Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, August 01, 1874, Image 4
garhn (Timber (*>u*ctx ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION s2 SOI SVTT'nmY MORNING, AUG. 1. Cotton. The New York Chronicle reports the rore?pN of the Jays endinj? the 17th instant 9,154 bales, ncrainst 8751 biles the previous week, 8,428 for the week enlincr 30th instant, apd 12.389 bales for the seven clfivs endin? 26th of -Tune. The receipts of the corres pondin'? week of last year were 13,883 bales. Total receipts from Ist of Sep tember. 1873. to 17th Jnlv, 1874, 3,- 758.195 bales against 3,552,169 bales for the same period of the previous cotton vear—showing a gain of 206,- 326 hales. The receipts of the eleven interior ports for the seven days were 1,880 biles against 4,959 last year. The shipments were 4,984 bales, against 6,868 last year, and the stocks footed nn, Friday night, 48,622 bales, against 42 063 last year. The Chronicle’s visible snpplv table shows 2589,042 bales, against 2,504,- 116 at the same date in 1873, and 2,- 571,337 in 1872, showing an increase of 84.926 and 17,705 bales respective ly. The quotations of middling up lands in the Liverpool market com pared as follows on 17rh July: 1873, 874Ja8| b; 1873, Bfd.; 1872, 10Jd. The Chronicle’s weather reports complain of rain excess in Texas and the southwest and say that the cater pillar has appeared in fourteen of the counties of Tex is, though without injury so far. Nashville is dry. Mo bile complains of wet and caterpillar. Thermometrical average—Augusta 77, New Orleans, Savannah and Selma 78, Mobile 79, Macon, Galveston, and Memphis 81, Nashville 82, Montgom ery and Columbus 83, Atlanta 86. The New York Market caved a quar ter during the week, under alleged big crop prospects. — Macon Telegraph, July 22. B<gs“ A commercial writer suggests that the hides of cremated persons might lie utilized. This awful sugges tion gathers force from the fact that the skins of many people have already been tanned. A Virginia sheriff asked a mur derer if he wanted to make a speech on the gallows, and the man replied: “Guess not; it looks like rain and I don’t want to get wet; go on with the hanging.” ffiayAVhen we are dead,” sai l Haw thorne one evening, sitting down in one of the loveliest of New England cemetries, “wen we are dead, we Americans begin to enjoy ourselves.' A correspondent asks: “What takes up more room on a side-walk now-a-days than a fashionably dressed female?” Answer—A boy in anew pair of boots.” * • ■ — *gg“The Seneca tribe of Indians now consists of one old horse, a chief, and three gallons of whiskey. A few more setting suns—a few more moons—a brief season, and that three-gallon jug will join its comrades iu the hap py hunting grounds. £<g"*An lowa editor recently noti fied that a certain patron of his was thieving as ususual.” He declares he wrote it “thriving” There is no better use to make of fine-cut tobacco than to bind it up on a fresh wound, and nothing will stop the flow of blood quicker. “Just one thing more,” said a Maryland preacher, as he neared the end of his sermon, and he went on speaking for thirty-five minutes longer. SEaf Evansville girls amuse their beaux by pouring shoemakers’ wax into each other’s mouths to see which girl has the largest mouth. Three quarts is the largest quantity reached yet. - ■*— ' ■ • 0 * {©“Young gentlemen, when they take their “duxies” buggy riding, should pay every attention possible to their safety and welfare. We no ticed a young man last Sunday that seemed to understand the art of pro tecting his lady love to perfection. As they passed down Fifth street, she was doing the driving, while he had both arms around her, and we could tell by the wild look in his eye that he was determined she shouldn’t fall out.— St. Paul Press. ftsT 1 An obituary notice of a much respected Louisville lady concludes with “in her life she was a pattern worthy to be followed, and her death, oh ! how consoling to her feiends.” I©“ A diamond, said to be the larg est yet discovered in the diamond fields ot the Cape, is at present in the Lands of the firm of Costor <k Cos., of Amsterdam, by whom it is being cut and polished. The stone weighs about 290 carats, and is of the purest water. Some months will probablv elapse before the diamond is finished. Its value will be at least *IOO,OOO. Atwoods & Avery, tgg&. t BROAD STREET, DARIEN, <x A t , RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY €OODS, GROCERIES, DRUGS & MEDICINES, i’N xiOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE Bc C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE ANI) WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line of business. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO OHDEI4B. Masters of vesels would do well to give them a call, They invite the attention of the public to their new Spring Stock, A fine assortment of STRAW GOODS AMD HATS, all of the latest styles. Dress Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. Tliev also keep on hand a first-class stock ot Harness. Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings. Ac. Their stock of Crockery, Stone. China and (<las c wares are ot the best dualities THE DARIEN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Darien, : : CHTBSI Cl., GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. GRUBB. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY $2 50 PEE ANNUM. % ADVERTISING RATES LIB ERAL. WM. SHENCK, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, DARIEN, GEORGIA. IS NOW prepared to do any sort of work in the Boot and Shoe line. Custom-made boots furnish ed at reasonable prices. Shop at B. Pfeiffer's, oppo site Magnolia Ilonse. May 30— Altamaha louse, M. MA H ONE Y, Agent. DARIEN, GEORGIA. rpHIS HOUSE has been put in GOOD ORDER. •*- Good clean beds at FIFTY CENTS per night, for lodging. Also good meals at Fifty Cents per meal. Takes pleasure in inviting the public to the same. The choicest vtines and liquors kept on hand. Attached to this House is a fir-r-cla.~~ VARIETY HALL, which will be opened by a First-Class Troupe from New Y'ork the ensuing seaaon. June 20-ly. BURR WINTON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. t>LANS and Specifications furnished on short no tice. V\ ill contract to erect Buildings in every style. Also superintend Buildings at reasonable prices. All orders left with the linn of Atwoods & Avery, Darien, Ga., will be attended to with cis patch. July 4 tf. W JL BURNEY, PLASTERER & BRICKLA YER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental plastering, BHICK WORK —AND- House painting in every style at short notice. DARIEN, GEORGIA. (ROCKERY, China, Glassware, loose and Furnishing Goods, IEROSIII LAMPS. SC., FOR SALE IN Original Packages or Packed to Orders. E. D, SCYTHE, Congress and St. Julian Streets, Savannah, - - - Georgia May 16—3 m. JOB PBJfraftG, o HAVING POWER PRESSES, NEW TYPE AND Fix tures, large stock of ruled and flat papers, card stock, Ac., on hand, and first-class workmen. THE APPEAL PRINTING OFFICE, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at prices that will compare with the lowest, —workmanship and material considered. * ! ORDERS SOLICITED FOR PAMPHLETS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS, And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre-. pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on deliyery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if attended to in nprson. A?n! s—2 MAGNOLIA HOUSE!! DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. A f ANY additions have been made in thu v.„ , dnri “S the past month, and the Proprietor t?£ SC pleasure in saying to his old etor taken PATRONS AND FRIENDS and to all who desire FIRST-CLASS tions. that he is ready to satisfy them at thefoiSij' ingrates: ‘uuov Board and lodging per month to* Table Board “ “ Board and lodging; ■■ week— -'if.’JS Board - per day Meals each I__ Lodgings “ 71 22 A. E. CARR, Proprietor, M. CONWAY, Clerk. O. HOP kTn~sT ~ MEASURER AND INSPECTOR OF Timber and Lumber. Respectfully solicits Patronage. D MayYom. ' ' ' Geoegu - Putnam’s LIVERY STABLE, DARIEN & BRUNSWICK, Cl A. T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May—2-tf. E. G. FERGURSON, M. 57 Physician, Surgeon, Accoucier, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. May 30— WILLIAM HONE, DEALER IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 73 St. Julian & 154 Congress Streets; Savannah, Ga. May 16—6 m. W. Robert Gignilliat, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARIEN, GA. PROMPT ATTENTION given to all legal business in the Eastern and Brunswick Circuits, and u the United States Courts at Savannah. April 25—ly.