The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, April 20, 1866, Image 4

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SHARPE Sc 116 WE WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION -NTEA.E II- R. DEPOT, DAWSON, GiA. MU Mi; Strict Attention paid to the Pur chase and Sale of Cotton, Warehouse Capable of Storing 4,000 HALES. Liberal Advance* made on Cot ton Stored. rsr We will attend to the filling of all orders for our customers in any market. IsUNIBER! LUMBER! SHARPE & BROWN, AEE prepared to deliver, at the very eh or test notice, any quantity of SDlendid Bine Lumber. The Lumber will be delivered at the Depot at Dawson. Cara can be left at the Depot to be loaded. We have, constantly running, TWO SPLENDID SAW MILES. All Bill* Promptly Attended to. New Arrangement! NEW STOCK! Family Grocery AND mra stun. DAWSON, G-A.. SIIARP£ & BROWN Are dow receiving and opening a large and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES and PRO VISIONS. BUOH AS FLOUR, CORN. BACON, SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, BYRUP, LARD, Bagging and Rope, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Os All Grades. Wo intend to keep a large stock con stantly on hand for the wholesale ajtd retail TRADE. Our arrangements with Western Markets are such that we can sell at very reasonable rates- Capt. John A. Fulton, whom every body knows, with competent assistants, will be on hand to attend to all business either in our Warehouse or Grocery Store. MACON WHOLESALE HOUSE. NOTICE TO THE TRAP Rl WE have now in store, and are constantly re plenishing the following GOODS, Which we expect to sell: “A BALES Macon Mills Sheeting, tJ\J 46 bales Flint River Usnaburgs, 20 “ Cotton Tarns, No. 8, 10 and lit 100 bbls Crushed, Powdered, A, B, C Sugar. 100 bags Rio Coffee, 16 " Java do 75 boxes Raisins, whole, 1-2 and 1-49, 44 cases Fresh Cove Oysters, 65 boxes Adamantine Candles, 15 “ Sperm do 20 “ Sterine do 20 cases 1-4 boxes Sardines, 10 •• Green Corn, 10 “ Pine Apple, 20 baskets Heidsick Champaign, 20 boxes Indigo, 10 “ Madder, 80 cases Concentrated Potash, 10 “ •• Logwood, 150 “ Brandy, Wine, Whiskey, Schnapps 100 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Soap—assorted, 600 bags shot—assorted, 100 kegs powder, l*4s, l-2s & whole kegs, 40 dozen Selves—lrion and brass, 60 dozen Planters’ Hoes, 28 dozen Leverrts’ celebrated Axes, heavy 60 boxes Candy, 80 dozen Brooms, 60 dozen Painted Buckets, 875 boxes Tobacco—assorted brands, and as low as anywhere in the United States 60 boxes Soda, 35 kegs Soda, 16 nests Juniper Tubs, 75 coils Rope, 60 bales Bagging, 1,000 “ Cotton Twine, 60 cases Army Brogans—No. 1 article, 200 kegs Nails—assorted, 20 bags Pepper, 10 bags Spice, 60 doz. Spades and Long Handle Shovels, 400 sides Sole and Upper Leather, 80G dozen Pad Locks—assorted, 800 dozen Pocket Cutlery, 4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 papers Cut Tacks, 50 dozen Jute plow Lines, 1,700 pounds Shoe Thread, 300 gross Blacking—assorted, 75 dozen Shoe Brushes, 26 dozen Horse Brushes, 16 dozen Whitewash Brashes, 600 pounds Bagging Twine, 76 bbls Plaster Paris, 10 bbls Bourbon Whisky, 24,000 Cigars, 100 5 and 10 gallon kegs, 879,000 lbs American and English Iron, ass’t’d, 2,900 pounds Cast Steel, 30,000 pounds Plow Steel, assorted, 4,000 fest Rubber Belting, 2 to 16 inch, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. DRY GOODS, DEPARTMENT. WE are now receiving and opening onr Spring Stock, which embraces every variety of Goods usually kept by us, and we expect to offer induce ments to dealers unsurpassed by any bouse South or West. We buy and sell largely, and will be contented with small profit. We feel confiedent of giving satisfaction to all who patronise us, aDd believe we can make it to their interest to trade in Macon; thereby saving the tediuusness of a jour ney, and expense to the North or Wert J. B. ROSS & SON. Wholesale Grocers and Dry Goods Merchants. CORNER 3d and CHERRY STS., »pr 6 Macon, Ga. B. H. WRIGLET,,.. W. L. KNOTT WRIGLEYI '& KNOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEALRS IN Minn nun HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, Mechanics* Tools, &c., RALSTON’S GRANITE RANGE, JAfatf to Erprctt Office, Macon, • • Georgia. We have just received a splendid assort ment of Goods in our line, all of which will be sold at LOW KATES. CUTLERY. A Splendid assortment of Pocket Knives, Table Knives, Knives and Forks, Razors, Scissors, Shears, Pruning Setts, etc., etc , For sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. House Furnishing Goods. Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Plated Ware, Baskets, Brooms, Seives, Spice Boxes, Brass Andirons, Cast Fire Dogs, Shovels & Tongs, Fire Stands, Fen era, Meat Cutters, Egg Beaters, Milk Boilers, Mats, Rugs, And a thousand other things too numer ous lo mention. Just received nnd for sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. PLANTATION HARDWARE. Trace Chains, Hames, Axes, Hatchets, Augers, All Bright Cast Steele Hoes, Half Bright Cast Steele Hoes, Bradley’s Celebrate Hoes, Superior to Scovill's. Tongue, Fifth, Breast, Stay, Stretcher and Log Chains, And all other articles needed by planters, in our line. W RIGLEY & KNOTT. Febls 2 3m Metropolitan Enterprise. GREAT GIFT SALE OP THE NEW YORK AND TROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association, Capital, : : : $1,000,000 Depot 197 Broadway. An immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for one dollar each, withour regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what you will receive. Certificates, naming each article, and its value, aie placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed.— Oue of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of 25 cents; five for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5 ; sixty-five for $10; and one hundred for sls. On receipt of the certificate you will see what you are going to hare, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1 ; and in no caße can thev get less than a On* Dollar’s worth as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the conn try ; every person can make $lO a day, selling our certificates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Send 25c. fora certificate, which wilLuform you what you can obtain for sl. At the earn s time get oar circular, containing foil list and particulars ; also, Terms to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHINSON It CO., marl 6 8m 197 Broadway, N. Y. 1866. 1866. ST. ions, CAIRO AND JOIINSOINTILLE PACKET COMPANY. FOR ALL POINTS IN TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, and Alabama. Daily Line of Packets! TAKING FREJGIIT TO St. Genevieve, Chester, Liberty, Cape Girardeau, Cairo , Mound Citg, Metropolis, Paducah, Johnson ville. Cast port, Tu sc unit a, Florence, And all Intermediate Landings — Receipting Through to Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Atlanta, Decatur, West Point, Montgomery, Ma con, Columbus, and all Pointß Sou h and South-East of Nashville. (y Taking freight through to Atlanta without break of bulk. RE DEC ED RATES. Freigts sent through with quick dispatch to Nash, ville, and all points South. Receiving at all hours at Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Poplar street tsr Contracts made and Thrngh bills of Lauding signed by C. J. OAFFREY, President, L. 8. METCALF, Sup’t, Mo. 11, South Commercial St. BOYD A SYLVESTER, ) Agents, JOS. McENTYRE, ( 72, Commercial St Marcb 16— NEW ORE STORE UNDER THE MASONIC HALL. DAWSON, CA. BR. PERRYMAN, Dealer in Foreign and Oomcstic DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, ETC , ETC., ETC. FINE LIQUORS, Superior Wines and Brandies, For Medicinal Purposes. Having received a large and well selected stock I am ready to supply Physician* and Fame i lies with select and choice medicine of every kind. Also, On Uand and to Arrive, Dve Wood and Bye Stuff*. White Lend and paints of nil colors. Linseed, Farmer’s, Train, Neats foot, Kerosene, and Cator Oil. Spirits of Turpentine, and Varnishes. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. SOAP, Cantile and a large variety of Superior Toilet, and Shaving Soap, delightfully perfumed. For the Ladies, Cologne and handkerchief extracts in usual va riety. Hair Oils and Pomades. Hair invigoratorn, Restorators, aud Dyes. Tooth, Nail, and Hair Brushes. Magnolia Tablet, Lily White, Meen Fun and Rouge Balls. Extracts lor flavoring. Physicians orders will receive prompt attention and all prescriptions put up with particular care. STATIONERY. A large supply constantly on hand. J. L. D. PERRYMAN, Dawson, Ga. ISTEW FAULT GROM! AND VARIETY STORE, South Side Public Square, Dawson* Georgia, B Y WOOLBRIGHT, WISEMAN t HARDEN OUR Stock consists of Family Groceries, o every description, such as SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR, Cheese, Crackers, Rice, Syrnp, Bacon, Lard, Nuts, Raisins, Candies, Mackerel, Herring, Snuff, Powder and Shot, Smi king and Chewing TOBACCO OF VARIOUS BRANDS. CIGARS. ■' -o HABDWAEE. Axes, Hatchets, Hoes, all kinds of Plantation and Mechanics'’ Tools, Locks, Nalls, Butts, Screws, Tacks, Chisels Augers, etc. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. Butcher Knives, Shoe Knives, Spoons, and a gen eral assortment in the hardware and cutlery line TIN WARE, Buckets, Pans, Cups, Water Buckets, Well Buck* Sets, Dry Measures, Sifters, Ac., Ac. FRUITS. Fine Oranges, Apples, Onions, etc. FRESH OYSTERS Received by Railroad direct from Apalatchlola, hree times per week. DRY GOODS. Calicoes, Pants Goods, Shirting, Sbeetig, Flan nel, and a general assortment of Dry Gods- All of which we will sell as cheap * they can be bought at any other bouse in towr Goods Exchanged for Country FRODECE. ParttOD, Feb. 23, ts PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! Os all Patterns, with extra points. FAN MILLS, Os Ames Cos , No. 2 and 3. Boring Maclaines, With and without Augers. Yales’ Harrows, For sale low to close consignment, by iHEHRT HORSE. HENRY HORNE,’O.V, GEORGIA, HAS Just Received by steamers Dar liugton, Two Boys, Oak, and Fanny Lehr, direct from first hands, a complete stock of Gro ceries, Confectioneries and F'ruite, consisting of All grades of Sugars, Rio, Java and Cuba Coffee, Crackers of all descriptions, Bottled Ale and Porter of the best brands, Liquors of all kinds, Wines of all descriptions, Candles, Sardines, Oysters, Pickles, all sizes and kinds, Cheese and Butter. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Coeoanuts, 500 head fine Cabbages, Twenty barrels Assorted Nuts, 100 barrels Planting Potatoes, etc. I guarantee that no house in Macon can under sell me, and will sell cheaper than some. Send your orders at once to me. marl 6 ts HATTON P. RKDDINO, J. B. WILLS. REDDING & WELLS, Grocers and Produce Dealers, ORDESS FOR GROCERIES, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SODA WATER, and SANDS CHICAGO CREAM ALE. Promptly Filled. Third St. Opposite Express Office, JMacou, Ga. John E. Sullavan, will be pleased to meet his old friends at the above store. 6 sm. ~KEATING, GALE & CO., FLOUR AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COTTOX and TOBACCO Factors, 44 South Main Street, ST» References— Leroy Brown, Dawson, Ga. ; L. Pottle, Columbus, Ga. marl 6 6m GEO. T. ROGERS & SONS, Cherry Street, Macon, Georgia. OFFER For sale at low prices :J 300 bbls Flour all grades, 85 “ Sugar all grades, 10 hhds do, 02 sacks Rio and Java Coffee, 175 boxes Tobacco, common to very fine 150,000 Cigars, Havanna, German and American, 75 boxes Family soap, 150 “ Sperm and Adamantiw Candles, 100 bbls Planting Potatoes, 200 “ Virginia Salt, 75 packages Mackerel, all Nos., 300 bags Shot, all Nos., 35 kegs Rifle Powder, 150 **“ Nails, assorted, 2,000 Pure White Lead, 10 bbls. Linseed Oil, 20 Casks Byass London Ale and Porter, 50 boxes Layer Raisins, 10 bales Gunny Bagginr, 20 Rolls Kentucky d>, 150 coils “ R*pe, 10 kegs Goshen Buter, 65 boxes and bbls. 3utter, Soda, and Sugar Crackers. 20 Chests Green aid Black Tea, 20 bbls. Apple T inegar. 50 “ Brand- and Whisky. 2 3m D. S. BUTLER, JAS - LAMAH CHEWALLA HOUSE, EUFAULA; ala. THE understned take pleasure in notifying the traveling 'ublic, that the Chewalla Hotel, (late the Howard /° uße of Eufaula, Ala.,) has. under gone a thorfigh refitting, and is now open for the accomoation of the travelling public. The pres nt Proprietors will spare no expense to make i* erst class hotel. X plendid corps of attentive Servants have beer ngaged ; and we flatter ourselves that we cax »ase the most fastidious. Give us a trial. BUTLER & LAMAR, . 6m. Proprietors. 300 T AND SHOE SHOP DAWSON, GEORGIA - L. IS prepared to do ail work in bis line in a supe rior Style. Neat fits warranted. Prices reas onable. Shop on Main street, in the office form erly known as Baily's Law office. 2 3m ADMINISTRATOR S SALE GGORGIA TERRELL COUNTY.—Under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the Court House door in tbe town of Dawson, between the usual hours of sale: Lot ot Land No. 234 in the fourth district Terrell county. Also one half of lot of land No. 223 in Dooly county. Sold as the preperty of the estate of Ira Bradley, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale. March 12, ’66. tds W. C. BASS, Adm’r "EXCELSIOR. 11 THE EUROPEAN PLAN! ISAACS' HOUSE. Jjust below Journal and Messenger office, and di rectly opposite the Magnetic Telegraph office, Macon, Gra. vtceommodailons Furnished at all UOCRS. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the pubiio generally that his new building has been completed in every par ticular, and that he has succeeded in making the most complete arrangements for cariiog on a First Class House, On the European Plan. The extensive experience of the proprietor in the Hotel and Restaurant bus iness, warrants him in guaranteeing to bis patrons the utmost satisfaction in every particular. E. ISiA^CS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND Shoe Findings. MIX & KXRTLAND, .Vo. 3, Cotton ,1 venue, Macon, Ga., “Sign of she Big Bool.” WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers—have on hand, and are constantly receiving addi tions to, one of the finest assortments of Boot and shoes, for ladies' gentlemens’ and childrens wear, in the Sooth. They have nothing but the very best class of work, all of which is warranted to give satisfaction. They are determined to sell as low as any one in the market. Having had thirty-five years experience they think they under stand the business. Superior inducements offered to country merchants. If you want good work, give them a call. 2 3m* gTbe rist r>, MANCrACTCBER & DEXELKR IN Saddlery and Cotton *1 venue, Macon, Georgia . A good lot of leather of every description on hand. All kinds of repairing done in best style and witli dispatch. N0.2-3m M. L. ALEXANDER, Former 7 y of Nathville, Termwith JIBSI CLARK ICO. (SUCCESSORS TO ACTON, CLARK & C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, 103 Pearl Street, UetWien Vine and Race , ciis ciisr £3?" The Commercial facilities of Cincinnati are second to none in the Uunited States. 26m SOLOMON & PEARRE, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Simpson & Johnson’s Old SlaTid, Eufaula, _AJa. R. A. SOLOMON, E. E. PEARRE, Late ol Columbia, Ala. Late ol Woodvilie, Ala. Strict attention paid to all orders for the par chase or sale of produce of all descriptions. Con signments respectfully solicited. Refers to Messrs. Win. A. McKenzie & Cos., Ap alachicola, Fla.; Epping, Hanserd k Cos., Colum - bus, Ga. ; S. &J. Sehiffer, New York; Simpson k Johnson, Eufaula, Ala. IF YOXJ WANT TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK, GO TO B. MCDONALD'S FAMILY GROCERY! DAWSON, GYV. He keeps constantly on hand, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, TEA, SALT, PEPPER, SPICE, TOBACCO, &c., Also, All Kinds of CONFECTIONERIES. jy Those wishing to barter Country Produce, will do well to give him a call. TRY McDOIALD’S, If you want GOOD BARGAINS. Febl6 .3m JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. PUBLISHED AT Macon, Georgia, DAILY AND WEEKLY. S. ROSE * S. B. BURR. EDITORB AND PROPRIETORS. Terms of Subscription: Daily Edition, per annum |l2 00 Weekly Edition, per annum 4 no Subscriptions received for the Daily for leu ban a year at the same rate. NEW YORK STORE! nuuuniinu KINGj GRIM & CO,J (Successors to J. W. Buffinton a Cos) I DAWiSON,GA. | -— 1 WE keep the largest and most , I meets of I DRY ml In this Market. We have, I For the Ladies, I French, English and AmerhJ Prints. I Silks Merinos, Wool DeLainp. Fan J Oloth, Embroderies, Laces, RibtJ Hats, Artificial Flowei-s, Plumps, \fl bias, Hood?, Bonnets, Gloves, HosisM Dress Hat Trimmings of all varictiiH Shoes of all Kinds, I Balmorals, Polkas, Buckle Congress Gaitofl Glove Kid Anklets, Etc, I Fancy Toilet ArticlesM Handkerchief Extracts, Cologne, Hair(fl Dyes, etc., etc. ’ B The most c 'mjile‘e assortment to be in South-Western Georgia. 1 Harness Goods, For Gentlemen. JCST RECEIVED. 1 AA POUNCS best KilUlkini(k?t iv'/ Tobacco. Also, a fine let of Palmetto i ookis Stoves from No. 6 to 9. We have a large and varied assortmeti Hats, Caps, BOOTS and SHOE Cloths, Casimeres, if,, For Coats, Pants, and Vests. TogeiS with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHIN All of which will be sold it j VERY LOW PRICES We also keep a full and complete stock! HARDWARE AND CROCKEfIj TABLE AND BO CELT I CUTLEEI] OF EVERY DESCIi/Wro.V, I GROCERIES A splendid lot ol Rio and J* n Sngar, from common to the fine* 11 !* Tea, Lamps, Kerosene OD'“ [ CIGARS AMD T©BAC C ° TIN WA# 5 In fact, a general assortae” 1 suited to tho market, both for - Wholesale aud Re* aiJ Tra<!t Wc will put up any goods *» 0SI Country Merchants at !MiACOiSr JJIIIC^ Give us a call- We are de«r< no bouse in South-W cs,crn nj 6* undersell us.