Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, September 26, 1874, Image 3

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limfcer feettc. y*l, DEPARTMENT. - oar Brunswick Agents fc !oHN T>. Fhankun, at ri)<- Drag Store E m '--)'- Jim- & * CO., IfinuTwick, is 1 [• duly autliorizeil Agent, and all thc.se X hive not paid their subscriptions to flic f.AZEf will ptawe call ou him and settle. I'Xoas wishing to subscribe can hand in (ijeir names to him. Notice. Captain 1). W. Davis,. Post master, is duly , -‘liori/.ed to receive and receipt tor snlj- Xip times, Ac., for the Gazette. — BOCA L ItOTS. • -While hi Savannah last week we had the - pleasure of meeting onr much esteemed 1. Mike J. Donskoy, Esq., of the well known dry goods house of Messrs. Frank & Eckstein. Mr. D. is well known in Darien iU .j (Cjivannah as one of the best men in iy g sectic::-. lie showed ns alt through the j imiam-:-;. eHabiisHmc rtt with which he is j connected, and we unhesitatingly pronounce ] ■, ; j, (‘td iheir advoi tisement uiil nppear in these columns in a few days. To j Mike Donnelly, that prince of good fellows, ; ;, VJ return our thanks for the many acts of, kindness shown ns during our stay in the j forest City Democrats- ec.lbkl not have made a! fietter nomination for the Legislature than i Captain Smith Barn well. AVe hope our col ored men will come up on election day and cast their votes for the Captain. Our word tor it, colored friends, Captain liAUNIVEInI. qo bade oU you if thddl. II" will ,i„ all in Ids power to promote your interests. Nov , when election day arrives goqui* tly to the'polls and cast your votes fur two good ;m j t.ue men Hartridge aaid !!a tiNwrj.iT, o r gallant standard bearers - The loK-nmer Sturlbjht, Capt €u\.i.ter, is now making regular weekly flips to Darien, as will he seen from the advertisement in another column. The Slcirlujht is an escel- J .jit boat and has elegant state-rooms on board. Captain Fbask Mykeix, that jolly, gpu.l fellow i ; the agent in Savannah. Wit 11. Ayeuy, Esq, and Hon. '!'. B. P.e.-SE. ai" in New York, pru'chnsitig go-als for their r ■ tpueti ■■■•. ot aes in. ilia; city. - The Steaim-r Currie has resumed 1 , her ngnlor weekly trips to ! hams wick and up the* S.;till i itiver. Evvrjbo.lv* that travel., once v'.tU Captain -joe Smith, ai .ays wants to go iigai-i- We always feelgood when Capt. Jot Smith is around. V.',; hii-vc l'eev iv.-il h i iiivitaii xl t:> . i fa 1a l cute: i .il.. i a‘ to ' " giv n at W.tl tlion. vide ou mst Frki.ty. 't'ai.s cnfcviain uieut will b>' gi> . a by the gu el ladies ■ i that tkl.w. 91 -d the proceeds u i.:e ILSdi'Vii: iltui,.- feivst of I lie church and dahha tli scliotV Vi o w:>!i them much saegess. T.ik l ive tis-un-ent of Mr- Jos Goltte. fhulcr;.dc r. S.vVaunah, will bo found in tins sac. Ail those wishing anything in hi; line would do well to- Send theif orders t lueixrusii.count v ran b-oaSt of some oi j -:c best, cule.gib. people in Goo"gia. and on election day, wo want, to see tin m g -ei'iught to the polls and cast their votes ioi ltutTiiin, l an i 1 h'.BSWEti* Du til’s and a.!, will be well. - -The line Steeim r £■■':.'■■■ Hal er which lias just been overhauled and rclit'o tl, is agait I'unning her regular Iritis to this city and Florida. Cm it. B. LaKose, is ill cbionian.i ot this elegem %‘atuer. -a e would direct attention to the advt-t --tiseiuent of Mr. 11 B Bickford, of Savan nah. As there are a great many new build nigs going up iu Darien and many more in contemplation, parties would do well to pat ronize him, Cannes "isi mg Savannah' should not iaif to call-on Mr. Chas. Cl ashman, Merchant ' i-ui Mr. G. is too well known iu Darien to need one word of praise from ns. Mr E -J. Kennedy, Merchant Tailor of Savannah, has a car. lin this paper. Mr. K. is a spleu did tailor and we cordially recommend him. The law card of Messrs. Mkldhjm & Adams, Sayaunah, will be found in liuotlu r column of the Gazette. They are prepared to practice in all the courts iu this Circuit, la is is a young, hut energe tie and reliable iinn. Buesnax’s European House, that popu lar plac e on Bryan street, Savannah, is one td the best ke pt houses to be found any where, and all who go there can feel perfect ly satisfied that they will have all the mar ket affords, "The little steamer l*.ti*y, Capt Harper. arrived on-Mon day evening, looking as fresh and new as could be. Through the courtesy; ’°f our esteemed-f it-nd Albert A. Sharp, wc had the pleasure of a short ride up the river soon, after she put in an appearance. She runs like a top, and Harper is the same good fellow that we missed so much during the summer. The Daisy left for Dublin on Monday evening, but* w 11 be back on Sun day, and then commence running regularly to Harry Smith's landing. We welcome her back. —Our friend, Dr. J. B. L. Baker, is build ing quite a neat little cottage in this city. Captain Albert A. Sharp, one of the owners of the Clyde, was in the city this week and honored us with a call. The Cap tain is down here in the interest of his two boats. —We call the attention of our merchants to the card of B. M. Lockwood & Cos., of St. Louis. Mr. L. is brother of the pastor of Methodist Church of this place. He has been engaged in the commission business in St. Louis for over thirty years, and stands r . v high there as an experienced and relia ble merchant. GREAT RADICAL POW-WOW IN DARIEN. Tunis G. Campbell, Senior, the Winning Horse—The Combined Forces of Wilson, Rainey, Simms, De veaux, Snowden, et al., Inable to Wltipoul the Old Cock on His Ow n Dung Hill. Wednesday, the 17th, notwithstanding the past Radical experiences of this community, unfolded a scene at once novel and suggest ive to the ordinary conservative citizen. There was such a collection of the great lights of the happy family, as Darien has not witnessed in all its history, and that dates back to the time of Oglethorpe and the Spaniards. To this mighty gathering, Savannah contributed the illustrious Simms, and the chivalrous Wilson, A. N., or X. F., we forget which, but it does’nt matter much. Brunswick was represented by the magnificent Rainey, and h< re the so-called white element was exhausted. But there were others who illustrated (?) various por tions of Georgia, and as far as we have been able to ascertain, respond to the call to hog and hominy (whenever they can get it) under the highly aristocratic cognomens. The arrival of such a distinguished- party could-not occur, without the happening of some striking incidents, worthy to be hand ed down to posterity. And so we are in formed that several of the gentlemen accom panying the Savannah delegation, either to keep their hands in, or that there might be no mistake about their political persuasion, we don’t know which, got the best of the poor negro fiery men who brought them over from Lambright’s in the little matter oi settling their litre. We were shocked and astonished when we received the informa tion, as we had never heard before oi a Radi cal who would seek to take au advantage ol any one in pecunia-y matters. Kahu y reached the city 'in safety and without any such imputation resting upon liis tair lnint. But alas! for the uncertainty oi human aiiair even where the most illus trious ate concerned, iscarely had his colos sal form towered above the river front j when Marshal L.ut greeted him most cotdiallv, politely tapped him on the shoulder, called his attention to au interesting little docu- ment, vulgarly ki.ivii as a bench warrant, and pleasingly invited tin; gentleman to satire the hospitalities ol an abode, not so commodious-, but quite as well known in Darien as the Hotel tie Russell is iu Savan nah. liius insve tile nospi-aliii s of tue City, been tendered to at least Oiiu Of the distinguished arrivals, but .Mr Rainey dc (.lined a.id ya\o bund i-.; iiis apq*>.a. hi,ce a,' i lie next term ot the Ivupe.ior Go art. t * au- SWI r certain ciiarg t, winch, i rand j ry toon it into t.ieu- wi etched heads to prefer a gal .st him at the .ait ertu, i--;.. aidless Oi Giant, the Ci".i higins bill or even iuinhaUici VV'i.itain ■ ’. .til not the limited states a:iuy and uav. o> oe ordeiv : cl iiiinie- Juut-iy to D ifieu to protiei tue iui h.ui t o ..iAi>st ire- Ui i'ciiG’j o* such hu V iiifse little pieiinniiiiriv.s :'r*itlv it, tlie tutted clt. rgies of the illt-slruslnui were di :*ectetl to tin; great eveilt tit the day. But .nittvithsi ot li :g their strenuous "hurts tue . iiectii.g was a in.scrub!" iir .d-u. Tl-uie might save been )>-•- .cut a liU i I red ai l filly or two Hundred "ui-'ie-l per.v!;s of . It ages an-.! axes, to whom, the c.ia.apioES ol Bryant r.ivcd eiid rait'.c.l dtiriug Hie b stpaltot the day, without creating any other impression than might bo iufenad from such expre.s iions us ‘-that’s a lie,” “stop talking dat ijolislimr.-r-ii’ ‘-you bettor stop your mouth and teek your hoe and go iu do rice field where you ueloug.” The i>euK>cratic party was heartily abused by the speakers, and we are informed that ike negro fellows Snowden and Dev aux used languugo of the most incendiary ch.tr iOter. Not suprising, certainly, in. one who, for the sake of attempting tha illus tratioa-of a point iu the -Civil Rights hill, alluded to the author of his heitib and the mother who bore him in language at once iiipp.tut and disgraceftil. -j iin Simms thought Mr. liartridgs a very nice man, and. one iu whom he had great confidence personally, but as a leader of the Democratic party ••iiartridge was .. l- ; , rascal." Al! of tliis stuff was poured out without elioilbt;:' tha slightest applause. Bin when the speakers severally struck another branch of their subject, the abuse of old Campbell and Wimberly, angry expression-; and move ments in the crowd indicated unmistakably how the feel ng lay. Calm and sen ue, like some Egyptian king of old. Tunis, Senior, sat, while tha torrents of vituperretion and abuse were poured out u on his devoted head. Ever and anon as a threatening movement would arise amongst his faithful subjects, ho would waive them into silence. At last ns the setting sun, poured his gulden beams upon the court house green and athwart the dusky mass, the great tycoon arose and shook himself free for battle. The first sentence from his lips brought down a storm of applause, and as he continued to pour forth invective upon his enemies in generaland “the Custom House■ ring”in par ticular, and lay bare their rascalities, the enthusiasm of the audience, called in the interest of Bryant, threatened to exceed all bounds, and to wind up) with the lynching of his adherents. No dog fight iu this oi any other country ever produced a worse whipped looking set of curs, than was exhibited m the appear ance of the Bryant taction when tlio day was done. The finale was a fitting com ment try upon the pretens ons of Radi< alism. After spending the day in abusing Demo crats, Conservatives, and white men to a Republican audience, the poor creatures who came here for this purpose and as the advo cates of Bryant, had to seek protection from tbe police of a Democratic city government (against tne apprehended violence of their tolorcd hearers and party men. 1 Marshal Carr acceeded to the entreaties of the discomfitted crew ind saw them safely out of Darien, and so ended the Re publican mass meeting in a triumph for | Campbell and Wimberly. Meeting of the Democrats of Mclntosh Nomination of Capt. A. 8. Barn well lor the Legislature. Pursuant to the call of the Chairmain of the Executive Committee of the Democratic party of Mclntosh county, a large crowd as sembled at l)e Lome's warehouse on Sat urday last. The meeting was called to orefcr by W. R. Gignilliat, Esq., Chairman of said committee, and on motion of Mr. A. W, Corker, Walter A. Way, Esq., was requested to act as Secretary. The chairman then briefly stated the object of the meeting, namely to nominate a candidate for the lower house of the General Assembly, after which he announced the meeting ready for business, whereupon, Mr. A. XV. Corker, move and that Capt. A. S. Barnwell be nomi nated by T acclamation, which was put and Capt, Barnwell was unanimously chosen, and declared to be the nominee of the*l )uuiocratic party. Capt. li. was then called upon and accepted the nomination. The united support of the Democratic party was pledged to the nominee, where upon Captain Duncan moved that the Exe cutive Committee, devise the ways and means by which the energies of every Democrat can be brought out iu this election. On motion of Captain Blount, a commit tee of three was appointed to confer imme diately as to the propriety of calling a mass meeting and having speakers to address us. The chair appointed A. W. Corker, Capt E. M. Blount, and Capt. Thomas Wylly as that committee, who soon returned and made the following Report: We, the commit tee, recommend a mass meeting on the 3d ot October, and that Hon Julian Harlridge,. it. E. Lester and other speakers be requested to address the meeting, which report, on motion, was received and adopted. Mr. A. MeC. Duncan offered the following: Resolved, That the Democracy and Con servative party of Mclntosh county are unanimously in favor of the proposed amendment to die constitution ot the State, and in opposition to the payment of the fraudulent bonds issued during the admin istiarion of Bullock. Speeches weie made by Col. Spencer, Capts. W. R. Gignilliat, Holmes, and A. Mc- Duucan, Esq., after which the meeetiug ad journed subject to the call of the Chan man. W. R, Gionilliat, Chaitman. W. A, Way, Secretary. Tltt! Steamer Clyde. We have received the following from Capt. A. A. Sharp in regard to the steamer Clyde. which was bought by Captain. John L. Day m Savannah last week. This will be good news to all: Macon, Ga ~ Soph 1“> Iket. Editor (fazetie .' Enclosed yon will pier o find a.circular, ;utteu up by the lti: ire and Company here, showing that the steamer Clyde will go to Dariau ou or about the first of November, and run as she did l.ist winter, except that all freights for Darien and river lauding: l from the West will bo turned over to the Clyde at Lumber City, by the Macon and iti ii s.vie Uuih• >aiiCompany, thus enabling Darieu to compete with bav:. ;uah in all Wo tern snpp]i< s. The Clyde was bought by Capt. John L. D iy, Cif.pt. k J. J_. ,s, Master oi 1 Transportation. .4. A B. R. E.. and myself. Caotain Day will let the people know tin exact tin-o she will start by notice in your paper. I’uuis, truly, A. A. Sharp. J " There x ill be divine services at the ; rhi*!:ot ou Sunday nest, '27th, at 11 A. :,t., llev. J. W. Montgomery, of Walthonrville, officiating. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper will also take place. The communi ty are respectfully invited to attend. Capt A. fc Barnwell will address the citizens of Mclntosh county at South Newport September 30th, and at Cogdell’s still October Ist, 1874. We hope there will lie a large attendance at both places. DARIEN TIMBER MARKET. KPFOIU'F.d BY \. W. CORKER. AVERAGE. SAB. FQUARE. 300. 5 Iu s)s' 350 • 5 H to (! 400 ov; to 430 7 tn 8 6t fit; to 9 6 to 6)4 boo ok to iy, 700 VA to I-'H | 800 .. 8% t; > 0 K ! 000 OK t" 10K 960 . .10% to 1 '<% 10 l) 12 to §ntcUtt)encc. PORT OF IXVRIEN, GEORGIA. FOR THE WEEK. fiNtttNO feTCPT. 24 ARRIVALS. Sept. 23—Sclir. Miirj Collins, Collins—Hiltons & Fosier. Blinv 2\(ln'vti-: cmnit.s, STATE AND COUNTY TAXES. I AM NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE THE 1 above t axes, arid will be in Darion SATURDAY, \ 76 1 h of September; at South Newport sth of Octo- Ikt; Darien 10th of October: South New ort 17:h of October; l)ari n 24ih of October; Soulh Newport :Xlst of October. As nry time is Runted.in which alt taxes must be paid, I trust that the tax payers wilt meet me promptly on the above (Uvs, as alter the 81st of October executions will issue against aU in arrears. D. M. DUNffoDY, Sep2(i-2t Tax Col’eetor Slcfi.tosh County. NOTICE. riMIE PETITIONERS for incorporating the Mc- I ir.tosii C"nuty SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO- I CI ATION, and all other persons interested :o carry i ine out said object, are requested to meet at tile Court II nise. i„ Darien, on THURSDAY, the first day of October, at 12 o’ lock M., to receive a report from a committee of nine. CHARLES SPAT INO, j Sep26 It Chaiiman. ENTERTAINMENT AT WALTHOIRVILLE. riIHR LADIES of Walthonrville relying upon the 1 support and countenance of s generous public, would respectfully announce an entertainment on FKIDAY", cctujK-r 2d.on which occasion Charades. Tableaux and a Concert, together with a Fair and refreshments will be opened at 4 P, m. punctually, to Be followed bj the other features of the ei tertain ment, commencing at 7K o'clock, l adies will be in attendance at ihe tables during the entire eve ntnv. As this enterprise is proposed in the interest of the Climch and Sabbatb School, and the proceeds will be appropriated to their united benefit. The ladies would earnestly bespeak such a response from Uie liberality of their friends a:;d the public ! generally as will remunerate their efforts in behalf of so worthy a cause. H. P. BICKFO RD, (SUCCESSOR TO BLAIR & BICKFORD,) Dealc-v in Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Posts, Hand Bailings, Sash Weights, Blind Trimmings, etc. No. 169 and 171 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES. Sepl9-ly P. W. Meldmm S. B. Auams. MELDRTM & ADAMS, iniEYs m corns st law. Cor. Bay and Barnard s!s, Savannah, Ga. (Vive pers. n.i! attention tocauses in the Snper’or Courts of Chatham Bryan Bulloch, Effingham, Lib erty, Mclntosh, Tntnall mid Striven counties. Practice hi the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to collections. Reliable correspond.nee in all sections of the State. SeplU-ly #5.000 OO T Q 3UISSCR IBE R S OF THE ATLANTA COMSTITUTIOWa THE SECOND- ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION of presents, which we have heretofore announced, ami for which we are under obligations to some subscribers, will now be pushed to a speedy consum mation. onr distribution differs from those of leading Northern and Western Newspapers in two particu lars: First, our presents are awarded to both Daily and Weekly subscribers; and secondly, to both new and old subscribers. Every daily subscriber paying $lO for one year's subscription, will receive a registered card entitling him to participate m tbe distribution : every daily stibscr ber paying $3 for six months will receive a card e’ titiing him to a half interest in the cash presents awarded. A club of five weekly subscribers, sending ten dollars for one year's subecrition, will receive one registered card; one weekly subscriber can get a registered <■■ rd h ■ advancing si() subscription,’ or a card i ntitliug him to one-half interest in the cash presents by affiancing subscription. In our last distribution a club of weekly subscribers obtained TWELVE HUNDRED ANT! FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD. Whicn was paid to Mr. Geo. Ebc rhgrt. I’aoli, Madi son county, Ga.. in the pretence ol ex-Mayor Ilam- Mock The Weekly Constitution is a mammoth eight page sheet. containing forty-eight Columns, only *2 00 per year. \-a Family and Farm Journal it is unsurpassed in the United States. Tim plan - tbe ranto as fh'6 first, which gave such universal sati-faction. The, distribution will he in public, and superintended by commissioners,' No veinh-r Ist. All the presents distributed without scaling and ;o bona fide subset ibers only. fc-7.' 3ubscnh at once before the distribution comes off. and you are too late, fur it is the last. Sample copies of The Constitution, and circu lars sen: free on application. Liberal inducements and a special list of premiums offered to local agents. Address W. A. HEMPHILL & CO., Atlanta, Ga. As tills may be seen by some unacquanted with us, we iv ei, by permission, to ex-May or Hammock, < o . G. VV. Adair, Col. J. R. Wallace, leading citi zns, who superintended our first distribution, and also to the present Mayor of Atlanta, Col. s. B. Spencer. Seplfitd FOB FLO R I D A INLAND ROUTE. The elegant side-wheel steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Captain P. LA ROSE, H ving been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, will re-mine her p gular trips—le ivmg Savannah WEDN SD\\- MORNING. September 23, at!) o'clock. forDOBOY, DARISN. BRUNSWICK and St. MMtY'S. Ga., PERNANDIDA. JACKSON VILLE. PALATKA. and ail inteimediate landings on the Sc John’s river. Kin idn, touching at Darien botn ways. Returning will leave Palatka Friday. Jacksonville Satur..ay, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. R \TES AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. For freigbiror pa-sage, havi.,g super.or accommo dations, apply to A. L RICHARDSON, Agent, S plfi ly Padietbrd s Whai C RBGTtAU LINE! Du: : ou, Savaimabj Brunswick autl SatiiTa, The New Steamer €ARU I E , ('apt. JOE SMITH, IX7ILL LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN T T Brunswick, Sati.la River and Landing JULY 2d, 18 14, making through trips each ALTERNATE WEEK AND EACH INTERMEDI ATE WEEK arrive at DARIEN FRIDA Y MORNINGS, t,nd will leave for Savannah same afternoon, Jane 26 — FOR FERNANDINA, FLA., Via Darien, Hmnswiclt. St. Ma ry’s and Way Poiuls, Ga STEAMER STARLIGHT, Capt. L. M. Coxettek, Will ieare at 10 a, h every MONDAY and THURSDAY for above points (leaving out Darien on Thursday trip), connecting at Femandina with Florida Railroad, giving through rates ol freight and pissagt, to Gaiuesville, Arclisr, Cedur Keys, and all stations on Floiida Railroad Freight end as lowasbyanv other iine, Apply to F. ML MYItEI.L, Sepl9-tt- Agent. Nottce. CONSIGNEES ot the BTR. CARRIE wiH please take notice that on and after July 2d, 1874. all goods MUST BE RECEIPTED on the wharf, and all goods stored will be at the risk ol the owners or consigees. J. H. SMITH, June 2€—tf. Captain Str. Carrie. JOSEPH GOETTE, Undertakers’ Ware-Room, 13T Broughton street, between Bull and Whitaker, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A FINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK IV Metallic, Mahogony. Walnut, Giaiued and Stained Coffins. Ccu.rs Plates and Trimmings al ways on hand. Neatest Hearses and Carriages furnished for fu nerals. Ice cases fur preserving remains- in the warmest weather. Renta,ns disinterred, boxed, and shipped. Orders front the country promptly at tended to. Personal attention given to all orders, and can be found at any time at the \\ arc-rooms. Sepl9-ly FAIL AND WINTER, 1874-6. • EDWARD J. KENNEDY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 120 Broughton street, Savannah, Georgia, Invites the attention of his former patrons and the public in general to his new selected steck of flue English and French Digonals, Casimcrs atxl Fancy Vestings, all of the choicest goods adapt and to the season, which will be made up to order in the most Approved fashions. Ail goods Warranted as represented. Sepl9-ly BEESNAM^ EUROPEAN HOUSE 156, 158, ICO and 102 BRYAN STREET, SAVANNA If, - - - GEORGIA. TITE Proprietor having completed the necessary arditions and improvements, can now offer to his gnests all tlie comforts to be obtained atothechotels AT LESS. THAN HALF THE EXPENSE. A REST Al! It tNT N THE El ROPE AN PLAN Has been added, where guests can, at all hours, order whatever cun be obtained in the market. Rooms, with Board, $1 50 a day Determined to be outdone by n ne alt I ask is a trial, confident that, complete satisfaction will be given. , JOHN IJRESNAJV, Sepl9-ly Projirlelfjfi _ DARIENMARKET —BY— CHAS. O. PULTON, Dealer in AIE AT’?, A EGET AAA LES, ETC. fpeaP’Speeiat attention given to all ORDERS.^ Having had two years experience in the business I feel satisfied that I can GIVE SATISFACTION. My thanks to the public for past- PATRONAGE, and hope for a continuance of the same. C <> FULTON. May—2-1 y. GEORGIA —Mclntosh County, rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ; Whereas 1 Martha A. Beazley has applied Or Letters ol Adminis’ration on tae estate of William A. Beazley, late of said county deceased. These ire, therefore, to cite and admonish all pasties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to shdw cause, if any fliev hate, within the time | re scribcd by law, why letters should not be granted to said applicant. Witness mv hand and stud this September Tth, 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, Sepl2-4t Ordinary Mclntosh County. G EORGI A—Me I ntosh Cos. Ordinary's OrnsE Oj* Said Countt. I > E.VJAMLN MCDONALD, Admit Istrator on the * > Estate of David Allen, deceased, late of said comity, having petitioned to be discharged from said Administration, all who are concerned are repaired within ihe time fixed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why the said Benjamin McDonald should not be discharged according to the prayer ol' hits pe tition. G'ven under my hand and seal of office, this £th day of ugust 1874. LEWIS JACKSON. Ordinary, M. G. Aug. ft-3m- DAILY ADVERTISER, Published in Savannah. CONTAINS MOST RELIABLE! MARKET REPORTS, AND TELEGRAPHIC NEWS i FPOM ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD,. A FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER, G. N. NICHOLS, Proprietor,, F W. SIiJIS, Business Manager- Scp26 tl Attention The life of leas I A.&R. STRAIN, DARIEN, CA<; Keep constantly on hand, US' READY-MADE ME. AND Furnishing Goods, DRY GOODS* Clothing, Boots. Shoes* Hats, Caps, Crockery* Wood and Willow ware* Hardware* A fine assortment of TaWe sail Poek> it Cutlery, Tin-Ware, Nails, Par ke Cs Improved Blind Hinges, Glass-ware, Foot-tubs, Brooms, Brils ties, Buckets,. Wash Tubs, Wash Boards,. WasE Baskets, Flower-Pots, Sauce pans, Hope,. Hollow ware,, I Kerosene, Oil, Clocks, Ac., at A* & R. STRAIN S NEW STORE* COR BROAD AND JACKSON STfeV Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Harness,, Carpet-Bogs, Trunks, Hmb-reßas/ Grindstones, and Axle Grease, at Corner Broad and Jacksons Streets. Have just received a fresh lot or GROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO &C. Nuts, Candies, Spices, Teas, Coffee*,; Sugars and Syrups, Bacon, Flour/ Corn. Oats, Meal, Grist, and Northern and Eastern Hay, Lime, Salt. ALSO, A ffne stock of CIGARS always- fcsi liandi Discount by the doßai's-wsvlhr oh box, The attention of HUBEII CUTTERSi TA.BMES&,, and ail in need of any oi the aW.m articles, are especially e&tlvei to their new stock.- i All will do well to €AItL &W examine tkeir stock before ing eisewiieireg This score is iradter & ate sapecYisbos. eJ Robert Stram,, junior partner,, aasssivi ib* genial ami- pfoasassa 2>, W SmiER TEL Terms-STRXCTia We defy ao mpe& Aaa,. xatmvL hfgfi&adt with our iidvaulege'S. ip* ssoj xfikril :Cd sail GODD&as-aMoy rAatte jbs Southern Georgia, We DEIATEL: by titixeas ia sows* ar ikuM w 4* Fsidge, fcs* of istar^Bk. Tsai 3(4*2-ljs