Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, December 26, 1874, Image 3
Hat'ftt limbr* tettte. ~ LOCAL DE P A RTM ENT. Notice. rf**Capt. D. W. Davis, Post master, is duly ..riorized to receive and. receipt for sub'-' Sptions,&c., for the Gazette. office can now be found over the . fo re'of Coleman & Collat, Broad street. r will please recollect the money for ■ Ivt-itising considered due after first inser tion. To Our Subsribers. \ll subscribers to the Gazette for the en lill(T year#'ill remember that they have no postage to pay. The postage will be pre paid by us, and no charge on that account, will be made to our subscribers. All they Lave to do is to pay for the paper. No Paper Next Week. There will be no issue of the Gazette next v , ee k it being Christmas. The next issue will appear on Saturday, January 9tli. We wish all of our readers a lively Christmas ■aid a happy new year. LOCAL DOTS. —How about that Hook and Ladder Com pany ? -The weather has been oh, so cold du ring the week. —Bob Cabr is a candidate for Sheriff. See his announcement. -Ouit subscription list daily increases and we are happy. —See change of schedules in the railroad advertisements —Col. John T. Collins, Collector of Cus toms, was in the city this week, —Oun esteemed friend Will Warrington, will contribute to this paper—commencing with the new year. He is now living in South Carolina. —We learn that several gentlemen of the Masonic fraternity, of Biunswick, will be ou hand aud participate in the celebration of St. John’s day, on Sunday next. —The steamer Mayflower has made her last trip to Darien. She has been sold and will hereafter ply on the Florida waters. —A young man over in Brunswick cor responds with thirteen P. G’s. aud yet he’s not happy. —Wanted, by the first of Januarv, a boy who can read and write, to learn tlie print ing trade. —There are quite a number of aspirants for tlie different county offices. Election to be held January 6th. The new wharf of Charlie Townsend is now undergoing the finishing touch and will be ready for use in a few days. —Timhes seems to bo coming in pretty lively. —The President has recognized Jolin T. as Vice Consul of Uruguay, at Brunswick. Ga. Election tickets neatly printed at this i llice. Send in your orders ear y. —Rev. J. W. Leigh and lady were in tin (ily during the week. Mr. L igii will ue_ liver a Masonic address on Sunday. Mil J. 'f. Thomas, an insurance agcii in Savannah, spent, several days in tile eiiy during }h J we. k looking after the losses by tue recent fire. --The .Metro lolitau II del,of Jesnp, is now etie of the finest hotels in the South. Mack ] Haywood, one. .of the proprietors, showed in til through it the other night. It is hand somely furnished. —The new Intel at No. 1, M. & B. Kai - road, will soon he finished. ’I bis is a want that has long been needed and we, hope ;t will he liberally patronized when completed. It will he kept it good style. —The steamer Lizzie Baker oil her trip to Savmnah, from Florida, hist week, broke one of her shafts on Sunday morning while go ing through Jckyl creek, and consequently, did not touch at Darien, but proceeded di" rect to Savannah from Brunswick. — We learn from the Savannah papers that Hon. Win. Schley, Judge of this (Hr. cuit, has resigned, the resignation to take effect first of January. —One of our citizens is complaining of the condition of the cemetery. He thinks more attention should be paid to it. —The annual cleaning out of the editorial room of the Savannah News took place on Saturday. We were present. It is said Col. Estill has this done only once a year —and then at the earnesf request of Cols. Harris and Richardson. — The Fire Wardens recently appointed hv the Commissioners, have inspected all of the chimneys and flues around town. The Commissioners acted wisely in appointing such gentlemen as Fire Wardens. They are all property owuers and are men who "ill use every’ meaus to prevent fire iu our midst. Frank Collins, the colored cook on the steam tug Leon, who it will he remembered "as accidentally drowned a shoit time since, Ims been found. Oapt. Pete Ford has been untiring in his efforts to recover the body, having hired parties to search the river, and always on the lookout himself. A few days ago the body was discovered, whereupon Captain Ford had a coffin made and the • emains of Frank Collins were decently and solemnly consigned to their last resting place, on Doboy island. The deceased was well-known in this com munity and many regret his sudden and un timely death. Honest and faithful, he was always a favorite with his employers. Asa c ook his place is hard to supply’. Captain Ford deserves credit for the ener gy.which he put forth to recover the re mains and for having him buried, bearing all expense himself. [communicated. ] The Commissioners Again. Editor Gazette: Mv attention has been called to a para graph in the local column of your paper re ferring to the general complaint, that is be ing daily made, of the administration of the affairs of the city and county by the present Board of Commissioners. That there is an almost universal dissatisfaction with the present incumbents is a fact too palpable for any to attempt to disprove. That there is cause for this dissatisfaction, I suppose the peop'e who complain, and whose servants the Board of Commissioners are, are the best judges. I desire, as a member of this board to place myself properly before the community, and take this means to declare mv willingness and anxiety to resign the po sition I hold, and give the citizens an o>i portunity of suggesting someone who will discharge the duties more acceptably. There maybe other members (I trust the whole board), who may he of the same mind. I speak for myself, and probably for the rest of the board, when I say that I have served my fellow-citizens in this ca pacity, as well as I knew how, much to my inconvenience and personal detriment, with out fee or reward (save the fault finding and abuse of the community), and I think it is high time that other parties take their turn. Rotatiou iu this office would, in my opinion, have a beneficial effect. There is in my mind a defect in the law creating this board, and which should be remedied at the next session of our Legislature; the membeis of the board should, in my opinion, be ap pointed every year, ami not bold their office ad-libitum. A plan as suggested by one of our citizens for making these appointments, and which appears to me to be feasible and good, is to have the Judge of the Superior Court make the appointments, upon the re commendation of the grand jury, at each fall term of the court. The people, then, would have an opportunity of ousting any of or all the board should they prove faith less in the discharge of their duties. The duties of this office would further, not be so onerous, as there would be opportunities offered to have all citizens share in their dis charge. Does it not strike you, Mr. Editor, that although the Commissioners have sinned, that they have, been sinned against? Have they received that support from the community at large that they are entitled to? Do the people take that interest in the affairs of the city and county which they should do?'Are they not too much absorbed with their business to give any attention to either county or municipal matters? I doubt very much, if the city of Darien was canvassed to-lay, seven good men could be fo ml w’ho would willingly accept this position. They would all think it to much of a sacrifice of their private interests to do so. I would lespecifully suggest that the citizens meet, and formally request tin members of the present board to resign, i! hey are not pleased with their management f affairs. Tin members of the board sme ,v have self-respect enough to heed their eiies*.s. It strikes me that is the proper .vav to get at the matter, and is more in rjiitig with tlie dignity ol citizens, than -treet corner criticisms and grumblings. ■,->!, fellow-citizens, and tell us, depart v t. hfal si.-wards, we will lmve no liior. of you. lam certain yonr correspondent, n- (cio., will he only too glad to obey, and .. ill r juice that L<* is not A Commissioner. AID ii! inn, Democrats. All members of the Democratic Party, of Mclntosh county, are requested to meet at the Commissioners Court l pom. in Darien, on Tuesday, December z9th, tor the pur pose of nominating county officer.-'., for the election to he held on the G;li day ol Janu ary, 1875. Harmonious action is iiulispensiole to the present success and the future well being of the party. I. therefore, urge upon all can didates the propriety of signifying their ac quiescence, to the nomination in advance of the meeting. W. Robt. Gignilliat, Chairman Executive Committee. frame of the new store of Messrs A. & R. Strain have been raised, and in a few weeks it will again be ready for occupa tion. Success to you, gentlemen. pS- We respectfully call the attention of the public to the advertisement to be found in another column, of that enterprising firm Messrs. Wilcox & Churchill. We have been over and inspected their large and hand some stock and find every department com plete. These gentlemen by their honest way of doing business have built up a hue trade, and any praise from us would be use less as they are so well known in our midst. Read their advertisement, it tpeaks for them. We had the pleasure on Wednesday last of meeting Colonel S. W. Baker, who has returned to permanently locate iu Da rien. ■ ■ ■ ♦ Over Board. —On Thursday’ morning as one of our merchants with a “green-horn” in tow were strolling along the river front the merchant concluded to visit the beauti ful little sloop lying in the river. “Greeny” was invited aboard, und after some hesita tion and considerable persuasion managed to get aboard. After partakiug ol the hos pitalities of the vessel they started ashore, with our mercantile friend in the lead, who had just descended into a small boat along side, when his rural companion fearing he would be left, made one desperate leap and landed upon the gunwail of the small boat, capsizing all hands in the liver. Our genial friend Web. Davis, who can apprieiate a joke, even if is a wet one, was standing in the back piazza of the Magnolia House and witnessed the whole affair. Web. laughed until be felt that it was doubtful if he could do justice to a square meal. Masonic Soiree. A soiree will be held by the members of Live Oak Lodge'at the Lodge Hall, in Da rien, on Tuesday the 29th of December. Invitations and Supper Tickets can be procured from the committee. W. R. Gignilliat, ) J. K. Clarke, J- Committee. C. S Langdon. ) Tickets, $2 00. now Webb Davis steps up and says billiards are a cue-rious game. Kerecl. Building. —About two weeks ago, a whole block of buildings were converted into smoke and ashes, and a desolate space marked the place of busy thriving trade. Already the ruins are cleared away, new buildings are commenced and the sound of the hammer and the saw is heard, telling of energy that rises superior to misfortune. This is ’.lie spirit that pr anises and insures success. The Market. —Fu:ton market beef is the ( raise of all and has a reputation of as broad as the country. A stroll through our market, kept by C. O. Fulton, revealed the fact that our beef market if unknown to fame is not undeserving of special merit and mention. The beef is from the rich, nutricious pastures of the coast, and is fat, juicy and tender, such beef as even Virgin ia or Fulton Market would not blush to own and offer. This is a goodly region and its offerings of beef, pork, fish, oysters and vegetables are of the best kind. To this is added a repaying soil and a soft and genial climate, making this portion of Georgia a delight and promise to those who know it well. Hotel Arrivals, Magnolia House, A. E. Carr, Proprietor.—M. S. Hughes, Mt. Vernon; J Q. Porter, Doboy; L. Minus, C. G. Falligant, J. T. Thomas, Savannah; Mr. Low, Atlanta; P. G. Troup. Glynn county: B. Williams. Ga; C. Brown, Berrien county; J. H Jones, Ga; .John Barbour; R. S. Williams, Wm. J. Dennis, Hazlehuret; E. McLaucklan, Ga; Paul Car ter, E. T. Kennedy, Appling county; M. J. Walker, J. R. Edwards, Macon; P. F. Morey, Charleston; M. L. Me-shon, Brunswick; A. Davidson, Savan nah; J. Hibon, Fidge; A. R. Rushing Ga; S. G. Washington, No. 1, M. & B. R lb; Grand Sail. Else worth. Me.; T. Barber, SI. John’s N. B.; Wm. T. Perkcns, Me.; Cant. Sledwell, Col. Corncnins, Capt. Jas. Abeal, L. J. White. Doboy. Geo. E. A'wood, Bluff; 11. Jones, Dobov; H. Baker, Yarmouth, N.S.; R. L. Turrar, Savannah; R. W. 'Grubb, Darien; F. E. Timmons and wife, Brunswick: J. Peterson, Doboy; R. T. Robinson. Atlanta; R. I'. Steward, G. B. Mose* S. B. Moo'e Ta.nall, Ga.; Eobt. Biown, C. R. Steves t. Mon'gomei -, G .; Col S. W. Bake. Biacl hevr, Ga; John S. Bosham, Ga.; Capt. John S in.h. Ga.: Isaac Jacobson. Savannah; A. L. Com-tock, Macon, Git; F. R Miller, Montgom ery, Ga; Chas J. Hoidei. N. Y ; C. R. Cummings, Mobile, Ala.; Capt. Pirout, hark Recovery, Doboy; Capt. Atwood, Darien. DARIEN TIMBER MUKtfT. REPORTED BY A. W. CORKER. AVERAGE. S'AE. SQUARE. 300 5 @ fi 400 7 © 8 500 10 600 6 @7 700 8 @B>£ 800 ..9 @lo# ‘)0 10x@Jl% 10 K) 12 @l3 wwTh- nPT ——K— 3mgcßK"-aE ii ■■■■m—w— rShfoping intelligence, PORT OF DARIEN, GEORGIA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING DEC. 24. AP.niY ALS. Dec. 20—Schooner Georgietta, Lord, Cuba, to Hiltons & Foster. CLEARANCES. Dee. 19—Bark Carl Frederics, Knutli, Siralsund, Ger.—F.pping. Hellas & Cos. Dec. 2: Bark Jorgur Ldrenizno, Peterson, Dub lin—Young A: Langdon. D' c. 23.-Ship Bessie Crosby, Brown, Liverpool— A. D hell & Cos. Dec. 24—Bark Fish r, Temple, Maryport—D. M. Mnuro. IN PORT. Ship John Barbour. Bark E'iza McLaughlin. Bok Heinrich Von Schroder. Bark Recovery. Bark Osino. Bark Aloha ran. Brig Hermann Frederick. Sehooii r Jospli Fish. Schooner Katie P. lunt. Schooner Georgietta. gumounccnmit*. For Sluriff. FELLOW-CITIZENS :—I am a candidate foi the office of Sheriff of Mclntosh at the ensuing Janua ry election, subject to the Democratic nomination. dec26 ROBERT E. GARB. Receiver of Tax Returns. FELLOW-CITIZENS:—I am a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Mclntosh Conn tv. I beg your support. dec26 w. a. McDonald. For Tax Collector. FELLOW-CITIZENS: The undersigned re spectfully announces himself a candidate for Tax Collector. dec26 ALLEN MCDONALD. For Tax Collector. FELt OW-CITIZENS: —I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Mclntosh County and will be thankful for your supD-.rt dec26 W. C. CLARK. , For Sheriff. FELLOW-CITIZENS:—I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mclntosh County, subject to the nomination ol the Democratic Party. Will be thankful for the support of my friends and fellow citizens. Respectfully, _____ dec!9 T. B. BLOUNT. For Tax Collector. FELLOW CITIZENS: I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Mclntosh County. Election to be held in January. Will be thankful for yonr support. dt . c i 2 _tf P. M. DUNWOODY. For Receiver of Tax Returns. office of Receiver of Tax Returns, and beg yonr support. Do as yon wish to be done by. Nov7-tf S. E. CLARKE. Tor Tax Collector. To the Voters of Mclntosh County: T am a candidote for the office of Tax Collector at the coming election, to take place on Wednesday, January 6th, 1875, and respectfully solicit yonr sup port. WILLIAM C. WYLLY. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Mclntosh Countg : I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the coming election, to take place on Wednesday, the 6th of January, 1875, and respectfully solicit your support. ALEX. CAMPBELL WYLLY. For Receiver Tux Returns. To the Voters of Mclntosh County: I am a candidate for reelection to the office of Re ceiver of Tax Returns for the county of Mclntosh, at the coming election in January next, 1875. I am aware that in carrying out the the instruc tions given me by the Comptroller General I have given offence to some, but you may place any man in office and if lie does his duty he will not be ab’e to give satisfaction to all. Respectfully, dcc26 W. M. THOMAS. §i m fulmttefmentjs. Live Oh Sc Lodge. A SPECIAL COMMUNICATION of Live o*ak Lodge, No. 137, of F. & A. M., will be held at their Lodge Room, on SUNDAY, December 27th, inst., ai half-past two o’clock p. m., sharp. By order of E. P. Chamoney, W. M. dic26-lt L. E. B. DeLORME, Secretary. NOTICE. r J’'HE Commissioners of the McL.tosh Connty L Academy are requested to meet at the store of Mr. T. P. Pease, on r-ATURD AY,‘ the 26th inst., at 12 m. Punctual attendance desired, as there will be business of importance. GEO. W. FARIES, dec26-lt Secretary. ~SCHOOL NOTICE. Having had some experience in teaching I will take a limited number ol small children. 1 am also prepared to give instruction in drawing and painting. My school will commence on the first Monday in January, 1875, at home. Douse opposite Mr. Ep ping’s office. duc2ti 2t MISS SALLIE WYLLY. STATE OF GEORGIA, Mclntosh Countv. — To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Hagan has applied to me for Letters of Administra tion on the estate of William Baily, late of said connty deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law why letters should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my baud and seal this December 23, 1874. LEWIS JACKSON, dec2o-5t Ordinary Mcl. C. CELEBRATION OF ST. JOHN’S DAY. ST. JOHN, THE EVANGELIST’S DAY occur ring on Sunday, December 27th, will he celebrated by the members of Live Oak Lodge. No. 137, by ap propriate services in the Methodist Church in Darien. The exercises, which the public are in vited to attend, will commence at half past three o'clock p. m. Hon. and Rev. J. W. Leigh, Passed Master of Shakspeare Lodge, England, will deliver the address. Members will meet at the Lodge room promptly at 2:30 p. m. Visiting brethen are cordially invited to partici pate in the ceremonies of the day. W. R. GIGNILLIAT, ) Committee JAS. K. CLARKE, V of C. S. LBNGDON. j Arrrangements. dec!9-lt CITY ELECTION NOTICE. Office Board County Commissioners, I Darien, Ga., Dec. 5, 1874. ( T3URSUANT to an Ordinance entitled "An Ori/i --1 nance to Prescribe the Mode of Electing City Officers, etc.," an el ction will be held at the office of the Board 1 'utility Commissioners on Wednesday, th • lith day of January, 1875, to fill the following offices : Clerk and Treasurer, Marshal. Deputy Marshal, Port Physician, Harbor Master. Port W ardens, Inspector General of Timber, fourteen Inspectors and Measurers of Timber. By ord'-r of the Board. Spalding Kenan, decs-t(l Clerk B, C. C. Mel. C. BARGAINS AT Oc:31-3m DBASE OLD STAND. NOTICE TO THE JPUCLIC. W/E the undersigned respectfully announce that VV we are prepared to furnish DKKSnED FLOORING and CEILING and all kinds of dressed Lumber at short notice aud at reduced prices and rerpectfully solicit orders as above. W. H. AND EPSON k CO,. decl9-lm Brunswick, Ga. MARSHAL’S SALE, J anuary sth, 1875. in front of the Commissioners’ office, in the city o Darien, between the legal hours of sale, all the Sails. Spars. &c.. pun based by the city ol Darien of the ship Wm. Wilcox for use in quarantine grounds. Terms of sate Cash. It. E. CARR, dccl9 2t Marshal City of Darien. STATE OF GEORGIA Mcln tosh County. CLERK’S OFFICE. ) Superior Court, \ December Ist, 1874. ) (TNIE FOLLOW’ING ORDER IS THIS day rcceiv -1 ed and published for the information of all par ties concerned—Jurors, Witnesses and all others interested will take r-'Ve thereof; Whereas. The Lego mare in reqni ing a term of tlie Superior Court to be held in Chatham county in November of each year failed to change the time for holding the Fall Term of Mclntosh Superior Court, so as to p event, the time of holding (’hath -m Superior Court from running over the date fixed for the said term of Mclntosh Court; and, whereas, the said November erm of Chatham Superior C‘ urt is now in session, and will extend beyond the day set for Mclntosh Superior Court, It is therefore ordered, that 'he said Fall Term of Mclntosh Superior Court is hereb adjourned to the first Thursday, being the 7th of January next, A.D., 8175. <if>en under my hand and official signitnre. this 27th day of November, 1874. at Savannah. Ga. W. SCHLEY. Judge Superior Court Eistern Circuit of Ga. A true extract from the Minutes of this Court. ISAAC’ M. AIKEN, decs-td Clerk S. C. Mcl. C. THE PULASKI BAR -AND RESTAURANT! BROAD STREET, OPPOSITE THE MAGNOLIA HOUSE, DARIEN, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would inform his friends and the public that he has filled un the above House, and is now prepared to furnish Meals to the travelling public at all hours, day or night, at short notice. Spec's! attention will be given to private parties, and Suppers furnished, snch as GAME; OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, FISH, PORTER-HOUSE STEAKS, AND ALL AT Tlie Lowest Possible Prices. The Bar is stocked with good WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS! MILK PUNCHES and other FANCY DRINKS made a specialty and seived in first-class style. T will in the future, as in the past, make every effort to please all who fa\ or me w ith their patron- M. CONWAY, Oct3l-tf Agent. wttcox & cHtmcmtt; COR. BROAD AND SCREVEN STREETS, DARIEN, GA. I Have opened n large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Shoes and Saddlery, 1 HD STOCK OF PH _ JUST OPENED. MEDICINES Always on Land. THE BEST STOCK OF Hardware EVERY BROUGHT TO THE CITY. A Fine Assortment of PISTOLS, GUNS and KNIVES. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, For the Special Accommodation of MERCHANTS, CAPTAINS, Seamen and Raftmen. Thanking the public for past patronage, we beg a continuance of the same. GIVE US A CALL. Wilcox & Churchill. dec?6 PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. STATE OF GEORGIA-Mcln tosh Comity. To the Honorable The Superior Court of said County : The petition <if Charles Spalding. J. A. Atwood. R. L.Morris, Spalding Kenan, J. M. Mclntosh, I. M. Aiken. A. W Corker, J. N. Winn, J. M. Hoimes, W. A. Way, J. T. Clancy, P. M. IJnnwoody, T. P. Pease. R. F Clute, L. E. B. DeLorme, John Robson, K. S. Barclay, A. S. Barnwell, W. W. Churchill, in behalf of themselves and their as ociates, respect fully shewith that your petitioners desire a charter incorporating theni and their successors as a body politic and corporation, under the corporate name of ■ The Mclntosh County Savings and Loan Associa tion,” with power by this name to sue and be sue.— to have and to u#e a common seal, should they so desire; to hold such real estate or other property as may he conveyed, or mortgaged, or pledged to said Company; to adopt, such a Constitution and By Laws and Amendments thereof, as they may deem advisa ble and proper to carry out the objects of said Com pany. a, and generally to enjoy all the rights incident ro corporations created by the Courts of this State. Yonr petitioners suhmit the following a specifica tion of the objects of their Association and the par ticular business they propose to carry on: CONSTITUTION— articIe Ist. The object of the Company shall be the accumula tion of a fund by monthly subscription or savings of the members thereof, to aid them in their business and the purchase, improvement, sale and leasing ol land, ami the loaning of money to its members or others upon mortgage of real or pledge of personal property. ARTICLE 2d. The number of shares in the Company shall not bo less tha One Hundred (100) and the directors .nay, at their discretion, increase the number to Five Thousand (5,000) and said shares shall constimte the capital stock of said Company. article 3d, Each subscriber to the stock of the Company shall pay into the Treasury not h-ss than $J 50 per month on each share he, she, or they may hold, until One Hundred Dollars, its par value, have been paid up, and no stockholder shall he allowed to own, in his or her right, more than One Hundred, or less than One, share in said Company. arti iLE 4th. The officers of the Company shall he managed by a Board of nine Directors, elected by ballot by the stockholders of the Company, which election shall take place at such time as a majority of the stock holders shall determine lor each year, and said Di rectors shall continue In office until their successors are chosen and qualified. The Board of Directors shall elect from their number a Precident and Vice- President. whose duties shall be specified in the By-Laws of the Company. A majority of said Direc tors shall have power to act at all meetings, and fill any vacaecy that may occur In the Board. Each stockholder shall vote'in person or by proxy under written power of attorney, and be entitled to one vote for every share he, she. or thev may have, hut no stock shall he toted which may be In arrears for installments, fines or other dues, until such arrears are paid up in full. The election of the first Board of Directors shall be held within t wenty days after this charter is granted, notiee of time and place of said election hi ing given in some paper in the city of Darien or Savannah. article stji. The Board of Directors shall have full power to employ all officers and agents that may be necessary to transact the business of the Company and to fix their compensation; to dismiss them, and to take bonds from persons so appointed for the faithful ex ecution of their duties. article 6th. Dividends shall hi declared, payable at such times as the Board of Directors may see fit, and when so declared may be either paid over or applied to pay ments on stock. ARTICLE 7th. All obligations and evidences of indebtedness by the Company shall be in writing (find he signed by the President, Treasurer, and one member of the Fi nance Committee, and scaled with the seal of the Company. article Bth. No member shall he allowed to withdraw from the Company during the continuance of the same except under such rules as shall be made and provided there for in tlie By-Laws of the Company. The legal rep resentative of a deceased member may continue his, her. oi their relat on in the Company, or may be set tled w ith on the same terms as are prescribed for a withdrawing member. Transfers and sales of the shares in the Company may be made upon such terms and in such manner as shall be prescribed in theßy-Lawsof the Company. article 9th. Tlie B -Lav s of the Company shall be binding upon all the mem lx rs, and the Company shall have power toe: fore th'- payment of all installments and other dues to the Company from its members b> such fines and lorfeitures as the Directors may from time to time provide in their By-Laws. article 10th. This Constitution can only be altered or amended at x regular meeting and by two-thirds of tha entire number of shares, and at least one month’s notice of the proposed alteration must be publi lv given. On the alteration of the Constitution stockholders may vote by proxy. Your petitioners further state that the said Com pany will do business and have its principal office in the city of Darien, county and State aforesaid; and that your petitioners desire to he incorporated for the term of twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time. W. ROBERT GIGNILLIAT, Attorney for Petitioners. A true extract from the Minutes. This. Bth day of December, 1874. ISAAC M, AIKEN, decl2-tf C'lerk S. C. Mcl. C. RE-OPENED! NEW STORE & m STOCK! AT OLD STAND. ROTPIID & ADAMS Have just finished their NEW STORE, aud have now open a complete stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. And a general assortment of Goods usually kept in a Variety Store. Thanking the public for tbeii past favors, we beg a continuance of the same. ROTHCHILD & ADAMS, decs-3m Broad Street, Darien, Ga. $l5O REWARD. fjpAKEN from my room on THURDAY NIGHT a GOLD WATCH, CHAIN and LOCKET Parties having the articles will receive the above reward and no questions asked, by returning them to W. J. SWAN, nov7-tf Office of Young & Langdon. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. ( iFFIOE —ComerNe-’castlpand Gloucester st’rs.. " I over Drug store of J. S. Blain & Cos. Will practice in all the counties of the Brunswick Circuit and the city of Darien, Ga. Aug. 1-ly. COUNTY ELECTION NOTICE. Office Board County Commissioners, I Darien, Ga., Dec. 6, 1874. f AN eleciion will be held at the different precincts in the countv on the 6th day of January. 1875, being the first Wednesday, to fill the following connty office : . ™ Clerk ' uperior Court, Ordinary, Sheriff, Tax Re ceiver, Tax Collector, Coroner, County Surveyor, and 'entity Treasurer. Polls to open and close as directed by law. By order of the Board. Spaldinq Kenan, decs-td Clerk B. C. C. Mcl.C.