Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 07, 1874, Image 3
gaiicw (HmluT (siuftt*\ ITM K XT. Nhllop. T>. \V. D’vis PVmw'p". is dutv Minvi7P(l to vppp ; "<> ••" 1 rooipt for snh- BCiiptions. Ac., for tin* Gazfttf. _ • •*■•———— LDP l ROTS. rTTRTST'r' 0 5c enni" ni*d W''<s <iw pnrr scarce. Turkeys, however, are plenti ful. I,nT)t flis’r-pt : s wir'ilV t.*n.bnip „,i in n whorl time the stores will all he reapdvfnr braves". \Vr dirppt H'P of tmm'iV- to p IP n Iv^rtis'melt of the \Maut i OwtiMhm t , pp ovi-d in nnotV” po'nmv. t jje draw in" pomes off on the loth iusf. T. v> . Lc'TB’ITO’TT is OOW rnn''W a r nw heat, dr'lv l>rtw"fin Pinion nod T,n->. j,,.: fT Ut , u. where‘t will coTVIIV-t W’t’l the backs fur Vo 1. Mr, L assorts tv-t fhere evi't l>p n troll'll * ah 01* aiwir'* fli'ino to mn'rp All mail rntt'-r sent ly hs leaf will l e tvnmptlv forwarded. __OT?R oooii friend P T, TVVM Was in ♦he pt*v rn Saturday. We will he~n shite that Air. Putnam comas to Darien from Rrnnswiek every Saturday. Persons • inting to . irlipv r n or eoni“ from Brunswick no Satnrdnvs. ran always he accommodated by Mr. Put unn. "rtt) toe new O- ■'"•slices to he found in another eolntnn if this i-sne. Rapt S. K. Ulmix is a eandidate for *'ip rtrtee of Tteeeivr of Tax Pehnns. The Captain would make a splendid officer. -We tried ha v d to rp t into the s*o’-e of A. All S'rain during the week Imt : * ws no run, there were too nvi'-v "onds in the-e. ytt thosp eierrjmt moods t>ave ' pen i'va''f;Ml and the rush to their old stm-e IS greet. _ Now is the t'me for candidates to pome forward ""l announce their names. The sooner the better. __Tn°: new steamer S'<t)eV> is now plviii" |,nt W i(i-i th *s elty and Tloboy. This irn el fn mt 'it l 'e ftoino" and one that has he" ho.'Ti need ‘1 f<- this nn't. We hope it will in a ’i'"' 1 • iiive.-’tivieit *o the poovgetic owners, M ss>s Spaulding A MeTCin’ey. l-n'inn fed tow irent -.pi-ciid'nrv hi r-onin*i"v vi'li a penman ion. ad i'e ’'"mitt" fort'i the me] iffims rtla’ s o r <h>* "ivt"T' nil 1 vjn I'll the wateh d< " m s'i'o' ''em f v ' livrdevs. and went fill’ them nPC'irdi'"lv. Nen(ll*“-‘S to so- the mnsie stnpn. and a-d *’ "onttedi *• wUI a..vr "row a"a : u who-v those ‘eet trod The fe- re n*as hrok j n t on'tar smashed. an 1 two vp’vn devs tie'i'v run to death. Chain V nia dogs vimurr 1; di 'S. —"iv s mieotic infnvn iis sopieft iix a' oat *’ a* ri ens that is bchig nrgan'zed in our eitv? - f’IPT V s nv-NWET.T, sh’ itu rl ftOothe'- ] mm lot if lire liv strainer Canie, on Sun day 1 s f . - - T *rs'vnss dll till" t' r 'vre' '-as ’•non nietM lively. We pijo t a lively winter down in these oar s. - C-pt. and nv Malcom 1 as return* and home from f e North. T ie 8 earner S‘ r : "b* has reas run. P"!" to til's per*. The ‘ teaiin vs Currie and Lizzie Biker are running regularly. - Or.n ’‘dT’xifiE asl's ahe ivi t" ii th’s jss ie of the f f.vvtte. Be sure m.d re.ul hi' r r '. The o’ mtion on Ti. sdar last wis t’■ riost md I’-ly that Ims taken place in Darien in sometime, —"nr vi lira o*i ttie steam ■’r "h v 1 • wh""*i wu la*elv onrrhasi and t.y Cr tiin T ihn T * D r. to bo ru i m the \lt I’n ih i via r 'ri 1 !, are '.pi , , i| v r ini leti'd oi 1 *i- wit' Soon he r ‘ dy f>r 1 ins;’less. S'/e. V :pj. —Mu Deo Cte. who dj ~i in S'vinn ih. list week, ivis the fither-in-liiw of Mr. Jo.ix A. Ohtjistiav, of this ritv. The sir) intelligence now comes fvnni Brunswick. of the death i>f Juries )!. Lee. \vlm was shot in the head hv \ It. Wil' : . et) t’ip *ii'lit previous to the October eloe twn. This was a most nnfo'tnnate nff ir (ii ' we il lentv synipntliise w tli the fmiilies of both partii s. —Rrywt did n't run worth a petit in Me Intosh pint itv The colore 1 i>e pic );eh) t-'at Rrvant was ns nmeh fa Jemoernt ns 'lr. iTarMdge: <|, -i p P wps bon lit <>’iee and he poo),] j,e bought again. That’s \v] at hurt him. ~ A njiß y>t por man informed ns the Other and tv Mint tie was engaged to seventeen vonni? ladies and was endiiivoiing to make it eighteen. ■ one pins* have been happy ell the meri t of the election iiotn the noise that we heard. Tft> ‘enirer T'niev has gone to Savan nah. Wt* riirrot imagine wl at she has pone f t rnh es jt is for the 1 e”efit of our dear friend Har) erV health. Since the almve was written 'lie Daisy has put in an appearance. --Some w g eirenlated the report that Coroner Burrell intend'd to bury a man fee downwards, when npoli the erew of the ffhip Svnleam waited upon the Coroner to fnd ont how it was. when the Captain, in his blandest toms, iiJtintd them tLnt it was a— , od. cTjtosp frp<iii-i Cent will eervere in Barit non Tuesday. Pi P t it her Ist As there is mnch business l pfore fl e eonrt it won hi l e r-elj for al’ interested to be prepared. Lie Honor Jndp- Schley has pn mised lo told eonrt two weeks. The steamer May Flcvcer failed to make her regular tri| s last week, owing to an ac cident. She iH all right now. and will be ready to accommodate all who would like to take a tiip to Brunswick. Joard t i Cituti'y ('iiimilsslitniTti - Ilesii l.ir Vec liig. Couvtv Commissioners’ Office ) Darien, Novi mbor 4 1874. f Present, his Honor T. P. Pease. Chairman; Joseph P. Gilm, Janies Walker, L. Mcln tosh, limes Tjichlis in, Taos. H. Oiguilliat. Vhse it. Mr Morris. A quorum liein"present the Board organ zed and the f Unwin" business taken up in re oilar or le;: Committee on Finance r ported on tie follow : ng bills and ordered them paid whet in funds Amount $17,1 11. Moved by Mr. Gilson that the iuteresf on the lots sold by Mr. Mcln*o h. be paid tiim Committee on Paver and Harbor made n • report. Committee on Streets and Lanes, no re port Committee on O- d’nn* oes no repo-1. Committee on PiiLFr Bni’di’i"s Mr. Gil son moved that Mr. John II Burrell Im ns s;"”ed to the Committee in place of S. W. Wilson, deponse!. Mr. Luehlison moved that the eonsideru tiou if the matter relative to 'lie ad >|it on of plans and receiving of e-dim it“f >r the build in" of a I'oiv t TI Ulse. he poetn >ued 'V! 1 the whole mutter r f rrel to the joint rotnui't tee <>f c'tizens and commissioners who wil report at a meeting, to be called by the Chairman. Committee on Health —no report. Mr. Gi'son moved t'mt the Boavd ask for proposals from the City Phvsi<-ians to 11e• and the city poor and furnish their own medi cines. Mov* and 1 y Mr. Luehlison that the “nils. Ac., of the Ship Wilcox now in pns -e-sioi! n Hal l.or Mart *r. be brought to Dari> u and soil to nav bills against shin Wilcox. Moved by Mr Laelilison that the HU of Mr. Humph be 1* ft to the Finance Commit tee. Moved by Mr. Gilson that no new precinct be made. Mr. Luehlison moved to lay the matter over to the next meeting. Messrs Wyllv and la ng were, upon ballot, declared clicked Inspectors of Timber. The pet it *on if Messrs. Coleman A Collat asking a reduction of license was not "i ant ed. The petition of J. J. Simpkins was also re f.i red. T' e pethiou of Be'sv Gurv r< ff mid to the ConirirUt”C on Streets and Lanes. The Fire ('• mmittee eoniposed of cititzem appointed t v tic Porrd at the regular Octo ber term. asked for fii’tlior time to make nj their repo t. Granted. ?.{r. Adam S'rain was, upon motion, added 1 1 said committee. Mr. Mrlntosli asked to tie relieved from further action upon the Board to-day whic! was "■•anted. Th*‘ t'lf-rk :ed Trensnr* r's repo-t was ex anrtmd f ouml corn ot. accepted an.l ordered to tie published Mr. Gilson move ! that tlm Tax Co'declo’. make the inn ch ir .o>s in M•. Strain’s tax es aeci nil hig to Mr, y,j i, s ret urn-'. ytr. Gilson moved that the ease of M ms ffehl ti" postu mi • 1 until the next regain: meeting. On Hint ion of Mr. Gilson (lie Wi’sm 'ax in oter was pos" pmied for a. special nmeting The case of Ada Smi'h rx the Ala shal •vms taken no and argued oil both sides in fn't. af er -hicli Air. Laelilison offered the tollo" ii <■: I'vs'ih erf Tbi t after In aria" the cv : denee and am r ent in t 1 ■ <•' urges against th CPy at -sha) tl e Pom* 1 fnd that C e-e has ~ot been cr'abtal '** evid nee enough iid dnei and to snstui'i them, and th it lie be ac quitted of the same. J >.soTred fwOf. That we would aain take occasion 'o 'rupri'ss noon the Al.ar'-hc' *i-e innlorfatiee < f discharging his duties *f iirli'ssty fahl fnUv and in s'mh a niann o •s *o "'V'- no c’ * iz* n cause for c-mplaio* or •i suspicion that he has be n at all derel et in ’ : s offf'-e. Tim tol lowing revo’ntion was offered In Air. Gilson: J'molwd. Tlui* tie A T ai>bal is or Vied to v, tily Ada Pniith and T nla PnrUli to leave the eitv wMrn ti' e days, or fliev wll lie pi, s. ci fi and tor lo * i : r" a in-uso of ill tame There 1 t ill" no furtlll r 1 neiimsv 'be Board adjourned. Spatpino Kenan Clerk, J>. C. C. Ct tldoti Etatl- n rn.nN fnqitts:. On Monday’ast Cupta n John 11. Burie'l Coroner < f Mclntosh county was asked to have a man ' nth-d who had and ed suddenly. C. pt. r>ur"ell impaneled a jury and viewed the hodv, when he learned that a few and >ys previous a stranger applied at Mr. Lankin s for a "lace to sleep, sayi g that l.e had only two dollars, and wanted to go fo Savannah. Int f he con'd get woik he vvonl 1 pay f li the bed an 1 board. Mrs. Larkin, with com wiendal le kindness, told the unfortunate man that he hud better keep bis two dollars as he w i"ted to g i iw iv. and she woul 1 fur bish him wit -a be 1 gratis tdii Kund iv the deeeisel wis fend to be quite il' an 1 Mr. Larkin wanted to summons a phv-ieian, but lie strenuously declined having one and on Monday morning was found dead. die deceased was a native of Ireland and w,s unknown. He had a prayer hook in which was written Michael. He was decent Iv b.ivied by the Coroner and his prayer book and rosa-y, bis only effects, were also buried w itli him. Person.*l. AVe were pleased to meet in onr city dui*il}g the week, August Schmid', E-iq.. who has just returned from a two months s pleasure trip North. %&f~The I c ird of County Commissioners held quite an iitfCvesting meeting on Wed* nesdav last. Iliad the j roeeedii g > which will be found elsewhere. the man who was so badly beaten in this county by Wimberly, carried Glynn county by only kO3 majority; Poor Bryant ! The Ilctilon in Mflninsh - Vi imberlt Ahead. The election in Mclntosh, on Tuesday, wasone of the most orderly and quiet that wi h ive ever witnesseb Tile colored v iters had heen well dri'led before hand, and with lar few ex.a'ptious, vote 1 just as Campbell tol 'hem. The Oil Tycoon himself took his seat right at thmmlls where ho could not only mspect the voters, but instruct any who were in (h ulit, and supply tin in with AVun lerly tickets. The following is the vote; Darien S. N wport Total Hirtridge Ififi 84 200 t’rvant 40 28 08 W mberley 391 3 391 W M. Thomas... 1 Wimberley's mij u-itv over nil 1 .‘SO. The whites did not eome out as strongly as they mightor Hartri tge would have polled a much heav'er vote. Fast Sailing. —C ptain Crocker sai’ed from Fernadina. Fli.. G-tober 28th. for New Y uk, where lie arrive 1 <>i the. 3 >th alt. The captain then took the yacht Ethel, with a few frien Is on b urd a id started on Sunday N iveinber Ist. arriving off D >l<oy bar o l Thursday. November sth. at 1 1 AI . m iking the round trip fr m> Fern m bin t > .Bew York an l back to Darien in eight days. This is unquestionably the fastest time on record on our coast. New Pilot Boat. Capt. Crocker arrived ii po ton Wednesd y with Captain Bailey’s new pilot boat. Captain B . is a pilot on our liar and with lbs fast sailing Jwat will doubtless veu ler the race lor vessels coming in very exciting. Three Kobbeiles In One Xlffh!. Will Swvn’s Gold Witvh Stolen. —Our young friend. William J. Swan, had his val uable gold witch, chain and locket stolen from him on Thursday niglif, by some thief entering his loom after he had retired. No clue as in the thief, though every effort will be made to trace him out. Friend Swan of fers a large reward fir the recovery of his watch, and we. sincerly hope that he may catch the thief. Another Watch Stolen. —O i T'mrsliv niglif soni" mysterious, unknown individual entered the house of Air. George W. Long and approp Lited a gold watch and twenty .ive doll irs in currency. Money Stolen. - A t hi* f entered the room if Air. Churchill on Thursday night and robbed him of •Revel id hundred dollars in •nnency. The case is wraped in mystery. t-tr Prayer meeting will be held at Airs. 8. A. Thomas' on Sunday afternoon. Pr*n t m"*'lings w'll I e hel l regular until the 'hurcll is completed. Hold Vnlvals. .Magnolia Tl'Usf, \. E. Carr. Proprietor ('. Clay Williams. G. W. Wright. -Jr., str lay Flower: Capt -T is. O'lxeil. bark llow itd. Dobov: John Brown and sou. Do'ioy; Isaac W Christian, city: Tlios. II lt.on. Jr. las Laelilison. Ri J- E. Cornelius. Dobov: Cant Tom White, str Staples; Jm. Vian. John Christian city; W AI Di al son, Savmnab: S. < hinneg city; Chas. n . Dunham. Ga; C. AI Tv'er. eitv: Cunt. Tas. Vlilenl. Do'ioy: Burk nn'ildti". Th*is oauld'iig. Sapelo; Eilvvivd Hill. Paltimor- : P. A. Stoisen. bark R*wke. D“bov; (’. Pi ters bark Rosa Fopttclii'r;-T 'V Christian m l w f*e Brunswick: AV. .1 AVilly. A Ton *ai'*<‘. M due: f'ap', T. IT. Sm th. str Carrie: f Miller. T ATil *r. S C.: Geo. A. Connor ’liildelphia: 11. AI -or**. Au"ns*u. Ga: T*. -T Abrfnx f’t,'; R F. Arnold W'bningtnn Del.: It. AV. G'ut.li. eitv; \V>n. MiP'li°so*i. I is P. Gilson. Dot'ov; .Tic. I>. Moore. R. F. Williams. Brunswick: Got. Sti-near, eitv; E W. Aiken 8. Capt. Sardrno. shin T.agna; John E. Y uni". TT. Ravenell eitv: lo'u' Ma'eotin. Dob- v LI.; Frank D nvd. viv'innnh; Cm t. F. P. Tbivton. Y rm nith N. II :D. Wit. K i V !!*>. Gi.: Wil'iam Ri.se. IT. D TI ‘ t'b'ian. S ivinnu’-: Tj. F, I!. D >Lornie. Tbos D : x ti tl B. AT ibrv city: Dr Bake . wife anl 1 P-uisv-'c HUII.N Tl II M VI.KEr. RKPUK ;ED liY v . W. C KK ER. AVFS'HK. S AS SQt’ARK. son r> ' • s>; RVt • Skf Ml (i 4 It "> 7X 4)1 < ...7 n. 8 r io t" n fin> R',^ a vi cv n>7f< 7(1) 7v "* R VI fV 0 0 rvj til IC* •IS I It t' to o at to iax ‘pinq FORT OF DVItTEX, GEORGIA. FOiR THE WEEK ENDING NOV. 6. ARtIYATN. N v 3.— s'rh'smi'r < lm-. Mnrfont. < harte ton, S. C. n> "ill i-- & Foster. Xi„- ?__seh. n e'' E A. Pnopcr, Savaun. h, to Dillons & Foster. IN P 'RT. ci,. n s n - ')-!im. Da'zail. 1 a( , ,n.'. United King tom —A. D "Iv-ll * o. ",,-lt k mii Ri t’eSer. p n-rs, loa ing. United K'n-d -I"—F’lltlt "S B 1 1-is C*. R.rb R.i-tta. StiH'sen. lonliii". United Kingdom— a. s limnlt. SehiHi er IV" Dll' n. Fountain, loa ii-g. Bos ion—Hiltons <e Fes er. sr'i-iiner V- ttie Lingl.n Colins, loading, Bos ten—Y Minit L oi Srtioon* r C'l.a l*-- Mnrford. !ci o tier E. A. Il i iji r. gUmoiuucmcntr. F*u- Ifcccivci- of Tits lit torus. FRI.I.O'-V Cl riZKV* : lam n c ni’i/t-te fir the I'fflee Ilf Repel V- r of Tax Relnri s. Slid bi g your *n|ip.irt I)o ae you weh toll ri" •• hv. Nm7-tf S. E. CLARKE. id nr fulvrrtircmrnts. $l5O REWARD. KEN from m*- room on TIII’RD 'Y > ICHT a fP'LD WA CII. CHAIN mid L* CKK r . Parties having the articles w ill receive the above reward aid no qnesti ns a-kid. t y -clnrnii g thi ni to \V. .1. H VAN. no-.T tf OCice of Young & n. IDS' W iRIT m do to order bv mn7~:l _ T. C. BiiOMLEY. Tuke WaniiMig. ALb PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE M\G SO I.Y IltlU'K are invited to come forward a .and sett V inline lately. Imran husineaa, and tiin-t all wi'lcome forward and i> y up. A. E. CARP, nov7-rf Pixurti t r Megnol'a ' on-e, | 9 .\ Kb Al.Yt AT— -o*l3l-3 u PE \se O’.D ST \NT, i ►Ecirefuto Kir-. 0■ • t T. C. BllOM : K.Y 'o ent s' u• y nr stnv ic vT-lt The D.r jeu CtiKrul Horn sc. Which !■( men at alt hours f,,r the acoo-Timnda tion of pc travelling pn'ilic. lam supplied with a 1 the delici 'ieH of the w ason. I put tip my Meals mi the Ot V rginm len nrrnttc Prii ctp .t. P jam don't bell, ve it co ue and look at my T hie. wtr.u \ \i copkiv, Oeneriil So ler'lltenilelit. N. It—Ni,mettme .ny frien's call in* O'd Mii'p . P. S.— I am mi l niniiimr the rtiann yacht Sapelo on schedule, Capt. Tom Sp.iuliMnp. NmT-3t OLD MI DGE. /it Old Pepper's Shanty! JOHN L CHRISTIAN HAS JUST RROEIVK') A WELL SELECTED STOCK OK LIQUOHS, r.ROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, &c. SODA WATER mt.l LAGER IEZR on I’muglit tit. it'll hours. ALSO niI’CRTZP BIER IN BOTTLES. A FINE LOT OF IMPORTED CIGARS & TO RAC CO and at all Prices. T off r th‘ .hove ennts to the pu’llc at cheap p iece, and gu iraiitee perf ct rati-f icti ui in all cases. Mv former pilrmis •inv ■ niv mmv thanks fir past tUmrs an i hop • a conti'il! me of tli ■hon -. DiicT tail to ci lal Pki'pkh'b Oi.ii Stand J|||\ A. C I'tlsri \N. Oct3l BkoiD 'Tuket. Dakisn. Ga. r) E sIJRK jop have Zinc under jams stoves. Fir } sale hy T. 1!. B i )d ,KY. “\3ToiMiixAXoir 7o be entitled on Ordinance lo provide for (he /', otectii oj I‘chile mid Private BiUdinjs, T.e’s. and for other Purposes. Section 1 The Board of County Com niissioneiH exf-reisi'ig jurisdi'd on in tne City of Darien do ordain and it is here bv otil.lined by the authority of the s une. tha" from and after the passage of tuis ordl nance it sha 1 not Ik: lawful tor any nets >n or pm sons to affix or paste any paper or d -vertisi laeiit upon any public. Wall, fence Huililii gor tree m said city being public or private exce, t in the usual | lace used for that purpose for any in it ter of a public na ture. or in such place as they shall be per mitted so to do by any private individual, tin- mvitri or less -enf such private building, and except also by permission obtained from the Chairman or so m- member * l tin- Board or of tlte Marshal of said City of Da v i>-n. under a pen illy of 51)1 and itnpriso ; , and for tin* sp.,ce oi live days; and in no case shall t he city buildings or fences <>r walls be used lor such purpose except by some officer of said In aid or city for tin- purpose of pub lishing some notice emanating from bis or their respective office. The imprisonment being in the power of the Chairman or act ing C.iairrnau pro tempore to remit upon payment ot Idles. Sec. 2. And be it further onlai"ed. &<•, That any pet son or persons w ho shall deface or ea is.- lo be defaced any public or private wall, truce, building or tree box by figures, letters, marks or devices with any chalk, pencil, ink. paint, knife, or by pasting, stick ing. or fastening same upon itnv place afore said With the consent of the owner or oceu paut shall, on conviction he fined in a sum not to exceed ilO f r each offence, whether said | remises In* the prop rtv of the city. State, county or United States by actual ownership or lease, or tin- property of any private person, action to tie upon complai* t of the injured party or otherwise. Seo. 3. And it is further ordained Ac.. That any person or person who shall cut break, fell or otherwise injure or destroy, nr injure any shade tree * r other tree (i-xcept upon bis or their individual property mid not useful tor the beautify dug or shading of any street, lane, or other pntilic place in said city) shall on coui'iction lie fined m a sum not-to "sceed 311) for each offauce, and im •irisotnu and lor ten days, and no person shall hurl, throw, pitch or east any stone, brick bit. shell. <>r other thing of like nature against or on, or into all trees, tree box. rai ing. fen e, wall, house, building, or in any street or other highway in said city, upon pain of ike penalties, the imprison ment being in the power ot :he Chairman or acting Chairman pro tent., to remit upon i-ayment tines. Sec. 4. And it is further ordained, Ac , That any p -rsou who shall tie or hitch m y horse, mule or other animal to any tree, tree I ox. or pump, the property of the city of Darien, or to any tree, tree box or fence being private proper l y unless by owner’s 1 e,mission) shall be guilty of a misdo m-a nnr anil I'e subject to a fine of not to exceed ten dollars. Sec. 5. An lit is further ordained, Ac.. That any person the niastei. mate, owner, consignee or any atlm-hee of any vessel or boat, who shall at anv time, wi.hout per mission. discharge and dep sit any ballast ■ ■ rubbish of any kind on any public dock or wharf in said city shall b-* fined in a sum ot not to exceed n*2o. Provided, such per mit. so ot tnined. shell be givi u by tl e tl.tv Matshal. acting tu.d-r the instno t oils of tlie Chairman of Board or of the Chairman Committee on Docks and Wharves of the' said Board setting tor'll the exact spot and the quality to lie so deposited. !3ec. C. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid. That all ordinances or tails id ordinal.ci s militating against this ordinance be ami the sanle is lierebj repi'iihd. P. ssed i.y tne Board of Comity Coiu’nis sihneiK September fith. 1874. , SPALDIN 1 KENAN, "NovT-St Cieik and Treasurer: Hew Storc, (iew Gooes, Kew Men! ATTENTION" EVERYBODY! COLEMAN & COLLAT Having jnM fini-hed tme] < quipped th®r now Morn <n Broad Mree they lit*!; leav* to nvile then tin lax- o' the people nf I) uii'ii an ! r.r.uundh.g coun try to lluiti \ll *ehcl*d Muck of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, and everything usually kept in a general variety Muiv. TIMBER MEN FROM THE CP COUNTRY will find it tu their Advantage to g've it* a call when they bring timber to this market. OUII GOODS ARE ALL NEW AND FRESH and families in Darien would find it to their advan tage to buy their Mtpplius from na. WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION to all those buying goods from ns. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. COLEMAN & COLLAT, Oc3l -tf BROAD STREET. DXRIEN, O'. B A R G AIMS AT Oc(31 TEASE OLD STAND. 3m THE PULASKI BAR —AND— RESTAURANT! BROAD STREET, OPPOS TE THE MAGNOLIA nOUoE, DARIEN, GEORGIA. ri'IIE undersigned would inform his friend-* and I the public tliMt he hsfi i* and ut) ttie atxive lions*-, and is now prepared In flirt) sh Meal-, to he travel I tig puhl e al all hours, day or night, at short n .tic* . Sp chi I alt* nt’on will lie given to private pa ties, aim Suppers furnished, such as GAME; OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, FISH, IO .TEE-HOUSE STEAKS, AND ALL AT The Lowest Possible Prices. 1 he Ba* is stocked with go and WISES, LIQUORS AXD CIGARS! MII.K PU'iCIIFS and other F'NCT DRINKS made a specialty ands rveil in flr.-t class style. t will in ’he future, a-* in ihe i a>t. make ev ry i (Toil to please u.l who favor mu vvi.h th* ir patrou .l3. CO.MVAY, Oot3l-lf Agfi't. Bargains -AT Oci3l-3n Prase Old Stand. LOOK! LOOS ' LOOK! JUST ARRIVED, VIA NEW YORK. A large and well se'ected Sti c’.c ot DRY GOODS, NOTION S, LADIES’AND CENT'S HATS. SOOTS Af.'.D SHOES, CLOTHING, LAD:F.S' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Also, a full supply of G ROCERIES Alw ivs kept mi litml '*n.l everythin” usu-il’y kept ii first 1 1 rss estnblish ine.it. CnniP oiio. mmo nil. An.l give us a cat l . It will he to youi' interest To give the new comers a call ! WE UUMIANTEE SATISFATION. J. BELSINCiR & BRO., BROAD STREET. DARIEN, GA. N I?.—Goods hauled to the Ridge wi'hont any cost to the purchaser. Oet3-tf ♦bargains —AT -0.t313m PKA E 01.D STAND. GREAT REDUCTION -OF— PRICES -AT- A.&RSTRAINS Cor Broad and Screven Streets. Having just receive*! otlr Full and inter Stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, nntl SADDLERY, PAINTS, OILS, DRUGS a:ul MEDICINES, HARDWARE, ami CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, I E TEC MERY, BOOKS ami STATIONERY, CLOCKS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY; EARTHEN, • GLASS ah 1 QUEENS-WARE, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN and HOLLOW-WARE, IIOU.-E IOLD FURNITURE, FARMING UTENSILS, STOVES ami STOVE PIPES; CORN, SHINGLES, OATS, OAKUM, LIME, SALT, HAY, &c. Particular attention given to tlie supply of vessels. Captains of vessels are especiall y invite.l to riamino our large ami complete stock of Sill I’ CHANDLERY, Wii!i nttr unusual facilities for car rying on business at a nominal tx p, use fciiab.e 'is to compete with any market. Smith. CALL AND EX AMINE OUR STOCK anil satisfy yourselves. GOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. A. & P. STKAt\ T ANARUS, Xov7-tf parieu, till;