The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, February 23, 1866, Image 3
dawsom journal. j J aW S)N T ANARUS, * ■ A., FEBRUARY 2:i, IS6C, «r The legal advertising of Terrel! county II hereafter be published in the “ Dawson Jour wl „ T. M Jonks, Ordinarv. ■>»*• J. C. F. Clark, C. S. C. M. W. Kknnicpt, Sheriff. W. J. Adams, C. I. C. pigpLATKn Adviktiskmsnts.—' We display our ,]rertisementa so as to till the space contracted ", r bv advertisers. If a column is contracted for , P advertisement is displayed to that amount. If ou l v one or two squares is contracted for, of course lhe ' re will be proportionate display. We return our thanks to those journals which have favored us by exchaaging, and hope (hd others receiving this number will be as good. New Advertisements. Groceries and provisions—good articles, nt moderate prices—J. R. Janes. ]}rv goods, groceries, &c., at wholesale ,nd retail—King, Crim & Cos. Groceries, confectioneries, dry goods etc at Woolbright, Wiseman & Harden’s. Go to Greer & Gaddy’s for your family groceries and provisions. j 11. Zeilin & Cos., wholesale druggists. Fire arms, fishing tackle, etc. —D C Ilodgkins & Sons, Macon. Dawson Hotel—Ch Raushenberg. Capt J. A Allen, watch repairer. Rigging, rope, salt—J W Fears & Cos. Fresh arrival at Greer & Lake s. Dr. C. A. Cheatham —professional. Fine residence for sale—D II Farurr. Notice to deb'ors —D II Farmer. Dr I) H Farmer—professional Dr Ch Raushenberg—professional. Livery and sale stable—W W I" arnum Simmons & Coker, attorneys at law. Administrator’s sale—W IV I arnum. James Spence, attorney at law. Six horse wagon for sale—T I’ Burge See legal notices of G A Lofton. The Exile Camp For Sale. It will he seen in our advertising columns that the Inferior Court has ordered the sale 0 [ t|,j s extensive camp, in compliance with : resoluti nos the General Assembly. It embraces f Tty-five acres of good land, is , h!uated immediately on the in the suburbs of town. Sunday Fracas. (Jn last Sabbath a crowd of negroes o irjcgated together about the Depot, (as they usually do, on Sundays,) and in the exercise of their rights and privileges, ns freedmen, got into a pretty general fight, during which some twe or three of them were badly cut with knives. Mayor Brown, w th his couneilmcn gave them to understand, on Monday, that they could not b© allowed to take such pr’ui eges with each other. Chance for a Fortune —Brown & Cos , at Simmons’ old stand, offer an opportunity " an immense amount of jewelry, ■ silver ware, nnd other valuable articles fi r "lie dollar each. Go round and get a No. 1 viileli, or something as good, for one dollar. It The nurse at the si ;k bedside will tnd refreshing relief by u«irg Prophylactic Fluid, in bathirg ail unpleasant smells and , o-lers fr>m the pvient, bod, night chairs, 1 clothes, will he removed, renovating the air, ■ :i and preventing disease form spreading, and the patient from being (ff cted by d’sagrec- j tide effl ivias I in: Xkw Your News.—Mr. J. J. Ilill, alio is at prcs'nt on a Southern tour for he advancement of the interest of thi-* stor ing conservative journ 1, was in our 'ity on Monday Inst, and we we o easel to learn that he was meeting with Uttering success in this section. Xo paper a die North occupies a bolder or mere pa riot'c position in regard to our present ■ 'iit’cnl status, and every Southern man n vim* of a reliable newspaper from the S'ortb.evn metropolis, should subscribe for ite News. Collection for Mrs. I>avi<i. The following amounts have been col feted in Dawson, by Mrs. Glass and Airs. Vooten, for the benefit of Mrs. Jefferson bvis: Mrs. E. Brown, 10; Mrs. Hiers, 1 00; fra. E. W. Weston, 1 00; Miss A. Lassi ‘T, \ 00; Mrs. Johnson, 1 00; Alias Lillie fohnson, ] 00; Mrs. M. Reddick, I 00;' Irs. Bishop, 1 00; Airs. L. Rogers, 1 00 Its. Hunch, 1 00; Mrs. A. O. Garrard, 00; Mrs. J. Weston, 1 00; Mrs. M. r ™e,t 00; Miss S. Prince, 1 00; Airs. 1 U- Crim, 1 00; Mrs. Peeples, 1 00; ,r ’‘- Cobb, 1 00; Airs. S. Adams, 1 00; B rs Hauchenberg, 1 00; Mrs C. E Ben- B lin ’ 1 00; Mrs. 11. Harris, 1 00; Mrs. B-M Harper, 1 00; Mrs. L. A. Tram ■j* 1 00; Mrs. C. A. Cheatham, 1 00; B'' 1 1 ■ T. Christian, 1 00; Mrs. E. Chris ■M 00; Mrs. L. Janes, 1 00; Miss F. 1 00, Mrs. V. Glass, 1 00; Mrs. I ' r,() ten, 1 00; Miss P. Mercer, 1 00; L. E. Cobb, 1 00; Mrs. Clark, 1 00; B Whitaker. 1 00; Mrs. J. M. Sim- J 00; Miss A. Ivey, 1 00. her Ladies, wishing to contribnte to B' 1 hie cause, may lanve their contribu- d * hhis office, nnd a weekly report will B n ‘"le °f the amounts received. I COMMERCIAL. H: ® aw, *n Colton Tlarkot. H ma 'ket tema'.ns inactive, with limited sales r -ents. L ®ni«villle Market. »'2 jr f Wh ' a . t for new red, and ■Win nn,?r pr,me "*>>-*• Corn 55a8i, arcoad »W ‘ ,'P ar "' *' > c*Htv. Barov. —Shoulders I I *" c,far «"!<■» Olltq ; bams I'll. New Livery aod Sale Stable, STOCK BOUGHT( DAWS O IST , GrJL. D« W. W. FAItNUM, keeps good stock, good vehicles, and good drivers, and is prepared to sen and passengers to any of the ad joining counties. Hacks at tho Depot on the ar rival of each train. feb 28 ly LABOR QUESTION SEITLEI). Use one Third Labor-Raitc three Tiausi tiie Crop. BY USING CROISMLE’B PHOSPHATE LIME. THIS has been prove,: bv actual, experiment, See Southern Field and Fireside, January, 1881, and Holton Planter, February, 1801. In one of the worst, years for this experiment, it produc ed on one acre of land, in Houston County, a gain of 361 pounds over unmanured land, and 10 per cent more cotton than any of the six different Manures used ss a test at the time along wiih it. Sold at New York cost, with freight sod ex penses added, by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., feb 23-1 m Macon, Ga. MORE"NEVA GOODS! 28 bbls. and half bbla B. W. and Rye Flour. 42 bbls, half bbls. and boxes fresh Crackers. 83 boxes and caddies Fine Tobacco. 19,575 Havana and Domestic Segars. 91 large eacks Liverpool Salt. 146 cases fine Brandies, Whiskies and Wines 27 baskets and cases Champaigne Wine. 83 cases Claret Wine, (best brands.) 13 casks and case Jeffre’s Ale and Porter. IS bbls of that Extra Cane SYRUP. All the above in store, and more coming, and we must eel!. Como and see. V. GREER & LAKE, No. 1, Granite Range, - 3m Third St., Macon Ga, _ _ 4* BAGGING AND ROPE. SO BALKS GUNNY BAGGING, Will sell at Reduced I’rico to Close Out. 250 coils Machine Rope. L.wer than can bs put dostn ‘rom Louisville. (JJI and tec aud fiud it O K. VV. FEARS &. CO. SALT: SALT! SALT! 100 barrels VIRGINIA SALT, Will be dosed out low to make room for CORN, FLOUR AND HAY, To arrive. J. W. FEARS & CO. M-.oon, Ga. 2 3m* FIRE ARMS! D. C. HODGKINS <fc SONS, MACON, CA., Manufacturers, Dealers in and Importers of ft HVS_Dout>le »nd single muzzle and breech- | loading Shot Guns; Allen’s, Wesson's i and Maynard’s breech-loading R flea. . riSTOlrS —Colt’s, Smith k Wesson’s, Der« ringers, and other pistols. 100,000 Gun 'Wadding—Kiev’s, Baldwin's, and ; Talker's wade. 100,000 Cartridges—Smith k Wes ton’s, and other cartridges. 250,000 Percussion j Caps—Kiev’s ground edge, and other caps. Cishihtf Tackle— 100.000 Hooks, 5,000 : yards Silk, and *5,000 yards cotton, linen and grass linen Bobs, corks, etc. Pocket and Table Cutlery— Razors, | Powder Flasks, shot pouches, powder and shot, I caps, lead, tc , 4. Gun and Pistol Material all at in ducements to tbe trade. D. C. HODGKINS k SONS. t Mulberry Street, Macoc, Ga. TERRELL SHERIFF SALE. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH next, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Dawson, Terrell ccunty, the follow ing property to-wit: One lot of land, number sixtystwo, in the Eleventh District of originally Lee, now Terrell county. Sold as the property of Wm. M. Petty, nnder a ti fa issued Irom the Jus tice Court of the eleven Hundred and fifty-fourth and strict, G. M., of said county, in favor of N. H. Beal, Agent, vs. Win. M. Petty, Jared rrwin and Thomas Caldwell. Property pointed out bv Jared Irwin. M. W. KENNEDY, Feb IS Ida Fberriff. i NEW YORK STORE! llllill KING, CRIM & GO., (Successors to J. W. Bufihiton A Cos.) GA. WE keep the largest and most intensive assort ments of HI HOIS In this Market. We have, For the Ladies, French, English an«l American Prints. Silks Merinos, Wool D-Liios, Empress Cloth, Embroderi is, Licet, Ribbon*, Hats, Artificial Flowers, Plumes, Nu bias, Hoods, Bonnets, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Ilat Trimmings of all varieties, Shoes of all Kinds, Balmoral*, Polkas, Buckle Congress Gaitcrp, Glove Kid Anklets, Etc , Fancy Toilet -A.rti.cles ! Handkerchief Extracts, Cel 'guc, Hair Oil, Dyes, etc, etc. Tho mo.t c raj la'e asEorlroent to be found in South-Western Georgia. -And SOLD For Crentlemen. We have a large and varied assortment ol flats, Caps, BOOTS and SHOES, Cloths, Casimeres , &r., For Coats, Pants, and Vests. Together with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. Wo also keep a full and complete stuck of HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, TABLE AND POCKET CTJTLERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GROCERIES* A splendid lot of Rio and Java Coffee, Sugar, from common to the finest quality, Tea, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Snuff, CIUARS A.D TUB.ICCO. TIN’WARE. In fact, a general assortment of goods suited to the market, both for the Wholesale aud Retail Trade. We will put up any goods in our lino to Country Merchants at MACON PrtICESI Give us a call. Wo arc determined that no house ir. South Western Georgia, shall | undersell us. Feb - ’ tnn THE LATEST YET! o HARPER & BARHAM, DAWSON, GA. C, \\J E take this method of announcing to the V T public that we have just received a large and SI VII Selected Stock ot DRY GOODS ! Consisting in part of PACIFIC DkLAIXS, ALI.- WODL DkLAIN’3, Cftlieoes, French, English and American Prints, Byadere Stripes, French and Saxouia Piaids, Ac., &c. Also, a fine lot of Notions! Motions! Consisting of Dress Buttons, Agate Buttons ; Fine, Coarse, Round and Tuck Combs, Hair Nets, etc. Also, a good stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery ! A CROCKERY AND SLASS WARE! in Short, Everything the Eoepte *Yeed, tee expect to keep, at [the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES! tIT The citizens of Dawson and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and Examine Our Stock, Before purchasing elsewnere, as we think wa cau make it to their interest to do so, by selling .#* Cheap, if not CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY 1 ! •V. it. —We will Barter Ooods in our line for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, AT TIIE MARKET PRIC E. NEW ARRIVAL! Grind Stones, Coffee Mills, Children's Carriages, English jand American Prints, French Curst-, Knives and Forks, Collins Axes, Improved Sif.ers, Weeding Hoes. Colt's aud other celebrated Patent Pistols, And many other articles of a useful nature. Febis fi'u HARPER k BARHAM. WOOITA & lIOYL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - ly Dawson, Ga. F. ?I. ILtKFDIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAWSON, TERRELL fO., GA. Will tjivf' n-ompt attention to all busintM f*n triiflted to his care. ? ly. LOYLESS & CRIM, W A. I t E HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAWSON, GA. AVrILL buv and «e!l all kind" of Produce and \V Lands in Southwestern Georgia. E B. LOYLESS, J B CRIM. 2 2m. J. G. 8. SMITH, GUN SMITH AND Machinist. HJH’.'iO.r, : : Georgia. Repairs all kinds of Guns, Pistols, Sewing Ma chines, etc., etc. 2 ly. J. E. LOVLUSS, SHIPPING AND PURCHASING ALGhJE^T, Datrson, : •* ; Georgia. Will attend to Shipping and Buying Cotton. 2 2m B F. KING-, REAL ESTATE AGENT, DAWSON, G A., OFFERS for sale 15,000 acres No. 1. Cotton Lands, situated in South-wealern Georgia, upon which is ien good settlements, with STOCK AND j’ROVISIONS, ! and well supplied with hands, for a crop tbe pres ent year. Also, 4000 Acres of the best Mineral l.ands in North Geor gia ; some of which ip testing, has found to pay from 2 to 10 dwt. of Gold to the hand per day.— Apply to B- F KING, feb. 16. 2 Dawson. Ga. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP DAWSON, GEORGIA- Tj. ATKINSON, TS prepared to do a I work in his line in a supe rior Stvle. Neat fits warranted. Price# reaa enable. Shop on Msin street, in 4be o«ice fnrm erlv kno«u is Bail)'* Law office. 2 -ou B. n. WRIGLIEY, W. L. KXOTT. ■ WRIGLEY & KNOTT, INF OUTERS AND DKALKS IN UHVunicnuir HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ULIEDERS’ HARDWARE, M.eehanics' Tools, &c„ UALSTON’S GRANITK RANGK, Next to Exp rest Otfice, IVlaoon, - - - - Georgia. We have just received a splendid assort ment of Goods in our line, all of which | will be sold at LOW RATES. CUTLERY. A Splendid assortment of Docket Knives, Table Knives, Knives and Forks, Razors, Scissors, Sheur.-, Pruning Setts, etc., etc , For sale by WRIGCEY & KNOTT. House Furnishing Goods. • Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, Woolen Ware, I Plated Ware, Baskets, Brooms, Seives, ! Spice Boxes, Brass Andirons, Cast Fire Dogs, Shovels & Tongs, Fire .-binds, Fen iers, Aleut Cutters, Egg Beaters, Milk Boilers, Mats, Rugs, And a thousand other things too numer ous to mention. Just received and for sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. PLANTATION HARDWARE. Trace Chains, llarnes, Axes, Hatchets, Augers, All Bright Cast Steele Hoes, Half Bright Cast Steele Hoes, Bradley’s Celebrate Hoes, Stijicrior to Scovill'l. Tongue, Fifth, Breast, Stay, Stretcher and Log Chains, Anl all other articles nee lei by planters, in our line WRIGLEY&KNOTF. Febls 2 3m GKEAT ISPUCJMEm ! DR Y GOOI) S ! VEKV CUEAF! BY MANN & WHEATLEY. mHK subscribers, in order to make room for I their Spring Stock, now offer great induce ments to purchasers. Their present stock will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, and in it will bo found a gen eral assortment of such goods as are wanted by every one. In DRY GOODS. CALICOES, FANCY DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, AI.PAOCAS, GINGHAMS, ETC. Family Groceries. Sugar, Coffer, Starch, Pepper, Sotia, .10 sacks Liverpool Salt. A lpt of Flour, extra family, etc. CLOTHING Will be sold at cost. Also, a well selected j stock of Crockery and Glassware. Call and see what you have saved by waiting. C ABTIjSTGS. A fresh supply of various kinds just received, and offering at low prices. 2 6rn Dnwson, Ga. IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, GO TO B. M'DONALD'S FAMILY EHOCERY! DAWSON, CUV. He keeps constantly on band, SUGAR, , COFFEE, BACON, LAUD, FLOUR, TEA, SALT, PEEPER, sri c k , TOI3A.CCO, &c., Also, All Kinds of CONFECTIONERIES. Those wishing to hagter Country Produce, will do well to give him a call. TRY 7I«I»OYAI.IW if von tmilf I ft 00!> BARGAIN*. Feb Id :tm NEW MG STORE UNDER TnE MASONIC IIALL. DAWSON, GA. DE. P JERKY MAN, Dealer in Foreign and Homeslic DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, ETC, ETC., ETC. FINE LIQUORS, Superior Wines nnd ISrandics, For Medioiaal Purpose*. 1 Living received a large nnd well selected stock lain ready to supply I'll) sicilllis and Fam. ilios with select aud choice medicine of every kind. Also, On Hand and (o Arrive, Dre Wood and Dye Stuff*. White Lead and paints ot all color'. Linseed, Farmer’s, Train, Neat* foot, Kerosene, and Cator Oil. Snirits of Turpentine, nnd Varnishes. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. SOAP, Castile and a large variety of Superior Toilet, and Shaving Soap, delightfully perfumed. For the Ladies, Cologne and handkerchief extracts in usual va riety. llair Oils and Pomades. Hair in?igorator*, Itestorators, aud Dyes. Tooth, Nail, aud Hair Brush as. Magnolia Tablet, Lily White, Meen Fun and Rouge Ball 9. Extracts lor flavoring. Physicians orders will receive prompt attention and all prescriptions put up with particular care. STATIONERY. A l&rge supply constantly on hand. J. D. L. PERRYMAN, Dawson, Ga. HENRY HORNE, .V.ICO.V, GEOitGIA, wnOI.ESALI DEiLIK IS GROCERIES & CONFECTIONARIES, comi'Himirr. OFFKRS TO TIIE TRADE, till) Bbls. F,x. Family Flour, at sl6 O 0 pr bbl. , 100 “ Plain “ “ at 14 00 “ “ 100 “ Superfine Flour at 12 60 “ “ 10 “ A-Sugar at 27 ct*. per lb. 10 “ B “ at 26 cts. “ “ •25 “ c “ at 23 cts. per lb. 26 half bbls. Extra No, 2 Mack-re! at sll 50 per kitt. BO Kitts N0.’65, Mack'l.. .at 450 “ “ 25 sack prime K'O Coffee, at 37 per lb. 20 boxes Glass, Bxlo at 850 per box. 20 “ 960 “ “ 13 •' “ 12x16 at 11 60 “ “ 20 gro'S E. parlor matches at 700 pr gross SO “ Shanghia “ at 600 “ “ 25 kegs sup. tlarb, Soda, at 17 00 per keg, 1200 lbs. * “ “ ia quarter lb. paper it 12 00 per box. 2p>oo lbs. prime Codfish in boxes 100 lbs each. . . .at 16 00 per box. 40 baskets Charles Heid sick Champaign at 25 OOabasket. 60 barrells Pikes Magnolia Whiskey at 325 per gab 29 barrells Old Bourbon, at 4 50 to 6 OO | 160 barrells Salt, at 8 cts per lb. 60 boxes Seafa at 16 uto per lb. 6o boxes fix. Family Soapat 21 cts per lb. 20 barrells Copperas. . . .at 10ct a perlb. Together with a general assortment of Groceries and Confectioneries, consisting in Spices, Pickles, Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters. Crackers, llome-roadr Candies, Fancy Candies, Fruits in Cans, Seefttrs from * 10 OO to tjtlOO OO per Thousand. It ICGDIG, ROHE. CANDLES, TWINE. AC., All of which is off-red at greatly reduced prices. O.ders, with the Cash, will be filled promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. JUST RECEIVED. 100 bbls. extra Superfine flour, 25 “ Choice extra fl >ur, 20 “ C iba Cane Syrup, st* “ nsaorted Sagtr, 5 hhds. •• 50 bbls. Irish Potatoes, (choice,; 10 •- Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, 50 kitts do do. 5 casks Bacon SiJe*, 25 bbls. Whiskey, favorite Brands, lo “ B 'nr6on and R»e Whisky, 100 Cases L quora, con-sting of Old Bourbon aud Rve Whi.-kr, Old Cognac, Catawba and R t.iult Brand', (»:and Sherrv, i’orr, Madeira, Claret tnd Catawba Wines, 8 Baskets Piper Heidsiek Champttgus, 20 Cases assorted Pickle, 10 “ Ale afid Porter, 20 dozen boxes Sardines, 5 “ cans Fresh salmons, 5 “ Pine Apples, 20,000 Cigars, assorted, 50 Bags Kio Coflee, 500 lbs. Powder. ],OOO lbs. Drop and Buck Siiot, 60 boxes Tobacco, Stal sacks Fab, 59 Coils Rope, 3n boxes and barrels Crackers, 50 boxes Herrings, to kegs Nail-, 100 lbs Snuft. Herrings, Raisins, Pepper, Spice, Giijger, Madder, etc., etc. In addition to the above we keep constantly on hand a large and well selected Stock of Dry Goods of everv description. Clothing, Hus, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Saddlery, Harness, etc. And in tact we are prepaired lo furnish almost, every variety of Goods, at the lowest market prices. We *eit ex clusively for rash, and eohoit a call before making purchase* etnewhere, SOLOMON A PKAKRE. ' Feb. U>, lin Kufaula. At*