Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, January 30, 1875, Image 1

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VOL. I—NO. 40. ||acn (timber flbucttc, PUBLISHED EVERY SAX’ DDAY MORNING. BY EIC HARD W. GRUBB i I'T'ICE ON BROAD STREET. Subs or:: tiou Rates, in Advance. or si—Foi six D’.oiitl.s. . £1.50 Club Rates: ...!,, COJ fnch ont* year 200 ■■ or over, each one yen) 1 1 50 Advertising Rates: sor ARE, 10 lines s)>ace, first insertion. 50 ‘ ■■ Each subsequent insertion.... 1 00 “ .■rial Halts to Yearly and Large Advertisers. VlveriHomonts from responsible parties will bt • , liv.Nheil until ordered oiit, when the time is not : mi the copy, and payment exacted accord. i rirly. (i imiii’iaications l’or individual benefft, dr of a , • rso ll ■ 1 1 character, charged as advertisement*. Miirringes, and Obituary notices not exceeding lour iim-s. soiicil.nl for free publication. When 0x ... !'•••;: thatspace. chavaed as adveo-senienls. ;i: s ior advertiseiner*** due npon presentation ;er iiio ftrat ttaertion, but a spirit of commercial i . iitv will be practiced'toward regular patrons. -.’o avoid any misunderstandinv. the above rules adhered to without deviation. >. : tters and communications snonld be address- Ric’rard W. Grubb, t)AI{IEN, GA. CITY DIKE!-TORY. County Off : cera. nty Commiss fob M'S — T. P. Pease. Chairman. J. p. <; is.m. .Tallies Walker, lain -i. .''kiison. it. L. y,, ..is, |,. Mclntosh. Thom-i® Oignliliat. r rk n <'• P.—Dr. S. Kenan. (■; lsaac M Aiken. (n-'inu: j Lewis .Taekson. s' /iff - James Bennett, p, puly ft;.. , >ff Alonzo Guyton. ,7 ‘ . ;'aJ- f/irnt, At (lief.n Thomas. Cot:, -.'or s. w. \Vi!o.,. ■ . •/ : ■, -7<, • R P. Cliamonoy. is : niission*■ t s meet tir-t Weclnesday in each X.an . :lr*a! Officers. .1 V T. p. Pease. Rx-Otf. .1/ 5 /7/i.i o .1 as. . trilsnn. .T imes Walker, ‘ T-.mcs Lack isoti. R. Morris. I. Mclntosh, Tuos. iI ; oil 'lint. ' ■ ;:•/ V, •a-urer KwuOt. ' 'fur !l<tl lilt)- I t K. ( e; OS 1/ is' " . Si e ■ 'n.,e| f„i/ Of/,full — B S. 1 1 ■ re’n v. Police Dear! everv inoi i.iii ■ -t 1 * eloel,-. /' ' IT--/ h i/a. —Isaac M \ik u. .John 1!. Burrell, J .lines (I, Y.- umr. (. -Tolm H.-Ku s oil ' J • •. fa'/ ■■'(•rot' On : .v fj,',, siiva/' 'l'i'e/ .Tnhn '!'• I oiiins. tie . 11 ■ i ‘ i'i. " it" 1 - a ; PepiOy i.'ol'-e' i.l' Coahwi* for Port of D'tritn — | Vims. ;j, ikiwn •eml Th' sVI me D a v fe !■• ■- !, II ■ j tu-biv.if :t oV;<•!: J?. for w<-T*t<tJi Vo. a ' ' I it •' R . oe,!. i ee. ■re, ■ ei io - wlth'oii -aoinii Novio and South The mail an-iv. - 'r. in VeTu'o-h N-. fl. A it P if., every'files i‘\ . • and F i a \ cvi'H ’ o -a 1 A t .'e' 1, .Mails close ev.-rx " ■ - -i-'-iv h ..' ntnr': \ iso ons P(*rv ; c s-rr * ■ •'-*h•,!*c <"■ *v*i\ *lt -* moMiln:: a ?!•• r? ! rl -* • .-.t hr! *. r. <■ <>'• ••• Filin- •• Popn tr; <r Ti-ieare ’itriou - <.•- o tin* u.-s r \ < ii'ivr); . Very Sabi a?■ -f 11 i'<* 1 <k .. in. and 1:30 j. in -I?ev. K. L •’<" •* . Pm-t- r ?!■ 'i‘J ion-4 !-■ rv i * *- n h Enif-c oal Clin • very > mi-!-v moinisi/ •• 1 'Vim-k. R.v. If \ i\i.-ior. If v • v u 1‘ \ 3 F* M. ’• i7P. M. if Ci.* < >or /I Baptist Ohm* h Ifev If. Mifiin. P.i-Lt 1?. 'HHC Service-* .'ViM'i -blbb.-lIE ;* l i \ M . M 1; and ■ I P. M., o the Mi*fliodi-r ChrtYih to dored)—lfev s lii* >vn, P:i or. - „ . Mk%+nto. ! ; o Oak Lodtre No 137 nn i ts fir-r WVdm-sdrt' in -• *1? month at their iFai! near the Magnolia Hoiipe. n. y. Champney. AT. A. E Cur Seer.-fairy. T>. b. : wTngT MEASURER AMO INSPECTOR —OF— Timber sod Lumber, feesneclfully solicits patron age- DARIEN, - - - Cl A. Mny-2-ty T. C. BROMLEY, PRACTICAL TINNER, COPPER-SMITH. Mill ant* Steamboat Jobber, : :8 permane: tlv located hero. With twenty-two years ex Hence, (in the Canadas. ami every Stale >n *he UViion. East. West. North and South), he feels confident that he can do am work that is to him. He hisa No had two year- experience ■n the jewelry basin ss. before c m fencing the tin, ml will repair clocks watches. <&c. T. 0. BROMLEY. Oc*24-lt Next to Haws & 'I yler’s. W. Robert Crignilliat, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAMgtt, GA. PLOMPT- ATTEN'I TON given tnuL legal busings in the Eastern and Brim nick Circuits, and i the United Slates Courts at Savannah. April 25—fy. L. E. S. D LOR&BE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. DART EX. GEORGIA. \V 11 L practic" in the Brunswick and Eastern < i*- ' ‘Miifs. P troi age solicited. OfliCe next door co Wilcox & Churchill's store. July 4-1 v BURR WINTON, CONTRACTOR AND RIILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. DLAN9 and Specifications furnished on short no *■ tice. Will contract to erect Buildings in every style. A'so superintend Buildings at reasonable priecs. A>l orders left with tne firm of Atwoods <fe At. ry, Darien, Ga., will be attended to with is patch. July 4 t.f FALL AMP WIMTEBt I8?4~E> | ~ ~ EDWARD J. KENNEDY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 12(i linnufMon sired, Savnutmlt, Gvoryttt, j invites the attention of liis former patrons and the J pnli ic in general o his new select, and stock of fine I English and Freii li liigonals, t'aseimers and Fancy j Vestings, alt of the choicest goods adapt and to the season, which will be made up to order in tlie most approved fashions. Ail goods warranted as represented. Sepl9-ly WALTER Ik. WAY, ATTOIi N K Y AND Counsellor at Law, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DARIEN, GA. VY/ALL piVictice in the SnperiorCourts of the conn * * ties of Mclntosh. Camden, Glynn, Wayne. Ap .p'ing. Tattnall, Liberty and Bryan. Also in the Federal Courts'in cases of Knnkiuptcy, &r. Partictilnr attention given to thd collection of claims, and the examination of Land Titles. April mi ll. B. L. BAKER. M. D. CAFFERS his prof. sslcrnal services to tlio public. ■ * Special attention given to diseases OP CHILDREN. • p 1 * 1 Bills present'd first of each month. -®s: i July 11-ly. !"lloOilou¥!T DARIEN, : : GEORGIA. yrANY addition* lihvd hr< n made in t!i* honpc nnriiur ll* i>-ot mnistli. and the Proprietortak-n pli-nmn* in bn j in:: to hi* old PATRONS ANO KS:!S .\RS aiul tn all \v! > slrr FIRST CLA' S nr <mvoda iiis r -t !•• is ready Y> tb ni ir the loilow* i-L r '.-lit - : lo id ad Ju!i if per month SBO 00^ Do, I?:’ i ljt.l I-Ji'jj, p * Wh k PMHI lb id *• per day •* (Hi ■ > i v A. 2. CARP, 'Proprietor. Pounty High School, THIS st iIOOL WILI OPFN AT G? b. ' •’ • : r hero? Wc r r 'Q • n ?])• R ! d- r. at 0 •'/ ]• , U .op M* NIV'.Y. the IS)ih day o| Ocinli r. 187-1, umicr charge of <•: .V Slf;>' U l\ , t. !. ■ S, MV 5g".J. : s issOl.l H ■ J> ■ / FOHIP >. ■ v : r s Til', ti'ustei s (b-sire 'be poll, tali' pit n> tint) Itt len 1/p l e'bi nil i-irpils vv til such hooks im titer may niie have. For tin tiler : articulate applv to tlu- ''bain -.not ■tileßoard E S. BARCLAY Oi't !7-tt CPI. ni rtnnn Savannah Machine Shops ant SJOIEEH WORK . MONAHAN, PARRY & €0„ MACHINISTS, ENGINKEIvS, boiler Makers, IRON and BRASS FOUNDERS. Conin' of Ilai/ and Randolph, Sl,reefs, Eastern Wharves Savannah, (!a. All kinds of Castings made to order. En gines, Boilers. Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Machinery made and repaired. Wrought Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, from 4 to 3 inches, constantly on hand. Octlo-3m MEDICAL NOTICE. Haying located tn darien. t bfo to tender my Profcs'ioniil p*rvic<‘“ to the citizens of D?r t n and the county of lUcTi t* *h. net -21 -6m c; O J M D Game Chickens. , T. PFTN'AM. has at his stable in this place •* . the pure him I; Sumatra 1 tame Chi' ken . and offi-rs to soil E gs to nit one wd-’ ing tn raise f.im. They itr the ties' chickens for this climate, and lire better limn <>the> breeds lor laying eggs. Call and take a took at'them. WBS. M. ITOtrKG, • .h:\vei.kr. Haying had live Veins experience in the hitsi ness I feel satisfied that I ear, give sufs faciinn. My thanks to the pn'dic for i as, iMi rou a"e, and hope for a continuai.ee of the same. WM. M. YOI NO. de(l2-tf Second Street, Darien, Ga. Du. SPALDING KENAN, DARIEN, GA. FAFFRUS his professional sen ice to the citizens of G l'alien and vicinity. He can he found at ill honrs and y and night, at bis office oil Screven street, next door to Mr. Wilcox' Dwelling. Ass. 8-1 v. STEPHEN G DeBRUHL, attorney at law and solicitor IN EQUITY", BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Wil negotiate th a purchase, sale or lease of Real Estate- JnnP-tf DARIEN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1375. WANNB ACiIEIA WEIL i ■ I”•. ' • . HAVE JUST OPENED IN THEIR NEW STORE, ON BROAD STREET, A FINE AND SELECT STOCK OF ! DRY GOODS, . J CLOT H f N G, BOOTS AMD SHOES HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, Etc.,* Which they are offering to sell at j VERY LOW FIGURES. CLjOT H 1 N G ASSr:P r: CSALTYa Givi ns n <•■;./: a'd v;e wil! gnnnuttve rut faefpiii. WdNMJ.HHKR A- WE!L Daiuf.s. Ga.. Dee. 5. 4iu ft Id hppßf's Shi My! jcfn l mmmt' t) It \S JUST RECI-IVBD i Wil,l. j-E!.ECTrf> STUCK OF LIQUORS, GROCER lE'-- UANVY 1 GOODS, &c. ODA YVATi H tn! L A< !: I E!R "It t'l'ttll lit it' -,ii| n: s. ALSO — IMPORTED BIEPt IN PO FILES a fine Lot of IMPORTED CIGARS & TOBACCO and at all Friers. I offer the ..hove goods to the pnhlic .:t cheap prices, and guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. My lor in or patrons have mv many thanks fin" pa.-i favors and hope a contiiniauci of the same. • Don't lai) to call at PeppKit's Old Btam>. JOHN A. CiiIGSTIAN, i Oct3l Broad stkebt. Darien, o \ BHESNAN ’& nnnrn u TTnnnri (JIN J||ii - ! \|i jLilul billy IJULiL’b SAVANNAH, - - - GEOIIGIA. (OPPOSITE NEW MARKET.) HoomSjWith Board $2 00 ad;iy FINE LARGE AND AIRY LOOMS AI,W \YS IN READINESS FOR FAMII TF.s \ND COM MERCIAL TRAVELERS. ONE OF TIIE FINEST HESTAUBAUTE In the South attached to the 11. use. Passengers aid Baggage mirrinl FliE;, 01 ('IIA ROE hl the Bouse. UAITKVN. To avoid being deceived b drummers of other so called European •’oases, BE SFRE o ask lor Omnibus with BRESNAN's EUROPEAN HOUSE ou it. JOHN BKIdSN \N, SnplO-ly Pinprictoi'. I BARGAINS ) -AT OctSl 3in * PEASE OLD STAND GREAT REDUCTION ■—OF— PRICES -AT uunmi I i Cor Broad and Screven Streets. Having jusi received ottr Fall and Winter j Stock, consisting of * i DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, vr.,l SADDLERY, faints, oils, DRUGS ami MEDICINES, H VRDWARE, ami CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, t-JfiuFUMERY, BOOKS ami STATIONERY, CLOCKS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ' CROCKERY, EARTHEN, GLASS an 1 QUEENS-WARE, WOOD, . WILLOW, 'I IN and HOLLOW- WARE, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, FARMING UTENSILS, STOVES and STOVE PIPES, CORN, SHINGLES, OATS, . OAKUM, LIME, SALT, HAY, &a. Particular attention given to ♦ lie supply of vessels. Captains of vessels tire especially invited to examine our large and complete stock o. SHIP CHANDLERY, WiFi our unusual facilities for car et iug oil Business at a nominal ex pense enable ns to connate with any market South., CALL AND EX A MINE OU R STOCK and satisfy yourselves. HOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE of CHARGE. A, fc. li. STR AIN, Mayd-ly Dakien, Ga. * A Great Advertiser. Col. S. N. M >ody of New Oilcans, wiio died recently by l:L Ow ti Hand, while sutFeriiig from an iiDof<<riibic neuralgic attack, was.a sjuj-fkiar imin, He prospc-etl when L".uisi,ui,na was wealthy a id lie prospered when Lou isiana, was as p tor its a rat. Tim se cret cf bn; snee, b; wna mlteriis tin-. Ht kite tv tiy\v to advert ise, ntul the duller tiie season the moro.peysit,tent iy lie kept hiii.-self ami his wares be lt me tin pul Tic. He wits known as ‘the “Snirt King ( ,f the Sonih.wi st” On every <lead Wilt and nearly everv telegraph pole, m tlm Mississippi Valley, the wayfarer was invited ‘/fyi gi l bis shirts ni S. N. Moody ’s.” lie was a most, liberal patron of tiie daily press ttnd; by a thousand ingeni ous devices, and in spite.' of fcre niendious lie died as be lixed, tiie super-eini-nent and pinker fed "King of Shins.” Such was his faith in the necessity of captivating (lie fancy of the people and winning their alt ntion that it. was seriously declared in Now Orleans, years ago, he offered $50,11(10 to InTp pay for a new steamboat intended fbFtue St. Louis trade, provided lie had the naming of the craft. His offer* was promptly accepted, but as sundenly declined, when it Jbeipnpe known tlijiJ "Gel Yoar fihirU at j/oodyV’ was lo tie the baptismal app'da'ion ! Cd. M o-iy wa- a thorough busi ness man, but he lived in elegance and had many warm lrien is. it may no, be a very sublime ambition to see lift a sort of immortality in connection with the nether garment of a man; but out of that common and not-lb be-dispLed article of wear, Moody lecnue a rich merchant, lived en prince, and gave Ir.s ciiiklien a tirst eluss education, backt'd ill) by all tin advaiittiges of foreign travel.' His money wasp i net pally made by ad vertistng, and, while we tire sorry to hear ol the tragic end ol ony So gen ial, it is siitisiacony to know liluiwLt that lie did litu. take' Ins life becanst it Iniil been a f ti'ini'e, lint in umi ol those sad parent In .ses of mere | liv - leal lor. are, when reason Ltd been hurled temporarily from her throne. Awful. The Detroit Free Dress is respon sible for the fob owing/. “Re you in the police force?” in quired a dilapidated man as lie out* r ed the cent] af station, and addresf-ei the sergeant. He was i donned that sue.i was lie case, when Ins contin ued, “I’m c.lt an lucked out. It’s Ilia wife of mine. I'm a fooj—a blasted old fool, sir. I’m fifty and she’s twen ty. She wants to gad about and I want to stay at home, and 1 if.say a word it’s the tea-pot, llai-iron,, and whatever ctnm-s handy. I’ve iirgnet and scolded ami-fit, and here I am. Look at this black eye! Look at tm ■ ill over, mis'ei p 'Hen fdieol Once 1 wits hnppy; now I am busted. Sin wants ni'- logo to every pie.-nic aiu xcnjston, and festival, amt (Tance, and u’s killing me by the inch. Tin r -lie wai ts a m w dress to- lay; a m-v buii'Ct to-morrow, and so on, ane. I’ve got to get’em or have a light I’ve stood it till along, bat I’m b:olo n now. S'e that ere arm —see what ' she put in r U eiltii: tiiuTMir.-; uwfn mg, when I would not let h r hay, in m y tobuya pair of high lieelt ti shoes. Just lay your (yes <>g ti nt air sc o’, mister pon e futce. ’ ‘Ft’s pretty tough,” said the s t gettir, as he looked. “Tough! Gieat heavertis ! Its aw ful, perfeetly awful to bife me in 11,(it way!” continued tin* old man. “But the end lots come. I’ve got relations O'orthar who wouldn’t see me abused ami she’s welcome to what's in the house. If anyone comes around l,cr< sa ing ‘I ve committed suiede or disappeared; just tel! em’ how it is. mister police force —tell’em I Anti", red and suffer, and until I had to leave her or die. Till t veryboly to beware of her. She looks nice, but site’s a ve rtigo, a regular lox behin 1 the cur rant bushes.” The sergeant ; remised,/ and the. old man robed down las mid pursued his journey toward the Lrry. An urchin being l ebnkVd for weming ora bis stockings tit the to els, replied thiii it c\.nldn't I e lielpeil; “toes wiggled and heels didn’t.” y , AYhln a DnFuqne l.oidlor t turns a sick v.i n w out of doors fir nop l payment of rent, a crowd waits upon liiiu and < seorts him down to the shores of a ! vely pond and n,s:sts npou his taking a swim. jffip A city fop wm> was ta' ing an airtag’ in the country, Died to amuse hi slf by quizzing an ad firmer al> mt his Iml I head, who s >1 mnlv remarked; “Young man, when my It ad gets as toft as ynirs, Ii an r use hair to sell.” mm m yeah. A ,0 ° ' < i .atm/rS liroi %W** T q^^^'.tuivinv^s <# wmgt a* might ue wished. There,is noth frtfc Wi!TW*wtH iriitf>.!,fi?ilfoT&H nfni Or delightful, or 9tfaa uioo,Kil l-’ N*<i a pi'ett.y or a dashing I iveiYj lively, gobd matured. sweet i.-ii-e i, amiable,f/Mf, tilled, Met witt/ff? thfesphefe f>f Tittee, •JifU'ing |J iround 'the influence other gooii!j,ssi Jika the L*Jsemwt i ; (sweet itywers., . . t ... ... A nice girl is u'ot' h a idyl dwacflifig air' a Sofa, km! iilfe ••ussiitg'the last novel W-bfteH‘, c ri the giralfe like emitufo?, sweeping ma|efi 'wiil.v llMou2h;}litula.wing ( "i.V ,; givl may not eygn jilayyr dance 'Veil, ape! knows nothing about using nf-i- eyes, or #rqu%Hh g wittf £fa:bl ? ?slie never languishes* she ift too aotive. She is sot given tv sewnvtioß uovelp; s b is J,o i busy. Iu public sty/e is pot to I'nuii, si,owing her shoulders; she -uts qiilet' and unobtrusive, tit the tvuck id the crowd, mdsr likely.* In tail, it is not often- wo. discover her. II one io h l -'* place. uadi * i is- r, betimes and supeyiu fcmjPffi e morning mmal? "VVbo makes b. ‘ eist Sli t '• ea, ;tnd fte boy*; whirls, and ftMils the tdtlekens, uut-bngh'ußsmprthe parlor, m<b*k ung room ? Is it the Jauguishflb ?r .the giritlfe or. thp jlqt .a bit of i! ; it's tile liio,* girl. *• ° 8° i* .. Her maiden toileth is made itrthe diortesi poeible time* yet hoW eh arm mgly it is done, and bow elegaat and neat her dress and collar, sok sell iiug her .cheek or brow like a,“fape girl*’ but nn audible kmack, w'lilch says plainly, “I love you ever so much. ’; If you covert any thiugy it’s urn- of die nipe girl’s kisses. break last over, down in << sue about dinner, and all day fopg she is tipnnd doing, always theerfhl md light-hearted. She never ceases f" bo active and useful until day is when she will j>o!ka with the ■ toys, or read and sing’o and songs and play old tunes to her father and moth er, for ■'hears' together; she is a per ’ect treasure—as the nice girl. \\ lieu sickness comes it is she who attends un weary patience,iji the ■ick 'chamber. is nernsk, to I'aligue, that she will not niidergd; no mention that she will nbl make. She s ail ldxve, aH devotion, I bane often h‘ light it. waul,l Le happiness ta be ill to bo .will (iUec] by such loving eyqs, ami tended by such u fair Lund. , One of the most strongly marked ohm iictoristicH-of a “nice girl" is tidi n<ms and simplicity of dress; She is uiviuibiy associated in my mind with i high frock, plum collar, and the neatest of nice ribbons, bound with lie most modest little brooch in the world. I never knew a “nice girl” who displayed a profusion of rings and bracelets, or who wore low dress es or a splendid bonnet. I ray again, there is nothing in the World half so beautiful, half so intrin icully good as a “nice girl.” She is i lie sweetest dower,in the path of life. L hero are others far prove stately, far more gorgeous, but those wo merely admire as we go by. It is whei'e the laisy gi'ows that we like to rest. Hv.V“ A good auau v people rtinem "•r the poor—-and that is the end*of it. \Vcsten has bceu presented im a gold watch, and will have mope tinie i:l his walks hereafter. y ■ *1 r ■ ■■ C'ijT Josh Uihings sucfeeds in mak ing his lecture interesting by furnish ing diagrams to shbw where the most important jokes are located. 64a*~ The new Democratic Mayor of Now' York, has taken or. his private secretary the man who fiiled the same position for Jeff Davis during the war. £~£“ The gallant Tennessee Legis at ure has done a most escglieut King Among the fortunate ones — amlidabs for the legislature—was Miss Emily Peyton, daughter of Hon. Belie Peyton, who was elected en grossing clerk of the. senate ou Twes i' iy - .femlivit) —, ♦ —- Recently the local paper at Grass Valiev s it: “The prettiest-girl' in Gras* l V iHny doesn’t heraelf straight, enough when preiugadij|g.” For a week after that ,all the Grass Valley girl> stalked about like so maDy rauinms; and ever ❖girl said,' ‘That horrid paper! Ma, don’t I walk straight?” — ■> —* A stupid fellow tried to annoy a popular preacher by asking him whether the fatted calf was mal • or female. “FetraV, to be sure,” Was the reply: “for I see the male”—look i g ids questioner in the face—“yet alive in the flesh before hie,”