Darien timber gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1874-1893, April 24, 1875, Image 1

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-,j*? nmswwwvM .oxiKwm’x ■ta xgwryw-vr - >-■ v.jßmnr rjt'wurt* *w* -.-* nvdMwr ac v-* •%**•#*- .■- -*omc —■• uAnJ-4r/U. ♦j* <;• -'- ■ ——i —•- - - r--—■ -- -- ■■- ■■ ■ ■ • -—— -- -- ‘-—nv YOX*. I.—NO. 4S. Weekly Timber Gazette, PUBLISHED EVERY SaT IT RD A Y HORNIN' Gr AT DARIEN, GEORGIA, BY 55IU5SAR® W. GSLFBI3. OFFICE: Bi-oa.l Strut, year tkv Xrw Ofie-'s c,f anti J. J(. ( rke. S1 ‘?* !! i i*TtOX BATHS. j-or ono year, (in advance) ??•** !•• r bix month?'. “ 15U dsifc Util es : j" ', " c"pies, ca. ’’) one year .'.no b if year 1 - 5 U ACvertlslnrs Batfs; ], v square, ton tin-s space, first insertion ...SEMI | each il ; • 100 ; l Sates to Yearly a ' rttsgrs. \ A.iyortis ’snouts from responsible parties will be t until ordered out, when tU-> timeitsnot ,i, a ~ i the copy, anil payment exacted an ; u u/.iicationa fur individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged ns advertisements. V: irrh’.o 1 : and Obituary notices not o' "■ snug four lines, solicited tor publication. VVi ex ceedina that space, charged as adverti’in i, liillsl'or advertisements due upon pr ■ci.'cPb ! artcr the first Insertion, but a spirit of •■i.uuo. r- ; ~;a i liberality will be pnt.t uv.! toward regular p.'s- j trons. Vo avil nut misunderstanding, the above rules vci’,l adhered to without deviation. AU p.tiers and commuuiealions should be ad- i dressed to the undersigned. • vs?** w. crerun. Timber ifiizt tie, Darien, <J,.m rpin. ' “"OITY i C’ sunty e.licevs. Cnnntv Cimirissi .nns—T. P. Pease, Chairtnan. J. j p Oilson. J:, -ies Walker, James Lai illi.-on, Rich- | .... (f M ep e .e 1 , Mclntosh'. T. H. Gi ■■ ■'• uu. , ■ pal i big Kenan. r ■ .... Vf/ic 1.0a.; if. Aik'-u. fj •/..) .vis -Ip bso... , ; i.imes !’• Bennett. It,ci -Tux .tw as—lb. M. Th anas. Tix (JoVeetor —i). .'l. Dunw* Ry. t'tiunt\' Kb in amp nay. carnnrr —Julia If. Burn H. j 'be i laiur.iUsiouers h *l-1 mtbly met Us ;s first ■ WvducHdsy in ta-h mouth. {’ t V tiiJT" 'f“. C'-'.-f. V a',.-— I T. P. Peas ;. i:x- 1 - re .—Jos. P. i'Gilaon, Jauios jWui- ! p,.e. . L.s ■ bee. ii. i. M sms, L, JMelniosb, | bibil ll'.l-n il. (ijeuiUirtt. i be. m per - | J Kenan. City M rsii !*—Bobart E. Carr. tt irh:t .I/..-- rr —.1. It. St ail well. ,r >rl / -'Via.Vr-iS. s. Bar-lay. | /\,rt it - ....--1 as—lei.ae .-1 Aittc’J, John IX. Barrel! j an James (1. V ■ he. j,, —Robert XX. Carr, lo e r. it . nil? S:r rices ry SaJibati; mXX a. b m.. anil 7p. m.. m. Cue colored i;w: Cuureu —j K. v. K. Midi:*, pastor. J; P . e’V.; aervb-'-s ■ very f-abbatb tit 11 a. in., and ; 3p. Hi., at •. ■ At dh idist Ui.ureh, col red—Bov. j S. Bi-.o -n. paster, Jlir-BKif. Live Oa.lt Lodge, No. 13L mo ds first VV ■ J * day | jii >bt. i:i ca di !;i cii.b .it tb 1 ’ Xh-I ue.-tr toe h?.you- , tin Hons -. XX. P. uampn . \V<.rse.ipiut Cluster L. E ii. DeLermf, Secretary. | i cb'l *i>. ATelnt' a'> High School on the Tli i.c".. t-'avdn- r | K iggleS, p-Bj., 1-riuciuitl, .v;c-s'ijii.i. r * o,.mbad. | Ass'ii taut. Tr y I*3*o;' Sn tic. Tim Si earner Carri-. (’apt. -Joe .Smith, arrives j fr mi Airaun-ill ovary Tuesday morning ?.a.l leaves sum " .lay for Brunswick and Rattlia River. Be lli!' .: r arrives fr mi Bra is Ia ': and bat ha Him r ■,e . , i la;, is et a ml iX- ip.rtf X'c Sivaum ■ T l .rsrlay ni ii'uiinjs at S i.'cio.-k. IbeSi - aniev Lizzie 15a; r. rapt. Ib Laß-.'i. ar rives trmn Wavmiiib ev ry Vedci-ury evesan-, nod departs su-im u : ;lit fa- Brunswick and Hon da. Returning, arrives from th >ri:ia and Bruns wick every -.at ir-Uy evening and leaves aaai •• night far r.-wfinnah. i'll.- M -amer Clvdc. Cant. -T. L. Dav, ufakes re.ip ula tr p - up tho river to Hawkinsriile and X)ui - liu about every t-'-n days. Oh: -li-irim r Daisy, Ca;J, W. Hjriir runs d-imv Ii- ween this jila.-e sn-l Hammy . pith's hand!Jig. W: . re it co.i*c is witu ha -liu for 'Jo, 1 Jfacon aud Btiivs-.vi'lt Kailro-il. T-rnine for Brunswick leave Si.,atlo p. m. Trails for Savanna!: and Macon leave No. 1 at '2 i 4 a. m." V. •>>. fWcrtor of /'it*'’tins, Pr.united; i>:xlr!d— John T. ('cillinH. Hc;i Jrp.iartera at Brunswick. Jjtputy C>:-! >r of Customs for l’orl oj Darn > — | Charles 11. Towusond. liwxrdi.ig Master— J. Cornelius. J'us'master —D. Webster Dm is. Deputy tb S. 1/ ■ ■ - . > *>* rt E. Carr. fsiuicrui- viicl. Main tosh Superior Court convenes Tuesdays a'- ! t r the last M m lays m April and ..ovonUmr. liTi. il-'.ivy i>. i unr-kins 3\\ ana j 001. Albert* IC. Saik-it.'r k .u -i; 3'. M. nil Tlifl mnil leaves Darien e; ry Wc InesiUy and j ■; 9 o’o , for ;; it j; , - ; ;r( i (l-Vif iELIt '.a l, making con- i i). . ti*Mi .viia in.'iiH £:v‘i ig and Sentii. * -j.- liiuil amvt'S ir<mi 3lolnttisli every an. LViday evenings. i • Mail olost‘3 at eiglit and a balfocxock de ains 4ay and Saturday mornings. Roiiiyi mi Religious services at the Alcthoiliit . . Olnr -h : every saiilmlb morning and night, Proa nmg at the Methodist Church on tn- Ridge every Kuh...., afternoon at three o’clock. Kcv. it. M. Lockw L pastor. . , _ i Religious services at the Episcopal ( lnircu m the Rid;:a every Sunday morning at 11 o mock. , Colored Mission at Dc-Lorme s Mbu cpouse c 1 ■■ P- j m.. and at It. K. Walker's olir e at J hO p. w. lor , white congregation. Rev, R. E. Clutc, P>. l. j PROFESSIONAL CABLE, ; . . „AAL~ W. Robert ATT O n 01T. Y AT LA V/ , DAIUITn, geokcia. T>re'WT'T attention given to all legal , i business in tb- Eastern and Bruns., ; k Ur cnits, and in the Enited Stat-e Courts at haiau nah,OeorpH, TTe. B. i ATTORNEY AT LAY/, AND NOTARY ITRLiC, j DA tUEN, (iEOIEAIA. WH,L PRACTICE IN THE BUT’NSWrCK AND ; * Eastern Circuits. Tatronage son‘‘’-tci.l. Of fice oj)posite Dr. Kt nan’s. J ll o * • Stephen C. Beßnihl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BIiUXSWICK, GEORGIA. vr.'ir.L PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF j * * th- Brunswick Circuit. Special attention , given t • l.ne investigation titles. Jan. 9-tf, MlhDlCviSa x^OTSCJE. Having located in p iuen. i beg to tender my profession services t<> the ( i'nzns OF IIARIFX and t>D ennnK* * r ATt ) st.si*. GEOK- iE J. BOLLOCK. AT. P* i WAIaTS'.Si A. WAY) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, DARIEN, GEORGIA. WILL PRACTICE IN the SUPERIOR COURTS * * oi the Briuisv. ii’k and Eastern ('ircuits. Also in the Federal Courts in eases of Bankruptcy, kc. Particular attention given to the collection of claims, and the examination of Land Titles, ap 25 M. L. MERSHON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BIG N BWICK, GEORGIA, ? VTLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS . OF ■’ the Bi-uuk wick Circuit and Mclntosh in the Eastern Circuit. Darien and Brunswick made a specialty. may 22-1 y. G< ■ is, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRUNS WICK, GEOR( i 11. ISTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COUNTIES OF ’ the Brunsvvicl < hreuitaud the city of Darien, Ga. Oil!co, corner Newcastleaud Gloucester sis., Over J. S. Blaiu .k Co.’s drug store. Aug 1-ly. P. W. MKLDUISI. fb ii. ADAMS. jiehlrim & Alhms, ATTCi-iMSYO AT3D COUNSELLORS AT I AW, C,r. Bay ami Barnard S:s. Savannah, G<t. < 'Ki: PJ tIkONAL ATTENTION TO CAUSES IN 'X the Sup-, rior Courts of Chatham. Bryan, Bul lock. Ellin ham. Liberty, Mclnt >sh, Tafitall, Scriv county's. Practice in the w -tute and Fedcr;d ’ourtu Prompt given to colleeti na. Bcliiible ccriNßpondence in ail sections of the State. b m ATTORWSY...AKD COi NSELLOR AT LAW. tui SWIC ; G : IA. EC ILL PRACTICE. IN ALL THE, COURTS OK t ' the Brunsv/i-’k Judl-oal Oirenit. the Supreme C'-'ort <*-f (/••'orgia, ami else*v}-ore by ppaeial tr t. Will exaiuiee Titles to Land, e 4 oct Tress pass th, enforce Liens, collect ‘ hr ms, and, in short, make a specialty of ail ti e var.od duties mid br.imdies of his profession. ar.rotf s. is. Lx. BAKKiT, n. ii 7, REFERS TIT,-5 PEiOEESKIONAL XbUH XS TO v tlie public, v given tod Cl’ i'V; XU}'* foil's preset tied first oj b •• >\tl\ ..h J 11-Iy, ii. N£Ai3/dH^"^ DARIEN, GEORGIA. g.rFERs LIS PRO EE: > . IN AT, SERVICES TO ir tlie ritizerif* of jMri* o a;; 1 vieo by. He can be found at a!L hours day and- t Isis oiiice on treet, ii - r. Wilcox’s dwell i ; u • 8-ly. I); B. W IN Ct, IIEANUEER. AND INSPECTOR TLiibec Air! -Ai*ohcr, DA hi EX, GA. Hfits wet sully elicits Ptitron<ig< , ,* r is 21 Mav 2-ly. A ? N- *q -- (3 \f 5 | 'X 4 si X- J , a 2 - \,Ji Ekl* -d j Z~.TS.I %•% 7 Is '72 !Le JLg 3FS., V ~ AATNG had five years expci lence in the busi- X>- ucss, I fe-J Siitisiie.l that I can give aatista:- tio:i. Idy thanks to the public ter past patronage, and licp * fir a oontinnaucc of the mime. AVAL M. YOUNG. decl2tf Second Street. Darien Ga. JRR - NT ON. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. 'I.'.NSrmJ Specificatbins furui.-'hod on short -' notice. Will contra:t to erect iinildiugs lu every stvle. AV-t Superintend Buildings at roas o;:.!l)h*pvic s. All orders left with -T. A. Atwood A Bros Darien, Ga., will be attended to with dis pel h. julyttf BARBER SHOP! BY CIiSKOH SAB AT TIE. Broail Street, two floors* below Sem en Si. DARIEN.. GEOIICGA. SHOP CL' b jp; AT 11 O’CLt ' Tv SUNDAY ; IIANKiNG THE CiTIZEN -bOX-' D.AR'KN AM; the public genera;:y, i. r ! ’’' ’ J! ■y' i S-,licit si continuance of the sann .. n .still d-avor to merit the patronage bestow, i üb';’; me in the future. luai -•' u ¥\.,h k iVINTEIIj IsrJ-5 EDWARD j . KENNEDY* 3E i SIM ’ISA AT TAE B .O £5. 12G Bror.jrhton Street, Savannah, Georgia. fNVITLS the r.tt ntion of his former patrons 4 anil He I ' hlic in general to Ids new soUcted stock of line English and Ercuch Digouslfn Cassi m ~ sand Ehni-y Vestings, all _of the oh<-r gooiis a hiptefl to the season, whicli v.il h 1:1 ■ : * up i order in the most approved fashion. -. i warranted as represented • si-plh-ly TnTQxr’Q p ' 'T’T? v T 1 ’ r .LA A A o axx A j_iU ji x MrArA A Ojij'L'a! Pooitp mmi OUiidl Jd^CAi Tim BEST INVENTION KNOWN FOR PRL -1 SERVING THE HEAD. A ! - ■ Si-.L'LINIi Metaiic Cases (two patents degactir tim- 'ic and handsomest in the market. ( r-tlias in Kouewood, MahogJiny, Lkiek t\ aluut. C< A a’ and common wot-ds. k *t p a lull as sortinent of till goods in our liu*-. A. A. ATWOOD vV: DUOS, augt-tf (Bread Street.) Darien, Ga. GEOU.G-IA McmTOSH CO. Or.ws.wv'a OrricE oi- kai?> County. ) March 2'Jth, IJU) TO ALL WHOM ir VIVA' CONCERN, BE IT known that C. A. Space. Ads .uistrator on the ■ ,:ai.■ 11f 15. A. Space, deccasiid. lii.o ot said Colin t* ajiplya for letters of Dismission. If no objec tion is‘filed I will ivass upon the same at lav office v ihin the time prescribed b> .aw. I.EWTS .IACKyN. aprlO-Sitt OMitrnr: Mclntosh C-uuy DAItIO, (xEOIsGIA, SATUEUAY milMSih AVlllh 21, 1875. CHRIS. MURPHY. CHAS. CLARK. / MURPHY & CLARK 9f* Bryan Street, rs mr Drayton, Suvannah, (korgia. nOVSE. SHIP, STEAMBOAT, SIGN AND Orna-men i7l Failityrs, GLAZING GILDING. GRAINING. MARBLING, and PAPEIS ILINGERB. We are pre]:aved to offer fstimatci Ii r every descrintion pi Painting in an.-, part of <iCi.v-ia. South Carolina aud Florida, and gilkrantee satis fa.-'tii'is in the execution of cur work. In Store a si h et siii' Ii of the followin'; ■■ •;< iclcs: PERK ENGT.TkH B. B. LKvD. ATLAN I’ll* si"d Gd I' .rI e' t - Is of Lend, OILS. V\bNISKEk. I’cTTI, i.e-i 'b C- HFS. KUHN; IK 1 . Uib pi .... i t’ ~v ,-b - put up ii ipcirl. pin t ai.d half pin' be; tl. •;. n-"- v for use. GROUND amITiNAMELUD GLASS, STAINED and PLAIN, of .arious colors. Double, aud Single thick French. English and American GL ASS. GOLD LEAF, BRONZE and Glaziers’ DIA MOX US. Machinery OIL and Axle OREALF. A select stoi k of Gold and Plain PAPER IIANG INGS. • persons desiring work and material in our line would do well to give us a call before going else where. LPAJ.X AND ORNAMENTAL £0 s r* Bi* D M Yj) / ’inA k Ks. F.x-v;ut.-d with neAueh'S ami dispat U. LADDERS! LADDERS! ? •' 1 'Vm 1 t if with (.‘.ir Ta : -:t and Oil ILnso will !-.o found a .rencral sortiaeiit of Ladders of ev ery dice ription, and at prices to suit purchasers. STEP LADDERS 80l lby us will he staim 1 to imita?•' F.iack V.'al t: lit., and lettered with the p< re base is uanie if de sired. orders from tic country promptly ; ; t h-d to, iebl3-rm B RE SNA IT’S iv :i G 5 h.;: a r-X L > J SAVANNAH, - - GEOSTIA. (OPPOSITE NEW MARKET,) 'i? 't TTr .'*j 1 1 <• r , a.“J \J 5 \j:. . i 4.-* kj Cc hay. fix;: r.Ait'i-- 'xn atyy nooys at.ways y ItEYDIViVS-i nil FAMIUKS A XL) t() ■ I ‘IIIHC il i. i j lA\ ELEIiS. ONE OF THE FINEST RESTAURANTS In the South attachto the Hi ■ co. Passengers and Paqqacjc carried FIiEE 01 CI!A RGE to (he Jlouse. CAUTION. To avoid being d.'cviw.d by drummers of otUor so-called Eurotx-an Houses. HE SEEK to auk for Omnibus with EKESNAN'S EUHOPEAN HOUSE on it. =: /!!■;* ■w' r.'yoo at ,ui *.a.as, l*r3>riWm*. ecpl !i. ly NEW • \ su/iliy J4Ui '.-sx>y 11j ERO A D i? T. DAR- CN, CA. ?]fAS lUSTOI'EXKO IN HIS NEW STOEE, A i full and cenivlete stock of Dry Goods, NOTIONS, O I* G> T* Zill 131 Q., Boots and J-’lioes, I lats Sc Caps, WHITE GOODS, Jhc. Also a full supply of Groceries, LTC J f J ORS, TO!:AGCO, CTGAES, Hardware, &c., &c.. * ysH April JOSEPH G-OETTE, Jnctoi ■- alters Warp-Eoom, 117 Rrouglito-a St., between Bui! and Whitaker, SAVANNNII, (■ EOIKI IA. & FINE and well selected stock Motalic, Mabog f- ouy, Walnut Grained au l Stained Oofilay Coflan plates and trimmings always on hand. .Neatest Hearses aud carriages furnished for fu nerals. Ice eases for preserving remains in the warmest weather. Romaum disinterred, box*d and shipped. Orders ir >m the country promptly attended to. Personal attention given to all or ders. and can be found at any time at the Vfare rooms. seplO-ly GEORGIA, McINTOSH CO. OUMKAIIY’S OKFICK Of SAID COUNTT. TAGOB ADAMS, ADMINISTRATOR ON THE n Estate of Kayman Hotholiilds, having p tition ed to be discharged from mid Administration ; nil persons who avo concerned are required, within the time fixed by law. to show cause if any they have, why the said Jacob Adams should not be discharges! secerning to the prayer of the peti tion. Given under mv hand and fiscal of Oldie, this 24th dav of March 1.-175. LEWIS .TACKSON, msa27-Hin Ordinary Mclntosh County. '"notice." CISATE OF IIEORGJ >.. Mi-Isxosn CotiN rr—ln ae *• . .rci'ni'O with L Vi-m tious rccautly received from Hon. Hi nrj B. Tompkins, Judge S. ('.. E. J, 0. G rgia, : ilar Spring 'J'rrni of this fMurl is ao; urued from Tuesday, the 27th, to Thursday, the! h day of :T. 1-75. Jurors, Witness* s, and all others interested will fid. du*- notice of the above. This Ugh da . of March. 1K75. ISAAC M. AIKEN. mar2(Keni Clerk. Notice to Pilots and Lis ters of Y<‘ssds. fjROM. ANT) AFTER '1 HIH DATE. ni.OTS WILT. 4 he r. quir dto anchor all vessels at Quaran tine Gr .ond, i mini,- lo (his Port. It .a. or having touched st Key 'Vest. Fla.. Havana. • any of the West India Island *—os- from any pus e, where poutagi' sor riLLmic diseases arc k >\vn ot up pospfl t > ♦•xist. Pilots and Ma-t *• of Wan.-L*, w*.U bo b 11 ri - idly rcßpoHsiblo 1 Hr any violation of tbo nbovo. JOS. H b. i-AREK, port PliyaiHr.ii. Darion, April 7 h. 787-*\ aprlO-tf * T rjinves Ci \ V YuQ OxiJtilv.’.J ' O D^YJ_!Jlsb* Fnrvr rui-rwA r ix .ili r is? ?>. GEORGIA—McIni jsh County. 1S 'ILL BE SOLD MIFORE THE COURT HOUSE VI Door in si! county, the Hiiiifi be ip.; the bnilclius; oetnpiorlas a stove in tile Uit ;oi J’siri en, l>y Botbchild* & Adams, on Ilia fir-.i Tues day in Via;, tlie same bnisif: the -it's Ray of May 1875. betiveen tlie 1 zal hours of sale, the undi \iiliM pit v- I I ••ViULun VV' il)'. suj.qioseil to be an un.-liviile i "i.-n seventh interest, more nr ess in and to tie***- three tracts of lam! situated in so'd eev'ty, ic n ii as the. Forest, Booriero and Briar .B.itch, cop l linins ait 'nether Fourteen Hundred e- re. more v-r loss, b;mush'd ea t by lauds of Mrs. 11. A. Uopkius, west by tli" l ::; J? of R. K. V\. . r.T. ’>. TeSse aud Geerqe R, M. Don ald, and south b; lends of Airs. IX, A. Hoplfius, aid the estat e < S. W. Wile in. '.iso, all the undivided interest, of the said William c. veyily, supposed to be a:i uu livided ; -.ns lialf iiderest. more or less, in ; ’•! to the fi 1- I lowing Trap's, I'.u’. els au>.l i'ts ii ia id : Two | lots of land sitaated on the lower part of Gesier ! I’s Island, in said county, containing together , 560 acres morn or less, bounded so • tli and south by the Aitamaza River west by lands of A. S. I • hillock, west by the Aliamaha Rivir and Gener- I al’s Cut. I Also, One tract, of land siiuatel in said county. ! eouiainiiH? IzO aer l s more or le- s, bounded north by 1 road from Darien to Low- r Bluff and pro ; _ canal, east by lands formerly belonging !i . r!n i-stat 1 of -James Hauiilt m, deceased, and 1 : • rtii bran -h of Aitaniaha Rl\ r, wi st by a ca -;: i l laud formerly of .Tn'>. E. Gce.u, said tra. is known u "Cellar Hill Plantation.” Also, two oi lier tracts known by numbers IS and G. in survey eS Thomas McCall, eiiuat' and on Gen erals Island in said county, containing together 749'< acres, more or less, formerly Use property General Lachlan Mclntosh. Also, the following lots of land situated in Dari en, formerly Mclntosh Town in said county, lots on Bav street, number, 11. 12, Id, 14. and 15, First tvthhig lots numbered 1, 2. 4. 5, G, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Lots E. F. Tything lots numbered 1, 12, fi, 4,5, G, 7,8, 9. 10,11, 12, with all the appur tenances thereto belonging. Also the aforesaid undivded interest in said lots, tracts,auo parcels of land with the appurti - nances, 1. vied upon as the property ot the said William C. Wylly, to satisfy two fa fa •. issued out "f Mclntosh Superior Court, one in favor of Jiil lon Jr Stetson for the use of Bryan k Hunter, vs. William C. Wylly, and the other in favor John Deary (o. Ttt To I. Kuap]> and Brothers, Trans ferees,) vs. William C. Wylly. Witness my oilicial signature this January 28th, 1875. JAMES il. BENNETT, ipar 27th-tf Sheriff Mclntosh County SHERIFFS SALE. BE SOLD BLFORi: THE < OF FIT HOUSE V v door in the rit * n, the s:nu* i •in*' the * toro orrupii <1 by R-itlirhilds & A lania, * a the i Tuw.laj i t May next, the following propc*rts\ to -1 v.'it: One tx’a.’t ">f’.'.vd sTnatcl in the 271st District j Cr. M. t ff and If.t -li > maty, c-'ntaitiing one hun dred acr s }•• .< < rji Jniown and and. j . t o.'i; '• ■! as follows: North by lands i • . I• ■ ; a ■' ■ i W. On ot, i. * I>> i 1 j u : IriiFiiuson, West by lands of r- ; ii rid,. l-\ ie.i on .:i '• r an execution issued roia : ■ • ivor of B. E. ii. Dt Adiiiiiiistrat’ir of T. 6. Hd.l-1, *ie ceabi ct, vs. Moses D. Hams. .TAMES If. BENNKTT. aprd Sheriii' Mriutorh County. jAttCiitioii Meliitosli td :'d !; r'S sion" j!S. I VOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO MEET AT i y *ur inrade ground in front of the office of ; F.pping, B- iias A (to., ou th*: of the Br;l of May. at 10 r \ hose hafvin • uniforms | nill uf.j •ar in them. At 11 o’clock t will be | inspc* :• ti ( 1 arms. I ri’l It 12 o’chck. and tlie Tollman: i will commence at 2 o'clock, p m. ld.i!l in the evening at 8 o’clock at tho : ilia ll*.use By order of ALLEN M< DONALD, < avtai u \V. A. Way, Ord. r. apr r 7 3t gkEa SISoXiNS W AUCTION l CALL AND SEE 0 yp ft p jin ? COPi BROAD AND JACKSON STS. AfHIXRE HE WI ’. mEEER AT AUCTION EV- * cry ni:t ladies’ ao ; Geutb Iloisery, Umler Shirts and Br*r.vc-rS, Sl:atfl, Linen Damask. Wool en and Oil Table Covers. Handkerchief* and Napkins, and Unbleached Sh */ : e y, Hard ware, Table and Tocket Cutlery, and Notions of every discretion. Safes will continue every night until tha en tire stock **l *?ed <-rit. Mi i uilS'L! i;i ISKNBTUCs. ; ,i*rlL • f Vnctiori, . rc Human Aefiectioin?. Many pc pie are fond of affecting to be that which they are not, and of aileetiii!;- a taste for things they care little about. The affectation of a taste for art, for instance, is very common. Nothing goes down with them but art, and moral qualities are ascribed to shapes and colors beating even those which the Greeks ascribe to music. People given over to this affectation dress like pictures badly done, and talk of books, men and actions alike as if they were pictures. The women care more about the cut of tlfier children’s hair than about tlicir health or ihier education; and eve rything which has not the right kind of line or the right kind of col lor is immoral, and he is not to be discarded who has not the ‘actj ect vie w s thereon. The affection of dogs is also a grievous one. Dogs am the posses sors of all the human \ ,Lures, and men aiv only dogs with vices super .m! led; dog'7 full 1 the purposs of . f:., ; .i ;ve so far a suc cess; man, with liis eoiifused theo ries, his juistakeh religions, his crimes, his difficult: is a failure, lienee dogs are superior to men, and men might kneel to a eaiiine deity with more reason than the Hindoos worship a monkey god. Cunt nisi this with the affectation which pro" s- *an impossible love for nil iiumauity; Avliioh linds the sourest invalid intcres; mg, the den- V.est blox-khead instructive, the silli est featherhead charming; which professes to honor the ideal man in bis very vices, and to talk tall talk on the race of plunn less bipeds which makes them almost gods. The one is as insincere am the other, both are utter foolishness. The af tt ion of iil-iic a ill), with faultless digestion and rove-red cheeks, is by no means a rare form among men and women craving for undue sym pathy. It takes a more commenda ble line when a man declares he was never better in his life, caver nous eves and cadaverous cheeks, and one foot already in the grave. In this, at. least, we may see the travesty of <- uiage, and we cannot refuse to praise the pluck that dies game to the last. If tlie truth, in its confession of illness, would be even a manlier and more courageous thing than this af fectation of wholeness, being so sick, it is better than the converse spoken of before; and in a list of thixigs all undesirable, we are grateful for the. least bail. The affectation ol humility, which disparages all it lias and all it is in favor of others far below it, is detestable and irrita ting. And the affectation of supe riority, assuming to be better than everyone else, and to have tlie best and most beautiful things that can be procured —-the affectation of rea ring broods of swans out of two or three goose-eggs —is also detestable and instating, giving wild desires for icon ocl as ni, and an iron deter mination to appraise things at tliier real v due. Then there is the affec tation which talks about the ideal and how we ought to try and live up to (his ideal, and how all lite should be a search after it, and all laws founded on it. All this is in bad taste, mid ought to be amended. Away with all shams. Let us be sine re. B©The activity of the young is like that of rail ears in motion. They t ar on with ecus’ s care and tur o j behii 1 ;hem. [’l: f;uict: nooks preserved by thoml' A; .luxolud' as they pass and recover it o lly on tlii r depar uro. Time’s best gift to use is seren ity. guylt is stated that in Milwaukee they climb e ver the backs of ben< lies and chads in meeting houses to get at sinners in tin- corner. 'W ncti tlie sim ; ; and slge and craw! under the seals the scrambling that takes place '■nthe iloor scares all t.,x r its out of ihe cellar, and Thanksgiving day comes onee a week for MdwatiKCe (‘.‘it S. Sri?* Some two years ago, Mrs. Morgan, who lives ou Wolf creek, in Giles county, Va., gave birth to tive male children at one time. They are tiUliving, are rot deformed, are i■■ f go;id con sti tut ii m, and as sprighlty as well-fed kittens. I A Spirited W arren County, O. young lady asserted her beli f in woman s rights by dragging her j father down stairs because he disap proved of round daures. JfciT „Died in n vain attempt to twist the tail of a mule,” is a Wes tern obituary on the unfortunate. A•" i vrs p; :u-tic tl joke; $2.50 A YEAR, Bijah Indignant-A Sad Case. “Mho did that?” asked Bijah, as a woman with a black eye came in and sat down. “My husband—he hit me with his first,” she replied the tears coming into her eyes. “He—did —eh?” mused the an cient janitor, putting eat eif fingers toward her eye. “Yes he did.” “Well,” continued Bijah, growing red in the face, “it’s mighty good for some of these grizzlies that I liaint. a woman! Do you know, mis sus, that if I were a fond wife and mother, and my darling husband should come home from his daily labor and black my eye that I’d hit him with the whole woodshed at once? Yes I would, missus! About the time he struck me he’d think a meeting house had tumbled over him! Ye£ missus, it’s a good thing for these old wife-pounders that my father wasn’t a woman!” And he walked up and down, breathing hard, and clenching the broom han dle with Jin awful grip. His honor came in, growling about the weather, ane as soon as he got his Overcoat off he look* and over the warrants like a wagon run ning down Ijm.\ and called for the first man to put in an appearance* This individual happened to be John Bucher, a tangled haired thin wais ted young iuan of twenty summers* or so. “You seem to bo sad,” remark - t l his Honor as lie looked over the desk. I —l don’t feel a bit well,” replied John. “Being drunk last night and ly ing oil the walk for three or four hours didn’t help your general health any did it?” “Oh, sir ! I’m sorry, and I want to go right home to Shiawassee county ! moaned the prisoner. “You got drunk—broke a win dow -had a light—fell down —bit the officer and if you think you can get out of here without a scratch you’re as badly deceived as the bear which hugged a stone man.” “I—l know I shan’t live long ii I’m sent to jail !” gasped John. “ J hey keep a lawyer up there to make wills, and they have one of the Ik 1 sextons in the west,” ans wered his honor. “Justice cries for vengeance, and lhjah shall chalk “six; y days” on your back. Here’s an old jack knife which the police took away from you, and in case of your death it will be duly labelled and cent by express to your frien its. Theory and Practice. The Rev. T. DeWitt Tulmage, the Boanerges of the Brooklyn pulpit, is tremendously disgusted with the newspapers for printing the details of the Beecher-Tilton trial. Ho preached a sermon last Sunday, from which we extract the following: Brooklyn to-day eats scandal, drinks scandal, talks scandal, swears scandal, lies scandal, sleeps scandal, and from Fulton Forrv to Bushwick, and from Gowanus to Hunter’s point, the city is paved with scandal and reeks with scandal, until one is J* opted to go o v r to the Five Points to get a breath of pure air. [Sensa tion.] There are five thousand carrion crows which alight every morning at eleven o’clock on the top of the court house- and .--ay there until four o’clock in the afternoon, and these carrion crows fly north, south, east, west, with an exultant “caw, caw, caw,” [Applause.] Eternal God, when will surging, groaning, stupendous, ovi rwheliu ing nastiness come to an end? The city needs a thorough fumigation, will somebody burn a rag [laugh ter], or carry about a shovel and lighted charcoal for the stockholders of newspapers, which build them selves on such hell-broth? I prophecy eventual bankruptcy or domestic ruin or discomfiture in the world to c- une, or all threer God will be e ven with you in some way. Money made in publication of these perpet ual, pestiferous indecencies will, in the end, be not only death to those who read them, but death to those who print them. Clod will get it away from you if he has to chase you into hell for it. Waiting for no oth er man to do his duty, let us do ours. Kick the infernal stuff out of the house. [Applause.] A man was found dead in the cellar of of a newspaper ofiiee, the other clay. They found a poem in his pocket beginning, “Spring: beautiful spring,” and a verdict of justifiable homicide v< neb i