Brunswick, Ga. I THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH. ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES, SAW MILLS, SAW MILL Ulimil (BEST MADE,) ENGINES, SUGAR HILLS 11 PASS. j AND ALL KINDS OF liilllllf AND OTHER CASTINGS, EITHER IN BRASS OS IRON. HAVING competent mechanics in the machinery, foundry and blacksmith departments, I confidently promise satisfaction in workmanship and promptness. As these works are more convenient to the, mill men. rice : planters, and shipping, around Darien, I respectfully solicit pat i ronage from all who wish work done. TERMS CASH —On delivery of work. A ery Respectfully, T. F SMITH. April 25—tf. iOB PRINTING. 0 HAVING POWER PRESSES, NEW TYPE AND Fix tures, large stock of ruled and Hat papers, card stock, &~c., on hand, and first-class workmen. THE APPEAL PRINTING OFFICE, 1 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, r Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Printing, lon short notice and at prices that will compare with the lowest, ; —workmanship and material considered. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR ! PAMPHLETS, 1 '~y v BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS, I | And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desiied. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type Lind fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if to 'o oprson.