The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, May 25, 1866, Image 4

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IAREHM 111 8 CBBffill lilEOEillfS, 3STEA.R R- E- DEPOT, DAWSON, GA. M%% % % JJfjU' Strict Attention paid to the Pur chase and Sale of Cotton. Warehouse Capable of Storing 4,000 BALES. Liberal Advances Made on Col ton Stored. £36’’ We will attend to the filling of all orders for our customers in any market. «► I.ITJfBER! LUMBEB! SHARPE & BROWN, ARE prepared to deliver, at the very shortest notice, an, quantity of SDlendid Fine Lumber. The Lumber will be d.l'vered at the Depot «t Dawson. Cara can he left at the Depot to be eaded. We have, constantly running, 1 TWO SPLENDID SAW MILLS. All Bills Promptly Attemled to. Sew Arrangement ! NEW STOCK! Family Grocery AND. momni 33^AVSON, GA.. SHARPE & BSOWW Are nerw receiving and opening a large and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES and PRO visions. eiTcn as FLOUR, CORN, BACON, SALT, • SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, LARD, Bagging and lit ope, Smoking nnd Chewing Tobacco ®l All Grades. We intend to keep a large stoek cin stantly on hand for the n-iiar.ES.iEE TR.tDE. , j Our arrangements with Western Markets are such that we can selj at very reasonable rates- Capt..K>bn A. Fulton, whom every body knows, with competent assistants, will be on hand to attend to all business either in our Warehonae or Groeerv ??or' ? </ MACON WHOLESALE HOUSE. : N OTICE TO THE TBAD-E V WE hate now la store, and are constantly re plenishing the following GOODS, Which we expect to sell: •-A BALES Macon Mills Sheeting, OU 46 bales Flint River Omabnrg?, 20 “ Cotton Tarns, No. 8, 10 arid 12 100 bbla Crushed, Powdered, A, B, C Sugar. * 100 bags Rio Coffee, 15 “ Java do <5 boxes Raisins, whole, 1-2 and 1 4s, 44 cases Fresh Cove Oyaters, •* 55 boxes Adamantine Candles, 13 “ Sperm do 20 “ Sterine do 20 eases 1-4 boxes Sardines, 10 “ Green Corn, 10 “ Pine Apple, 20 basket* Ileidaick Champaign, 20 boxes Indigo, 10 “ Madder, SO cases Concentrated Potash, «10 “ * “ Logwood, 160 “ Brandy, Wine, Whiskey, Schnapps 100 boxes Starch, » 100 boxes Soap—assorted, 500 bags shot —assorted, 100 kegs powder, l'4s, 1 2a A whole kegs, 40 dozen Selves—lrion and brass, 60 dozen Planters’ Hoes, 26 dozen Leverrta’ celebrated Axes, heavy 60 boxes Candy, 60 dozen Brooms, 60 dozen Painted Buckets, STS boxes Tobacco—assorted brands, and as low aa anywhere in the United States, 60 boxes Soda, So kegs Soda, 15 nests Juniper Tubs, 75 coils Rope, 60 bales Bagging, 1,000 “ Cotton Twine, 60 case. Army Brogan.—No. 1 article, 200 kegs Kails—assorted, 20 bags Pepper, 10 bags Spice, 60 dox. Spades ard Long Handle Shovels 400 sides Sole and Upper Leather, 800 dozen Pad Locke—sssorted, 300 dozen Pocket Cutlery, 4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 papers tbit Tuck*. 60 dozen Jnt.e plow Lines, 1,700 pound. Shoe Thread, SCO pro K s Blaekiritr nasorted, 76 dozen Shoe B-ushes, 25 doz»n Flnrso Brushes, 15 dozen Whitewash Brush#., 500 pound. Bageing Twine, 75 bhls Plaster Paris, 10 bids Bourbon Whisky, 24,000 Clear?, 100 5 and 10 gallon keg*, 87U.000 lhs American and Englieb Iron, asaTd 2.500 pounds Cast Sieel, 30,000 rounds Plow Steel, asso'ted, ' 4,000 fset P.ubber Belting, 2 to 15 Inch, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. o DRY GOODS. depaktment . WE are now receiving and openityc our Spring Stock, which embraces every variety of Goods usually kept bv ue, and we expect to offer induce* merits to dealers unsurpassed hr any bouse Sou'b or West. We buy and sell largely, and will be contented with small profit. We feel confiedem of giving satisfaction to nil who patronize and ! believe we can make it to their interest to trade in Macon ; thereby saving the tedionsness of a jour ney, and expense to the North or Went. J J. B. ROSS & SON, : Wholesale Grocers and Dry Goods * Merchanis. J CORNET* 3d and CHERRY STS '' •P™ -Macon, Go. "EXCELSIOR.”, TIIE EUROPEAN PLAN! ISAACS' HOUSE, Just below Journal and Messenger ettee, and <«j-1 riclly opposite the Magnetic Telegraph office, j Macon, Ga. .iccotntit orlafir tin I'urnished at all no ms. r |MIE tmdeifcignt'd tak**« pleomro in inftouocirg: L to bi* friend# end tin* pliblic feudally that his new building han been completed in every par* I ticular, and that he has succeeded llj making the j most complete arrangemcuU for earring on a | First Clur-’H House, On the European Plan. The fitenaive cipcrience of the proprietor iu the Hotel and R» ■t-urant bu?* iuegp, warrants him in puaraDteciri; to hU patron* the utmost satisfaction in every particular. E. ISA ACS. H.P. REDOING & CO. Grocers and Product Healers, * ORDES3 FOR GROCERIES, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SODA WATER, and SANDS CHICAGO CREAM ALE. Prompdy Filled. Third St. Opposite Express Office, .viacosi, Ga. John E. Sulbv&n, will be pleased to meet List old friends at the above store. 0 sni. SEATING, GALE&tO., FLOUR AND PRODUCE ALE RCtIANTS, COTTON and TOBACCO Factor s 4-ft South Main Street, ST. /,O I IS. Rxferescxh—Leroy Brown, Dawson, On.; L. Pottle, Columbus, G<t. rnurlfi Cm WJI. 3. M JLLP.OY. SAif'L M. SCBER9 M ’E LflOY .& SU BE RS, Manufacturers of all kinds ot Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc and Lead Ware*, Euuips, etc. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu S r r O V AG S , TI.V PI..ITP, SHEET IRO.Y and AIET.IES, Fourth Streel, - - - MACON, GA. jgf Copper Silts on hand and made to order at short notice. Givo us a call. We sell cheape than any other house. marlG3m JflelropQi ß tan Enterprise. GREAT GIFT SALE OP THE NEW YORK' AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers* Association, Capital , : : ; $1,000,000 Depot 197 Rroadway. Ad immense stock of Phr.op, Watches, Jewelry. ■ and Fancy Goods, all 10 be sold for one each, withour regard to value, and not to be paid for fill you see what you will receive. Certificate?, naming each article, and ig* value, are placed in scaled envelopes and well mixed.— Ons of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any nddress on receipt of 25 cent? ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5 ; trix'.y-five tor $lO ; and one hundred for $!5. On receipt of th<* certificate vou will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Kin , a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for #1 ; and in no case can they get less than a Due Dollar’s worth as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the coun try ; every person can make $lO a day, selling our certificates iu the greatest sale of Jeweiry ever known. Send 25c. fora certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain for fl. At the- same time get our circular, containing fall list and particulars ; also, Terms to Agents. Address, James Hutchinson & co., nmrl6 Sm 197 Broadway, N. Y. IS6«. ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND JOIINSONVILLE PACKET COMPANY. FOR ALL POINTS IN TENNESSEE, ' - * GEOKGIA, ' and .AJabama. •Daily Line of Packets! • TAKING FREIGHT TO St. fieiifrlci'f. Chenier, I Alter! y, \ Cave Glrcif'elrau, Cairo, .Hound City, .flefropotis, Paehtrah, Johnson, ville, East port, TtfStutnUt, Florence, And all Intermediate Landings—Receipting Through to Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Atlanta, Decatur, West Point, Montgomery, Ma con, Columbus, and all Point# Sou.h and South-East of Nashville. £sjf Taking freight through to Atlanta without break of bulk. RED l CESi SUITES.' Freig’s scut through with quick dispatch to Xa6h. ville, and all points South. Receiving at all hours at Company’s Wharf Boat, loot of Poplar street. Contracts made and Throgh bills of Landing sh'ued by C. J. CAFF KEY, President* L. r. ME I CALF, Sup’*, >'«». 11, So Ulb Ccnunercial St . BOYD A SYLVESTER, ) Agents, JOS. McENTYRE, J 72, Commercial St. March 16 EIOISK. fi>. L. FOSTER, Proprietor. Morgan, lalhonn Counijt Georgia. • Var.h.SO 166 C Sm NE AV" UNDER TIIE HI ASO KI c El AL s . DAWSON, Cft. SR. PERRYMAN, Dealer ia Foreign aaid Boiiicatic DRUG?, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL?, 011.?. PAINTf, ETC, ETC., ETC. FtNE LIQUORS, Superior Wines nnd flraaiulics, For MedicintH Purpose?. Having received a lane »"d well selected .(pel I am ready to supply ('Siysiclit ll* and ilies with select and choice medicine of e ven kind. Also, Gil Ilaail and to Arrive, • Dve Wood and Dye StnfT». White Lead ami pa ? nts of nil color*. Linseed, Farmer’s, Train, Neats foot, Kerosene, and Cator Oil. Spirits of Turpentine, and Ylnrtilshei. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. bOAP, Castile Slid a large vaiietv of Superior Toilet, and Shaving Soap, delrghllhlly perfumed. ' For £2ie Ladies, Cologne and handkerchief extract, in usual va riety. ILL Oils and Pciniiilee. Hair invigorntor . Beatoratois, and Dvrs. ’! do i>, Kail, and Hai Brushes Magnolia Tuble>, Lily, Wl ite, Um Fun aud Rouge Balls. Extract, lor Unvoting. Physician, ord. re will receive prompt attentioi and all prescriptions put up with particular care. STATIONERY. A large supply Cons’anilv on l and. J. L. D. PERRYMAN, Dawson, Ga. LOUISVILLE PURCHASING HOUSE! VAN PELT, MOSES & CO, 2 AG Main Stl | | .WING connected in buslnr?* b<?r«» for J I the past thirty years, «nd devoted our nr.tin tion to the cleft** trade and purchase ol Goods, wv are enabled to buy os low ns any nierchmii, and make choice.selection. We therefp 1 © solicit o-. dtfts from the Interior merchants for any good they may desire, such as DRY GOODS, tiroccrics. Bints, Capa, Roots, Shoes, Iron , Produce, Agricul'ur.l Implen*ents, and any Mer chandise wanted hv rnerel ants. We feel confident of giving entire sitisfuclion, as we have done to our already numerous crp. Persons*oi.dering will please state as plain)) as possible the Kind of goods wanted. Morchttn disc insured, unless oilier wise instructed* ai.d charged on bill. 9 Terms —For all bills under SSOO 2J per cent; over that amount 2 per cent. We ask a further trid. Van PKLT, MOSEM .t CO. j. c. van pelt, wm *osks, fermeriy with Lowe & Coi, GKO. c. NKWRFRRY. Louisville Wholesale House! Fon LADIES’ FENE GOODS, FVIS.VtSUJ.YG GOOES, Notions, Paper Collars, White Goods, Cloaks, etc. Van PELT, MOSES A CO , ap-6,tf 2 Hi Via n St, tut-veen 6 L 7. J. N. JSEYMOUiI, MACON”, GA., DEALER in ISEIIM 8 9MB A it<l General Commission Alercliant, KIIIT PS nearly every article reeded in the Grocery line, including £’o/fS, — SelU large quantities of COR \, OAT S, IS A€© A, Lard and F!©iar> And has the Largest and most complete assort ment of Manufactured Tobacco In the oitr. Ail of which he will sell for a very •'tloderute Profit. t .SEE .UVD SEE J. IST. BEYMOR. March 16, P,ra. RANDALL WARE, BLACKSMITH, W AGON REPAMER, A!’. At his old fctiod, rear of the Journal office,* IS prepared to Shoe Horses, Iron and Repair Wagons, Buggies, Farming Utensils,' et ip the very best manner. Having experien ei and skillful workmen, be. warrants all work doac* ia b\* hop Givt- kiln \ trial. I IIEAII EVFRY ONE who has tried it say they can buy tbo CHEAPESTGROCERIES AND Provisions, Sufch as » COFFEE, m SU CAR, PORK,] BEEF, BUTTER, &c., Ac T R A Wbiskic?, Wine?,. • Brandy, Rum, Gin, Porter, Ale, Cider, Claret, Cbampaigt For the VDIF.S : CHOICE FRENCH CONFECTIONERIES. PiUiCB in Fancy B xes, Foreign Fruit?, Candie?, Fig?, &c. Af MEGRATH, PATTERSON & CO.'S, Mulberry St.j opposile Lonier House, 2 Got* IVTacon, Ga. DAWSON SUPPLY BTOla L ! J. R- JANES, DEALER IS Family Groceries AND PROVISISIONS, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Flour, Cheese, Mackerel, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco O.naburg?, Sheetings, etc. C O.t ‘EE C TIO.YEII IF.S. Candies, Raisins, Pickles, Starch, Soda, Butter ana Sugar Crackcis, Fancy and common Pipes. Al.-o, a select assortment of MSardivari and Cutlery. Feb. 23 3m* SPIUVG FOR — • 8. M.BIESEL& B RO., nA VE just. received *n elegant «*»•? fashion:.M*» stock of SPRING a sad SiniLß* DRl' GOODS AND CLOTIHXG, r.i which the attention of liieir f.ieuus is reapect fuily invited. Our Dress Goods For I. ad Us Are not surpassed, cither in qnality or price. Gentlemen Dressed Out In tlie Latest Styles !! We keep on hand Hardware, Cutlery, FIS 111 XG TACKLE, And, In fret, just anything you want. Call and ex inline whether you buv or not. Mr. J. W. Johnson, whom every body know*, « ill be on baud io show goods and give t\nggaiii» to h a oil!^friends. March 20. Jfcn. GOODS! Just I’cccivcd. K LOT of Spring Prints, .V t .'ins, _l\_ niul Gents’ ntiri Ladies’ jb’ftfrc*. i.’s nittl HoofSy aad a Lot of llava* Vlothin All of which will be sold at Lvw Figures. .Also, Largre Lot of Corn. »;. B LOI’LE^H. April 20, lia Geo.-gli FURI.OM & 8110.,1 HEREBY call the attention of the public, tin ir large and well assorted stock of MER CHAN DIEE, just received, and ready for examina t ion "and gale. Their stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS i j complete and cannot be .urpaased in beauty and style, consisting of Tis sue?, Printed Muslins, Organdie Muslin?, Pine Apple Grenadines, Ftlk Grenadines, Printed Linen?, v Embroidered Underslerve?, “ " Cuffs arid Collar?, “ Handkerchief?, Pi It and Cotion Ilnriery, Gluves-atid Gauntlet?, Thtir stock of SHOES embraces every vat i*ty of style and quality for Ladies, Mifse?, • Mod and Boys ',Ye have a very large assortment of REA'DY-M.l BE CLOTHISG and HATS i abnndarc© for Ladies, Midsee, Mtu and Boys, ngether with a few CIIA RMINCPBON NETS. A iicw supply of SADDLERY, ’arriage and Buggy Harness just received Our line of WHITE GOODS t very complete consisting of Swiss Muslins, Mull Muslins, Checked Muslins, * Nainsook Mu-lin?, Bishop Lawns, Irish Liccn=. Osn.'iguigfl, Macon Wheeling, Sea 1.-laml and ’, Sea Shirtirg, Bleaohed uo ids of all g u les. V> hnv.> nta'le large addilionx to our stock Hardware, PI iw Steel, Nails, Cf. ekery, In r, Willow Ware, i.aving almost everv size of Pots, Oven?, Skillets, Frying l’aus and Itew Pans. tVe have on hand a few TtartCillCS 23etl aloud?, very nice and cbe.p. Our stock of v YAXltlli: 3OTIONS a very general an.l well .circled, eonsis'.ii g cf natty articles both I'sefal and Curious. A. splendid assortment of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY The above goods will be sold a’ a liberal dis count, upon our te'ail price, to Metcliairs. Americue, Aptil 27 1 !«, 1866 6-nt. Ai lifuhtl Legs &. Arms Maunfactuml at Bacon, Ua. f X*HESK Ar ificinl L : n<Vsarp pupprior so i ll oth- In« in MJuyakiUiy Simplicity and flcliviiy* The ankle ned km made upon tlie p # iple of ball and Rocket, ar and n**vet gpi or near our.' Send »or a puninhU t. Addiea* AMERICAN LEG ( O , ap r 6,!m Macon, Ga. WILLIAM! ICOf ERT, (Late D. It. jni/iams, <F Cos ) Wholesale Beale rain H.ATB, CAPS, Straw anil Millinery (Goods, No 122 Meeting S',, rrxl dorr V" Charleston Ilote CII.IHi.ES.TO.V, S. C. D. E. williams. epr6,3rn u. c. oovibt. L- AJL E X A N D-E R, Former'y of Nashville, Tern., with JAMES U. CLARK I CO, (SUCCESSORS TO ACTON, CI.AFK & C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, 103 Pearl Afreet, Between Vine and Face , CIN (JINN ATI. fc-gF* The Commercial facilities of Gincionati are pret pd to nos-c Tn the Uunited States. 26m HAD DW ARK STGftfT! (THOMPSON 4 Ki NDRICIi’s OLD tTASD.) W. L. WADSWORTH & CO., Amerirus, Ga., VRE now receiving and hove on hand, ore of the largest and best selected stocks of lmtr.K A E, TOVKS, TIV, HOUSE FUKNISIIIXG GOODS, ,‘vor offered in * I. s mi’krt, r-z: ilarp.ntcrV, Black-niiih’f »rJ T m ■■•r’a TOO I,S every dcs crp ion of Rudder's BSardtvttrc, Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Axca, IToca, Trace Chains, Slwivela and 5-nadcp, OriodPtnnes, Poi«, Ovens, Spiders, &c. Tile linen lot o f Cooking S OVCB in Soutbweeiern Gemg : «, «' price. I" defy compeiitinn. Afi ll line of Woodei and SJ'illotC II \tre, Bn. ke'e, Tuba, B,i«ke'n Carriages, e'c. Table ami Pocket Cut lery Spoona, Cost - MilO. Seiven, 4:. lot oi Tin 15 ’are always on ham of our nwn maoufteture, at whuleaale nrd retail F.oofing and Guttering done by competcui rrarxmeo in Hie beet style, and work warranted. -A .W v, ©»., Ap: . tS-tf IEW YORK STORE nni hi min MM§ S CR[f¥! | (Succcsiors to J. tY. Bt ffinlonUo) DAWSON, GA. WE keep the largest and most «xte o .ir e manta of In this Market. W« have, For ihe Ladies, r rout'll, Engtidi and Aut«ii fai riiutt. Silks M< rinns, kVn-1 DrLainr, k> pr„ Cl.ith, Butr< duties, I, ie-, Iv!j. n Hits, Artificial FI ye I’Vim-. y U't , II e,|-, Bonnet*, || j , Dress Hut Trirntnit:gs of all varied,. Shoos cf all Kind?, Balmoral , Polkas, Bnekie CVrtr atGittn G. vc Kid Anklets, li t, Fancy Toilet illicits Handkerchief Extracts, U 1 gne ILirOi Djcs, etc , etc. The rao t e mjle c assettment to be fouci in S^jutL-Wcttcrn Georgia. For GenifciLeii' JEST Mil l El 100 t° LNCS bcsl Szell Also, h fi ie l-t of Palmetto loclii: Stores t om Ko. 0 to 8. We have a largo aud varied assortment t UfitS’, Cap?, BOOTS and SHOES Cloths, Cetsimcres, Ar., For Coat?, Pants, and Vests. Tegrlbt wi’.L a beautiful assortment if READY-MADE CLOTHING All of which will be sold at VEXUTIiOTO TEICES. We afto keep a full and complete fkA 1 HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, TABLE AND POCKET C XT T D E RYa OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO-V, ♦ —- grocekies- A splendid lot cf ltio and JavaC--’ Sugar, frrm common to the finest (| ni t Ter, Lamps, Kero eu? h) , CKGaiRS ANI> TOBACCO TIN "W A- B i: In fact, a general assort? e t -uited to the maiket, both for th- Wholesale and Rtfsd 1 r2<e ’ Wo will put un any goods m <-’« r " Country Merchants at MACON HBICE? : Give us a calf. Wc arc no house in Sonth-V cstein und?r?r 11 us.