Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, November 21, 1874, Image 4
jUt'fety cumber ANNUAL SCBSCn/J-1 ION *2 .10: SATURDAY MORNING, NON'. “i. ONLY A YEAR AGO. Only a.your ,1"0 ! So short ami vet so ir.ru* : ►Sr*irfr?. f wHw -m™** f |n| Wifi lrHv.TOP*ySMnr- hmmT I *<*b U -f no rirw, And, oh ! how many * en A head of golden hair An eyo siipreinoly bine A good, and noble, and i-ave heart. And Christian like and ton : That was a year ago! To-day, ashes end dust ! It lolls how inikJi ! 1 ' ho.,rt " ill bear. How mucr it can ami nito! Hn.rt|l|r •nJK*!* miteiuj.* jS'dal jfi, •, -TSd mamorj- HaT And'®l aJt'oS ol sii; i*-.e is \vfCTra -Bpl & Ask of the wave, a- it thunders by. What it did with yostoiday's spray She "Wantem Hku Li:m-;u. —-It the postoffic-e in Wilmington, N.C., a few days afro, cl it rin" t Inc S-Gtribution of the mail, and before the distribution of the mail, and before the general delivery was op- tied, a colored woman vociferously called upon the postmas ter to hunt her up a little “anyhow.” “Mr. pos’master I want you to hurry up and give iu<* my letter, 1 aint. time to be foolin’ round here. said she. No attention, was paid her, except by the crowd outside, who laughed and cheered her, while the clerks within kept oijj'tiaily gL Presently her attention was attracted to several persons walking up with keys, opening some of the boxes and taking out mail matter. This set her off again. “Look here, I want my letters; lu re’s dcse rich people kin come an open deni little windows, git der letters, an yon won’t give me mine." “You'll have to wait until the general delivery is'open,” said one of the by-slanders. “Well, dat’s what I call injustice,' said the woman, “to let some folks have dor letters an’ den make some wait; au’ sprain I ain’t gut any alter all?—sity tiow-—jes look over deni let ters an’ see if I ain't got one." iiff" A curious Frenchman has been I making a calculation, which is, that a ; man talks bn an average three hours a day bt the rate of about twenty-nine octavo pages an hour. This would make eighty-fee ven pages a day, about six hundred a week, which would amount to fifty-two good sized vol umes every year! And then, multi plying this by the number of years in a man’s life, what a library he should have if it should all bo printed ! And, too, how very little of the whole would bo worth preserving, and of how much he would be so-glad if it been left un said. True as Holy Writ. — Here is the truth in rt rmtshell. The 'Rochester Union says: The Northern half of the Union, with every element of wealth and prosperity— with its shops turning out the results of mechanical skill, and* the fields- blossoming with abundant harvegts—is in a state of stagnation because of the condition of the South, for it is as much against reason to expect that one half of the country can be in a sickly condition, approaching death, and the other half in a healthy condition, with vigorous lifefas to expect that one side of one’s body can .boa mass ohputrifafction and the other side a type of perfec tion , , - c<iW*oiuj)dr'rtry -fenvft: A news paper and a newspaper editor that people donfc talk about and some times abuse are rather poor concerns. The JiV&rfcAd Inte'ih'Sss that au edttor sometimes feels it a duty to defend at a rfob of 1 mulling enemies of another class, are ofton the very first to show ingrafitmlb'. He who expects to re ceive much charity or gratitude will soon find out his mishUcfe; but be should go ahead and say and do what he conscientiously thinks is right. jßgrSuuday night, a Detroit police man, passiug a certain house about ten o’clock, saw a f TW;ln drop from a winduy; apd heard smothered cries inside. Ido seized the man for a bur glar, but soon found that he had the the house in his clutches. ‘‘AYedi;; said the officer, “it lo<>lo sus pifciMsAoi'ee 3 cm drop out of a win dow that way.” “Well,” replied the man, heaving a sigh, “when the old ■woman gets her dander up, 1 aiu t particular about road i take to get oat of the house." +V • ' feSrA strange man who wanted to gif 6\} ■flio tttuft; but-missed ft, winked Jpjnd down ttie depot in a high stiffs, of excitement?, beratinghimseU and everyone else. “I know just what my \ui|a wdU sayl” he exclaimed as he wal kedtvp and- down. ‘YY hen that train gits thar s and £lie won't see me she,ll git right up and jump over chairs and smash and swear I'm off on another drunk!” • • *j.. —•--- youisg mm has been .arrested in Mew York for sleepiug in a stand ing position flo would stand on tbe street for hours at a stretch, with his eyes closed, aud not move a muscle. It is herditary. His father was a po liceman. J. A. ATWOOD & BROTHERS; IIItOAi) NTIIEKT, DARIEN, GA„ 0 WILL RECEIVE/ WITHIN THIRTY DAYS A COMPLETE STOCK OF t GROCERIES, WOODS WILLOW WARE, H AT’S AND CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE fkC. KKKP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE ANI) WELL SELECTED STOCK r" • ‘ 4 of everything in their line of business. I'ROMI'T ATTENTION !AID TO OItOEU3. Masters of vsseSs would do well to give them a call. ■ Press Goods, Prints, Cloths, Casimers and everything pertaining to the Dry Goods trade c;\n be found in their store. * • They also keep on hand a first-class stock of Harness. Harness trimmings, Saddles, Carriaf trim mi ua:s Ac. I heir stock of ( rockery fstove. • ' ! V. ; China, and Glass wares are of the l>st qua ties. FOR FLO Hi DA. INLAND ROUTE. The elegant side-wheel steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Captain I’. I,AROSE, H iving been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, will resume her regie ir trips -icavin- Savannah WEDNESDAY MORNING. September at it o’clock, for DOBOY, DARIEN, lUU'NSWICK and St MARY'S. J'ERNANDIDA, JACKSON VILLE. I’ALATKA, and all interniediaic landings on the St. John's river, Florida, touching at Darien both ways. Returning will leave l’alatka Friday, Jacksonville Saturday, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. RATES AS LOW AS DY ANY OTHER LINE. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to A. L RICHARDSON, Ageni, SeplO-ly Radieford a Wharf, Tiegular line. Darien, Savannah, Brunswick anti Satilla, „®<K ' ‘ ? L- .ft- 9: X The New Steamer CARK 1 E , Capt*JoiC SMITH, \XTIT.T, LEAVE SAVANNAH FOB DARIEN Vt Brunswick, Satidu River and Lauding EVERY MONDAY AT -i V. M., making through trips every week. Returning, will teavi Da rii n foi Savannah c v erj Phut she Ju) KISUI LA It FIN 1: BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND DARIEN. The new Steamer 111 . Will leave Brunswick for Darien every MONDAY and FRIDAY at. a. at. Leave Darien at Ip. m., connecting with Macon and Brunswick railroad, giving througn rates to all local stations, and ex tending Green Line to Darien Also, connecting with New York and Brunswick Packet Line, S. LITTLEFIELD & CO.. Agnus., 0ct.21 Brunswick, Ga. .JOSEPH (JOI’.TTE, Undertak ers’ Ware -*B o om, 137 Broughton street, between Bull and Whitaker, SA VANN A If, GEOIN if A. FINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK Metallic, Malneonv. Wnlnuh Grained and Stained Collins. C’ofiin Plates- and Trimmings a! wavs or. hand. Neatest Hearses and Carriages furnished for fu nerals. Ice cases f r preserving remains in the warmest weather. Remains dish, 1 erred, boxed, and shipped. Orders from tiie cuui.try jiromptly at tended to. Personal attention given lo all orders, and can be found at any time at the Ware-rooms. Seplti-ly AN() RI) IN. VN < E 7o hr entitled an Ordinary- to prm-U'm for (h Protection of Public and J'rnxth Ji iikUiujs, Trees, am! for oih r Purposes. Section L The Board of County Corn missioners c-xe;v>;ing junsdb-tion in the City of Darien do ordain, and U is hi ro by ordained by the authority of the same, that ft-.am and' alter the pus.-ago of this ordi nance it shall not he lawful for any person or persons to nine or paste any paper or ad vertisement upon any puL’i" wall, Teiiee building or tree in said city being public or private except in the usual pD.ce used for that purpose for any matter oi a public na ture". or in such place,as they shall I o per mitted so to do by any private individual, the owner or lessee of.su-h private building, I and except also by permi.-sion obtained from I the Chairman or some member of the Board 1 or of the Marshal*-of said City uf Darien, i under a penally of SlO and imprisoned for the space of-five days; and in no ease shall the city buildings or fences or walls be used for t -mob purpose except by some officer of said board or city for the purpose, of pub lishing some notice emanating from his or their respective office. The impri.-- mment bring in the power of the Chairman.Gr act ing Chairman pro tempore to remit upon payment of fines. Sue. 2. And be it further ordained, Ac. That any person or persons who shall deface or cause to be defaced any public or private I wall, fence, building or tree box by figures, 1 letters,%mrks or devices with any chalk, j pencil, ink. paint, knife, or by pasting, stick j ing, or fastening same upon anv place afore j said with the consent of the owner or oecu j pant shall, on conviction be fined in a sum : not to exceed >lO for each offence, whether ' said preiuis- s be the property ol the city, i State, county or United States by actual ! ownership or lease, or the property of any I private person, action to be upon complaint | of the injured party or otherwise. Sec. if. Audit is further ordained, Air-., j That any person or person who shall cut i break, fell or otherwise injure or destroy, or j injure any shade tree or other tree (except upon his or their individual property and not useful for the beautifying or shading of 1 any street, lane, or other public place in said | city) shall on conviction be fined in a sum ! not to exceed if 10 for each offence, and im | prisomued for ten day.-, -and no person shall jbfff; l L'AiiAA hr A d £ i against or on, or into all trees, : railing, fence, wtill, house, building, or in ! any street or other highway in said city, upon pain of like penalties, the imprison ment being in the power ol the Chairman or | acting Chairman pro tern., to remit upon ■ payment cf lines. Sec. 4. And it is further ordained, &e., That any person v,ho shall tie or hitch any horse, mule or other animal to any tree, tree box, or pump, the property of the city of Darien, or to any tree, tree box or fence being private property (unless by owner’s permission) shall be guilty of a misdemea nor and be subject to a hue *>f not to exceed ten dollars. Sec. 5. And it is further ordained, Ac., That any person, the master, mate, owner, consignee or any attachee of any vessel or boat, who shall at any time, without per mission, discharge and deposit any ballast 01 rubbish of any kind on any public dock or wharf inlaid city shall be fined in a sum of not to exceed S2O. Provided, such per mit. so obtained, shall be given by the City Marshal, acting under the instructions of the Chairman of Board or of the Chairman Committee on Docks and Wharves of the said Board setting forth the exact spot and the quality to be so deposited. Sec. G. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances militating against this ordinance be . ... • same is hereby repealed. Passed by the Board of County Commis sioners September 9th, 1*74. SPALDING KENAN. Nov7-2t Clerk and Treasurer. LOW SOWN PRICES, LOW DOWN PRISES, — _ # WE WISH IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT £ l© iciu S jl Ac AX N" AT THEIR NEW STORE, ARE SELLING AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Fill Jilfl iiiiisl KilTllif ; Fur MEN, YOUTHS ami BOYS, ami CENT S FURNISHING GOODS, ! ever pff- din this market. Yve would also call attention to our large anti : well selected stock of * ■ PRINTS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. NOTIONS, Ac., &c WALLED PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AMD FIXTURES. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and .SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, TINWARE,*HARNESS, and S \DDLERY. Wo keep cons!ant!v on hand a tiuo assortment of CONFECTIONARY, NUTS, .v ;. Groceries, Provisions, and Canned Goods IN QUANTITIES and quality to suit all. This immense stock was bought for cash, and we wish our numerous cus tomers to bear in mind that, to enable us to sell at present low prices we must sell for STRICTLY CASH Give 113 a call and bring your iiume; with you, and wo will show you we mean business, and arc no yanked humbug. Goods delivered on our usual routes, free of charge. A. & EC STaAXXa, New Store, Oet3l Corner BROAD and JACKSON STREETS. DARIEN, GA. ~~ ~fJl • l ' p ' I Iff |s ll ft i'}j A LT si .11 1 a A. Ev-. & r tH sBU* lb.'J and All ihrs JL , § * 131 a 133 BKAUNIiTON STREET. oiifau uf a u pslnn PI il AMy ft !\| p. n i U ii, 1 n G A L/ j. 1 U li J. j iVli 1i ! Wi J it mi rrl < Have largely increased their business and are now offering a most select and imum mse stock of Dry Goods Hot! one WIK)LESAIiu AT NEW YOI I K I ! iM ('ES IVe have constantly on hand Cases of GEORGIA SHIRTINGS. C.iLs of KES'TUi 'KV .1 LANS. Cases oi CHOICE PRINTS a spi.yialty, Cases of BIN AYN OSNABUEGS, Rules of BLANKETS, Bales of ELAN ELS AND LIN SID, And an assortment of SILKS DRESS GOODS, MOT HX-Ntt (.o.wR.X. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, VELVETS, lIGZIERY, Etc., Etc., which c; ana o T rr. ' ?-. c:: j, 1. 1: i> I N Tll E state. KID GLOVES AND VOUSETS A SPECIALTY. ORDERS ARE RFP'ECTFULLY HOLI CITED and will be carefully filled. A call when visiting the city respectfully solicited. Octio-6m ' " FRANK & ECKSTEIN. .SUVCKSSOR TO BLAIR & BICKFORD.) DEALER IN loans, 11, m. hum, mm. m posts, m si ns, EM WEIGHTS, 11 lilllS. ETC., Xo. 169 and 171 BAY STItEBT. SAVANNII, GA. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND A'!' LOWEST PRICES. Sepl9-ly I) A RTEN M A RKET -iiy— OH AS, O. FU £IXOX3", Dealer in meats, vegetables, etc. attention given to all ORDERS.^ ■Ravine had two years experience in the business I feel satisfied that I can GIVE SATISFACTION. . My thanks to the public for past PATRONAGE and hope for a continuance of the same. ' ELTON. T. C. BROIViLEY, PBACTICAL TINNER, COPPER-SMITH, Mux axi) Sveavroat Jobber, Ha? permanently located here. With twenty-two years experience. (in the Canadas, and every State in the Cnion. East, West, North and South! i he feels confident that he can do anv work that is given to him. He has also had two vears experience - m the jewelry business, and will repair clock- and ! watches. T. C. JBBOMLET, Oct24-lt Next to Raws & Tyler’s. I THOS, DIXON, sum* amt Jtnsprctcv ’ - oi '*~ Timber and lumber, Respectfully solicits patronage. Darien, Ga. JtilyllOm j r. W. Mjxdrim. S. B. Adams' MELDKIM & ADAMS, taYS MIIIS A! LAW. Cor. Bay and Barnard sis, Savannah. Ga. Give peft' al attention to causes in the •Snper'or 1 Court? if Chatham Bryan Bulloch, Effingham, Lib i erty, Jlelntosh. Tatnall and Seri veil counties, l'ractiee in the State and Federal Courts. Prompt "attention given to collections. Reliable correspondence in all sections of the i- SepliMy TAX OUDINANtT. 'TTIE ''"OLLOWINi IS SECTION THIRD OF 1 TAX ORDINANCE, passed by the Board <>f County Commissioners, at the meeting September 9th, 1874: Section 3, A.-'.l be U farther tnacted, etc.. That a tax of one-half of one per Cent, shall be levied on Stock to lie taken on the Ist September, 1874, and ascertained by the oath ol the merchant or seller, unless the receiver of returns believes that the amount is not correct; then tie shall proceed to as sess the same; said tax payable on or before Ist day of October. Sepl‘2 tf E. Gk FERGURSON. M. D., Physician, Sunreon. Accoucier. *■ c iiliL A A WICK GLQRGIA. May 00 —