Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, September 26, 1874, Image 4
Ifawn (Timber feetty. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $3 60 SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 2(i. SUI T THE DOOR SOFTLY. Shut the door softly, mother's asleep, Her fever is broken her slumber is deep, Look iu her pale lace and see there no pain— Darling be thankful we’ve mother again. Shut the door sofily. and come to her side. What should we do if our mother had died ' She who has loved us our weary lives through Snut the door softly and do as 1 do. Shut the door softly, and kneel with me here. To Him who has spared us our own mother deal ; Who has given her back to our arms once again. Borne her through danger and softened her pain Shut the door softly, and look in her face, And see how it gathered iu health and In grace, Is she not handsome, this mother ol ours. Waking to life like the budding of flowers? Let us lose all iu this fast flyiug life. Sister and brother and husband and wife. Mother’s love only, all lime has defied . Shut the door softly, and < omo to her side. Shut the door softly, mother's awake. Back from the shores ol the fathomless lake : Weary with travel, but laden with charms. Longing to clasp us w itbin her dear arms. Mother, dear mother 1 we loved you before, Now we shall love you a thousand times more. Welcome dear heart from the shadowy land ; Shut the door softly and kite her dear hand. Rooles for Playing on a Organ in Meeting. ay p. blsb )S, art. When the preach, r cuius in awl itottls down in the poolpit, pool out all the stoppers. That's wot the stop pers is for. When a him is give out to be sung, play over the wliool toon before sing in, but be stne to play if so they can’t tell whether it’s that toon or some other toon. It will attroose the people to gess. When you play the interloods, sum- . times pull all the stoppers out, and sumtimes pull them all in. The stop pers is made to pul out and in. Play the interloods about twice as j long as the toon. The interloods is the best part of the mewsic, aud should be the longest. Play from the interloods iuto the! tune without letting them kno ..hen i the tune begins. This will teach them to mind tbare bizness. Always play the interloods faster or slower than the toon. This will keep it from being the same time as the toon. If the preacher gives out 5 virees play 4. Tew many versos is teejus. Doorin the sermon go out of the church, and cum back in time for the next toon. This will show you doant j mean to be bard on the preacher by bavin tew many listenin to him at j wonst. IQT A cunning little friend of ours 1 just learning to talk, got in the habit of running away. Her mother had ! run after her one rainy day until she v.as tired aud once led her back and whipped her “just a tittle easy." The little witch sat down on the foot of the sewing-machine scolding in her baby way and crying too, which soon turned to singing in one of her older sister’s Sabbath-school tuues “uggy mamma, naughty mamma, first she ieks and ’en she ’panks." A bachelor one dav set the table in his lonely abode with plates for himself and an imaginary wife and five children. He then sat down to diue, and as often us he helped himself to food hepiit the same quan tity on each of the other plates, and surveyed the prospect, at the same lime computing the cost. He is still a bachelor. An Eastern paper tells a story of a young woman of Brattles boro, who sent a friend to buy her a pair of shoes: “She told her friend to get number fives, but her friend, be ing anxious to secure a good fit for her, ordered the stort keeper to charge the marks on a pair ofse\eu3. He did so, and the lady said they fitted better thau any she had had for a long time.” ‘Oh, me! there’s an angle with wings.” “Pshaw! that’s only a Louisville gill with her ears spread.” BQT* Advertising for a wife is about as absurd as getting measured for an umbrella Eight hundred acres of,-river bottom laud were sold at a sheriff’s sale in Appling county recently for the munificent sum of ten dollars. * How much does a fool weigh generally ’? A simple-ton. &3P Well informed Republicans at Washington concede that the Demo crats will carry both Ohio and In diana. *®“This is how it happened down in southwest Missouri : He found a rope and picked it up, And with it walked away, It happened that to 'tother end A horse was hitched, they say. They found a tree and tied the rope Unto a swinging limb. It happend that the other end Was somehow hitched to him. sts~A stroke of lightning made a Leavenworth woman dumb, recently, and now husbands in that city want to move farther west. They have heard that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. *■■- ISF* “Spellin’ books!” roared a Nevada man when approached by an agent; “No, sir; but if you’ve got any good plug tobacco I guess we kin strike a trade.’ Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, BAMMN , ■ - * ' HbTAIL D ISA LICRS IN Dfii.lT GROCERIES, DRUGS & MEDICINES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C, KfiKl’ CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK •uf evvryihing in ttivir Itiie of business. ’PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Masters ef vesels would do well to give them a call, They iioite the attention of the public to their new , Spring* Stock, A fun* assortment of STRAW GOODS AND HATS. 11 of the latest styles-. j • *t Dress Goods, Prints, Cloths, ! Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be found in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness, Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings, &c. Their stock of Crockery, Stone, China, and Glass wares are of the best qualities THE DARIEN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATUHDAV MORNING AT Darien, ICITOSH CD.. GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. GRUBB, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE "ONLY $2 50 FS R ANNOM. ADVERTISING RATES LIBERAL. ! D. T. DUNN, BANKER & BROKER, Brunswick, Ga. BUYS ANI) SELLS EXCHANGE ON New York, Savannah, Bouton, and Philadelphia, at lowest market rates. Buys and sella Gold and Silver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on special deposits. Collections promptly attended to, and.busines" so licitod. Aj ri 1 25-ly. M. L. MERSHO N ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK,- - -- -- A. \y ILL practice in all the Cuur's of the Brunswick " Circuit and Mclntosh in the Eastern Circuit." j Darien and Brunswick made aspceialty. May-22-ly. FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burial Cases. 'auKSON-CO Cm. n. i riMIE BEST INVENTION KNOWN FOB PKK -1 SERVING THE DEAD. Also SELF-SEALING" ; Mefallic Cases (two patents elegantly finished) and i handsomest in this maiket. Coffins In Rosewood, Mahogany, Black Walnut, ( Cedar and common woods. We keep a Fu’l assort i meutof all goods in our line. ATWOODS & AVEKY, Agents, (Broad Street,) Darien, Ga. Aug. Uf. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, A ttorneys a t law, i BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. OFFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester st’rs., over Drug store of J. S. Biain <fc Cos. I Will practice in all the counties of the Brunswick 1 Circuit and the city of Darien, Ga. | Aug. l-iy. uTeT b. and lorme, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. DARIEN, GEORGIA. i TV ILL practice in the Brunswick and Eastern Clr '' ettits. Patronage solicited. Office next door ! to Wilcox & Churchill’s store, i July 4~ly. I). B. WING, I MEASURER AND INSPECTOR —OF— ■ Timber and Lumber, Respectfully solicits patron age- ! DAR.IEN, - - - GA. May-2-6m, THUS. DIXON, MEASURER & INSPECTOR -OF- Timber and Lumber, l Respectfully Solicits Patronage. DARIEN, GA. July Xl-6m. Dr. SPALDING KENAN, DARIES, GA. /"kFFERS hi* professional service to the citizens of vJ Jjanen and vicinity. He can be found at ell hours day and night. at his office on Screven street, next door to Mr. Wilcox’ dwelling. .' Aug. R-Iy. WIH. SHEsMCK. BOOT & SHOE MAKER, DARIEN, GEORGIA. IS NOW prepared to do any sort of work in the Boot and Shoe line. Custom-made boots furnish ed at reasonable prices. "Shop at B. Pfeiffer’s, oppo site Magnolia House. May 80— 4!lamsha louse, 'M. M A HON EY. Agent. DAUIEX GEORGIA. tpHIS HOUSE has bean put in GOOD OKDEE. I— Good clean beds at FIFTY CENTS per night, : for lodging. Also good meats at Fifty Cents per meal. Takes pleasure in inviting the public to the same. The choicest Mines and liquors kept on hand. : Attached to this House is a first-class VARIETY HALL, which will he opened by a First-Class Troupe : from New York the ensuing season. June 20-ly. | BURII WfNTON, CONTRACTOR AND ‘ BUILDER , BRUNSWICK, GA. f t)LANS and.Specifications furnished on short no I ‘ ti co. Will contract togrect Biddings in every style. A.'so—sttperintcn.d Buildings at. reasonable prices. All orders left with the firm of Atwoods & ''Avtry, Darien, Ga., will he attended to wjth dis patch. Julv 4 tf. | FI BURNEY, *PLASTERER and BRICKLAYER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental plastering, BRICK WORE —AND - s t - v 1 ' * j H(mse"piUnUiig la utery slpe al sltcii notice. DAIiIEN, GEORGIA. CROCK EMY, f i China, Glassware, louse and burnishing Goods, mum mips, ki. FOR SALE IN Original Packages or FaUked to Orders. E. D, SWIYTHE, Cony'e.'ts and SI. Julian Strat i.'.', Savanna ii, - - G i-roiuii.\ May ii- -3m. sm mawm®, HAVING BOWER PRESSES, NEW TYPE AND Fix tures, large stock of Odc-.l and Hat papers, card stock, Ac., on hand, and first-class 'vorktlien, THE APPEAL PRINTING OFFIGF, -Bit UNSW IC K, GEGEG IA , Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Printing on short nc ticc and at prices that will compare with the lowest, workmanship and material considered. ► ORDERS SOLICITED FOR PAMPHLETS, RILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS, And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black; or as many colors in .ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and at reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work •/ ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attentiofi a*s if attended to in person. April 25 MAGNOLIA HOUSE!! DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. \T ANY additions hav? been made in this house , during the past month, and the Proprietor taken pleasure tn saying to his old PATRONS AND FRIENDS and to all who desire FIRST-CLASS accommoda lions, that he is ready to satisfy them at the follow mg rates : Board and lodging per month *3O 00 Table Board “ “ ofi’oo Board and lodging “ week— io!oo Board “ “ perday jm Meals enc t ,-g Lodgings ■ 75 A E. CARR, Proprietor, M CONWAY, Clerk. ()~ 11 OPKI NS, MEASURER AM) INSPECTOR OF Timber and Lumber. Itespectfully solicits Patronage. DABlEtf, - - - Georgia. May-2 fim. Putnam’s UVEBY STABLE, DARIEN & RIiUNSWICK, GA. A. T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May—2-tf. E. G. FERGURSON. H. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucier, Ml L T NS I VIOK, GEOROI A. May 30— WIIIIIIABX HONE, HEALER IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 73 Bt. Julian & 164 Congress Streets; Savannah. Cm. May Hi — 6m. W. Robert Gig*.filial, ATTORNEY AT LAW, miEN, GAI J jUOJin .VTTEN'I ION given (nail legal husine;' i in ihodfastern and Brun-wick Circuits, and i the United States Courts at Savannah. April 26—ly.