The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, April 27, 1866, Image 3

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DAWSON JOURNAL. I, A \VS(>N.<»A., APRIL 27, IBM. »■ fOMI I'OLJr.I'Y JCDUM2. are authorized to announce the name of vi ■>./fU a. Corks as a candidate for the of ” Judge for Terrel! eonntv. Election li^Wednesday in May. MANY CITIZEN. Election Notice. iei ia friends of JAMES SPENCE, E-q , an— -1 . c that he is a candidate for the office of p° Ul 't» Solicitor for Terrell county, and that on Y u !j '. Wednesday in May next, he will receive s h MANY VOTERS. flic Ti«'Kc*l for I Sias People. The friends of Andrew J. Baldwin, announce .. . candidate for Judge of the County Court J' Terrell County. If Mr. Baldwin is elected, Wll ain E. Sessions, a disabled soldier, and a de ri. a eentleman will be clerk af said Court, and “il hare the profits of the office. * Tin election will take place on Wednesday the 2nd dav of Mav. . , _ ‘ . , a u those who desire good offices, and es -1 ll v those who feel an interest in *,he welfare disabled soldiers turn out on that day. * • “Many Friends.” yew Advertisements. JenLins Brothers —a firm to» well and favornh'y known to need commendation •tour hands. The “ Ea?le I’rug Store,’ at Effaula, con 't he heat in goods or prices. Another new store—lt. Godwin. Si 'flintv &- Smith, Eufaulu, Ala., offer inducements unexcelled in this country T G S. Martin —Insurance agent. &c. (L,n,ly manufactory and bakery—J G. g Martin. Eufafila, Ala. Croekerv and tin ware—Seisol & Bro. 2 F. Nance, lumber anl commission merchant, Eufnuia. t Stoves, tin ware, etc.—.l. A y sson & ( o Hardy, Beeman & McGelre, Eufaula. Howard House, Eufaula, All Eu f aula Iron Works—J. W Young. Mitlenery store —Mrs. V. E. benjamin. M. M. Copeland & Cos., N. ONvms. Waiter & Barnett, Agents, Eif'aula. Pry Goods—W C Reese & to. N M. Hyatt—Watches, jeweV-, oti*. Pry goods and grocer’es — Smith. T.’J. Cannon, wholsale and dry goods and groceries. Brick workmen wanted—E. B. joyless, j H. Butt—Family groceries, ck Tor County Judge—A. J. BahKhi. I Bray & Brothers hardware, iron,stc. I Junius Jordan—Dry goods, etc. I ,T. E. Bray—Cookir g stoves, e'c. I Mills, mill gearing, etc —NV C A Biir. I Furlow & Bro., Aniericus. Ga. I G. M. Bay, Aniericus, Ga I TI 4 I April, mb. At Ihe fr°idence «.f ilk Rdleg, in S' lusnrnh.cbec l?v B •▼, C. A. Powdl, Da ft j, V! alt in to Mrs. M C. Oc I.lkt tj I'U IiLO W &1 R 0., ■TKRF.BY call the attentiwi of the .ihlic, to ■I [ ,hpi. Dirge ant well assorted stne\f Mgf>. BhaSPIZE, juar received, and ready foramina- Bon and sale. Their stock of IaDTES’ MESS corns rniaplete end cannot be surp ’e and in-beau and ■ih, cooais iiiß of I Tissues, . I Printed Mu-dira, I Organdie Muslins, I I’ine Apple Grenadines, I Silk Grenadines, ■ Printed Linens, I Embroidered Undersleeves, I « Cuffs and Onllajß, ■ “ Handkerchiefs, ■ f-iik and Ont-on Hosiery, I Gloves and Gauntlets, tii stork of j SHOES t-ces every variety -of -style and 'quality 'far H Ladles, I Misses, » I Men and I TLyfi iiav>i a very large assortment of I KEADY-TIAUE CtOSTUMI 1 and I HATS Wi-.iUnon fir liiilien, Mi-ssef*, Men anti with a few ■ charming bonnets. I Anew »up ply of I SADDLERY, Htrlagc and Buggy Harness just received ■hr line of I WHITE GOODS Rrry complete consisting cf ■ Swiss Mu-iite, I Mull Muslins, I Checked Muslin*, I Nainsook Muslins, I Bishop Lawns, B Irish Linens, 1 {Mtagurgs, I Macon Sheeting. ■ Sea Island do, I Sea I-land Shirting, ■ I Bleached Goods of all grades. mide large additions to our stock ■ II irdwaro, r Plow Steel, Nails, Crockery, Iron, Willow Ware, B? almost every siye of U.’ens, Skillets, Frying Pans and I Pans. B liavs on hand a few Jliirtcille! IJjml Ba«, very uico and cheap. ■ «ock of V UKLT, mOTIOSS S ? neral and well selected, consisting cf Eirtides both 1 seftii and Curiou** assortment of AND TABLE CUTLERY. ■ ahove g ood , wil | be Bo]d st a liberal dis- Ab*.^ 011 our rota *l price?, to Merchant#, April 27tb, IS6A 6 r*. ISC«. ISO 6. SPRING TRADE! G. M. II AY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, etc., AIIERICUS , aA. HAS a large and well selected stock of Staple arid Fuhcv Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. —of- fering to the trade this spring, a much larger stock than heretofore. Tho SHI CSS t* GODS Department, tinder the supervision of Mrs. A. L. Mapp, is complete in every particular, and a com petent dress maker will superintend the making and fitting of dresses. The CI.OTHM.VU Department will embrace an unusually attractive assortment, together with Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and everything for gentlemen's wear. Also, Fiue Brandy, B iiifs, Rum, Gin, by the wholesale. Cantliis, Nuts, Sardine 3 , Crackers, Cove Oysters, Flour, meat, Corn, meal, Sugar, Coffee, etc. April 27-6 m I M. HIS k CO. COTTOF FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION M KIICII ANTS, 89 C.IIIO.YMSM2LCT ST., NEW OHX.-EA.TSTS, M. M. Copeland, T. J. Cannon, Mon'gotnery AD 27 3m. EuftnU, Alt. T. .J. CANNON, M 2 l s. I I M.. 1 tllabuma. Corner Broad and Eufaulu Streets. W H 0 LE S A L E A N D R E TAIL Dealer in Staple Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, And every description of Staple Goods usually sold in see.ion, a!! of which will be Fold at the lowest prices. Solicits the patronage of Mer chants and Planters of Southern Georgia. ap273m ! p EOROI l, Cfilfroim County; IT Whereas, Thomas J. Hi own applies to me lor letters of Guardi inship for the person and prop erty of Wiiliara A. Brown, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Mond iy in June next, to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be issued. Given und**r my band and official signature, this April 22,1866. W. K. GfLJFFINT, Ord’y. / 1 GolltiilA. (iilh%iu County: IJ Whereas, Nancy Gray applies to me for lct reis of iidmini tration on the estate of Daniel Gray, late of said county, deceased — These a f e, therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv exis's, why said letters mould net he granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 22, 1860. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord’y.l* / i COKGIJ, Cstllioiiii Comity: . \ I Whereas, B. C Yon applies to me for let ters of Guardianship for the person and property of Saltna Yon, minor orphan of Joseph S. Yon, late cf said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in M iv next, to show yea use, if any they have, why said letters should wot be granted. 1 Given under my hand and rffie?cal signature, j'pril 2, 1860. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord’y. } S'OlSiwl.A, CalfiiGini CoimH : > WhoroHSi J. Drown upplit Bto me for le tt*rs ministration on the estate of Win. A. Brown, s-i 1 county, deceased A) are, therefore| to cite anJ admonish «JI Nnlar the kindred aud creditors of said de ceHseA j) ean( j appear at my office ou or .before ihe hr >Moiiday in .May net,*, to show cause, il anv thritp vvly -aid lett rs should not i S’ie. rsivun V, r (11V j an( j au ,i , .j-d sienature, this April 2, 1\ VV. E. GUIFFIN, Ord’y. , Tcmll < oiuity: V\ ne j p a , k er appii. sto me for let teisol f rorn the administration of trie I tss 0 ,s\z er late of paid eou-ity, dec’sd, Tnese are, 1 '\ r e, to cite and admonish all ■ person? concerned an( j a pp ear my office j within (he time pr j, y and ghow cause, 1 ii a'ty they n.iv.', letters should not issue. 1 Given under an d official signature, this j April 11, 1866. • m , n. jokes) Ordinary. V I Where* ,1- ■ Saort applies tome for letlersol (ruardians ip • perron and property „f Tau Ull Slade, Thomas\P Juhn glad.-Ball H. Slade and Mary ■ • vie, minors and or phans of W Ilham blade, lat\ 64id cuUnly> de . ceased — These are, therefore to cit\, , ai)mocift , all pe.sms concernrd to'be and , a , offiue on or b. fore the firs! Monday m £ #hew caupc, if any tiny can, why at.u ghou ld uoi I be granted. (Hm under my hand and offi.-j, h , At.rii a w. b GRiK O , d . T . / v EOK&IjI, Calhwia Cor" IJ Tim estate oi D. B. Ingrat", .» • id countv, deceased, being unrepresenteVv. _ . hereby given to the kindred and eredi'ol estate to be arid appear a f my office otr 1 _ Monday in M-tv next, to show cause, if a, b ttors of administration should not he g n, 1 VV, (t. Pierce, Clerk of the lufeCoT Court t' 1 ? county. Given under niv hand and effinial tore at Morgan, this 2d dav of April, 18(16. (and VV. F, GRIFFIN, Ordinary Tl'.HMii.L SUN. It l yt’S S.SLE. \t r 11,!, be sold before the Clou t House door it , \V the town of Dawson, Terrel county, on th<v first Tuesday in May next between the legkl hours of Sale, the following property to-wit ; The South half of Town lot No 40, sitna'ed on the west side of the public square, in the town of Dawson, 1 vied on as the property < f 0. F Brooks and Joint A. McGtegor, to satisfy a li fa issued from the Superior court of Terrel county, in favor of Covington Damn* vs Thornton k Brooks, priti eipal, and John A. McGregor indorser. Property pointed out by F. M. II trner plaimilT* attorney. March 30 tds. M. W. KENN EDY, Sltff. NOTICE. TIIEIIEBY forewarn all persons Against trading or contracting with my wife, L'.izebeth Me- . Willi ’ins, on niv account, a3 voluntarily | ab unioned uiv bed and board. I will not pay any del,, s contracted by her, us I have made adequate NOTICE VLT. persons indebted to the est \re cf William Keel, l.te of Calhoun c©«cty, detfeasid, are bprebv notified to come forward u and mme payment immediately, and‘’all persons holding claims against Slid estate are hereby notified to present them in accordance with liw. B. I*. BRAY, apiKf.Sm Administrator. COEN! COEN! AND FLOUR ! ("i OOD White Corn and a splendid lot of Extra T Flour, for Bale at the very lowest pot- -ible figures, hy E. B. LOYLE^S, April 0, 1 m CHEAP DRUG STORE! A VENT & ADAMS. (Next to Harper & Barham's) DAWSON, - - GEORGIA. VKE receiving and offering to the public, a large aud complete assortment of Drugs aud llcdicincs, All fresh and good. We are supplied with every article usually kept in a first class Drug Store. We will sell Drugs, Dye Stuff*, paints, oils, etc. For Cash or Produce. Jig?" All orders and prescriptions will be prompt ly attended to. apr 13tf HEW CONFECTIONERY .Iml Mager Mirer Saloon ! WESTO.X A CO. have just opened anew Confectionery, on Dvpot Street, two doors below the Tost Office, where they keep a supply of choice Confectioneries, together with Liger Beer, Iced Lemonade, etc. We will soon be prepared to furnish Ice in quantities to suit purchasers. Give us a call. April 13-1 m RANDALL WARE, BLUkSAIITH, WAGON REPAIRER, A( . At his old stand, rear of the Journal office, IS prepared to Shoe Ilorses, Iron and Repair Wagons, Buggies, Farming Utensils, etc., in the very best manner. Having experienced and skillful workmen, he warrants all woik done in his shop. Give him a trial. Artificial begs & Arms Manufactured ai Macon, Ga, rpnESK Ar ificial Limbs »re superior to nil ot>- 1 min MturabiWy SimplUUy and .Itlh lly. The ai! kle *iiid knee joints are made upon the plciple of b ill and socket, and never get loose or wear outi Send tor a pamphlet. Address AMERICAN LEG CO , npT6,lm Macon, Ga. ROBERT J. LOWRY. WILLIAM M. LOWRY. ROBERT J. LOWRY & CO, CommiHsioil jMercTiants» MO.VKY BKOHEKfiA,ID Wholesale Healers in Geu. Merchandise, 20 Granite Front, Alabama Si reef, mar 30 2m •lUnnl(L t Cla* snsw gtoojdsl Jhist Keccived. VLOT of Spring Print*, .Hastins, slid Gents 1 and Ladies’ Shoes* Men’s and Boys’ Elools, and a Lot of Boys’ Clot hint;, All of which will he sold at Low Figures. Also, [Lot of Corn. E. S5. EOYI.ESS. ■ April 20 t lm Dawson, Georgia. CLO TI II TST Gr ' HOPS'# YOUTHS' CLOTUSA'G ( CHEAPER than can be bought, in this place, for J lain selling them AX LOST ! April 20.1 m MS. 15. LOYLESS. . Mod ii i-; w r A; l ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. i>6 Commercial St, & Levee, ST. JLOI IS, .no., DEALERS in Bagging, Rope, Bacon, kc. Also, manufacturers cf tbe McGrew ‘‘Gieenleaf” Hope. Spec ial attention given to fillirg orders. April 20, 61* DR. F. J. MARTIN, OFFERS his Professional Service to the citizens of € hiekasawhatc /iff,, tie., and the 3tiv-n”rd : rior country. Apij* lits), lbtid. FtKE BOOTS & SHOES! .Fas*. Fitzgerald, .It Sharpe X Uro sen's, liepot St., IS prepired to fit up, on short notice, and at reasonable prices, as fine boots and shoes as can be put up in this country. His long experience and high reputation as a workman, is a sufficient guarantee of satisfaction to these who may patron ize him. lie lias on hand a hue lot of French Cal T Sit in s, which will be worked up to order. If you want good work, give him a call. apr‘2o 8m IT f J. SOULES, MANUFACTURER of Tin A ID \ -2^ W A. 13 K , Jn the Rear of Baldwin » Store. IS now prepared to carry on "the Tin Business in all its branches, and dohli in tha* line with neat ncs** and despatch. Jobbing and Repairing ooce at (he shortest notice, in the beet style. TNi OTK i .. .4 LL porsong indebted to the firm of Glass k ±\. Whitlock will call on M. S. Glass and « lo*e e game by note. Otherwise accounts will be placed in suit. The business of the > n must, and will be clo-e<l. |>» i! 20-5n GLASS & WHITLOCK. EIOUSK. I'OSTEIt, Proprietor. ' ,or S falhoun foanly, Georgia. Ma,c i iB6O. am. 4'allioun CMMfi trrs of GiV°> " r ' Taylor applies to me for let nf Henry for tirt person and property llichurdson tr< * son> minor heir of Henry S. V These sons concernct or ® “> cite admonish a'l per or before the a'; 1 * "PP at ofhoe on cau-e, if anv, ln May next, to show Given under d l * should not be issued. . ', ' IC A. i:d and ofTieiHl siffnaturp, this Apn 2> 186 b: W. E. GIUFFIN, Ord>. / \N the fir-tt due" ( ) before the Com»'■ next w." be e l f Dawson, Terrell couff; m theTotnof r>ropetty to-wit: fo.lownug Dawson known as ”. the ten o! F L si,|c of .lie Jail in lo *. >'>,? on ,be i "roper l» of E. B. »* «»■• Lfeu from the S' p -tiorV ». Mor.R.ffe fi fa. r. r Wm l- a J Tern ll, I in f vor of '* ni. A. A.*. »» - ’ P,one-tv pointed out 111 '‘*'l,,..-' * 8 Feb. 23 WU. M ' \S'NEDY. Shff. 1 O AAOBrSHELS ComY x “ BROM N. CSJ&AXKII OPERUHTO OF 1 Sprini (Ms! BY HARPER, BARHAM & CO., A.t 13rooks & Thornton’s Old Stand, THE are just opening one of the Largest and best selected stocks of Spring and 'I Summer Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., ever offered in this market, which our friends are invited to call and examine. One of the firm, of long experience, and well acquaint ed with the wants of this market, remained in New Yoi k during the great Dry Goods Panic, and was thus enabled to buy on terms which warrant them in offering their stock AS CHEAP, IF NOT Cheaper Than Anybody ! The WRnts of the Ladies were kept specially in view, and they will find us supplied with Prints, Muslins, Lawns, Jaconets, French Organdies, Cliamhrays, Mezambiques, Swiss Muslins, Nainsooks, Brilliants, Irish Linen, White Bobinet, l>reisw Trimmings, every variety of Edging and Inserting, Ladies’Collars, Cuffs, Tuekrd Skirts, Spring Bal morals, Mohair Skirts, Ladies Hats, Bonnets, every style of Trim ming for hats & bonnets, * Plumes, Wreaths, TOILET ARTICLES ! And, in fact, everything pertaining to a Lady’s Wardrobe, Also, a splendid stock of Gents’ Clothing* anti Furnishing Goods! Comprising Cashnsers, Cloth, LineD, etc., for men and boys. BOOTS AISTD SHOES, And a thousand other tilings too numerous to mention. MANN & WHEATLEY, Datvson, Georgia. ARE now receiving their large and well selected stock of 3ou»ht Since the Great Panic in IVexv York! Our stock of DRY GOODS i s complete in every particular, em bracing Lil lies’ Dress Goods, Ladie’s Hats, Cos ton Yarns and Sheetings from the best mills in Georgia, 80-ts and Shoes, Huts and caps, Best Whittemore Cotton Cards, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and dSnrss Ware, Goblets, Tumblers, Looking: Glasses, etc. A Good Yarietj of TJ.Y WAIiE. (iROCKI?IKS —Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Indigo and Madder, Salt, Nails, Babbit's Bare Conccntrattd Butash. ON CONSIONENT. A Fine Lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco—most popular brands—at manufacturer’s prices, freight added. *J Cm A. GOLD MINE sh! DAWSON, Ilistiot yet been discovered, but if you want any good thing that gold will buy, go to GREER & CADDY’S, (Next door to Dr. Perryman’s) UNDER MASONIC. HALL,'so.r, - - . GEonuj.t. And Buy Your GROCERIES FOR FAMILY USE! \ 1 E have on hand, and are constantly receiv W ing every article usually Ept in Family Grocery—such as Old EnghHi Dairy and Cream ChecHf, Beet G>«hen HutUr, Sugar, {'oWee, Tea, Fish, Soaps, Candles, Tobacco, S ga-s. Pickles, Ova ers. Liters, Sirdin s, Can, Nutp, U’iains, Lisb Botpoeg, O-uons, Potash, da. den Seeds, Saur jfiraul , Flour , Cod Fish, Bacon, etc. AHn, a fine selection of Brandies, Wines, Whis key, Giu, lium, Vinegar, and many other articles too numerous to n.e i'i jd. Give as a call. We sell /.otr far Cash. Feb 23, 3nt GIIITIU G ADBV. SHEET IRON EORGI 1, Tenell Cotinly) VJ Whereas, (»•*O’ge W. Ciiri’ J, .ic applies to me for letters of arimimstraiion de fcnyis noa ow the estate r f B. G Christie, late of said county, dec’d, Th u'e are, therefore, to ope and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at, my office wi.hiri the time preser b and by l.iw, and show cause, if any, why said let'ers should not be granted. G ven under my hind and offi i*i signafuie, this A j S*il U, 1860. lm T. M. Ordinary. p Xern ll Count j : \.T Whereas, George S. Kewnos applies to me far letters of ddminlstriilion on the estate of Jo seph TerroM, late of said countv, «kci ased— These are, therefore to che and admonish all per sor.s concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv exist®,. why Slid letfers should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 11,1866. 3od T. M. JONES, Ordinary. fiFOKGIi, TVrrell* County: VT Whereas, Jane Parrot applies to me tor letters of administration on the estate of R. A. Parrot, late of said county, deceased— Theße are, therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and sppear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv exist®, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand and official ®'goatnre, this April 11, 1866. 3Cd T. M. JONES, Ordinary. B A. PRATTK. J. F. EDWARLB. F. O. RUDT. PRATTF, EDWARDS & CO., COMMISSION MF. UCIIA NTS, Franklin Builtlinga, Alabama Street, .tttantrr, .... Georgia. WE are prepared to execute all orders f«r plan tation snpptlee. ro.rsrcxi«..m Os B icon, Coro, Flour, and Fork al»a;a on band STEAMER FOREST CITY IS IN WITH Yc« Rtickw Eicat Flour, That ‘ Gl 'uater Cos ” CIIKESE, DlilED HEEF, Silver Foil, IIOLOGNA SAUSAGE, Those Table Butte r, Muir & Jug Ale, Ililleat’s Stout 1’ Her, 13 udaux Clar-it Win*, Baker k Stougbton’n Wine, Fine Brandies anti Wines of every kind, in Cass and Bottles, ALSO, “Mr. B w-nes” Noted Domestic Winns, in Bottles, Kxirtirm, Currants, Prune*, Nuts, M A ILL A HD’S CANDIES. All these goods aro fresh and at low freights. If you will come to see us we 'will sell you some ling. GREER k LAKE, No. 1, Granite Range, 2 3m Third St., Macon Qa. Cabinet Shop ! ROGERS & BROWN, *l/ their Olii Stamt on Hepot Street , VRK prAp,ir<-d to manufacture Furnhnre, such ae lieiltitcads, Bureau®, Wardrobes, Ta 1 bits, WnMlißiaudH, etc. Wo ure aho prepared to pur up window sash in the styly on short notice. jtSHR r<k*kr3. aprl3,Cm b ji. bkgt. n. Miami i cirar (Lot? 1). A*. H ithums, & Cos.) Whohitale Denlersin HATS, CAPS, Straw ami Alillinoi'y Goods?, No 122 Meeting S',, next door to Charleston Hote cn.tni.ESTO.r, s. c. I). S. WILLIAMS. *pr6,3tn H. c. cnvxßT. J. A. LKA. 11. C. STKTES9ON. LEA & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i AND rellan, Produce and Provision Brokers,: Cotton .Itenuc, .Vlacon, Ga. Prompt, attention given to the sale of all kiod3 1 of Country Produce, Stock, &c. Ac. Consignments Solicited. I ry Q r.ik sjlcs and prompt rettirneguaranteed I Uvvcpkncfs —PublDher* Dawet-r. Journal, puh- 1 , Ushers M-troe T-Teg-aph. tVitht-ra te Loud, Mavoo. I Georgia, piarkO 1 no 4 FLOUR ADVANCING 1 REPORTS from the Wtßt stato FLOUR Stiffening. Now is the time to bay Flour HER El We offer without recent advance : 100 Barrels Exoelsior Flour, 100 barrels Anchor Flour, 100 “ Kokow’s “ 200 “ Farmer’s “ J. W. FEARS & CO. Sundries! Sundries! 50 barrells Sugar, A, B, C, Powdered and crashed, 50 bags Rio Coffee, 600 bundles Cotton Yarns, 30 doz. Sieves, 18, 20 and 24 Ncs, 100 boxes Tobacco, 70 oasks Ale and Porter, 8 doz each, 20,000 lbs. Swccdß Iron and Plow Stocl, 200 boxes Candles, 100 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Soap, 100 Bags Shot, 20 cases Black and liysen Tea, 100 boxes Glass, 10 barrels Lard Oil, 10 barrels Tanner’s Oil, And many other goods in our line. J. W. FEARS & CO. Macon, Ga. 1 3m* nEAR EVERY ONE who has tried it say they can buy the CHEAPEST GROCERIES AND PROY jfeioisrs, Such as COFFEE, SUGAR, PORK, BEEF, BUTTER, Ac., Ac t a a Whiskies, Wince, Brandy, Kara, Gin, Porter, Ale, Cider, Clxrtt, Champaign, Por the ADIES ; CIIOIfE FREVfH roXFECTIOXKBIES. Fi ttncs in Fancy Boxes, Foreign Fruits, Candies, Figr, &e. At MCGRATH, PAT! ERSOX A CO.^, Mulberry St., opposite Lmier House, 2 Cm* IVlaoon, Ga, .tlKttt.VtS Tit. ITOMV S 5.11. C. Older of the Court of Ordinary o' l Terri H county, will be sold, on tVy first Tuesday rn May next, before the Court house doar, ia the town el Dawson, duri- g the usual hours oi sale, Five pixlh (S 6 ) interest oflot 49 and frac tional patt oflot oi land No. 48 in the 11th district of T. rrell county—i«tl amounting to Two Hundred and Fifty (250) more or lee?. Soltlssthe property ot IXiived Thonta*. late of said oofinty. deceased, for the benefit of the beira ado rredt:- o re- Mar iB-\* O. W HEAFi, 4n»> DAY/SON SUPPJLY STORE! J. R. JANES, DEALER Ilf Family Groceries AND PROVXSXSXONS, Sugar, C ofret, Syrup, Flour « Cheese, Mackerel, Smoking and Chewing Tobaeeo Osnabnrgs, Sheetings, eto. ( O.YM M2L TMO.VM2MIMES. Candies, Raisins, Pickles, Starch, Soda, Batter and Sugar Crackers, Fancy and common Pipes. Also, a select assortment of Hardwar • anil -Cutlery . Peb. 23 Bm* HATS BY T6B MILLION ( At Greatly Reduced Prices! Ct AN bo had at my old maud," vVhltth»H Street, i Atlanta, by tbe case or dozeD, at tbe follow. ing rates: ISO doz. Mens' black Wool bats at flO per dost 100 “ “ ** “ " H " 60 “ •' " " « 14 00 •• 60 " “ ** •' 18 to 21 60 ** “ Drub ** " 13 60 to 21 25 “ “ black Pur ** 21 per doa. 30 '■ ** “ “ " 24 “ 60 “ ** “ “ , •* 27 to 36 60 “ M Drab “ “ 27 to 36 25 cases Straw Hats at $2 60 to $lB per doses. 10 dozeu Men's Panama Hats at S3O to 48 ** Also, n large and splendid assortment of black and drab far and beaver bats, at from $36 to S6O per dozen. Dresa Silk and Caasimer hate. , being agent lor an Eastern Hat Factory, 1 am able to compete with any bat eatabiiahment hi the South, as 1 am receiving weekly large additions to my slock. Bend in vonr orders. HI. HOLBROOK, Agt. March 30, lmf ATLANTA MARKET. 5,000 SACKS COR *’ 2500 bushels Oats, 500 bales Timothy Hay, 1000 bbls Flour—»11 grades, 20,000 lbs Bacon, aides, hams sa! shoulders. Also, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Candy, Soap, Candlee, kc. f kc., lor on as good terms an cau be bought iu (he State of Georgia, by A. Iv. SEAOO, Commission Merchant, Corner Forsyth and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, «A. pjg~ Established 1852. m«r3o lm spitirtci aeons T? OR i e mm i S. M. SIESEL & BR 0., HAVE just, received an elegant and faehionaM* Sto.k nt spitltu aiul M tl.Hlitt DRY GOODS AND fLOTIIIXG, To which the attention of their fiiesda is respect folly iuvited. Our Dress Uooils For Faille. Are not surpassed, either in qnality or price. Gentlemen-Dressed Out In. the Latest Styles ! I We keep on hand Ildi-dwarfe, CutlePy, FISIIIXG TACKLE, And, in fact, just anything you »aat. Call afttl ex imine whether yoir buy Or not. Mr. J. VV. Johnson', whom every body knows, w ill be on har.d to show goods and give barggafns to his old friends. Matreh 30. 3m. GUN AND SPORTING HOUSE. I). C. IIODGKINS & SON, JUaeom i . . t Georgia, M.ituifacturers, Dealers lu aud Importers of Guisrs, PISTO LS, CMSiH.VG T.ICH.L.E, Pocket and Table Cutlery, etc. Their stock of Fishing Tockie is unsurpase ed in tlio Snu h, and they offer lb greatest induce ments to the trade in every branch of their busi ness. mar 30 3mf DR, C. R. MOORB, it ’i:s ro.v, G.t., TTrUL Co’titlnne the prsetice of Medicine in aW H its brsnebes. Having had extensive exps rience and success in the Irraimeut of “Disessts of Females," he will pay special attention to that branch of the profession. March 28, 3m WU. J. M LLXOX. SAS’L X. BCHIRB. M'ELROV & SOBERS, Sanufaeturers of all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc sipd Lead Wnres, Piinips, etc* VV Ini .Sale end Retail Dealers in STOVES, TI.X FL.ITE, SHEET litOtTkiti# JHEIUESe Fourth stieet, * - - V.HO.V, GA, Copper Stills onhaßdand made to short notice. tiiVe tii a call We sell cneaps than auy other house. 4nar!s 3a» — —rs GEO. B. TCRSit*. n. H.KTI. TURPIN & HERTZ. Wholesale and Retail dealers in CLOTTTI3STO AND CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Trtang'i’ar SlocV, Cherry F* . .Sfacon, Ga. f jp' Cioikieg made to oid-r mat