Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 10, 1874, Image 4
§m "n <?kmx (Sagette, ANNUAL SCAscu/prtAS §2 50. SATURDAY MwltNlNe. OUT !u TA< KINO 81111* < FI BIIORK. weather ieech ol tiio tcpoul ►... . ro. fha bow lines si nun amt the U*e ln*<>n in i-'uck. n. I".‘e braces are tint, tin liitm bn. mi q pin is- Aad the waves niih the cuiuii.g Kiiiai! clur.il black-u. Oi.an om- point on tin- wrath. r bow is tne ■i m i'irr I-land head ; ter. 's a >!ta<-<; of ti. .ibt on the e ipiain n i.iuk, And the pnoi watches the heatii g lead. I stand at tile wheel cm. with eager eye. To at*a, and sky. and io ah r* I g..z *. Till the intjiit red orth r ol ‘ Fail .n,d by” Is auud tilt changed to ■•Fall for slays 1" T -Imp bends low. rln fore ihe bri t re. As her be atlside t.tii to lue Idas' sin* lays, As she swifter r-p.igg- to tiio rising -e.is As the pilot cans, “Siui.il by lor stays 1” it i j silence nIJ. as c.*i nta his place. Wilh the aioheit i e il ill ins I ardene.; hand*, By lack and bowl tie, by Me . i .<1 ir. e. Waiting the wat liw . J imp.iiieiit scuds. And the light on Kin i-.'.r and In ad draws near, As trumpet-winged tne pilot's snout From his post on til.* ..vspiii's h, 1 hear. With the weicom* sound ol ** Jt any 1 About*'' No time to spare ; ii G touch and go. And the captain growls, •Down holm! hard down !” As my weight on the whirling sp*.ki a 1 threw. While heaven grows bliem with ihe stoiiu cloudb' frown. High o'er the knlciheads Ilic the spray. As we meet tin* shock of tne ptuiigi g<* sea ; And my shoulder still' lo the w heel 1 lay, As I answer "Aye, aye, sir, hard ulee 1” With the swerving leap ol Ihe startled steed. The ship Aim fast in the eye ol tne wind ; The dangerous shoa •* ~n tbe lie ncede. And the headlands while we have leu behind. The topsails flutter, the jlba collapse. And belly aim tug at the groaning deals, The spanner slats, mid the iuainail fl ,ps, Ab thunders the order, “Tacks and sheets I" 'Mid the rattle I blocks and Ihe tramp of the crew. Hisses the rain of Ihe rtisning squall ! The sails are aback lion: clew to cicw. And now Is the moment for “Mainsail haul!" A a the heavy yards like a baby's toy By fifty si rone arms arc swinly swung. She iiolds her way, and i look w ith joy Kui the first white spray o'er ihe bulwarks fiut.g “Let go and haul I” '1 is the Inst command, And the head sails fill to the blast once mo;*.; Astern and to lei ward lies the land. With its breakers wl.d on the shingly* shor** What matters the reef, or the rain, or lheiquali , 1 Steady the helm for the open sea ; the first mute cuunor- “Belay Leu- s.l, 1” And the captain's breath once more cornea :i. o And bo off shore let the good ship fly ; Little care I how the gusts muy i low In my fo'castle bunk is a Jacket tiry ; Hlght bells have struck, and my wabh is below The Uses of Salt* To be sure none of ns can keep house without salt, ami Mis. All right will sny; “Who mai ls to be tokl of its n.>eK V Ol course we all know that it enters into the prepara tion of til! animal and vegetable food; we cat not make butter'without Hsus*; wo cannot keep :uei', fish, pickle, etc. M o don’t i t cd aif m i icle in Slit news paper to tel! us ti at.” i>t*My, K.ftiy, Mrs. Allright. Doubi h-ss you do know all its lists, but pm haps your next neighbor does not. X -r aid you know until the 1 other day, when you turned your ink stand n!i our ti e carpet, that it. would t iki the stain a*.tilt 'v out of the v, i den mat* nd. It will also j sometimes help sick headache. Dis solve a teaspoonfiti of it into a tutu- ; bier of water, am! try il for yourself, the next time you me ufti cted. The same dose will r,d your cliild of the terrible trouble ii worm.'-, and it wil; also ease the pain of irritable t*i .eases of the skin, sucli Its hives, etc. It will stop vomiting ft-, qnently win n all j other remedies fail, ami it will also i stop hetijoi i iiagt s front the hugs.! There is no more lei td zing medium for flu' growth of many kinds of up etab e; ceh iiy, cabbage, asparagus, sea kale and many other \ irieties arc all raised in ,i superior condition by its assistance. Add a teaspoouful ol : it to your warm water bath, and vou will soon fee! ihe benefit of its* influ ence upon tour skim Indeed we pos sess no more vahtal le remedial arti cle than salt, and its uses ant yearly developed in new ways. Strange Apple Orchard A few miles from Fort Madison, I lows, is nil ipple orchard growing in : the midst <>f a dense forest. The peeu -1 antics of the trees ere. first, the! shape of the leaf, being long and quite slender; second, they lr ar fruit of the finest flavor, and parties come from miles around to taste them, and some take leaves and press them to keep as curiosities. An old settler ie lates that : bun. 1795, R and Wing, a taiuoua young chit f, on his return fVot St. Louis, spent a few days at St. Charles, Mi, then a small sett le nient, now a flourishing city. While there he was given a few apples to ent, v liioli he seemed to enjoy very much, and asked for some of the trees. One of the settlers procured some tweutv-five young sprouts and gave him necessary instructions in planting them. These he carried a distance of one hundred miles to his home, and planted them around his wigwam. The famous old chief Black Hawkgave this as the true origin of the trees. They are upwards of eighty years ol I, and from present appearances will live many years to come. “Why, Hans, you have the most feminine east of countenance I ever have seen.” ‘ Oh, yaw,’’ replied Hans, “I know de reason for dat my moder vas a vonian.” “Are you fond of tongue, sir?” “I was always fond of tongue, madam and I like it stilt.” fi®“To remove dandruff—Go out i on the plains and insult an Indian. Atwoods & Avery, BROAD STREET, IU/lAIL DHALKItis JN DEY -GOODS, GROCERIES. DRUMS & MEDICINES, BOOTS, SHOES. HARDWARE &C. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON H AM) A LARGE AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK of everything in their line of business. * PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Masters of resels would (lo well lo fen a call, o They invite the attention of the public to flour new Spring Stock, A fine assortment of STRAW GOODS AID HATS, 11 of the latent styles. ad 4 Press Goods, Prints. Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the I)rv Goods trade can he found a in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness. Harness trimmings. Saddles. Carriage trimmings. Ac. Their stock of ('rockery, Stone, China, and Glass wares arc of the best qualities. TJIE DARIEN TIMBER GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Darien, lIITOIH Cl, GEORGIA, BY HICIIARD W. GRUBB, S LT] JSCRIPTIO NIT ICE ONLY $2 50 PER ANNUM, ADVERTISING RATES LIBERAL. I). T. DUNN, BANKER & BROKER, Brunswick, Ga. BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE ON New York. Savannah, Boston, and Philadelphia, at lowest market rates. Buys ami sel.s Gold and Silver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowed on special deposits Collections promptly attended to, and hnnii.es* so lie i ted. April 25-iy. BURR W INTON, CONTRA CTO R ANI) 11 OIL DER, BRUNSWICK, GA. j>LANS and Specifications furnished on short nn ‘ tice. Will contract to erect Buildings in every style. A'so superintend Buildings at leas- nahle p-icef. AU orders left with ti e film o' Atwoods A Av ry, Darien, Ga., will he attended to with ,t. - pitch. Julv 4 tf. FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burial Cases. %^A^ijfev£L:Y.r'' : “S7.T 71ri~.3f; ;^>Y-' :r 'ArVAv y... aN:T ',;, v ;* --*i^~as iS4 3£ iSaJi.: -.■tiiESSsa&G ■ ALfiiN. 3'JiJ CO i ■’-' ■ - ’>- . C-n. 0. rrnu Til’ST IXVK' TION KNOWN FO’? T'T'.E --1 BKHVINO T E DlS.'.l). Alt S I.F-SG.V I,T.N< i Metallic I'a-t f> (two pat -iii!- elegantly fini.-lnd) uml bamlMimcat in thie market. Coffin* in IvuM-vviH.rt, Mahogany, Biack Wa*nu. C.'U rami c<> moil woods. Wo keep a liill u.-.-oit meut of uil goods in oar lint*. A’iWeX.Ds \ AVFIiY. A pen is. (Broad Street.) Bar on, ((a. _Aug. T-lf. _ _ GOODYEAR & IIAIUUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BRUNSWICK, - - GE TiGIA. /\FFIOK —Corner Nt* e .stb. ami Gloucester si’u*., ' * over l)t' ill store* of J S It ain A Cos. Will practice. in all the con ties 01 the B unsvvit k Circuit and the city of Uuruu, oh. Aug. 1-ly. L. E. B. D’LORME, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY ITBLIC. DARIEN. - GEORGIA. \\' II L practic in tile Brunswick amt i a-torn < ir *' cni's. P iro. age aolicl.tal. Office next door to Wilcox & Churchill's store. Jul, 4-ly I). B. WING, MEASURER AfuO INSPECTOR —OF— Timber and Lumber, Respectfully solicits patron age- DARIEN, - - - GA. Maj-2-Bm, n in; MEASURER & INSPECTOR -OF Timber and Lumber. Kespeclfiilly Solicits Patronage. DAKIEN, GA. Jnlv Du SPALDING KENAN, DARIEN, GA. AFFEIjS hi* professional service to the citizens of I anen and vicinity. He can be found at rll hours and y and ni:;ht. at his office im Screven street, next door to Mr. Wilcox’ dwelling. Aug. S-lv. WM. SHE^CK, BOOT & SHOEMAKER, DARIEN, GEORGIA. IS NOW prepared to do any sort of tvoik in the Hoot and Sh e line. nstom-inadi bin ’s furnish, ed at re isnnj.i.],. p,-ic s. Shop at B. Pfeiffer's, oppo site Magnolia House. May 3H- W. Robert Gigsiliiat, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARIEN, 04. IJROMI’I ATTEN'I ION given tonlimraj bnsinrs in the Easti rn ami Brim wick Circiimn and i the United Slates Courts a! Savannah. April 25—lv. "mURHEy, PLASTERER & URIC EL AYER. Is prepared to do plain and ornamental plastering, BRICK WORIC —AND - House iiDiiniism in nny style al s-itort itotice. DAIIUON, GKOUGTA. MACON & BRUNS WCIK RAIL ROAI). Change of Schedule. SUPIiIUNTENDRN'T’s Ot-KICK. M. ,fc B R. R , , Macon, Ga., A| ril 25, 1874. ” { n N sn , rt ilftCT N'ondav, April 27, 1871, Gains on this ' road wilt run as follow-. ; iiown wav passenger tuaj.n (su.ndats excepted ) Leave Macon - 8-fiflAr Arrive at .le.sup - (i:45 r m Heave J<*b>up - - . . 8 (Hi p M Anweat Brunswick - . . It).31) p m Ll’ DAY PASSENGF.It Ti.AIN (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) lie ee Brunswick - . . \ Arrive at lesup - - -4.45 am Leave Jetmp - Hi a m Arnve at Macon - - _ 500 r M IIAW KINSVII.LE ACCOMODA TJOS -SUNDAY'S EXCEPTED) ica e Macon - j A , M Arrive at Ilawkinsville - - - 7.00 p m L‘v. Ilnukinsv], 1 . - . 7 p. . Arrive r Macon - . Ik&iam I he down day piwsoii'jci' and express train makes close connection with m, n> of A tlanru- and GulV ta ro* ri at Jesup tor I lo’ida. amnio dnv train con- at Joup f.r Savannah, and at M con lor oints hoirh, East and West. JAS. W. ]?.'• BERTSON, Aj.iJ-8-ti General Supeiintendei t. H. P. B I € K F O El D, (SUCCESSOR TO 13LAIR A RICK FOR IX) Dealer in I)d >in. hashes, Blinds, .M addings, B.tlasters, Newel Posts, Hand Railings, Sash Weights, Blind Trimmings, etc. Bso. a .id 171 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES. Scj.RLJv 108 PRINTING, HAYING POWER PRUSSES, KKW TYPE AND KlX uros, large stock of ruled and Hat papers, card stock, Ae., on hand, and first-class workmen, TIB APPEAL PRINTING OFFICE, I! RUNS WICK, GEORGIA, Is prepared to promptly execute all classes of Job Priming, on short n< tice and at prices that will compare with the lowest, workmanship and material considered. ORDERS SOLICITED FOR PAMPHLETS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, MONTHLY STATEM ENTS. HAND-BILLS AND PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, OF ALL KINDS, X And all other classes and kinds of JobTrinting, in plain black, or as many colors in ink or bronze as desired. The Appeal ofiice being splendidly furnished with new type and fixtures, there is no establishment in this section better pre pared to do a!! classes of Job Printing, oil short notice and a* reasonable prices. TERMS CASH, on delivery of work. ORDERS SENT DIRECT will receive the same attention as if attended to in person. A pri!2s - MAGNOLIA HOUSE!! DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. AI ANY addition* have- been made in this h during 1 he past month, and tlie ProprieUu taken pleasure in tu.-ing tu his uiu PATItONS AND FRIHXBS audio all who desire FIRST-CLASS aeewnmnd. OOlls, ton! lie is ready to s.itDiy I item at ton fo”, „ iug rates: , Hoard and lodging per momli . Table Board - ■ . I’.oard and iodgii g • week- "’.f't Board •• “ perdav Ffifi Meals A. . ’ Lodgings *• F* s -A- E. CARR, Proprietor, M. CONWAY, Clerk. MEASURER AM) INSPECTOR OF Timber and Lumber. Respectfully solieiLs Patronage. Dapiev - . , Gecp.ua. .May-2 dm. Pu i nam’s LIVERY STABLE, DAHIEN & U RUNS WICK, GA, A, T. PUTNAM, Prt’r. May—2-tf. F. G. FEEGURSON. M. D., Physician, Surgeon. Aeeoueier. BR l XS 'VICK. GEORGIA. May 30—- WILLIAM HONE, DEALER IN Wines, .Liquors and Cigars, *3 St. Julian A 154 Congress Street*; Savannah. Ga. May 16—Gin. ’