Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 21, 1874, Image 3
Nation (Timbcv (fkscttc. local department. % Xolicc. Captain D. W. Davis, Postmaster, is duly authorized to receive and receipt for sub scriptions, tfec,, for the ( tazettE. LOCAL DOTS. —James K. Clarke, Esq., one v>f oil r most esteemed citizens and also large timber buy er. arrived homo with his family on Friday last. We are pleased to see him looking so well. The advertisement of the Savannah Mor ning News will be found in another column. It is useless for us to attempt to praise the Xews. It is too well known in D&nen and throughout the State for us to y anything good about it. However, we would advise all who wish to take a good paper to sub scribe for the Morning News. You will nev er regret it. —There was religious services at the Catli olif Church mi the Ridge last Sunday. Mr. Pope, the new Catholic Priest, officiated. We are pleased to state that he has perma nently locoted in our midst and that there will be services at the Catholic Church every Sunday. —Dr. George Kollook, of Savannah, has permanently located in our city where he will practice his profession. New ■comers are always welcomed in Darien. - A new bachelor's hall has bee’ll opened in our city and those old bachelors think they can beat the world keeping house. The idea. —Jim Carr has arrived and Amos is again happy- Jim got as far as Doboy on his way to sea hut Captain Ford took him in hand and brought him safely hack to the Magno lia House. —Date regular term of Liberty Superior Court, Judge Harris, presiding, was held this week. —lt is currently reported around town that Christmas will certainly be here in about a month. A good old time is anxious ly looked for bv a certain blood of this city. Success attend him and may iris shadow steadily increase until it becomes .vs large as the largest. lt is hinted in Darion that (Yin era 1 IT. S. Grant wants a third term. Well, who'll ■n thought it. -The steamer Carrie now arrives in Da rien every Tuesday morning. She made her first trip on last Tuesday. Ovr enterprising friends, Messrs. Jas. A. Atwood A Bros., are receiving new goods. Their stock that is on the way is an immense one. We will have something more to sav of this firm hereuftcr. —A color mi man in this city is anxious to know whore Bryant is, at present. Why, he is getting ready to go outlie excursion up Salt River. It promises to be a grand affair as ■all the Radicals are going. ■ — Local dots rre getting to be as scarce as third-term men. Is there no chance for a doe fight, a foot race, or 'miffin'? Do get up something exciting, boys. —A Certain young blood in town, it is said, ties his watch (worth eight dollars) to his left ear every night on retiring. That is a good idea, but any man that would treat a burglar in that style would do knost any thing. —A. G. P. Dodge, Esq., of New York, was in the city during the week. Mr. Dodge is a son of the Hon. Wm. E Dodge, of New York. —We were pleased to meet in Darien on Tuesday last, John 11. McCullough, Esq., the live lumberman of Brunswick. —AVe are informed that the celebrated flying-ponies— accompanied by a hand-organ —will he over here from Brunswick next Week. —Me. M. C. Lanier, representing T. J- Dunbar A Cos., the well known liquor house of Savannah, Was in the city during the Week. A photograph tent lins been raised oppo site the post-office. —An attempt was made on Monday night last by parties unknown, to brrake into the store of Mr. James Darken, on Bay street, hut without success. Finding it was impos sible for them to get into t lie store they took everything that they could lay their hands to outside of the house. Clothes that were in the wash-tubs and all of the chickens that Were in the yard were stolen. Bobberies at night are getting to be common occurrences in our midst. Is there no way in the world/ to brake up this tliievii'/r in om midst ? —Messes. J. A. Atwood A Btios., have re ceived their largo stock of school books fron: the North. Bo sure you go there and see them. —Our city wns drenched by another show er on Wednesday morning. It is thought how that the river will rise pretty soon and quite a number of rafts of timber nre expect ed down. —We heard some fine singing at the Mag nolia House the other night. —Mb. 11. B. Clarke, one of our best steve dors, returned to the city from Savannah on Tuesday. —The card of Dr. Geo. J. Kollock will be found in another portion of the paper. We were glad to meet in onr city during the week, Major C. I>. Deveraux, of Bruns wick. We are always pleased see our blends from across the way. —See advertisement of “Lost” in another column of this issue. —Marshal Cakr brought up four sailors from Doboy on Tuesday evening last, and lodged in jail. They are charged with refu sing to do their duty. They will remain in E'il until the sailing of the Bark Samuel Welch, and it is thought, by that time they will learn t-i behave themselves. Mclntosh High School. For some time past it has been our most earnest desire to visit the above school and make a report of what we saw and heard, so as to keep the public posted as to the pro gress of thw most laudable enterprise; but circumstances beyond our control have pre vented us giatifving this desire. We have, however, called upon some of the trustees, and from them we are pleased to be able to say that the advancement so far is as grati fying as the prospects are encouraging. This school is under the control of dir. Gardner Haggles, of Virginia, a young man of fine literary and scientific attainments, who is assisted by a lady of superior acquire ments, which, blended with the most happy faculty of exacting obedience, at the same time enlisting the affections of their pupils, is the best guarantee of the necessary qualifi cations to insure success. There arc now about fifty scholars in attendance with the prospect of a most decided increase, in the number in January next, the beginning of the next quarter. The series of books used in this school are of the most recent and approved style, and we cannot see why onr children should not make rapid progress with such advantages as are here presented in every 'particular. IVe cannot too highly praise the trustees for the energy and perseverance exhibited by them in establishing such an enterprise, nor can we too warmly commend the school to the parents of this community and the sur rounding country. It is an evidence of pro gress which has long been wanted in our midst, and we trust that every support and assistance will be rendered by our citizens to make this school an ornament to our county'. Religious Services. The repairs to the Methodist Episcopal Church are sufficiently completed to justify (lie opening of the church on Sunday next. Rev. J. M. Austin, presiding elder, may be expected to preach, morning and evening. Morning services at 11 o’clock. Evening services at 7£ o’clock. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will he administered at the morning service. All Right Again.— . Our many readers will observe that the Gazette is neatly printed this week. We have received n beautiful new roller, and we hope we will never be bothered again ns we have been during, the past weeks in trying to print a paper that can be read by all. We strive hard to make our paper interesting and whenever we fail so to do, don’t blame us, but attribute it to bad luck that naturally falls to every paper. Several of our merchants have failed to give us a helping hand in the way of advertising but hope to see them represented in our columns before the holidays arrive. Adver tise if you wish to he successful. Stronger Parer. —One of our lady subscri bers sends ns the following note without signing it. Now wo would give most any thing to know the dear girl who thus com pliments the Gazette; “Is it not just as con venient for you to print on stronger paper ? I have no fault in the world to find of the paper don’t know how I could do without it, it is so interesting, only' it don’t make good curl papers. You must know how pro voking it is, just When you get a curl up and go to fasten it to have the paper pop in two, especially if you are tired and sleepy. It is really enough to sour the sweetest of tem pers. ” Our Agent. —Captain J. M. Holmes is off on a trip to the timber regions. The Capt. has consented to act ns agent for receiving subscriptions to the Gazette. lie is duly authorized to receive and receipt for sub scriptions to our paper. Captain Holmes is very popular with the timber cutters and we are pretty certain he will bring us a large list of subscribers back with him. Every timber cutter should tftlce the Gazette. is rumored that the editor of the Darien Gazette, and the editor of the Alapa ha Forester, are shortly to be married to a pair of twin-sisters in Jonlisou county. They take this step, it is said, in order to control the grange influence in that section. — Savan nah Xcics. Now we have stood this thing long enough, from Harris, of the News, and Ham. of the Macon Star, and if our little friend Frank Evans, Of the Forester, will meet ns in Sa vannah soon, we’ll show llArris who he’s fool ing with. Our Mclntosh county sweetheart is now nearly dead with the blues and gra cious only knows what our ’totlicr sweet hearts will think when they read the above startling rumor. Harris, prepare, for we’ie joining ! Death of James Lke. —This .’’"/' jV', u ''' s . man was shot bycpJ-^ r “a wioir, Weeks ago, and has lingered until yesterday p. m. The friends of both parties liAVe entertained hopes of his recov ery, and the news of his death must cause many sad hearts. We are satisfied that the parties did not beat malice towards each other prior to the iatal shot, and believe that the deed was committed through the infiu eiice of liquor. “Tip” A\ illis is a noble hearted, whole-souled man, and is univer sally admired by every one that has made his acquaintance, and we know that he deeply regrets the decease of Lee. The above sad intelligence is from the Jesup Georgian of the 14th. We heartil/ endorse What the editor says. Ihe afiQnr was an unfortunate one and no one regrets the death of Mr. Lee more than poor lip Willis. j?s9~Advertisements of Capt. I. M. Aiken, and Raw Mill wanted, will be found in this issue of.the Gazette. OH Mile had a call on Wednesday last from our young friend, Win. A. Bobinson, of Brunswick. Bill reports everything as being all serene over across the way. Parties now owing this office will please come forward and settle. It takes money to run a newspaper and money we Don’t d< 1 / 1 r 7!ff~A distinguished Northern gentleman who was in the city during the week, re marked that “Darien was bound to be the great lumber port of America ” He was highly delighted with our little city and says lie never was more disappointed in a place in his life. Ho was here prospecting and it would not surprise ns if he started a large business here ere long. Darien wel corns to her midst nil such men. - We learn that Mr. P. Hertelhas again taken charge of the Brunswick Foundry and Machine Works and is now running it suc cessfully. Mr. Hertel is acknowledged by all to be one of the very best machinists in this country, and lie is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino of business. And he is one of the best hearted men we over met. Success to him. yMf"Capt. A. S. Barnwell shipped, per steamer Carrie, on Thursday last, over two thousand bushels of rice to Savannah. Our rice farmers made extraordinary good crops of rice this year. We hope they will be as successful next year as they were this. jTIS~The Ocean House, at Brunswick, has been reopened by Wm. S. Blah), Esq., form erly of the jestip hotel. Bill Blain is just the very man to run the Ocean House, and we are satisfied ho will do well in his new place. Success ’to him. jT. sT' A few of the Massachusetts blioys had quite a social reunion a few nights since. They were very enthusiastic on the election ot Gen. Nat. Banks, to Congress, and lie was unanimously nominated as onr next Presi dent. Lofig life to the crowd. * j7®*By reference to another column it will be seen that we have anew Brunswick cor respondent. Our young friend S. is a good writer and his letters will be quite an acqui sition to our paper. His letters will appear every week. jJS2"Capt. Albert Sharp will please accept our thanks for late Macon and Atlanta pa pers seiit us during the week. Do so again, Captain. 4 this week the Gazette office will he over the new store of Messrs. Cole man it Collat, where we will be pleased to see our many friends at all times. - Yesterday was a disagreeable day for pedestrians. Old Sol didn’t make his ap pearance the whole day. Space has been running the str. Daisy tliis week, Capt, Harper having been absent. Thursday was thank day accor ding to Governor Smith’s proclamation. Hotel Arrivals, Magnolia House, A. E. Carr, Proprietor - L, Meyer, St vannali, Dr. (-1. J. Kollock, do; James N. AVinn, city; 1). M. Dunwoc dy, do, Thomas Wylly, wife & 2 children; do; T. C. j Bromley, do; C. T Dunham Liberty co; B. F. Barron, Ga; C. P. Boyles, do; 11. J. Har ris, do; Charles M. Gilbert, Savannah; Fred T. Horton, hark Maggie Horton; James K. Clarke ,t family, city; John H. McCullough, Brunswick; Henry Gorman, Savannah; Jas. Aboal, Dobov; Capt. Svrdrup, do; E. M. Hailey, Brunswick; Thomas Spaulding, Sap el o; Burke Spaulding, do; Rev. R. F. Clute, Ridge; Wm. Mitclierson, Doboy; John Tur uer, Philadelphia; A G. P. Dodge, New x'orkjF. H. Globe, Brennan; Geo. Billings, Conn; P. A. Sasun, Doboy; W. A. Robinson, Brunswick; J. E. Cornelias, Doboy; E. D. Kennedy, Savannah; B J Tinker, Ellerville; Capt. Dalgail, ship Sunbeam. a— —t———■aM DARIEN TIMBER MARKET* REPORTED BY A. W. CORKER. AVKUAftE. SOAR. SQUARE. 300 5 to 5% 350 ■ 5% to 0 4ou. ....eyi to 7% 450 ...-.t to 8...1 A 500 8)4 to 0 r> to <W 000 fix to 7% •00 VA to 8% *> wtovx '• 0X to 10% 950. .-.i*.-. 10% to 11% 1000 12 to 12% There has been or late some slight advance in good average square timber, hut not sufficiently steady to warruut a change in the quotations. We hope, however, to he able in a short time to present a price current which will stimulate the trade and encourage cutters to go on with their work with in creased energy. Shipping gjntdlujcncc. PORT OP DARIEN, GEORGIA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOV. 19. ARRIVALS. Nov. 14— Brig Samuel-Walsh, Turner— lliltons & Foster. , UIKI - I\. no Nojr. l(j—' D — 1 ~ “ ’’•. Nov. 16—Bark Aurora—B. M. Munro. \ DEPARTURES. Nov. 11 -Schr, E. A Hooper, Hooper—Gerge tov\n. Npv. 16—Bark Roska, Sarsen—Liverpool —A. Schfiidt. IN PORT. Sliip Sunbeam, Daizail, loading. United Kingdom —AI Dobell & Cos. Suhooncr Charles Murford. SAlir. Etta A. Stiinpkins. IwigSamuel Welsh. Hark George W. Jones. Bark Aurora. / Announcement!. For Receiver of Tax Returns. FELLOW-CITIZENS: lam a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, and beg your support. Do as you wish to be done by. Nov7-tf S. R* CLARKE. |\m Advertisements. SPECIAL. NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OF McINTOSII HIGH SCHOOL rpilK FIRST (.QUARTER'S TUITION IS NOW 1 due. You will please, therefore, call on uie and ! settle the same at once, as the Trustees will meet on i the gfith of December to act upon all eases in ar ! vt ars. ISAAC M. AIKEN, ! Tvivil-2t Secretary aid Acting Treasurer. BUY YOU It Stove Pipe, Elbows, Etc OF * T. C. BROMLEY. ~ T. O BROMLEY, ■ PRACTICAL TIN X E it, V L LTM B E It, AND GENER A L JOBB EB. j MEDICAL NOTICE. HAYtNG LOCATED IN DARIEN, I BEG TO tender m v Profes-ional services to the citizens of Darien and’the county of Mclntosh. hov2l lint GEO. J. AOLLOCK, JRI). WiLM TED. I WILL RENT OR LEASE A “SAW MILL'’ AT or near Darien, Ga. Parties having such property to lease.or rent will apply at TW3 OFFICE. LOST. ON the Roed the RIDGE and HUDSON PLACE, ONE CHILD’S CLOTH OVERCOAT, for which the finder will lie liberally rewarded by leav ing it at Mr. Enping's House orO iiCe. nov2l-lt Quarterly Salome:;! Ending October 31. SPAT.IJIN ; KENAN, TREASURER, IX ACCOUNT WITH Cl TV OP DARIEN, Dll. • Oct. 31. 187! To ain't balance on hand as per last quar. stn'mt., July 31st, $ 80 72 “ Rac'd fioui Licenses to date, 335 00 11 “ “ City Taxes, 1,03:2 50 “ “ “ Street “ 15 50 “ “ “ Police Court, fines, (18 00 “ “ “ “ Costs, 93 05 “ “ “ Harbor Ma ter, * 24 80 “ ‘ Tax Executions. 18 00 “ “ “ John Black on deed, 20 0!) “ “ “ County License, 25 00 $1,713 77 ’ CREDITS. BY AMOUNTS PAID COUNTY BILLS, TO WIT .' Aug. !, by amount, paid R E. Carr, balance dieting bill $ 20 80 Aug. 5, by ain’t paid R, W. Grubb, printing bill 15 00 Aug. 10, b ain’t paid P. T. Pease, stationery bill 4 00 Aug. 10. by ain't paid W. It. Gignil liat, 50 00 Aug. 11. by am't paid Guyton, bal. on Boniface expenses 4 03 Aug. 11, by ain’t.paid 11. K. Strain, ration bill 23 SO Aug. 19. by ain’t paid J. 11. Buncll, one-half rent ot office 45 OH Aug. 25. by ain't paid for freight oh Bnok from Atlanta X 85 Sept. 2 by am't paid It. YV. Grubb on printing 9 00 Sept. 28, by amount paid for post age (25c) stationery (25c) 50 Oct. 0. by ain’t paid A. & it. Strain, stationery bill 3 38 Oct. 11. by ain’t paid John Grant’s bill 2 12 OCT. 31—BY AMOTNTS PAID CITY BILLS, TO-WIT : Oct. 31, by am't paid J Bennett. (4 8 99 Oct, 31 by amount paid officers on salaries to date 350 00 Oct. 31, by ain’t paid R. W. Grnbb on account t■< date 50 80 Oct. 31 by ain’t pnid John Alex nuder to date 7 37 Oct. 31, by ain't paid Slrenbings Muii.-'licld bit!- to date 7 8S Oct. 3s. by ain’t paid Lewis Jack son's bill to date 93 89 Oct. 31. by ain't paid T. P. Pc iso bill *0 dale 12 50 Oct 31. by am't paid J. 11. Burrell's Dill to date 392 82 Oct. 31, by ain’t paid V. R. Clgnil liar's bid to dale 60 00 Oct. Ot, by amount paid Young & Land.ill’s bid to date 23 50 Oct. 31. by ain't paid J. J. G.p ri son’s bill to date a" 00 Oct, 31, by ain’t paid Isaac M. Aik en, cost, to date 10 23 Oct. 31. by ain't p -id Daniel Bi r'y Dill to date 1 50 Oct. 31, by amount paid A. & It. Strain’s bill to dale 4 t 97 Oct. 31. by amount paid Hamilton Jackson to date 21 CIO Oct. 31. by ain’t paid Limits Jack sob's Dill to d-.te 85 00 Oct, 31, by amount paid for post age (35c) stationery (25c) 50 Oct. 31, ny ain’t, paid John Grant, city drayage to date 13 Oct. 8!. by ain’t paid Mr. James, (by order J. Walker) 5 00 Oct. si, by anjolr.it paid S. Kenan, M I)., medical bill 9 00 Oct 31, by ain’t paid R. E. Carr, balance dieting bill 8 00 Oct. 31. by ain’t paid If. K. Carr, balance jail work bill* 21 20 Oct. 31. by ain’t paid officers’ costs in tax executions 18 00 Oct. 31, by ain’t paid ollie is’ costs Inn police cases 03 05 Oct. 31, bv ain’t paid self cominis sionson $1,033 05; loots $55 00 81 00 Oct. 31, by ain't paid si I corn's on $1,499 54. dieb’st $55 0 ) 74 97 Oct. 31, by balance 011 hand to date 57 00 October 31. $1,713 77—1,713 77 November 2, to amount balance on hand to date $57 GO SPALDING KENAN, Treasurer City Of Darien. Darien, Ga., October 31st, 1874, The aeove account examined, found torrect and ordered published - JOSEPH P. GILSON, JAMES WALK Ed T. 11. OIGNILLIAT, Finance Committee. a iml’hk for ms: tilOi'i.tYj SAVANNAH MORNING HEWS, IT WOULD REQUIRE THE SCOPE OF QUITE A la.go volume to conlain the good tilings ihnt nre said about the Morning News by its contempora ries of the Southern press, it is almost daily re ferred to as ‘-she best paper in the South.” “the leading Georgia daily,’’.etc. „ fmArth ‘srmnienf lieWs ceded to he 111 •*“ paper. -oifle that the Morning News covets, ••■■'Fiio bains will be spared hereafter to make it sMII worthier of the confidence and patronage of the people ol Georgia and Florida. The ample resources of the establishment will he devoted to t le improve ment of he paper in respect to its already large facilities i>r gathering the current news of the day, and its sltfl of special correspondents Las been re organized with a view to meeting evt-rv possible contingent that may arise. Although the Moiinino News has little or no com petition wthin the field of its circulation, neverthe less no ctnjt will be considered too expensive that gives tlie tlrlieet and freshest information to it.s readers. 11 tins respect thero will lie no relaxation Cl the eiiiiei, or to keep it far ahead of all its con temporaries 'i he feu, iibg that have rendered the paper so pop ular will be Maintained, The editorial department will lie eondieted with the same dignified thonght liilness, conkrvativc vigor, and earnest, devotion to principle tilt have always characterized it. The nu'y reuabilijr of the local, and the accnracy and coinplctenegyf the commercial departments, will lie kept tid to ttiold standard, and improvements will be made wlupver they arc suggested by experience. r i lie MoRNr; News is the only Savannah paper tint publisiidthe Associated Press dispatches and the U legraplfc inarkei reports authorized by the Commercial ireau of New York City. In ;iddition to tins, the hhl market reports will be full ami reli able, and "ilie accompanied ly tuch comment as will enable Utbnsincss men of Georgia and Florida to form '■stimi'g ;l s accurate and as intelligent as if they wire m Id city. In a word.j.o .Mokninu News will comprise every iialure lat renders tfie modern newspaper attractive, unfits readers may confidently look to Its column* liflhe latest infra motion in regard to everything ol Irrent interest. It will admit no ri valry in its 0 "l 1 roper Held. And will allow no com petitor to otitsk, n in any department of journal istic enterpnsq The terms oAibscriptioo are: Hath/: One year. .*10: six muni, $ : t/iroe inenlhs, st*. Tri- Oimyrf £r, ; six mouths,s3; three months, • 1 '• ''-yneyear, J 2; six months. #!; three months.ol) eeoti Money may lie sent by Post Office older, q-hyh.xi’Ls, ar I.• ex pen so of llie under - , nisi -wild iitßpocimen copy. Address, i J.L *1- ESI’ILL, i llo ”““ | ttavanuah, Ga. Hew Store, flew Goods, New Men! AT IE NTIO N EVE BY BODY! COLEMAN & COLLAT Moving iuet and equipped their new store on Broad street they l>eg leave to invite the atten tion of tlie people of Darien and eur.onnding coun try to their well ’Selected stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AM) SHOES, and everything usually kept in a general variety store. TIM HER J/A’.V FROM THE UP COVXTRY will tind It to their advantage to give ns a call when they bring tin*her to tills livarket. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW AND FRESH and families in Darien Wrtnhl tind it to IMV Mvirir tage to Inly their supplies from rs. WE GUARANTEE perfect satisfaction to all those buying goods from ns. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. CO LEWI AIM & GOLLAT, OctSUf BROAD STREET, DARTKN, C.\ BARGAINS AT — Octal PEASE OLD STAND. 3tn THE PULASKI BAR —ANb— RESTAURANT! BROAD STREET, 0 PPGS’TE THE MAGNOLIA HOUSE, DARIEN, GEORGIA. fjUIE nadersigned wiVtild inform his friends and * the public that he has tilted up the above Douse, and is mnv prepared to furnish Meals to the | travelling public at all hours, da" or night, at short . notice. Special attention will tie given to private parties, and Suppers furnished, such us GAME; OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, FISH, PORTER HOUSE STEAKS, Aan ALL AT The LoWest I'oteiihlc Prices. The Bar is stocked With good !IVUES' LIQUORS AM) CIGARS! \ fillr.K PUNCHES and other FANCY DRINKS marie a specialty and served in first-class style. ! I will hi the future, as In the past, make every ; effort to please all who favor me with their pa troll- VI. CON WAV, Oct3l-tf A i;t Pi, Bar grains —AT— Oct3l-3ra Pease Olil Stand. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! JUST ARRIVED, I VIA NEW YORK. A large au<l well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, W 4 N O T IONS, LADIES’ AMD GENT’S HATS. BOOTS AND SHOES, C L O THING, LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Also, a full supply of GROCERIES Always Kept ou hand and everything usually kept a first-class establish ment. Come one, come all, And give uh a call, It will be to your interest To give the new comers a call! WE GUARANTEE BATISFATION. J. 3ELSINCER & BRO., EIIOAD STREET, DARIEN. GA. N. 11. Goods lianled to the Ridge without any cost to the purchaser. Oot3-tf 1 BARGAINS ~~ —AT— O. PEASE OLD STAND. GREAT REDUCTION PRICES -XT AMSTRAffIi Cftr Brdad aad SdreVen Streets - Having just received our Full and Wintelr wtock, consist itw? of DRY GOftDS* fIATS, CAM, BOOTS, SHOES, find SADDLERY* PAINTS:, OILS* DRtTGS ind EFicinFS* HARDWARE, and CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES* PERFUMERY* BOOkS and STATIONERY, CLOCKS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY* EARTHEN, GLASS flhd QUEENS-WARE, WOOD, WILLOW* TIN nod HOLLOW-WARE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE* FARMING UTENSIL* STOVES and STOVE PIPES, CORk, SHINGLES* OATS, OAKUM* LIME, SALT* HAY, Ac. Pnrtiaaiar attention given to the stipply of vessels. Captains of vessels are especially invited to examine our large and cotoplefce stock df SHIP CfiANDLEHy, •V’ ? | With our unusual facilities for ear* ryiug on business at a nominal ex* pense enable us to compete with atif market South; CALL ANt> EXAMINE Ofcft STOCK and satisfy yourselves. GOODS DELIVERED io the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. A. & K. STRAIN, May ’-jy. Uajuk, Gai