Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, February 06, 1875, Image 1

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VOL. I— NO. 41. IlarifU ?imlnr ©mite, I*t BLISSED t vELY SATURDAY MC'RMNG. . * f BY I: I ( hard w. G RUBB. • - < i file i*.; b'p.oa'3 street. ■ —*•- *♦■ ‘ Subscription Rates, In Advance. oroiu* vi J> s-3 30-l ? o. six month!...sl r.O Club Rates: . f-i'li < lit! vr —9 00 JV,, ■■ or over, each u:iv year 150 A 1. erlising Rates: - . \[*e jit; i.;■- <i. ■. lit r insertion.. ¥l So siibsi.iil.oni Lisei'tiou. .. 1 00 - *■* s' l,-rial /ill'll!" tin l [.‘l! (jt Ad'Ctt tUf /-. \,.;v!.rHsori'i’*‘ i ':•>•;* y*§K*alWtf parties will hi , ihii-!i. ti niiTil ord '1 o- xrhwi the time Is uoi ' sThititMn tlieoupy, :ii,a |j tyui.-'iit exacted accord. L*'\ . . . i'•imtimiilcatjolis h-r individual bem-tll. or or a Jo!i:i i obAtV'cd a* a Ivetllsoinoiiti*. Marri-VH'S. md OhltiMiv notice-, licit excceuimr ~,-r lu>f. -chctt.' and for U-'.i publication. When ex* . hue thatspiuie. CO:.! 1 ■ lus aflTCr*:scments. ,”j. |„, s |\. !.ir-c,:i- i* due upon p-esclital ion A,?,. hut a spirit of commercial , ~ ,;)[•r.ll he or-cticcil toward regular patron*. , avoi'i .!.y mi uidorstiindliig, the above rules , pi i,~ itAi v- .'.'itbaat deviation. XU j.jtu i- . ■. •• j-.Miion! l lions i r.oul'l be address- Ricliard W. Grubb, DAIfiEN. OA. CITY JHKE< TttRT. Cc i vity Off I ' ce:s. Omit;/ C&'/imtMoners —T P. CHnirmnn. J. P. •■} inoM, J me* \V T ;ill> r. 'n?n i* Lark Ht-on. K. i.. \f o rri, . ’*■ Bhoin * Gi^nDliat. CJfrk R. i 1 V. —Dr. ‘■L KcMiftn. !u & Sup-. / -v Cos * c M Ai kn. (}r >rm >j kewi^ S '•; /•- i? - R. nMl!*‘ :r . Ifcp-d; S' ■ \lonz Ouvfo’i. Ri’c: r:r Tax Krfurns — VS Thom?’*. TiC VoV.'jifrr S. "A 'ViNtu-, t <; 'pn :/ J r K P. f hiunpiH v. It..- is inM l !li t '.\V(hn*sfl,iy iw <*rb rnoitt*.- *' o;*7 V O - r c r.r-QV. V. Pf.-is*-. fix-0 ? L' rweT'-Sti*- • <.T iUi Wall-or. .! ;m ! :: , till. K-. f<. Mfivrw 1. Mt'lntnsh, 'i' l os. (r|■ >’ii pint c"->•!• yi / Tre'tmrer—- >■. v . Kenan. ( l it Uarrhal ■- -Itoh* it K. >r. // , r’l'i - ‘filter —•' . S>e Ile !. I,mi)'tenerul-- R S. B n '"y. }’. Vi.-,, i’ r! pverv Mion-ie ■' t 1 '1 li’cli'i !: f’.n-f Wirlf i.r.—lh imc M \ik> n. Jolin H. Burrell, Janie- ' nnir. C ; r - John [I. Bnrrell # TJ. S. Off cert. C ‘ Otififmn* Ewn-'ictek />/.*/?• A* 4 Johu T. !. n| Ij'l'ff rs t H** \ ' 'riu- ‘"A_ p ' * * brt' T ' '■ ’ ' • 1 • ’ *! I‘i!-. V*:* ■ ■ M r - * ' p. it. iA. . . Norrr- u *IV.. , . . *'<•'. A. A i\' f ' ft t'WM • I ?><* A • . ’.f -> - ■ t.i -rv " i r bi'i;.; r ■ . <• >7 ■ o’> s ■ •s • c f’htirrh <v* ; ;■ t )i:PJ ; -:'t I T *:*!■■ •- sot vw Mi fhoc *. ' ('it irf'i, .•'/•••> - ‘ fh ;•*• *• t in.. . ?*.' r : \‘- i r . ic- - c' P -Ha <m - - • rl; .. Chivy- -n i *' P i • r. . . n ' vi . i P : x t ? p ' • .• • j It . Hlin l-.p; . . • 1 ? X M . .'i‘ ! •\ f*. \J * •'#!••'. -P. \ j Pr nvii, P Livr On L ii; ] t-.t/h • .c;a • ! '• iMr) ‘I " *'' D. 1 ME*.S ' ‘ T r r | T i a-n and Umher ' f P i a ' \; ,r arp PA >' - oa Mi =? ty > >*> ~\f q l r Y , VP.--T • ' T : ’T' *ln,r. A'-> " a fl:\ 'ipr‘i::iii* l : v l>c;if< rl lirrc, n it' fv'cnl' two \ its .*x **i*rM‘* mi thi* (’ i*?irl*w Mi''* (••.cn ]i ? !ii* J’. Efist Wi*st. Vnr It mi rl in* f (*K r > (j |pt that ht* c;in mt ' v r* ♦* tis alv • r• 11 >ri H•h is iN hnrltw.i \'H • vi> ••i* 11 ■ iq the i ii \v 1\ h isiii- s- l.pron* (* tti *“ fiiiifth'' tin. mid will rrpa r clocks w.-i'Clo A*' . (’. R : M LEV Oc 2t-lt XXT to Hno ■* tfc ’1 yl*r'* Hoberf ATTOI?NEV AT LAW. zmm, ga. T3ROMPI ATTf'N'l ION iriven toal local lnis ; n f ,1 in ih* E ist rn and Brim vick Circuits, and i The Unitrd States Courts at Savannah. April 25—ly. L. E. B. D LORiViE, A.TTORNFY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. J b A RIKX. GEORGIA \\fILL practic in the Brunswick and onjts. P trn* are solicited. Office next door io Wilcox & Churchilßs store. July 4-ly BURR WTNTON, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. • ■ TJtANS nnd SpeciflcaMonf. furnished on °nort no *- ticc. U ill contrHCt to erect Bnlldinjfe in f**rj style. A'eo enperintend Bnildinge tit P'lece. A>l orders left with the firm of Atvqo(ie A \y*-ry, Darien, Os., will be Bttcuded to wrtfi Is ■patch JnlT 4 t f Baricn (XuniiiT toaii’ttc. FALL AND WIKTER, 1874-6. LmVAitD J. KENNKDY, MERCHANT TAILOR, I'2G Broughton shed, Savannah, Georgia, Invites lire ut tell turn of his former patrons and the public in gem ltd n> his new select, and sti ek-f fine Knylish and Fr, n h Ilieonats, Caseimers and Fancy Vest lugs, all of the choicest toods adajrti and to ihe, seHSon, which will be made pp to order ir the most approval fashions. Ail go: ds warranted as represented. 3,*p19-ly WALTER A. WH, ATTO R N K Y AND Counsellor at Law, AND I REAL ESTATE AGENT. / DARIEN, CrA. . ii t t.’n.h practice in the Snperlorfonrt* o/ thecotin- V ’ ties of McTntoch Camden. Glynn, Wayne, Ap ptirirr, TattnisU. Liberty and Bryan. Also In the Federal Courts in cases of Bankruptcy, ir. Particular attention given to the collection oi claims, and the ex tiriinaiion of Land Titles. Apr!, 2C-- J. B. L. BAKEn. M. D. / YFFKRS Ins prof ssiotml services to the public. Special atientl'.n j;ivtn to diseases O? CHILDREN. .ftffltltte ’"presetited first of each month. July 11-iy J •MAGNOLtA HOUSE 1! > DARIEN. : : (IEUROIA. AfAN Y additions hav.i h**n made .In .this h>up<* v * dtifinj the pa-t m* nth. anrl the* Proprlx !o tak< n ;>)* iihoru in sjijiiiL’ t<> his oln I‘ATHONS AM) [Ti! NDS and m all yh<> dutdiv FIRST-CLASS nofomnucl.r ti *•-. t at lit- is ready f> Ktlisfy tin*in at tin* follow* in if rati*- : r.fWw Board and is j.of month- SOO 00 ThHL* Board “ ‘ ‘Jo 00 Board and iodjD -a “ wruk— 10,00 Board * 4 ‘ pur day 2 00 Mi'alr* each 75 | a-, 'o-ly A. E. CARR, U’aprietor. S'cMosh Pounty Hi|!i School, !'! ( I’t'.DL WU.I OBLN AT r; " '■ • YTciVC i! - 0- <1 ek a M nil MONDAY, th** •' ’ - il r IS7L under cbHrgu of i, a i>\ ? a iv. r?;rrs, J’ ■ t?f ■>*)!-!, I TAN FOR f), pi• in t And pom turtl at i ; ><! ,* t‘ .-n !i ’ nks a** Ilm \ may • t( tl 1 * -n <1 F S BABCI \ V Oct ' tf ChMitio :r\ WM. T€U?A&, A d\Y El EE j\ y r c•. 1 ti • \■ - vu riencu i?t the buei i - ! f : .1 -an -fD*d fht;l ■ c i;, *rivc - i! . to ••• !,, fot •pa r6li ft) • ■ \V M Yo! NO. c in! Mu ft. Darit ii. On. CHEAP JOHN. < !,n rfrxo AND NOTIONS. BO*! NFS'- tits. W \!.K! ' 6.tT r S SFITs. tV r i-'.-c i- '■••der-t'f t> mid Draw s' elc'i*— • Si.ef-. Hi sand Caps, and a .it - p )•> !)> 1> f'C !. mi' \ S t -I! (’ IIJiRENS HOHEKY A’if*H o ' "a vary Ni^ht 'll (} nfiu i >r ■ • i.ti to Leap represented. Give us a 'rial. B0 C EN I I Y TANARUS; v !<R> Durian G,i. raUK Wlv-K Foundfy ad Machine Walts, J P. HERTEL, Proprietor. BOILERS AND ENGINES MADE AND HE I’AIRED. Saw Mills, Steamboats, —and- Geaeral M^achinery REPAIRS a SPECIALTY. Always on hand, SIKiAK MILLS, PANS, LK' KING, ETC. All work nently and promptly executed, and satihfaction guaranteed. P. HERTEL. decs-tf Bay Street, Brunswick. Ga. STEPHEN C. DeBRUHL, ATTORNEY AT-LAW AND SOMOITOR IN EQUITY, hIIUNSWICK, GEORGIA. % Wil negptijte tbtpi.rchiise, sale or lease of Real Bjlate' Dnf>-tf DARIEN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 6,1875. WANNBACHEE & WEIL, HAVE JUST OPENED IN THEIR Ilf STORE, ON BROAD STRKI/r A FINE AND :DIRECT S'UX’K Ol> ► DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AMD SHOES IIATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, me., AYhicli they are offe; i> .• ■ -" I.a * VERY LOW FIOUIMv^. CLOT H I N G A SPECIALTY. ■ y . Give na a call and we wil! guarantee satis faction. WAXXBKHEK A WEIL. Darien, Ga., Dec. 5. 4m it Pit! Pepper’s Shanty!' JOHN L CHRISTIAN HAS JUST RECEIVED A WELL SELECTED STUCK OF LIQUORS. GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, SOD v VVA :FR ii,i I U ll It I K!•'.s , h I ’ fall Jif Ht ail h - His. ALS': 1 IP( tit : lEft . l : A FIXE LOT OF -IMPORTED CIGARS & TOBACCO and at alt Prb es. I offer the ..bove uoods to the public, at che , prices*, and guarantee perfect sr.itis*fac>i< n in a ! cases. My former patrons :tv- mv many that;k f<* o favors amt hope a conti* natic* * l tin* eanv . Doh’t tail to C.DI at Bepfkr 8 Oi.n Stand JOHN x. CO HI- l ! AX. Octal Broad mkket. Darien. ’A BRESXIAN’S mmw PI!?' .JUi.IL l Ulllt; IJ J Li SA VANN AH, - - - GEORGIA (OPPOSITE NEW M \RKET.) Kooms.with Board, $2 00 ad y FINE LAKCE AND AI Y ‘ OOMB ALWAYS IN RBADINE s for FAMILIES AND COM MERCIAL TRAVELERS. ONE OF TIIE FINEST RESTAURANTS Io the South attached to the House. Passengers and Baggage carried FREE OF CHARGE to the House. caution To avoid being deceived bv drummers of other oca!l(d Europ an Houses, BE SURE to ask for Omnibus With URESNAN’S EUROPEAN SOUSE on it JOHN BKKSNAN, Sepl9 ly Proprietor. MEDICAL NOTICE. HAVIN'! LOCATED IN DARIEN. I BEO TO tender my Professional services to the citizens i of Darien and the county of Mclnt' sh. nov SI-8m itlrO. J. AOLI.OCK, M.D GREAT REDUCTION -OF— PRICES A ''V- . L&l.diMiil a, "or Bro and nd Screven Streets. ilavitig ji.e r . eived .-ur Full and Wiutei Stuck, cunaiuttng of DRY GOODS, HATH, l. \PS u <v, ■; SHOES, s\iD:,Ein PAINTS, Oll.S, DHUuN a. TEDHNNES, HARDW A RE, a ini CUTLfc 1, Y FANCY A IT! iCLEH I EHFUUEuy, i>( )OKS 4 STATIONERY, CLOCKS, GIrOCE'.iIES, PROVISIONS, CRQi KERY, EARTHEN, GL u-.-i tie : 'VO I), w :lj o v, * IN a <1 HOLEOV W iRE ITOU E I OLD FURNITURE, FARMING UTENSILS, S OVES iinf TOVE PIPES, c ::N, DO ROLES, OATS OAKUM, . ME. SAL 1 L \Y, Ac P:l |' K-iIP) r n I ■ iv h, * A -f vfcfraels. C-iD-ni- •>■ v *!" "t. t*Kj c.r ! y it via-.; U • xan ine our htr ■ hi* 5 ■ n, tide ‘o. 1 * SHIP CHANDLERY. M itii "ill * l’> I i'll .1 .1 s oi 1:* l l'xilig till l'llsil:(*!,s it 1 oltili ; 1 ,N --])el)Su Cli.-lltlt! US io C till. t<> VVilit Ul.\ luarkfl S iitli. CALL ANDEXA MINE OUR STOCK au>l sn i.siy yoursclvas. GOODS DELIVERED in the CITY and on the RIDGE, FREE o* CHARGE. A. & IO STRAIN, Miiyh-ly. Daiukk, Ga. [ORIOINAI. ] • TO liUljA.’' Ti l ntd ilia! alujence Jove, But oh ! bollcve it not; I * vi- trleil ai s I iis pnxxor io prove, Bill Hum art not forgot! I.ftiiy. though Fate lias bid us part, Y( t still thou art as dear A fixed in this devoted heart. As when I clasped the here! '• ‘it a,to the busy crowd. And smiled to hear thy name; And yet, as iff tnonirht aloud, They kinov me slill the same; h i tin* xvlne cup passed ‘round, i t seme other fair; in I, 1 askeil my In art the sound, f* i av is e liofd there. .-Hid when some other name I learn A I'd try to whisper love, -til! will mv heart to tlie return. Like the returning dove. In vnli. i I never can forget. And would not be forgot: For I mu-t bear the. same regret, What 'eremay be my Sot. E'en a* the wouuuod bird will seek Its favorite bower to die. So. Lady. ] would hear thee speak And yield my parting sigh. ’Ti* said that absence conquers love, But, Oh ! believe it not; I've tri* il alas ! its powei to prove, But thou art not forgot. j li. R. Pitch-fours. Brunswick. Ga.. Jan. 2!, IBTS. —TT~i r n mnmTiwi*—nri —— A First of April Narative. A lit tit* boy !ui\iug heard >t beauti ful s’ory aliont a lit tie boy and i t liet, and bow, because the lit! io 1 1- >v wouldn’t tell a ie, be, in linn , not Io be President of llie Uni ted St ites, was very much im|.resse,l by it. Now it so tiappened that, on the last day ofMareb, lie was jutit 10 'ears old, and lus father asked him ' but Io won! i like to have for a r Inlay present. Very naturally the ’ - aitswi r was “A hatelut, if you ; I .ise, pipit/’ lii lather bought him a li’tle aiclit t, l hat vi r\ day, and the boy ■'ii" so delighte , dial lieuctUiilty took it tii b'd wiili him. E rL the tti xt morning lie got up, lit Ks<al hiinsel 1 , lot kli is little luitch t and win! out into the garden, rime, its luck won and have it, Ihe first, 'lung t.hal caught his eye was. his fa her’s fit Verde cherry tree. “Sly eyes!” exclaimed the little h,oy to niin.seif, “ viiat a lime my father wi.itWPWdikf if a fellow were to cut hat tt’ct !” It was ft wicked thought, tor it led him into temptation. There wasii * I ree—tall, straight, and fair Pri ding invitingly before him— jusi hi tlnng for a sharp little ateh >l. And ti.ere w its ti e hatchet— -riling, -h,aip, and shining—just the bu g for a favorite cherry-tree. In nulla r instance the swift strokes of a\i in h-urd in the still marn aif, and be!'-ire long, a small boy k tat •nog t ward the house, .t ‘ v:c 1 in at tln* door. at mi sr was that I . V SotvL you have a m f voritc e' erry '* sOn.il p ondly lit fo e him, ui; udu wnc tsi eyes ti ml noshing cl.c, Ks. “E ither,” he said, “I cannot tell a lie. That cherry-tree is ” l 'Sa\ ini more,” said the father, ex oin iii" his anus. “You have done on g, ui\ son; an 1 that was my fa voi ii tie ; Imt y.m have spoken the ruth. 1 forgive you. Better to '1 It s was too much. The boy rush- , ’.lit** l is fat In i’s aims. •‘Father,” he whispered, “April l oi ! I hav'i ii’t touched the chtrrv tii e, but I ’mo ! eboped the old apple si limp to pieces ” You young rascal, you !” cried the da r, “do miii mean to sav you have ■■* chopped mv cherry-tree? April ’ dyonr fiber! Mill you? Take if x nr coid, sir !” \\ a siijiprcßsed s *b, that little box li md. Then, shutting his eyes, In- f> Ii i is father’s i and descend upon iiis shrinking form. “Mi (■•,” said die father solemnly as lie stroke*! the ittle shoulder, “it is the First i 1 April. Go thy way.” Birff* We have a word of the Glienoa Monitor lor the following: “An in dust inns ciuz* n in the northeast imrt of town arose, ; few mornings ago, while th festive lark was still snorii g, and x\dli a tin bucket under l i- min went to the barn to milk the tanrlv cmv. It was dark and rainy, and in iu• 11 i li g ahont old Brindle, he got into ihe \x rung pew, and began Gi pail the iif mule of his wagon team. He >n’t remember now which side o t 1 e roof lie went out at, but bis rec' .tciiou of alighting on a picket f ' ace is very vived. He thinks tin bucket will be down in a few days Mublemen now make small tombs!, 'in s bv the quantity, with the epitaph aYondy cut: “Did’t know it was b ad • Tlmy leavi* a blank for ti.e name and age. *2.50 A YEAR. “We Can’t.” —Say farmer that wv. ought to have plenty pf : idover and orchard grass for pftttle amfpigs, and before yon are done he will tell i yon—“We can't J”, Yet clover and ! c-hard grass will produce two , tone j per acre which rarely happens^Nov^b. | Say ton man that an acre of Irish ) potatoes will pay better than corn or | cotton,because more of them will grow on an acre, and sell for a better price than at the North, and you are met at once by the consoling answer— “We can’t!” ... t , ! Ask our modern legislature to pass a la-v iu reference to dogs, that will | enable us to keep sheep and enrich the State by selling $2,000,000 worth of wool and mutton annually, ancj jit once the arches of opr legist t’jje halls ring out an echo with the sound —“We can’t.” Ask them to give us a stock law, that would at once benefit both man and beast, invite imigration, and do more to exchange millions of acres of broom-sedge for clover, tops, than any thing else, and again the soliti arches tremble with the reverberation of -“We can’t!” Tell any b dy the simple truth, that we can have plenty of fresh veg | etublcs t\n year round, and again is heai and the raven’s croak—“We can’t!” Talk of the fact that there is twice as much money made by, spinning cotton as by raising it, aud before yon conclude your remarks the dud air is again’loaded with the depress ing sound—“We can’t!” Prove as often as you please that Western North Carolina can produce | the finest butter in the world, and | every time you will be met by the bug j bear—“We can’t !”— Stateville (N. C.) I American. lIULES FDR THE PERBEVATION OF j Health.— Wash yourself .now; , t\nd j then. Change your inner gitrrnefcts occasionally, “Chew your meat; es chew gmisy gravies. Don’t .chew | your tabac'-o. Drink as little to you i choose. Keep your temper. Avoid falling out by trifles. Fall out of windows as seldom as posible. If vour constitution requires -you--to sleep during the sermon, see that tfye sext <n has an aired night-cap for yor, and a hod of hot bricks to put under your feet. Keep your mouth shut on dusty days. Never open your mouth jin frosty weather. Close your mouth very tight when the wind blows, from j the east. If your business compels 1 you to go out before breakfast, have j some breakfast first. If it is wet rin : der foot, house your poor feet. Be | ware of the ices of summer and the j snows of winter. Do not swallow too j many telegrams. Keep out of the | streets) when gold is ailing. If tlie | silver of advancing years is ou our j head don’t change it for paper. Don’t i let your circulation slacken, especially : if you are a newspaper man. Wouldn’t Marry Two. —A Utah teamster saye:“l never tried to get married bin once, and that was a Mor mon gal up here in Logan. She was just about the slickest little critter you ever saw. Fust time X came across her was where her folks and I camped out right about here., I fol lowed on her trail pretty close six months, and thought I was going to trap her sure. She wanted me to be a Mormon. I wasn’t perticular about that; for I didn’t like to jine any church. I never did belong to any church nor an engine company in St ill os. However, X told her finally, as she crowded me, that I’d swallow Brigham, tabernacle and all, forbore of her. So we got things about fixei?, and if she hudn’t gone too far I might have been bishop by this time. But she had an old maid sister and she wanted me to marry that Susan Jane, too —that darned, dried-up old Susau Jane. “Emmy,” says I, “I can’t and I won’t.” So I sot my foot down, and there we split. You see, the old man was kind of sickly, and just as sure as I’d agree to fake Susan Jane, when he died, I would have had to marry the old woman, too. I bavn’t hunted after a wife since.” The young lady who whistles defends herself in the “Chrietirn at Work,” as follows: “Let no one deny me the privilege of whistling when sitting alone at my sewing machine. If I am compelled to w alk the streets alone at night, I never fear danger at an approaching footstep if it is accom panied with the music of whistling. Ido not believe a person can w histle who is intent on evil.” t®* At a competitive examination for a prize for the best composition at a grammer school out West, one of tke effusions handed in contained the fol lowing passage: “A man who has been born aud bred is the lap of lux ury is more apt to succumb to bedbpg poison than ibe hardy pioneer of our Western forests.” ®aT A strong minded woman wilt ’always be speak e* of the house,