Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, December 19, 1874, Image 4
Sawn (timber tiksrttt. ANNUA L SUfTsCIURTION $2 50 SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 19, THE OFFERED KI9S. tie offered a kies in the morning I coldly turned away: For an idle word that I overheard Had rankled a night and day. I knew, in truth, it was. nothing, Tnat he would have blushed to own, The point and sting o| ttie trilling thing (irtit out of mv In Art akne. But a vexed, unquiet spirit Weighs no matter aright. And the sore smart of a jealous hear*, Pats reason out of sight. 1 let him go in the morning Without the kis* he sought; And me day w as long, but I nursed my w rong With many a bitter thought. One bitter thought, God help me I Did not enter my brain, That kiss of mine, by word or sign, lie would never seek again. But as evening shadows gathered, My heart began to burn With a quickened sense of his influence, And 1 longed for his return. Leaning agains the window That overlooked the street, I strained my ear Ills step to hear In the crowd of hurrying lect. Far off, in the dimmest distance, I should have known it well; But there came instead a nuifilod t-cad And the sharp alarm of„the bell. Some griefs, though deep and bitter, Kind at last their cures. But, some retain the old, old pain As long as life endures. 1 did not know in the morning When I coldly turned away, That I should miss and mourn that ki.-s Down to my dying day I * Witty Sayings of Douglas -Jekuold —lu one of his plays, tin old sailor, trying to snatch a kiss from a pretty girl—as old sailors will—got a box in the ear. “There,” exclaimed Blue jacket, “like my luck; always wrecked on the coral reefs !” In auother of his comedies he makes a cynical dog in a wrangle with his much better half say to him, “My no tion iif a wife of forty is that I should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two twenties.” When the fight of Guizot and Lewis Phillip wat the fresh talk of London, a writer of no great parts was abusing the revolution and pitying Guizot. “You see,” he observed, “Guizot and I are both historians —we are now in the same boat.” “Aye, aye,” replied our wit, “but not with the same sculls.” Jerrolcl was generous t i a fault. He never would say no. His purse— when he bad a purse—was at every man’s service. If he possessed a shil ling somebody would get a sixpence ol it from him. He had a lending look of which many took advantage. The first time lie ever saw Tom I)ib din, that worthy gentleman and song writer said to him: “Youngest, have you sufficient confidence m me to lend me a guinea ?” “Yes,” said Jer rold, “I have all the confidence, but I haven’t the guinea.” The Effect of a. Smile.—An editor l'elells this story: An aunt of ours concluded to try the effect of a pleas ant smile and a kind word upon her husband when he returned from work. She had read how a home should he pleasant, and the wife should always meet her husband with a joyful siniie. The success she had is best given in the shape of the dialogue: Enter husband, almost exhausted, and very hungry v "hal; throws his hat on the floor am. drops heavily into a seat. Wife preparing tea, looks up with a smile, and is so glad to see him. AVife—"Well, my dear, it is so nice to have you here at meal time.” A long smile. Husband—“ Yes, I suppose so.” Wife—“flow has your business prop< red to-day ?” Another smile. Husband— ‘‘About so-so. ” Wife—“ Come, my dear; Supper is ready; let me draw up your chair.” Auother smile. Husband, gruffly—‘Tin too tired to stir. Wait till I warm my feet.” Wife—“ Dons you choose, my dear.” Another smile. Husband—“ Look o’ here, old wo man, before any more fuss is made about it, I should like to know what you tyre grinning at.” Aunt sighed and relinquished her sweet smile for the day. Undo was not one of the romantic kind, and didn’t understand such things. traveler stopping at a West ern hotel, exclaimed one morning to the waiter, “What are yon about, you black rascal? You have reused me twice from my sleep by telling me breakfast is ready, and now you are attempting to strip off the bed c’othes ” “Why,” replied Pompey, “if you isn’t gwine to git up; I must have de sheet, any how, ’cause dey’r waitin’ for de table cloff.” erring husband, who had exhausted all explanations lor hue hours, arid had no apology ready, re cently slipped into the house about one o'clock very softly, deunded him self gently, and began locking the cradle by the bedside, <s if he had been awakened out of a sonud sleep by infantile cries. H had rocked away for five minutes, when Mary Jane, who had silently observed the whole manoeuvre, said, “Come to bed, you fool you! the baby ain’t there.” eminent physician has decided that it is unhealthy to get np before 8 o’clock in the morning. Our friend Gluckerson says, for bis part, that it is decidedly unhealthy for him to l ay in bed one minute after his wile telle him to make the fire, at 6 o’clock BHESNAN’S i.lj ] Ill’ll .’ o_S.it V A J’ANNA If, - - - GEORGIA. (OPPOSITE NEW MARKET.) Rooms,with Board, $2 00 a day FINK LARGE AND AII.Y LOOMS ALWAYS IN READINEsS FOR FAMILIES AND COM MERCIAL TRAVELERS. ONE OF ThT: FINEST RESTAURANTS In the South attached to the House. Passengers and baggage curried FREE OF CIIA RGE to the House. CAPTION To avoid being deceived bv drummers of other ho called European llmifph, BE SURE to ask for Omnibus with BKESNAN'S EUROPEAN HOUSE on it. JOHN UK ESN AN, Sepl9-ly Proprietor. ARGAINS —AT— * Oct3l 8m PEASE OLD STAND. WANNBACHEE & WEIL, HAVE JUST OPENED IN THEIR ON BROAD STREET, A FINE AND SELECT STOCK OF DRY GOODS, C L O T H i N G , BOOTS AMD SHOES IIATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, Etc- Which they are offering to sell at VERY LOW FIGURES. CLOTII S N G A SPECIALTY. Give as a call aml we will guarantee satis | faction. WANNHAt'fIEI? A WEIL. Babies, Ga., Dee. 5. 4m At Old Pepper's Shanty! * JOHN L CHRISTIAN I HAS JUST RECEIVED A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF 'liquors, groceries, fancy GOODS, &e. SODA WATER and LAGER BEER on draught at all hours. ALSO — IMPORTED BIER IN BOTTLES. A FIXE LOT OF IMPORTED CIGARS & TOBACCO and at all Prices. I offer Ihe ..hove sroodi? to the public at cheap prices, and guarantee perfect Mtfefhction in all cares. Mv former patrons have my many thanks for past favors and hope a continuance of the same. Doh't lail to c ill at Pepper's Oi.i) Stand. JOHN A. CHRISTIAN. Oct3l Broad street. Darien. Ua. WANTED. I WILL RENT OR LEASE A “SAW MILL - ’ AT or near Darien. Ga. Parties having such property to lease or rent will apply at THIS OFFICE Bargains —AT- Oct3l-3m Pease Old Stand, BARGAINS —AT Oct3l PE AWE OLD STAND. 3rn GREAT REDUCTION % —OF— PRICES —AT- Cor Broad and Screven Streets. Raving just received, our Fall and Winter Stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, j BOOTS, SHOES, and SADDLERY, PAINTS, OILS, DRUGS and MEDICINES, HARDWARE, % and CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BOOKS and STATIONERY, CLOCKS, GROCERIES, PROVISION S, CROCKERY, EARTHEN, GLASS and QUEENS-WARE, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN and HOLLOW-WARE, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, FARMING UTENSILS, STOVES and STOVE PIPES, CORN, SHINGLES, OATS, OAKUM, LIME, SALT, HAY, &c. Particular attention given to the supply of vessels. Captains of vessels are especially invited to examine our large and complete stock oi SHIP CHANDLERY, With our unusual facilities for car rying on business tit a nominal ex pense enable us to compete with any market South. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK and satisfy yourselves. GOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. A. & K. STRAIN, Mayfly. Dahtfn, Ga. FOR FLORIDA. INLAND ROUTE. The elegant side-wheel steamer LIS LIE BAKER, Captain P. I. A ROSE, H >ving been thoroughly overhauled and refitted, will readme her regular trips —le iviug Savannah WBDNI'SD\Y MORNING, September CM, at 9 t'cloek, for DOB'iY, DARIEN. BRUNSWICK uni Sr. MARY'S (Ja.. KERNANIMBA. JACKSON VILLE. I’ALATKA. nue all inte.mediate landing* on the St. John's river, Pin Ha, touching at Darien both ways. Returning will leave palatka Friday. Jacksonville Saturday, arriving in Savannah Sunday morning. RATES AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. For freight or pa-sag,-, having super or accommo dations, apply to A. L RICH ARDSON, Agent, Split-l y Padleford - Whatf, REGULAR line. Darien, Savannah, Brunswick and Satilla, '■-njc. v; -A The New Steamer c a ii a i e , Capt. JOE SMITH, VITILL LEAVE SAVANNAH FOR DARIEN tV Brunswick, Satida River and Landing EVERY MONDAY AT 4 P. M., making through trips every week. Returning, will leave Darien for Savannah every Thnrs ay. June2(i tiEUUUH LINE BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND DARIEN. The new Steamer MAY MiCTO, Will leave Brunswick for Darien ev ry MONDAY ami FRIDAY at. <1 A. M. I cave- Daiien -t In vt . connecting with Macon and B nm-wr-k rairnid, giving throng ruins to all oral stutio"s. amt ex tending Green l.ine to Darien Alsu, connecting witli New York and Brunswick Packet Line. S. C. LITTLEFIELD &, CO., Ag nts., ocfJ4 Brunswick, Oa. JOSEPH UOETTE, Undertakers’ Ware -Room, J 137 Broughton str, et, between Bull and Whitaker, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. j A FINE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK ; L V Metallic. Mahogony. W alenr. Grained and ! Stained Collins. Coh.n Plates and Trimmings ,-il ! wavs or. hand. Neatest Hearses n,,d Carriages futnishei for fu j nerals. Ice cases f r preserving remains in the j warmest weather. Rema ns disintiTr (I, b, xed. and shipped. Orders fnm I lit; country pndnptlv at tended t<>. Personal a tention given to all orders, and eae be found tit any time at the A are rooms. Seplti-ly TI BURNEY, ! PLASTERER £ BRICK LA VEIL Is prepared to do plain and i ornamental Tdastcriiig. BRI VK —AND - i House paiE(i!!?[ its every f.tylc i\i I notice. DARIEN, GEORGIA. in sin, it as, m in i ATTENTION EVERYBODY! colehan & collat Having just finished nnd equipped their now store on Broad ptroc?' they heir leavi to invite the atten tion of the. people of Darien nnd surrountlii.e coun try to their well selected stock of BR Y GOO DS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AM) SHOES, and everything usually kept in a general variety store. Turn Eli J I EX FROM THE VP COUNTRY . will find It to their advantage to g ! vo ns a call when they bring timber to this market. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW AND FRESH and families in Darien would find it to their advan tage. to buy their supplies from us. WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION to all those buying goods from us. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. COLEMAN & COLLAT, Oct3i-tf BROAD STREET. DVRIEN, OV GOODYEAR & HARRIS, A TTOEXEYS A T LA IT, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. fIFFIOE —CornerNe—casfb and Gloucester st’rs., O over Drug store of J. 8. B ain & Cos. Will practice in all the counties of the Btunswick Circuit and the city of Darien, Ga. Aug. 1-ly. I FISK’S PATENT Metallic Burial Cases. : /um son co $7 rpHE BEST INVENTION KNOWN FOR RRE -1 SERVING THE DEtD. Also S LF-SEAI ING Metallic Cases (two patents elegantly finish, and) and band-omest in this market. Coffins in Rosewood, Mahogany, Black Walnnt, Ced r and co mnon woods. We keep a full assort ment of all goods in our litie. ATWOODS A AVERY. Agents, (Broad Street,) Darien, Ga. Aug. I-tf. J^ARGAINS —AT— Octm-uiu PEASE OLD STAND, i • For HEN,. YOUTHS ami BOYS, and GENT S FURNISHING GOODS ever (Vfernd in this mulct. We would also call attention to (fur large and well fu letted stock of DRY GOODS, PRINTS LADIES' DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, Ac.. Ac WAILED PAPER AND WtfliDCW SHADES AND FIXTURES. LOW TOWN FRIGES, LOW DOWN PRISES, WE WISH IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT A P- 15 Qrp “O A TIVT JA. o 1,1/.' D JL JLv j£3L X JIM AT THEIR NEW STORE, ARE SELLING AT EXTREMELY LOW I’RICES, THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, CEO EERY, HARDWARE, TINWARE, HARNESS, and SADDLERY. v > We keep const a nth* oil hand a fine assortment of CONFECTT ON ARY, V UI S, &t\ Groceries, Provisions, and Canned Goods IN QUANTITIES AND QUALITY TO SUIT ALL. This itmnei-e< et- el: was hopoPt for cnf-:., and we wisdom; unrot-rons cqs totiK r.s to In iir in tided t ii;t, in enable us to s< l! at present low jtrict swe must sell h r STRICTLY CASH. (iive ns a cal: ami iauig \ our iiuih-v with vm.i, and we will show von we till.:; II husilii ss; iilii! Ift-! IK) \alilo-i li Util 1 itlgb' G-i'i-ls hi v red on our n-nal r. .tites, ir • i-f c arge. ii. & R. STRAIN* Oct3l Corner BROAD ami SCREVEN STREETS, DARIEN, GA. V V a v v f m j* | if H H M || 0. Bit fh v n \ ( fi ft Id , IMJL li 11, Vi £3 U&St £ 1j Ii 9 131 £ 188 BROUGHTON STREET. 3 oniam hi a y n ;: nnp T A dll v iiivi\!nil, UiiiUlluiA. Have’ ir <>lv inerete-ed tin ir In; -j;c:-s and :-|v u w ring it most select and iiiiiai use s;ii el: of lirv Hoods * lx omons c/ _ G And prepared to st 11 such at . . WHOLESALE ’AT N E WYORK PRICES * Yt’e ll ave Cells! !U tT. ell li.iud L’asc-r. of GSOICTA SIIIL lING.-l. • ■ of K STUCEY JEANS, Cases oi Pdi’SLS a:--, •!, Cu of life \VN OSNAHURGS, Bui..-; Of RLANKET.S, * 3kties of FLANELS AND LINSEY, Aiml ,an nv.rtortißent of , ILK.', DRESS (V and "I Vh COGD ~ I T’ iMT TIDIES, LACES, VELVETS liUZIERY, Etc., Etc, wlut-li C-N NO T 15 E V: X<J V.. UL E D S N T 52 23 BTA TE. KID GLOVES ANI> CORSETS A SPECIALTY. ORDERS ARE REL ECTFULLY SOLICITED and will be carefully filled. A e.iil wlieii visiting ti;e city respcctfullv solicited. o.'fto-cm FRAKK & fern's: crjr-s esrys asp-JB tawMraag a.. r- —A. O (9 dclvA iditi a ..-jA, Cj .SUCCESSOR TO BLAIR & BICKFORD.) DEALER IN ns, m mi mm, wm m posts, mi an il w mm. in mm, r Xo. 3G9 and 171 BAY STREET. SAYAXNG, GA. A IALGE STOCK ON HA' D AT I.CAVEST TIiICES. Septl9-ly DARIEN MARKET —BY— oims, o. f-oxtom, Dealer in HEATS, VEG ETA 11 EES, ETC. JUSPSpeeial attention given to all ORDERS.^ea Having h id two years experience in the business I fed satisfied that I can Give satisfaction. Mv tliablcs to the public for past* PATRONAGE, and hope for a continuance of the same. May By C. O- FULTON. M. L. MER9HON, | G. B, M \BRY, Brunswick Ga. j Barien, Ga. MERSHON & MAERY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, practice in all the Conrts of the Brunswick .Circuit and Mclntosh in the Eastern Circuit. Danen and Brunswick made asnecialtv. May-22-ly, TKOS. DIXON, -i:sf.-.;.mcv amt - jln,t.|uctov —OF— timber arid Lumber, Kp'ipvctfully solicits patronage. Darien, Ga. Jnl > 11-lim P. W. Meldrisi S. B. Adams - WELDRTM & ADAMS, ATTOHYS SIB CflllllS AT LSI, Cor. Bay and Barnard sis, Savannah, Ga. I Give pers' mil attention to causes in the Superior Courts ( f Chatham Brian Bulloch, Effingham, Lib erty, Melt r sh, Tiitnail and Scriven counties. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Prim pt attention given to collections. Beliable correspondence in all sretions of the state. Bepl9-ly Take YVatiiiiig. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE MAG NOMA are invited to come forward a:id settle immediately. I mean business, and trust all will come forward and pay up. A. E. CARR, no\7-tf Prosrietor Magnolia House. FOR SALE. A NEW RIVING SHINGLE MACHINE, KING'S J\. Pattern—with County Rignt for thirteen years. PRICE, SBOO 00-TERMS EASY For particulars apply to S. S. BARNARD, Walthomaille. Liberty County, Ga., Or to WALTER A. WAY. nov27-tf Darien, Ga