Newspaper Page Text
ii, c,tJ.E. cubist; w.
tjw ?.«««“ |*anai,
Published Every Friday. .
v & ,1. E. (’LIIiisTIAN.
rEtlJlS—Sirtctiy in. Meaner.
n lie year
Hat** of Atlrcrlisiuej :
n Cniiir per sqanre of ten unea for the Srst
.in., wd Seventyttve Oil's per squire for
ipacrtioo, not exceeding tliree.
SU«" three mouths S 8 00
month. ” JJ ™
three month, 0
T ,„sqo.res six months JJ 00
T*i square, one year ft ->° ((
Fourth of a column three moths SO CO
Fourth of a column jU month. 50 00
Ucofumn three moth. « ™
Half column six montlva
On. column three month.
One column oi* mouths 100 ‘
Job ti'Ofk of every description orecuted
with nearness and di.pat’eh, at moderate rales.
MWOJt jicsa.r*:ss cards. SMITH & CO.,
Macon, Ga.,
TvEALEItS IX Saddle Bridles, Bar-
I j mss —Harness aud S.uMlery \Varc, Leat !ict
of all kinds, Shoe Finding, Carriage Tumid it gs, >«.
, rg-J/AkPJSSS MADE to order. 2 3nC
Wholesale and Retail
booksellers, stationers.
And General Xew* Dealer*—' tl iauguh.r Blflck,
Cherry Street, Jflacon, Hit. > 11
CHRIS rn.DtA* « H »
.41 VTiOJS'EERS .f.V«
Commission Merchants
real, estate agents,
Triangular 551 oclt,
23 m MACON, GA.
Commission Merchants
Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
At the old stand of It. R- Clayton & Cos.
2 3 m
factoks and
* lilV * vi,l ° si
Corner of Third aim i opmar rnreete.
Macon, : : : Georgia.
’i*E are still continneing the V ari**l<»H*-;
si »ml ConimiS'ion B n, >», u '‘ ,! "j
wei*e/indßpll Cotton and all Produce C!l,r " s “'
100-ir care. Piompt return* of all sales
mode. We are also prepared to £ll orders lor
We solicit consicnments of Tobacco, Corn,
Flour Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Mo, Ir<>",
Varna, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Produce gener
ally. 2 3m
Straw (ioodsii, &- c **
A \’ E havo constantly on hand the largest -dock
f V of bats and cap? in th«» citv of Macon.
Inducement* Omereel to Merchants
and planters. We have hire which we are oft ring
at prices ranging from *l2 50 to .sl-20 per cloz»n.
Cherrv Street, Ifi
it the iumt6 ot T. W• Freeman. -
W. R. tjISGLKTOK, W. c. singleton, t. j. HUNT
(opposite lahikr house.)
.Tf.KO.V, : •• •• CKOKftW.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
When visiting Macon will find many NOVBJj
find beautiful articles for dress and toilet at the
A’o. 11 Cotton Avenue a few doors above Mix
and Kirtlands. No 2 3m
< herry Street, SSaean, Ha.
■it tho Store lormerly occupied by E. Bond A Cos.
Wetmorc k. Kirkland,...... .Xew York.
Hndskwp, Scott k Cos “ “
K. F. Wood & Cos, Dnftoa
liske, A Anderson, "
L- F. Chamberlain, Memphis, Tenn.
S- C. Wood, & C 0.,. Nashville, “
Tiaonon, Oft'ut & Cos., Now Orleans.
L'ane, Johnson & Orajbil!,. Savannah, (ia.,
Dlair, Smith & Cos., Augusta, (ii.
L- 6. Bowers Columbus, “
•L R. Wallac , Atlanta, “
t¥“Pari ,*ul»r attention triven to the purchase,
hale and Shipment of Cotton, Cotton Varus,
Crnaburgs, Sheetings, .to., Ac.,
•'sjs n loxglky, ,itc li-iu of E. Bond, AC*.
,*• W ALSIT, fate firm of ITornc A WaHli
«.mmv at st.vsiss van
8 ly Daww n, Ga«
ill. LL,
Will gi«e prompt attention to all buslne*. err
trusted to his ear,;. 2 ly.
attorneys at jjaw,
It. v. siMMONs. feb23 ly w. n. c. co?kr.
XXitoi’iiey at tjavr.
US’" Office at the OtA'rt House, feb23 ly
£> x wso», <« tx>ai«ia ,
Office, South West corner of Public square.
(1 OX TIXT/ES the practice of Medicine in all its
_J branches.
lie pays attention to the treatment of all
chronic affections of either ‘sex ; and to the treat
nietit of all secret disease*
lie may bo consulted by letter, describing are,
sex, occupation, a"d h.lbjts ; and giving an aecu
rate description of all the *ympi: in*, duration »l
sickness, etc,, etc,. And end- sins; Pen lietZ~
tars. By return mail he a ill forward all of the
iiccessarry medicines wUh full direction*. 8 lv.
% J
OFFERS his Professional Services to the ctc ; -
zerieof Dawson and the suHraundinsf country.
Office at D.iwson Hotel—up stairs. fGj23 6m
D &7 b. H.'FAR R,“
.11 the lute Reside nee rs Cot. Ji‘m.
11. Siihs, near liatcaon, Ga.
\\7ITH an experience of 20 years in the pra;
» * lice of medicine, feels qualified to treat
any case lie any he called In attend. ib’>23-if
>d. L J . Aid,
* ma 0m MB
repairnn 3 - n Etna.
Dawson, Ga.,
IS prrpared to do any woik in hi* line : n the j
very best style. !, “ZS ts
•y TTII.I, buy and soli *dl :rd* ol I’rpduce an (
\Y Lands in South western” Georgia.
2 2m;
J. G.
gum smith and
U.m’SO.r, : : Georgia. ,
Repairs all kin is of Gut.*, Pistols, Se>- in,; M«- |
chines, etc., C'c. D*
' j7K7l7b¥i7fr>s,
Ffasrson, : •' •' Geot e;ia.
Will attend'to Shipping and Buying •Jotton.
2 2m
Southeast Corner l*ubtl€ Square
»Feb. 23, f.m Proprietor.
ALDtilOl FS IMi'ilt'm
A Select High Schaol for Both Sexes.
HU RE pre-Alt srsidon opened on .JanuAiy lCrh
I 'Tnrtion, S3O, paysiblo in adv.-inoe.
For li«ngUHgcs, anciero and slo addi
tional for cav'h. 11. W. von ALDEiIOH,
Daivron, Feb. 20, 1300. • Prmcipal.
New-Liveiy aatl bale Stable,
v/. .. .
ID JLW &OIT , Cr A .
Dll \Y. W. FASiftFJITI, keeps good
s eek, good vfchicLw, aad good driver?, ami
is proparod 10 send p«*r.Bci»£ers *<v aoy of the ad
| joining counties, llucks ut the D; pot cn tlio &r?
ri val of each tr.iin. *• b -•* ly
J k»cp constantly on hand e good Piioply ol
! Fine Liquors, Tobacco, Oysters, Sardine*,
j etc. They have, in connection with their esLib
! Hslunent, a well arranged
Supplied with
1 March ‘2 Hin
nr wa; kalw.
Ill* wo knew the cares and ernsse*
Crowding round our neighbor’s utay,
If we knew the li tlo loMea
Surely grievous, day by day,
Would we tiujn so often chide him
For his luck of thrift and gain,
I* iving on his heart a shadow.
Leaving on our life a stain ?
If we knew the clou is ahove 159
1 II,Id but. gentle blessings thorn.
Would we turn away all trembling
In our blind and weak despair ?
Would we shrink from little shadows
Lying on the dewy grass,
While ’tisoniy birds of Eden
Just in mercy flying past.
If wo knew the silent story,
Quivering through the heart of pain,
Would our manhood dare to doom them
Back to haunts of guilt again ?
Life hath many a tangled drossi ng,
Joy hath many a break of woo,
i,;d the oheak (ear s-ainedis whitest; —
This the bleswd engel* knew.
Let ns roach into our bosoms,
l or the key to others’ lives.
And with love t’ward erring nature
Charish good that still survives ;
So that when our disrobed spirit*
Soar to realms of light again,
We may sav “Bear Father, judge us
As w£ Indeed 00' fellow men."
afloaTl post - li: ice.
The members of the Club were re
sembled at their chili room, one evening
l ttyiy, v. hcn the skating cnrmivaL was at
its heigh*, mid the discourse Very naturally
nyi upon incidents connected with the lav
orite pastime. One of the members thus
spoke: *
.“I have heard that Howland her*' had a
narrow c cape some tirr.e last winter, when
skating upon the St Lawrence. I prop so
that we have an act 0 nt of it, if ho dives
not object.”
y'l's, let us hear it, by all means,” echo
ed th e 1 e f.
The one thus addressed—a fine, active
looking person, of not more than fivo-and
twenty years of age—laid aside the paper
that he had been perusing, and replied,
< “I did have Father a narrow escape, and
for a while thought I was taking my
last skate, and I assure you that my ap
prehensions, were fully shared by the young
lady who was with me.”
“.V lady ‘t' echoed the one that had first
spoken. 1 Then you would have entered
Paradise accompa 1 ied by an ungel 1 Put
proceed with your story.”
“It was one day last January,” resumed
Howland, “when and ic;* of lIyLSP
.lem.' *\\ i.y, -o hailjfil’t her «it v horn.*
to make us a snort v sit, and \vc iii but skat
ing The ice was at least a foot in thick
tiers, but a strong wfrkl in die centre of the
rive. , in w! ieli < on-id r hie loose ice ivas
Iloutiug, Jennie's experience in skating had
been limited to the pm ks of the e»ies, and
as she was an arc miplished skater,
\e v. as delighted with the appearance ol
die broad held spread out before us.
“1 find always thought Jennie to be a
very p 0 ty girl, and Inal become quite cap
tivate! by her charms, but shu never ap
peared ha'f as lovely to me as upon this
occasion, and as we wept bold forward, or
circled or whirled in. the most graceful
manner, you may cl pend that I enjoyed
the sport very highly. _
“The river is about two nines in wiota
where we were, and there were a large
number of skaters 11 pop it, but wo w ere
soon at a considerab e distance from any
of them, and struck out boldly to - tno c. n
tre of the river. We did nut slop until
we were within a few rods of the open
water, knowing as we did the thickness ol
the ice.
“We here rested n while—rather longer ,
than we supposed, for we carried on a very
liveh ad animated conversation, when Jcu
n.e eiuidenly retrial ked :
“-We are down the river farther tlian
we were when wo stopped. W o were
then opposite that wind-unit, pointing to
the opp site shore.
4 This caused me to take a view of the
situation, and l was not long in making a j
iscovery. We were afloat. The current
had eavried away the ice upon which we
were standing. As it was a large piece,
at least one-eighth ot a tnilo in extent,
felt no very gr. at apprehension in regard
jlo our safely, thinking that it woidd soon
! lloat against the main body so that wc
! could get olf, and have it trf remember only
jas a pleasant little adventure My expcc-
I tatiops woe not fulfi *ed, and in hall an
hour wtrhhd reached theopen i vpr. whine
j the nip dity of the current had prevented
; the forma ion of ice, and now the fearful
I truth burst upon mo. \\ e were going to
-1 wards the Gallop Rapids at the rate of
eight miles an hour.
“Jennie must have no iced tho expre
slon of my countenance for she clung to
me find urged me to tell her the worst, i
1 told her to keep up her courage an 1 hope
1 for the best. I determined to make an ef
j fort to attract the attention of po:no per-
I pons upon the shore Taking oft my coal.
II waved if and halloed, hut my voice seem
led drowned in life surging ol toe. waves,
land the wind, now blowing quite oriskh
drove die v nter over the ice. rendering it
i difficult to keep our feet. In vain l skated
i around tlie edges, an 1 endeavored to at
(tract attention; we were unnoticed nml
j kept floating onward. At length i retuiii-
Ud to whore shew is standing, and thus
! addressed her :
i “ Ljfnnic’ prepare voursolf tne ,A ' r> r^t.
i Unless some special intervention of I’rovi
i dence shall save us, we shall lie dashed to
pieces in the rapids, in the course of halt
1 ail hour!’ ” , ,
| “ bore the intelligence much hotter
than Iliad expected, being very pale and
hardly able to stand without support, hho
icanu'l upon me, but I felt stronger when
H -nippurting her lhau when standing
An--! p-OLTD
[ mw no possible chance of
expected to be in eternity in a very short
tiun.*, bat the fate that decreed that wo w- fe
t o cl, e h made ueatii sweet to rue,
ami rc» lied it of a l l its terrors
‘‘•ltLi* theu that I realized how mumi
I laved her, uiul felt that I could not <ffa
without telling her of it.
‘Jennie,’spoke I, ‘wo will soon tic at
tbo rapids, but wo will die to •.e ther. I ea,.-
not die withpu telling,you how dear you
arc to me If we were' spared I would
would oiler you tho lfioipuge'. of a lifetime.
W ill yim flaw accept it for all oturnity r”
“ ‘A luint flush spread over her cheek ns
I ceased speaking,.and a look from tier
sparkhag eyes, arid a firmer pressure* or
her hand, as she thing closer to me, was
her only answer.
“For a lew moments we were belli si
lent I no'iced that her tears were flow
ing, and felt that her lust moments were
too precious for me to interrupt her.
“Wo had already passed several of the
‘XU that stud the river for a couple
(Armies .jjiove the rapid;., and a.!:* rate of
t-peg.i was .gently in<no-isj.n,g, when I notic
ed irpon im mumd l.Tmifist" dppouifo mi m, a
fisherman-s has, with a couple at men en
gaged at work in front, ol it.
. “My spirits at once r so. There seem
ed to lie a eh unco of escape opened, il I
could only attract theit attention. Speak
i g a few word of hope and encourage-
ment to Jennie, T proceeded to the edge of
the ice nearest the island, and used my ut
most endeavors to attract their alt'eiulon.
“At first my eTorts were in vain ; but at
length I succeeded, and had the satisfac
tion o! seeing a boat, uiunne! bv a couple
of experienced ’oarsmen, put out toward
us. At this moment, wl n it ei csued as
though we would scam be safe, a cry from
Jennie caused me t- look around. I was
startled by the new aspect of affairs.
“The ice,- owing to tire aeion of Ihe
waves and my weight upon one edge of it,
hail parted, and we were upon separate
pieces! J runic had sunk down -upon ths
ice, an! was looking de-puiug toward mo.
“My brain reeled, ms the pieces of ice
were orhgtti iii eddies end wens off in 0,1-
posite dir ctions, pas.-iitg in..the ehafuiefs
between the islands, but it was w ith t'e.
gre test, delight that Isa w the boatmen
row after her, and leave rue to my fa.c
aqd when, af or passing on about a m b
farther, I saw that, elm was rescued and
safe in tee b«>ut, my feeling overcame me,
and l fell upon my knees and relumed
hanks to God lor having preserved her
I knew that the lioatm in would not fol
low me, for i was now Ju.-hing on rapidly,
and -already plainly heard tiro roar of tuo
rape i .
‘The principal events of my life ptr-rvd,
quick -y in revi w before me, and ruy. iia-m
--o v was very a live; out die ewretfat re
■ iitiranco of me hto Wtis a p.ot ol t.i.
. . vrJiU t iiylUA \\ iici?
‘•lt \ u v.-.r*l ui'i so u»*, . '.a t t.
InwMr-yirmposjkbje to .rryf fil to,
a iicn l Uioii;;i,t ol the slip ise imd sorrow
of til, v ii ion !* when they eh.-uld learn of
the nifair, and .own the aiinouneemeiit of
niv deoth in tlm papers nnd tlmi.aat whnt
an .‘Xchftetrt iicnr 1C »n«w ; -• . . •
lor; toad comitry c '’ 01.. to ‘work Uj>.
. The last hope tied, and I was oa’cula
tin<r the moine.iits tin.’, would * 1.• p.tio bchae
tho ice would be dashed to pieces upon
the rocks, wiien looking up, I saw a light
tuition, piropelled d)V a coaple ol i-iviiilul
voyager-, eisni ru|.i»iiv alter ute ; but
althoug lit fairly rooiiu-d as tuougli it
sk'q'ped over rhe aavos it bur.iiy appauretl
loan inn h faster than did my c;.!.0 o* ice.
The water dashed over it, and 1 WCI
■ till rtlnmst.
“'iTie pursuing cr.dt teuclied me just at
the edge of tile rapids, and 1 saw that it
was u light liii'eh hark out, and that, my
r s ueis were a eoupio <d amu ian liukuns.
it was drawn out.'ujioii the we, wLeu 1 was
placed in the bottom ol it, and to and to uo
perfectly still. Then launching it. they
seized their pad-lies, and devoted their en
ergies to tho management of their haul
craft. _ j ,
“It was impossible to proceed ones, so
over the rapids we went. ° cruft other
l ; , n like thiwi oWC \ver.< m. or guided by
less esper enced per-ons, woual <ovt ha • u
passed over, ca p'- in lVagm uts. Wow
running wiiiiiu a t w inche» of a r u
now ci <‘liog Br -wad ou 4 er c ut.
eudv, then skipp'ng over the bail tug waters
and plunging ilowu a waterlail. A motion
if in me, cr salsa aircke r.t tbelrs wou.d iiavn
capsiz id us, and m»‘ us into UmiUy in an
ins'ant. But wo we r o saf - and soon LuidcCl
upon the shore below.
“1 r warl 1 mt rescuers well, for snateh
ini» me from tr.ajuwsof death, 'i hey did i
not apt cor to think that they had per.orin-i
ed a very great * at; and w.ra ni-n;e tUf'"
fj,. !. 1 aeon r-j-inwl J cut sc, who Bad
f '.n wed tvkeu care of, and suun recovered
r ’o. Bkfl slmrt'y
returned to New York, but not uni'l we.
had made air,rumen's to be jcined in W«d
lick iu lborpiio;.', and TJim ; r ' «*n^orely
hone that our voyage and urn U;s river tot liloi
i,o ,aoru ploa--ins til <n was cur csour-
Hon and ,wn Ht Lawrence. ’
OiiVUTixa a Pirvi’ A country-.j
ms ,-.t)ce I fought- « piece of heard to an u- j
At. v.-itb the request, that, be wan’d paint»
up. 'n it S\ Ci dst • Urge os life. j
< IJ U ’’ returned the ai ds', “mat beard U|
miu-h too small for the.”
r phe e.iunt,ynan Jookeil pcrpUsad -«t- tic j
uucypeeted ditaovery:
‘i fnat’sa bad job,” said hr; “out look ee,
vo CM let his (set liaag/iown over the eag
tho board.
A witness in a ca*c of assault, was asked
by the junior counsel, ‘ Ifcw far were you,
sir, from the parties when alleged assault
took plane?”
“Four feet Svft mooes and a half, was
the answer promptly given.
“Al.’ ’ hero-ly demanded the lawyer,
! “how came you -a csac*. as all '4ls ?
I “H a 1 use,*’ #s»id .th 6 wiiteiS, verv iwoly:
jap --p,.ctce that some cenf’uodcd fuel would
l ip ge jv ha not ask me, and so ! wcuf iml ou*4«-
1 ured ii. '
A Girl, liuu Would ire .Uarried
nail iYlip rtt
* Mr. Watts hail by 'iiilaaiv-y uul cooupmy
secuniu.iit J a large prcpiuty. 11b was a
tnan of rather snp. ri-r ni nl aud ac.juiry
went*, hut unfortunately taeaxp .addictcil
m fcabbaef. brtciupi,rurj?.. foul
at oompiuiy, and aupyrtor conver
tieual his eempapy \yi:s luucli s'.ngLt,
auJ he became t.yontuiKy a sot. Ifia Wifi*
whs a very feeble woman, vritlg.luf munh fo
uUiou us chataetcr; hut hi only chiM was
the ravers., iih: tratiug ore of the singular
laws of u a tyre, that the female* oftenOst tako
after tho faihurin character tiiij general pc.
culuritie , and the.riiahs riff nr the rtwthcr.
Mary wan. well K'Jraro of tho oonsohnenees
that woh’d iaevit ibly folio# her fa'her’*
course, aqd lift'd us-d every exertion of per
siiasiau'and reason in her jiawer, to induce
Mm to alter hie hafebs, bat, without avail ;
his resolution and promises could ft >t with
stand temptation, and ho pursued his down
ward coure. , till tho poor girl despaired of
reform, and grievously realiw il what the end
must result in.
■> hn Danil was ii maif fftim the
Rftst, posscs'i’d ofu good education, as ail
our New England b'oys aro, and tlioir in
domitable inlu try ami perseverance, and
was working on tbe farm of a neighbor by
the month.
Mary, ou going on somo Qrrand to tho
next hou- ■, met him on the road with the
usual -ulutalKiß—“Good tiioriiing Mr. Dunn.’
“G od nmruing, Mit.s Watts, ilovr is
your health?”
*■ VV ell, I thank you, but to tell tho truth,
sick at h art ”
“Fray, what is tho trouble ?.” said John,
“Ri ;; tr.u affect you, a ckocrful. lively,
girl i 4 ko you, possessmg everything that can
tutiko y 1 n happy
1 O.i tlie contrary to make me miserable.
lam almost ary cf life. But it is a nib
j-ct I cannot explain to you; and yet 1 have
• tim ••• t j 10>• ■■! 1 T mi..-lit."
“Aay-ihing I tan du.f. r you,'Miss Watts,
you may i- !y coTiniaud.”
“That ii promising more than you would
lvi Willing to perlbrin. • But to break the
iee at once, do ycu want a wife ?”
“A v ile! Well, I dont know. Da you
want a htivlnnd ?”
‘ Indeed I do, the worst way. I don’t
know hut you rnav think mo bold, and di
,!• : ut in tnat. maidenly modesty beocming n
woirao, lint if you kneiv my siiuntiou, and
the : tdictions under whioh I suffer, 1 Udik
it would besom? cxeasc fur my course.”
“ Have you thought of tho coasequc-nrea? ’
said Tohn—“my situation—l am poor—you
■ i'S ft Hi—l am a sfra-'-ger —and—”
‘‘Lidred I ljavA T ftTn almost crazy. Lot
; e o.vpliia—.joti sod every one d<o know
the us f rtiftftte situ ilion of my father. His
hub its arc amendment, and hit
rroporty is wasting like the dew? dofere ti e
•aa A Tot f herpies m e drinkin ; liis very
h art’ . b!oT;l, ana ruin und misery are stay
in? Ivin Wo ar-' almost strangers,
■ alwnrved v.m elosclv. Your
it'Ccre with whioh you havo nuuagud your
employt r’a husincss has aivvayv interested
“And yet, my dtar youii ' l-ly, wliat
fuel) au i«pi>iinu( «te;
“It i»enough L>f mo that I am satisfied
with your character and habits—your psi
-oU ai-d manners. a woman and have
e-,o*. We are about the same age }so if
y akn'.Wmo and like mo well enough to
take tuo, there is in a baud !”
“A id my ue ir Mary there’s mine with
all my bca tiu it. N ‘W, when do you de
sire 1. to be settled ?”
, “Now, this uii»u ; v‘: give me your arm,
an iwo wu! go to squire liautor/s and have
ttie bargain fibi-h'-d at one?. lain t wart ;
to outer our house of distress again j
until 1 Invti one ep whom l can rely to eon
tr 1 ; till direct tlpe• affairs of my “hem's fate
home, and to support tuo l a n.y ch teVmlfta- •
li u to turn over anew icaf in cur homo
i.ft ai •-'.”
“Bat not in this old hat, and in my shirt
sleeves Mary ?”
“Yc - — and Liu my old sun biuret end
dirty apron. IF you are content let it be
done at once. I hope you will think lam
not so Lard’pushed as th .t er.me3 to ; but 1
want a master a id am willing to be mi tress
1 will then fuke you h- mi and introduce
you as my evtn Tar husband —signed, seal
ed end delivered. # •
“Sobe it; permit mo (0* sr.y, that T have
al .vey : admired yon from the first inmufe I
» yott, f r yortf b»s.iry and energy, aud
indn-try, rad aulfeblo dvpartwont.”
“Now John, if that is sue :rc, this is tho
hsp'oiest p’lOeuct of my life, trust our union
wilt be long and happr'. I un> tho only one
my father hears to ; lint ala*! Lis resolutions
| are like ropes of sand. 1 onn Wfiiugo him
j on all su'; j' cts : you must Uko charge of all
{ his business, and have §cio control; there
1 will be no difficulty—l am coatiiioul of the
n- ult.”
Tk;.y .were m-nruud, and moro happy 1
mu', h ic. wr was c aMi unrated. Kvyry- ,
thing pr* spered 1 heucta and tar: s were rc- i
paitodjifeoei.s and gates were r> p.u i- to '» I
tlifl exi' ll -ve l/Tcii sioJ-.d ana fl orished
like oti K leu. The unf rtiinato fatli -r in a
f-w (! >v -• sunk ii'to a drunkard’s grave -j
--1 y and J: Hn rai-ed o la'gl family, and
("they etill hvb rekp-'et- ft" ar-.d tteabhy— dll
If. >n nn enrf ■ tic girl’s rc elution, tbrt-
I thought and e ur.-yc.
I Tint House eommittre'-n Military Afl iv.s
I have eomr>! .t"d the bill fee t'ur ioceasc of
s*the reyn r army l> diR is very iuai«.riil
I ly from tlu> Berate bill) and ignores lire rc
i fonitnerdstjeSs ot liruerti * BU- rtuan,'i'h .ni
«s and Meads. It provides that the nrttiy
bv.ll be made up> largely of volunteers. —
The Y-etcr.m K servo Crops is fully providr and
rf..,r as an orpr mizution. It. also [ rovidcaf'i
j am retvntiob of sov ral negro rtguncuid to
fbc officered by v. kits tuca. . *’
Gov. I*ar«on lJrawi.h-w tbrcn'rnv ti I
I <‘c.) N, rth aud d'n in peace,” if the ’‘rebels”
get their rights in Tennessee. JMi.’t you do
{ ft, Tarien. I>cn’t die at ail if von can help
> You ecttld prrbabtjr ro; trivt to nic in
j b—U fa ante Wi w u!<J have after* rd.
_.J/..A.7, /.•.y-Vt ,-: *
VOL. I. NO. 7.
A llouiantic Love Story.
The Count dc St. Croiv, belonging to ono
of’the poblest and waithiest families in
I‘Vauee, hceame engaged after a long and as
s and ious eoimship, to s lady, his equal in. po
sition and fortune, and famous for her beau
ty. Hhortly slier the happy dav was «p
--poi i’e l whioh Was to render two loving
It arts one, the Count was or.lcvt.d immedi
ately to the soigp of Sebastopol; so he gir
ded ou his sabre and at the head of hi* reg
imen*, march'd to the battle-field. During
tho Gaunt's absence, it happened that bis
b; au'ifulyztumce had tho small pex; after
hovering between life and death fir several
days, lie recovered her health, but fouud
her beauty hopelessly lost.
The disease had assumed in her case tho
most virulent character, aud left her not on
ly disfigtted but soatnei aud scarred to su«h
% frightful extent that she became hideous
to hersdf, and roaolved to pass tho remain
der of her days in the strictest siclusion, —
A year pasieJ away, when, ono day, the
Count, LnmediatAy upon hisreturnto Franco
accompanied by l ia vyU t, presented himself
at tb- s£*i3enco of his herbforhwd and enlie.i*
ted an interview. This was refused. He,
however, with the persistence of a lover,
krcsxid Lis suit, and finally tho lady made
her; ppcaranco closely mulfl and in a double
veil At the sound of her voice the Couut
malted forwared to. embrace her, but, s‘op
; iug aside, she tremblingly told him tha
tory cf her sorrows aud burst into tears.
A heavenly smile broke over the Gount’e
hand iome features, a* raising his hands above
ire cx I aimed: “Tt is God’s work; lam
bfi-id.” It was even so. when gallantly
1 •ailing bis regiment to the at’ack, a cannon
Pali passed so closely to his eyes that, while
it !• t their expression unchanged, and his
countenance unmarked, it robbed him for
i vor of sight. It is almost unnecessary to
mid that their marriage was shortly after
‘o' rqtiizcd. It in saiil that at this day may
of‘ ; n be seen at tho Emperor’s reception* gu
rtfliei r leaning upora tho arm of a lady close
ly veiled; and they seem to bo attracted to
the spot by their 1 >ve of music.
A Word fob Newspapers.—Wc clip
the follow n ' article from an exchango. It
13 trite, and wo commend it co evry man
who ban an interest where be resides:
Nothings* more common than to hear
people talk of what they pay newspapers for
advertising, oto., as much given in charity.
Newspapers, by enhancing the value of prop
erty in their ncigebr-rho’od, and giviDgtbo
localities in which they are published a rep
u\,t* in aln nd, benefit, all such, particularly
if they aro muchants or real cstato owners,
thrice the amount yearly of the iroagro sum
they o.iy for their support. Besides, every
public-spirited citizen hai a laudable pride in
: U paper of widen he is not ashamed,
even tL 0 ’li he should pick it up iu New
\ rk or Washington.
A good-looking, thriving sheet helps to
sell jrojFTiffgivea character to tho locality,
anj in all ißepicts is A tississJ Vuc uiitrer iu
tiia local ureditorial columns shouiti not be
fjui'e up to the standard, do not cast it asido
in 1 pronoutiee it of no aeoount until you aro
that. 1 here ha* L..„u ario labor be
vnnfu njBOTW'v - •» n — tjs *»/*?■♦
i) r cd 111 a spirit of charity, but because you
iL-ci a necessity to support it. The local
p:e£s is the ‘‘power that move* tbo people.
Aaothercsehange aays: 'I here no book
s) cheap as a newspaper ; uoue so interesting,
because it consist* of a variety measured out
in suitable piopurtions a* to time and quail
ly. Being new every week or day, it invites
to a habit ol uadi g, aud ’Cif-rJs an agree#-
hie mode of acquiroing knowledge, so essen
tial to the woluio of the individual aud tho
c. i. • inity. D ciusia many a hour to pass
away pleasantly and profitably which would
o'.h 1 use have been spent iu idleness, if not
iu rnijclii.f Particulariy in a family is it
cf immense; imp .rtance, as inducing a good
taste among eLildrcn, a fmidaes* for rcadiug,
aud at the sumo time imputing largely ot
instruotion to thtjr minaH. Wo are prepar
ed to say thot it is an easy matter at a gl .nee
to say when you seo young people aud <ivcn
ckiWreu old enough to read, whether their
[,i.nic* is made pleasant, and tbcniSilVfta iui
' t ir ived by access to gooJ readable papcis or
uat. L-t bials of fuuilies think of this.
Tufre has recently been a convention of
.internal revenue officers of tbd Southern
1 Stales at Atlanta, Ga.‘ which appointed »
committee, consisting of Assessor Bowles,
of Agusia, Ga ,aud collector Moses, tl Sum
t»r, S. 0 , to proceed to Washington for the
purpose of urging upon OngresHtlmmodi
ftoition of tho te<t on*b so far as it affect*
assistant assessors and deputy collectors. —
1 Uni r tbe advice of the Secretary of the
I Treasuarv, and in cons quenco of the iropof
! j!,ij.. y of olimining men who cruld take tbo
> tost oith, assistant* have been appointed in
j r it v eases who could only partially qualify.
( To urpe Congress to do this is the ti stobjec*-
of the’committec, failing In which, they will
j u ga that the salaries of there assistants be
: is.- 'lo Urge enough to induce N r'hen racu
. to g to tho South and accept the officer.-.
A peculiar action on the partof the Trfas
v.i y iH p. rtmciit has lately be-n made pub’ie.
’i tie live reiit. notes that were formerly «d».n»-
, ci with the head of Wellington are now
t d.bikuvod with that of auoihcr person, Saul
; to lw “Clark,” of the Trc o.ury peperimeut,
he who runs ilia presto.-; and tends to things
:t" ncrallv. What is the reason of this .
If any cue is chosen to Bupplaot. the father
of his country, why not select a heau oi
h a'cric value? Quito a number of persons
' ~ivo beard of Washington, but no one ever
h a,d of Clarke, or that be did anything to
be entitled to jublia recogni ion. W hat m
: he 00 tie currency for? Take him tfl ; •
[dcicniiSi) American.
A bach cl v and young lady bought boiho
tickets iu partnership in a lottery at the ro
cu’M Sanitary Fair, in Milwrukte, agreeing
to divide the proceed' equitably*. Tb ” v
drew i .double tied sit ad, a Baby orib and
1 noth basket., and the qucsii » is how to di
vi them, or wbetuer they shall not use tb.’in