Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, August 29, 1874, Image 4
§mt\\ Simbct fetetie, ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $2 50. ¥aTURDAyTiOUNIXG, AUG. 29. Woman’s Rights. Mrs. Skinner observed: Miss Pres dent, fellow wirnmea and male trash generally —I am bore to-day for the purpose of discussiug woman's rights, re-cussing her wrongs, and cussing the men. I believe the sexes were created perfectly equal, with thewim men a little more equal than the men. I also believe that the world would to day be happier if man had never exist ed. Asa failure, man is a success, and I bless my stars that my mother was a woman. [Applause.] I not only maintain these principles, but I maintain a shiftless husband besides. They say man was created first. Well, suppose he was. Ain’t first experi ments always failures ? If I was a betting man, I would bet $2 they are. The only decent thing about him was a rib, and that went to make some thing better. [Applause.] And then they threw into our face about eating an apple. I'll bet $5 that Adam boos ted Eve up the tree, and only gave her the core. And what did he do when he was found out? Tiue to his masculine instincts, ho sneaked behind Eve’s Grecian bend, and said: “’Twasn’t me; ’twas her.” and woman had to father everything mean, and mother it too. What we want is the ballot, and the ballot we are bound to have, if we have to let down our back hair and swim in a sea of sauguinary gore. [Sensation.] A Teprihle Threat. —Talking of prisons recalls a ouco celebrated char acter, known to the oldest inhabitants in bygone times as Old Jack Dade. Ho was a representative of ono of the classes of old Virginia gentlemen. He called on President Tyler for an filoce where ho would liavo the lenßt to do at the highest salary. The President appointed him warden of the Wash ington Penitoutiary, preserved to his tory by the execution of tho Lincoln conspirators. Upon entering on his official duties, after a joviftl evening with tho President’s gay son, Warden Dade had all tho prisoners assembled, and thus addressed them: “Gentlemen ! A pretty looking set of gentlemen you are 1 Fellow-citi zens! No; cursed if you are any fel low-citizens of mine. Convicts! That’s the word. As long as I am at tho head of this institution and you do right I’ll treat you kindly; but the first man, recollect, that misbehaves himself, I’ll turn him out, by Gad 1” A Love Stoby. —“Phairest of the phair,” sighed the lover, “pliancy my pheelings when I phoresee the phear ful consequences of our phleeiug phrom your phather’s pbamily. Phew phellows could have phaced the mu sic with so much phortitude as I have; and as phickle phortune rephases to smile upon our love, I phind myself phorced to phorego the pleasure of becoming your husband. Phair Phran ces, pharewell phorever.’ “Hold, Phrauklin, hold,” screamed Phrances. I will phollow you phor ever.” But Phranklin phled, a fid loving Phrances phainted. A young mechanic saw an over coat in a South street clothing store, which,he thought he would be glad to possess at a reasonable price. “How much ?” he asked. ' “Twenty-one dollars,” was the an swer. The usual haggling took place, and the mechanic started to leave the store. “How much you gif? asked the merchant. “Three dollars.” f “Take it, then. ’’ I shall shust be ruin of myself. I only make two dol lars on dat coat, so help me gracious.” Keokuk lady, while engaged in the pursuit of her domestic duties, encountered a mouse in the flour bar rel. ’Now, most ladies, under similar circumstances, would have uttered a few femine shrieks aud then sought safety in the garret. But this one possessed more than the ordinary de gree of feminine courage. She sum moned the hired-man and told him to the shot-gun, call the bull dog, and station himself at a convenient distance. Then she climbed half way up stairs and commenced to punch the flour barrel vigorously w ith a pole. Presently the mouse made its appear ance and started across the floor. The dog at once went in pursuit. The man fired, and the dog dropped dead. The lady fainted and fell down stairs, and the hired man, thinking she was killed, and fearing he would be arrest ed for murder, disappeared, and has not been seen since. The mouse es caped. j®*Galveston is the place for game. On a recent morning the mayor was hunting for an editor; the chief of po lice was hunting for the mayor, aud a woman was hunting for a bank cashier, all armed with revolvers. jg&*The most serious charge yet made against Beecher is that he was the first man to offer a chromo as a premium to subscribers Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, RETAIL DEALERS IN •s. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, DRUGS & MEDICINES. BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line of business. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Masters of vesels would do well to givo them a call, They invite the attention of the public to their new Spring Stock, A fine assortment of STRAW GOODS AND HATS, 11 of the latest styles. Dress Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. • They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness, Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings, Ac. Their stock of Crockery, Stone, China, and Glass wares are of the best qualities THE DARIEN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Darien, MCINTOSH CO., GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. GRUBB, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY $2 50 • * PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES LIB ERAL. was. SHENCK, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, DARIEN, GEORGIA. IS NOW prepared to do any sort of work m the Boot and Shoe line. Ouetom-made boots furnish ed at reasonable prices. Shop at B. Pfeiffer's, oppo site Magnolia House. May 30— Altamaha House, M. MAIIO NE Y, Agent. DARIEN ; GEORGIA. rpHIS HOUSE has been put in GOOD ORDER. J- Good clean beds at FIFTY CENTS per night, for lodging. Also good meals at Fifty Cents per meal. Takes pleasure in inviting the public to the tame. The choicest wines and Hquors kept on hand. Attached to this House is a first-class VARIETY HALL, which will be opened by a First-Class Troupe from New York the ensuing season. June 20-}y. BURR VVTNTON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. pLANS and Specifications furnished on short no * ticc. W ill contract to erect Buildings in every style. Also superintend Buildings at reasonable prices. A'l orders left with the firm of Atwoods & Avery, Darien, Ga., will be attended to with dis patch. July 4 tf. W l BURNEY, PLASTERER & BRIO EL A YER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental plastering, BRICK WOHI —AND— House painting in every style at short notice. DARIEN, GEORGIA. “CROCKERY,' China, Glassware, House arid Furnishing Goods, MIISHI LAMPS, hi, FOR SALE IN Original Packages or Packed to Orders. E. D, SSVSYTHE, Congress and St. Julian Street#, Savannah, - - - Georgia May IC—3m. 108 PaiKflHt-S. —— o HAVING POWER PRESSES, NEW TYPE AND Fix tures, large stock of ruled and flat papers, card stock, Ac., on hand, and first-class workmen, • THE APPEAL PRINTING DFFIOE, 15RUNSWICK, G EOIiGIA, Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Printing on shoi t notice and at. prices that will compare with the lowest —workmanship and material considered. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR PAMPHLETS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS, And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if attended to iu person. April B MAGNOLIA HOUSE!! DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. \fANY additions have been made in Ibis house , during the past month, and the Proprietor taken pleasure in sajlug to his old PATRONS AND FRIENDS and to all who desire FIRST-CLASS accommoda tions, that lie is ready to satisfy them at the follow mg ratec* i Board and lodging per month eao no Table Board “ “ Board and'lodging week— —iq'oo Board - “ per day oYa Meals each Lodgings •• " A. E. CARR, Proprietor, M. CONWAY, Clerk. o. IhTplaTnX MEASURER AM) INSPECTOR OF Timber and Lumber. Respectfully solicits Patronage. Darien-, - - . Gf.okgia. May-2 6m. Putnam's UVEfiV STABLE, DARIEN & RIIIASWH K, GA. A. T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May—2-tf. E. Ct. FEEGURSQN, m7d.7 Physician, Surgeon, Accoucier, BRUNS WICK, GEORGIA. May 30— VJlLz.lAm HOKE, dealer [N Wines, Liquors and Cigars, *3 St. -Juliaii & 154 Congress Streets* Savannah, Ga. W. Robert Gigcilliat, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARIEN, GA. |)IIO>lI'l A I TENT ION driven to nil lepttl business 1 in ilic K.isturn ant! Urun M ick Circuits, and ii the United Stages Courts at Savannah. April 25—ly.