Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 24, 1874, Image 1

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    VOL. I—NO. 27.
garifii Simbc* (Smttc,
office in phillip’s building.
Subscription Rates, in Advance.
For one year $2 50-Foi six months. .$1.50
Club Rates:
Five copies, each one year 2 00
Ten " or over, each one year 150
Advertising Rates;
•’Fltsou ARE, 10 lines space, first insertion. .$1 50
~ ‘.. Each anhsoqnent insertion— 100
•3T* Special Rates to Yearly and Large Advertisers.
Advertisements from responsible parties will be
published until ordered out. when the time is not
specified on the copy, and payment exacted accord,
Communications for individual benefit, or of a
personal character, charged as advertisements.
Marriages, and Obituary notices not exceeding
lonr lines, sottetted for free publication. When r.x
--c -edine that space, chanted as adver*tements
rtills tor adverttsemep’s due upon presentation
after the first.’-.eertion, but a spirit of commercial
iherality will be practiced toward retjuiar patrons.
To avoid any misunderstanding, the above rules
will he adhered to without deviation.
All letters and communications snonld be address
ed “ Ricliard W. Grubb,
darien. ga.
omit;/ Officers.
County Commissioners—T P. Pea-e. Chairman. J.
P UiliMin. James Walker, Jam s I.acklison, R. L.
Mnrri-. t. Mclntosh. Tltomns Gijjiiilliat.
Clerk It. C. G—Dr. S. Kenan.
Clerk Superior Court— lsaac M. Aiken.
Ordinary— Lewis Jackson.
Sheriff —lames I{. Bennett,
Deputy Sheriff -Alonzo Guyton.
Receiver Tax Returns— Madison Thomas.
Tax Collector S. W. Wilson.
County Treasurer—E P Champmy.
The '’uinmissioilers meet (list Wednesday in cnili
month , _
Municipal Oificers.
Fr- Off. Mayor— T. P. Pease.
F.x-dff iiderm*n— Jas. * J . Gilson. James W alter,
James Lacklismt. R. L. Morris, L. Mclntosh, Thos.
Clerk and Treasurer—Ye, S. Kenan.
City Marshal— holi. rt E. Carr.
Harbor Master—C. Ste ulweil.
Inspector General— E S. Barclay.
P 'lire Court evrrv iiioinim: >.t 12 o'clock.
Port Wardens.— lsaac M. Aiken, John 11. Burrell,
James G Y'-unj.’.
Coroner-—John R. Burrell.
U. S. Officers.
Collector of Customs Itfunsicick District —John T.
Collin-, tl-'ii-it]-tarter* at Bn.ns'vio!.-.
Deputy Catheter of Customs for Tort of Darien—
('has. 11. Townsend.
U. 3. Mails.
Postmaster—Y. W. Davis.
The mail leavt i Dn-ieii every VVednesd-ivand Sat
urday at 9 o'clock A. M.. for Mclntosh No. 3. A. is
G. K. R., matrinir close connection? with mails (ruing
North and South
The matt arrives from Mclntosh. No. 3. A. G.
It. It .everv Tnes-'av and Frida} eveninirs at 8 o'clk
Mails close evt ry Wednesday and -Saturday at
R iligioux.
Thee are religion•* services a f the Methodist R
Chnrch v c -rv 'vahtisth evatiin/ at 3 and 8 o'clock—
Rev. 11. U, Lockwood. Pastor
Itoli'd.niis services a: th" F.piseopul Clinch every
Sunday moitiiuo at 11 o'clock. Itev. It. F. Chile.
Religions services every Sabbath at 11 A. M.. 3 P-
M. and 7 P M., at the co ored Baptist Cliuich— ltcv.
R. Midin. Pa t"r.
Keii_Tl o'ls services every Sabbath a* 11 A. M , and
3 P M.. at the Methodist Church (colored) —Rev. 8.
Brown, Pastor.
Live Oak Lodire No 137 meets first Wednesdav In
each month at their Hall near ti e Mapnolia House.
E. P. Champiiey. W. M. A. E C-irr, Secretary.
savannah, October 11 1873. )
1873. Pndtfetiger Train* on this road will run at?
Leave Savannah daily vt 4:30 F*. M.
Arrive at Jei*np at. 8:15 P. M.
Arrive at, B-tiuhnrigv Hilly at 8:15 A. M-
Arrive at Albany daily at. 0:40 A. M.
Arrive at Live Oak daily at 3:55 A. M.
Arrive at .Lick*onvile daily at 10:12 A. M.
Arrive at Tallahassee daily at 10:55 ‘. M-
Leave TaUaha** e daily at 2:20 P. M.
Leave Jacksonville d.iily at 2;40 P. M.
Leave Live Oak daily at.. 9:05 P. M.
Leave Albany daijv at 3:40 P. M.
Ijeave Bainbridire daily at 4:30 P. M.
Leave Jeaup daily at 5:00 A. M.
Arrive at Savannah daily at B*2o A. M.
Sleeping C =r runs t-hrough to J.icksonviile.
Pwsenurs for Brunswick tak** tills Train, arriving
at Brunswick dailv at 10:30 P M.
Arrive at Brunswick daily at 10:30 P. M.
Leave Brunswick 2:30 A. M
Arrive at Savannah 8:20 A. M
Passengers from Macon hv M. and B. 8:00 A M..
train connect at Ja-np with train for Elorida. Pas
sengers from Florida connect at Je*up wit train
arriving in Macou at 4:30 P. M.
(eastern division.)
Leave Savannah (Monday. Wednesday and
Friday) at 6:50 A. M.
Arrive at Jesup (Monday, Wednesday and
Friday) at 12:30 P.M.
Arrive at Lawton Monday, Wednesday and
Friday) at 7.30 P, M.
Leave Lawton (Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
t orday at 5:10 A. M.
Leave Jesup (Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day) at 12:40 P. M.
Arrive at Savannah (Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday) at 5:45 P. M.
Leave Lawton (Sunday eXcepted) 1:25 A. M.
Arrive at Valdosta. •• 0:33 4. M.
Arrive at Quitman, “ 10:54 A. M.
Arrive at Thomasvillc •' 2:40 P. M.
Arrive at Albany, •< 7:00 P. M.
Leave Albany, ‘* 8:15 A. M,
Leave Thomaville, 2:10 P. M.
Leave Quitman. “ 4:15 P. M.
Leave Valdosta, “ 5:38 P. M.
Arrive at Lawton, “ 8:05 P.M.
Connecting at Albany with Night Train on Sonth-
Railroad, leaving Albany Sunday. Tuesday
\v j * Lnreday and arriving at Albany Mimday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Trains on Brunswick and Albany Railroad leave
Junction (No. 9, A. and G. R. R.) for Albany
Ol lmiiiiy, Wednesday and Friday, at 11;00 A. M.,
and arrive from AlbaDv Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, :40 P. M.
Mail Steamer leaves Balnbuidge for Apalachicola
every Thursday, at 8 A. M.
H, S. HAINES, Gent. Snpt
The Most For Their Money,
\NO S'm .
Would respectfully invite the attention of their
friends and residents of
Darien anil adjoining counties,
t- their large and well se
lected stock of
General Merchandise,
HdTS and OAFS,
HAIR, &c..
Table and
Farming Implements, k,
Particular attention
yiven to tlie supply of vessels.
Captains of v.sseV are
especial \ i- vit •■ ! • • <xa •>
our lar_e ti.oi •••■in. ins . o k t
before purchasing elsewhere,
which we are selling at
prices that will
favorably with any city
in the South.
CITY and on the RIDGE,
May 2—l v.
To be Hu HIM an Ordinance to Provide for Ike
Levying and Collection of Taxes and Licences
and to liaise and Establish a Revenue for the
City of Darien for the year 1875. and annual
ly thereafter on the first day of January and
for other purposes.
Section 1. Ibe Board of County Com*
inissioners of the com.ty ol Mclntosh
iexercising jurisdiction in the City of Darien
enacted under an act ot the General Assem
bly of Georgia, approved January 19th. 1872 -
do orduiu, and be it ordained by Ibe author
ity of tlie same; That liom and alter the pas
sage of this Ordinance, the following Taxes
and Licenses shall be levied, assessed uutl
collected for the purposes herein indicated,
for the beuelit ol the City of Darien and the
inhabitants thereof, to-wit:
A tax ofoln -h tlf of one per cent, on valu
ation, to be assessed by the Assessment Com
mittee, composed of the Chairman of On-
Board of County Commissioners, the mem
l,ers of the Finance Committee ot said Board
and three citizens, to he appointed by the
said Board annually; said committee of three
citizens to be the owners of at least one lot
within the city ; the Chairman of said Board
to be chairman ex-officio of said Assessment
Se 2. Be it further ordained. That the
following Licences shall Vie levied and collec
ted, which may be increased or diminished
annually as tlie public interest may require:
Each Stevedore a licence of sco; each Timber
Inspector a licence of Si 0; each warehouse a
licence of S2O; each steamboat ageut a li
cence of SI 5; each steam saw mill a licence
of *25; each flour or grist mill a license of
$10; each one horse dray a licence ot $10;
each two horse dray a licence of sls;each
public stable S2O; each store for the sale of
general merchandise and not to include li
quors, Ac . S2O; each store for the sale of
•:ch.iiehsi- to include liquors, Ac., $45;
10; each hotel, bar-roomat
. .c.j -i . . csiaurant s2o, each rea
aurai.t with pi,vLeges of selling liquors and
f'.uni .liiug lodgings $45. each howling alley
sls; each Initial and table $10; e,.ch insurance
agent $10; each contractor $10; each com
mission merchant or factor $25; end print
ing office $10; each photographer slo;*acl,
junk dealer SSO; each butcher shop $25; each
public boom $25; each barbershop slo;each
tailor’s shop $10; each baker sl'i; each shoe
maker or cobbler $5; each blacksmith $10;
each wheelwright $10; each apothecary S2O;
cacti circus, menagerie or other show
lor religious or charitable purposes) in the
discretion of the Chaiinian or acting Chair
man; each hoarding house entertaining tran
sient hoarders $10; each row boat lor trans
portation of passengers $5; each sailor ship
per $25; each sailor boardi .g house s‘2o:each
local or transient a ent or vendor for the
sale of any article not above mentioned sls.
Hie. 3.' That it shall he. ihe duty of tin-
Clerk Board Count v Commissioners m-tiegas
to Clerk and Treasurer of the City of Darien
have said ordinance published annually once
a week for two weeks in the local gazette ol
;he city, and if no local ga/< (*•-. to put up
copy of this Ordinance iu some conspicioii.-
place in the city, which publication shall be
for the space of two weeks; and immediatejy
therealter to post a notice to all persons lia
ble under the provisions of this ordinance to
call for and receive their several licences,
and satisfy all claims for tax due and unpaid.
It shall be his further duty to m.ike out a
list of defaulters and hand the same to th*
Chairman or acting Chairman, who shall di
rect said Clerk to summon said <b faulters to
appear on a certain day before the Police
l ourt ot said city, to answer said default,
and upon conviction, shall lie lim il in a sum
of not less than $5 nor more than $25, and
to take and pay for such licence and to pay
a'l costs: in default ot payment of the same,
execution shall be issued against said defaul
ters and he levied upon tlu- goods and chat
tels <>l the same, and advertised and sold a
other sales.
Sec. 4. And be it further ordained,
That immediately after th expiration of the
notice the Clerk shall issue executions
against the property of all defaulters for
Taxes on lieai Estate which shall be placed
in the hands of the Marshal to he L-vietl on
said property, which shall he advertised and
sold lbr* all taxes anil cost in Ibvor of said
cilv. Provided, nevertheless, that execu
tions shall not issue, as aforesaid, until after
the return to the Board ot tne report ol the
Assessment Committee, and until th** same
tax shall tie finally settled upon, the said
Marshal shall make prompt and full returns
to the Clerk and Treasurer within live days
after such sale, making a complete list ol
such executions placed in his hands with the
names of defendants, the amount of tax amt
costs, i lie* amounts raised from the sale made
under each execution an 1 the amount of any
surplus on the sumo ri-ui oning; the said
surplus to the owner theieoi within the
same time, aud tiling the original rec.-ipt
for said surplus with the Clerk and Treas
urer of said city, together with a list of exe
cutions and returns of sales.
Sec. 5 And he it further ordained by the
authority afresaid. That every person or per
sons, other than the Master. Mate or Mates,
or any registered seamen ot any vessel
whi-iln r bark, brig, schooner, sloop or other
vessi I or vessels loading or unloading within
Go- imisdii tiomil limits of the City of I)a
--1 1 e belli and deemed a Stevedore
| , r t n of this ordinance,
I..iu ; her tie "ii. • m- .V hind or unload by
j the job, cargo, t w-load, J .001# feet or per
I diem, and shall first take out a lie. nee tbere
j lor, or he shall at oi.ee be proceed, li against
upon the information of the said CI.-iW and
; Treasurer, or of the City Slmsual a- u*>
i fan Iter. Provided, nevertheless, said person
| or persons shall superintend the loading,
j stowing or unloading ot such vessel or
! vessels, no such person or persons as steve
dore. having a licence or otherwise, shall
attempt to load or unload more vessels of
anv kind at any one time than he can per
sonally superintend without first employing
a dulv licenced stevedore to have personal
supervision of a part ol said vessels, either
loading or unloading, under a penalty of
not less thau Five nor more than Twenty
live Dollars, and a forfeit of Ins licence.
| Sec. 6. And be it further ordained by the
j authority aforesaid. That all licences issued
!bv the Clerk and Treasurer'if said city shall
bear the authority of the Chairman and
have the city seal iittnfclied and be signed
by the Clerk. All receipts given by Clerk
aiid Treasurer for moneys for the use of the
' citv shall likewise have city seal affixed.
Sec. 7. Beit further oriiained, that all
ordinances or parts of ordinances militating
j against this ordinance be and tne same is
j hereby repealed.
Passed by the Board of County Commis
sioners September 9t* , 1874.
Sepl9-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
Prescribing the manner in which Dills and
Claims against the City of Darien shall be
presented for payment, and for other purposes.
StEcxioN 1. The Board of County Commis-
sinners, exercising jurisdiction in t. <■
city of Darien do ordain aud it is hereby
ordained, that from and after the passage o)
this Ordinance all bills or claims against the
City of Daiieu shall he presented to any one
of the Finance Committee betore th.-.- hour nt
meiting, and if. alter an examination of the
same, it is found to tie correct, tlie said Fi
nance Committee shall approve of the same,
and t.ien by tlie i hail-mail of the Board
•‘passed for payment.” Said lulls or claims
must be reuui rcd on the print'd forms,
which, upon'Triplication, w ill be furnished
by the Clerk and j leasurei.
Sec. 2 And be it further ordained, etc.,
Th.it all bills or claims against the City pre
sented in the manner prescribed, will lie
promptly paid by the Treasurer, upon pro
per approval by the 1 iimnce Committee,
• passed for payment’’ by the Chairman,
should lie lie iu funds; and ail such hills or
claims. wiJ he paid in the order of presen
tation, without respect to dine of seivice,
labor or anything else named. Provided,
any bills or claims contracted by the Treasu
rer. l>y authority, for incidentals for his of
fice. or by the Chairman of the Board for
the benefit of the city, may be paid by them,
us the same may lie contracted for, anil a
report made by the Treasurer or Chairman
of the same, at the next regular meeting.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all
bills or claims approved by the Finance
Committee shall be numbered by the Clerk.
That he shall keep a regular minute of all
bills a pioved and ordered to be paid, the
amount, etc., aud when bills shall have been
paid they shall be legibly indorsed on the
back, “Received l’-yni; nt for the within.”
and duly dul i. •> met* snail then be placed
on file by s.iiil Treasurer, 11 voucher for
said amount so paid out.
Kec. Aud lie if further ordained by the
authority aforesaid. That all Ordinances or
parts of Ordinances mitigating against this
Oi'dumiroe be, and the same is hereby re
Passed by the Board of County Commis
sioners September 9;h, 1874.
Sepl9-ff Clerk aud Treasurer.
156, 15S. 160 aud 162 BRYAN STREET,
T ?E Proprietor Imvinsr completer! the necessary
aiditl.ilis Mini improvements, can low offer to his
-.iicsis all the cm torts to be obtained at other hotels
Has been added, where irnests can, at all hours,
order whatever can be obta.nid iu the market.
Ho ms, with Board. $1 50 a day
Determined to be outdone by n tie all I a-k is a
trial, ‘ o;ifidi lit that complete satislaction will be
St-l>l9-ly I'lopricfoi.
126 Broughton sired, &ivannah, Georgiu.
Invites the attention of his former patrons and the
nub ic iu general o ids new select and ft ck "f flue
Kntrltsl) and Fivn h Dipouala, <'as-inters and Fancy
Vestings alt of the choicest -.-oiKis adapt-d to the
season, which will be made up to order in the most
approved fa-hions.
Ail goods warranted as represented. Si p!9-ly
C CONSIGNEES O' the ST It. CARRIE will please
! take notici- that on and Tier Jnly 2tl. 1874. all
cowls MUST BE RECEIPTED on the wlurf. and
all goods stored will be at the risk of the owners or
consigei s.
June 26—tf. f aj tin, Sir. Cattle.
lures all disenses, Scrofula, Can
cers, l)ss|i'|tsi<i, I’ilcs. ( on-
Hiiut{.*! Cough and all
diseases of tlie lungs,
unit Pei er.
Afi persons sttfi. iiua trout at-y of the above dis
eases will do wed to Cell on Dr. L. HEINS, and be
All vegetable mi dicincs, and protected by patent.
April 20 ly.
Counsellor at Law,
ITTXLL practice in the Snperlor Courts of the coun-
VV ties of Mclntosh. Camden, Glvnn, Wayne, Ap
pling. Taltuall. Liberty and Bryan. Also iu the
Federal C'-urlt in cases of Bankruptcy, dtc.
Particular allention given to the collection of
claims, and Ihe examination of Laud Titles.
Apri. 26
J. B. L. BAKER. M. D.
fiFFEPS his prof sslonal services lo the public.
Cr fpecial attention given to diseases
prssa.itd firs' of each
July 11-ly.
The Sea Islands of Georgia-
A correspondent of tlie South,
(n paper published iu New York) who
his been visiting along our coast
long enough to see the in iguificciice
of the islands mid harbors, writes a
lengthy description, from which we
take a few extracts. The writer is
pleased with the Georgia seaboard,
and lie may well be, for if he were to
try the whole Atlantic si aboard from
Maine to Mexico be could not hud a
more healthy location, or one in
which he could ei joy the comforts of
wealth and refinement better. The
writer says :
At the southeastern extremity of
Georgia is Cumberland, the hugest,
the liigln stand the gem of these
beautiful islands. Besides some few
other fruits slid standing on the
“Dungi ness grounds” there are hun
dreds of healthy olive trees, now over
s .x'y years in bearing, aud which
till, plainer than words, what cotihl
be done here in the production ot
pure olive 0.1,
Near the middle of tlit island, too,
with its boundaries extending from
the sound to the sen, is the “Siafiord
Place,” the only perfectly kept-uu
plantation homestead on the Georgia
seaeuast, (the homestead, not the
From tlie “Stafford House,” an ex
tensive view is obtained, including
Cumberland Sound, and far up, the
St . Mary’s ltiver, winch is io be one
of the new Atlantic outlets ot the
hundred rivers which flow from the
Western and Southern valleys into
the Gulf ot Mi xieo.
Iu regard to this pr ject duo mt
portimt iLiiig i olivioiibiy certain,
Hint it needs itu argun.eat to convince
tlnn-ib who pa;-s between tlto lbltuidb
•uui the niAiu land, Ihitf, so far a*
Ijarburs may be lieedeel at the mouth
or mouths of ihis “new river, they
are iu quite sufficient numbers; uiul
at. least three of them nff ird sufficient
watt r ami searotiom for the largest
vessels afloat. Among the nunil er
areSapelo, Jdarien, Doboy, Brunswick,
•S-. A .'irevv’e, Cumberiiitiit, til'd hi.
Mary’.-, to say nothing oi Savannah,
which m y look for its half a million
population when such u work is com
Wi.cn regular and daily eommuni
c it ion by steam is establish along tin
s tores of Cuiniierhwt !, Jakvl and St.
Simond.s lslamls—the boats Iront H.i
v tiitiali iitni Jacksonville novv Uiakt
b it four trips a week—they will be
come she most attractive locailies, us
winter quarters for Norther . invalids
and pleasure seekers,and ihe summer
seaside resorts for the South* ro peopl*
of all the watering places in the South.
Jo ihe L lands the Dailings ami
the “proh-Ksioi-ai” liolcl ktr-ptrs, J
would emmend Ctimlicr
lum! as posseSsii g the most beautifu
natural ground*; the lirn-st b'-aclt, ant’
•n account, of its great* r elevation,
the most extensive sea and land views
on he wh de Atlantic eons’, from tin
liarh.'f ot Bosom t*> Cape Sabir; ami
withal, as pure fi-tsti'iie natif sis
r ins from under the mountains. Mai k
tiie (irediction! Within a few years
the finest and most extensively pat
ronized hotels in the South, both in
winter aud summer, will be found on
these islands.
The New Water Line.^ —Col. B. W.
Frobel lias begun the survey of tl e
Coosa river, which was ordered at
ihe hist session of Congress. As
soon us the necessaries in Ihe way of
boats and outfit have been secured,
he will urge the work on to a rapid
completion. The object of the sur
vey is to complete and perfect the
estimates of the surveyed portions of
the contemplated water-line between
the sou heastern coast. The uui'-r
sal favor witu which this project "us
received at the last session demon
strates clearly, that its value to com
merce is fully understood. Tlie com
mittee to which it was entrusted re
ported unanimously in its favor, and
prospects are that a decided move will
be made in the matter during the
next winter. The project is of vital
importance to the Yi est and of no
1 iss value to the South. Especially
would it benefit the iron interests of
Alabama and Georgia.
®i~A repor er of the Boston Tran
script is in luck. Avery pretty girl
asked him if a vacant car seat by his
side was engaged. After saying “No,
Miss,” lie highly appreciating her
beauty, unconsciously said: “Arc
you ?” She so pleasantly aud prompt
ly replied, “No, sir,” that the agree
able conversation which followed lor
ten mi es leads him to hope for a
better acquaintance before his season
ticket expires, aud ho published his
True politeness has its seat iu
! the benrt,
$2.50 A YEAR.
lii Memoriam.
[From thy New Orleans Bulletin],
Died, in the city of New Orleans, on
Thursday evening, the 17th of Sep
tember, at 7 o’clock p. m., the Sov
ereign State of Louisiana, after a
lingering and paiufm disease, which
she bore with Christian fortitude
and patient resignation for two
long years.
Tlie’States comprising the family
were in attendance upon tlie funeral,
winch took place on Saturday morn
ing, at her iale residence, the St.
L mis II tel. The friends of hnrnau
ilx.rfy, of every color aud condition,
were likewise present and participa
ted iu the solemn obsequies.
Th 3 disease which caused the death
of this git-tit State was anew type of
debility, heretofore unknown to the
medical faculty.
The entire lamily of States are sat
isti and now that the case of Louisiana
was improperly and unskillfully treat
ed. In fact, she was bled to death.
Pulebotoiny had so reduced her con
stitution that death ensued, leaving
In r attenuated and after death a were
skeleton and a ghastly sight.
Buried now out of sight, and her
star blotted out of the galaxy of
States, nothing is hft to a mourning
nut ion hut ihe vivid lecollections of
lie once great fame and glory of tlie
proud State whose last sad rites lm*o
just been p* rforined. No longer does
the flag of the nation, that waves o’er
“ihe tiome of the oppressed of every
land,” .flaunt the star of Louisiana.
Death baft e eated a void that time
alone can fill.
Louisiana now sleeps beneath her
own and, enshrined in the memory of
her gallaht sons who fought so brave
v to save lu i from the vampires that
so erin l'y sucked her life blood away.
But her brave defenders look hopeful
ly forward to a day of resurrection
when the stone will be rolled from ihe
mout h of her sepulchre, and Louisiana
will rise in her might and shine once
again in her brightness as iu the days
of constitutional liberty.
A Fiendish Outrage -Two Chil
dren Burned to Death by a
Discharged Domestic.
A Kentucky pa| er tells the follow
ing horrible story: Some weeks ago
a woman calling herself Bridget Mal
iiony, applied to I)r. Jackson, of Co
lumbus, Kv., tor the place of cook.
Employment was given her, and for a
short, while she gave satisfaction. A
few days ago the doctor noticed some
irregularities in her life, and notified
her that she must look out for another
home. This appeared to infuriate her
beyond control —the pent up devil iu
her nature hurst fort in a fury of pas
sion that sent the doctor scampering
for the police, and the lamily lor an
of safety. When he returned,
Bridget had d< parted leaving his mir
rors and furniture a wreck. It ap
pears tliat, from a mistaken kindness,
she was not prosecuted, but allowed to
depart unmolested. From his resi
dence she went to tlie hotel or board
ing house kept by ail estimable Ger
man Catholic, named Switzher, near
the M. and O. railroad. Blm easily
imposed herself upon the good nature
of lire lady, and was permitted to
stop with her, paying her board in
work. She behaved badly again, aud
Mrs. S. discharged her. Jnsteael of
going off, however, she vveut up into
Mrs. S.’s room (it was immediately
after breakfast ) and sent tor this lady
iroui tne dining room. When she got
into her presence she commenced to
abuse her in a most shameful manner,
Mrs. Switzlier tried to quiet her, and
expressed sympathy for her Bridget
told her she had better sympathize
with herself, and made at her. Mrs.
S. rushed down stairs, leaving her
three children, consisting of a little
boy four years old, two daughters
aged respectively six and ten, iu the
room. The oldest says that the two
children were in the bed with the mos
quito bar fastened down around it,
and that Bridget deliberately took the
lamp mid saturated the bed aud
children with coal oil and fired it.
Before assistance could reach them
the passage was a solid sheet of flame,
and tlm two children were burifbd,
with the house and most of the fur
niture. Tim fiend is iu prison, and
the poor mother nearly distracted
with grief at her terrible loss.
IfeT “Tom, what in the world put
matrimony iu your bead?” “Well,
t lie fact is, I was getting short of
fo-gV- Two horns will last an ox a
lifetime, but many a man wants that
number every morning before break
How long can a goose stand
on one oot ? Try it; that’s the way
the goose found out.