Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 17, 1874, Image 1
VOL. I—NO. 26. flatten (Timbre OVjstttf, published i.w.rv SATURDAY MORNING. i;y RICHARD W- uil dB B office in phillip's luilping. Subscription Rates, m Advance. For one year ** <' -F<>‘ *'* months. .sl.£U Club Rates: Five copies*, each one year TO or over, each <o> yeaf ..l 00 Advertising Rates ; s( ).- 10 (inas -since, fust insertion.sl Bu ‘ 1 i Eacli sobsequoiit insertion.... 1 0(1 , special Raft* 1 ” Te-trly am/ /sitge. * "\i| V erti*omeiits from respondbln parlies will he piblishod until ordered out. when the time is not 4'ie.cificd o the copy, and payment exacted accord. I'o'iiimnnicationa far individual nunefll. or of a personal character, chained as advertisements. Mar,daces, and Obituary notices not exceeding lo ir lines, solicited for free publication. VMien ci f :. |in <r that space, chanted as ,lille tor advertiseinee*? Mile upon |i’vsimt.itlnr. a ter the first '-.sertion. hut a spirit of commercial I „!.’.ality will he practiced toward regular patrons. To avoid any misanilersrandinjr. the above rules W |H he adhered to without deviation. A ll letters and coinuuinicntions snonld he address wl 10 Richard W. Grubb, PA!i|i;\. OA. - tu*JK*'ejnr--' rmscr t*r*sas**/r* w.tc jacc—ir^r*a-Ji t’iTY nUtE'TM!Y. CQU'ity Off cerg. f'lV/nti/ Com-niiseinne-rs—T f*. I’e.i-e. fin man. ]> ( ;i- ■ 11. .1 one* Walker, am - ' i,el,lwm. K. ... Vlor'ds. 1.. Vt ■'n'lisii. Thom is Oienillial. C'f.r t. ji c llr. s. Kent.". Sr:)"i:tr Court-' s me. M Aiken. On/inary -Lea is .!;ii-U“,ui. Sherrff— tames It. F,enne'r, I’. tvfhi S'r’-'F ■ Vhn zo Guy'on. T ANARUS/ /iftrrrs —Medi-oti Tiiomas. T-, e Co!'** S. w. Wils .... Cm',!'!/ Trx Itur-T-K P Clnimom-y. dhe •unimiss oners mrel iii-t \\ e.luesday m eneli m mih Mu yicipal Oiiicers. T'r-O*. t Urmr—'r. F. Pease. Kr-Qf \U v:nen —T i-. .Oil sop J ms* Va'l.er. j.,,0 i, i--in. It. !,. Morris 1, M. lutosii. Tl os. (’!f r '■,7 ■* l !'/■ ■ i‘■'iirp.r t '-.s Kenan. Cilv .1 ’in- hi-- I ■ li i> F. < i ir Vis'ii" • d's-hv- 1. /•.xitrcttir (IvohtiI —F, S. I! ; ’ v O h-e ’ el* ' ev. I V .'O * 11,9 and I'* '.'el’ ,It Put Hhr I ''*■ lsaac M Vik-n. J ini I'. Burrell. ,1, ~.s *; \ M nit. CnDil.fr. —1 din II Burr.-’l. U. 3. "Iff Cl' l . Co’lec'w of <’■• 'o“b< !}rr>*trf-V District—. John T. "a ;>/ ,•* rsf •*** - C’ln- H I’mvii J. 1. 'll Is. r -T> • I'nvi*. T’i • -nii *. iv . >.• ; * •v tv m,. 1-, n m i >::T nnbiv mi !) tn l'Tlv \. M. f-r Mrr*ti.-li N*. -I. A A* ( It. It., m L r cl•-v cniiiirrt i nis with North anfl S-i'iHl The mi il from VrTnto-I. X". 3. A <*: It •?.. ovrv Tin-'* nv ;i i V-] ;i\ rv- nin</s>it S(*‘r’k \t ii'- .-!(,< ,vry \V In stl.iy ;ml -'Hliir.i; yat oMock. R ;!'3-OiU Th* ear.* Kc-Tln-s' sit tfv p] v rv i*v.iin r at .'J an 1 S o'clock—• It -\ . \\. T .(!. J* o-t.-r n ill Kji-c pal riui'-ti ''very Siinrl ,y n.o all) ; it 11 o'clock. lt-v. it F. CJlut*. P-'S t or. It* Ii 'T : *n ~ i"i*vit'-i t-via-v <•* Gh i'h at 11 \ V. .3 I’. M. ;o,it 7i \| it tilt* c oivd BajitiiO (.’hiiicli K’-a 1* Mi lin P i • r It-* in nn •.•rvico-i t-verv 'tii •! 11 \. .and X P M . st the Meiliodi t (Mmrc i (colored) —Kcv > Brown, Pastor. Mu T.ivc Oik \i No FIT m-M:t* flr-t in ’ h nio-ith i their If ill le ar i • M cnoH.-! House. E P. Cham;n.ey \V, M. A. E C ht. S. cr. t-.ry. mim iini a in i tiiuf immiwiu i r •*' - CHANG OF II ‘- TE e.: - , ' I.iiPA?, jY- . r ' TNieTsr j ' ft • t-.M.- ; I ihSC; • . •J-'T'-.1. *■ • s-- z (JEN: *l. st :; ’>'jMNTENDENT'< nKKIcK / ATi.eNnc \NI> Gil r It lI.UO Savannah Oeloher 11 lHei. 1 / \N \ND \FT .It s VI'FIll) \Y, OC I OHSH 11 ' ’ ldei. Passeii'.-r Tram <on ons roil it ill run as f,.lions: K \ I’ltHsS I’ASSENtJE . 1.,* ive Siv in dal'y ,-t -I-dn t\ M. Ar ive :o ,1 --on ai yal s : '.y ['. tl. Arrive ;ir 11 iohriou • M d!\ ;I S:1”> 1- M A'riveat \trnr M .i I \ M P: id tl. Arrive n |.n - • Oik ■ I >i>> at 3:;.> '■ Arv.. .1, .1 e 1; I.iivi'e dd’v at llhls At!. Arrive .< Tii'aii i.see at tM.',n .M. L • ive T ill ih-i-s e daily at d:dU !*• vl i.e.ive .lacks .iivlll - it i'v at 4,40 " M. Leave Live. <1 ik daily at' 'I: lo I’. 'I. Leave vheiv tin iI- ar 3:40 Id (I L*-ive rt’iinhid lev dnlv ar -I: 0 I*. M. Leavv -lesiiii .liju a [ s:tn A M. Arrive at annati and ti,y it s -'ll A. Al. se- pi ti *(J r rir sHi on-lit, ~1 ii-k-n ,ville. I*-.-s .|i:;e,-s I'nr 1! 111, S— t hi j |- nl ii,. arriving 111 Brunswick Mailt- :11 It': SP 1* Al. Arrive at Rrueswiek d-nlv at :0:dl I’. At. Leave Bri|->s,ti('k 2: AA. A! Arrive ar S ieauuali 8:2 i V. M. I' iss-uoers from M u-on hy M. ued H. 8:0> A M. trriu c > ni-*v.r at J *-tip vv-th traio -or Ktoi-ida. Fas s-'O7 'is tru ll Flm-i-ia e-miiiM-r at .Jeslip ttit. train atrivinjj j n .Maeon at 4.30 I'. M. AC'AOAIMOI) \TiOX TR UN. (E ASTEUN niVIsION.I Leav.- Savanoah i M-uulav. Werliu srl iv and Fridavi at ; (1:50 A. M. Arrive ar Jesnt' (Monti iv. Wednesdav and Fi idav) at ' ... 12:30 I*. AI. Arrive at i.-iwion Mondav, Wediu-sday and Fridav) at ' 7_:) P, M. Leave Liwinn (Tiiesduy. Thaisdav and gl -ur 'ay at . . . ' 5;40 A. Al. Leave -fesup tTilesdav. T* ut-sdav and Samr di) at ...- 12:40 P. M. Arriv •at s ivan,.ah (Tuesday. Tliursday arl Satu.dai) at 5:4> P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. (WESTERN DIVISION.) Leave Lawton if-unr'av i ncij lit 7:2r, a. At Arriv, at Vildo-t i. '•* 11:33 4 M Arrive at Qnitinan. “ 10:54 '. M. Arrive at Ttioma'Ville •* 2:4u P. M. Arrive ar Albany, 7;(MI I’. M. L-rave Albany, * “ 8: f> A. A!. Leave Il„,rm-ville, “ 2: (I P At. Leave Quitman. “ 4:15 P. A! Leave Valdosta, “ 5:38 P. M. Arrive at JL-iwlon. “ 8:05 P. M. Oomiectinsrat Altwny w ill Nielit Train on Sonih- Wtrsten, Railroad, leavii-e \ Muiny Sunday. 'l'uesdey *od Thursday and arrivins at Alliany Monday, "pdnesrtay and Friday. Trains on Bmnswiek and Albany Railroad leave tlnneihin (No. 9. A. and G. R. R.) for - litany °n Monday. Vednesd ly and Friday, at 11:00 A. M., and arrive from Albany Tnvsd-y, Thursday and ■Saturday. 2 49 p. y; - Mail Steamer halves Painbuidee for Apalachicola every Thursday, at 8 A M. 11. S. HAINES, Genl. Supt. * SAVE YOUR MONEY! TIMES m HARO!! — — IT !S VKItY IMPORTANT THAT EVERY ONE J Htoui.n find the place WHERE THEY (JAN GET The Most For Their Money, it. & It, Si RAIL Oi.o STOKK, COHN Kit BROAD AND BCHKVKN BTB., 3ARIEM, GA., Would rest ectfulry Invite the -n’ : on of their friends and residents of Paricn and enmities, t,r their and well se lected stock of Go: era! Merchandise, ( ONSISTING OF n *7? r< a a r* c> DR i (j L u b LOIII'HO, II \TS and CAPS, T? G fAT~ c qn "q X> V> Gi 1 J UU i t' il H I^A, Gn an 7pT T? c Iv V-J u li j. id S.J 1 BACON. FLOUP, CORN. MEAL, OATS, HAY. , LIM-. HAIR, &c --w fj L 3 Li Jsi. , stovos; GL A SS-W 3-8.8, Tin-W are, rab-e a 'd Pocket Cutlery, Farming Implsnents, &c.-, Ptu ticnliir al ioiitiun oiwii lu (lie supply of vessels. Captains of vasse’s are especially invite,! to examine onr lafoft and complete stock of SHIP CHANDLERY, before purchasing elsewhere, which we arc selling at prices that will coni pa re favorably with any city in the South. GOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. GIVE US A OAIS A. & R. STRAIN. May 2—ly, DARIEN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1874. AN ORDINANCE To be Entitled an Ordinance to Provide for the Levying and Collection of Taxes and Licences and to Raise and Establish a Revenue, for the City of Darien for the year 1875, and annual ly thereafter on the first day of January, and for other purposes. Clection 1. The Boaril of County Com missioners of the court-y of Mclntosh (exercising jurisdiction in the City ol'Darien enacted under an act wf the General Assem bly of Georgia, approved January l'dtli. 1872) do ordain, and l>e it ordained by tbe author ity of the same; That isom and alter the pas sage of this Ordinance, the following Taxes and Licenses shall be levied, assessed and collected for the purposes herein indicated, for the benefit of the City of Darien and the inhabitants thereof, to-wit: A tax of one-half of one per cent, on valu ! ation, to be assessed by the Assessment Coui -1 mil tee, composed of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, the mem hers of the Finance Committee of said Board and three citizens, to be appointed by the said Board annually; said committee of three cilizens to be the owners of at least one lot within the city; the Chairman of said Board to be chairman ex-oilicio of said Assessment Committee. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That the following Licences shall he levied and collec ted, which may be increased or diminished annually as the public interest luav require: Each Stevedore a licence of Si 0; each Timber Inspector a licence of $('0; each warehouse a licence of S2O; each steamboat agent a li cenee of Sis; each steam saw mill a licence of $25; each flour or grist mill a license of $10; each one horse dray a licence of $10; each two horse dray a licence of sls; each public stable $2 :! ; each store for the sale, of general merchandise and 1101 to include li quors, Ac., $2(1; each store for the sale ot merchandise to include liquors, Ac., $45: each bar-room S3O: each hotel bar-room at tached $45; each rvstaurant*s2s: each res taurant with privileges of selling liquors and furnishing lodgings $45; each how,mg alley sls; each billiard table $10; each insurance agent $10; each contractor $10: each com m.ssion merchant or factor $25: eacl print in'office $10: each photographer $10; t acit junk dealer SSO; each butcher shop $25; each public boom $-5; each barbershop $10; each labor's shop $1(); each l aker Sl**; each shoe; maker or cobbler $5; each b! m-li-mith $1(1; .well wheelwright $10: each apothecary S2O: eacli circus, menage, i- or other show (except for religious or chm ita’nle' purposes; 111 tin yli.seieliiui of the Gliairmm or act ng ( hair tnan: eacli hoarding ho-.sc. entertaining tran sient hoarders -clo;eaci, row boat tor truas jiortat on *- j passengers N>; each sailor sfii, - per o2s;cae.i sailor botudi g house ;20 - eacii local or transient- a ent or vendor for tin sale of any article not above mentioned sls. hKC. J. That it shall he (he duty ot the Clerk 11:>ard C-onn.v l omniisKimn 1 aclieg as to Clerk and Treasu-.-r ot the City ot Darien have said ordinance onbhsin and anuu.diy once a Week for two week- ill tile local gazette ot the eitV, and it no i-a ai gazette. (-' fUL up a copy f' tins urdrua.iee 1 \ some > ,' place in the city, which pnbucati n siia'l l-c for the space ot two weeks: and immedia - :y tiiefi-alter to poet a notiee to all persons lia ble under the provisions , l tiiis ordinaiieo b call for and receive tin it several lien-es k and satisfy all claims for (ax due and unpaid It shall tie his turthei duty to in ike out a list of defaulters and nall.l (in* same In lie Chairman or no. iug ( 1 ,a a iuan, who shall di reft said Clerk t<* suio.ii >n said and, I-.uil, r- s>- appear on a certain 0.,\ liclore tie- F 'lice our! ot said city, io aiis,\. rsa and delimit. Old upon convi ti,m. sliail i >■ lined in a s iin -I not less than $5 n.>r ncie than ~25 and t ' lake and pay f t such licence and to pay ~'l costs, i;, default Of payment ot till- Sain execution shall be i-su.-d against said detail - teis and be levied upon tie g , ds and elm - :els of flu* satin*, and advei’tisi and and sold a it;:er sales. Sec. 4. And le it fnrti.er onlaitte 1, That tin iiOtllaLdv df r ill exn,ration ot tie aoti'-e toe Clerk ,-!iah issue excel,! o,s l ;,it St die (~ . ■ i ail del in it el s 1.1 i'a\,s 11 , . . ;eU sfinii i>e place,, a t.,e ii.to-Is ot > -I c-.i! i" In- 1 iicd i". -1: i j j,. ■ . wni-.i . .: • advertised ainl •ax sand eost in f Ivor of said ci v. I‘i ovi.l -d. in vert in less, that t Xecil tious sfniH not issue, a- • • ire-mid, until after I ~- re.urn to the Board the fe]toi; ol tale Vs- •;nnent Committee, and until tin satin iax -hall be finally set: I-u - •t. the said M tz-iial sliatl make pi" q:t till lelHtu f.i the Clerk and Trea-ut. • " lthi-i live day - if;er such sale, m iki-i a o fmj> ete list ol such executions placed i-, g w.t.; I’m II tines of detendautK, ill - am -util 'U tax ami costs, the amounts rais il from the -ah uiam under each execution an I Go- union,,t ol any surplus 011 the same v--tutiling; tn- san. -nridtis to the owner tln-tmt within the same time, aud filing the original fee-ip: for said surplus with the Clerk and Treas urer of said city, together with a list ol ;-xc cutioiis and returns of sales. Sec. 5 And be it further ordained by the authority afresaid. That every person or per sons, other than the Master. .Mate or Mates, or any registered seamen ol any vessel whether bark, brig, schooner, -loop or other vessel or vessels loading or unloading wit hin tlie jurisdictional limits ot the City of Da rien. shall he held and deemed a Stevedore within the provision of this ordinance, whether lie or they may load or unload hy the job, cargo, t, w-load, l.OOit feet or per diem, and shall first take out a licence there to)-. or he shall at once he proceed* and against upon the information of the said Clerk and Tr- usurer, or of the City MmisLul as a de faulter. Provided, nevertheless, said person nr persons shall superintend the loading, stowing or unloading ot such vessel or vessels, no such person or persons as steve dore. having a licence or otherwise, shall attempt to hud or unload m-to vessels ot any kind at any one time than he can per sonally superintend without first employing a dole licenced stevedore to have personal supervision of a part ot said vessels, either loading of mfloadin under a penalty 01 not less than Five nor more than Twenty five Dollais, aud a forfeit of Ins licence. Sec. t>. And be it further ordained by the uutliorii v aforesai 1. That all licences issu 'd hv the Clerk and Treasurevof said city shall bi ~r the autli ri y < f the Chairman and have the city seal attaielied and lie signed by the Clerk. All receipts given by Clerk wild Treasurer for moneys for the use of tile cite shall likewise have city seal affixed. Bec. 7. Beit further ordained. 1 bat all ordinancesor parts of ordinances militating against, this ordinance lie and the same is hereby repealed. Passed by the Board of County Commis sioners Septeuii e ' 9tli. 1874. SPALDING KENAN, Sepl9-tf Clerk aud Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE Prescribing the maimer in ichich Bills and Claims against the City of Darien shall be presented for payment, and for other purposes. Section 1. The Board of County Commis sioners, exercising jurisdiction in ft e city of Darien do ordain and it is hereby oriiaiin 1, that from and after the passage 01 this Ordinance all lulls or claims against the City of D irien shall he presented to any one of the Finance Committee before the hour of meeting, and if, after an examination of the same, it is found to lie correct, the said Fi nance Committee shall approve of the same, and toe-it hy the Chairman of the Board ‘‘passed for payment.” Said hills or claims must be rendered on the printed forms, which, upon application, will be furnished hy the Clerk and Treasure). Hf.c. And be it further ordained, etc., That nl) '‘ills or claims against the City pre sented in Ihe manner prescribed, will be promptly paid by the Treasurer, upon pro per approval by the Finance Committee, ‘ passed for payment” bv the Chairman, should he lie 111 funds; and all such hills or claims, wtd be paid in the order of presen tation, without respect to date of service, 'abor or anything else named. Provided, any bills or claims contracted by the Treasu rer. by authority, for incidentals for his of fice. or by the Chairman of tl- Board for ;lie benefit of the city, may be paid by them, as the same may he contracted for, and a report made by the Treasurer or Chairman of the fuio, at the next regular meeting. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That nil bills or claims approved by the Finance Committee shall he numbered by the- Clerk, that In shall keep a regular minute of all bills aopioved and ordered to be paid, the amount;' etc., and when bills shall have been paid they shall he legibly indorsed 011 the back, • -Received Payment for the within.” and duly dated, which shall then he placed on file ry said Treasurer, as a voucher for said amount so paid out. -ec. Vnd lie it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances mitigating ugniust this Ordinance be, and the same is hereby re pealed. Pass-id by the Board of County Coinmis -inners tleplembi-r !l:h, 1874. .SPALDING KENAN. Seplfi-tf Clerk and Treasuier. BRESHAN’3 unn-nrinj y. union UiiUt tilul HuiM 15Cl, 158. Id!) and 1(12 BRYAN STREET, -s'.l r.1.V.V.1//, - - GEORGIA. THE F; tjriftnr Inivimr coniji’ctu'l I lit* n* rv**rv tfCilit)**!'A* ‘I J n| r 'B. •”*! '**' iiO'-t t.n ,>,'*• MiKvn* .t;, ; /df c .lu'in tr* to In ()liaim*(l af of her holuH AT EE uS THAN TBLF THE EXPENSE. V REST.tl'it iNT v\ Til H El UOIE\N I'l.lN lias luien added win re eii'-st- can. at all li-i.rs. oriler whatever cai. be i.liia 11, (t in Ihe ina'ket. Rooms,witA B >ai cl $1 50 a day Determined to tic oh'(!">- by n i-c ii'i I a-k is a Irin 1. . o>,l'nl ni Ilia! coiii)ili te satUiaetiou wi:l h JDIIN IlSt ESN AXj ScpUl-ly Ihtqni i't i‘. FALL AI3O WINTER, 1374-5. F.DWARI) J. KI.NNEDY, i mm tailor, o sirt'**!. >V/t vnmah, tUorr/ir, luvjn- • m mi• *ii *f bin former patrons miiH ihe piih ie tr l' ' .ii * hi.- n*w M'lerli rl H- •f fi c lMljr| -It (| IR .li II < >*• ifIOTH Jllld FllieV Vo..i fi i eh. ieerf mhipi dto ’ll* jp}|m ii u hie)i *\- 11 he made up to order in the iiiom appro\ • and f t-liiofe-. Ad joi-d- w.irranted jik repr* rented. Si pi 9 lv pONNhLM E' o- i lie STK. r\HRIE "ill ph ,*)•**• V; t ke n• ie t!u t on -uni lei .Inly 2*l. 1874. nil •ji ai! r> i!U> T HE KKCEIP I El) on the wh*if imd h:I to* *i> Hiur- and Bill he at the ri-k of the o\vnei> r Coi*?*li*ct t* .1 11. WITH. .1 lino 20— tf. 1-I*l ti.ji 8m (dm Dlt L. HEIN'S RRFNSWKJK, GEORGIA, Lines all diseases, Scrofula, <’j: u cei-, Oyspi'p-ia, Piles, t.'oii siiiii;>tion, Loiigii and all diseases of t!ie lungs, and Eever. • AD ],prnns .nflcrlnn Irom any of the above di cases will do wed to c..1l on I)r. L. lIKINS, aim Le •-II red. All veffelab'e medicines, and protected by patent. April 2(> - ly. WALTER A. WAY, ATTOIi N E Y AND Counsellor at Law, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DARIEN, GA. practice in th; Snperio-Court* of thecoun ti.s of Mclntosh. Canuleii <ly li, Wayne, Ap o inir. Thttoall, Liberty B-van. Also hr the Fed*-ml Courts in case* of Bank* nptry. <fee. Pariicu’ar aitention grfveii t the collection of claims, and the ex unimtHon of Lai.d Tillet*. April 2b J. 3. L. BAKER. M. C. r'vFFKRS li’fi prof s,ional services to the public. ’J Special attention given to diseases OF CHILDREN, Bills presented first of each month. July 11-ly. The Mystary of Life. In the western ptu’t of <ho State of Maryland, ..moiig thoso rugged hills of the Alleghany range, stood my uncle's house. It, was it picturesque place on a deft itt the hilUi le, away back from the turnpike, walled in by rocky slopes, fringed with rougii hem leeks aud maples, and hieing high over a sleep descent ou 1 lie north fork of the Potomac river. The house of squared logs, was one of those good old relics ot pioneer days which are now fast disappearing. Desolate aud uuteuable it appeared, and the perva ding quiet, was only broken by the shrill cry ol the blue jay, or ihe dis mal hoot of the owl tit night. My uncle’s life had always been a painful mystery. Fie had giaduated at col lege with high honors, and afterward was travelling and studying abroad, when he suddenly returned home, and retired to the old place left to him by his fullur. There, in the old home stead, without assigning any reason, he kept buc dor’s It all in solitude the remainder of Ins life, inexorable n< the entreaties of his friends, whom he tveu refused to see. Lust fail my unde dii and, and to me, li s namesake, willed the estate. Upon in cen mg in us ol lus death 1 imme diately visaed the old place, Ii looked gloomy ami chsinal ■ nongl, when I :tt ri veil there, just at ilit-k. Fite only occupants of the liou.m were two - u gio servants, who han Ocen laiildtil to my umli for main sears Tin-} at once got my suppei tor me, amt ;.lu-iward tistn rni me tnio my ttiiCii-’s room, where 1 spent tin (■wiling m loo.vsng ovt r his papers. Amm g utii- r ■>, 1 totind the following, wtiicii giM-s ii clue to his stiinge hi\ u.l iMi.uiu'i: i, w.is tint a dr am, ii farcy of my iifs.fi oi red Ui'iiin. 1 believe not n ghosts; lor t-v< toy years I h;ive 1-veo ,i inis s • l ,(iy place willioilt a leal, jjy net ves are a.- steel, my constitu tion ns i oti. 1 quail not alone to the darkest, stormiest midnight. Was it m. imagination? No! It wassomt- Ltii g more, ii was something limit-, t was re and. Ttte tieiul Was lu re. FI, sit o, j under cm,ir. Iwusim! sieep t g, tint , w.de awake, my senses a nullan i (;n soe.tni an a. midoH.y. 1 saw him, ay. , nit Ins piercing gnu ci unit i my iicurt and read its secrets; nis h t tn’iaiti ilium my cin t k as In nit( red ti.ow, demoniucal laugh. Tiiat was Inst titbit;. Alt day \csterdiij tm IllOinorics ot stUoelll tile To lil te l to ~ e; itiose l,a, py days, gone tor* vi-r, -imcli ended 1,. . Would to (Too m-} bid never eluted, ol' Unit I had ii, w t known them, tin t) would m\ .oiimnied soul te tree. Amt in toe even dig I drew out tin oi l cln ck-icni'd, iur.tnged the men, .did Ly ti e dickering glare ol tin our. mg hickt-iy logon llm lienrth, uiii.se i upon toe cornels and straiii gi ms oit( n ii [)i alt and by us, Fred rit k ami I, and t i the corner watch d(- ,r,vet; iiij I tic of its value, tor* vt r. i • inis I i-l iti nigh!, i burn and my luct .ace in u,y i aims, and id t u-d : o> n.o and., w.iu sun. Unix s ineihiig •11 lid me. lsl.d.ed iipqillik y, lo .- e .i oim ti\ loi m oiknig a int o inn- ne. ihe ii.nl lad. n li'oin lie ..miirons, ami the ti.e was low. iii placed the cin-eki i-i o.d'd Let won a.', and stud, “Move.” I staled va cantly, bid nt".(ll not. Again J ne rd ihe low demoniacal iniii.tiii g, saying, l '-\io\e.” 1 old so, while lit Sv u a lion id laugh. The room was now q die dark, and ti.e antumi. winds wit ulll swayed tin: ol I lives o and tie, wi u many a groan, in l'ce storm was bi'uwii g. A strai g mimlim ss se.Z and me. Tile clin k s.r. (k twelve; eacli stroke seemed m> lioiii'.. 1 tried lo stir, to speak, but c at it i o . My body was paralyzed, my i(lain on li e. Aitiioiign in a fever, I s-iook involuntarily with a chill. Tin il. iiion’s spirit lieid me. and forced me to p ay. My hands took, aud moved ihe pit c s iin chaniealiy, and yet I was looking away, strivu g lo avoid bis glance. W heieVil'l looked os tiignl till sliadow coVt led me, 1 uusi. have played Well, tnongli I bought hot of the game, for again .ml again I seemed leadv to Colli,'l dim, hut. he always li.warttd me A.! lie who j lavs wish tie devil .eids le; r.ui o- Js. Al his t very ad vauiage the fire sc. int-d to refills 1 , m i I‘iirn wo Ii lurid, sulphurous flame. He was rapidly con cling me, and ‘ lieu at length my streiigt’i si emed gone, lie made tiie fimtl move, and 1 w.is beaten. “Your li I* ” lie ciied, as Ii • vanis ted. 1 lay hack in my chair as if de 01, ui able to move until long and.. r flie sin had crossed the m-r ib m, aud w.is sow ly d* scending tndiii and D o wi-sii rn Inks. T.n il Isi iz'd my l> n, and am now writing. ‘Your uli.” H>w tiie words re echo in my .us and m ike me shuddir What > ,f>* Inis it hecn, and how useless VYli it ail o dgina to my tneints, uni burden to mysi If. In the mol t ing I have “wished to God it v er *2.50 A YEAR. evening,” and in the evening that it were morning. My lire was a game. I have lived no life since I have been here. It was the spirit of pride and ambition. It led me to suppose 1 was play'ng my game well with the world. Even last night the devil gave me advantage, after advantage, only to win against me at last. I was willing to play against the world. “Bring on y.mr In st talent” I ■•aid to myself. “I will yet he first.” These were my boyish thought* and my success made me regard them as virtues. At college my ambition was satisfied, and in many contest I gained the coveted laurels. Af er graduating, 1 went abro id, spent s .me tfme in Paris, preparatory to going to the Univer.-i y of H-i 11-burg. Soon after iny arrival there, I became acquainted with Frederick., He wag a fair-haired Saxon yotitli of a poeti cal nature, and of too deiicutu organi zation to long withstand the storms and rebuffs of this cruel, practical world. His life seemed unruffled by a care, and appeared to be spent ill Hie dreamland of hope, 'though our natures were unlike, yet by some range influence we weie brought to .e.i her, as opposites (Ten are, and an intimate friendship sprung up be tween us. 1 loved h 8 poetry anil music, and use 1 oi listen widi delight r.> his rich clear voice, as we strolled dong the river in llie mooidight fights. He was of so confiding a lispositio* , that to me ail his hopes and j ivs were known; lor he seemed n have no sorrows Led by his quiet idlueiice, I j lined him in a pedestrian our ihrongii the lyrol. 1 was the eider and lie the willing follower, complying in my every wish. He l ived me, and I loved him I think, <eeo id only to myself. But despite ny constant iuorcouvse with his varm, svmpafhe!ic nature, I could <t r. acli the Heights where he dwelt. Tne mountains over which we pa.-sell -a (ind to ) 1111 ■ 11 rt to him their lree, 11 rv spirit, to no* their barren right css. At the villages where we rest 'd, he used to play and romp with lie childr n, -and praise the beauty I tiio pretty imnlchens. Thus we oiinicved several wicks, when I be anie anxious to return to my studies. VII passed well after ohr return, Until ite one veiling, wlreii throwing my aioks aside, I proposed to Frederick hat we play a game ol checkers. He icqniesced. Ii 1 priced myself up? a my thing in | articular, it was my Hull it this game. Many ol our happiest lours had been passed over the board. 1 had no fear of Frederick s reckless, •arehss moves, and for a long mill I had been successful ill a -'lies of games. "While it al ways afforded dig pleasure to win, it seemed to delight him q ally to watch my mlu-oeuvres and victory. During that day he had laugh ugly said, 1 would not always win; iml that evening his demeanor was ooi e serious I han usual. Yet ittibouii el was inv siirpr s ; and mortifica tion, when in our first game I was beaten. Fredtriek did n’t appear dated, but simply sinilid and said, “() i-,. beaten.” 1 Yes, but only once,” sfi.i ]. But a l .strange feeling came i'cr me that he was inv supeiior. in our second game I p!ay<i'with neat precaution, he with nqility uni j e tiling care less tj ess. Again he von, and simply smiled. Am 1 Unis to la; beaten by this boy li'Higlit I, wln>m 1 have always con • nli re.l my inferior. The perspiration Coo i up. n mv forehead : s we played nr ilfini gaum and rubber. I neier >ei in v and mv oil'ward emotions; but viihiu I was on tire. My heart throb e i violently, an t I felt a rising anil I'most itiiei uirollable anger; 1 i- clear tilueeyes learning with pleasure (X --isj .erated me I he more, for I imagined he was silently chuckling over mv de feat. Again the third time despite tuy ong practice, mv 'o mer skiil and iresent are.l lotuid myself lupthss h cut- ngled. One move and I was lenten. 1 could staid it no longi r; my a-^ ; hn overcame me. I dashed ihe maid lr m between us, and struck him. One we' k lat< r Frederick was laid .n his (a flin. I can write no mote, the rest is writ ten o i my life, my character, and my home. >st. yesterday, so mewl ere be- Lwe n sunrise and sunset, two gol h n euiis, each set with sixty diuniiu and minutes. No reward is offered, for i hey ate gone re\ er. A youug poet nut west, in dc c i nag i.iaivt i , says: ‘ It. is a world of b'Ls fenced in with girls.” ffig'- A eonteiupary defines the wabz as “hugging set to i*o stc.” T 1 e and, fi ition is new, if t' e idea is not. A datk y’s instructions for pulling on a- coat, were, ' First do l ight arm,->Vii de lefi, tilid del! give one g ui ral .conwulsioe.