Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, September 12, 1874, Image 3
satien Wmxbtt fcette, "LOCAL~DEPARTMENT. ~ Our Brunswick Agent. y r . John R. Franklin, at the Drug Store .'•' Messrs. Jas. S. Blain & Cos., Brunswick, is ir duly authorized Agent, and all those who have not paid their subscriptions to the Gazette will please call on him and settle. Persons wishing to subscribe can hand in their names to him. LOCAL DOTS. __M'e are gjad to see our citizens return „ home from their several month’s vaca tion off from the c.ty. We welcome them all back, and hope that the coming fall will be a busy one with them. —A Bbunswick blood says the P. G. in G. lives on the Ridge, and that she was on the recent excursion to Brunswick. “We told vou so, we told you so. —We are told that a grand excursion par ty from Brunswick will visit our city, next month. Come along friends, we’ll do our u ; most to make you happy during your stay m our city. Due notice will be given in tliesa columns as to date, etc., of the excur- . x - —We have been accused of losing our heart on a certain occasion. You are mista ken friends, it is not lost, we know where it is. —Our subscribers in Brunswick ai£ still complaining at not receiving the Gazette regularly. We want them to complain when ever they fail to receive their paper, so we can ferret out the cause. AJI this trouble is caused after the papers leave this office, and why do not reach their destination we cannot tell. We assure our friends that we are as anxious for them to get their papers as they are themselves. We hope there will be no further trouble. Quite a number of our citizens took pas sage on the Steamer Carris, for Savannah, on 'Sunday. Among them we noticed our friend, Eobt. E. Carr, Esq., our efficient City Mar shal, who has gene off on a few days fur ' —Nathans, of the Brunsmick Appeal, tried to pass oft as a single man at the recent ex cursion ball. Jim didn’t succeed in his un dertaking “worth a Gent,” but declares lie will try it again. These young married peo ple are mighty curious, sometimes. —N. R. Willis, Esq., will again accept our thanks for late Macon papers. Tip may you and the rest of the conductors on the M. & B. Road live a thousand years. —Now is the time for candidates to an nounce themselves. Our terms are low. Adam Strain, Esq., senior partner of the well know and popular firm of Messrs. A. A R. Spain, left for Nov/ York on Sunday We wish him a pleasant time. —Francis Conway, Esq., Irish Consul at this place, who has ueen absent on a few mouth’s visit to England, returned home on Saturday night We were pleased to wel come him back. —Darien wiil ;.oon have anew hall, some thing she has long needed, it will be used for dancing, theatres, and everything of the kind. —We are always glad to leceive contribu tions to the G.vzltte. Make them short, and to the point. —Mu. Hawes, of the firm of Hawes & Ty ler, returned from the North a few days since. —We understand that *lie Board of Trus tees are using all diligence toward procur ing teachers, with the best prospect of suc cess. A house that will answer lor the pres ent has been secured, and will at once be made comturtable. Success to the enter prise. for a good school is sadly needed. No other community in Georgia where there are as many children with intelligent parents, would sit duietiy down and see their chil dren glow up in ignorance. We do not an ticipate a failure in this important matter. The heart of every parent is in the good cause and they are ready to support, to their utmost ability, the Board of Trustees, organ ized by themseives. t —One of our fashionable youths donned his first silk hat and cigar Saturday afier uoon. He got along well enough with the cigar, but he had to give up the hut —it made hnn .-,iok at the stomach. —The cargo of ice which was brought here at the beginning of the summer, lias been exhausted and at present there is but very httle ice in town, and the weather is as hot &s hot can be. Why don’t somebody order a lot of ice and keep it on hand for sale all the time ? No community can well get along without a supply of ice. Ice is what we want, and ice we must have—or we’ll melt, by jove ! The occasional showers, which we I ave been having during the week, has been ol great benefit to the health of our city. —Guyton says he is going to vote for Hon. Julian Harlridge. We always thought Guy ton’s “head was level,” but we know it now. We hope to hear of many more of our good colored people declaring for the Hon. Julian Hartridge. They cannot vole for a better man than Julian Hartridge. —King Solomon Thomas, of Savannah, was in the city during the week, looking af ter the interests of Colonel Bryant, the Rad ical candidate for Congress, from this dis trict. We learn that the Bryant men will hold a meeting to-day (Saturday). Jesse Wimberly, the independent Radical candi date, will get most of the colored votes of this county, as Rev. T. G. Campbell is in favor of him. Bryant will have to work monstrous hard if he wants to get many col ored votes in Mclntosh county. We will try and keep our readers posted on their do iaga The Collector of Customs at Brunswick and the Yellow Fever Ship Wm. AVllcox. Our attention has been called to a Wash ington telegram, dated September sth, which reads as follows : A letter has been received at the Treasury De partment from the Collector of Customs at Bruns wick, to the effect that on the 14th of August the American shin Wm. Wilcox put in at Doboy Sound in distress, with yellow fever on hoard, ttie captain and first officer having died at sea. The Collector ordered the vessel to remain in the sound, away from the track of passing vessels, and that a guard be kept on shore to prevent boats going to the ves sel. He also had a temporary hospital constructed on Wolf Island, and the crew' (twelve in number) landed there, where they were attended and sup plied with provisions and midieines by a uhysician whom the Collector employed to attend them. One of the crew died. The rest are improving very fast, and will soon be in a condition to discharge. In weather as warm as this we are in debted to any one who will produce, for the benefit of our locality, anything as refresh- 1 ingly cool as the foregoing dispatch. Now, we were right on the ground, and the facts as they came to our knowledge, are these : Upon the arrival of the ship Wm. Wilcox in this port with yellow fever on board, she was immediately ordered to quarantine ground by the authorities of the citv of Darien. A physician was sent on board and the ship ordered subsequently by the same authorities to another position near Wolf Isl and. At that point, under the advice of the Port Physician, the crew were removed from the ship and placed in ,1 temporary hospital erected under his snpei vision, on Wolf Isl and beach. A guard was then placed on the vessel and she was ordered back, by the city authorities, to quarantine ground, and thoroughly fumigated, under direction of the Port Physician. The city authorities acted with sufficient promptness not to render in necessary for the Collector of Customs at Brunswick “to issue the orders’’ and take the steps stated in the dispatch. Col. Collins is perhaphs an efficient officer, and may have co opera ted with the city authorities in enforcing the law, although we had - ’ heard nothing of him in connection with this matter. But as we esteem him a gentleman of modesty and truth, we do not think he could have writ ten the letter ascribed to him in the Wash ington telegram. Southern news from that quarter is proverbially unreliable. Board County Commissioners, CALLED MEETING. Darien. August 18th, 1874. Present—T. P. Pease, Chairman; .Tames Laeklison, Thomas 11. Gignilliatt, It. L. Morris, James Walker. There being a quorum present the Board was called to order by the Chairman..and the object of the meeting explained to be to take into consideration some notion as regards the vessel lying in quarantine with yellow fever on board. The office ot Health Officer was declared vacant. Mr. Laeklison offered Sic following resol ution : Resolved, That the Chairman of (his meet ing he authorized to employ at once a com petent physician, nurse, Ac., necessary for the relief of the crew oi the ship Wm. Wil cox, now lying at quarantine, and that the Chairman ho fully empowered to pledge city and county for the payment of all' ex penses that may be incurred. Resolved further. That if no medical and other aid can be had in this community that the Chairman be instructed to obtain such aid elsewhere. Passed. There being no further business the Board adjourned. Spalding Kenan, Clerk. CALLED METING. Darien, September 9th. 1874. Present,—T. P. Pease, Chairman; R. L. Morris, L. Mclntosh, James Lacklison. There hein ' a quorum present the Board was called to order by the Chairman, and the action of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The various Ordinances as revised by Messrs. Way and DeLorme, and read for the first time at a previous regular meeting, were taken up and each Ordinance read by sections and confirmed. Mr. Lacklison moved- that the Marshal be instructed to turn over to the Clerk and Treasurer oiu half of the market fees collec ted by him on and after the 15th of Septem ber, 1874. Mr. Mclntosh moved that the Clerk ad vertise for one month for plans and sealed proposals for building a Court House for the county. There being no farther business the Board adjourned. Spalding Kenan, Clerk. Chairman of the Executive Com mittee, has called a meeting of the Demo cratic party for next Saturday. This meet ting is called for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Lower House of the Gen eral Assembly. We bope the Democrats of this county will act wisely in their nomina tion and put forward a gentlemen that no colored man can refuse to vote for. /TsS'Thc newspapers throughout the State speak in the highest terms of our candidate for Congress—the Hon. Julian Hartridge. Mclntosh county is highly pleased at the chance of voting for such a noble man. Hurrah for Hartridge! attention of the public eye is di rected to the advertisement in another col umn of Section 3d of the Tax Ordinance. We also call attention to the rest of the new advertisements. Picnics and excursions are still kept up down in these parts. We learn that a small party went on a fishing excursion to Black Beard a few da vs since. They enjoyed themselves hugely. A Darien man has named his best hen “Mac-Duff, ” because he wanted her to “lay on.” He’ll do. [communicated.] Darien as a Port. Editor Gazette: From a telegram which appeared in the Savannah Morning News, of the seventh instant, one would suppose that the little port of Darien was without a municipal government and that all humanitarian pro cesses of this latitude wore j,to he conducted by proxy, i. e. by the port, or by the Collec tor of tho Brunswick district. But so far from this being the fact, are the declara tions of the letter to the Treasury Depart ment, (which will be found in another col umn of this paper) that we are prepared, both by assertion and evidence, to prove that they are without foundation, and void of the semblance of truth. That the ship Wm. Wilcox, came into the port of Darien in dis tress, is true; that her captain was brought in a corpse, is true ; that her first mate died in the harbor, is true; that one other man died after assignment to quarantine ground, is true; and further, that all of those men died of the yellow fever. But we do distinctly deny that the consid eration and care given to these men neither originated with, nor was given, by the Collec tor of tho Brunswick district, but on the other hand was handsomely and appropri ately given by the authorities of the town of Darien. That safe and sufficient archorage was secured through the agency of Messrs. Clark and Clancy, two of the best pilots of the port; that another of the pilots, by the name of Stein, stood manfully upon the deck of the ship throughout the pestilence, and that another, by the name of Larry White, faithfully subserved tlie wants and necessities of the crew, so far as his every effort would secure it during their occupan cy of the quarantine ground. But, beyond all this Dr. J. B. L. Baker, as Port Physi cian, appointed by the municipal authorities of Darien, visited and. and attended these sick men; established the camp on Wolf Island, and generally managed and took care of tke sick on board the Wm. Wifcox, and brought them to convalesence, without con ference with the customs authorities of Brunswick. For which, he bat* won and en joys the respeet of (he little community of Darien. And in connection with this we annex the following resolutions, passed by the County Commissioners, on the 18th August : By Mr. Lachlison. Resolved. That the Chairman of this meet ing be authorized to employ at once a com petent physician, nurses, etc., necessary for relief of the “ship Wm. Wilcox” now lying at quarantine; and that (he Chairman be fully empowered to pledge city and county for the payment of all expenses that may be incurred. Resolved farther. That if no medical or other aid can be had in this community, that the Chairman be instructed to obtain such aid elsewhere. Viator. The Side-Whiskered Man. Brunswick, Ga., September?, 1874. Editor Gazelle : You once told me that you would be ever ready to encourage “youthful genius,” and that if I would tty and write something for your columns, yon would, if not too foolish, publish it. I now claim that promise, and trust that you will favorably regard this remarkable effusion from my pen. I being altogether destitute of what is known ns impu dence, will not call it poetry, for I am fully aware that it is not, but will dub-iif very, very blank doggerel. Hoping that you and many otheis, both in Darien and Brunswick, may appreciate these soul stirring thoughts, I present LINES TO THE DARIEN “SIDE-WHISKERED MAN ” Hare’s good luck to tbe side-whiskered man, (And beat, him who.ver of you can); To that very same fellow, Who “puts on” the ‘•mellow,” Thai Darieu side-whiskered man. I first saw him. methinks. near the docks ; Next when sp aking alv nt curly lucks; And I 'hought then and there Sure, there's none can compare With the Darien side-wiskere,l man. Now most cheer'ttily do T bestow Upon him. where’er he may go, The host wishes hat he M iy always happy he. That Darien side whiskered maa. To each of my friends I would sav: Slav sunshine e'er light your pathway, lint pray don't forget That my thoughts are all set On the Darien side-whiskered man. S. don’t our yo 'ng men organize a baseball club? Every other city has one and why not Darien? Wlio will start the ball to moving ? Don’t everybody speak at once. JsSTAlmost every day we can see a strange face in our cit} 7 . They come to help ns build up Darien and to live among, us. To all such we extern! a hearty welcome in our midst. County Commissioners are taking the right steps toward building a Court House. They are now advertising for sealed proposals. what observation we Lave made, we are satisfi- and that, if our business men accomplish much, or what they ought to, they will have to resort to a more gener al system of advertising. Many a man has made a fortune by the free use of printer's ink. and why not some of our business men accomplish something in that line as well as others ? The road to success in business is to keep it constantly before the public. Ad vertise in and subscribe for your home paper, and while you are thus building yourselves tip, you are building up other interests around you. If you want a good home pa per. give it a liberal patronage, and you will have it. In it you get a vast amount ol local and home news, which you can get nowhere else. Therefore, you should foster it with a generous hand, if you with to see it prosper; and, as it prospers, so will it add to the prosperity of all the other interests of the place.” The steamer Carrie arrived from Sa vannah at an early hour yesterday morning. After discharging a heavy freight she depart ed for Savannah, taking a good number of passengers. A Meeting of the Democratic Party. All members of the Democratic party of Mclntosh county, are requested to meet at the Court Mouse, in the city of Darien, at 12 M., on the J9th of September, to nominate a candidate for the House of Representatives. W. Robt. Gionilliat, Chairman Executive Committee. Hotel Arrivals, Magnolia House, A. E. Carr, Proprietor— F. J. Durden, Ga.; J. D. MeLeoud. Mount Vernon, Ga; O. Hopkins, city; Capt. Joe Smith, sir. Carrie; G. W. Gignilliat, Darien, Capt. R. F. Aiken, Ga; A. T. Putnam, Brun swick; T. C. Browley, Atlanta; James Mc- Cary, do; D. B. Wing, Ga; Steve Norris, Ridge; Francis Conway, Liverpool; John Thompson, Tatnall county; J. E. Beesley, Walthourville; S. H. Zoucks, do; T. M. Smith, do; A. P; Griffin: Washington, Ga; A. It. White, do; S. P. Dewell, Savannah; P. R. McCtidden, Charleston, S. C.; A. Hous ton, do; T. Kennedy, Savannah; A. R. Ad ams, Tatnall; J. Muss, Savannah; W. L. Ful ton, Black Beard; D. W. Su mine rail, Baxley, Ga; J. 11. Smith, Reidsville, Ga; S. M. Itoaelie, and y L. J. White, Doboy. t. . > it.Y TIMBEK MAKKKT. REPORTED BY A. W. CORKER. AVERAGE. SCAB. SIJUAKK. 800 5 t<> s>; 350. v • to i; 400 •" o>< to 7>4 450 7 to 8 500 8% to 9 6t064i 800 to 7% 700 7% to 8% 800 to 900 9jtf to 10)* 950 10K to 11 a 1000 12 to 12# Shipping intdtfgem PORT OF D-ARIEN, GEORGIA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SEPT. fO. ARRIVALS. Sept. s—Brig 41. C. Rosevelt, HiltoDs & Foster. CLEARANCES. Sept. 5-Schr. ltattie Card-Philadelphia—Hiltons tz Foster. IN PORT. Brig M. C. Rosevelt—Hiltons & Foster. * iiiiouHCemeiit. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, SUGGEST THE natheof JOHN A. PIIILLIPPS as a suitable candi date for the Lower House of the General Assembly, subject to the nomination. Sepl2 tf MANY VOTERS. TAX OR DtA A.NC ;:. HTHE FOLLOWING IS SECTION THIRD OF t TAX ORDINANCE, passed by the Board of Countv Commissioners, at the meeting September 9ta. 1874: section 3, And be it further enacted, etc.. That a tax of one-half of one per cent, shall be levied on Stock to be taken on tbe Ist September, 1874, and ascertained by the oath of the merchant or seller, unless the receiver of returns believes that the amount is not correct; then he shall proceed to as sess the samp; said lax payable on or before Ist day of October. Sepl2 tf Grllo RG i A —Mclntosh Connty. 'T'HERESA M. SPACE HAS APPLIED FOR 1 exemption ot personalty, and sct-ii gapar. and valuation of homestead, ad I will pass m on the Mine at 12 o’clock on the 21st of SEPTEMBER, 1874. at tny office. This September sth, 1871. LEWIS JACKSON, Sepl2-2t Ordinary Mclntosh County. GEORGIA—McIntosh County, npo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Whereas I Martha A. Beazley has applied f'r Letters ot Adminis'ration on the estate of William A. Beazley, late of said county deceased. T hese ire, t.erefore, to cite and admonish ail parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause, if any they hate, within .the time pre scribed bv law, why letters should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and seal this September 7th, 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, Sepl2-4t Ordinary Mclntosh County. SK ILK!) PROPOSALS. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 1 Mclntosh county,}- Darien. Ga., Sept. 10, 1874 ) Q BALED PROPOSALS FOR PLANS AND O building a Court House in the city of Darien, will be received at th'g office for one month fiom date. The Conraissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. SPALDING KENAN, Sepl2 4t Clerk B. C. C. M. C. Postponed Sale of Steamer Clyde rnllE Iron Hull Steamboat known as the “CLYDE,” heretofore advertised for sale at Savannah Ga., on the Ist day of September next, will he sold before theConrt House door in said city, during the legal hoursofsale. on TUESDAY the 151 li day of same month—-aid boat receutly capsized in Sapelo Sound, has been raised and is offe-ed for sale under and or der of the Superior Court ol Richmond county. Terms Cash. CHAS. A. HARPER, Receiver. 225 Broad street, Augusta. Ga. 811229-'f. Teachers Wanted! \ GOOD MALE TEACHER competent to super *a intend, amt a female teacher as assistant is want ed by the Board of Trustees of “Mclntosh High School” for Jftys and girls; to be located near Da rien Ga. Salary good, and guaranteed by Trustees. None need apply but those thoroughly competeut and who can furnish satisfactory references. School will open early in October. All applications to be made to E. S. BARCLAY, Chairman Board Trustees, Darien, Ga. Aug. 15-4 t. REGULAR LINE. Darien, Savannah, Brunswick and Satilla, The New Steamer CARRIE, Capt. JOE SMITH, W’ILL LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN Brunswick, Sati la River and Landing JULY 2d, 1874, making through tripe each ALTERNATE WEEK AND EACH INTEKMEDI ATE WEEK arrive at DARIEN FRIDA Y MORNINGS, and wiil leave for Savannah same afternoon. June 26 GEORGIA— McIntosh Cos. rpO tho Distributees of James E. O'Berry, deceased, late of said county. You are hereby notified that according to law I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Estate of said deceased, for the benefit of the parties con cerned. This August Bth, 1874. E. R. POPPELL, Administrator. Aug. 15-lm. Dr. SPALDING KENAN, DARIEN , GA. /AFFERS his professional service to the citizens of Darien and vicinity. He can be found at rll hours d,y and night, at his office on Screven street, next door to Mr. Wilcox’ awellirg. Aug. 8-ly. GEORGIA— McIntosh Co7 Ordinary's Office Of Said County. OENJAMIN McDONALD, Administrator on tho * ’ Estate of David Allen, deceased, late of said county, having petitioned to be discharged fro.n said Administration, all who are concerned are required within the time fixed by law to show cause, if ny they have, why the said Benjamin McDonald should not lie discharged according to the prayer of his pe tition. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 6th dav of .august 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, Ordinary, M. C. Aug. 8-3 - EMOTICE CITY TAX PAYERS! VOUR TAXES upon REAL ESTATE are now due, and vou will plea-e come forward and settle them without further notiee. lean be found at my office from 9 A. M., to 4 o’clock. P. M., every day during the week. The Books will bo closed by the first ol Sept., and if the Taxes are not paid in, I am instructed to issue Executions and place them in the hands of an officer for collection. SPALDING KENAN, Clerk and Treasurer of Darien. Aug. 8 tf. GOODYEAR & HARRIS A TTORNEYS A T LA W, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. t ( IFFICE—Comer Newcastle and Gloucester st’rs., " " over Drug store of J. S. Blain & Cos. Will practice in all the counties of the Brunswick Circuit and the city of Darien, Ga. Aug. My. ( ROACH POISON, The beet to be had at the Drug Store ot Dr. L. B. DAVIS, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA ALL ORDERS promptly filled. . Aug. 1-lt. F. E, TIMMONS, at BRUNSWICK FOUNDRY & MACHINfc WORKS, f S prepared to furnish Iron inii Brass f/w'ngs. and 1 do gene,lt! Jobbing Machine work at short noji- e. All work warranted. Terms cash on delivery of work. Aug. 1-1 m. FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burial Oases. _ BEST INVENTION KNOWN iOR FliE -1 SERVING THE DEAD. Also SELF-SEALING Metallic Cases (two patents elegantly finished) and handsomest in this market. Coffins in Rosewood, Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cedar and common woods. We keep a full assort ment of all goods in our line. ATWOODS & AVERY. Agents, (Broad Street,) Darien, Ga. Aug. t-tf. DARIEN MARKET —BY— OH AS, O. FULTON, Dealer in MEATS* VEGETABLES, ETC. attention given to all ORDERS. Having had two years experience in the business I feel satisfied that I can GIVE SATISFACTION. My thanks to the public for past PATRONAGE, and hope for a continuanoe of the same. C ()• FULTON, May—2-ly. Brunswick and Albany Railroad, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFEICE, I Brunswick, Ua., Nov. 12,1873. f ON and after November 17th, 1873, passenger trains on the B. * It. 8,, will run as follow : GOING WEST. heave Brunswick Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, at 7.00 A. M„ arriving at Junction A. G. R R. at 11 A. M., and at Albany at 7.50 P. M GOING EAST. Leaves Albanv Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at. 730 A. M., arriving at Junction A. & G. R. R at 2.4!) P. M., and at Brun w ick at 7;19 P. M. Trains going East connects with the S. W. R. R., which arrives at Albany at 7.10 A. M , on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. GEO. L. COOK. Assistant Superintendent. May 2 .-tf TABS DIM, MEASURER & INSPECTOR -OF limber and Lumber, Respectfully Solicits Patronage, DARIEN, GA. July 11-6 m. NOTICE TO STREET DEFAULTERS ! THE time having expired to work unon *hc- public streets, you are hereby notifi and to come ft rward and pay your Street Tax, withia TEN DAYS, or ex cutious will be placed in the hands of the City Mar shal for collection. SPALDING KENAN, Clerk & Treasurer City Darien. Aug, 24 f Attention The Wkls of Yeas I A.&R. STRAIN, * DARIEN, CA., Keep constantly on band, IKS' READY-MADE 111, AND Furnishing Goods* DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats Caps, Crockery, Wood and Willow ware, Hardware, A tine assortment of Table and Pock J et Cutlery, Tin-Ware, Nails, Par ker’s Improved Blind Hinges, Grinds-ware. Foot-tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Wash* Baskets, Flower-Pots, Sauce pans, Hope, Hollow ware, Kerosene, Oil, Clocks, &c.. at A- & R. STRAIN S NEW STORE, COR. BROAD AND JACKSON STS. Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Harness, Carpet-Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, Grindstones, and' Axle Grease, at Corner Broad and Jacksons Streets. Have just received a fresh jot ol GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO Nuts, Candies, Spiees, Teas, Coffee,! Sugars and Syrups, Bacon, Flour, Corn, Oats, Meal, Grist, and Northern and Eastern Hay, Lime, Salt. ALSO, A fine stock of CIGARS always on; hand. Discount by the dollar’s worth: or box. The attention of. UMBER CUTTERS, FARMERS, and all in need of any cf the above articles, are especially called to their new stock, All will do well to CALL and: examine their well-selected stock before purchas ing elsewhere* This store is under the immedi ate supervision of f Robert Str&Laa*. junior partner,, assisted hy il*r genial and pleasant D WEBSTER DAY 13- Terms- -STRICTL* CASH We defy competiiioa, hefetfeiag &&% with our advantages e can &£§a**l t* sell GOODS as LOW aAMy?d**farm Southern Georgia,. We DELIVER by citizens in tovux o How W H* Ridge, free of cfc&rga*. mm A-AILSRhIV. My-