Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 17, 1874, Image 3
Jliiticu ?tmbrv 6iucttc. L DIWAIITMEXT. notice. rantJt in D W. Davis, Post master. is duly fhorized to receive nnd receipt for sub- SSEU Ac. for the Gazette. local dots. We return our many thunks to that thorough machinist, Mr. John It. Dillon, . Sa vaumih. for overhauling and leveling ° ur printing press. Mr. Dillon is a splen did machinist and is connected with the a\ ide-awake firm of Messrs. Monahan, Parry l co., machinists, Shvjmntih. The enterprising and go-ahead firm of Messrs. A. & R Strain, are putting anew ' j handsome slate roof on thfir old store ou Broad street. They evidently believe in the maxim, -‘substantial the cheapest.” __The new hall now being built in tins city, is drawing rapidly to completion and we [ lor e ri a few weeks to celebrate its ope ning by a grand bail. It will be a large hull and will conveniently seat six hundred people. We hope to see theatrical tioupes down in this direction the coming winter. —Those enterprising young men, Messrs. Wannbacheh A Weil, are pieparing to re build on the lot where they were burned out recently. Although they sustained heavy losses they have not “given up the ship” and are determined to try it'again May they prosper. Iso man should tail to lead our Bruns wick letter this wetk. Friend Warrington is one ot the very best waters in the State He was present at the Bryant meeting and knows whereof tie speaks, ltead his litter Buoad street 1m the scene of another run away amt smash up on Monday uioin in". The nag, with wagon attached, waltzed up and down the street a few times and then mistaking Donnelly’s store for his stable, rushed in, unceremoniously, but was stayed before doing any material damage. We learn than a committee has been appointed to find the wheels, etc., which wore strewn around promiscuously. —We would specially direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement ol Messrs. J A. Atwood A Bros., on Broad street. This iirni is sell known to our cifc, zens. They a e all thorough i ttsiness men, an t are now disposing ol their old stock at a bargain in order to make room for then extensive may stock, which is being shipped, and will arrive within thirty days. We can assure our readers that when they go to J. A. Atwood A linos. they will be satisfied with the if tally and price of the goods. —On M ..l.iuy night last the weather .changed very mate.iuily, and before morn ing ,-very body was m scutch ol blankets. Our harbor was enlivened on Tuesday morning by a i eo between those staunch little steam r - .!■/ u F nicer, owned by G. A . Wright, and Daisy. owned by A. A. .Shali* A Cos. The race w-s pretty lively for a I while, but Harper, ot the TANARUS) put on hsj “short str ii,e aid -he shot nln- and, winning the race easily. The 3fay I'lower, however, is a fine It! tie steamer, and her ofbeets art ail {'me fellows. — The steamer May Flower makes two trips a week from Brunswick to Darien, Mondays and Fridays. —We are pleased to state that Mr. Wilcox Is fast convalescing, and we hope soon to : see him again on our streets. Mr. W. has | been very ill during the week and his many | friends hail, with much gratification, his early recovery. Hon. I'. P. Pease returned to the city last week. He is looking well. —We had a call during the week from our j young friend Moses Daniel, who has been spending part of the summer in Quitman. — The matrimonial market w ill soon open, we are informed. Hanged if this ain’t an j excelleut time to get married. Get married young man. get married. lf the kind-hearted individual who took | our scissors off, will only bring them back. J we will cheeWuily give up our pen, and won’t sav Bob Carr once. We have a heavy arti cle to write next week and without our scis sors we are lost, lost, lost. —There are five steamers now touching at Darien, and this winter we hope to s< e a dozen steamers touching at our wharves. —lt makes us feel so good to know that the notorious Bryant will not get ten votes in the county. Wimberly, that lovely bird with the handsome mustaches, is ten times worse that the changable Bryant, who van be bought for fifteen cents -in trade. —That young man who shaved oft’ his 6ide whiskers the other day, is convalescing, we are happy to state. New buildings are going up in all por tions of the city, and we hope, ere long, to see nice, new stores erected on the burnt dis trict. Gardner Rugolem, Esq., of Virginia, the new teacher for the public school, ai rbed in the city on Tuesday night, and will we learn, open school next week. By reference to an advertisement in this issue it will be seen that anew schedule was put into effect Monday morning, on the Macon nnd Brunswick Railroad. The t.ain going to Jesup from Brunswick arrives at 1 at '2:51 a. in., and reaches Jesup in time to take the Savannah train, which ar rives there at 8:20 a. m. Geo. Dere, Esq., was in Darien on Wednesday. He was looking so happy we inquired the cause and learned thut it is the tenth time he has bad reason to be so. IV e direct the attention of all concerned to the advertisement of Mclntosh County High School, to be found in this issne. A man was actually talked to death, to death to death. Meeting of the County Commissioners— Regular Term. County Commissioners’ Office j Darien, October 7th, 1874. j Present, his Honor James Laclilison, Chairman pro. tem.; It. L. Morris, James Walker, and Thomas H. Giguilliat. Absent, Messrs. Gilson, Pease and Mclntosh. A quorum being present, the Chairman called the Board to order, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and con firmed. reports of committees. Committee on Finance reported on the following bills as being correct aud asked that they be passed: T. f>. Mallard, S2O 00; T. IT. and G. W. Giguilliat, S4B; Jno. Grant, s‘2 25; Lewis Jackson $25 00; li. W. Grubb, $132 00; R. W. Grubb, $37 00; A. & R. Strain, $1 20; Lewis Jackson, $5 00; county bill of Hamilton Jackson, $lO 00; Dr. Ba ke", $3 00. Passed. Mr. Walker moved that the cost collected from “bark Rosalie" be refunded. Passed. Commiitet) on River aud Harbor. No re port. Committee on Streets and Lanes. No re port. Committee on Paupears reported for the information of the Board that there were now four city and two county paupers, all colored, who are furnished with rations and shelter. Committee on Ordinance. No report. Committee on Public Buildings. No re port. PETITIONS. The petition of Col. Barclay and others asking that some steps be taken to prevu n fire and lor toe protection of the citizens o. Darien was taken up aud read, and on mo tion of Mr. Walker, the Chairman was re quested to appoint a committee of live (5) citizens, to whom should be relerred the pe tition ol Col. Barclay aud other citizens, with referei.ee !o safety from fire, etc., and to re port to the next regular meeting. Petition of Mr. Sinclair for a timber and lumber inspectorship was read, aud there being a vacancy, upon ballot, Mr. Sinclair was declared elected. NEW BUSINESS. Moved by Mr. Morris that the communi cation from the Deputy Marshal be received and that the Chairman be authorized to call a meeting at some ( ally day to investigate the charges made against the City Marshal. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Walker, after this meeting, act as Chairman of the Boaid until the peinianent Chairman returns. As there was no further business belo e tile Board, on motion, it was adjourned. • Spalding Kenan, Clerk, B. C. C. A I’eep at Brunswick. On Friday evening last about 7 oelock, we stepped aboard the beautiful little steamer May Flower and was ail ready for our trip BrunswicttWiod. The splendid little craft is commanded by C ipt. 0. O. Willia us, w ill James G. B .rues as engineer, aud is owned by.oui lieu 1. G. Wash Aright. Esq., of Brunswick. It being one of tiio.->e dark ni;iils, we were u i.-ib'e to observe anything of interest ou our way to the “City by the Sea,” but about uiidinght we were aroused and told that we were at Brunswick. Pass ing down Bay street we noticed quite a lot of vessels strung along the wharves preparn .ory to being loaded with lumber by those euterpi sing lumber merchants of Bruns wick. We are pleased to note that James F. Nelson, one of those enterprising and thor ough merchants, always alive to the interest of the city, is now building a large and commodious store on the Bay. We veutine to say that this will be the largest bu. i ic: s house in Brunswick. Mr. Nelson has been living and doing busineos in Brunswick fo over four years, slid by his honest, upright aud fair way of doing business, has been quite successful. A few more such business men aud Brunswick would shako oft’ her drowsiness and assume a place in the ranks ot this progressive age. Good luck to \ou J. F., may you live long aud continue to prosper. At the corner of Bay and Gloucester is anchored George A. Dure, Esq., that prince of good fellows, wiio lives lor his friends as much as himself. Capt. Dure is one ot those true-hearted men who will always se cure, by his liberal and jolly disposition, the respect and friendship of all whom he meets. The Capt.in is doing a large grocery busi ness, having just returned from the West with an extensive stock. \\ e would say to our readers in Brunswick, when you want choice groceries go to Capt. Dures. Me have inspected them, and know that you could not do better elsewhere. The most amusisg incident of the recent Glynn county election was the stealing of the ballot box ou the night of the election, aud after the votes had been counted. It was stolen from the court house, aud kept, by parties unknown, until the next day. Rumor have it that “Tom Collins” was the thief, aud the colored folks were anxious to know “who in de debil datToui Collins was, dey neber she urn at all.” Jim Blue re marked that he would have felt perfectly satisfied “if Mr. Aiershaui had beat him, but he did not like to see Tom Collins or any other man go and steal de Uatlance box. A Brunswick colored uiau says that the reason he is a Republican is simply this: “1 am a Republican aud the Republicans fet me associate with them. When I was a Democrat the Democrats would not let me associate wiQi Uicin; neither would the Re publicans. A colored man remarked to a citizen the other day “thut at the next election all the colored people would vote with Democrats. Our friend asked him the reason but l.e would not tell just now, he said. There ,s something brewing. The Ocean House, which has been ruu rinu for rosuy years, is closed: the proprie- tor, Mr. C. E. Fl-'iiders, having tak. n charge of the new hotel at Jesup. We are iuformed that W r m. S.*Blain, Esq., will take charge of the Ocean House before many days. Bill Blain is a splendid landlord, aud we wish him much success. From what we heard our good people can begin to look forward for that excursion, promised sometime ago. Those Brunswick iaus still praise Darien for her hospitable treatment on the occasion of their recent excursion over here, and as a friend re marked “it bound a link of friendship which will never be broken.” Bo mote it be. Being anxious to return to Darien, we, in company with our esteemed friend, Bob. Strain, started for home at 12 o’clock, ar riving at the hour of 5. Grand Opening. On Saturday, October 17th, the largest, cheapest and best assorted stock of gentle men’s clothing ever purchased for this mar market, at 25 per cent, lower than the mar ket price. To convince yourselves call at J. Belsinger & Bro.’s. Curd of Thanks. Darien, October 15th, 1874. W'e, the committee appointed by the Col ored Episcopal Church of this place, avail ourselves of this opportunity of returning thanks to the merchants and citizens of Da rien for the amount, S7O, collected by them and this day given to the said Church. W’e appreciate highly this evidence of the kind and friendly feeling manifested toward our spiritual welfare by them. Lewis Jackson, James Boyd, Hamilton Jackson, Committee. MARINE DISASTER. The Dark Tcgncr Wrecked and a Total Loss-Crew Saved. An attempt was made to tow the Bark Teij ner to Savannah on Monday last, by the steam-tug Leon, Captain Ford, but the wind was nortliest and it was impossible, the Bark having been laying in the sound for the past four months and iier bottom aud sides being covered with barnacles, Ac. Capt. Ford left the Bark anchored at sea with the intention of returning as soon as the weather permitted. The wind st 11 in creased and the vessel went ashore ou south brerkers and is a total loss. The Captain aid rivw are all safe at Doboy. DARIEN TIMBER MARKET. KEI’OR i ed by a. w. corker. average. scab. square. 300 5 to 5)6 350 • 5)6 to <> 400 0)6 to 450 7 to 8 500 8)6 to 9 0 to 0)4 000 0)6 to 7)4' 700 7)6 to 8)6 SOD 8)6 to 9)6 yeo 0)6 to 10)6 ii!W 10*. t“l*H 10)0 12 to 12)6 £hnpmj) pout’ OF DARIEN, GEORGIA. foil THE WEEK ENDING OCT. 15. ARRIVALS. Oct. T -Schr. Mary A. Power, Wylly, New York— Epping. Bellas & Cos. Oct. 9—Bark Howard, O'Neil, Belfast, Eng.—D. M. Miiuio. „ _ , Oct. 13— Schr. Bright Star, Morse, New York— Ilillons & Foster. IN PORT. Schr. Mary A. Power, Wylly, New York—Epplng, Bellas .t Cos. Bark Howard. O'Neil, Belfast—D. M. Munro. Scar. Blight Star, Morse, New York—Hiltons & Foster. Rcu’ Advertisements. Special Notice. MR. EDI l'Oß:—lt's b en reported that I am dead. But that's no such thing. I am still at Wilcox A Churchill's, the DARIEN GRAND CEN TRAL HOUSE, where every one can get anything they want, from a Jew’s Harp to a Crow Bar, at the lowest price, lama live man. I put in a square ticket for Capt. Barnwell, and I go the whole hog for Il '.rtridge. Respectfully. WILLIAM COFFIN, Better known as ‘Old Mudg£,” at the Darien Grand Central House. Octl7-lt Mclntosh County High School, THIS SCHOOL WILL OPEN AT The School House on the R ! dge, at 9 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, the 19th day of October, 187-1, under charge of GARDNER RUGGERS, Principal. Miss (' EIFFORD STAN FOR D, Assistant. The trustees desire the prompt and punctual at tendance of all pupils with such hooks as they may now have. . . . For further particulars apply to the Chairman ol the Board. S. BARCLAY, Octl7-tf Chairman. Sav3oo.li Machine Shops and i ROIEEU WORKS. MONAHAN, PARRY & CO., MAC HI NI STS, EN GIN EELS, BOILER MAKERS, IKON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Cornet' of Ray and Randolph Street s, Eastksn Wharves Savannah, Ga. All kinds of Costings made to order. En gines, Loiters, Threshing Machines, nnd all kinds of Machinery made and repaired. W rought Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, fre m : fo 3 hiehox, g fitly ou haul. Oct-1 D-Jlm DISSOLUTION OP con TMRSUIP, rpHE FIRM OF ATWOODS & AVEIvY is this Ida. dissolved. J. A twin a) is alone author ized to collect accounts due the firm I A. ATWOOD. W. H. AVERY. Jr... J. M. ATWOOD. W. 11. ATWOOD, O. l.'. ATM OOD. Darien, Ga., October 9, 1574. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. r Y' , IIE undersigned members of the old Brin ol I. Atwoods Jt A vary have formed a copartnership under the firm name of J. A. ATWOOD A BROS., and will do bnsiuess at the old stand of Atwoods A Avery. A liberal share of the public patronage Is solicited. J. A. ATWOOD, J. M. ATWOOD, W. I!. ATWoOD, G. K ATWOOD. Darien, Ga., October 9. 187-1. P. W. Meldrim 8. B. Adams- MELDRLM & ADAMS, ATTOSEYS H COIIOIS A! LAW. Cor. Bay and JJarntml sts. Savannah. (At. Give personal attention to cau-es in the s.iqv ror Courts of Chatham Bryan Bulloch, Effingoum, Lib erty, Mclntosh, Tatnall and Striven enmities'. Practice In the Siale and Federal Couria. Prompt attention glv-n to collections. Reliable correepumEnce ain all Dictions of the State. Sepl9 ly JOSEPH (JOE PTE, Undertakers Ware -Room, 137 Broughton stm t, lictu een Ball and Whitaker, SAVANNAII, GEORGIA. \ FINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK /V Metallic. Mahogany. \l alum. Grained and Stained Coffins. Colon Platts and Trimmings al ways or. hand. Neatest ilearses and Carriages furnished for fu nerals Ice cits, sf r preserving r m.-tins in the warmest weather. Remains dl-ftttrr. J. boxed, and shipped. Orders fuel’ ilm collide* proi'-uilv ni tended to. Perso a' a trillion givni to ;.'i n J-‘rs, and can he loimd at any iiiue at the rt are-rooms. Sepl9-ly M. L. MERSIION. I G. B. M*BRY, Biiinseick, Ga. | Darien. Ga. MERSHON & XAEST. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, YITILL practice in all the Our a of the Brunswick " Circuit and Mchito-h in the Eastern Circuit. Darien and Brunswick mode aspeeinlty. Mny-22-ly. _ LOOKI lflM! LOOK! JUSi ARRIVED, VIA NEW YORK. A large mi lwt 11 selected Stud; ! jjry ixoocis N O T 1 o X S’. LADIES' AMD GENT’S HATS. BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. ’ i Also, a full supply of G ROCERIES Always kept on hand and usually kept u first-class establish ment. Come one, come all, And give us a call. It will be to your interest To give the new coiners a call! WE GUARANTEE SATISFATTON. j J. BELSINGER & 8R0.,1 BROAD STREET, DARIEN, GA. N. B.—Goods hauled to the Ridge without any cost to the purchaser. OctS-tf MACON & BRUNSWCIK 'r a ii -w •r. . RAIL ROAI). Change of Schedule. SUPXKXSTKKDKNT’S OFFICE. M. * B. R. It., I Macon, Ga,, October 12, 1874. ( ON and after Monday, April 27, 1874, trains on this road will run as follows : DOWN DAY PASSENGERTfiAIM (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Macon .... 8:30 A >1 Arrive at Jessup .... ti:is p m Leave Jessup - - - - tG'O p M Arr.veat Buinswick - - - 10.30 p x UP DAY PASSENGER TP AIN (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.' Leaee Brunswick 1 - - - 2.15 am Arrive at Jesup - - - 4.45 a x Leave Jesup • ■ *• 1; ' a m An ive at Macon - - - 5.00 pm IIAWKINBVII.LK ACCOMODATION (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) | Leave Macon - - * -3 30 p m Arrive at Hawklnsvlllc - - 7.05 p m Leave Hawkinsvilla - - - 7.15 am Arrive at Macon - - 11.00 am The down day passenger and express tralu makes close connection with trains of Atlantic and Gulf railroad at Jesup for Floilda. and up day train con nects ai Jesup for Savannah, aud at MaCon for points North. East and West. JAB. W. ROBERTSON, Octl7-tf Oepr-ral “a; erlrtcrd*-?: FRANK & ECKSTEIN, 131 s 138 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. If. 1 we largely incveusetl tlit-ir business and are now cfierir.g a most select and immense stock of Dry Goods * Notions And prepared to sell such at WHOLESALE AT NEW YORKPRICES We have constantly on hand Cities of GEORGIA SHIRTINGS. Cases of KENTUCKY JEANS. Cases .t CHOICE PRINTS- a specialty, Cases of BROWN OHNABURGS, Bales of BLANKETS, Bales of FLANELS AND LINSEY, Ami an assortment of SILKS DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, VELVETS, HOZIERY, Etc., Etc , which CaAA C) T It E EXCEL LE I> 1 N Tll E BTA TE. KID GLOVES AND CORSETS A SPECIALTY. ORDERS ARE REL’ECTFULLY SOLICITED and will Le carefully tilled. A mill wlimi visiting the city respectfully solicited. OetioUrn FRANK & ECKSTEIN. MARSHAL’S SALE. FIRST TUESDA Y IS SO VEMIIEIi. 1874. GBOROIA—PcTsvoM Cotnsrr. Vl' ILI. W HOLD AT Pt’Bl.lO OtTTCRV *T THE ’’ ulUConrt lienee in auWi city, between the legal hours of -Mile, <>n the First Tuesday In November next, the following city property, to satisfy certain Tax fi Krs In favor of the City of Darien. Ii r the year 18*4. to wit: Lot, 61, •! *i.d 68. bounded north by First street, south by Brotind and Lot 50. east by Lot 5 i and Lot •0. and west by Lets 60 and 00, John Hagan, claim am - ALSO, Lot 141. bounded notlh bv Lot 180, south by Sce oond street, east by Lot 148, and west by Lot 140, Henry Barker claimant. ALSO, Lots No. 7 and 8. bounded north by a lane, south by Broad street, east by RitenUain street, ami west by Frankly u street, estate of A. A. DeLortne claim a iit. ALSO, Lot No. 10. In an b*tl north by East Broad street, south by lan . eUrt by Lot No. in, and west by Lot No s, Simon Diu.ve ciaimaut. ALSO, Lots 7, Sand 0, bounded north by Totimbell street to.dir by a lane tomt by lot No. 10 and west by Adams street, Dixon & Mitne claimants. ALSO, A Lot In Mclntosh Town, Sam Alexander claim ant. ALSO, A house and lot in Mclntosh Town, ( art-i W il- M ::ns i la junto*. ALSO. A c-'i.m and lot in Mclntosh Town, John Haf !• r<l Cu.iamnl. ALSO, Lots in D< corperute limits of the city of D*rin, elaitaed by the estate of JoUu 11. Mclntosh, L. E. B. Del,or,no agent. Purchas: is paying for titles. ROBERT E. CARR, Oct-'! lm. Marshal Ci:y of Darien, F,I.LOOKWOODm, (’OM MISSION MERC IIA NTS AND PURCHASING AGENTS No. t l NORTH SECOND STREET, Bt Hollis, Missouri. ' pi l iall nti.cutimi given in the purchase, on order, of (ii.iiu. Floor. Bacon, Machinery and Farming Ini'ilfTu- iit.r, in all which they have had a long ex periet . SeptM 8m GEORGIA Mclntosh County. pV VIRTUE of an order of the Court ol Ordinary • * of .-aid comity, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Noycmber next, between the lawful hours of sale at the Court House door of said county, all tile real estate belonging to the estate of James H. Obery, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the licirs and creditors. E K. rOPPEI.L, Adiu’r. This 29th day of Sept. 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, Oetß-td, Ordinary M. C. CHARLES OASSMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO, WHITAKER STREET, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA. Has just returnfd from new vork with a splendid selection of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND V E STINGS, Which he is ready to make up in THE VERY LATEST STYLE. A continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended is solid ted. SepJS-lOt ('HAS GASS3IAIN. FOR FLORIDA. INLAND ROUTE. The elegant side-wheel steamer lizzie baker, Captain P. LAROSE, II sin . been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, will re-nme her regular trips-le tving Savannah \VKL)\ SD W MORNING, September 2d, at 9 o cba’k for iOBOY, DARIEN. BRUNSWICK and ST MART'S. Ga., FERNANDIDA. JACKSON VII I E PALATKA, and all Intermediate landings on the St. John's river, Flotida, touching at Darien both ways. Returning will leave Palatka Friday, Jacksonville Saturday, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. RATES AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. For fre*gbt or passage, havi.tg superior accommo dation-, apph to A L RICHAR D9ON, Agent. Uvpl9-7 r pndl“ c nJ', Wharf, GEORGIA— McIntosh Cos. Ordinary’s Omci: Of Said County. fjENJAMIN MCDONALD, Administrator on the Estate of David Allen, deceased, late of said county, having petitioned to be discharged from said Administration, all who are concerned are required within the time fixed by law to show cause, if any they have, why tiie said Benjamin McDonald should not tie discharged according to the prayer of.his pe tition. Given under my hand and seal of office, this oth day of august 1874. LEWIS JACKSON. Aug. 8-3 t- Ordinary, M. C. FOR FERN AN DINA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Ma ry’s ami Way Points, Ga. STEAMER STARLIGHT, Capt. L. M. Coxkttir, leave at 10 a. .M every TUESDAY and FRIDAY for above points (leaving out. Darien on Friday trip!, connecting at Fernandina with Florida Railroad, giving through rates of freight and p i s-age to Gainesville, Archer, Cedar Keys, and all stations on Florida Railroad Freight and passage as low as by anv other line, Apply to F. M. MYRKLL, SeplU-tt Agent. RFGULAR LINE Darien, Savannah, Brunswick and Salilln, The New Steamer CARRIE, Capt. JOE SMITH, VITILL LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN T v Brunswick, Sati la River and Landing JULY 2d, 187 4, making through trips each ALTERNATE WEEK AND EACH INTERMEDI ATE WEEK arrive at DARIEN FlilDA Y MORNINGS, and w ill leave for Savannah same atternoon. June 36 L. ECKM AN & CO. FRESH ARRIVAL. \\7 R have just nceived a large aseormeut of * > GOODS ol every description und variety. DllY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. And everything usua'ly "kept in a first-class GENERAL FAMILY STORE. Citizens of Darien, look to your interest and buy from us. We sell CHEAP and for CASH. Come every body and examine our Goods. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. L. ECKMAN & CO., BROAD STREET, DARIEN, GA. Goods hauled to the Ridge free of charge. 0013-ku