Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 07, 1874, Image 2

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    (Timlicr (fiazrttr
KlißtKl) W. Editor & r.opri’r
ANNCAysiustTrip tk>s s_ s<j
kn! OtXHtOIA~
The news of the recent elections tliroiifjb
out thn Uuion. is too good (no think about.
If we had a cannon we won! 1 let it ring but.
as wev’p got uo cnmi.’m wo will propose three j
rousing cheers for Democracy anti Constitu
tional Liberty !
Read the returns below and rejoice !
Georgia gone a democratic by a large mn- j
jority. She elects an ntihrooken democratic j
delegation to Congress- Hart ridge. Smith.
Cook, Blount, Candler, Stephens, Dabney, j
McMillan, Harris—all sound <1 liioorats. —
Bryant and Whiteley are politically dml for
ever. Thank God.
Sam Tilden and the whole democratic tick
et is elected by a large majority in New Yolk
State. The Legislature is democratic.
Florida is doubtful \vi;h chances for the
democratic ticket.
Poor, oppressed Louisiana has gone dem
ocratic. Glory ! Glory ! 1
Massachusetts has gone democratic and
Rev. Beast Ben Butler has gone to the devil.
New Jersey is democratic by 9,000.
Pennsylvania is democratic.
Nevada shows herself up to be fully demo
Poor South Carolina is yet in doubt.
‘•Marjhmd, My Maryland" has, as usual
gone democratic.
Tennessee, Kentucky Virginia. Delaware
and Texas are largely democratic.
Wisconsin is Radical. Mississippi doubt
Michigan is democratic. Arkansas, the
down-trodden State, is di-rimoralio.
Kansas is radical. lihodc Island and Ver
mont are radical. Missouri—no returns.
Alabama is democratic.
The cause of the Democrat> triumph too
mtn-h rascality in the Radical par y.
Washington. November 4 —The Demo
crats claim Pennsylvania by fi.ooo majority.
The Democrats probably have the Legisla
Mongomeisy. November 3.—Enough cuius
nre repotted to insure the election of the
Democratic State ticket by 0,000 to 10 (MX).
Five Congressmen are certain and a chance
for two others, and a majority in the Legis
lature. More negroes voted the Di mo< ratio
ticket in this State that whiles voted the
Radical ticket.
Boston. November 4. Gaston’s plurality
is 8,000. The Democrats elect to Congress
Thompson. Tarbox. Warren and Chapin with
Banks and Steele Independents.
DETWiir, Non tille r 4. -The Democratic
gains throughout the State are immense.
They will probably have a majority in the
Newauk. Noven her 4 - Judge Biddle j s
ele< ted Governor ly 10 000 majority. The
Congressional delegation stands: Democrats
4; Republicans 3 Senate iineliangi and. The
House is overwhelmingly Democratic.
Sr. Paul, November 4. The Democrats
arc gaining in the I t gishOurc.
Washington. November 4. Shrewd cal
culators give the Democrats twenty-five ma
jority in the next House of Representatives.
Officials look as it they wire sorry for them
No grrat victory for the pood of sn
e;ety is achieved without a samith-*.
MV tire painfu ly remind <1 of this
til.tli in the death of the pal a t g n
tlenmu whose namo heads this pru
graph. It will he remen.b red that i
the late election for men.hers of th*
Legislature he was stabbed by a mis
erable radical negro while emit uv r
ing to protect a coloie I man from the
violence of his race, f,.r voting tin
D einocratic tick* t.
His friends and the people of Geor
gia 1 a 1 hoped ttint the wound woiilo
not prove fati 1 But. God willed ii
otherwise, and after languishing | ain
fnlly for several we< ks his noble spni
has passed from • artli. It is no e. n
solation for ns to know that ihe assas
sin will t xpiate Ins e ime npo tin
gallows. The lives of a th* usaiul of
such miscreants would not c *n pen
sat e lor the life of such a an as Hun
ter, of Brooks. Bm it is a ••onsolii
ti m for ns to know that I e ei 1 at h s
post in the defence of light. Thai
post whether at In me or i broad, n
the primary nssenibhii/es of I is iniiiv.
county <>r tin legislature of tin- State
through the d.ikest years of Gem
gia’s history he. has vt ocenpi* and.
with unflinching courage and con
stancy. Quick, blight, aid ear est,
mid thoroughly ouivir ant with tin
duties of a legislator, In* made foi
many ycais one of the loos* valu<*o
members of the Gem ini Asm ml ly.
'Jlie people of Mclntosh countx
should espnitily r* gun I his muin
with gratitude. Waim in his syiiipn
flies for us*, in our fori* in com inon
of a few years ] a**!, we owe much to
his untiring efforts m tl v passage ot
salutary local liws from which we
have derived flu* lorg* st Intufi*. Me
wisli to record lieie ii is and. lit of grat
itude. May his memory tire Hash
and green in the heart'oi the people,
whom lie served so lot g and fuitlift 1
ly. May the great dispenser* f < verts
assuage the sorrows of the stricken
home circle, upon ul o-e privacy we
will not intrude in this hour o* so.-
etuu grief.
The ic\V!iiil In a come at last to 11 .<
'aw abiding, respectable, uinl long sut
’ding j eople of these Unite.) .Stales
Yfter years of misrule, of cruel wtr,
f the ov. rtlu’ow Mini depredation nl
sovereign Stairs, and of tin ft and dis
-1011(11’ in high places, tlie wretched
md hateful f clinti, which has s
ong brooded like it night-mare over
' lih land an I broilp|if. untold evils up-
on 1 1 t c< in try, lias bi eu hurled pros
trate in (lie dust bv an indignant peo
ple. The news which mine to us on
(I e night of the fniirtli of N iveinlx r,
wi h the gladdest a; and happiest which
Ims fallen npi a our head for many a
weary year. From Massachusetts to
Ti xas the American people I five re
deemed tin m. clvi s from the thraldom
of radicalism! Alabama, Florida, L ii
isiaim, at and We hope. • von Sotilb Caro
lina, have been rescued from a living
dentil. Our own beloved Geo 'gin
will send tin unbroken delegation of
true democrats to the 41 li Congress.
So also T< m essee and Kentucky.
The returns ar< t>o meagre to rerch
ftbsolu'e coiielusioi s in most < i the
North* ru S.iites. But we have Dem
ocratic Rail s i verywhere, ami crown
ing pi' ry of all, a democratic Governor
for Max*n< hu*4‘ll>i, nod Read I!idler de
feated for Congress* !>>/ a Democrat.
FI• is last would have been compensa
tion f r defeat, instead of victory, iv
ory where else.
Will our c 1 red fellow-citizens of
the counties of Mclntosh, Liberty
and Givi n tal e to heart and pomlei
these results. In evi ry otlu r pori m
of the State their rac * are allying
hetnselves e'o-nly with their Iru
frieiids, the substantial, respeetabV
white ci iz ns of tlm country. In
.liese count ei. however, while l.viny
upon friendly and eordia! terms wi li
the white p pilitim in other re
spects, there has continued a pel ti
'a' antagonism Intwe ii the lacs,
w hich all-1 lie overtures and concilia
lion in the port of the wi its Imvi
been nimble to overc Ul'*.
'lie colored people have carried
this piiviisdy so fur that between
vagabonds, carpet-bag-, el’s uinl thieves
on tl e out hand,and honest, respe ta
ble nml substantial eit z ns on tin
other, they would vole for the former
for no bitter reason thai that ti t
whites vo ed for the latter. Even
tin t her, they lavegon* in Mdutosl
county and n pmliated r spectabh
men of their own color and party,
sin p’y because tin y were supported
bv tile white voters f >r office.
These truths we now publish will
no unkindly f. elii gs, still mabi' g a'-
lowances f'.rignorance and pr ju i* ,
but the pdiciue o' - tic r speeti.bl.
elements of m r poped t'oii is ah >u’
• xliu st and, at and if tlm colored pe >1 1
persist ii this nurein-oiahl * atitu • <
if p' Ideal hostilty, thev li list tak>
the eons* sink lit.' U t
signitieiim e and be excluded Iron.
. v. ry • Dice which mpries b m l wit 1
good security. Colored fellow
citizens take warning, f. r the dot o
while supremacy throughout tl,
c Hint ry bis dawed, and the only
hope of your race i -in innki g friends.
The Giieinta'i E qnin r say-:
‘ The rascality uses to wlt eh the ad
uiinistrt'ion is pnt'ing tin* r*gu'm
army in Louisiana will strengthen tin
f> cling that the army should b • abol
ished ahogc' her in t me of peace, mid
hat if tlie government needs soldi is
it should call Upon the States to fur
nish them. Tin* mxt House of Rep
resentatives. and it will he D lno
ciati\ la foie i makes any appiopna
•ions for the army shon’d, if it mak*-s
any at a!', put in a clause designating
when and how tiiey should be tun -
The Savannah News says of the
above; “Tl ere is force in the sugg'-s
--tioi sof th* Enquirer. If the army
is to I e employed under such crea
tures ns M* nil', Hodgsi ii. ami other
p’mps of the R dical parly, in r id
ing over the eonntry, j arassi g*. mil
raging and insulting unoffending citi
zens and tirroiziig women and
children, tlu* people do not want and
oiigl t iot to support such an
army. If the troops are to lw* used
only for preserving peace and or h r
at ••!• cliot st! at duty can he much
better and more icoimmicullv per
formed by the civil authority s.”
Thanfs-jiving —Gem ral Grant ln-s
appointed Thursday, Not ember 2Gth
at a day of Thanksgiving.
Capt J If. Hai ti r, e .-R.I presi ll 'll
live if Bu n! s com t , and w*-o w
liibbel by a negro at the Oclola
h clion, died in Q litman on Sam
lay last.
Tl e receip's of the State Fair a
Atlanta Wi r<* s2<),s!)f>, while the ex
pauses were $30,01)0.
1 lie Savannah .V vs savs lew
l comes tied two unfortunate pm pm
liiive been kind'v forwi r led this wav
by our ‘ Her Atiaidn.” And y. twe
have protested agiinsf the'ii.troduc
turn of this class if iiiim’grants.
Fulion county jnl contains sevetdv
eight pr som is, forty of whom ir<
United States prisoners, id a,rg-<i "it!
violation of level im laws and ku
kluxii g.
A man nine Y >rk, at Fai Imre,
conimittisl suit i!c on Saturday. H
slint. himself tlii’i ugh the heart be
cause lie was gilled by his sweetheart.
According io tin* official returns r< -
< e ved ut Adaida, the in xl Georgia
Legisla’me will stand: Smutte—om
Ridical, two Independent Democrats
and forty-one S r.ii.dit Democrats
House four Radicals, twelve lude
I emlent Den.i crats and one hundred
and li ty-nitie Straight Democrats.
There will lx* three negroes in tin
II “use an l none in the H>>us**.
Miss Elizali tb McD •wel 1 , a young
In. 1 y aged ir.net'* n. ii mi liner liv
trade, was r tu over l*v an < ngine ot
the Georgia railroad, ut Whittlin']
crossing, Adana, on Sa'n d.y; h i
skull was crushed in I her brains
sen’tered on the tra k. Tie Atlanta
N \vs prints a beautiful account o.
i bis sad accident.
Tin* following i:- from t' e A lgui-ta
Chronicle corre p >mle.,t. wri i >g fr nn
Vtl.inli : The m ny fri* lids ot Dr.
Widis F. and M s. M-'i’ia J .iinlaii
W esi m re la lid, t ie Georgia a ill I on ss,
w li be grntihd to learn that they
tiiivu bc n recom i'. <! and are again
ivil'g together. They are seed fiv
] n-iitly riding ICigetlii ron 11 e streets,
alts. Wi Stinor laid has tn'C belli
N rlli sit ce si c de ivt n and 1 i r I. c un s
m August’, At antii mui S.vai.nai.
I’l iug I lie siiinint l*.
Joliesboi'o Ni vvs says: At seven
• m., October 24 I , we w. re * udih nl*
111 pl’i C i l>y the appearance tI a
-•r. at. r lighi tiian that of the tub
noon, (then slimii gt tr-nn non e un
- now.i inm n try. lOlisrv ug th.
•iiadoas of the tries in ving, w.
.a ked i p just in lint- to s < a b aZ
f tire puss byoirl u lank of clem,
in the Wist. A 11 p.rt hke tint' *>i
-evi'ia! cam ons, firm in quick -u e s
-ion, foliowed s m three minuies ai
ter the l’glit .lis | p • ,ied.
Tin* Bavanmti, X vvss i>>: Follow
ing si* upon tio* sa loi i*.lig*-nce o
Ctptnin Hnti'il’s dent will e* t. *
news that C plain Dunlap Sr. t , el
il 'me, is Wend. H** w;.s well know
. 'iidiigln nt tl e St; t a lln !i ad. r .
lie 1) niocra’s in tie Boll* c L g'i
ntur* , and was eonsp i-nons am ui
I nit faithtiil i bin I as a bnd in
ineoinpromifiag * ppt mnt ol di
iiolial t*r**W. lie Was a lardy d> ha
tor, a skillc I paid an* niarian. a
si|*-ceede<l in thf-aSing s m vrv ol
'• t sive me.istires proj os I hv tin
Bidloekit* s. He was i-t 11 in t e prim*
of lif*-, att-l Its many :r:ends vvi!
iu-ar with regret the news of to
■ lea'll.
Mr. R h-y J In son wi o use t • r-i'
i hack In tween H iniin\ Son l.’s an
N<*. 1., lost iis |,oa e'> tire, tin* oih
er day at J sup. Lo-.s $1,5J0 and m
ins rai.ee.
Mingo Baker, a d< sp r t-h*. was cjq
iire.l by a II twkinsvilie party las,
MV are inf* rtne 1 that tin Biiin*.-
wick and Albany R i ri. *1 s d.vly i
- easing, m.d promi-es to <h> a 1 rg< i
husin* s tins wi .ter.
Ah ck Stephens is defen ’inn Gr n
right and |. f\ Giant won’t be |>
non lmit* and no I ow .
Colonel John I). .S'ewart w li he tl •
next Mayor of (ir fSn. Tn** C*di>n* 1
win n elte'eJ, will be the tig t man
in the right place.
An ol I Colon-bus negro l>* ii-gnsk*
whl*ll lie fir- I rred, Wotk or wage:
or pa t f llie crop, answa r*si; *T c ar.
I link ho e de he-t, efyet kin ot I
I run ’< m togedih r.”
01 t Chatham e >tn ty gave Mr. IT >r
tridg'e 2 053 majority, w ieh sp* aks
well f>r her. Huitr*dge is tlevied to
4,0( 0 majority.
01 ii lawyer ami a doc'or wa k
ii g arm in arm /some >nc sa <t:
‘•.lies* two nr** ju-t equal to on*
h g'iwaimin—your moiu-v *r v*>ur
|i. ciiil io f nvar.ral N ■-.]
Emu Lv. Ala , Nv. 3 —Tioro w
i vety liv.lv little riot here to-d:n
t 1 egai, i b.mt t non, and for a tiim
vas qni<e Rangnimiiy.
S:X "litis were W nilde 1 , on- e
tom, AYil iam K'it I, mot t d!y. Thru
iegro. s win* killed oiifr’gV. and, <
hi* UR heard from. Revel tv-folir W’e*
. om tied, ti n i • fif‘een of the numb
mortH.lv. Since the figl t five liav<
•lied, and thrie > r f nr mote will dii
•’r rhig M e t. : g!: t.
Tin and fficidty gr W Ol.t of the ; b i<--i
of a no-i’o wh ll ! al voted the D mo
era tie ti. ]*’.t, by ipV' ril Radical ie
•groev, cl.ief among wtiom was om
verv had negio lamed M’h*s Tong.
S. veral white g. nM-nv n rn-,hetl nn
when 11 ev saw- lo* aims'* !>■ i .g lo s'p
ed n|iou tlm D'*iiioe’’uth* negro, aid
when III* 1(1 1 r reived SI Vend blow*
*h<*v rushed in and ordered the mob
to d-sist. Aides Long offered to
draw ti p s*.d noon ore of the whites,
when lie was t. 1 ' not to draw a woar>-
•n tliere or lie woiil 1b ■ 1-i led. AY t' 1
an oath against the whites, and .hir
'd r them to e me <>n, 1 1 * drew out hi~
p stul and five !, In an instant a
'l’elU rnl fire from I <l1 1 wh t S find
'.lacks cotnmeneed. whhli tin* latter
Llinl ft SI COM I 111' (\V'\ UM' t’ I M O’ VI
wtiv in iuip of t * o will! st stnininvlcs
MO" w'.t'M ss'-'l fi our si rip's Thcvi
'vi-rc m' .liiih'v five biitnlre 1 slots
fi' C'l lIV I'M*!. silll'S. !| Mmi j ri*v of
fiicm l'< i> pr fired I>” tin- whiles. The
T|.o|-, >es (•• tile ill f I*l |M Ihe colli tfv
•n ineil with I'iVo’s, ! caw e]nl>“. w! eel
soulci'S, tc , nii-l wop vet v npgressi v.
upon tims . ( r the r ow tl color who
Vote I tin IT MM C!;l ,: c ♦ il■ li 1 I for a few
S. co ip. A r tl 1' lie li iter ci'iso.] tlio
Mi'i/riw “ lleeftM to Mriss for a vein Will
<•; tl c fi 'h', I>lll cei ir i hat the \\lii‘i s
were ii I*l l l i i is to V' cetve them, t ev
iiirnin scnttcrc.l uiml q it-it w; smm m
Vest 11 (].
Lat Kit —Tie mi nher of wnnetleA
im I'd>i s will t*< ;i -1. fn'lv one Inn .!.• il.
Wii.s >N Sntbed —TIm- Chic,tiro T i
l>nne of Mil 28: Il n!t, sax.s “Vcc
I resilient Wllsi Hi cil'l at Mi • W ite
!{ use vesti iml ia - , ami was Ii vimml
iwav, tl e Pii .sirleiit 1 nine ‘liiisi.’ T' i
Vice i'iesii]i■ 11 1 is mo so snr • alien
the ll.i ■ll ti I'll) as lie Was. II v\eVol,
we venture to say that I e will i evi i
tin c occai-ioii to ri l ere the sj coin s
he ile.iv' icil n Pe summer a M 1 11
f 1H72.” 1 1 the Xll i< k <*• 1.1 ih rw- nth I
k• ap on ft< 0.l terms w.lli lK,‘ •‘'oil' y
•f ihe In- \ arM,” lie must learn to
keep l,ia lie nth s lit all .'lit the thill:
< rm.
fifSy- T u- news ir 'in ;i 1 is c'lomh ( f
h' c uii'rv i- '< 'I'mMi-, slitnviiiy the
ii 11 in j! inf tbe D muht .tic parly, l>tr
in xf lo the giv I vii t rv in mir mvi>
■ll n il)lis <>1(1 S ufi 1 , < , iitiiii I In* elieel in*.'
11l \VS tllut till’ |ie ; I ■ lit M l-sttcl ti
lt *li v east I’m !- r a-i e n>l >l o
*i-11 a 1) .iinei i! i.i is <lia l. Ti'is i
me of liriy’eest sparks in the ilawti
if’ aiev • rt an I we li il if witti r- -
ji*■• il l ■ Tj"! ns e-jve tliai hs that mu
n ioeivi l rigli’s sttpp rt has me!
v Itll !is j I t lies. lbs.
• i or-ty’-• .tuwwM+J i - -'-r-r 1 mt*i ■■ ■ TtniwwaßWHi
* |\nv I .',
J'O!>(• I A lMcTntiisli (’niiiif'.
J-im * fi. Y*nr/ hi > pied form*
f .1- I, tf !’• of \(| ?• ti If 11 Hill rile !•*-
tat- i f vf r.j Mariraivt G. Y •mu lute of safd c- un*y
d**ce H and.
The* fr\ Hiere'br*-?o t- rh* >mi onis'i nM
Tv I t inte*****t*d H’h* !• r i fl I* l o* ercdb.tr .t *
fib* their oj * n- if m y the h v i the nnr*
•f OrfHnir\ of-•m* co'M t\ nn or h 'fur t e FIH T
MN!>AY IN Di riMiV U if xt, othe win >-uid
!•-11 • r* vv il ft tbji* 'I *i‘ he i*-md.
Witii y* my • final Miniature this Jd day fNo
veitib r. A. I). 1874.
LEWIS J\' K<nv,
t>o\7-td i >rdiiiHty .Ycl. 0-
oct3l OLD STAND. 3m
WO TI! K ' OWT'*n. Tl’fmof
ft v* -pipe \I il l)-: v** Marl I’d to y til **o\t the
trore hitl \tu faVit. F r Ml?** bv
i. \7- t * T. r. BIIOMU y
|£tKUll s
Cc>3l 3 n TE \!E OI.D ST/ ND.
*|'HE FM(M f'F A-Wpors 4 VITA* is *> tn
“ ilii' di-i. ivul. J \ Al■ .if ts ill. in- mu tier
*<lto c. It.ci a Chiu l. if.a; ib** firm
J \ \r\vnf\n
M. AVPIfY Jn..
.T V. VW'.' TV
\V I'. TM|| J).
f>. i . AT A OOD.
OJiicn. Git.. Oi tiih - ft, IS~4.
<opu:t\ei:s!iii‘ xrifE
nd rpl.niil TTi.-n.h-r nf tTc nM fr*w 'f
I Aimimwl. a'v-v hi vh i.rilli'H n report. nr li [)
n> ri. r *h. firm |.mi' f.T A il' O ! * a- Jl-’O'i..
and > ill dn biigim s. at the old rtuiul nf Atwoods dr
A Very.
Alitxr.il hare of the | nblic p -’rnn .... t,
•T \ aT'Vooh
.T M. \-n\VO()l>.
Tt \TIV '<'*
(i. E ATWOOD. '
Dari. n, Ca., Octnhi r 9. 1574.
nAVE yniir danipnr in vnnr pinn s tear t o
chimtirv ae nn.ri'*! , ihe more heat vnn . v ■
Hade by T. C. LovTlt’
6!t\j ©n(in;<ncco.
To be entitled an Ordinance tv Regulate die Offh
and Prodding the M.de iff hie-ting and Pm
selling the Duties of Cle.kof the loanlt
Commissioners, and for other Putposes.
TJ'ictton 1- The Jii aid of Comity Coi
j missioucvK t xercising jurisdiction in tl,
It Vof Dalii II do hereby o dull) and ii I
liy ird iineil hy t!ie autfiori yol th
in -. T.i.it there shall lie h 1 I an.iiiuilv, t
e tils! Weih.es iit\ ill J||DU ry. all eiee;i
'l'tt Chik ot the Boat l l of C. u missioiiei
is alovesai l who shall he Clerk ami Tr< as
nrer ol the City of D arien . That, if i.
re:isoi) of s eklii’ss or death. the i ffice shoal,
eeome vacant. the ( haiunaii nay p nccci
till Kiihl vacancy hy uppoin m. nt, whirl
wi 1 la hi good. rutil said vacancy :s iillei
iejliiauently hr an election. The said * ini
hall also he S eretary of the Board of Pilo*
'onmii: sion. rs tor the Port of Daaien. Hi
ha 1 before entering U|ioii the data s of hi?
ev, ra! i'Eitb lake and subscribe to the oati
aiescril id by law ; and shall give i.ond witl
wool* more good and * illHeinit securitie:
in the Mini of two tiKiiisai.il dollars for tin
faithful fi'. l*loi malice of his duties.
Hec. *2. And he ii fur: lmr in dallied by thi
authority aforesaid. That tl e saleiy of tin
said Clerk sh II 1 three hundred dollar:
,*er year: one half payable by the City o
Darien and the other half ly* the County o;
Mclntosh, and ne payable monthly when ii
funds. While acting as City Tin surer la
shall receive 5 per cent, on all sums pni
out and 5 per cent, on all sums received.
He shall ids i receive the t ilimving fees
to Me paid by the individual requiring oi
liable fir the same :
. or every certificate or extract for any
person, not exceeding on** page •x
--eept for t 'haiunaii or members of
the Hoard or any Cry • fiicer with
seal 0 7:
For affix illy seal yexcept to warrants,
execution, summons, or le.-eipt . . Cb
For each Petition ol
For eacli l’>ond 1 ot
For each Disposition or Affidavit ("ex
cept for a Warrant M
For eacli I{'cognizance 1 Ol
For each Deed to l'nldie Propel tv .... 3 H
For each License ft
For attending Chan man oranv im ml er
tor accommodation of piiv.ne indi
viduals 1 (It
For each Appeal to fciuptiioi i ,nrt
sumo fee allowed Clerk Superior
Court in Code if Oa
For each Transcri t ! 0(
For earn F.irnislnng and Ciitifying
Apraisement fa
For each Tax Fieii Facias b
For each Permit n>
For each Case trill] hell. e l’o ice Cm.rt
to be paid by ilcicndiuir. il convicted. I (li
Sec. •!. Audit is further orl uued. ,’.c
Tii i it shall in- the duty of said Clerk an.
Idea: nrer io keep an office in the Ci v <
Darien inacenlral p r-itiou at present a
the City Hall vv it'll the s ill! • shad be com
pietrd. which office lie shall open and atiela
regularly eacu day ySundays mi'y cxcejilei
unless ny permission) irom i) a. m. to*,
o. m . to w ueu all persons having ioisiies
with llieoaid authorities or sai 1 Clerk in ti,
line • f las da:y may lvpnr; an ! it shall b
ili.s dipy to leeeive and lay before the Cliai.
man, or Board, or memln r thereof, or cmil
man of any committee to whom dieet.d
any petitiou or app. cation at the li x lego
l.u* nice.ing ~inr sime has been til and, >j
sooner it i'ei|uiivd. and to keep as such a
is necccssary on file.
Sec 4. And he 11 furl in r ordained, Ac.
I’iiat tie following shall constitute ti.
special duties of said Clerk in add.tin i t
hose included in pn vious sections to wi
Cos have recorded in tie i<ffi *u of tJle.'k o
the. Superior Court of Mclntosh e unity and
the bonds taken for the following: t.'it;
Clerk and T.eisnn r. City Mars ml 4)
Mals ill. Harbor Master, within live dav
• f'.Cl s.iiil i.ilicer s' all quxiiiy. lie snail u s
be ]> ii the vault pr paivil to.- t in purpuhi
.i 1 in inks, pupers. all i leeunls ■ ■’ t.ie ei y ■
a valuable nature, ami safely deposit Kalin
i l s id vault \v’ e l li s office sauii clos.- in
tin- day While ail bonks or p pei
or re. ids oi minutes, sales orihii.iuei
a:it! all p ais and utiier v.du nle doeum n
■1 said Ollv ami .inald. ami in no ease siial
he close I is office for ti e Oay without s
I >iiio. Wnile all books, pipers, m-emio s
oidin.inees and i tlier pn lie matter siai
always be open to inspection of :iir citizen
bein.o a re ident uml tax payer it shall no
lie lawful forum* person or persons, wliethe
an officer or piivuie citizen, to renioveaii'
of the saiu" iVoiu said offie •. up mi a y mi
teet whaiever, without piimtssi n • i so
. lei k. Upon a penalty 01, not to i x eed <
md at the eu I of I-Itcil year fire sai 1 C e: i
shall make a written report of ..11 sue
r.-eiird and their Cotiditii n. To keep a t.u
tv Cos; dof all ihe prnee. ilinos of the Ihrai dv ,
o< >llllll ssi• i els in a book kept for that pit)
purpose, uml ol ail o,dliiances all I llie.
.liieiaiinenis and repoils; all vnits.
atious mid orders passed by t.iein at an,
ami all meetings w.iicii leeo ds slia.l li
sept i.i suitably l iuiud and lab.t il books im
iiie an.! in Ins office, tint 1 , whenever no essa.;
to give notice upon the paid c bitdeii, s l
a pu lie gazette, of any such rule, order n.
oidllialiCe; all Sllc.i being published wiihii
one week lroui their passage. io hi ep a
•locket ol all i oases, cmnina. or cT il, ;tael.
.o itself in wliic.i all parties and attor.ieys
names ofienees, Jims, actions, ju. laments,
n turns ol officers, Ac., shad Le propell;
a .and distinctly recorded, ami the same ,o b
and before t.ie Board at each regular im-ei
nig thereof. To ut.end all meeiings ol tli
Board, when necessity requites. > lal ol ah
comn .Uees ot -aid Board, keeping u lnniUli
of proceedings. To attest ail doenmeuli
igaeit by the Chairman as sum, a.t c.j in
•lty or oi In r s.al as uecessa v. T > receive
n j,t: ter and lorwaril to tne cii.iirmun of an\
committee authorizing the inne tednis.i.
mu bt lure approved b\ him or to the Ci m
lultiee on At eoiims ail o ils against the cit\
or Board v wheu proper v certified an
handed in. ia accordance witli tin* Orn.-
n nice on Accoitins, and wLeu Ceriitied t.\
iiie said chairman mi accounts to niiuu s nn
to the Bourn at the lvg.il..r nn ei.ng nex
t-nsuiug: uml as Tre..surer, to p y tne sunn
upon order for payiueut. To rece.ie <md cu
lt rail mioim.um.is taking tne n.uu m in
inlonucr, and date ot lae tutu , leliilol.ij.
tite same to liie Bolice Couri. and issue siiu
. cen.is and summons for all pari.es and wit
-1 esses to atte, il said t'olirt o, the Boaift a
a Certain di.v. ll e tin to be named. To r. •
reive all applie. tions h r llctlisi s alid to 1 •
sue in twinl ftnin. rt-ct lvingl r the same tn.
fee pffcsc.il.ed. To link- out aml at test an
iitles to city roperty, w.ieuever grauicd b
tiie authorities tln i'eol. 'in itcel\e a dtn
II applic.itious lor uiiv • fii> e m tfie gin oi
-aid loanl ui.dpns. in same to die Boar,
at propci time To sw arm nil iffinrsu.
mid Board and City pxcipt when otherwise
provided when eiecltd or app-nlited. imu
give them ce tic.lies upon the payment o.
tne ties prescril eil. and to id.eiiise a.
elections or to till vacancies . T*
itteiul all courts held by the t. lm.rumn m
the Board, or any member or iu> lnl eis
tin rent, and keep reco and ol the j r ceedn.gs
thereof. To make out a]>peal. bonds aim
issue exi cn ions lor unpaid lines and co. ta.
To make returns ot all public moneys in uis
hands on< e p* r fortuigl.t. or vvh* never re
quired. To keep a record of all public eor
spondence from his office or the Board ii
cook kept for th t purpose. To pc: form
and such other duties us are specially emi
uci'ated in any other ordinance.
Sec 5. And 1 •it further ordained, ftp
t'hat any derelieti> n of duty on the part of
iiid i lerk whereby any less may accrue to
te public revenue or at y specific p rfoini
ucc limy be neglected, shall subject Said
lerk to the pemd y of a line, not in exceed
U). or Mich other pdialtv us may be mttttl
a the ni i ret id) • 1 the Boa: and.
Passed by the Board if County Cos minis
ionei's Septt mbt r Dili. 1874
bcplO-tf Clerk and Treasurer.
AN r 0 i7l> 1X AX C K
To be entitled an Ordinance to Regulate the
Sale and Pu, chase of Junk.
Suction 1. Beit ludaii ed 1 y the Board
of County Coinmi sioneis, i xncisii g
unsdiction in the City ot Daiien, 'll at m y
ersnn who sliinl ingiige in the ju:iclms*e
aid sale of junk in said city and anv one ei -
aged in the shipping tLereol atm']first tide
nd pay fora licence in the m.ih oi Fifty
Dollars; and on f iluic so to do stall nit
diviction. he fined not exceeding Fl*y Dd
-ds and ci st. fi reachoffi'iire and in reianlt of
vhicli, i xei utidi si a!l is ne and le levied
ipoll tin; stuck in trade of said junk ib alc-.
S,c. 2 And it is lurtlier o'daii cd. ;c .
Pi at im- the | in pi ses oi this Out mi n. the
.allowing in tides sin 11 1 e coni) rel.t tided an
unk, toVii:olil rope, tinware, i'on. lanss
e.wler. CO I JUT. lend, rugs, if all kinds. |„ t l
icr, waste cotton, wool, lcsin jn Iroleu
uses, glass, or other commodity of ]ik>* j, a .
ure. And every ilenb r in junk, shall keip a
ccoiil of all purchases nt junk, the kinds
•ml tpiali.y, date, and name of party from
vhnm the same was i btuii id; whiih liciud
.nd which ptemises. shall le at all times
vi t lrin his, m,lie liu.is, siM.ject to the ir
p, i*tion ol the chairman or m y im niht r if
he hoani ntori said, oi of any officer of s tl jd
iiy win never nect ss ly, lor tl,e | nrj'ose is
allying into effect the provisions ot this
•rdimuice; and refusal so to alb vv said in
pact ll ill, will Mil j, Cl till* p ISO ns so offend-
Ig. to il fine If 1 1,1 more than sls. 1 1 and nil
1 I'cnccs to such dealer, si all he issued vv th
tint dist.net understanding, and shall bo
issued in dnplie to, one of which sh Ml bo
i red bv the h aler and placed on file witii
he clerk of su’d city.
Sec 3. And be it ordained by the m
hoiry ifiuisa.d. 'lint it at ai y time it
dial 1 hie me known that any dealer shall
lave purchased any junk, the property of
my mid owner, steaml" a*, vessel or ot 1 lie
'ity* of Darien, knowing the saim to be not
he propt itv of the si-l er the ilm], r shall
e tinul in the sum of not exc,'cding F t v
> l!a's and said licence in im Ci it ly i, .
"k. and. T.ii> conditi ui shall hi* s ate )
i c lici iii i ;at and l o jin k dcab i shall 1 e al
"vi and to purchase inv junk fit m any minor
ithoat tin- writ, n pi innssion ot He] a
nt or guard an f said ni'no-r. Any one so
If aiding shall . e ile tned a i rim-in'e. ami
;pon i onvieti. n hf-f.iie s i* Cb; rrn m at a
’*dice t art sin l 1 la tnil ii a M.m not to
‘Xcced Fitiy Jlohrrs and et s.ts tor each of
•ncc and hr t. i: his licence. No junk s'all
e purchased before arm i e i rr‘t. r;uis< t *
,"f slniil the piemis'H 1 e opei and f,,r Mini -
l i. 'll af such time it iler a p ,dty of
weiity-t.vc Do lacs or tinieitur o i cnee.
•sec 4. ..ml :e i fuiiln roaane 1! v 'lie
one autho' i'y. That all ordinances or jmits
t ovd;nances mil.tating agnii st tii. ordi
• >nce in- and the same is li lebv j*. a’ed.
iais-a-d !,y llie lioanl , t (’, nntv (.a nilnis
:oi;eis He, tern hi r ittli. J {<74.
HepiO tt Clerk and Tieasmer.
|> • RriAiNt
Oc 31 !5 a PKA 4 0.1) ST A N D.
?übl ?li: and : n nn&h.
T0..1 ALT, I’Alll’S OF T.IE WGEf.D.
I FIRST-CLASS m:\vsra r/:/:.
N. NxCIIOL 3 , P opritt r,
F W. r I IS. Pus n 3 s IVrannffer-
S.-jr'k tl °
TIIE ft UN'.
THE '' KKKLY 'I N’ i> t wi *?\ t r<?
\ \ i**; y x-iii| (I nriti* • H; i*in bin th * r* *-
i- wli c: !i-Vf Ir fly •_>*v it it n ii yil (*u j f1 • I
nb-c-rib l- hiicl wli n \vt 1 • h< •}• ifivu t u.ui-y
j niiMiHl- m**re. ar- bri Hv a- to !>'*>:
It i- H Hi>t-r t • 11. W*-p |*r. A' th M*W# Oft! C
l i wiM bt- fi tii;#f i* ii ri {>>• it •! w l.t i. in Mi'i tr
im f t *ll •I I* li! tll wh'lt nl IfnifH-ht. 11l hlm\s | r *
in a c , iii'i*.i:rit t* bi rf in r*rtii g u.un
it i- a first- ut- f-p.i y pA;it*r. bill o ri NTinin’i'j;
if.! n <;ri.( Mv r clii ir -f -v rv Kn.i'. >i*tr*ntuin
nn iin*>.iuj’ Hi t c i.. i fi* ml tlie iiii.-m delicate unit
c ni*til* mi —a tc
It i- atf M-r t** r |m • r Th- tul.* ti-d
uiii.it ct- . | cn rent 1 r • tur- arc can*fa rebcud
oil Icyi>ij p inted in itH p- nof*.
Ir . fin*t rate jjrr cultm; l p jii r. r I !• m*'-t Ire h
mil iii triu- ivt- it i Irt* <• cii<tunil I* pice* pa*
•ilyii ji n ii tlilfei • • ui*m i t.
Ir Nan iiid*‘|H-n/l nt |M.i •• 1 |n|u-r. b“br*yinL r to
•pi t> uml vv tn film uc> I r. li fis t- for ti co
il** n <1 f*r till* i*b c* ill- O' tin- t.. r>l III! II t" i G*cc. It
** • i My devtc t - *xp -tire f
he s; vn conn flint ii vv wt-nk* ti aim dis rr*
u* coiintrv. Ht;t thn ut n t* mult rniiiiu r*ii|bnnin
n.-t i'n l iii*i nlujr,-t *-r. libit- no t* nr of ktu vci*,
• iff link* no favor- from u • ii *ii|*|* rt*rv.
It n*io t h fi-bi n-to t*<-Incite aiid fb* mar
•t>f rth nu n. *►! ciiil'y tli rtf>h-n aikeii*. io
•v • iit’ll it piy*. mv ?* |ia* ftc lar a*ii i• t• n.
Ff ullv. it it- ’ll ch* up*-*’ pip* r puhl-h and. Gr©
? 01l r a yi-ur w ill ►ecun tf* any Hihfrrih r. ti
•o* ii ri*> a v *o t*-f ii | a * bib in - rder l liav T I E
Wi.KKI Y"IN -t thi-* rale Any *!■♦• who wudm
-ihklc a- lar ivill jr f fin* piper f n a yta .
VVt* have no iravel lne a-.-eitts,
'IIIE " EEK T Y SlW—Lurht ivarep fi t-nf' ro*.
m •*. On \ sloavear. Xo discount* from this
THE-EMI IVEKKLY M t \\—Sara*- -iz a- th
D.til Suit. #2noa veai. Adi couut of& per ft*lit.
in rlnti at la .o' o e .
i IIE I) MLY SUN.— 1 I ire'' 1 four r-sti • *‘\v pap> r
of tw.'ii y . iciit cn tun! “. I 'mi tv clrcnkitl.il "'ir
120 ihk) .1 th.- icw fi 2i ■ I’.ts, xn‘ic."| , li"“
price TO cent- t. rnonih .<■ sii ITJ >• ar i o clubr of
1J ot over, a disc unt <■! 20 u r c* i.t.
Aaurusa. •■TUB SUN," New York City-