Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 14, 1874, Image 4
$4 i u iiimb.r toast c. AS SEAL SUiiSVH/ETIoS $2 sl> SATUiiD vY MyRNLNG. NOV. 14 JU3T I’WoT Two Hvtle darlings to work to-, Throoeh nninbvrb ** night* and d*y*, Four little footrlepa to lollow, WaiKUring all in a maze. Two little facea f.r waahinc, Two tangled maerea .o curl. Fir*t for the brown-i-yed baby, Then for the Uii-haired (git 1. Fonr little white feet to kn ! t for, Stockiiora to wa*h and to mend, Olteii wee ijovv.a U> be ttniferca. Worn by we nail* at (he end. Myriad of etltchea for plying ; Patience tuu*t never wane. Whl'e every rtroke . f the needle Strengthen* love'* infinite Chain. Ilnt'dredi* of *trp* *o be taken, Kach one a Jn> the more. ’ Uatberitig tt|i the playt Inga, Scattered all over the floor. Manv the window* for wa-hlng. Finger print* over the pane ; Sweet i Mich work for a mother. Win re little flog, r* have lain. Two tinv cradle* for recking, Two iit le kl-rea to take. Two tittle pravera to be wbfapered Upward, to augele awake. Four baby feet to be guided. Two little live* to make briebt. Two little darling* to biers us. Leading tia on to the light. War A well kuovsii me ropolitan printer mentions that oti one occa sion an old woman from the country came into tlm printing office with an old Bible in her bawtl. “I want,” she said, “that you should print it over again. It’s gettin’ a leitle blurred sort of, mid my eyes is not what they whs. How much would yon ask to doit?” “Fifty ci'lits?” “Can you Lave it done in half an hour? Wish you would—want, to be gettin’ home. I live out of town.” When the old lady went out, he sent around to tin office of the American Bible Society and purchased a copy for 50 cents. “Lor suki s a massy !” exclaimed the old lady, when she came to look at it; “how good yov’e fixed it. I never see nothin’ so curious 11s you printers is!” J©-A latly in Maine had a dream which was not all a dream, 'i’ll- re was painful reality about it. She dreamed that In r husband, who was leader of a choir intlie village, was too intimate with one of the young ladies who sang in it. Her dream told her that in a trank in the girl s possi s si m, she would find all her husband’ amorous letters. So powerful was the infineuca of the vision that tile wife sett relied the girds trunk, and then found a packet of letters, ns she halt expected. The choir numbers one less than it. <)i I; the leader has tried arnica and hair restorers in vain, and has been compelled to resign the.bat* on, and a divorce suit is pending. And all through the influ. nee of an empty dream. 4 Ladies Compaiiino Their Gaiters.- The other day, alter a met ting of a certain famous women’s chib in New York, the ladies amused themselves comparing t heir garters, to see which were the Imndsomis 1 , for garters 01 extravug-ant expense have lately come into 'fastiion, anil several of these chib numbers wear theirs clasped with gold and precious stones. Tin jewelers are all it troduoing new de signs for garter clasps that promise shortly to cost as much us the brace lets that fashion has discarded, A charming woman and singer in socia ty is said to wear a pair of gaiters that cost SSOO.— X. Y. Express. Nothing appeals more to the sympathies of a kind-hearted person than the spectacle of a starved dog, sitting on the ragged edge ot anxiety waiting for a bone. £©“' “What makes von look so glum, Tom ?” “Oh, I bad to endure a sad trial to my feelings.” “What on earth was it?” “Why, I had to tie on pretty girl’s bonnet with her mother looking on.” £QP“ A asked a wit whfitlier lie believed in spirits. “Av, sir,” replied lie, looking him full in fin fac-e, ‘ I see too much evi dence before me to and nbt it.” ■ ■—— EST* “I an: nfiaid von will come to want,” said an old lady to a young gentleman. ‘ I have come to wan* already,’’ was the reply, *‘l wart your daughter.” Difference OF Opinions. Son c person* think tloir business dors no- | warrant their advertising, so we up pend the following: Wise Words From Practical Men.—My success is owing to lay liberality in adver tising—Btmntr. I advertised my productions aud made inoiier — yiehftht* Ism/j/jctyrlh. tC*n*Htrt and pe-sistent advertising is a sure prelude to wealth. —Stephen Qirard. He who invests one dollar in business, should iuvest one dollar in advertising tin t business. —A. T. .Sfei cart. Without the aid of udvertieementa I eonld have done nothing in my speculations. I have the most complete faith in printer’s ink. Advertising Is the royal road to business.— Rirnum. B3P There is a negro boy living in New port who will drink kerosene oil by the cfmrft whenever he can get it. He craves it to such an extent that the family are coni pelledto hide notowlr the canwbich contains it, but even the lamps. He has been known to drink half a pint at • time TV rif .-t nf it is similar to mev whiskey 1 ■ - wild intoxic ition. When iv.der iull •• f it, he wijl light f m b-l. -s -1 i . • i Withm'ilis tio-ph tr’ - *.'■ • ibv r, : i: :, aa lait-D,, acts like a frantic . bpbtHsu, generally. j. A. AiWuUil I BUD Mila, BROAD STREET, I pa&ieh, • €4., v WILL RECEIVE WITHIN THIRTY DAY'S A COMPLETE STOCK OF 0Y <?OO0S, ✓ # GROCERIES. WOODS WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HAHDWARE SiC. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK t of everything in their line of business. I’KOMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ()I)EItS. Masters of vesets would do well to gi/3 thou a cl Press Goods, Prints. Cloths Casimcrs and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade can be tonud in their store. They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness. Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriage trimmings, Ac. Their stock of Crockery. Stone, China, and Glass wares are of the best qualities. FOB FLORIDA. INLAND ROUTE. ** b oE?*Ss^B>*B^ The siugant aide-wheel ttcatnvr LIZZIE BAKER, Captkln P. LARO“E, H ving been thoroughly nve ihsuled nd refltte ill re-mme her r"gulr trip* -le-vwg Savanna KDN SU\Y MORNIVO. Sejitemlier 23, at' duck, for DOB )Y. DARIKN. BRUNSWICK ai r. M \HY'S Ga.. FERNANDIDA. JACK SO ’ VIU.K PALATKA. an<l all lute,mediate landing* <m the S'. John - * river, Klo Ida. t nctiing at I'arien both way*. Ketuming will leave Palatki Friday. Jaek-onvitle Saturday, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. H VIKB As LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. For freight or pn-*ag , having super or accommo dation*, apply to A. L RICHARDSON. Agent, Sept9-ly Padlet'ord'e Whaif, REGULAR LI NR Darien, Savannah, Brunswick anti Satilla, The New Bteasit-r CARRIE, Capt. JOE SMITH, VITIM, LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN It Brunswick, Sati la River and Landing EVERY THURSDAY AT 4 P. M., making through trip* every week. Returning, will leave Darien for Savannah every Son 'ay. June 86 FteuTji.au link BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND DARIEN. The new Steamer MAX 's2*t)Wm p Will leave Brunswick for Darien evi ry MONDAY and FRIDAY.at 6A. M. l eave Darien it I r n , <*< nnecting with Macon and B nnswick radio and, giving thnmg rati a to all 10.-al tatio is. and ex teiu'ieg Greet) bine to Darien Also, connecting with New York and Brunswick Packet Line S. C. LITTLEFIELD A < O , Ag nts.. Oet'24 Brunswick. Ga. JWSACO.M & BRUNSWCIK Change of Schedule. Superintendent’* Orncr. v. it B R. R.. 1 Macon. Ga,. Octoh. r 12, 1874 ( AN and ifter Monday, April 27, 1871. tiaiim on this ' " road will run ns follows : DOWN DAT PASSENOEFt TRAIN (SUNDAY 4 EXCEPTED.) I.eav e Macon .... 8:30 a :,t Arrive at Jet-cup .... 6:45 P M Leave Jessup .... 8.1.11 p si Arr. <eat Brunswick - - - 10.3 1 - P ji UP HAT PASSENGER TRAIN (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. cnee Brunswick ... 215 a m Arnvi at .lesup ... 4.45 a m Leave Jes 1 p • - • II 15 a H Anive at Macon - - - 5.00 PM IIAWKINSVI! EE ACCOMODATION 'SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) 1 ea e Macon - - -3 3o p M \rrive at Hawkins vide ... 7.f'5 p in Leav.. Haw kinsviil i ... 7.15 am Arrive t Macon * * 11. Or a m The down day pa acre er and express train mak< s clo-eeontnetji.il with tninsof Atlant.c and 'in t ra ro n at Jestrp for Flo'ida, and no day trail, eon neet- a- ,1 slip f r Savannah, ml nt M con for , oil.t- Foith. East and West. .IAS. W R"BERTSON, Octl7-tf General Sn. erii ti lirler t. $5,000 OO TO Sll I! SCitIIS Elt S OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, THE SECOND \NNU\L DISTRIBUTION NOVEMBER 15, of pres r.ts. which we ha' e heretofore announce.d and for w it'll we are under obligat'd's to com*- nt- mihers, will now he push'd to a speedy coi sum mation. ur distribution riiff'Ts from those • f leading Northern and Western Newspap rs in tw > nnicit lurs; *■ Ist. our presents are awarded to both Daily and Weekly subscribers: and secondly, to both new and o'd -i.bscrihers. Every daily stihscrilier paying $lO for enc year's subscription, will receive a registered card i milling him to parti ipate m the distribution ; every daily Mihscr her paying $5 for ix months w ill receive a c rd e-tiilii k him to a hall'interest in the cash presents awarded A club oi five weekly subscribers, se* ding ten doihus for one year's mhn lition. will re-eiveono registered c re; one wei klv snbspriber can get a registered card li advancing #'o subscription, or card • milling l im to one-half int. rest in the cash presents hy , dvancir.g 4:5 subscription. In onr last di-triludou a club of weekly subscribers obtained TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD. Whic was paid to Mr. Geo. Eb, rta"t T'aoli. Madi son county, Ga. in the prercin eol ex-Mayor Ham Mock The Weeki.y Constitution is a mammoth eight page sheet. containing forty-eight Columns, on y $3 00 per year. Asa Family anil Farm Journal it is unsurpassed in the T’nited Stains. Thep! niitia same as tlu* first which save sin h universal satisfaction. The distribution will Ie in tuitilic. and superintended by commissioners. No vernh r 15th. At the presents distributed without scaling and to bonajltle suhscrlltrs only. Subscribe at once before the distribution comes off. and you are too late, f r it is the last. Sample copies of The Constitution, and circn lars, -!>' tri-. on a*ip|ioatio*i. T.ibtrnl inducements and a special list of premiums o tercel to local agents. Address W. A. HEMPIIU.I. & CO. Atlanta Ga. As this may he seen by some nnarq'iHiiKd with n J . we re sr. "by permission tnex-Mrtioi if immoek, <o . f .. W Ailair, Col. J. K. Wallace. I Hdoig citi zens. who superintended our first distribution, and also to the present Mayor of Atlanta, Col. **. Is. Spencer. Sepl9 id FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burin 1 (’uses. rpHE BEST INYE' TION KNOWN FOR PRE- I SERVING T.tE DE It. ANo S LF-SEAI.ING (two par nts elegantly finished) aiid in rhi* mark* t. a in R sew m B. Maboeanv. Black Walnut, Ue- ? h fuT! vnrt- A j y ■ j ? Jx VI? ;, Y 4 *c. ißi'uiid Slrvt:t,J U. r eh, Ga. Aa c ;. LOW TOWN mn LOW DOWN PRIDES, WE WISH IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT A. & R. STRAIN AT THEIR NEW STORE, ABE SELLING AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF FALL AND WITIR CLOTHE #* F-.r MEN, YOUTHS ami BOYS, ami GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, ever offered m this murVit. We would also eall a Meet on to our laiyi auj well selected stock of DRY GOODS, PRINTS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, &c Ac * :. 1 ■ , WALLED PAPEB AND WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES*. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, TINWARE, HARNESS, and SADDLERY. We keep constantly on Ivtml a fine assortment of CONFECTIONARY, NUTS, &-j. Groceries, Provisions, and Canned Goods IN QUANTITIES AND QUALUIY TO SUIT ALL. This immerse stock wtis bonodit ir cash, and we wi-.lt onr i minions i us mill'rs to li nr in mind ilid, to enable ns to sell ;it present, low J'.icis we must sell f.-r STRICTLY CASH. (live ns ti e.-d! and Inin”' votir njonev wiili you, ami we wdl show you wo • Dean Ims.mess, and r r no \ ntikee fintnhuo. Goods clcl.v red on onr usual mutes, free of *' ar^e. A. & a. STBAIKT, New Store, 031 Corner ÜBOVDaivI JACKSON’ SI'ltKSTs, DARli*i. HA. rtis tm f p HPFC* I? I?I ¥ fMM 1 ijijllllllL 131 s {33 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. C-fORGIA. 'lava hirgelv increase and iln if tmic-e sand iu e now fieri n# a !.• n t < inu ; ' nse st' ck of Dry Goods * Notions An-* 1 t o id to s< 11 -aieh ;it WHOLESALE AT N E W YORK PRICES We have cot titan*!v on him* Cases of GEORGIA SHIRTINGS. Cues „f K IXTUOKY JEANS. Ca ps ol CHOICE P.ilN i'S u suec alty, t'usos ,f H-t WN < )’->NA: UfW-S, Bales of BLANKETS, B '■ of ITANELS AND LINSI.Y, And an assortment of SILKS DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, EM ml >:DEKIES. LAC, VI YE'IS. lIOZIEIIY, Etc., Etc, vlm-h C t \.N() T IS U NC t LLI. I) I N Tll II ST A T^IN KID GLOWS AM) COIISETS A SPECIALTY. ORDER 4 ARE RE ECTFUELY SOLICI LED ami will lee re t,‘l> ftiEd. A call wiii n visiiino ihe city r< sju ci,iullv sol.cited. o tin-6n. FRANK & ECKST&IM. , SUCCESSOR TO BLAIR & BICKFORD.) DEALER IN moss, s® bliis, mm wm, mil m. ai§ rail llS. m IliifS, El IllilS, re. No. 369 ansi 171 BAY STKKKT. SAVANM!, GA A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES. Sep 10 L' DA.KIEN MARKET -Hi'— CH/i S. O. FULTON, Dealer in MEAT?'. VEUETABIsES, FTC. fiGT’Spf'i id attention given to all OIII)KK3.&Sf TTaving h id two vears experience in the business 1 fell satisfied that I Can GIVE SATISFACTION - . My thanks to the public for past PATRONAGE, and hope for a continuance of the same. Ml .i 9 i y C. O. FULTON. T. C. BROfvILEY, PRACTICAL TINNER, COPPER-SMITH, Mill and Steamboat Jobber, Has permanently located here. With twenty two , V iin ex .rience. On 'he Canadas, anil every i Sta'e in 'he IT ion. East. West. Nnr.h at and South). ! I'• f lie coofi 'ert that he can do anv -• rk Hi it is Li* ' I i T I. tv . ! bird tn - vofir- - *xo rirrre i: •‘ • j v, il, V b .SHH Si- and vid : p. r •••.'• -k ii-i wpfc i' Tdb. R. ViUET.- * THOS. PXXON, iHr.isuvrv and dfnspfftff —OF— Timber and Lumber, Kespectfully so icits patrol.age. Itarien, <!• J lily 11-Km P. W. Meldrix S. I?. Adams' MKLDRIM & ADAMS, mm in mm at iaw. Cor. Bay and Barnard s ;, Savannah, 6 ’a. Give pers. nal attention to om.-es in the Super or Courts f chaiham Brian Bulioeb. Efflngrain, Lib erty. Meter sb, Tutnall anti Seriven counties. Practice in the State mil Federal t'.'Uitß. Pr.e pr 11 .'iitiou giv n 10 collecti. ns. Kflhible correspond nee in all sections of the I title Sopia-ly TAX OH DIM AM . r |"HE F f 'Li,OWING is SFt'TTON THIBP ( F ! TAX ORPIN ANTE, passed by the Board of Count! Commissioners, at the meeng Septin:b r 9r . 1874: ' ziTiON 3 And he it further enacted, etc. That a tax ■ f one-haif of one p; r cent, -hall be b* ieit 'n Stork lie taken on tile Ist Septs - her, 1874. and a-certained by the oath nf the nicrchaM nr si )• r. II less the ri-ceiv r of returns believes tin' the amount is not coirect; then he sh.llpr cer to as sess the same; said tax payable on or befor- Tt <y of Oi t >her. SepH . r. G. FFBGUESON, M. D., Piiysicinn. Surgeon. Accoucier, ' "SS—JCi: GEORGIA