The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, March 23, 1866, Image 3

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DAAVSON JOURNAL BXWBON.OA., MARCH 23,1866. Kend and reflect! «lcl>ll«*»l Oil'll l<l, than whom no more 1 . nmf 1 - 11,1,11 erer liyed > S ive “ ll,e follow ebr*r« his experience; « I hate alwav* contidcrtd advtrlUing liberally ii to be the great medium of success in hunintM, "i,dthe PHfLUQt TO WEALTH. And 7' ~ made it an invariable rule, 100, to advert*** . Ik f dullest time» a* well it* the biusinst, long ex '* ■,nee having taught me that money thus spent Y r ,i faiaout; ns by keeping my husiuev * cuntin before the public, it has secured me many that 1 would otherwise have tost." " JOB TVOttH. If jou want any kind of Job Woik, such as postern. Hand BUIs, Cards, Cir fttlart, Eetter Heads, etc., ’executed stxTLT cur.xri.T aud at once, send your orders to to Dawson Weekly Journal Olfice. IIV are prepared to nil orders for It LAN liS of every description, on short notiec. ggr The Sheriff Sales of Lee county will here »ft>r be published in the Dawson Journal. W. C. (JILL, Sheriff. My legal advertising for Calhoun county will hereafter bo published in the Dawson Journal. W, E. Giuffin, March 10th, 1866. Ordinary. citizens of Dawson, it will be remem bered, are to meet this (Friday) evening, at the Court house, at 8 o’clock, to arrange for the im provement of the Dawson Cemetery. sure to read the short article ou the first page headed “A word for Newspapers.” An idea of their value may be formed from that. [gT The Atlanta “New Fra” publishes a greatly reduced scale of prices for advertising and sub ecription to that paper. It is now the cheapest daily in the State. See card in another column. Withdrawn. Ilaviug learned that Rev. Wiley G. Parks is a candidate for County Judge, and knowing him to be every wav qualified to fill the office, I hereby vitbdraw my name, as a candidate for that office, inhiafavor. J. M. SIMMONS. A Coniptefc Drug Store, We take pleasure in reminding physicians and others throughot the country that they can supply themselves with every article usually found in a fi:stclass Drugstore, at the bouse of Dr. Perry man, iu this city. He keeps the most complete stock of drugs and medicines in tiiis sec'ion of couutry, including superior wines aud liquors for medicinal purposes. lie also has a fine assortment of school books and stationary. •‘The Army Straggler.” We have unintentionally neglected, up to this time, to express our high appreciation of the work bearing the above title. It it well gotten up in ererv respect—written by a talented young law yer, who participated in (life campaigns of Lee, in Virginia, as a private soldier —exhibiting the rare* virtue of refusing proffered offices. The deeds of gallantry performed by the “straggler,” on nig pens ben roorts, etc., are portrayed iu such a manner as that it cannot fail to prove interesting aud de cidedly amssir.g to the reader. Dy euclosir g fifty Cents and u stamp to K. J. WarreD, Esq., S:arke ville, Lee county, Ga., the work will be mailed to »oy address. An insti^t’fidfi*, l „„ \ong and seriously felt by many of our people, has just been established, on a grand scale. Wo mean tie ei tensive Furniture Warehouse of Messrs. Tears, Lawton Si Cos., at Macon. We lately en ja;ed a decided treat in being shown throgh the establishment by a courteous member of the firm They have the best and most complete stock oi fnmiture ever opened in this part of the country, and their arrangements are such that there is not »'jch danger of exhausting their supply. iW The attention of our readers is directed to idvertisemeot of Henry Home, of Macon, who M prepared to furnish everybody superior ployvs. latrows, etc., for the farm. Planters and dealers camiot do better than to give him a trial. He has ilso just received another large lot of groceries wdcoufectioncries, which are offired at low prices. Georgia Baptist Convention for 1566. * or the information of those of our leaders who may he interested in it, we Jublish the following: As the city of Columbus—the place of neetieg- of the Georgia Baptist Convention ” r tlie year 1865—was occupied by a hos tile force, and thus the body was prevent ed assembling, it becomes necessary for hose who alone can act iu its behalf, to nnounce the time and place of meeting for B" e present year. Acting therefore in oon lort with the executive committee, and at F request, I hereby give notice that the Beorgia Baptist Convention for the year will meet, Providence permitting, at ■laeon, on Friday before the fourth Lord’s fc’ in April next. P. H. Miu, I % Moderator Ga. Bap. Con. I For the Dawson Journal. ■° Him Who Will Best Under* I stand it.* PB ‘ down town the other day— pP „ ,10 should I chance to meet, H " ut lovely John with smiling face, F * the street. II 11° bowed to me, I smiled at him, ■ Alld thought 'twas nothing wrong ; R °i sli the Dawson boys, yet | 1 “ink the most of John.' ■l* mS * llm aom ®timos in the Church H . though seldom there I go— ■ '’ al ®h him closely in his pew, | And glimpse him at the door. ■ wears a coat of black, I think— H. V i l hfihter hue ; ■meath his spotted vest I know ■ I nere beats a heart most true. H ll « ha,r is of a light red cas\ ■jj 13 “® ar jl of a deeper dye ; I 1 * marble brow there smiice BI a “Sht but soft blue eye. b , n ’ 'hough he knew? it not, ■ Then if ,. b . e J tr - T ’ Col ‘ ld go®** i I I n‘ he 1 P°P ‘he questien, Oh! ■ I “ow , iul( . k BOuW j say yeg ■ I Joan will guess, and answer this, ■ expect he’ll find me out; ■ Tj. l ‘ Q ‘/ ar unto my house, ■ I rather a crooked rout, hI At on 6 * du * l, and cannot think M IM.-° Dce t 0 call tn T name, H Sett w I | e 'J.j. U9 ‘ ODC more time, Rvh , '; ee write again. ■ ' Mirch -i’J- ° LOTTIE. TELE <» RA 1* II I C. C/'oiigrc‘N»ioiial lens. ~ Washington, March 10.—Iu the Sen ate to-day Mr. Fessenden reviewed the letter of Govenor Graham, of North Carolina, pub lished in the Natioual Intelligencer, which, he said, was written to show that the investi gations of the Reconstruction Committee was not impartial. Mr. Fessenden said he did not regard the lately rebellious States in the light of a erirnna! on trial, nor was heading in the capacity hf prosecutor. If Mr. Gra ham desired to introduce further testimony in the case of North Carolina, he should do so. Washington, March 20.—The House, today, passed the bill to protect from legal prosecution Ijmiou officers for acts commit ted during the war by order of their supc-, rior officers. Brisk Businrss.—The Intelligencer says the merchauts of Atluuta are doing a brisk business, and ship off heavy bills of goods at small profits. A dispatch from Washington of March 10, says that Mr. Stephens’ linal acceptance of the Georgia Benatorship was in conse quence of an assurance from high officials in this city that ho would be admitted to his seat, and that the President is deter mined to do his Lest to secure that admis sion and that his case is no an isolated one. TexAS.— The Texas Convention has re fused, by a vote of-thirty five to forty-four to declare the secession ordinance null and void. They insist upon repealing it. Jamaica Repeated.— A telegram from Louisiana says that last' week sixffine plan tations in the parish of Iberville, sold for less than the machinery originally cost. The Cotton Crop in Louisiana.—Let ters from Louisianna say that the planters from that State are devoting almost their entire attention to the raisiug of cotton, and that all things now look promising. Executive Pardons.— ln compliance with a House resolution, a list of pardons granted by the President is being made out and will be submitted in akout ten days, Virginia can boast of about four thousand, over one half which fail under the thirteenth or twenty thousand dollar exception. The four States having obtain ed the largest number of pardons are Ala bama, \ irgiuiu, Georgia aud Mississippi. The entire number of pardons granted will be smaller than the public anticipates. COSt COIUYTC Jilted Id. WK are authorized to announce the name of n'yley (* . Sharks as a candidate for the of fice of County Judge (or Terrell county. Election Ist Wednesday in May. MANY CITIZEN. lUAHKU,I>, By Rev. Dr. Davis, on the 12th inst., Rev. Wm. Holland and Airs. Sarah Witherington, all of Lee county, Georgia. At the residence of Judge B. F. Cock, in Terrell countv, by Rev. W. N. Chauduin, Washington L. Brantley, E.-q , and .Miss C. Damans Cock, eldest daughter of Judge Cock. COMMERCIAL. Cincinnati, Sla«-ch 16, 1866. Pork 27 ; Lard 18 12c ; clear sides -18 c. Oats 34c. Groceries dull. Cotton 87c. motion —now Ando',.ng Ra a36 : Middling 26 a 87 ; Strict Middling 88 a 39; Good Middling 39a40. Columbus, G!t., March 20. Cotton market yosterd y dull and irregular. Middlings 28 a 3oc. Strict Middlings will not com mand more than the la.ter figure. New York, March 20. Cotton declining—sales of 37G0 bales, at 39f a 40 cts. Gold 127 78. Atlanta, Ga., March 20. • Corn White $1 38 Yellow and mixed Si 28; Flour Fancy, white wheat, per barrel sls and 17. Dawsou Prices Current. Corrected Weeklti by IP. F. ORR. C0tt0n,.... nominal. Gold, 30 a36 Silver, 25 a3O Prints, 80 aB3 IfeLaines, 85 aSO Scotch GingbmsfiO a75 Lancaster,.... ..4 a45 Coats’ Thread, 125a150 Sheeting, 35a37J Osuabuigs, 84 aBS Fae.tory Yarns, .350a400 Bacon, 20 a25 Lard, *. 20 a25 Ex Fain. Flour, 15la 18 Corn,.. 1 25al 35 Superfine, 13 a 16 Rice, 15 alB Tea 150a2 50 Sugar, Brown,. .20 a2B Coffee, 38 a4O Coffee Sugar,.. .30 a 33 Candy, BO a75 Syrup, cane,. .. .75 aBO Cheese, 30 a4O “ sorghum,4o a6O Saif, 4a 41 Bagging, Keut’y,4o a45 Mackerel, 4bb!,lsal(i “ Gunny,4s aSO Sweet Potatoes,6o a75 Rope, .25 a 30 Butter, 80 a4O Candles, Star,. ..35 aSO Eggs, 20 a25 Tallow, 121a 15 Beeswax, 20 a25 Dried Fruit,. .. .10 a 15 | Soap, turp’nting2o a 25 j Tobacco, 50 al 25 Nails, 13 als j Snuff, 100 al 75 Shot, 20 a25 Whiskey... .3 00 a3 50 Powder, 60 a75 Coperas, 10 als Lead, 20 a25 Soda, 18 a25 K?rosine,... .150 a 200 Putty, 18 a2O Glass Sail OR. J. L. D. PERRYMAN, OFFERS his professional services to the citi— izens of Dawson and vicinity as Crescrib ieey l*hysieittn. Office at his Drug Store under the Masonic Hall. Also takes this occasion to say to his old army friends, who are constantly asking his advice by letter, to apply to some re spectable physbian personally, where they can have their cases properly examined, and so pre scribed for. - marl6,3ra WM. J. M ELROY. SAM’I. M. BUBERS. M’ELROY & SUBERS, Manufacturers of all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc and Leutl Ware*, Pumps, etc. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ST O V E S , Ti.r ri..iTi:. sheet meKVand METRES, Fourth Street, - - - MAC4N, GA, CopperjStills on hand aud made to order at j short notice. Give us & call. We sell cheaper than any other house. marl 6 3m HATTON P. B/.;DDINO, •! B. WELLS. IIEDDING& WEILS, ttroccrs and I’rodurc Healers, i ORJDESS FOR GROCERIES, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SODA WATER, and SANDS CHICAGO CREAM ALE. Promptly Filled. Third St. Opwositc Exflrc** Office, iflaeon, Ga. John E. Sullovan. will bo pleased to meet his old friends at the above store. 6 sm. .IBMIJtrMSTH.ITOWH Sul EE. UNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Courthouse door, in the town of Dawson, during the usual hours of sale, Five sixth (5 6 ) interest oflot 49 and frac tional part of lot ot land No. 48 in the 11th district | of Terrell county —all amounting to Two Hundred | and Fifty (250) acres more or less. Sold as tin property ot Daived Thomas, late of said county, ! deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credit- | ors. Mar 18 tds G. W. HEAD, Ain't ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE- G 1 GORGIA TERRELL COUNTY.—tender an r order of the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door in the town of Dawson, between the usual hours of sale: Lot ol Land No. 234 in the fourth district Terrell comity. Also one half of lot of laud No. 22 t in Dooly county. Sold as the property of the estate of Ira Bradley, deceased, for the beuefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale. March 12, ’66. tds W. C. BASH, Adrn’r TEIt It EEE COS TS’t>,YElt S.SS.E ON the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dawson, Terrell county, tho following properly-, to wit: One lot of land, number sixty-eight, in the Eleventh District of originally Lee, now Terrell county. Sold as the property of Wm. M. Petty, under a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the Eleven Hundred and Fifty-Fourth District, G. M., of said couutv, in favor of N. H. Beal, Agent, vs. Wm. M. Potty, Jarid Irwin and Thomas Caldwell. Property pointed by Jarid Irwin. Mar 9 Ida M. W. KENNEDY, Sheriff TERRELL SHERIFF SALE. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, will bo sold before the Court Hc«se door, in the town ol DawsoD, Terrell county, the follow ing property to-wit: One House and lot, in the town of Dawson, con taining two acres, more or less, known as the place whereon F. D. Baily formerly lived, and now occupied by Mr. Morgan Peeples; sold as the property of Win. M. Petty, under a fi fa from Terrell Superior court, in favor of Joseph E. Brown or successors in office of Governor of said State, vs W. M. Petty, M. W. KENNEDY, March, 2 tds. Sberriff. Georgia, Terrell Comity.—lnferio Court in Chambers, for County purposes: Present, their Hons. Samuel L. Williams, James M. Simmons and Eli G Hill. It is ordered by the court that in ocedienco to a Resolution of the Genera! Assembly, of the State of Georgia, that the “Exile Camp,” iu Dawson, Terrell county, be sold on the first Tuesday in A pril next, aud that said sale he advertised in the Daw son Journal thirty days before the day of sale. J. M. Simmons, j. i. c. Saml. L. William?, j. i c. J. R. Knott, j. i. c. A true extract from the mitiutes of the Inferior court, Feb. 22d, 1866. Feb. 23- 40d3. W. J. ADAMS, Clk. TEMIREEE JIMOiITIIeSGE S.IEE. ON the first Tuesday in May next, w ill bes id before the Court Hous-; doc, in the Town of Dawson, Terrell coun'v, Georgia, the following property to-wit: House and lots in the town of Dawson, known as the Morgan lot, iyi g on the East side of the Jail in “aid town. Sold as tire property of E. B. Morgan, under a Mortgage fi fa. issued from the Superior Court of Terrell county, in favor of Wm. & A. J. Miller, vs E. B. Morgan. Property pointed out in the Mortgage. Feb. 23 tds. M. W. KENNEDY, Shffi etdmini»lrtor's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinarv, of Terrel! county, will be sold, or the first Tuesday in April next, within the* legal lionrs of sale, the following belong’ng to the es tate of Robert By*on, !a'e of said county deceits-., ed, consisting of houses un i lots in the Town of Dawson. Also, the undivided half of lot of land number in the 4th district of siid county. Feb. 23. tds. W JV I’lwnu INI ouce. ~t I.L persons having demands against the estate XXL of David B Ravens, deceased, late of Terrell county, are hereby notified to render the same into me. All persons indebted to said e-tate are requir ee to make immediate payment Feb. 28 40d. GRORGE A. LOFToN, Adtnr. JN otice. SIXTY days ntler date application will be made _ to tlie court of Ordinary of. Terrell county, for leave to sell the real property belonging to the es_ tate of David B. Ravens, deceased, late of said county. Feb. 23 60d. GEO. A. LOFTON, Admr. “NOT LOLL r l > o debtor? and creditor?. Those holding 1 claims ngains James Parrott deceased, late of Terrell county, will render them in to me. Those indebted to said estate are required to make payments. HARRIET PARROTT. Feb. 12 40ds. Adtn’x. j NOTICT], r |' , o Debtors and Creditors. All persons hold- I X ing claims against Davirfd Westfield late of Terrell county deceased, hereby notified to render in the same. Those Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payments. JOHN L. EDMONDSON, •Fab. 12. 40d. Adm’r. _ _ I \a. t Mil LAWTON k CO WAREHOUSE, AT B. F . ROSS’ OLD STAND. Front Entrance at A. I*. G. Harris' ! Store. Side Entrance ill Trout of Rapti-I Church. Finest, Canton Matting, scEEjrnin ch.sjsheh setts Elegant Earlor Setts, Bureaus of all Kinds, Chairs of every Rescript!jo, Great Vuirety of Caroefing, Oil Cloth, What-Nots and Book Shelves, Hat Trees and Tepoys Marble Top Tables, Extension Tables, , Mctalio Cases, Rosowood Coffins, Cradles, Cribs, Children’s Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas. TctO-Tetcs, &c., &o , &c , &c. i March 10, It GREAT INDUCEMENTS! DRY GOODS! VKKY CHEAP! BY MANN Sc WHEATLEY. mBE Subscribers, in order to make room for l tneir Spring Stock, now offer great induce ments to purcbaseis. Thi ir present stock will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, and in it will be found a gen eral assortment o f sucb goods as arc wanted by every one. In DKY GOODS, CALICOES, FANCY DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, ALt’ACCAS, GINGHAMS, ETC. Fiifiiily Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Starch, Pepper, Soda, 60 sacks Liverpool Salt. A largo lot of Flour, extra family, etc. CLOTHING Will be sold at cost. Also, a well selected stock of Crockery and Glassware. Call and see what you have saved by waiting. C zASTIN^GB. A fresh supply of various kinds just reeeivod, and offering at low prices. 2 6m Dawson, Ga. “THEM” NEAY GOODS HAVE COME ! New Mackherel, i and whole barrels, Extra No. 1 Mess Mackerel, Kite, Mess-Beef and Pork in half barrels, New Cape Cod Fish, Regular Piauting Potatoes, Fultoq Market Dried Beef, White aud Red Onions. Another lot of fine Case Liquors, among them are, Russ’ St. Domingo Bitters and Mint Ju lip, and we have a good assortment of Wines and Liquors of i.H grades and shapes. We will sell if you cal! on us. GREER & LAKE, No. 1, Granite Range, 2 .‘Jm Third St., Macnn Gn. FLOWS! FAN MILLS, Os Ames Cos , No. 2 and 3. ISosenjif Machsucs, With and without Augers. Yates’ I2arrowSr For sale low to close consigumeut, by IJORY HORSE, i HENRY HORNE, fKY, GEOIMRI, HAS .Tis-.t Received by steamers Dar lington, Two Boys, Oak, and Fanny Lehr, I direct ft uin first hands, a complete stock of Oro i cerirs. Confectioneries and Fruits, consisting of A’ i uradoa of Sugar?, Ri . Java and Cuba Coffee, , Crackers of all description!-', Bottled 'Ale and Porter of the best brands, Liquors of all kinds, Wines of all descriptions, Candles, Sardine*, Oysters, ; Pickles, all siz 3 and kinds, Cheese and Butter. App'es, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, 500 head line Cabbages, Twenty barrels Assorted Nut-r, 100 barrels Planting Potatoes, etc. I guarantee that no bouse in Macon can under- j sell me, aud will sell cheaper than some. Send yourordersat once to me. marlb tl J. N. SEYMOUR, MACOIST, GA., DEALER IN SHIMS»Plains, And General Commission Merchant, KFFI*S nearly every article needed in the Grocery line, including EH^COHS, — Sells-Urge quantities of ( Oin, OATS, BACON, Lard and Flour, Ami ha3 the Largest and most complete assort ment of Manufactured Tobacco In the citr. AlLof w hich lie will sell for a very Jlodcrate Profit. .I.YU SS2E el. N. SEYMOR. March 10, 3m. Creating, gale & co., FLOUR AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COTTON ami TOBACCO Factors, 4 t South Rain Street, ST. 3.0C15. References— Leroy Brown, Dawson, Ga.; L. Pottle, Columbus, Ga. rnarlfi 6m THE LATEST YET! ■ 0 HARPER & BARHAM, DAWSON, GA. O A \7 F. take this method of announcing to the I V public that we have just received a largo and 18 ’ell Selected Stork ol DKY GOO DS ! Consisting in part of PACIFIC DkLAINS, ALL WOOL DkLAINS, CVl licofs, French, English ;uid American Prints, Byadere Stripes, French am! baxuuia Plaids, &c., &c. Also, a tine lot of Notions! Motions! Consisting of Dress Buttons, Agate Buttons ; Fine, Coarse, Round and Tuck Combs, Hair Nets, etc. Also, a good stock of Pocket ami Table Cutlery! CROCKERY AND CLASS WARE! In Short . Everything the 3’oeple .Yrcd, ire expect to keep, at [the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES! IT®” The citizens of Dawson aud vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and Examine Our Stock, Before purchasing elsewnere, as we think we can make it to their interest to do so, by selling .Is Cheap, if not CHEAPER THAW ANYBODY ! ! %V. —Wc will Barter Goods in our line for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, AT THE JIAKKET PRICE. NEIVV ARRIVAL! Grind Stones, Coffee Mills, Children’s Carriages, English'and American Prints, French Corsets, Knives and Forks, Collins Axes, improved Sifters, Weeding Hoes. Celt’s and other celebrated Patent Pistols, And many other articles of a useful nature. FVbrtnmi Hakpku a rai-uiah. LOOK HERE i GO TO GREER & CADDY’S, (Next door to Dr. Perryman's) UNDER MASONIC IfALL, O.M'SO.Y, - - - GEOItGIut. And Buy Your GROCERIES FOR FAMILY USE! WK have on hand, and are constantly recciv ing every article usually kept in Family Grocery—such as Old English Dairy and Cream Cheese, Best Goshen Hotter, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Fish, Soaps, Candlet Tobacco, Sugars, Pickles, Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, Can dies, Nuts, Raisins, Irish Potatoes, Ouions, Potash, Garden Seeds, etc. Also, a fine selection of Brandies, Wines, Whis key, Gin, Rum, Vinegar, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call. Wcsell 1.0 tc for Cash. Feb 28, 3m GREEK & GADDV. , D^wvsoisr SUPPLY STORE! J. R. JAISTES, * DEALER IN Family Grroceries „ AND FROVXSISIQNS, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Clour, Cheese, Mackerel, Smoking and Chew mg Tobacco Osnaburgs, Sheetings, etc. < O. YFE C TIO.YE It 3 ES. Candies, Raisins, Pickles, Starch, Soda, Butter and Sugar Cruckers, Faucy and commou Pipes. Alto, a select assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. Feb. 23 3m“ IX>R SALE, THAT BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE .Year the .Methodist Church. subscriber, having removed to country, 1 offers for sale his House and lot in Dawson, i The House contaius four rooms 18x30, wiilta iaige Hall—Piazza in front—Rooms all Plastered—beau i tiful yard—Most pleasant location in Dawson. There is also, a well finished kitchen, good | smoke house, carsiage house, mblcs, etc., etc., Lot contains 3 acres all well enclosed. An imme diate purchaser will get a good bargain. Require of MORGAN PEOPLES, at the store of King. Grim A Cos., or at the Late residence of Col. Stiles, Near Dawson, to February 23 tC D. 11. ! ARUER. “notice, VLL persons indebted to the estate of C. P. Iluckaby, late of Terrell county, decoasod, are hereby 'notified to make payment at tho car ! Rest practicably day. All those holding claim; against said estate ferrutredto re nde them in. NEW YORK STORE! WHOLESALE Al RETAIL KING f GRIM & GO. | (SueoesMFS to J. W. Buffinton & Cos.) DA.WSOJNT, GA. * e Wfi keep the largest and most extensive assort ments of 111 CMS In this Market. We have, For the Ladies, Frcnrli, English and American Prints. Silks Merinos, Wool DeLains, Empress Cloth, Embroderies, Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Artificial Flowers, Plumes, Nu bias, nnods, Bonnets, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Hat Trimmings of all varieties, Shoes of all Kinds, Balmorals, Polkas, Buckle Congress Gaiters, Glove Kid Anklets, Eio., Fancy Toilet Articles ! Handkerchief Extracts, Cologne, Hair Oil, Dyes, etc., etc. The most complete assortment to be found in South-Western Georgia. top Henueiuen* JEST ItECEly'EIf. 1 00 Tn O b UXCS beSt KiUickinick Smoking Also, a fine lot ot Palmetto Cooking Stores from No. 6 to 9. We have a large and varied assortment of Hats, Caps, BOOTS and SHOES, Cloths, Caslmerts, <fcr., For Goats, Pants, and Vests. Together with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of which will bo sold at VERY LOW PRICES. We also keep a full and complete stock of HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GROCERIES* A splendid lot of Rio and Java Coffee, Sugar, from common to the finest quality, Tea, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Snuff, CIGAR! ASIB TOBACCO. TIN WARE. In fact, a g*nfcral assortment of good* suited to tho market, both for tho Wholesale and Retail Trade. We will put up any goods in our lino to Country Merchants at MACON PRICES! Give ua a call. We ape determined that nuhousoin South-Western Georgia, stall undcreell ua. Feb 23 6m