The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, March 16, 1866, Image 3
DAWSON JOURNAL. GA., MARCH 16,1806. r*- The Sheriff Seles of I-ce county will here be published in the Dawson Journal. W. C. GILL, Sheriff. Mv legal advertising for Calhoun county will*hereafter bo published in the Dawson Journal. W, E. Griffin, March 10th, 1866. Ordinary. - • Now Advertisements. Dr J- L. D. Ferryman offers his services CB prescribing physician. Me Elroy & Bubers, Macon—Tin, sheet iron, copper ware, etc. J. N. Seymour, Macon—Groceries and provisions. Fears, Lawton & Co.—Furniture, car peting, canton matting, oil cloth, etc. Henry Horne, Macon, has just received n large lot of plows, groceries and confec tioneries, etc., which Vie offers cheap, Keating, Gale & Co.—St. Louis. Whisky. Tobacco, segars, etc.—Wilbur, Pease & Cos. St. Louis, Cairo and Johnsonville Packet Company. Redding & Wells, grocers and produce dealers —Macon. Metropo'itan Enterprise—Gift Sale. Administrators’ Sales. Why suffer so languidly laying in bed during sxkness and convalescn-e, when by bathing with a small quan ity of Prophylac tic Fluid, added to tbo water, will o great ly refresh and invigorate you, making the skin softand whiio. New Orleans now has a population larger by sixty thousand than ever before, Galveston and ether Texan cities are full to overflowing, and the same is said of Mem phis, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta, and all the towns of the South-west. COl ATT JUDGE. WE are authorized to announce the name of J. Jtl. SimraoilS, for the office of Judge of the County Court for Terrell eouutv. EUc ion first Wednesday in May next. marl6,td gg—raacHOgME mm li*ra Dawson I*rices Current. Corrected Weekly by W. F. OUR. Cotton '-’5 a3O Gold 30 aBS g *5 a3O Friars, 30 aS3 I)-L‘dues 35 aSO Scotch Ginghms 60 a75 Lancaster 4 a45 Coats’ Thread, 125a 150 Rheetsne, ’. 35 mB7) Oiuaburgs, 34 a35 Factory Yarns,.B6oa4OO Eicon, 20 a 25 C, rB ’ 1 25a 135 Superfine, 13 a 16 Rice ..........' 5 al3 Tea 1 50 a2 So Sutfar,'Brown,..2o a2B Coffee, 38 a4O Coffee' Sugar,. . .30 a33 Candy, 50 a75 Byrup, canP 76 aBO Cheese, 80 a4O “ sorghum 40 a6O S,al f , 4a 4| Bagaiug, Kem’y,4o a45 M. ckeret, |bbl,lS a It, “ Gunn>,4s aSO Sweet Potato' s6oa 75 J> o pa, 25 aBO Butter, 30 a4O Candles, S ar,. .36a 60 Eggs, 20 a25 Tilluw 12p» 15 Beeswax, 20 a26 Dried Fruit, 10 als Soap, turp’i,tinc2o a25 .Tobacco, 50a 125 Nails, 13a 15 Snuff, 100 nl 75 Shot 20 a25 Whiskey 300a 850 Powder, ..60 a75 Coperas, 10 a 15 I I. al 20 a 25 £od» 18 a25 j K‘rosine,.... 1 50 a 200 Metropolitan Fn terprlse. GREAT GIFT SATE OF THR NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jeweler*’ Association, Capital : : : ¥1.000,000. Depot 107 Broadway. An immense stock of Piar.os, Watches, Jewelry. *nd Fancy Cioods, all to 4,p sold for one dollar »»eh, withour regard to valu", aud not to be paid for till sou see wliat jou will receive. Crrtifica es, naming each article, and its value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed.— One of these envelopes will be sent bv msil to anv addr-ess on reci ipt of 2a cents; five for #i ; clev.a for 12 ; itiirlv for $5; t-iX'.t-five for llu ; and one hundred for Jls. On receipt of the certificate sou will see what you arc going to have, and then *t is at your option to pay the dollar and take tie erncle or not. Purchasers may thusob'a'n a Gold Watch, Diamond Rin , a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any net of Jewelry on our list, for $1 ; and in Bo caae can thev get lees tban a One Dollar’s woith as there are no blanks Agents are wanted in ever? town in the coun try ; every porson ran make $lO a dav, selling our s*riificateS in the greatest salo of Jeweity ever Inown. Send 25c. for a rer'ificste, which will inform vou what vou cm ob'ain for sl. Aube same time get. our c rgular, containing fall list aud particulars ; also, Terir)3 to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., marls 3m 197 Broadway, N. Y. 18«G* 1860. ST. Tons, CAIRO AND JOIimiVITTK PACKET’ COMPANY. FOR ALL POINTS IN TEISTN’ESSE'E, GEORGIA, and Alabama. Daily Line of Packets! taking fret-gut to st ” Gmrt-lfir, Chester, lAbtrty, Cape Girardeau, Cairo, •Mound Cilg, Metropolis, Paducah, Johnson v lUt, Eeistport, Tuscumia , M'lorenee, all Intermediate Landings — Receipting Through to Rashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Atlanta, Ducatnr, West Point, Montgomery, Ma ®on > Columbus, and all Points Sou h and South-East of Nashville. V.®* T'king freight through to Atlanta without Bre »k of bulk. Reovcf.o unites. " S' B sent through with quick dispatch to Nash ■e, and all points South. Receiving at all hours • -nmp«n3’ a Wharf Boat, foot of Poplar street. JContracts made and Thrngh bills of Landing b 7 C. J. CAFFREY, President, L. r. METCALF. Sup’t, s . f7o. 11, South Commercial Si. YI.VESTER, > Agents, McENTYRE, \ 72, Commercial St. March 16 ,ff StJiI.VJSTH.tTOD'S SALE. LTNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of j Terrell county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court house door, in the town ol Dawson, during the usual hours of Sale, Five sixth (6 6) interest of lot 49 and frac tional part of lot of land No. 48 iu the 11th" district of Terrell county —all amounting to Two Huudred and Fifty (25j>) acres more or less. Soldasthe property of Daived Thomas, late of said county, deceased, for the Wuefit of the heirs and credit ors. Mar 18 Ids G. w. HEAD, AmV ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Cl GORGIA TERRELL COUNTY.—Under an T order of the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door in the town of Dawson, between the usual Tours of sale: Lot ot Land No. 231 in the fourth district Terrell county. Also one half of lot of land No.' 22t in Dooly county. Sold as the preperty of the estate of Ira Bradley, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale. March 12, '66. tds W. C. BASS, Adm’r TEHREL L VOS TV O.4 'E D SJL E ON the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold before the Court House door iu the town of Dawson, Terrell county, the following properly, to wit : One lot of land, number sixty-eight, iu the Eleventh District, of original’y Lee, now Terrell county. Sold as the property ol Wm. Ji, Petty, under a fi fa issued from the Justiee Court of the Eleven Hundred and Fifty-Fourth District, O. M., of san. county, in favor of N. H. Beal, Agent, vs. ’Wm. M. Petty, Jatid Irwin and Thomas Caldwell. Property pointed by Jarid Irwin. Mar 9 tds M. W. KENNEDY, Sheriff. TERRELL SHERIFF SALE. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, will be sold before the Court House doer, in the town ol Dawson, Terrell county, the follow ing property to-wit: One House and lot, in the town of Dawson, con raining two acres, more or le«s, known as the place whereon F. D. Baity formerly lived, and now occupied by Mr. ’Morgan Peeples; sold as the property of Wm. M. Petty, under a ft fa from Terrell Superior court, in favor of Joseph E. Brown or successors iu office of Governor of said State, vs W. M. Petty, M. W. KENNEDY, March, 2 tds. Sherriff. Cd eorgiit, T«;rr«*ll County.— lnferio JT Court in Ch.-mbers, for County purposes: Present, their Hons. Samuel L. W illiams, James M. Simmons and E i ’li Hill. It is ordered by the court that in ocedience to a Resolution ol the General Assembly, of the State of Georgia, that the "Exile Camp," in Dawson, 'Terrel! county, he sold on the first Tuesday in A pril next, and ihit said sale be advertised iu the Dawson Journal thirty davs before ihe day of sale. J. M. Siumoss, J. i. c. Sami. L. Williams, j. ic. ’ J. R. Knott, j. i. c. A true extract, from the minutes of the Inferior court, Feb. 22d, 1860. Feb. 23. 40ds. W. J. ADAMS, Cut. TEH HELL. JMOHTGJGE SJLE. (\N the first Tuesday in May next, will he sol i _/ before theCouit House door, in the To-n of Dawson, Terrell coun'v, Georgia, the following propeity to-wit: House and lots in the town of Dawson, known as the Morgan lot, hi'g on the East side of the Jail in said town. Sold as the property of E. B. Morgan, under a Mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Terrel! county, in f.vor of Wm. A A. J. Miller, ts E. B. Morgan. Property pointed out in the Mortgage. Feb. 23 tda. M. W KENNEDY, Stiff. */tdministrtor'» Sale. \GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary, of Terrell comity, will fie sold, on the firs' Tuesday in April next, within the legal bouts ol sale, the following property, belongVig to the es •ate of Robert Dyson, la e of said county deceas ed consisting ot houses an i lo's in the Town of Dawson. Alto, the undivided 1 a’f of lot of land number i D the 4th district ot sod county. Fob. 23. tds. W. W. FARNUM, Admr. ISTotice. \LL ner'ons having demands against the estate . of D-ivid B RiiVi-nR, deceased, Urp of Ter eU county, are hereby to reinler the same into me. Ail persons indebted to ej id estate are requir ee to make immediate oarm^Dt. Feb. *23 4od. GiIOUGE A. LOFTON, Admr. IN otice. SIXTY days .alter date syplicttion will be made to the court of Ordinary of Terrell coun'y, for leave to sell the real property belonging to the es. tate .of David B. Ravens, deceased, late of said county. Feb. 23 60J. GEO. A. LOFTON, Admr. NOTICE, r T' , O dehtorp and creditors. Those holding JL claims against James Parrott deceased, late of Terrell county, will render them in to me. Those indebted to Paid estate are r, qubed to make pavments. HARRIET FARRiJTT. Feb 12 40ds. Au-ui’x. NOTICE, TO Dem-ors and Creditors. All persons hold ing claims against Davidd Westfield late of Terrell county deceased, hereby notified to render in the same. Those Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pavments. JOHN L. EDMONDSON, Fab. 12, 40d. Adm’r. P’QR SALE, THAT BE.IUTBFUI. RESIDENCE JCear the Methodist Church. TFIE subscriber, having romoved to country, offers for sale his House and lot in Dtwson. The House contains four rooms 18x20, wi ha large Hail— Piazza in front—Roomsali Plastered—beau tiful yard—Most pleasant location in Dawson. There is al<o, a well fimshed kitchen, good smoke house, carsiage house, stables, etc., etc., Lot contains 3 acres all well enclosed. An imme diate purchaser will get. a good bargain. K quite of MORGAN PEOFLES, at the store of King, Crim & Cos., or at the Late residence of Col. Stiles, Near Dawson, to February 23 ts D H. FARMER. “THEM” NEW GOODS HAVE COME! New Mackherel, }, | and whole barrels, Extra No. 1 Mess Mackerel, Sits, Mess Beef and Perk in half barrels, New Cape Cod Fish, Regular Planting Potatoes, Fulton Market Dried Beef, White and Red Onions. Another lot of fine Case Liquors , among them are, Rua»’ St. Domingo Bi ters and Mint Ju» lip, and we have a good assortment of Wines aud Liquors of tli grades and shapes. We will sell if you call on up. GREER'A LAKE, No. 1, Granite Range, 2 Bra Third St., Msoon Ga. NEW FAMILY GROCERY! AND VARIETY STORE, South Side Public Square, Dawson) Q-eorgia, B T WOOLBRIGHT, WISEMAN i HARDEN OUR S'ock const 1 is or r.miij n w»!», af every description, such as BUG JR, COFFEE, FLOUR, Cheese, Crsekers, Rice, Syrnp, Bacon, Lard, Nuts, Raisins, Candies’, Mackerel, lleriing, Snuff, Powder and Shot, Stinking and Chewing TOBACCO OF VARIOUS BRANDS. CIGARS. 0 h^:ri)WAYl3il Axo, Hatchets, Tinea, «]] kinds of Plantation and Jtlechanics' Tools, Locks, Nails, Butts, Screw.-, Tacks, Chisels Augers, etc. Knives and Forks , Pocket Knives. Butcher Knives, Shoe Knives, Spoons, and a gen eral assortment in the hardware and cutlery line. TIN WARE, .Buckets, Pans, Cuns, TYater Buckets, Well Buck ets, Dry Measures, Sifters, 4c., &c. FRUITS. Fine Oranges, Apples, 0 lions, etc. FJEIESIi OYSTERS, Received by Riilroad direct from Apalatchicola, three times ptrwtek. DRY GOODS. Calicoes, Pants Goods, Shirting, Sheeting, Flan nel, and a general assortment of Dry Goods. Al! of which we wi'l sell as cheap as they can be bought at any other house iu town. Goods Exrhaneerl for Country PRODUCE. Dawson, Feb. 23, ts DAWSON SUPPLY STORES J . I?. JANES, DEALER IN Family Groceries AND PROVXSXSXONS, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Flour , Cbeeee, Mackerel, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Osttaburgp, Sheeting*, etc. C O.VFE C TIOJTEItIES. Candies, Raisins, Pickles, Starch, Soda, Butter and Sugar Crackers, Fancy and common Pipes. Also, a select assortment of Hardware and Cattery , Feb. 23 3m* LOOK HERE! GO TO GREER & CADDY’S, (Next door to Dr. Perryman’s) UNDER 1IA?0N1C HALL,'SO.r, ... GEORGIA. And Buy Your GROCERIES FOR FAMILY USE! \\7 E have on hand, and are constantly receiv v V ing every article usually kept in Family Grocery—such as Old Englith D-ti-y and Cream Cheese, Best' Goshen Rutter , Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Fish, Soaps, Candies, Tobacco, 8- ga-s. Pickles, Ova ers, L ibsters, St'dines, Can dies, Nine, R isins, liiah Potatoes, Onions, Potash, Garden Seeds, etc. ANo, a fine selection of Brandies, Wines, Wbis key, Gin, Rum, Vinegar, ami many other articles too norm ro> sto n-e-ni m. Give us a cal). Wesell Lou: for Cash. Kb 23,'8m GREER A GADDY. FIRE ARMS! D. C. HODGKINS 4 SONS, MACON, CA*, Manufacturers, Dealers ia and Importers of G E*YS— Double and single muzzle and breech loading Shot Guns; Al.ea’a, Wesson’* and Maynard's breech-loading R flee, jp US TOLS —Colt's, Smith & Wesson's, Der» rit ge s, aud other pistol-. 100,000 Gun Wuodmg FleyV, Baldwn’s, and Pa kti’s wads. 100,000 Cartridges—Siui h A Wes ton’s, and othef cartridges. 250,000 Pereasdoo Caps—Kiev’s ground edg-, aud other caps. Fishing Tackle lOO,OOO Hooks, 6,000 yards Silk, and 25,000 yards cotton, linen and glass linen Robe, coras, etc. Focket and liable CulUry-Rnort, Pow der Flunks, shot pouches, powder and sbo", cap", lead, Ac , A- Gun and Pistol MatetHal sR to in dneemeatsto the trade. D. C. HODGKINS b 60N8. Mulberry 3-raot, lf**u«, Ga GREAT INDUCEMENTS! DRY GOODS! VUKY CIIEAI*! BY MANN & WHEATLEY. THE subscribers, in order tef make room for tbeir Spring Stock, now offer great induce ments to purchasers. Their present stock will be sold at t very small advance upon cost, and in it will be fouud a gen eral assortment of such goods as are wanted by every oue. Iu DRY GOODS. CALICOES, FANCY DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, ALFACCAS, GINGHAMS, ETC. Family Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Starch, Pepper, Soda, 50 sacks Liverpool Salt. A large lot of Flour, extra family, etc. CLOTHING Wiii be sold at cost. Also, a well selected stock of Crockery and Glassware. Call tod see what you have saved by waiting. CASTINGS. A fresh supply of various kinds just receivea, and offering at low prices. 2 6m Dawson, Ga. ID YOU WANT TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, GO TO B. MCDONALD'S FAMILY GROCERY! % * DAWSON, GA. He keeps constants on band, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARD, * FLOUR, TEA, SALT, • PEPPER, SPICE, TOBACCO, &c., A!i", All Kinds of CONFECTIONERIES. Those wishing to barter Country Produce, wiii do well to give him a call. TRY McDONfAED’S, If von want GUOD BAKG.Uf .h. Febl6 3m B H. WRIGLEY W. L. K.VOTT. WfIiSLEY & KNOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEA.LRS IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, .Mechanics’ Tools, &c., RALSTON’S GRANITE RANGE, Next to Express Office, Macon* - - - • Georgia. We have just received a splenlil assort ment of Goofs in nur l ne. nil of which will bo sold at LOW KATES. CUTLERY. * A Splendid assortment of Pocket Knives, Table Knives, | Knives ani Forks, Razors, Scissors, Shears, Pruning Setts, etc., etc , For sale by VVKIGLEY & KNOTT. • House Furnishing Goods. Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, "Woolen Ware, Plate 1 Ware, Baskets, Brooms, Seives, Spice Boxes, Brass Andirons, (.Let Fire Dogs, Shovels & Tongs, Fire .'tands, Fen ers, Meat Cutters, Egg Beaters, Milk Boile s, Matß, Rugs, Ania thousand other tilings too numer ous to mention. Just received and for paid by WHIG LEY & KNOTT. PLANTATION HARDWARE. Trace Chain*, Homes, Axes, Hatchets, Augers, AD Bright Ca6t Steel i Hoes, Half Bright Cast Steele Hoes, Bradley’s Celebrate Iloes, Superior to ScovilPs. Tongue, Fifth, Breast, Stay, Stretcher and Log Chair*, And all other articles needed by planters, in nur line WRtGLEY & KNOTT. F*bls 2 3m THE LATEST YET! HARPER ft BARHAM, DAWSON, GA. 0 VT7 E take this method of announcing to the V V public that. w« have jnst received a large and If ‘ell Selected Stock ot DRY GOODS 1 Consiatinar in part of PACIFIC DeLAINS, ALL \N OOL RkLaIN’S, CalicofS, French, English and American Prints, By ad ere berspej*, French and Saxonia Plaids, Ac. Also, a hue lot of Notions! Motions! Consisting of Dress Buttons, Agate Buttons ; Fine, Coarse, Round and Tuck Combs, Hair Nets, etc. Also, a good stock of I’orket and Table Cutlery! CROCKfcRY AND GLASS WARE! In Short, Everything the Voeple .Yeed, ice expect to keep, at the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES! 5 X58~ The citizens of Dawson and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and Examine Our Stock, B-fore purchasing clsewnere, as we think we can make it to their interest to do so, by selling cltt Cheap, iT not CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY 1 1 A’. It. —We will Barter Ooods in our line for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, AT THE TIARUET PRICE. NEW ARRIVAL! Grind Stones, Coffee Mills, Children’s Carriages, Englisb~and American Prints, French Corsets, Knives and Forks, Collias Axes, Improved Sifters, Weeding Hoes. Colt’s and other celebrated Patent Pistols, And many other articles of a useful nature. Febl6 6m HARPER 4 BARHAM. NEW DRUG STORE UNDER THE MASONIC HAUL. DAWSON, CA. BH. PERRYMAH, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, ETC, ETC., ETC. FINE LIQUORS, Superior Wines and Brandies, For Medioiaal Purposes. Having’ received a large and well selected stock I am ready to supply Physician* and i’aille ilics with seleotaud choice medicine of every kind. Also, 0a Hand and to Arrive, Dve Wood and Dye Stuff*. White Lead and pa nts of all colors. Linaaed Farmer's, Train, Neats foot, Kerosene, and Gator Oil. Snirits of Turpentine, and Varnishes. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. SOAP, Castile and a large variety of Superior Toilet, and Shaving Soap, delightfully perfumed. For the Ladies, Cologne and handkerchief extracts in usual va riety. Hair Oils and Pomades. Hair invigorator-, Restorators, and Dyes. Tooth, Nail, aud Hair Baishes. Magnolia Tablet, Lily Wbite, Mien Fun and Rouge Balia. Extracts lor flavoring. Physicians orders will receive prompt attention and all prescriptions put up with particular care. STATIONERY. A large supply constantly on band. JM. D. PERRYMAN, Dsweou, G» NEW YORK ME! wmifflu im mm ' • KING, GRIM ft GO., (Successors to J. W. Bufßnton 4 Os.) D-AWSOJNT, GtJL. WE keep the largest and most extensive assess ments of MY GOODS In this Market. We have. For the Ladies* French, Euglith and Americas Print*. Silks Merinos, Wool DeLains, Empreea Cloth, Embroderies, Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Artificial Flowe:s, Plumee, Nil* bias, Hoods, Bonnets, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Hat Trimmings of all varieties, Shoes of all Kinds, Balmoral', Polkas, Buckle Congress Gaiter*, Glove Kid Anklets, Eto., Fancy Toilet .Articles t Handkerchief "Extracts, Cologne, Hair Oil, Dyes, etc, etc. The most complete assortment to be found In South-Western Georgia. For Gentlemen* We have a large and varied assortment o! Hats, Caps, BOOTS and SHOES, Cloths, Casimeres, Ac., For Coate, Pants, and Vests. Together with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of which will be sold at VER3T LOW FRXOZS& We also keep a full and complete stock of HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GROCERIES. A splendid lot of Rio and Java Coffee, Sugar, from common to the finest quality, Tea, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Snuff, CIGARS AUD TOBACCO. TINT WARE. In faot, a general assortment of good* suited to the maiket, both for tbe Wholesale and Retail Trade* We will pot up any goods in our line to Country Merchants at MACON PRICES! Give ns a call. We are determined the* no house in Booth-Western Georgia, *•!! undersell ns. Feb 28 6a