Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 03, 1874, Image 4
garnit limber ftmeftr. ANNUA L SURSCIURTin N *2 6U SATURDAY MORNING. OCT. 3. A PKAIER. When the world no solace Rives. When iu do p distrms i c ouu; When m.v lover and my fri.-nd Leave uie with my griel alone; When a weary laud 1 tread. Painting for the rock* and springs. Overshadow me. O Lord, With the comfort of I'liy wliijjs 1 When mv heart and ilesh shall fall. When { yield my mortal breath, When I (father up iuy my feet lev with the chill of death; Btr ugih'-n and sustain me. Lord, With Thine all sufficient grace ; Overhaul my dying lie t With the sweetness of Thy fa c. When the pang, the strife is past. When my spirit mounts on hi„b, Catch me up to Tiriue embrace, In Thy bosom le’ me lie ! Freed from sin, and freed from di ath, lid with Thee, in heaven above, Over-plendor me. O (fod. With the glory of Thy love. The Long-Winded Talker Men fire ofteu talked to deitb. It is a lianl ileutb to die. It. isoflen tin case that they have to die standing. The lung-winded talker is worse than a drouth in the month of June; be settles down on you like it swarm of red-hot niuskeeters and acts as though he intended to stay. He never has anything of import ance to tell; if he bad he could do U in a minute. While he is talking to you he is al ways looking the other way, hunting up his next victim. He will hold yon by the button and talk to you for three hours and a quarter; and when helms got llnoi.gu you feel as weak as though you had just come out of a hot hath. Long-winded talkers are the von vainest of mortals; they don’t novel talk to interest you, but to aimisi themselves. They ureas cheerful and as flighty as a bladder blown up with wind. You can’t escape one of these fel lows any more than you cau an east wind. They are the worst theives in the world, for they steal time, a thing • that can’t bo replaced. I had rather be attacked by a two inch auger and a dozen gnnblets a 1 at once than to have a loug-wiudeii talker got after me. They aie worst than a female com mittee of live, to raise money to white wash the basement of the church. You canuot only get rid of the women, but make them all respect you, by subserbing seven dollars, just about twice what it will cost to do the white-washing. Josh Billings as Philosopher. The London Spectator points out the profound wisdom contained m the old sayings of Josh Billing , and the mistake of marring them by bad spel ling. The writer illustrates his sen timents by putting some of his s u tences plain .English. For exam pi : We h ave made justice a luxury ol civilization. —Monkeys never glow any order in expression. A young monkey looks* xactly like his grandpa melted up and born again.—No man call be a healthy jester unless lie has been nursed it ilm breast of wisdom. —Humor must fail out of a man’s mouth like music from a bubo.ink. It is easier to be a harmless dove than a decent seipent. —Some men mum to get rid of themselves, and rind Unit the game is one that two can piny at, and neither win.—Time is money ami many pay tbeir debts with it.—lgno rance is the wet-nurse of prejudice.— Half the discomfort of life is tue re sult of getting tired of ourselves.— Benevolence is the creum on the milk of bumun kindness. —Style is every thing for a sinner, and a little of n will not hurt a saint. —Most men are like eggs, too lull of theumeives to hold anything else. —It is a.tie trou ble to a graven image to be patnln, even in tiytime. Old age m wisdom tml iu rheumatism. —A mule is a bml pan on a horse. —Health is a loan ui call.—Manner is a greut ileal more at tractive than matter, especially in u monkey.—Adversity to a man is l.ke training to a pugilist. It reduces him to his lighting weight.—Ploasuie <s like treacle. Too much ot it sjioiis the ta3te for everything. Nciessa\ is the mother of invention, hut Pa 11 t R.gnt is the father.—Did you evti hear a very rich man smg ?—l3 ware of the man with half-shui eyes. He’s not dreaming. —Man was Limit nisei all other things were made ami pio uouueed good. If not, he won and navi insisted on giving his orders as to tin rest of the job.—Mice fatten s ow *n a church. They can’t live on nhg 01, any more a minister can. —Fusnioi cheat the eccentric with the cluplr.ip of freedom, and makes it Serve tier m the habiliments of the harlequin.— There are farmers so full of science that they wont set a gatepost till they have the earth uuaer the gatepost analyzed. W&" A Milwaukee genius has in vented a fountain p-u. The pressure of your thumb ou a small rubber bui projects a stream of mU through the holder into the eye ot the fellow vvm is looking over your shoulder while you are writing, l'nis ju ta<go and as the kicking j-tck .* invent-, by . Dtr ■■ o o ni s lli Ul*llg icjiio i* xjkKJ CUiilC iii Ci.*** ried off his exchanges. Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, BAmm, ga., RETAIL DEALERS IX 303&Y €OO3OB, GROCERIES, DRUGS & MEDICINES. BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE &C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line of business. v CD I’llO.WIM’ ATTENTION !M if) TO Wastets of vesels would dj will t) grntluii aci! 1 , They invite the attention of the |.ul:lh* t > ‘ln if tow Spring Stock, A line asst rtment of nmn nn pnnrA j iin II il~i MHAW Luiiy Al HAI 11 of the latest styles. Press Goods, Prints Cloths, Casimcrs and everythin!! pertainin r to the Dry Goods trade can he found in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness. Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage s Ih.-ir stock of Cu ckery, M'ne, China, and G.ass wares are of the best qualit.es THE DARIEN TrE m l PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNtIU AT Darien, MCINTOSH E 0„ GEORGIA, BY RICHARD W. CiRUHR, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONLY $2 50 riß ANNUM. ADVERTISING HATES LIBERAL. D. T. DUNN, BANKER & BROKER, Brunswick, Ga. |>! YS AND SELLS EXCHANGE ON New York. 1 J 'ii' HDD .h. Bur- tun, and Philadelphia, at lowest market r tcs. Buys ami set s Gold and Silver and Commercial Paper. Literi—t allow, and , n special deposits Collection* prompt } attended to, and.husii cats,, lie Ml April 23-1 v. BURR WINTON, CON Til ACTOR AND BUILD NR, BRUNSWICK, GA. pI.XNS and Sp. cifications fnrui-lied on sin rt rni ■ tice. V\ ih contract to erect BuiMines in every myle. Also Hipirinleiid Buildings at teas natile p ices. '1 oid. rs left with ti e firm o Atwoods & Av n, D r en, Ga., wi 1 he attem ed to with >.is p tch. July 4 If. FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burial Cases. 'umSOM-C0 -IMIE PEST INVENTION KNOWN FOR PRE -5 s I.VINO T EPE'I) AI-i.S I F-SEAUNO Mi ui ic Oiisi-t. (two pat no c’eaanily fluii-ln and) ui.il h:imi“omf*t in this market. Coffins in K im-w Mid, ' iihuirtiny. Black Walnnt, C-d r inil co limn woods. Wo keep a till! nssoi t* ineiil of ail good- in our line. At ,v AVFItY. A pen Ik, (Broad Street,) Dar en, Ga. Au_r. 1-1A __ GOODY EAR & II A PUIS, ATTORNEYS A1 LA Ml BRUNSWI K. GEORGIA. OK KI< "PA CornerNe cantT; and Gloucester sl’is., over Drug stove of .J. S B nin Jt Cos. Will practice in all the cou tire o. the B unswi. k Credit and the city of Darn-u, c.a. Aug. My. L. E. B. D’LORfVsE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. DARIEN , GEORGIA. \\ li L pvactic it. the Brunswick and fat-tern Fir- M uite- R trn a-c vnlci eu. Office next door to Wile, x & Churchill's siore. July 4-iy D. H. WING.. MEASURER AND INSPECTOR —OF— Timber and limber, Respectfully solicits patron age- pah i ex, - - - ga. May -2-ti.u. THOS DIXON, MEASURER & INSPECTOR -OF— limber arid Lumbar, Hrsprrtfully Solicits Patronage. DARIEN, GA. Jnl l'—m. Du. SPALDING KENAN, DARIEN, GA. /NFFERS hi* pro'es-donil eer* ; ce f> the citiz n? f ■ l arte . and vicini'y. H can be found a f’l hou e and yH' and ii lit. n hi-< ffice < n Screveu nl.eet, next door to Mr. Wilcox’ Aug. 8-1 y. WM. SKENCK, I OCT & SHOE MAKER, L'A.R EN, GEORGIA. 18 NOW pmmr. and to do any *nrt of woik in the lAiwif and rth e line. usiom-mntß* b<*. r* furnish Vdat r ihuihMc priCv *. Shop at 13. Pfeiffer's, opj o **ne Maifinilia House. W. i&obert GTgi.illiat, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARtEN, GA |)l{ MP I ATTEST I< >N given toal! legal hnsines 1 in iht-Kuhti rn Mini Brim 'tick Circuits, and i the T"i: 11 ■-<! Slater Courts at Savannah. April iij —iy. W A, BURNEY, PLASTERER & PRICK LA YER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental i lastering, BRICK WORK —AND - lloiap si;.intin;; in rv<‘iy style at sliorf tiul ice. IJAIMKX, GKOr}(IIA. CROCKERY, China, Glassware, Reuse M Fur ishing Goods, minis hips, u., FOR SALE IX Or iginal Pac-kagcs or hacked to < ) I'll (M’S. E. D, SIVSYTHF, Emigre** mul St. Julian Street*. Savannah. - - - Georgia May :fi—3m. H. P. IS SCKF OR D, (,su CES.SCR TO BLAIII & BICKFORD.) Dca’tM’ i.i D > n, Sishas, Blinds, Mml lings B dusters, Novel Posts, Hand Railings, Susli Weights Blind Ti imni -gs, etc. Me. M 9 a”d 171 Bay Street, Savannah. *3-a. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND \T LOW EVf PRICES. .•>,. y job pftisretuft HAVING power presses, new TYPE AND FIX- Inriio stock of ruled and Hat papers, card stock, Ac., on hand, and first-class workmen, THE APPEAL PAINTING OFFISE, i!!:UXSWICK, GEORGIA, I.- prepared to promptly execute all classes of Jol> Printing, on short m tice and at prices that will comp:re with the lowest, wotkman.'hip and material considered. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR pamimii ets, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY ST AT EM ENTS, HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, business and visiting cards, BLANKS. OF ALL KINDS, And all other classes and kinds of Job Printing, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appkal office being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do all classes of Job Printing, on short notice and .at f reasonable prices. ! TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention a? if attended to in person. J! prU 35 mow nun DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. \f ANY additions have been made in this hi,us.. , d “''>K the past im.i.th, and the Proprieiot takes pleasure in raj mg to his olu I‘ATROAS A.\D FltllMJS ami to all who desire FIR.sT CLASS act-i mmoda lions, t at he is ready to satisfy them at the follow lug rules : Board and lodging per month *3O 00 Table Board “ >• ' -25(5, Board and lodgit g “ week— ippp Coin'd - “ per <la\ a’,*, Men Is each 2 ~ - r Lodgings A. E. CAM, Proprietor, NT. COa'W AY, Clerk, o. II OFK 7 MEASURER AM) INSPECTOR OF Timber and Lumber. Respectfully solicits Patronage. Pari bn, - - . Georgia. May-3 tim. Putnam’s LIVERY STABLE, DARIEN & UIIIINSWII K, CJ, A. T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May 2-tf. F. G FEF.GUR3ON M. D., Physician. Surgeon, Aecoucier, HR UN'S WICK, GEORGIA. May 30— WILLIAM HOETE, DEALER IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 73 St. J ll 'lan & 154 Congress Streets; Savannah Gn. May IC—Cm.