Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, October 31, 1874, Image 2

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j?amn<£im&cr<S32ftt;' r* - K II\HD W. Kltl'Bß, Edlb-r & Proprl r AW CAL ' c/isr/;//'/ ln\ *2 5„ DAItIKX. GKORGtA, SITIRDIY MOI!M>(i, 0(T. 31sf. 1871. FO.l OuxGRKSS -FIRST DISTRICT: Hon. Julian Hartridge, OF SWANN AH. VOTERS OF TH: HR'T CON3R SS.GKAL DISTRICT, ATTcNTIJN! every man who rh< risließ li home ami his family, who refpect* himself, an<l fe* l.s that (he int< rest < f tho community in this {.Meat < r si* in his own, remember tho duty he mv< s to ’l these in tl c apjironching Con gress onal election. Onr candidate, th* H ui. Julian Hart ridge, in too wi ll and t o widely known to be doubted. A gentleman <f the highest jnivate worth, his long and distinguished • x j)erienco at the bar and in tl e ha Lot legist Jinn entitles him to tho public coitfi.lei.ce, while his eloq'Lei ce will eommaml (lie attention and win the praises iv.-n of lis opponents. Fol ium we invoke your suffiageß on Tues day, the third day of No\e uher next, ami we urge that every well wisher of the good cause he represents, will he in the meantime a work* r for its pro motion and bo actively prest lit at the polls on that day. [Extract from the address of Col. Screven.] THE STATE FAIR. AA’e have j-ist returned from tin* Slab- Fair. We had a glorious time. We only wish that ail our Darien friends could have been along to w itness the j giand display of home productions on exhibition, ami the crowd of visit ore, embracing many of the fairest and noblest of “the E npi "e State of the South.” One cannot nppreciab the merits an 1 resource* of our deal old commonwealth in men, woinei and tiie products of the soil and o! ; the aits and sciences, without being j present at this annual leuuioii. Tin j Georgia girls that we saw are up < j the lovely specimens of tlit* sex in <d M. I itos'r, but the lots of them I tongue cannot tell or p( u writ'-; ii was like a m w made heaven with myriad* of star* of tins first nit/ni tude, each rivaling tl.e otter in beau ty and hi ignificence. In the midst of the display < I products of our vui e 1 clime, ot tl.e skilled work of our native, artists, if horses, c title, sheep ami! hogs from every section of tin ! State, of tilings too numerous b bt mentioned, of tl.e racis and the! ii i itary displays—all ■ f them ►igns j ol tlie won lerf-il activity, pride ami prosperity of the neoj.de of Get rgis in tin* present, there w< re not vv.iiitin. the circumstances to ncill and brighten the tender and cherished memories of the past, which can ntvet j die. There were gat In rings of the I survivors of Gordon’s and Colquitt’s 1 old Brigades-, and th,- 11th Georgia regiment as nrganiz itioiis, and tlion- ' sands of persons besides who once j “wore the grey.” No one could have witnessed the I meeting of thes-> veteran so.diers, whatever may be his poli ical jv-rsua si hi now, or Lis attitude or section du ring the war, if he be an American fit - izei>, without sentiments of profound admiration. Tin re whs Gordon, Ihe preu.r chevalier of the army ol N utlieru Virginia, and Co'quitt, the hruvest of tlie brave; many others, to >, whose names are in- Beribvd h'g’i up in the temple of fone, and many hesidt s who “tot<d a musket (hr .ugh the war,” but whose dee Is of gallantry (q-.aU.-d those ol any knight of <ll. Well it is all over now, ladie*, soldieis 1 oli lav and and veteran, li >rs<-s, pigs, cattle ami cheep, and machinery and steam rti {.iMsof ail kinds, piel 1-s and pre serves, pictures, pnmkius, rice, corn, wheat, oats, rye ami cotton, not t ip ilk of appli-s, potrs, j)*ieh*e, grapes*and <u ang< s, but wc aie gla i tha* vc were 11 ere and wc are going agr.in, nixttime Indiana —The dated Indiana D. m oerais are engaged m fixing up mat ters for the future. They lad ii spin teil j diificatjon mass meeting at I nli aiinpoliH last Monday night, at wh cli ti e clinii luan. Mr. Pvfi*l*', tti'roduccd 110 i. *J.-sopii E. Mi Do a •). one o tin speakers, as the SIICci ssor of Senator Pratt, and at whi-li Air. M< Donald in turn, loir-,.'u,-a.! Guv< rnor Hendricks a* toe in x‘ D taociatic c iii-ii iute for the Pruuden. y. YjU.'iu MEN. llow many n y -ung tnan l as gor* ruin, Ini' id ia- golden pr inis<- i .oiitb, and sunk the i ntiiMiby b-igf intellect and min lin the a of iU pomh ncy ; and then t. mpst toss* and uni driven about by ivory wind o' t.ulure; be fit ally sinks ii io lie; rav< '.i* has opined for hiini elf; or. wear*- his felon 1 fe awii” in some 1< idhs *m dungeon, ail ii e vvi rk of false pi id.. Born of good fiimui tiny shin the very ian e of woik, or nia- n.l labor, slid piefer the idl<, | loud. In-m - ing "Ia noble. AVitli pockets empty, they drag out a f. w short years, aid then lies] elation from p< m r , an i veil want, drives tlu-iu to deoils tl a brii gH ' sgrare upon those t. mil e “ib.y won and not lowet by w. rk.” Young m H , lay aside that fragran cigar, put di wn that g’a-s nv it la too lati, and go to work like men. D -n’t fear the opinion of tin- vvoil-l. don’t fear work, ‘iwill not faint yoiu bl*o but add honor to it. Put dowi y onr juideand old notions, f< l t in ale not the days when yon have Ton to get your g ii, and Jerry to saihlh your horse; but they ere the days when you, as the offspring of a gum “lamily,’’ should goto work and win a place m y onr country ’* hi-1- rv, to bring it glory. Young man parse; you are needed in tire busy world, in lie battles will your brother man; t'ny netd ynnr help, ami when ymi are doing tin buttle of life, only reiiM tuber to main ‘ain your moral integrity at ad |.i*z anU; prr 8-rve your Christian purity, and cultivate that moral pride ihut iiates the cowardice of wrong-doing. Let those sentiments gov* rn \oii. and you will find o disgrace ir work, blit will mid lnsti r and gdorv n the family names you are so protm of. tOoer Davis, the colored G v< rimi protein of M s. i ;*ippi, lias taken ad vantage ol the nls -nee of Ames to pardon four e**n ion vies in one we- k Divis is ambitious, aid lie know* where the str ngth of his party li< s. GRANT AND THE TH RD T_RM, It is sai 1 in AA’ashirigfon tin re is t! e iest null oiity for ilie sta ement thill ; ihe Pn sidi id lias grown we rv of tin | hird-t.rm talk, ami has intimated his i purpose to publicly and. fine his positioi i m i hut sid j* et at in early day. H* will disclaim all hope or ambition foi i second re-election, and will assi r is pttipnge not to lie a eandiduti igam, though he slnuil I lie tvnotnii a ed in convention. From the satin source tbe infoi rnati m is had that tin White House ticket f* r 1870 will l> Washbniin-, ol 1 hnois, for tin fits plin e, ami Speaker 15. nine for V e. Pusi.l. id. It is ii mil rstoo it!•n tMi Blaine will consent to take t In- :o om. place. This statement of the Pn si dent’s position with regard to tin third-term project conns Irom such *.. quarter and in such shape that it i.- •■nllll and to the fullißt credence, ns will bed monstrated by tl e action oi ttie President within a few wicks.— Sac. Ad. 13no>K8 —Tlie N Bii\il‘e Cnion Rev. “Gov.” Broi ks, of Alkaiisas, Inis some iv ly figures to face as h- turns in lie ward. Tln.t S'ste iepinbat*s tom and hi* par y in the stni t i tones of 75,000 majority ! He missed it bv going to Ciiattaina ga. I* In pal stayed at home, lie m ght huv j carried out his jilan for inducing tl < j It* puhlicai.B lo ign* re the election Flint, was an i ssentml feature in his plan. As it is, tin ll* public ns pat ticipded, some 10.000 voting t*r tin I constitution, an l jilting up the heav iest poll evt r cast n. t' e Slide. G'IVH'IiOI' A 11-lt, of Ohio, llJtr refused nil t lj t- free piesis oft* red Inn l>V ti e rni!roads, as well as the < xtr ears tiny have !>r n ncelis o*nt and 1• tur-iisli for the Gov* rnor's use. H< says he will travel Ike ids leighlm'- and pay Ins hire like nu it (1 pend* n mm. Want a pity the Presid* lit o ihe United is not aiimui e I by sueu v f. eii. <; ! Tl ie Bahin.oie Son says thi hit*- Chattanooga Convention was ti * Hist specimen < fa public i Bmii.li.h<:< of ‘'thieves, defaulters and adventu r* r.s.” Bse”Joiin Hy man, eolor* and, congress Ilian el* et from North Caiolii a, uia si ld seven tituiH while a slave. H* i"' ll In- sold still more f. * qiieiitt\ in Congr. ss, lemurks the N. w Vink IL i |n. AFfAtRS IN SE.R:!A Those baddisli bhoys of Branswick n*vv wl-1- :vny ft iir Snii'b y aft'r i o .- by pn-Vili* g at ni(l I ',<• wood; ■lm qm |< i. imi.in g. Am! lose sunn oh'l boys make vv<mb rful diwv<ries T 00, whi’e tl * y on*. SStaul* y is nulli ng to tin ISA* in VS. Tin* old Tyco Ti of Mi Into.* h made i l ig sjnech in Savannah tho other day, in which In- proved Bryant to be ’ln* grandest vd : i.ni in Arrn i inm. Why, ol 1 m n, eviiybo ’y k < vv that That old r* |!f< *1 a‘e A. A perio 1 Ji-. d l'-y is sit'-mg In- S- Vann-di Adrerhxer for libel. We thought this i-uisance "ad gone off and hung himself long ago. A jiony eircitß and hand organ have been amiisiig the boys <>f Valdosta. \'i c thought a ine’liiig very attiac iiveea ised Cbail'-y Petn'l. t ui to la •ibsiiit Irom ti e State Fair. The Hon. J than Ihi'tiilge made telling spe( eln s in Bin - svvivk and Jesiip last vvei k. jbe Appeal R'-ys: “We do not hesitate to say that the RpM-ch of Mr. H iilidge va* tin* most sta.i smai 1 I o effort it h s iieen our -.oo*l fortune t* leaf sii <-e tin* la tie of giants in the memorable cont* st ' f 1800.” Evei v ffue man will vote f- r Hal l I'.Jge 111 Xt Tuesday. Generals G**f'loti and Toombs mii'le noivei ful sp< < eics at Valdo-ta on tin *2Bth. 'J lie 2 1 Disfiet is ablaze with enthusiasm ami tlu j-eeple are deter mined to eh ct an fioinst man and bitty D rk Whitely so di ej) ILut be never will be r* sum <-t< <l. Hawkinsvlle bad a brlliant we '- -li' g last week. Hanged if we aint getting anxi us to go to one of those sort. l)o someiio ly g t married. There weits three thousand pretlv g.ils at tl e Sta'o Fair 1 st vve< k. We know be eiilive we counted ’ jj. A nest violent hail storm occurred in Dooly ia ui.ty on the. 22*1. Tln-re is a colored man in Aliens who found tw: i tv-five dollars and thin r< tunic.! it t * tin* rightful own er. Its needless to say tha this chap wasn't a radical. Nearly > v*uy one that haves Geor gia for T* x's i- sorry f rit af < rwards. And st iil t hey go. Tom Hard* man ami Gemral Co’- quitt se< m to be the most prominent candidates foi the mxt Governorship. Hi'zleburst is imj:‘,vii g and bids fair to bo quite a village befote many lays. The Alba rv A r eies want* fl.e Legis- H'ni ) to *X] * 1 Tm is G Cam; bell. It says he should lot < isgrace tin R pi eseiitii*i ve II*:1 with his jiies '-in*e. That is jnet'y t*u, h on lie old Tycoon. Piojve of the First Di-trid r<col bet next Tuesd iv is < K-<-t n ‘lay. D< im ernls go ih<*. polls eai y an 1 stay tlnre until [l.r’ri Ige is elec ted. L< tev iv true n a-' in ihe Di - triet go and vote for llaitii- g*ai ii give lim a large maj -rity. A\'e don’t want Bry ant in C* gr ss mi and t* i fleet tin's end every t He m i * in tl.e First District must vote for Mr. Ilarti.lge. Don’t say, “well !m wi l bi*<l*c e*l invvvav,” for lie Two hi'*.liters * f Wot Hi county g I i to a tigl ll recently. R.siilt—one j v s kill* if and the otbi-r was hi*''v hurt. CoMon tide is Im ve made Colt in Inis their he. don ir Mijledge j ville i.* tlie j*l..ee f- r them. Ben Hid, Jo Brown, in I Ma't. O'iJi ien vv. re judges < f tl e txc nt toi ly sh* vv at the S at* F< r. The Gr* ei-Btairo Hrra’d says; T ANARUS: c an reliants of this nluee are w rkuij. l loin iwo i tlitee ii Jits in the vv*ek, • siiihlisi j o the eoajiiu rei;J standii y ■f evi ry ei iz • in the futility. They re de ere im and that an it in e'a-s of in •!! who h :\ withoii* nnv idea ■f paying for them, at tie lime ot pitrehase, shall not impose on arv ol l.iein in ihe futiu *. D ml btats wll p-tv eash if 'll ty yet goods. 1 lie British st*-. msldp. Border t'n eMail , wltieh sailed fr hi Charles ton tor Lbe'pool, took out ten tons of Georgia |i iiou, t*> eon >ince our iftos-Atiiintie foimii s that we ran make an * xe* ll* nt article at i Xeei cl ■nply low i at* s. Brunswick is soon to have a him fell t ions.tnd dolhu hoti I, and tlun she v.il| i e happy. (j. in ml L. J. Go! mil's speech nt Jon* slv.r*) oil last Saturday, is pro nounced one of the greatest ever di uvcied in Georgia. (JEOI’QI A— Mc'nto'H To. ORDINARY'S ‘ FFICK < F SaID COUNTY. pE'MAVIN M-iuiNaED Ad', i Istrat ron tli • * Esliil. of I) vid Alien. deceased, tale of sate rrntity. hn'ing p tii.ot c*l to h- and art • rgcii fio.ii i \dminiK’r-i’ion ..!• w o aie c .rrcriu'd are r> quir- < vjlliili to i rie Gxvfi hv In" "> show ciiti-e ii o' tl)ej l.av.wlij the- i R j mine Mvt>"iialii lnnili. mil lx: rjie< hr>fe(l accor .lug to (lie prayer ol' Ills |a tiiion. Given nnder mv hand nd r nl of i ffi r. Ihi* 15th fin of . u.u.-l ltf!4. LEWIS .1 U KbON. Aog 8-3 - O.fiii.arv, M. C. "DirrTTiEiNsr niUJN.-\V!(’K, (JEOIMJIA. Cures all (!isci>ps, Snotiihi, ( CPI*, l)y*|e|i;*, l*il*s. ( cii sum>fion, ( mitfli imiil ail <li-eases l the liiug*, ami Fever. AP fill'.' troin a* v of t’o* above Hi* t-jiH. pl will d> wed to Coll on Dc. L. HEINS, and be ’ii rod. AP V‘*e , tab cm dirim** l , and prot*cu*d by p itfiit. April 2<> ly. a and Albany RaM, CII aNgk'ot! sriikni'Liv SUPERINTENDENT'S <>FEl"'’. I Bkum-wick. i*a.. Nov. 12 1.873 )' On; mid after Nov mher 17lli 3873 wo nsrer trains on (he B. .V It l{.. will run as follow : Gl-I' 0 WEST. pave Rrnnw'ck Mon biv We lnesfinys nr, ' Fr ! and lie. • 7.00 V. M.. arriving it Jiioe ion A G. It It. at 11 .i. M . and ••! AlO liv at 750 P. M GOING EAST. leaves 'lbs v 1 u s'eys. Thiirahiys sod ®ltn da sal 731 '. 0 .a rivinrat.il et on A i It. K at 2.4!) P. M.. and at Brim iviek at 7:30 P. M. Trains g > ng East c tin rts wi h the S. W. R. It., wtiiehariv sat il'ianv at 7.10 A M.. on Tuesday . Thu s-ays at.d Saturdays. Q'-n, L. r OOK. Assistant Snperii.te and nt May 2 .-tf CIIAItIEi GASSMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. i I NO, 2*'X Will TAKER STREET, SAVAXXAII, - - - nrOUUIA. | Has ,tu<t retcrn" n from new voi;k ii ilh a splmuliu eel. c ion ui I CLOTHS, C AND V E STINGS, . I Which lie is ready to make lip in THE V 287 LATEST STYLE. A rontimnince of i|k- liberal patr .nage her. tof re I extend, and i- sol c ted. hep 19-Kit t’H \s Ii \SSM v.\. i i ICOHI 11 A Hlc!n*os!i Coimtv, j I> Y VIRTUE of an ordi rof the Court n Ordinary i * * o( said cotn-ty. will tie so don til fir-t ' lies ay | in November in xt. hi ihe awful holes of sale ■ at tile I’ourt lieu *■ doo of said eoiinty. all the real ! i stall* helongieg to the estate of ,J mi. s If. t ihery. | defeased, tale of sad eoui.iy for the lien, fit ol ihe ! heirs and cn ditors. K R. POPPKLL. Aditi'r. This 21.1 h day of Sept. 1t;74. LEWIS .T\< Ksov. OetS-td. Ordinaly ,AL C. Noiic . XU FDI "Oltli’s b en revolted that I am dead. But that's no such thing I mi still at Wile x & Cli u ••chill's, the D ililEV GRAN .J CEX jTRAi HOUSE, where every • lie can get anyihing ! tlivy want, from a Jew's Hurt, to a Or w Bar, at tile I j lowest price. 1 am a live mat;. 1 put in a square : th ki t for Cap). Run \v. 1 . mii I go the who e li • for 11 rtridgi. 1{; rpectfully. WII LI'M COFFIN. TANARUS! tter known as ‘Old Mchgk.'’ at the Da ear Grand ntra'Hi it c. Oct;7-tt MARSHAL’S SALE. FIRST TUFSDA Y /.V XO VEMBER, 1374. GE' ItGl \ Mclntosh f’m'jiTT. \\ IL‘ B•’ SOLI) A I’ PIBI IF OfTl RV AT THE * olil Court Hoiim' in safe cby h-twe n flic t,.._r.il hours ot rail', on th<* Kiisi Tne-diy n N vemb r in xl 'h" foilin'. lug i'it pr’lu itv to inti fy . i-itain Tax Fi Fin- in favor if he Cry ot Damn, t r the \ear 1874. to nil; Lot" 51. til a i! 54 lenind-d nor h hy Fir-r street, “on hlv I r in il hi and L"i 50 a-t by lot 5-> an • 1.0 til. ..nil wert by L t-50 and tKJ J Jin II g.u, claim ant. " f f ALSO, I.ot 141 hollliriwirtio 'll ly '.ot 18ti south hv s, roiiii rill'l l. Lot 144. and wert hy Lot 140, llei ry Barker . " ALSO. Lot-No 7 and 8. bound'd north by a lane south hi B oad street earthy Hitenham fr.•• t a.d w, at b\ h ranklyn street, ertale of .a. A. IkL. line claim ant. ALSO. Lot No. 10 bounded north by Fart Broad street. rot, th by Inn.. i rtrt by Lot No. to, and Wert by Lot Nuß. si.mm Dimoe claimant. AL>). lota 7. 8 and !) Ivnort. il n th bv Tomnb- It rtrei t in tli by a liil.e ea t hy lot No 10 ano Wert by Adam* street, i ixeii \ Mitua claim ititr. AL-tO. A Lot in Mclntorh Town. Fam Ah xanth r cla'm aut. ALSO. A house and lot in Mclntorh Town, Cntt'rWil •tanis claimant. ALSO. A house anil iot in Mclntosh Tow n John Iluf- I rd Claimant. ALSO. • oti iii th,. cnrp' rite I'mirs of the ! ty of ''ar e' . claimed by th.- ert.tlc to J hn li. Mclntosh, L. E. B. l)ol.urine Hg- nt Purchasers paying for titles. ROBERT E. CARR Oct.7 Im. Alar hal > i y of Darien, KEtiVUti iJxE BEeWEEN Bill N AVKK AND DARIEN. The new Steamer r_.-. SX&Y lID W il h ave B nnsw'ct: for Darien ev ry MOV'DIV and FRIDAY •• t6a. m. i cave Ilmieii t 1 p r . c. nnectinjr with Mho i and Bn irai k rai'roni. giving tlmm ’ rat s t• • all mal statin s, and .x --tenuing (Jo-on ine to Darien Also, connecting with New Y tk and B iinsw'ek Pat k.-t Line N. C. LI FaLa-FIELD * 0., Ag tits.. Gct'il JBiuuswicfc, Ga. (O'tii ©re 1 in. ncrjsi :~T— . . , -... v . X. — ~~ 11 T AX ORMXaNCK" ■i t To It enlili&l an Ordinanri to Regulate the OJfic and Pfocidoig die Minis of hie ting and Pr< sr.'-ibinij the lJutiejs of (Jink of the hoard c < oinmixsionert t, and for other Purposes. ction 1. The llcard of County Com uii'si'.ners . xercisitt" jurisdiction in th Guy of Darien do hereby oidaiu and it i ter by < rd.lined l>y tiie authtiriij' of th sum -. That there shall tie h II ati.iually. o the first Wednesday in Juno rv. an electio, fu-a Cl. rk of the JJ.uird of C.-n nnssimief us iitolfeKrti I wlio shall lie Cietk and Tn us urer of tlie City of Darien . That, if by leas ui of s.ckn -ss nr death, the office should become v icunt. the Chairman umy p.oceed to till said vac.uicv by a|ipoin!menl, wliidi wi 1 hold good, until said vacancy is filled permanently by an election. The said Clerk shill also he S erotary of the Hoard of Pilot Commission* rs tor the Colt ot DnnieTi. He s'ih 1 before entering upon the chubs of his sev rat offi.-cs take and snUn ribe to (lie oath pie e'.iiud by law; and shall give ootid with two or more good and • officii nt securities: in the sum of two thousand dollars for tin faithful performance of his dulies. Sec. '2 Aidbe it •fur; her ordained by the authority aforesaid. That ihe salaty of the said Clerk shall be three hundred dol a s oer year; one half payable by the City ol Darien and the other half by the County ol Mclntosh, and oe payable monthly when in funds. While acting as City Tn surer In shall receive 5 per cent, on all sums .paid out and 5 per cent, on nil sums received. He shall also receive the t Plowing fees, to he paid bv the individual requiring or liable f tr the same ; For every certificate or extract for any person, not exceeding om* page x cept for < hairuian or membeis of the Hoard or any City i ffieer with seal i0 7a For affixing seal .except to warrants, execution, summons, or receipt). . 5(1 For each Petition 5(! For each Hood 1 oh For each Disposition or Affidavit fix ctptfora Warrant' W* For each lDcognizmce 1 On For each Deed to Public Propertv .... 2 00 For each License 50 For attending Chairman oratty tin ml er lor accommodation of piivate indi viduals 1 00 For each Appeal to Hupeiioi C tut same fee allowen Clerk Superior Court in Code of tin For each Transcript 1 00 For earn Furnishing and Certifying Apraisenicnt 50? For each Tax Fieri Facias C< j For each Permit fit j For each C ise tri* and befme Police Coin t to be paid by defendant, if convicted. 1 0C Sec. 3. Audit is further ocl lined. Ac. Th it it shall be (he duty of said Clerk am l reasurcr t" keep an office in the City bi .Darien in a central position at present hi the City Hall w'.ieu the same shad be com pit ted, which office he shall open and uttem reguliirlj e.ac..i day v Smidays on'y excepted unless by permission from 9 a. in. to: p. in., tn iv tich all persons bavin ; Imsiaes with the said authorities nr said Clerk in tie | line of his and ilv m ly repair; and ii shall is Ins duty to leceive and lav before the Chan ■ nan. or Hoard, or member theieot, or c.iair muii of any committee to whom <1 reeled any petition or appi cation at the next legr. rar mee.ing after sme has bam iil -d, o ■iooner if reapiired. and i ■ keep as such a i is necee savy on tile. Sec. 4. And be it farther ordained, Ac I'liat t.ne following shad coaslitaite tie special duties of said Clerk ii addition ti j mose included in previous sections, to wit: ! Fu have recorded 'ii tie offi m of t’lerU o; ! Mie Supelior Court id Mclntosh coiinly i ! the bonds taken fo • the following: til j Clerk and Treasurer. City Marshal. Deputy j Mars al, Harbor Master, within five day ! t.er siid officer shall qualify. He shall ills j • e pii the vault pr pared for th >t purpose | ad nooks, papers, an l records of the ci y o j i vai iahie nature, and safely deposit sum | m s id vault when h s office shall close fin j till' day. While nil books or p pels j or records of minutes, sales, ordinances j and all plats and other valuable documents I and .s ii I ifttv an 1 Hoard, nil 1 in no case siial I hi close i|i. s office lor the day without *• ;l * lll . r. W.iile all hooks, pipers, accounts uilinnnees a .1 i tiler pu lie matter shal ilwiij'B Im open to inspection of any citizen neino u re-ldeut it.il■ t tax paver, it shall uir oe lawful tor nilv iicrson or persons, whether nt officer or private citizen, to remove any of the same from said office, upon any .ue tect whatever, witliont pi lmission of Ruin Clerk, upon a penalty of. not to ex-eed cs‘o, and at toe end of each year the said C e.n. s .a,] make a written report of all such record mid their condition. To keep a tin* feco.dof all the proceedings of the lioaidot ooiiiJUissioi cis in a hook kept for that pm purpose, and of ail ordinances and then .tnn ndiiicnts and rcpmls; all rules, regul.i iiitioas and orders passed by ttieni ut nii\ ami all meetings, which leco.ds shall ia i.ept ia suitably nound and lubit and books on hie and in las office; ni.d whom vet liecessaiy to give notice upon the public bulletins, m a pu iic gazette, of any such rule, ord -r or oidinauce; all sucii heing published within one week Horn their passage, do k.p a docket ol an diases, criminal or civil, v eaei: to itself l.i whicn alt |iartles ami atiorm }s names otfeuces. tines, actions, judgments, returns ot officers, Ac., siiaii he propeliy and distinctly recorded, and the same to he ibid belore lne. Board a! each reguiai inee.- Ulg thereof. To a.lend all meetings ot tii Board, when necessity requires, s ml of at! couui'ittees of said lcmi'ii. Keeping a minute <’l proceedings. To attest iil documeuls •igiieo by the Chairman as such, aitich tin city or oditi seal as necessity. T > receive. r ohtcr and forward to tue chairman ot any commutee authorizing tue linle. ted ms V n not tielore approved hy liim; or to the Com mittee on At counts ail hilts against the city or Board pviic.i properly certified, an a uallded in. lit accordance with tire Or.n n.uice on Accounts, and when ceriiti. it oy Die sum enairniaii nil accounts, to hand s me to the licnm at tile legal..r m et.lig neX. msi.iug; and as Treasiuer, to p V the same • ipou oitier for pay ment. To ido. .ve and eu l. r .ill liiform.iuo.is. tiffing tue uun ■ol tin luio.uier, ami date ot tl.e saui", reluming me same to me Police Court, and issue stih , unias and summons tor all panics and wit -1 esses to alte. o said CoUlt or the Boant a. “ CertHin d.-.y. tl e ein to he named. To r> - eeive ail uppiic..turns lor licenses and to 1 - sue iii Usual lmm, ion mug i r me same tue fee prosciilteii. To luak- out aud attest aii hii's to cny lnpeity, waeuever giau.eu t>\ toe aum.Uii.i s tLereoi. io iteeiw ami ni. ..il applications Mr ary i face m the gitt ot sain and pr. s. m sauie to the Donl'd at proper lime io swarm all ifti.erso, sa.d Hoard and City p-ticq t when otuerwt.se provided,, wlitn eieiUii or appointed, and ci l ve them ce lie.des tip m toe payment oi me tees prescribed, and to i-.d.eitise all elections ,r>gn ur Or to till vacam ies . To it tend all cumts held by tile Chttirmau ol me Boaol, or any member or nn nibeis ilii re.ll, aud keep rrcu and ot ttie proceediogs tuereoi. l.i m.die out appeal, bonds and issue ex.cn.ions tor unpaid hues aud costs, io make ? ■ turns o! an public moneys in his hands urn e pi r ; irtuignt, or whenever re quired. To Keep a record of all public cor o spondenee from his office or tlie Hoard i book kept for th t purpose. ’To perfo m • 1 sue.i o,tier ihiiien as are sp. ciahy tn uer.itid in any other ordinance. t5Ec 5. Andi • ii further ordained As .'h it any dereliction of duty on the part (if iid Clerk whereby any loss may accrue to it- public revenue or any specific p.rfoim uce may be neglected, shall subject Said lerk to the penalty of a fine, not to exceed 10. or such other penalty as may be metid :i the discretion of the Board. Passed by the Hoard of County Commis- Ldneru September 9th. 1874 SPALDING KENAN, ' Sepl9-tf Clerk and Tn^asurer. AN ORDINANCE To be entitled an Ordinance to Peculate the Sale and Purchase of Junk. Section 1. He it ordained by the Hoard of County Com mis sonneis, exercising jurisdiction in the City ol Darien. That any person who slmil engage in the purchase and sale ot junk in said city and any one en gaged in the shipping thereof shall first lake and pay for a licence in tlie sum of Fifty Dollars; and on f ilnre so to do shall, on conviction, bo fined not exceeding Fftv Dol lars end ci st. for each offence and in itefimlt of which, fxecution shall is ue and be levied upon the stock in trade of said junk dealer. Si.c. 2. And it is further ordained. Jc, That for the purposes ot this Oidimm-e tl e. following articles shall he com; rel i m’e.l as junk, to wit: old rope, tinware, iron, brass, pewter, copper. Iced, rags, of all kind' , pa per, waste cotton, wool, resin in broken eases, glass, or other commodity of like na ture. A: and every dealer in junk, shall ke< p a record of all purchases of junk, tlie kinds and (pudin, dale, and name of party from whom the same was i btnii td; which record and which pit mixes, shall i e at all times within in sellable bonis subject to ihe'n* spection of the chairman or any member of the board aforesaid. ol of any officer of said city whenever necessary, lor tin purpose of earning into effect the provisions of this ordinance; and refusal so to alii w said in pi cl ion. will subject the p. rsons so offend ing. to a fine if 1.0 l more tl all bio. i I'd ii 1 Fences lo such dealer, shall he issued with hat distinct understanding, and shall be issued in dupiir t<, one of which sh ill 1 e signed bv tlie ib aler and placed on tile tvith the clerk of said city. Sec 3. And be it ordrini and by the su ihorny . foresii’d. Ti nt if at any time it slial* become known that any deiilcT shall have purchased any junk, the property of *ny mill owner, steambou*. vessel. <>r of ipe 'it.y of Darien, knowing the safnc fo lie m t the propi rty of the seller, the dealer shall he fined in the sum of not exr edfng Fif’v 1) 'liars and said licence inimedi td\ u’- "kul. Tiiis condition shall be s’nted in he licence; aid no jurk dealer shall le iff. ••wed lo purchase my jit irk from m- -.beov itliout tin- wriitin y rrmissfon of the pa ent or guard.an f said minor. Any o; > so ffeiiding shall l e de filed a nrinciii'e and upon conviction hetoie s- id Chairman ••; a '•■lice Court shal* la- fin and in a mm lo' to • xcoed Fifty Dollars and costs tore diof ence and lot lei: his licence. No junk s all a purchased before sunrise r after sunset: nor shall the premises he opened for Iran - • oti m at such time under a penalty if L'vveiity fivc Dollars or torteiinre of licence. Sec 4. And le ii furiln r ordained l>\ th* ame authority. That all ordinances or parts f ordinances mil dating against this ordi • ncc be anil tlm runic is hereby repealed. Passed by 1 lie Hoard ot Comity b'omuiis i oners He tender 9th. 1874. SPALDING KENAN, Sept9-tf Clerk and Treasurer. !SSOU T!!‘X OF (OIMIITXKRSHIP S’ HE FIRM OF ATWOODS &r VI TiY is 11: iW iliii ili-i'itvcd. J. A Alw* ofi is niiirie autiier 7„ i! iii collect Si counts fine iln* firm J A. ATVVfOn W. H. AVERY Jn., J. M. AT W"(iJ>. W. It. ATV (t 'l) G. I. AT A OOL). Darien, Ga.. October 9, 1814. HUM Iff \ KiCSH IP XriCK 'pilK mid. iRi-neil members of Ih ■ old firm of 1 Atwoods v 'viy have formed s rnpiirti er-h't) lifdi r th.-firm imrae fJ. A. At w 0 d> ,t BROS., Old a ill do business at the old stand of Atwoods & Avery. A liberal hare o''the public p-troii .... is -o'lcind, J. A. aT'CiiOD J M. ATWOOD. W. H ATW'I <*!, (i. E ATWOOD. Dari n. Os., October !). 1874. M. L. MK.RSII N, | G. H. M BI.'Y. I!, iins irk. Os. I DnrivU. Gs, MERSHON & BIABRY. ATTORNEYS AT RAW. H’ll' prscii e ir, nil the 0. ur 8 1.1 tie B in.sw irk Circuit mid Mcliito-h in di ■ Eastern Dip uii. Daiieii sn(i Brunsw icr mild, .sp. cisltv. M \ 24 'v. P. W. Mki.diiim S. B Adams' MKLDIMM & ADAM- 2 , nilKfl EI .SELOA AT LAI Cor. li t;/ ami Barnard s.'s, Sovonvah, Go. Give p rs. led ntlenlioM tr r-m-es in the Sup rnr Oouits f ( hi h.iii. Brian Buldeli. Kt.'.iiirt.mii, Lib ei'ty, Me' t all. I'atnall and Seriven counties. Pro tic in the Sinie and Fiateral ll 'ts. Pro" pt tt' tition giv n m colb cti' ns. It. lia de correspond nee in all s. ciions of the Mate. SepliMy Saennah Macl.iue Shops and JIOIIXU won K . MONAHAN r PAHRY C0 M MACHINISTS, ENG INKER-’, BOILER MAKERS, IKON AND BRASS FOUNDEItS. Ci o'nor nf Ho>/ ami Randolph Strrrh*, Eastern Wharves. Savannah, Ga. AH kinds nf Castings made to order. En gines, Boileiy, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Machinery made and repaired. Wrought Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, fr> m io 3 inches, constantly on hand. octlh-3m JOSEPH liOFITE, Undertakers' Ware-Boom, 137 Broughton str et. between Bull and Whitaker. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. t FINE AND WELL SELECTED /V Metal.ic Mahogonv. V\ aiiau. Giaiued -and Stained Coffina. too u Plates and Trimming* al wa. on hand. Neatest nearta'B sod fiarriag'* furnished for tu neral*. Ice ra* e f r preiervimr reuiain* in the warmest weather. Remans disiuterp and. boxed, and shippe'*. Orders turn ttie countr* promptly at tended to. Perm ai a tention given to all orders, and can be touud at any time at the rt are-rooms. Sepl9-ly