Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, September 19, 1874, Image 3

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Hnrifti iJmhct fecttc. "local department. Our Brunswick Agent* Hr. John It. Franklin, at the Drag Store of Messrs. Jas. S. Blain & Cos., Brunswick, is our duty authorized Agent, and all those ,vbo have not paid their subscriptions to the ('.\zette will please call oil him and settle. Persons wishing to subscribe cau hand in their names to him. LOCAL DOTS. —The oyster season is fast opening and before long we guess there will be any quan tity in our market. We’ll take a few on the “half shell.” _We are reliably informed that the steamer May Flower, Capt. John C. Hatch, of Brunswick, will be put on the line be tween Poboy and Harry Smith’s Landing, running daily and touching at Darien going „ u d coming. This will be good news to our business men and the travelling public gc-n --cvally. L will be a great convenience to our people and we hope it. will prove profitable to the owners of the boat, who also propose running their own hacks in connection with the steamer from the lauding to No. 1 M. & B 11 II- We are also informed that the steamer Dairy, Capt. W. Harper, will be put on the route sometime next month. _ A bio camp-meeting has been going on at No. 1 M. A B. It. It. during the past week. An eutra train from Brunswick carried a crowd up to the camping grounds on Sun day morning. Every body wants to know who that “side- whiskered” man is. Well, just as soon the cage ariives from Gotham we’ll put him in it and exhibit him. Be patient, just a little while longer, friends. —Oca young friend E. enjoyed the pleas ures of his first horseback ride on Saturday evening last, between Lambiigkt’s and No. IM.AB. R. E. E jumped off the passen ger wagon and stole a pony from a little boy <of tue colored way of lidingj mounted him and started off in hue style and rode some distance when it was ascertained that the ponv had laved R down on a pretty rough bed. It was the most laughable scene we have witnessed in many years. The idea ol a big man like It. being thrown by a litlle pony. The little nig and prop) ietor of the pony enjoyed the laugh hugely. It- left as soon as he recovered tor Brunswick to have Lis pants worked on. Be careful next time, young man. —We will cull on our merchants in a few ■days lor the purpose ol procuring advertise ments for The Gazette. We hope each one of them will give us a kind greeting in the shape, of a large advertisement. Alerchauts mui iiiisint f.s men patronize your home pa per, and by so doing you will benefit your selves as well os the pi inter. We do vet ike public attention to the adv. ru . nteiit •'! the Atlanta GtnfitutiifM, to be found .i ii.s i ■ ue ol The Gazette. The ■<Jo„.soiath/n is a first-class daily and we cor dially recommend it to ad who wish to take •a hve Atlanta daily. —Our County Commission re have taken the right step in publishing their ordinances in the columns of this paper. Read them and take care that they are not violated. —The Democrats of Mclntosh will assem ble to-day for the purpose nominating a can didate for the Legislature. Nominate a good man and one that will lake an interest in the campaign. The Democrats should not fail, either, to put forth a gentleman who cau carry a goodly number of our col ored voters. We know' ot a good manv celored people who will vote for a good Democrat. Let us show our colored friends that we are their friends. The health of Darien still continues to be good and everything seems as pleasant and happy ns can be. We heard a young friend remark the other ■day that he wished he was in Heaven or in Texas or California. How strange! He never wished once that he was where she was. Poor fellow! We wonder if Jim Nathans, of the Bruns wick Appeal, will don that same calico suit at the coming calico ball in Brunswick, that lie wore last year? —The Republicans will bold a meeting soon for the purpose of nominating candi dates tor the Legislature. —The weather has been very unfavorable the past week to rice harvesters. — The steamer Starlight is runnning regu larly between Savannah and Florida, touch ing at Darien. Coroner’s Inquest. Oil Holiday, tlie 14th inst., Capt. John H. Burrell, Coroner of Mclntosh county, was notified that a woman had been found dead in the house of one Simon .Delrow. colored. The Coroner immediately repaired to the house and summoned the following jury : ■VV. J. Swan, foreman; S. P.’ Norriss, Chas, Martus, Wm. Hayes, Geo. Dean, G. H. Calder, Geo. Francis, J. P. Durant, Caroli na Johnson, Moses West, Wm. Hayley, Abram Foreman. The jury after viewing the body examined the witnesses. Simon Delrow and his son, a mere child, where upon the jury returned a verdict to this eftect: That the deceased, Mary Qmgley, a native of Ireland, between thirty and forty years of age, came to her death from the excessive use of alcoholic liquors, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 2 r. m. The Coroner had her decently buried, as she died in destitute circumstances and with out relatives or friends. direct the the public to the new Savannah advertisements to be found in this issue. We will say something wore of our advertisers next week. “Yellow Fever at Darien.” In the record of Georgia t\ ents of the Index and Baptist, of September lOtli, occurs the folloming paragraph : “The Yellow fever has broken emt at Darien.” This is not true, and we ask oirr Christian contempo rary to make the correction. The American ship “William Wilcox,” four days out from Havana, bound for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, entered our port in distress. Cap tain dead, first mate dying, end most of the ciew down with the yellow fever. The ship was strictly quarantined and never came w ithin ten miles of the city ol' Darien. Our city authorities endeavored to act the part of the good Samaritan, which our religious brother would no doubt have recommended, and furnished skillful medical attendance, medicines, ice, fresh provisions, etc., to the unfortunate mariners. The result has been that all the sailors, twelve in number, with one exception, have recovered, and not a single case of yellow fever outside of the ship’s crew has occurred. , Anew crew has been shipped and the Win. Wilcox has departed on its voyage. The period of quarantine having expired, the old crew are about to be discharged. These are the facts. It is' hard enough to be compelled to face this dread disease in the persons of entire strangers, and for the sake of humanity alone, to render them the necessary succor. But it is harder, still, when through a mer ciful Providence we have escaped the conta gion, to have the presence of the disease falsely reported in our city and our business and prosperity thereby injured. Radical Mass Meeting. On Wednesday, the Doth, the Radicals held a mass meeting about the site ot the old courthouse, which was well attended, by old and young, from far arul near. Some of the Savannah custom house ring were on hand, and from what we can learn, made some heavy speeches for their leader One man made himself so obnoxious to the Wim berly supporters that lie was compel; 1 to make traces or stand a good chance, ol get ting just such a ducking as the Wahoo got in South Carolina when he tried to persuade them that he was the man to send to Con gress. There was considerable noise made by the Savannaah delegation, but to little purpose, for when T. G. Campbell, the great Tycoon of Mclntosh, took the stand, he completely upset all that Bryant’s friends had done for him. Resolutions were passed ignoring Bryant and calling him the chief of all the carpet baggers. and the ruin of the Republican party in Georgia generally. B iruber by was indorsed as the right man in the right place, and pledging themselves to support hum. Resolutions were also passed compliment ing Campbell as the true leader and expo nent of Republicanism in Mclntosh, and pledged themselves to follow him to the end. There were many politicians from other ■onntieK on hand, sort; ot v’.o'm report lh.;t Wimberly is not popular in Burke county. Fatal Accident. South Newport, Mclntosh County, i September 14th, 1874. ) Editor Gazette : A fatal accident occurred in this vicinity on Friday, the 10th instant, which lias cast a gloom over our entire community, and shsouded at least one family in mourning. On Friday last, two of Mr. John H. Thorpe s little sons walked out on the road, (Iticliard having a gun.) They had passed the st ire of Mr. Benjamin McDonald but a short in stance, when the gun accidently fired, 1 >dg ing its contents in the body of John, who was walking in the rear of his brother Mr. MeDoi fild hearing the report of tin; gnu and loud screams, hastened to the place, found liichard. with his little brother in a dying state. T\lr. and Mrs. McDonald conveyed the little sufferer into their house, where every attention and kindness was shown them, and the parents of the little sufferer sent for, who only arrived to see their little unfortunate child breath his last. Oh ! how sad ! Respectfully, W. T. Thorpe. A Meeting of the Democratic Party. All members of the Democratic party of Mclntosh county, are requested to meet at the Court House, in the eity of Darien, at 12 M., on the 19th of September, to nominate a candidate for the House of Representatives. W EoBT. I_.IGNII.LIAT, Chairman Executive Committee. Hotel Arrivals. Magnolia House. A. E. Carr. Proprietor— Charles Coleman, Savannah; Louis Collat, Savannah; W. Arnold, Germantown, Ga; T. R. Young, Tatnall county; T. B. Luinc, Ga, W. H. Moore, Ga; J. P. Thompson, Savan nah; S. North, Charleston, S. C.; Jas N. j Winn, city; A. N. Wilson, Savannah; .James Homes, S. E. Clarke, Ridge, Ga: wm Nightingale, city; Wm. H. Rainey. Brnns wich, Ga; A. P. Baker, Tatnall county; Mrs F. E. Timmons, Brunswick, Ga. married, August 27th, at St. Bride’s Church, Liverpool, Eng'and, by the Kev. Canon Balloon, ALIKE!) DOBELL, of Liverpool and Savannah, Georgia, to ELLEN, second daughter of June* Platt Mawdsley, Esq., of Liverpool. DARIEN TIMBER MARKET. REPORTED BY A. W. CORKER. AVERAGE. SCAB. SQUARE. 300 5 D.SX 350.. ' 5X to 0 4 1) X to 7X 450.. 7 to 8 S.HJ BXto9 tito6^ 600 6X to IX 700 7.X to 8X 800 8X to X 900 to 10 N tol2W Shipping §nteUignw. PORT OF DARIEN, GEORGIA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SEPT. 17. CLEARANCES. Sepp 11 —Schooner J. P Wyman, Urann, Phila delphia—Hiltons A Foster. Sept. 18—lirig M. C. KUseveit, Deveraux, Thorn ton, Me—Hiltons & Foster. §Jnv Ijulmltemcntjs, BRESNAN ? S EUROPEAN HOUSE 156, 158, 160 and IC2 BRYAN STREET, SAYANNAIf, - - - GEORGIA. THE Proprietor having completed the necessary arditions and Improvements, can now otter to his guests all the comforts to be obtained at other hotels AT LESS THAN HALF THE EXPENSE. A RESTAUR ANT ©\ THE EUROPEAN PLAN Has been added, where cuestn can, at all hours, order whatever can be obtained in the market. Rooms .with Board, $1 50 a day Determined to be outdone by n tie all I ask is a trial, contickiit that complete satisfaction "ill be JOHN BIiESN.VN, Sepl9-ly Proprietor. FOR FERNAND IN A, FLA., Asa Darien, Rnini-wick, St. Ma ry’s and Way Points, Oa. STEAMER STARLIGHT. Capt. L. M. Coxetter. Wi’l leave at 10 A, si every MONDAY end THUBSDAY for above point- (leaving out Darien on Thursday trip!, connecting at Fetnandina with Florida Railroad! giving through rates ol freight and p ts-ag, to Gainesville, Archer, Cedar Keys, and ail stations on Florida Railroad Freight and passage as low as by.any other line, Applv to F- M. MYUEI.L, Seplf-tl Agent. .JOSEPii GOETTE, Undertakers’ Ware -Eccm, 13V Broughton street, between Bull and Whitaker, SAY AN N AII, GEORG IA. i FINS AND WELL SELECTED STOCK VV M.-tnllfr Mahogonv. \< alnut. Grained and Stained Coffins. C0,,.n Plates and Trimmings al ways or. haisd. Neat si , iearses a, and Carriages furnished tor lu nerais. Ice cast sf r preserving remains in the warmest weather. ReniM'tts disinterrt and, boxed. skipped. Orders font the Conntr-t promptly at tended to. IVrso ir. lent ion given to all orders, u:td can be found a; any lime at the A are-rooms. Sepl9-ly FALL AND WINTER, 1874-5. —•- ♦ EDWAJID J. KENNEDY, ierohalt tailor, I'Jit BrO’-./higt: street ■Srmn iK.ih, Georgia. Invites T:i- attention of Iris former patrons and the pub jc itt gen. rid to hi- new ynb-et and st ok of fine Ftigli-b and Fr••!)• it Digonais, ('.ts-hm-rs and Fancy Veslitl"- all of rite c!tf.ice.st rood- tdspt and to the season?v. Well will be made up to order in the most approved fyt'liioiis. A.] \vßrrantod as r-pr s t t<*d. St pi9-ly FNTERTAIN’MKNT AT aVUTIIOVRVILLK. rjtHK LADIES t.f Walthmirville mlying upon the s support at and c nnteniince "Ia generous public, would respectfniiy annouitd* an e* terfalnment on pin It AY. < 'dob; t 2d. on which o'ccasi n Charade*. Tableaux and a Concert tog' lhvr with a Fair and refreshments will !)e opeu-d at 4 P, if. punctually, to be f<d lowed by the other feat ore* of theettertsin ::n=t. commencing at r i' / 4 o'clock, ladies will ho in attendance .it the tablet during the entire eve- As this onlerprie-is proposed in the interest of the < hn ch and Sabbath School, and the ptoieeds will he appropriated to their united benefit. The ladies would earnestly bespeak such a response ■ n in the liberality of 11-eir friend* and the public generally as will remunerate their efforts in behalf of so Worthy a cause. CHARLES GASSMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO, 2X WHITAKER STREET, SAVAIV.NAM, - - - GEORGIA. LJAS .TEST RETURNUD FROM NEW YORK A with a spleudiii nelcction oi CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, Wirch he is ready to make up in THE VERY LATEST STYLE. A continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended ’’c* *ol:c ted- Sepl9-10t Cil \S G ASSW AN. FOR FLORIDA. INLAND ROUTE. The elegant aide-wheel steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Captain P. LAROSE, H ving been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, will resume her r gnlar trips-Ik vuig Savannah WKDN.SDVY MOUNING. September 29, si 9 o'clock, for DOBOY, DaRIE.N. BRUNSWICK ami St. mary s. oa., fernandida. Jackson ville. PALATKA. ami all inte.mediate landings on the St. John's river. Flo ida, touching at Darien t.otn wavs. Returning will leave Palatki Friday. Jacksonville Saturday, arriving ii Savannah Sunday morning. rates as low as by any < TIIER line. For freght or pas sag , having super or accommo dations, apply to A. L RICH UtDSON. Agent. S-pl9ly Padletord s Wnaif, Annntmc< mi nt. WE THE COLORED VOTERS Or McINTOSH comity, do recommend the nomination ot JOHN A. PULLIPPS as a suitable candidate for the House of Representatives. Bepl9 9t MANY VOTERS. H. P. BICKFO R I), v SUCCESSOR TO .BLAIR & BICKFORD.) Dealer in Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Posts, Hand Railings, Sash Weights, Blind Trimmings, etc. Mo. 159 and 171 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga* A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES. SepMMy p. w. Mkldrim S. B. Adamb. MELDRIM k ADAMS, ATTOIEYS All ill IT 11. Cor. Bag and Barnard sts, Savannah, Ga. Give persmal attention to ean-es in the Superior Courts if Chatham Bryan Bulloch. Eflingnam, Lib erty. Mcltit. sh, Tntnull and St riven counties. Practice in the State arnitlrderal f’oim*. Prompt attention giv-ii to cpllections. Tit liable correspond.nee in all s.cltons of the Hate. SepHMy DrT SPALDING KENAN, DAB IFF GA. / VFFEKS his profes-ional service to the citizen* of A ' Darien and vicinity. He can be found al ill hours and v and night, at his office on Screven street, next door to Mr. Wilcox’ dwelling. Aug. 8-ly. a itiimii’cenient. WE, TIIE UNDERSIGNED, SUGGEST THE name of JOHN A. PHILLIPPs as a suitable candi date for the Lower House of the General Assembly, subject to the nomination. Sepia tf MANY VOTERS. MEASURER k INSPECTOR —OF— Timber and Lumber. Respectfully Solicits Patronage. DARIEN, GA. July 11-fun. D. I!. WING, MEASURER AriD INSPECTOR —OF— Timber and lumber, Respectfully solicits patron age PAR JEN, . - - GA. Mat -2-15 nt. NOTICE. CONSIGNERS o' the STR. CAIiKIK will ph-a-" take notice that on :md tier July 2'L 1814. all goods MUST BE RECEIPTED on the ulttrf. and all goods stored will be at the risk of the owners or consigees. J. H. MITII, Captain Sir. Carrie. Jnne 20—t f. 15.000 OO T 0 3DBSCR IBE B S OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION* THE SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION of pre*. nt*, which we hate heretofore announced, and for which we are under obligations to some subscribers, will now be pushed to a speedy consum mation. • >ur distribution differs from those of leading Northern and Western Newspapt rs in two particu lar-: Hist, our presents are awarded to both Daily and We.-klj subscribers; and secondly, to doth new and old subscribers. Every daily subscriber paying $lO for one year's subscription, will receive a registered card entitling him to parti- ipate in the distribution ; every daily subscr brr paying £.5 for six mouths will receive a circle titling him to a half interest in the cash presents awarded. A club of live weekly subscriber*, sending ten dollars for one year’s sub-crllion, will receive one registered c rd; one weekly sub-ctiber cau get a registered card b - advancing £'o subscription, or a card entitling l ira to one-half interest in the cash presents by advancing £5 subscription. In our last distribution a club of weekly subscribers obtained TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD. Which was paid to Mr. Geo. Eb*rbat'L Paoli, Madi son county, Ga.. in the preixnee ol eX-Mayor Ham- Mock. The Weekly Constitution is a mammoth eight page sheet. Containing f riy-eight Columns, only $2 00 per year. Asa Family and Farm Journal it is unsurpassed in the United States. The plan is the name as the first, which gave such universal satisfaction. The distribution will be in public, .and superintended by commissioners, No vomb-rTst. All thepresentsdietrihoted without scaling and to bona fide subscribers only. Jssr' Subscribe at once liefore the distribution comes off. and von are too late, f r it is illlast. Sample copies of The Constitution, and circu lars. s<nt fr>- oil npplU'atinu. Liberal inducements and a special list of premiums offered to heal anen ts. Address W. A. II EM I'll ii and, & CO , Atlanta. Ga. As this nmy he seen by some unacquanted with ns, we re er, by permission, to ex-Mayor Hammock, ( o . G. W. Adair, Col. J. K, Wallace, leading citi zens. who superintended our first distribution, and also to the present Mayor of Atlanta, Col. S. B. Spencer. Sepl9 td GOODYEAR &' IIA IRIS, A TTOJtNEYS A T LA IF. BRUNSWICK, OE RGIA. / \FFICE—ComerNe-castln and Gloncester st’rs , '4 ~v r I)r ,g store of J S B.ainACo. Will practice in all the counties o! the B unswkk Circuit ami the cit r of Darien, Ga. Aug. 1-ly. GEOROT A — Mclntosh Cos. •pO the Distributees of James R. O'Berry, deceased, 1 la'e of said county. You ar.- h rel.y notified that according to law I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Estate • of said and r ased, for the benefit of the parties con- I cerued. This August Bth, 1874. E. It. POPPELL, Administrator. Aug. lAl* DARIEN MARKET —BY— CHAS. O. FULTOH, Dealer in MEATS VEGETABLES, ETC. Js@“Speeial attention given to all olM)tfft3.jgv Having had two yrara experience in the business I feel butisfied (hat I can GIVE SATISFACTION. My thanks to the public for past PATRONAGE, and hope for a continuance of the same. C O FULTON. May—2-1 y. TAX ORDINANCE. npHE FOLLOWING IS SECTION THIRD OF I TAX ORDINANCE, panned by the Board of Countv Commissioner*, at the meeliug September 9t u . 1874: sjsction 3. And be it further enacted , etc.. That a tax of one-half of one per cent, shall be levied on Stork to be taken on the let September, 1814, and ascertained by the oath of the merchant or ge.ler. unices the receiver of returns believes that the amount is not correct; then he shall proceed to as sess the same; said tax payable on or before Ist. day of October. Sepl’l tf SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, i Mclntosh county,- Daoien. U*., Sept. 10, 1874 1 OF. A LED PROPOSALS I’oß PLANS AND 0 building a Court House in the city of Daren, will be received at this office for one month from date. The Conmissioners reserve the right to re ject uny or all bids. SPALDING KENAN, Sppl2-4t Clerk B. C. C. M. 0. G KORGIA —Mclntosh County. HPHERESA M. SPACE HAS APPLIED FOR i exemption ot personalty, and set'.ii g upar,. and valuation of homestead, ad I will pass upon the same at 12 o'clock m. on the 21st of SEPTEMBER, 1874. at my office. This September sth. 1874. LEWIS .JACKSON, - Sepl2 2t Ordinary Mclntosh County. GE() l iG lA—Mcln tosh Conn ty, rpO ALL WHOM IT MAY-CONCERN : Whereas * Martha A. Beazley lias applied f>r Letter* ol Adminis’ ration on the estate of William A. Beazley, late of said county deceased. These ire, t preform to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to slioa cause, if any tlieV ha\e. within the time pre scribed by law, why letters should not be granted to said applicant. • Witness iuy hand and seal this September 7th, 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, Sepl2-4t Ordinary Mclntosh County. NOTICE TO STREET DEFAULTERS ! r PHE time having expired to work upon the public i tareetp, yon are hereby notified to come forward and pty your Street t ax. within TEN DAYS, or ex cutions will be placed in the hands of the City Mar chal for collection. SPALDING KENAN, Clerk & Treasurer City Darien. Atig, 24 REGULAR LINE. Darien, Savannah, .Brunswick anti Sntilla, The New Steamer C A 11 R I E , Capt. JOE SMITH. YX7ILL LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN \ V Brunswick, Sati la River and Landing JULY 2d, 187 4, making through tripe each ALTERNATE WEEK AND EACH INTERMEDI ATE WEEK arrive at DARIEN FRIDA Y MORNINGS, -nd will leave for Savannah same afternoon. June 26 FISK’S PATENTi Metallic Burial Cases. TnE BEST INVENTION KNOWN FOR PRE SS HVING T"E DEAD. Also s,.LF-SEALING Metallic Cases (two patents elegantly finished) and handsomest in this market. Coffins in Rosewood. Mahogany, Black Walnut, C-d rend co mou woods. We keep a full assort ment of all goods in our line. AT WOODS ,V AVEKY. Agents, (Broad Street,) Darien, Ga. A tig. t-tf. G EOEG IA —Mclntosh Cos. Ordinary's Office Of Said County. TYEN.TAMIN MCDONALD, AdmL istrator on the It Karate of David Aden, deceased, late of said county, having petitioned to be discharged from said Administration, ill who are concerned are required within he time fixed by law to show cause, if any they have, why the sit Benjamin McDonald slnmld not tjg discharged according to the prayer of bis pe tition. Given nnder my hand and seal of office, this 6th dav of -ugust 1874. LEWIS JACKSON. Ordinary, M C. Aug. 8-to Attention The InA of to I A. & R. STRAIN. DARIEN, CA,, Keep constantly on hand, US' SIM-11l MIIIIS AND Furnishing Goods? DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes* Hats Caps, Crockery, Wood and Willow ware, Hardware, I A fine assortment of Tattle ami Pock et Cutlery, Tin-Ware, Nails, Par ker’s Improved Pdind Hinges, Glass-ware, Foot-tubs, Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, "Wash Baskets, Flower-Pots, Sauce pans, Rope, Hollow ware, | Kerosene, Oil, Clocks, &c., at, A. & R. STRAIN S NEW STORE, COR. BROAD AND JACKSON STS. Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Harness, Carpet-Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, Grindstones, and Axle Grease, at Corner Broad and Jacksons Streets. Have just received a fresh lot of GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO &C. Nuts, Candies, Spices, Teas, Coffee, Sugars and Syrups, Bacon, Flour, Corn, Oats, Meal, Grist, and Northern and Eastern Hay, Lime, Salt. ALSO, A fine stock of CIGARS always on hand. Discount by the dollar’s worth or box. The attention of UMBER CUTTERS, FARMERS, and all in need of any of the above articles, are especially called to tbeir new stock, All will do well to CALL and examine their well-selected stock before pnrehas ing elsewhere. This store is under the immedi ate supervision of Robert Strain, junior partner, assisted by the genial and pleasant D. WEBSTER DAVES. Terms -STRICTLY CASH. We defy competition, believing that with our advantages we can afford to : sell GOODS as LOW as any dealer in Sunt, eru Georgia. We DELIVER all goods purchased by citizens in town or those on the Ridge, free of charge. TRY US. A. & R. STRAIN if £.7 fW-T