The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, May 25, 1866, Image 3

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)\\VSON JOURNAL PAWSOX. iiunl* than *h» ,n i o more mall ever lived, gives the follow dfderrti.hy liberally •'I'"” , V nrcat medium of success 111 * ilo ‘anil PMLUOE TO. WEALTH A*d > u * it on invariable rule, 100. t« adrertue , *"’ f Tiled time* «* mill ns the busiest, long ex *l*! Inei'iiff tanqht me that money thus spent Hti<" e s. /. ~, L, h-eevhw mu business con tin 'u"before the public, it has secured me many I would otherwise have lost. JOI* IVOHIi. , w ,nt nr.v kind oi Job Wo>k, pitch aa V Z* Wills, Cards, Hr- P# M ' l.tiler tint tin, cic., executed -VaVlv at.d nt once, ford orders to tb/St* 10 " Wtekly Joullm ' um"'o - Advertisements, j, jj nt his new store, is offer . 'wea; and varied stock of dry goods jmraio'r . f groceries, lie a'sn proposes to advance finest cotton crop. '♦ Onr lady friends, and all other buyers, ;>|U) glad t<> learn that Juke Mainster las ar.ived »n<l opened his e> Undid stock, fall seen as goods seli fie' at l:is prices. Beautiful hair an« whisk t&A ad rertisements . Soils water i L- lht vson Hotel. Dissolution —King, Giim & Cos. Carriage and harness manufactory—J A Fo-ter. Notice to debtors and creditors—Thos. j Biown. I.cgal notice —T. M. Jones ■\y C. Seats, of Georgia, with A. I.ang don & Cos., New York, KEJIOVAL. Messrs. Harper & Barham have removed lithe store formerly occupied as a Drug titore, by l)r. Farmer, in tiie Loyless block, vthere they desire to meet their former cus tomers and many new ones. They are Aw Gentlemen, young and marriageable groat iadics men, gold looking, and pro poje to sell goods very low. Go and see them. Mr. Jack Baldwin has placed the ‘ mar ii;.(rKaide partner if the Journal under hi my obligations, by the pre-eiit ition of a Else new Hut, one of a large lot which ho has on bund for sale very low. Our readers will no doubt learn more >buiit tin; bats and other goo’s through uiir advertising <• lumns io a short time. Eutci'iirbiag. Our clever friend, Dr, baushenburg, not (pnteat with beefing a first rate Hotel, has Cited up a room in which he keeps Lager Beer, ci*'a s candies, and various eoidec l';Mi,ariu< which stock is soon to be increas [l consiilwa 1 ly. His tlmnght'iikies* and gr -nt desire for |he comfort of his mujieioiis friends is further demon tested in this that he las 11st tabled to all his other good tilings, that ,;.i ost indispensable summer luxury, ie* We would tlui publicly return our !Jui!;s to the Dr. for that box of fine ci inMiud those i lutes of delicious ice cream, vith which he so kindly furn’shed us.— ■ee A iver iscinent • D.iivsois Ih iris i arrciit. Corrected M'ecH'u by IT. F. OBH. Vfon, 18 a 22 I Gold, 25 a SO \Hr % , 15 j Print*,. 20 a 25 ) t.iiiw, 85 a 50 1 -cotch (lirghms f»0 a 70 atic.»Bfer,..... .40 f. 45 floats’ Thread, 125*150 hefting .."5 >274 | Omabtups, 28 hBO j Yarns, B»W).rS2S I Bacon, 20 a 25 ttrd, 20 a25 Kx F.»rn. Flour,] 5$ *lB ’»ni, 1 Go,l-r,5 J Superfine, IS a IT. tw, 15 a 18 | Tea 1 50 a 2 50 I'lStr, r,ovu» r .‘2o a25 <% IV ’*>, SG a4O '"tire Snjjv,.. .25 a 28 j Candy, 50 a75 Run, cane, 75 aBO flhee*t\ SO a4O ‘* sorghum 4-t) rt 50 J SuJk 4. a4A hgdug, K .'Vi’v,4o a 45 j Mackerel, a 1 6 “ G :nny,4n aSO Sweet Potatoes 00 a 75. on<\ . 26 a So | Buttery SO a 40 *aT]fil.*«, S a*,.,..85 aSO ivjg.s, Ifta 25 )r and Kiuir, . . .Id » 15 | Soap, turp’ntiuf&O n 25 "' h rm* .. . f ..50 „ 1 25 NON ..14 a 15 1 < 1 00 1.1 75 F'Wr.f 90 « 25 v k-\ ...%Oo *3 50 60 n75 . . ~. 18 - • V., . . 150 a 200 o v, ....... .Tv - 0 911 .A PKATfF F. o, RUDY. r i ; ... u• & CO., :<\MkiISSK)N MERCIIA,NTS. Franklin Buildiugs, Alabama Street, Wanta, - Georgia* WE are prepared to execute all orders for plan rtjoti supplicß. • V iKYS IG.YJ7IE.VTS B.icon r Corn, Flour, and Pork always on hand lONGLtY & WALSH, - Auctione e r s AM) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. * htrry Street, .? Macon, Ga. 1 tiie S:ore formerly occupied by K. Bond & Cos. REFERENCES: etmore A Kirkland, .New York. j) >d«ki*e, Scott kCo “ “ °°d k Cos., Boston i i=ke, & Auderson, “ o'K bhrtmbprtain, Tent!, j k " Wood, Nrtsliville, “ vnnon. Off,it A (to New O.teans. r »ne, Johnson & Grajbill,. Sivunrab, Git., I , ‘ r < & Cos. Augun,t, Gi. I V o nywvrs Collin,bus, « »• Wallace, Atlanta, “ pTp 'F 0 ' b l . S»i£t VVavinanavillp, Gt. f articnl.r attention given to the purchase, j n , ,“ n4 of Cotton, Colton Yarns, I Lhnaburg,, Sheetings, & c „ , ! \»V^ JLEY , L, '« Hrm of E - boud, & Cos. j ir' ,T , Kate firm ot Horne & Walsh : *Btb, 18G8. K „,. >OB 31 £ TO TAX riYUn*; J k »°ivß aro cow icady, nnd lam prepared' roi t^! '* CeIV, ’ at *(i conn** tax for Ter~ ] ucy. I he (ouiid in Dawson at m, , 'u the court house I i»ha. h 111 P'" ver ou b'idiv, Mhv 18; at Chick- i >tni,» 9, P ' Si: -‘Kv, lath; Brown's Sutios, '• lb ~' 1 ' 12 h Court Ground, Tuesday 22m!; \ '- J «rt Ground, Wednned.v. 23d. ! , w.'w. kaksuh, ! 1 TnK-cni-er. K. J. Joffh'STOX. U. 8. OIIXAR. i E. J. JJHNSTON & CO., DEALERS IN Watches of all Makes, UIAJIO.KI) Itl.VtiS—cluster and au.g’e ft'ii'. Silver Piatcd I’iti.bcr.s, Cake Bankets, Castors, Waiters, Tea Sets, Syrup Mug-’, Solid Silver 'l'able and Tra Spoon", * Knives, Forks, Cups, Fitciicis, and Spoons for cl ildtee, etc. aiekl W al k.—We have the services of the very best workmen, and are preptred to tla all work promptly and warrant if. Engraving and Jewelry repaired by Mr. S. E. Theus. Wo:k re spectfully solicited. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. . n.nrSO 2m Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. I j AAV tstotjcj:. H' MOtHHS will practice iu all the courts ’ • ot the South wcstcin, iu Irwin of South* I err, Coffee aud Appl naf of the Brui swick, and most of ttie counts of the Patauia Circuits. 1 Office on Washington Street, opposite ihe Ex* I prcaa office, Albany, Ga. majll ly Law gaed. ; r |''llE undersigned will attend to any legal busi _ I ness entrusted to his cure, in Sooihwesutru ' Georgia. Office at Cuibert, Randolph co , Gs. j may 11, 1 y K. 11. PLATT ‘ 1). S. DITTLKR, JAS. LAMAR CIILWAI.LA HOUSE, EUFAULA, ALA. TfHE undcrF-igned take ple.asiire in notifying the traveling public, that the Chewalfa Hotel, (late the Howard House of Eofauia, Ala.,) has under gone a thorough refitting, and is row open for the accomodation of the travelling public. The present Propiictora w ill spare do expense to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. A splendid corps of attentive Servants have beer cai pi leFt the niot-t fastidious. Give us a trial. BUTLER & LAMAR, 2 Cm. Proprietors. lIENIiY HORNE, DEALER IN FANCY-GROCERIES! FRUITS, H INES AND LIQUORS, Jfrtfon, - - - Georgia. TT AS just received, end will receive es> c h week, Ii (,v-li nipples cf Oli ITGES AiTO 5. J for sale at wholesale at the very lowest prices. IN STOTTK, Fur s de by tlio bariel, gillon or bottle— Cboioe Madiira W ine, Ca ice l’ort. Wine, Cboke Sherry Wine Ujlltcl Gin, Fik.e»’ Whisky, Reach Brandy, Crown B ur'on Whk-ky. Also fif'v b-irici” Sweet Chrmpiign Cider, pure imported Whi e Wiue Vinegar, and everything n-ueliv 1- nnd in a I'irst t’lflSS i'ltiiliig Groce rg, 1 sic is ss Luw as she Lowest. y. icon, Any 4, If HENRY HORNE. As'DJaa&t Oft'ii v, Dawson, Ga., J/ay 1 O h, 18G6. VLL perron* in the county of Terrell, suhjeef to a licence ms, or liable to pay lueome tax. for the u':u 1 S‘is, nuder ihe Revenue ’aw.c, nr< hereby »cqniicd to forward, immediately and rive in tl e lame, as the Assessor has but a limited time in which to make his returns. 11. jY SIMMONS, 18,2 t A«s s c or 19th Div., 2d Dist, Wo r ri6ji. N OTirE i?- hereby given that mv office nil’ be wilt J. C. F. CD-k, Clerk of ti e Superior Comt, who, acting a 5 my ch’»k, is now authorized by statuie io dis charge all Uie duiies pert»inii.g to iny mv nhseme, tvot-judicial in their char acter. 1 would t oiitv persons likely to le interested that the f;i«t term of the county Goutt will be held on the second Monday in Junt next. \\. G. PARKS, j. C. 0. MASS L\ P>p iIG & SO^ 7 , ORUGGSSTS, Macon, - - - Georgia ' » r l' , ti.m of D.-blers is invited to this old 1 and reliable house. may 18,6 m “lost “dogi" STUaVEP from me in D iw-on, shout the 25'h ol April, tt I’oin'er Dog, medium fiz ', white Slid red or white and 1 ver e ; ded. Any informs tion of him will t>e thankfully received and liber »l]v rewarded. He is theprrpeity of a friend— lienee valuable t mo. D.i» sen, May!B,2i* JAIIKD IRWIN’. Clints r* FIXHLAT. ' THCS. W. MAXOIIAM. FINDLAY & AS4CHAIVI, Wholesale and R ‘tail Dealers in Fancy Family Groceries! WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, DANDY, Provisions Oenorally, Second Si., onp. First Nation:*! Bank, May WJJ. U. of Ga. WITH BRADFORD, WELLES & CO., (Successors to Longstreet, Bradford & Cos.) Wholesale Dealers in and Manufacturers of Mens' and Boys 1 Clothing, 22, 2 S & 26. Reade f*r., nearly opposite A. T. Stewart & Cos , May 18, 3m . ITO/ifi. CUTHBERT BOUSE Cutlibort* Ga, j r piIIS Hotel, formerly known as the “KHff&o I House, n is dow open wild prepared to Hccom •nodtf.e ail wbo may fu /0? us with a call. The public may real assured that no pains will be spartd td render the guests comfortable. THE T A.BITE a ill he supplied with the beat the market and the country afford. An exDfciiejsced caterer has been secured, whose whole true will ho devoted to the pror-urr ife-rti of JUfUbUs Os EVC ft/ t2fS cri*>flotl. Polirc and attentive servants, neat Hoouits Fair, and moderate charges will surely satisfy our guests. V- w. BOISCL.iII & BKQ., Cujhbcrt if a., My 11, ly I*. opriv ’ors. “ SSSADQIVARTISKIS w U’OR WESTERN- PRODUCEI SIBIIGK £ SIIHINL TEiii djSli cet, - - ffIACON, GEORGIA. * DEALERS IN' Eli, BACON, MY, OATS, FLOP, MEAL, RYE, Mess E"oi‘Et, B isla, Syi'iigt, etc., \\ K arc prepared at all times to fill all orders promptly if accompanied with the Cash, and at the Jcwest Market Rates, no vie are daily replenishing our Stock, thereby enabling us to DEFY COMPETITION. CORN-Y cllow and white in any quantity. FLOUR —all Grades ahd Flices. PORK —Prime Mess Fork, at low prices. BACON —Sides, Hams and Shoulders, of Best Quality. Choice Timothy Hay, in bales* EXTRA MACKEREL —in barrels, half-barrels, quarter barrelr, and Kits. A.L Less than IMlamket IPrlces I All of the above articles for sale in Lots to Suit Purchasers. BURDICK & EIURGOS, • Produce and Commission Merchant?, Second door North of Hardeman A Sparks' Warehouso, May 18, tlocb Third Street, Maeon, Ga. ipiiiig OF HARPER, UA It IIA M & CO., AT DR FARMER'S OLD STAND, Opposite the Livery Stable. WE are just opening one of the Largest and l est selected stocks of Spring awl Smfinier Dry OtfdiW. (' lotlilbg. etc.; ever offered in this mailati, which our friends ure invited tt>c:rli »h<l eBNMMk litre id Ure Fn*n, of h■ ns (<inverl weM HerpJ tint ed with the wants of this market, remained in New York during the ffrent'Dry Goods Panic, and was thus enabled to l uy on terms which warrant them hi offering their stock AS CHEAP, IF NOT Cheaper Than Anybody ! The wants of the Ladieß were kept specially in view, and they will find us supplied with Prints Muslins. Lawns, Jaconets, French Organdies, Cbantbriys, M'zambiques, Swiss ’ Muslins, Nainsooks, BrilliaLts, Irish Linen, White Bjfcinet, Dress r X' , l-ininxinyfW, every vari*:ty * 1 KJging and Inserting, L rdies’ Collars, Cuff*, Tucked Skirts, Spring Bal morals, Mohair Skiffs, Ladies’ 11 Lbt S. B lnneta, every stylo of Trim ming for hats cC bonnets, l'lutncsj Wreaths, FANCY TOILEi 1 ARTICLES ! And, in fact, everything pertaining to a Lady’s Wardrobe. Also, a spletdid stock of (jjcsils’ CloiSsaisg' and Fearnisliing ttoo(5«! Comprising Cu bmers, Clotb, Linen, etc., for men and boys. I3OOTB AND SlrlCbftS, Aml a thousand other things too numerous to mention. MA.7srisr & vheatleY Dawson, Uicorgia. ARE now reoviving Alivir lurg. aud wel! selected .Hack of sfmim© aodsei i p Iloiiglit Since lise Oi*es»t Funic in 3\evv York! Our stork of DRY GOODS is complete in every particulnr, cm hraeing Ladies’ Dress (ioods, ladies Hats Cos ton A’tuns and Sheetings front the best mills iu Georgia, 80. t.- and Shoes, Hats and caps, Best W hittemore Cotton Curds, Hardware and Cutlery, CTOckery and Ualnss \Vm*c, GoblcfN, Tumblers, Looking GSasscs, clc. A Good Variety of TIX WARE. GHOCEKIES-Ftw, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Indigo uui Madder, Saif, Nails, Betblnf s Part Concentrated Potash. ON CONSIGNENT. A Fine T.ot of Chew ing snd Smoking Tebavco—most popular brands—>»t manufacturer’s price**, freight added- - 6m nOBEET i. JEWRY. * WILLIAM M- LOWRY ROBERT 1. LOWRY & CO., Commission Meroha,nts> lIOX I.Y iIIiOKJKRS ASD Wholesale Dealers iu ten. Mmk.aWtfcr. 20 G tautt? Front, Alabama Street, roar 3o 2m . Want «. Ga. L. H. BRYANT &. CO., AUCTION AND cuNi.'ffTsseo.r .o *; k c n.t.YTS, CUTHBERT, GA., 11/KEKMf Salea at J«ukt**4 Brothers’ Auction ?V Houa , VnfahU AU, OonMgnmeul* »u {f{»«4 at **itb< i phtt. May J. A B. BBBSON. J- M STAKKK. stoves] STOVES! l.nrgt ami Mieaiilirnl Patterns OF THE UD 01TM SOUTH, , AND THK MAGNOLIA. Alsr » splendid assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Os every description, all of which will be aold CHK.Vr, by J. .A. BESSON A CO. We are uow ready toaupply at wholesale TIIST WARE Os the very best manufacture and warranted.— “ Patronize home industry, aud build up chanie-r.’’ Simd us your orders. Liberal discount on all purchases. April 27. Sin. J. Hi BUTT, Ih'iiler in Tamil) and Plantation GROCERIES, W i ii e sand Liquors, Broad Street, Eufuulu, Ala. tapriltW-Sa. DRY G OO.DS AND GROCERIES * r «üb3crib‘*r is just receiving a very Urge L end carefully selected stock of General UI« k rcli:iinlise, bought iu the e»Btero market during the recent low prices, and which he is pre pa! ed and determined to Nell at Small Profita with a view to Qaick Sale 9. The stock now opening consists of the very latest styles and patterns of D-y Goods, a well-vassorted stock of Hats a Hit Gaps* Hoots and Shoes, Siardtrare, Vrockery, Groceries, Notions, R EAD Y-M ADE CLOTHING. And, in a word, everything likely to be wanted, from a fi-Lhook to a bridal out I JUST RECEIVED OA A BBLS Flour, 10,000 hn«hels Corn, 40 O l/U casks Clear and ribbed sides and* shoul ders, 80 birreD mess pork; 10 barrels pickled beef, 5 casks brine ham*, 50 boxes tobacco, 50 barrels whiskey, 10 baskets champuigne, 10 cases Brandy, 5 cases wines, 15 sacks coffee, 20 barrels coffee sugar, and a general stock of Family (Groceries. I have sssociated with me in business M-jor J. C. Bryan, Messrs* H. W. B. Pi ice and Deleware Morris, well knov%n in this section, who hope to receive frequent calls fiom their friends. Will also he kept in the store under the Daily News Office, a large nnd well selected stock of Family Groceries, at w holm I* or Retail. JACOB hlimi. April 27-.3ti Eufaula, Ala. .IliNIbS JORDAN, tW'hoUsale and Ilftail neater in Staple unci FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, etc., ap27 3iu Brood st.,. KUb\\.ULA y ALA. J. RIJBAY Sz Cos. DHALERS IX Cooking Stovci, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Tin, Japanned, and Wood Ware, at W'hole sulc and ilftail. keep a stock of tin pkite, sheet iron, wire, and Tinner’s stock gen erally, at wholesale and retail. Orders solicited faom Southwestern Georgia. apr27-3*u BRAY & BROTHERS, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. Importers and Dealers in HAiDWARE SWEED3 AND ENGLISH IKONS. / ■* FjflMAXaud Cast Seel, Cut and Wroeg't V J Nails, Agrieul ural luLpleinents, Builders’ A trdnrare, Mechanics* Tools, Carriage Springs and Ax\ea, Spokes, Hirr.p, Hubs, and all kinds o! Car riage makers’ Trimmings and Materials, Sugar Mills, Sugar Pans, and Cauldrons, Gin Gear and all kinds of Castings, Rubber B-king all sixes, Tan ners* and Shoe Findings, Saddlery, llrrdwa»o, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc , etc. apr 27 3m R. A. SOLOMON. K. K. FEAHRE. 1. T. MATTHEWS. SOLOMON, PEARRE&MATTHEWS, I>EALER3 IX GKXERAL MKBdIAMHZK, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sitnpton £• John ton $ Old Stand, Eiifaxila, Ala. • Cons'gnmehta respectfully solicited. Trornpi personal attention given to purchase and gala of Cotton, produce, <ta. Refer to Messra. VVnfi. A. McKenzie k Cos , Ap alachicola, Fla.; Epning, U.meeid A Go., Colum-- tww, (»a. ; S & •!. Schiffcr, New Yoik, Simpson is Johnson, Eufuula, Ala. i §«<>. SPRING TRADE! G. M. HAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE & I’A.Uy OKY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, etc., A MERIC US, aA. n\B a large and well selected stock of Staple aod Fiacy Dry Good-, Groceries, etc.—of fering lo the trade this eprin*, a much larger stock than hereto!') re. The fIHKSS GOODS Department, under the supervision of Mrs. A. t, Mapp, is complete in «?<ry ptricular, and a com petent dressmaker will *uperin>end the making and fitting ot dresses. The <’£, W TH MYf Department will embrace an unusually attractive assortment, together with Elat*, Cap*, Boots end Shoes, aud everything for gentlawea’e Wear. Also, riot Brandy, Wines, Rnm, Gin, by th# wholesale. €'4t»lfi-ie9\ Nute,‘ % (>ackcrt. Gavo Ovstm flour, JMtt, I q||* * i EWAILA 4DVLRTI»EJIEATS. WALKER & BARNETT, Eufuula • *. .ifahaimt. Wholesale and Kelail Dealers in DRY GOOD3, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, NOTIONS, ('ROCK ERY, ROOTS, SHOES, • HATS, CAI’S, &C. April 27 Sm. WALKKR A BARNETT, A(?ts W C. REESE * CO., South-side Broad St., one door from C. J Cannon. Eufaulla > Dealers in Staple and Fancy ttrff Goods. tyOiders solicited from South western Georgia. April 27 Sm. 3ST. M. HYATT, Dealer tu JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. 27 I'.ufaula, «• • sltab'jina. 3m HOWARD. HOUSE, Jfitifaula. ... Alabnma.! I HAVE removed from my old place of business to the liouse formerly kuonu us the “ Kufaula House." April, 27 6m. KTJJFAO J.A IRON WORKS, EIFAII.4, AL.I., lAM now prepared to build Engine.*, from five to one hundred horse power, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, GRIST MILLS, Iron and Brafls t'astincj.s ol every description, Machine and plmtation IJncksmlth work. Boilers made and repaired. Old Cast Iron, Bras* and Copper bought. For further information, address apr23-6iu J. W. YDIJNO. HARDY, bFeMAN & M’GtHEE. GENERAL COMMISSION M EItCHANTS, AND < OLI.ECfING AGENTS, Kufaula, . . . Alabama. We have on hand nnd are receiving a general assortment of Itrt/ Goods and Groce ries, which we arc offering Gow at 'W' holesale. JoHs Hardt, former Caali’r. East'rn. Bank of Ala J. Bxk&ian, former Telltr *' “ “ “ 1 tWh uttHokizkd Rkkirewces.—Hon. John Gil 1 Shorter, Enfaula, Ala , I. C. Plant, President First National Bank, Macon, Ga.; E. M. Bruce A Cos. Augusts, Ga ; K. F. Metcalf, Savannah, Ga.; Hop kins, Dwight & Trow bridge, New Y’ork. April, 27. 3m. J. Cf. L. MARTIN, GENERAL IR*IIMV(E AGENT AM) EfCHAAOE DEALEH, E UFmfl GLmft : •.liabama* Represents a paid up Ofptyal, in A No. 1 Coin paiiies, of 0H2,000,000. Takes Fire, Inland, River. Marine, and Accideut tisks. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. epr27-ly. J.GhJL. MAIOT.N E[iW( L.i, .11.1; Alunufactnrcs CANDY, BREAD, CAKES AND CRACKERS, in all tluir various R'ylee. Keeps Prults, Tog*, Clours, Stalionerg, Rooks, LIGHT GKOCEUIE3, lit'rot ine L imps and 01, Garden seeds, etc*, efc., -7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cash Orders respectfully solicited uni satisfac tion warranted. No charges made for outside purchase*. CST"Agent,for t K e Washington Iron Works, Steam Kngioes Costings and Machinery of every kind. , f April 37. ly. Z. r. NANCE, LUMBER'AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCH ANT. Cl C.JCC.I, . i . .11 a Bain a. Will give uttcation to the sale ami purchase ot REAL KSTA/fT. Solicits conßignmunts of Country Produce. Refers to Kx Gov. Short, k. April 27 3n. T. J. CANNON, CVC.ICC.t . dabatna , Corner ifroqd and Enfatda Slfeett. W HOLE »A I. K A N D K E T*A I L Dealer in Slsiplc Dry l>on<ls, groceries; HARDWARE, ('ROCKERY, I And of SupUi Goods, usually sold iu this arcaon, all of which will be sold h»* the lowest prio»*«. Solicits the patronage of Mer i ebunte aud PUntereof Sou iieru Georgia. ap‘273m W. A. JKhKtm j. ¥. Jr.HKUfH K. W. JKMCIKS. J. H. JAJSRINB ! JENKINS MOTHERS, Grocery Tlcaclaanfs, .tuition, Gegeral Cosnmission, RIiCEIVIXG AX'D FORWARDING HOUSE. / Broad St., Kitfatrta, Ala. I>KRSONAF. tt ten tion given to the pale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses aud Country Produce, Orders for the paichase of Plantation Supplies, Dry Goodn, Groceries, &v., filled end shipped promptly. Consignments or re-shipment respectfully solicited. Will attend to rsceiving j and forwarding Cotton anti every description of j fnigh» with dispatch. Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt ro’.qru? } made of ail vales. aprSVtf EUFAULA IRO.\ AM) IJISASS }F ton want anything lit the wny of Bark .Tli//*, Sitf/wi' iWfls CofHtHiis, Mill Gearing. Gin Gear, ■ rEJCIMG FOR CGVIKTItIKS, or anything tiac that caa be made at a Times and Tron Foundry. Address or go to W. C. A Pt-.UR. ’» Ota- Erfaul* Ala. E UFAIIM ADVEK a m Allsiiit,. M'SIMTY & SMITH, EUFAULA, ALA. I « , IF vnu want the Alosl Reliable and the Best Quality of Medicines, se well as all other articles in the above line of business, Call at This House, OB S.END YOUR ORDERS, And yon will be certain to get life goods you want PRICES AS, LOW . 1 a tier l.oicrst for the same kind of good* Sow on hand and constantly receiving, a large supply of Puro TMbdicinopt, Selected for Physicians' Practice and Familj use, Patent aud Proprietary Medicines, WHITE LEAD, ZINC, , FAINT?, VARNISHED, LINSEED OIL, TRAIN OIL, TANNERS’OIL. CASTOR OIL, Illuminating and Lubricating Oft, SPIRITS TCItPC.VTI.rC, Window Glass aud Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Pure Brandy and Wines For Medicinal use, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Snufl', PERFTJ M ERY, toilet soaps,. DRESSING COMB?, IIAIR BRUSHES, And all other goods kept by a finst class Dug Store. A Druggist of twenty 1 ears’ experience devotes constant attention to the bus|ue*3, and everything connected with the house passes under his supervision, I» is the intention of the firm to build up an establish me nt th it, will compare with any other in the South, aud ill who pa trochee them mav relv implicitly upou obtaining the MMM&oI GOODS, and at CHEAP RATES All orders promptly filled, and just as r. itu fCLLT as if tho purchaser were present, aniwv ALL «0Ul)S warranted To be what they are represented. Call at tho store one door east of B ay K Lroe. Hardware honae, Broad street. EuUula, April 27, 1866-6 m WE; BESdON:.2 ..........J. T. KENDALL. BESSON & KENDALL, Proprietors of tho EAGLE MUG STORE! EUFAULA, ALA., - Hate in Store and Fo>* Stt?V SaOMCy FOE CA.SI-1 ONLY, The I.argent Slock of SRU.OS, MEDICINES, GHEMIOALB, PAINT 4, OILS, YARMSiIES, *DYES, GLASS, POTASII, Etc., Et c Frer offered in this section, Ti t' patronage ot our friends is reapectfullr solicited, to whom we guarantee Perfect Satisfaction in every i eapect. Buying our goods from First Hands, to l.arge If lautitics, and Entirely f«i* Cash. we flatter ourselves that OlfF • iiicantceJC for Setting Lot r cannot he surpassed by any house in the 81>uth; oud to all who wish to buy reliable tuedioiaea at LOW PRICES! Eii.her at wholesale or retail, we would aay GIVE US A CALL ! Before/nating your purchase!. .f Pull Supply ot a'l the. most popu’ar PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, . Os tbc Day- constantly on baud. Also, full line of PERFUMERY ANS Toilet Articles ! COMBS AND BRUSHES, Os All Kicde, IIAII Olt.S, POMADES, - r+6A PS, . Etc .Etc. AH order., with the cash accompanying, ly filled, and upon Ret ter Xon up ThaD can be ob'etned in Macon or neighlori: g ci ice. niiNhOit A Ht^DAli.. Sign of tic “Golden Eagle and Mortar. ipr;; An Pufrutm. •Vo.■