Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, September 19, 1874, Image 2

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(Trim Sun Ktfll.UlU W. liRtBlK *<Htor & Proprl’r. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 50. bARIEN, GEORGIA, SATI RMY MOKHVK, SEPT. 19ih, <B7. FOR CONGRESS- FIRST DISTRICT: Hon, Julian Hartridge, OF SAVANNAH. EXECUTIVE CDMMiTTEE OF THE DEMO CRATIC PARTY OF THE FIRST CON GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Sw.VINSBOKO, F.MANTEL CoUNTY, ) Sep'ciiibei 9, 1574 ) In accorlnnee \vill a resolution adopted by Ilie Democratic. Conven tion of the First Cougressonal Dis trict of Geogiii, which assembled at Bleakshcar on the "2d instant, the following gentlemen are hereby ap pointed as the Executive Cmmithee of the First Congressional D.strict of Geogia: Cliatliam —John Screven,Oliairman. Appling—D. M. Roberts, Bryan —A. G. Smith. Bulloch —John G. Biitcli. Burke- - John J Jones. Camden —D. A. McWhorter. Charlton—John R. Bachlott. Clinch—J L. Sweat. Echols—J. P. Prescott. Emanuel —E. W. Lane. Effingham—E W. Solomons. Glynn—John B. Hahersahin. Liberty—H. W. Mattox. Mclntosh —W. U. Giguilliat. Pierce—A. M. Moore. Scrivon —J. C. Dell. Tatnall —M. D. McArthur. Ware—W. B. Folks. Wayne—G. W. Haines Gentlemen appointed on this Com mittee will please notify me of their acceptance. Josephus Camp, President democratic Convention Ist Con. Dist. of Ga. AFFAIRS IN GEORGIA —Judge E. L. King, book-keeper of the Georgia Railroad Bank, died last Sunday with apoplexy. —Judge Butt, of Atlanta, a few days since decided’that Police Com missioners had no right to adminis ter oaths to a witness. —A 3'Oting lady in Maiiettft, a martyr to late hours, requested the young men t> make short calls. She says one hour and a half is as long ns the most faacina'ing of them can show off their charms. Mr. W. L. Graham, sheriff of Dooly county, has been nominated for Representative to the Legislature. —Mr. Rnbt. Lachligon was quietly watching the progress of a game of base ball, in Satttionah, the other day, when he was accidentally struck on of the head with a ball, which com pletely stunned him for a short time. -—Bull frogs are the latest delica cies in the Savannah market. ■•—Corn is selling in Walthourville at $1 per bushel, while Atlanta is complaining of a scarcity at $1 29. —The Griffin News has been pre sented with an ear of corn which weighs two pounds and seven ounces. It is of the “shoe-peg” variety, and is a fair sample of a twenty acre lot. —Col. Phil. Cook was unanimously renominated for Congress in the Third District Convention on the 10th. A district convention in Macon, after spending seveial hours trying to select a farmer's candidate to repre sent them in the Legislature, had to nominate the chairman of the con vention, Rev. R. A. Kano, who wav the only member whose name had not been before the convention and with drawn. —The Democracy of Worth have put up Capt. Dan. Henderson for the Legislature. —The Atlanta Constitution issued three thousand extra copies last Sun day’. We will too, when our lightning press arrives. —ln the Second Congressional District Hon. W. E Smith, of Dough erty, is the Democratic candidate for Congressional hopors. —Capt. A H. Smith, of Lowndes, is tbe peoples choice for Representative to the Legislature. —Jefse Wimberly and tbe Bryant faction are conducting a spirited can vass through the columns of the Sa vannah Morning News. O'JR BR’J .'SWICX LETTcR. [Regnl&r Corr<.epon<ltu ce of The Darien Gazette.] Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 14, 1874. Editor Gazette: Brunswick, the Venice of America, like the Venice of Italy, in reality “s< ems sleeping.” Tluir have been no exenrsions as gulla parties for several weeks, and business has been remarkably dull. The Baptist Union gave an eiuer ta;nment on Tuesday evening !ut, at tbe residence of Mrs. Bailing. A l goodly- number were present and a handsome sum realized. On Thursday evening the Silver! Cornet Band were handsom ly enter tained at the residence of Mrs. J. S. Marlin. Ice cream and cake in abundance had been provided for the occasion by the hospitable hostess, and after partaking of the refresh ments the bun l discoursed the mos delicious music. The grand strains of the “Shepherd” floated sweetly throughout the cifv 1 and over tin waters on the still evening air, A brilliant quick-step, one of Prof. Lyon’s compositions, on this occasion was named by a lady guest “The Annie May,” in honor of one of Brunswick’s fair and lovely daughters. . I Again the harmonious strains of that j soul-thrilling hymn of the French, Lj Marscllaise drifts over the city, lingers lovingly among the f stnoned boughs of the oaks, hovers over the homes of the citizens, its wild extrava y+nzasu\ unison with the feelings of the jubilant, while its deeper passages lulls the weary to repose. Tln-re were many beautiful pieces rendered with a brilliancy and perfection ac quired only by the most skillful train ing. Great credit is due Prof. Lyon, who has acquired more than a local reputation as a composer and teacher. Near the hour of midnight, after again partak ng of the refreshments the company retired. Mrs. Marlin’s example might well bo imitated by others, thus showing in a manner more substantial than words, their just appreciation of an organization so worthy of praise, and which con tributes so largely to the enjoyment of the community. D. & J. Lesser have just re eived their fall goods; their store, always popular is now the general resort of all who delight in examining hand some goods. As your paper lias a large circulation in Brunswick I don’t sec why the merchants of this city don’t advertise liberally in The Ga zette; hope to hear of their doing so. For several weeks past The Gazette has not reached its subscribers here before Sunday or Monday morning. Having several times been inforiueu j by Mr. Grubb that each week’s issue has always been forwarded on Friday evening to Brunswick. I, upon in quiry, learn that the difficulty is be tween tbe delivery here and D.irien. The issue of the st.h was delayed at No. 1, M. & B. R. R., amt last, week’s issue airived at the post office here Friday night, but was not distributed nil Saturday evening at 8 oklock. Will not our accommodating post master and the gentlemanly clerk see that hereafter the papers are distri buted more promptly? The sub scribers ought not to blame the pro prietor, for it is no fault of his. Base ball is now the general topic of conversation among the boys; there have been several clubs recent ly organized in the city. On Friday'last the Hebrews of the city closed their places of business “with the setting sun.” Aceordiiu’ to their faith at that hour begins new i year's day of the 5635 year of the Jewish cailendar. The ladies of St. Mark’s have plunued a fishing excursion and pic nic on the banks o the Satiila riv r, on tbe Brunswick and Albany rad road, for Thursday next. The ladies of St. Mark’s P. E. Church are justly celebrated for the delightful enter tainments they have given during the season, and as the one now in view, if the day should bo fine, will un doubtedly be a grand success. It is rumored that the fire compa ny will soon give a grand ball, Mc- Cullough, chairman of the committee, knows exactly how to get up the most pleasant cut< rtaiuments. Bay street seems to be tke general resort of the people of cu lar, whose combative propensities ge:. the better of them, and the avenue is almost daily enlivened with their broils. It is reported that part ee are now ! negotiating for a track oi land a few miles from town, whereon to estab lish a tannery. Also, that a company lias been foimed for the purpose of | making lime from oyster shells. To-morrow evening the Methodist Mite Society give an entertainment at the residence of Mr. C. G. Moore, i Their social gatherings aie always pleasant and generally well attended. The young men are about to organ ize a Dancing Club, and propose I giving a calico ball early in the com ing month. More anon. Warrington IK3K. JULIAN HARTR’DIF’3 LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. Savannah, September 5, 1874. Messrs. VV. T Thompson, J. L Sweat M. L. Mebshon, Committee: Gentlemen: —l have just receiver your letter giving me the official in formation of my nomination by tin | Democratic Convention, which Maseru bled at Bbiekslijgir on Wednesda”, to represent the First C mgrirsion I District of Georgia m the Forty-f urth Congress of the United States. Tiie manner in which the Domina tion Das boon tend< red me precludes II p iMsibility of my declining ii. The position of Representative of • f the Si ate of Georgia in the Feder al Congaess is one which confers a high honor and imposes a grave re sponsibility; ami, while 1 feel deeply grateful for the compliment paid ami the confidence evinced, I at the same time fully appreciate the nature of the ,Uty assumed by an acceptance of this nomination. But I trust that the same liberal sentiment which you inform me ap proved the nomination, will extend to the efforts I shall rn die, if elected, to meet the expectations and wishes ot the constituency Is .all represent. In my view, the iliries <>f a R pre seutativo in the Federal Congress are not. confined to any particular section of his Suite; he is one of the Represent atives of the. whole State, Entertaining this view, I shall endeavor to main tain those true principles of constitu tional liberty, which are the last, safe guards of tlie rights of the St ues, and though the preservation of those rights, are the security for the liberiy anti protection of the nullvi tual citi zen. The vital issue in the present po litical contest is to prevent t..e en croachment of Federal power upon the social l guts of the people, 4he dominant party in Congress, not sat isfied with Paving obtained, By amemi lmiitsof the Const it u ion, a recogni tion of the political nguis of tin? c 1- ored race—-seek now, By siatulcs to force t-liat race into a social equuliiv i with the white people. The. oi ja t of tins effort is not tlie material goo i j ot the negroes, Imi lo procure their i votes in iavor of the Radical puny. j For such statutes there is no authority ! even in the amendments of ihe Con stitution. Tne tn acini rut of them should bo up ,osC iby ad the friends of true consuluiionai liberty, ami by all who really i.e.-nro the elevation ad prosperi.y of the colored race. To the peo] 1 ; of the south the issue is one of life am- death; for 1 fie suc cessful eiitoi'cemen ol such laws u*>ti.d only be accomplish alter L mbit con test and bloodshed; ami nie i sub would be degradation of out race and the destruction ol son:hern eiviliz,- ti n. The intelligent portion of the col ored citizens cannot fail to see Unit such a conti si, must eventuate m irre parable injury to them, it Hit re wore uo intt i'i6i onee of Federal powt r, alia an end ol the tfl r s of imendiantfe and auventurers to stir up strife, the relations of the two races wmi and soon ho settled to tlie satisfact.ou uUo benefit ot both. I need not state to the people ol ibis District that in such a political contest as this my p sit ion is on tin side of the Constitution as con stmed by the D niociuitic party, ami of the best interests ol my peop.e ami State. The Convention which did me the honor to nominate me, was aware of the fact that citcumslaiices b \o ni my control would compel me to be absent fr un the S ate during paifc <>i tbe time between tlns ami the day ol election. I shall *• -dcavor, however, to visit the different sections of tue district mid exj r-ss, in pi r-on to my fellow-ci izens my h’gh appreciation of the confidence tiny have reposed i:i me, and my resolution it eiecn-u, to maint iin, to the utmost of my abili ty, their lights and their honor. Permit me, gentlemen, to than., yon for the complimentary terms in which you have conveyed to me tbe information of tiie action ot the con vention. The language in which you have cintched your communication increases tlie p wn-ure and pride 1 fe 1 at receiving site a a nomina l n*i. With sentiments of personal esu em, I subscribe myself, Your obedient and humble seir-mt, Julian H ariiidoe. J Tiie Col minis Enqirer, having completed its inquiry into t>e state of local social seienc**, presents the following u p lit w ich is as vividly drawn as one of Due’s pictures: “A sorry sight if is to see a spike team, consisting of a s’.;, -lelon s’ tet and a skinny, Idind mule with a r p< harness, and a squint-eyed and iver, hauling a barrel of new whiskey over poor roads,on a iierm..piirodi.e n .ij.m. into a farming district where tiie peo ple are m debt, ami the eiinidien fofeed to pramici scant at ire by nay aud hungry sleep- g by night.” fpsg* A picnic, widi a dam-.- no ci full hea Iw.iy, was broken up in Stew art county a few hays since, by a stroke of lightning, which struck a tree on the ground, killed a iimie nti del' it, and severely shocked two young ladies. Tlie Lumpkin Inde pendent learns that a prayer meet nig was at once started.- 6iUf #ntinanrc£. AN ORDINANCE To be Entitled an Ordi mice to Provide for the Levying and, Collection of Taxes and Licences and to Raise and Establish a Revenue for the City'af Darien for the year 1875, and annual ly thereafter im the first day of January, and for other purposes. Section 1. The Board of County Com missioners of the county ol Mclutosu pxerci.sing jurisdiction in the City ol Darien enacted under hu act ot the General Assem bly of Georgia, approved January 19th. 1872; do ordain, and be it ordained by the author itv of the same; That iiom and alter the pas sage of this Ordinance, the following Taxes ami Licenses shall lie levied, assessed and collected for the purposes herein indicated, for the benefit oi the City of Darien and the inhabitants thereof, to-wit: A tax of om-h tli of one per cent, on valu ation, to be assessed by the Assessment Com mittee, composed oi the Chan man oi the Board of County Commissioners, the mem bers of the Finance Committee ot said Board and three citizens, to he appointed by the said Board annually; said committee ot three citizens to be the owners ot at least one lot within tiie city; the Chairman of said Board to be chairman ex-officio ol said Assessment Committee. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the' .following Licences shall be levied and collec ted, which may be increased or diminished annually as tiie public interest may require: Bach Stevedore a licence ot 8 0; each Timber Inspector a licence ot 8' 0; encii warehouse a licence of 820; each steamboat agent a li cence of sls; each steam saw null a licence of 825; each dour or gri t mill a license of 810; each one horse dray a licence ot 810; each two horse dray a licence of Bts; each public, stable 820; each store fur the sale of general merchandise and not to include li quors, Ac., 820; each Store ior the sale ol merchandise to include liquors, Ac., 845; each liar-room $00; each hotel bar-room at tached 845; each restaurant 825; each res taurant with privileges of selling liquors and furnishing lodgings 84-5, each bowling alley 815; each billiard table 810; each insurance agent 810; cacti contractor $10: each com mission merchant or tactor $25; eacl print in office‘slo; each photographer $10; each junk dealer 850; each Butcher shop $25; each public boom $25; each barbershop srO;eacix tailor’s shop $10; each bancr slh; each shoe maker or, cobbler $5; each niack-ruith S4O; each wheelwright $10; eacu apothecary S2O; each circus, meigtgeiic or oMiti show q.t ior religious or charihude purposes; in the dibcre|ion ot the Than m,ui or acting Chair mall; each boarding house entertaining- tran sient boulders clu; each tow boat lor trans port at on of pa.-.-*ehgers -Mi; each sailor ship per $25; i non sailot boauii.-g house s2o teach local or transient agent or vendor for the side ol an} article not above mentioned sls. imc. 5. I'hat it sliail he Ihe cmt.v of the Clerk. Bonru Count;. ComiiUHoioiiers actn gas to Clerk and iivasuicr of the City of Darien have said ordinance published annually once a week ter two weeks in the local gazette ill the city, and if no local gtiz-t ", to ( ut up a c*civ of ttiis Ordinance ,a some couspieious p! ee in the cuy, widen prilihehti . soldi b.- ior the spare ol two we -ks; and immediately Ihi realter to pui a notice to uJ persons lia ble under the , i ovi.uouk 1 1 tms ordinance to call for and icccive then several licences, and satis'v uli chums f. r tax due and unpaid. II siudl be hi, t.uihir duty to ui.-tee out u hsi ol defaulters ami hand the amt (o tne Ch a man or aC in.; vJrunl'm m, v.h i shall di rect sai 11dei k to sh.iihj m s ..d ueiau.ters to appear . n a iert n u y .adore tne I‘olice court ol sain cry, to aim.. ,r said detauit. and UJKU Convict. on. snail w mail in a sum ot not less than $5 hoi more than $25, and to take turd pay tor such licence and lo pay a'i costs, in delaull ol payment oi the same, execution shall he issueo against saijl deiaU ! - tcis and Be levied upon liic go..(is and chat lets oi tar same, Hilo advertised and ronl as oilier sales. bEC. 4. Andie it further ordained, That mi mediately alt r ih expiration ol the nOtieo tiitf Clei K s; tu.il Ih.su e t-'XeCUlioiiH : bit lilt*. ]UUJt*itA t*l Hii tlfl.tu itcis toi Tuxi s on K an Estate wuu-li shall be placed us jti-.e hands oi tin Mars .id to be levied on raid property, winch snail be never lined ami sold lor ml taxes and cost iu favor oi said ci, j-. Provided. tu vcilLc-lc 1 -. mat execu tions shall not issue, as doreslid, until alter tne return to t.ue Hoard ol the report ot the Asst-ssmeui Column tee., and until the same tax shall be family settled upon, the said Marshal shall malie prompt and lull returns to the Clerk and Treasurer within live days iifier such sale, making a complete list ol sium executions plan- and in Ins hands with the names ol d-'ieudnuu*, tu ■ amount ol tax and costs, the amounts raised hoiu the sale made under each execution and the amount of any surplus on tne same remaining; t/.e saiu surplus to tiie owner rtieitoi within tlie same time, ami iiiing the original receipt lor sa.d siup.us w.ih me Clerk and iV ins urer oi said eiiv, togetner with a list ol exe cutions and ret unis ol sales. Sec. 5 And be it further ordained by the authority atresaid, Timt every person oi per sons, o.hi r than trie At aster, alate or ulales, or any registered seamen ol any vesta 1 wiie.her bark, brig, scuooner, sloop or other vessel or vessels loading or unloading wnhm the juiisdictipiJHl limits ol the City ot Da rien, shall be heid uucl doomed a Mtevedoie within the provision ol this ordinance., whether he or they may load or unload by the job, cargo, n\v load, ~000 l-.et or per View, and Kim I first take out a licence there lor, or he s..atl at or.Ce be proceeded against upon tilt' incarnation ol tne said Clerk and ’i. insurer, or • l ti.e Cry Mammal wads fauitcr. i’rovi and, m-vt-rtheiesK, said person or persons shall superintend the loading, stowing or unloading ol such vessel or vessels, no such jar on or persons as steve dore, having a licence or otherwise, snail attempt to io .and or unload more v.s.cisol any kind at any one t.me than he can per sonally superintend without first employing a duly licenced stevedore to have personal supervision ot a part ol said vessels, eitLe. loading or u.no;..tin . u.-d r a penalty ot not less than l’.,'e 1, i LU -a llla.l iwea.y five Collars, a;.d a fori-. ,t ol Ins licence. Sec. 6. Aud im ii lurther ordained by the authority ah lesani. That ail licences issued ny the Clerk and Treasurer ol said city shaii bear tne aulhorny of me Cimirinan and In.v - the city seal atta.ehed and be signed by tic Clerk. Ali receipts given by Clerk anu Treasurer for moneys 1-r ihe use oi the. city snail likewise have city seal aihxed. fcizc. 7. Beit further or ained. x hat all ordinances or parts ot ordinances militating against this ordinance be ana the same is hereby lepealed. Passed oy the B and of County Commis sioners Weptem e. yth, lfc>74. tu ADDING KEN AST, Sepl9-tl C exh ami i.eiisurel'. AN ORDINANCE P escribing the manner in ichich Bills and Palms against the City of Darien shall be presented for pay men , and for other purposes. Section 1. The Board of County Commis sioners, exercising jurisdiction in t* e coy of Darien do ordain and it is hereby ordained, that from and alter the passage ot this Ordinance all bills or claims against the City of Darien shall be presented to any one of the Finance Committee betore the hour ol meeting, and if, after an examination of the same, it is found to be correct, the said Fi nance Committee shall approve of the same, and t.,en by the Chairman of the Foard •‘passed for payment.” Said hills or claims must be rendered on the printed forms, which, upon application, will be furnished by the Clerk and r reasurei. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, etc,, That all bills or claims against the City pre sented in the manner prescribed, will be promptly paid by the Treasurer, upon pro per approval by the Finance Committee,'' • passed for payment” by the Chairman, should he lie in funds; and all such hills or claims, will be paid in the order of presen tation, without respect to date of service, labor or anything else named. Provided, any bills or claims contracted by the Treasu rer, by authority, for incidentals for his of fice, or by the Chairman of the Board for the benefit of the city, may be paid by them, as the same mm be contracted tor, anti a report made by the Treasurer or Chairman of the same, at the next regular meeting. HeC. 3. Be it further ordained, That all 1 'ills or claims approved by the Finance Committee bhall be numbered by the Clerk, t hat he shall keep a regular minute of all biljs approved and ordered to be paid, the amount, etc., anil when bills shall have, been paid they shall be legibly indorsed on the buck, “lteceived Payment for the within,” and duly dated, which shall then be placed on file by said Treasurer, as a voucher for said amount so paid out. Sec. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances mitigating against this Ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed. Passed by the Board of County Commis sioners September 9:h, 1874. SPALDING KENAN. SeplO-tf Clerk and Treasurer. AN OKI)IN ACE To be entitled an Ordinance to Suppress Offenses against the Public Peace, Hatty of Life and Morality of the city of Darien, and for other purposes. Clection 1. The Board of Comity Com ij mission*:rs, t v raising jurisdiction in the (. uy of Darien, do ordain, and the same is hereby ordained, i hat for the purpose of preserving the peace and quiet, safety ami decency of t'be c ity vt oa-leu and the in habitants thereof, 1.0 per. on or persons, either in t .c night time or in day time, wi i be permitted to use any profane, obscene, boisterous or offensive language; or, to com mit any boisterous, riotous or disi rderty conduct; or, to be found drunk m the streets, house, shop:-, stoic or church or oilier building, puolic or p.ivat ; or, in any lam-, lugs.w„y, wliarf. paik, square, common or t itiei place, pubhc oi pnvaie, within the l.nins ut said city at any tune, upon jiniii ol i .ting .ilisten by any Cry Mai stud oi Policeman, it commit ud m i,.. or their presence; or, upon complaint of any citizen or citizens; or, on the midi million oi the f ;. airman or any im iuln r ol said Hoard, or of any officer of satd city mid upon con viction la.ro.i betore the i’- lice couit o. said city, he or t oy so attending sLa ' p„) a tine ol not 1 s.> than F.ve, Dollars an all costs no, more tu.ui i it:; j.',•liars and mi costs lor caeu and evoiy otn nee, a.ai to u imprisoned and to lain,r on me puoiic sir et. or woiks lor Uie space oi not more that, fifty day s. t piM pay.mnf oi i. o ■ ime tue Gfe.tirtu in Oi ..cling ruui, mo i ;m . r. tuit tin impr.si l.inen'. u and Im or. Sej. 2. Aa-.t iv is invtliti or ed. , . the authority a., t mo, ii.ai ~n j,. r.. silall appeal' ill an llidei e t, ii:,d- , • . s ntlue Slide, in auv a.re- ~ ,t.,e, sq .a,. , i: c, i other pui lie ph.ee, and ali.v j-- .so. j eiSolis Woo sum. V* iiUn.y 1. . . e .. I txpusure of i.is or mi. ... . j .'or j> son. snail be J.m le to an. ... ~n i o i ~-i viofiou bel i'o in.- Police c.oii.l, s'.mil still . liie penal. y of not ies.- Ilian l i--. im- Ilian iweniv-iive Dollars and ait cools, hi maid ion, be imprisoned . lui made to work on toe public wo; xs or mreels lcir nor more than twenty live days. i. p.upayment of the fine lit-.- c ilii uiaii oi act: ng fiaii'inan may remit t .c iinpris muieut ana labor. bn-'. 3 An-i uis funnel o,dniut; t. by the autiion y id re.- id, ih.it ii snail not bi lawful tor any person or persons in any house or enclosure, public or private with in the limits ed said c;,y to disturb oi molest tue public peace and good ouler of said city i,y any noisy or thsorciei ly ci n.inct. upon pan. of a fine of not more than Twenty-five Dot lais and costs, oi less than Five- Dollars; and in addition, be impiisoiiiid for the space cl not more than twenty five days And when ever it shall be necessary to preserve the peace by entering said enclosure or building, it sbull be the duty of any one oi the city officials to ask uclmtssioii; and if resisted oi refused, the person so resisting or musing shall suffer the- same penalty. Upon pay ment ot the tine tiie < hairmau or acting Chairman may lemit the iiaprisomueiit anu labor. Sec. 4. And 1:0 it further ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That no laborer, tiadesman or merciin: t, or other person and or exercise any labor or culling, or business connected with their daily avocation on the Lord’s < ay; or open any sioie for tlie sale of merchandise < f any hind cr sort pvcii.su. necessity, charily, or of absolute a vocation* of the tainiiy excepted,, and every person of the age ol fiheen years of discretion, who shall violate iho terms of the above ordi nance shall bo lined the stun of not less than Five nor nil re than "Filly L'oilais and ail costa for each offence, and !,e imprisoned for the ? pace of not more than twenty-five ditvs Provided nevertheless, that medicines and ice. the dressing of vituals in families’ houses, taverns or hotels, nor the sale of bread ;if early in the morooig and not Htter ihe hour ot Ba. m. rha!l iie prohibited by the require men s of tars ordinance. Upon payment of the tin the t’haiiman or acting Chairman may r- in it the impiis -nment and Bec. 7. Aiid In it fur)her oidarned ov the anthoritv atoresaid. Tint no person will be permitted to offer for sale any obscene or indecent literary v. ork. print, picture, ot any thing of the kind in any house, store, street, lane, oroti wha f >r ccmnion. or in any park or sqm re ot sain ci y. upon pain ot a ii..e oi not lets th ui Five Dollars mil costs, or more than Fifty Dollars and costs, and imprison ment for ihe space of not more than twenty five day . Upon payment of the fine the ( hairim.n or acting Chairm m m.iv remit the imprisonment and labor. Sue. 8. A'id bo it farther ordained by the authority aforesaid. That it will not be lawful for any one to resist or oppose an v of the City Marshals in the discharge of their duties; and further, that if any ot ihe above Marshals should call upon any cit zeu to assist him or them in making any a rest anil they refuse, they shn 1 suffer the same pen alty as may be indicted ou the pirson or persons they were called upon to assist in the arrest of That unv one violating this ordinance shall be fitted not less than Five Dollars and costs and not more that Twenty five Delia sand costs and be imprisoned tor the space of not more than fifteen days, the latter being in the power of the Chairman or acting Chairman pro tempore to remit upon payment of the fine. Szc. 9. And he it ordained by the au thority aforesaid. TANARUS! v no person shall be allowed to assemble wit tlieis (or alone) at the city jail during or after the arrest of any person, and upon refusal to disperse, he. she or they shall be arrested or placed upon the information docket, and on con viction fined not more than Twenty-five Dollars and not more than fifteen days in jail, the latter being in the power of the Chairman or acting Chairman pro tempore to remit upon payment of the above fines. Sec. lb. And be it ordained by the au thority aforesaid, That all arrests must be made with a city war*ant, unless the crime is committed in the presence of the officer or officers in which event he must procure a warrant as soon as practicable. Sec. 11. And be it further ordained by the aforesaid, That no person shall be al lowed to keep (as proprietor) a disorderly house, and that no proprietor or keeper of any house will be permitted to keep open after 1” o’clock Saturday night for the pur pose of dancing, frolicing, etc., on pain of being fined not less than Five Dollars and costs noi more than Twenty-five Dollars and costs, and not more than twenty days im prisonment; the latter being in the power of the Chairman or acting Chairman pro tempore to discharge upon payment of the fine. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, by the anthorty aforesaid, That all ordinances .or parts ot ordinances militating against this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed. Passed by the Board of County Commis sioners September 9th, 1874. SPALDING KENAN, SeplD-tf Cletk and Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE To be entitled an Ordinance to Regulate the Sede and Purchase of Junk. Ruction 1. Be it ordained by the Board 47 of County Commissioners, exercising jurisdiction in the City of Darien, That any person who shall engage in the purchase and sale ot junk in said city and any one en gaged in the shipping thereof shall first take ~nd pay for u licence in the sum of Fifty Dollars; and on failure so to do shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding Pity Dol lars and cost, for each offence and in default of which, execution shall issue and be levied upon the stock in trade of said junk dealer. Seo. 3. And be it ordained by the iu t. horny idoresaid, That it at. any time it shal 1 become known that any dealer shall have purchased any junk, the property of any mill owner, steamboat, vessel, or of the City of Darien, knowing the same to be not the proptrry of the seller, the dealer shall be lined in the stun of not exceeding Fifty Dollars and said licence immediately re voked. ’1 his condition shall be slated in tue nr< me; and no junk clealei shall be al lowed n. purchase mv junk from any minor without the writtin permission oi the pa rent or gnu dan ol said miner. Any one so offending slndl i e demed a principle and upon con vie in bo|.,n 5.,,d Ciuoimaii if a P-.lice Court all l ■ fined in a sum not to exceed Fifty E>ohai.-. a c-..1s for oi .i-i.v.- aim lintel, his licence. So juiik sha.l !- purchased before KTiurisc > l alter sunset; mi .fiiail the premises be < pent and tor t tu i - at sucli time under a j eu.nty of Twenty-five Dollars or forfeiture ot licence. Sec. 4. And le it further ordained by tiie same authority. That a l oidinauccs or ] arts ■>f ordinances mildati..g against this ordi i .nee lie and the same is herein r< pealed. Passed l y tiie IT aid ol Comity Commie -loneis Sm i 0,.. p Jt-74. i P CEDING KLNAN, SepiO-tf Clerk ai.d Treasurer. AN OiI!)[NANCE . • ■i ince to . ejida e /, t Office J'i -j •' ...ode of l.us ts.tg -.i.a li e *• ~j tie Duties <J C 1c o'' he Med of Cos ../. .ssoners. and for other Purposes. tUt i".ion 1. The L-ai iot t ni;o> Coni- W ■- ! net’s x • g j.i .‘isrtic ion in the i- mi - it is ... . v c ' t. e it . i.-. :iy, in , i . . :v. a; ■ e< -• ion >:• a, CL.. - * i- nnssii mra is aloresa: . - In Cii-rk and Tri ne arer of the C:ty o ; Darien :. That, if by rt-as.ou of s.ckn-. ss 1 t dea'fi. t’.u < fiice should - ecome \u. a . tin- ; 1,--. n .n m.y p oiued Cos tin said v. c u . , ;qi : ~ m lit, which wi I hold goo i i.ti; ;id vacancy filled leiinai.i nti.v > y a.i e',.-< n. The mid *1- rk shall ..1.-o i e S- Cretan o. the B"aid <>f Pilot Conjinvsioncis toi the ion of Darden. Hi sha.l before <nt in upon ihe duties ot Ills sev rat olaci sno • ; id I i.e.iibi- to the oath pre.-crib*, and by law ; and skill give nond w.th nvo or more good and sufficient secuiities ii liie mm of two fi ousand dollars for the f. itliful penormanc of !ii duties. Sec. z. Ami be n further ordained by the anlhoiity i f'resaid. That the salary of the s:id Clerk shall le three hundred dollars per year; one half payable bv the City of Darien and the ot <-r had by the Comity of Mclntosh, and oe payable monthly when in funds. While acting as City Tresurer he shall receive 5 per cent, on all sums paid out and 5 per cent, on all sums received. lit- shall also leccive the following fees, .o be paid by the individual requiring or dabh f the same : For every certificate or extract for any p* l'sun, not exceeding one page- (ex cept for Chairman or members of the Foard or any City officer) with seal £0 75 For affixing seal yexcept to warrants, execution, summons, or receipt)... 50 For each Petition 50 For each Bond 1 50 For ea b Disposition or Affidavit (ex cept. for a Warrant) 50 For each F'cognizance 1 00 For each Deed to Public Property.... 3 00 For each Licence 50 For attending Chairman or any member lor accommodation of piivole indi viduals 1 00 For each Appeal to Supeiior C >nrt ysame fee allowed Clerk Superior Court in Code <>f Ga For each Transcript I 00 For earn Fun; hi’g and C- rtifyilig Apiaisement 60 For each Tax Fieri Facias CO For each Permit 50 Fur each Case tried before Police Court to be paid by def. i dant. if convicted. 1 00 Passed by the Fouio of County Commis sioners Sepf-mbtr '..in, 1874. SPaLDING KENAN, Sepl9-tf Clerk and Treasurer, NOTICE V LL advertisements will hereafter be published in ihe Darien Timber Gazette. K. Jb. OAJtR, Marshal of Darien. Darien. Ga., July 4th. 1874. J. 3. L. BAKER. M. D. < IFFERS his prof ssional services to the pnblic. [special attention given to diseases OP CHILDREN. T-fr Bills presented first of each month. Jnly 11 ly. L. E. B. D LOrtlVtE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. DARIEN. GEORGIA. \y ILL practice in the Brunswick and Eastern Cir " cnits. Patronage solicited. Gfflce next door to Wilcox & Chnrchili’s store. . T n!v 4-lv.