The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, June 01, 1866, Image 2

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    Si* Ifournal.
DAWSOX, <i.v. JUNE I I Mil',.
Author*.>d Agams.
,r ‘i3 following gentlemon tire to re
fj v« und receipt f.,r subset"iptioiis mJ adveriisiiig
tor this paprv :
KYacial Rev. Thomas T. Christlun^
I-curtt*.—E. F. Kitbsev. R v. L. 0. Device,
Lett CocutT.—ltThoa. I. Sneiglit.
CpTunxsT. R v Win A Pack *,
U*no Movtv,—T>r. 0. R Moore.
Vti uid, Ga —N. 0. Piti 1.
t'uiCKvsewiuroiixK. —R-v. P. A, Crowell.
Auxaicea, Ga.—Rrv. J. W.’
Kuirnriu.r, Ga —F. 11. Curevew.
M iHuan Ga.—Dr. R. T. K nd ick.
The Cotton drop.
We have heard nothing since our l i t
issue from the crops in this section, at nli
encouraging. Tlie almost universal ojsn- ■
ion is, that not more than half a crop can
he counted on. As the days gel looker I
and the sun shines warmer, the negroes arc
the less inclined to work. We have heard ,
of many within the past week who have i
left their employers to live, no doubt, 411 j
w hat they can steal.
We have gathered from our exchanges, (
fiviu various quarters, occ unts from the
trej p, which are v<ry gloomy indeed.
Notwithstaud ng the extravagant ealeu
lationa oj rr.r YanV.t e friends, we ( re
»tict tlrst 1000,000 bales will cover the
jr 'sent crop.
A correspondent wr tes the Augu«ta Con
stitutionalist from Elbertou, Ga under date
of May 17th, in reference to the crops in
Elbert county lie Says: ldo not tninlt
that thore will he nior r tliau half the cot
ton made in tins section that was counted
on the first of April.”
The Mobile Advertiser in its commercial
review of May 11th, given a very gloomy
account of the pro-peet of the eotton crop
in that State.
The latest Texas advices nptoMny l'2th,
state that the crops generally we c not in a
]Tomietng condition.
Writers say extravagant estima'cs are
made that the Texas cron of c tton will ex
ceed sjstj,ooo bales and if will be cut down j
to ldoTtat).
Tlie Caddo Gazette says one half the
Cultivated land on Red River has been un
der ibe water the las' month, hm general
has been the overflow, so heavy the rains,
and so wet the bottoms that the ivospect
was never so gloomy Thousand Af acres
ci r and c-nrn have been destroyed,
And cotton seed i< becoming very scare 1
It will soon be too late to plunt, and many
who rented lands rnruhased provisions, and
hired 1 - borerwill bo ruined by the failure
t) make a eotton crop.
Great discouragement exists among plan
ters in tlie O-.mcheta, La., country, on ac
count of the unpropi nous weather Lst
Saturday week ano her terrible rain st nun
uc ompnnioil by high winds, rat'd through
out the grator part of the night, doing
much damage to outhouses and fences, and
pro trating a great many decayed trees in
the fields. Again, Monday, a heavy ran
fell, ano on Tuesday the tloodga es were
opened anew. The young cotton, just
protruding fi'.-iw theeaitli, b.ut been, it is
feared, seriously injured, and as the seed is
ed away.
fa regard 11 the cotton crop in that por
tmn fcko Columbus (Georg-:a,) Sun save :
Gut f w have more than two thirds of a
stand of cotton. Oar fig.ires hereto**-*
tuvs been sot for h cotton crop this veur of
1,20ti.000 to 1 500,900. We now' lower
then: to 800.0( oto 1 000 000. Many idan
ters who prepared land for kvo him bed 1
b«k* row ipfonti m, that no aeaoiint of
the mf.-rior- stand < htained, they w ill con
sider thsmse'r s lucky if they make fifty
a bales. ' J
fho iluntsvi.le, Ala., nt state* the c tton crop in ;h«t ftoctioir is not
yet nil planted, hut owing to the wet
'yen'!her the work on the l.luut.t ons ia eu
i ire’j stapp and.
A member of a reliable firm in Colum- !
‘us M’ss , writes : Thousands of acres
areykcady gone beyonl redemption. If;
seed could be hail—which in tnnnv cases j
so«t<if the question-it will he the mid-!
■lie of May, or l.rer, before it could bo
('.anted. \\ ifh the de truo ion of crons in 1
the Missiasipi bottom, »nd the great dam- !
••go in the I ombigboe Vall.-y the ningnf-!
tude of die crops of Is 60 must be 1 .rarely i
y reduced. Our object in writing is to j
give you accurate kif nncdon and not for '
cited, as you are aware we do not own a i
va.o of cottoD.
A recent let’er from Clark const?, G a ..
duyf!,lows a marked filling i
l "“ e rrospecte of the neat crop oi cot
ton *
( 'lhc Wades Loro (N. C.) Argui says:
■M st of the enrlyVanted cotton seed' in
this county is turning out very bad.
bays the TJ adega Reporter of last
wed.- *A very severs stn,,,, has just
passed aert™ eur ciwe.rr, 'l'ha croim off
every kind along its track wore seriously !
damaged, and iu many places entirely dev i
troyeej. • }
A recent letter from Pulaski crunty, Ga, 1
says: ‘ I hoar great complaint from the j
farmers on account of the failure ol the ;
entt n seed to germinate, and P do not!
t.isnk th<*re vviil te half * croj* inntie.’’
Tile Rome, Ga.. Courier regrets to learn !
dial in tbaf section of Georgia, and adjoin- j
iug minifies of Alabama, quite a lnr»e ;
number of p’an'ers are j law iug U p their
cotton on account of there belhg such a
bad stand. Considerable seed that has
come up was to puny that it soon died— j
etudes this the prospective tax < f five
cents a pound on cotton so disheartens (he '
p,unless that they have but little patience
ts nurse the sickly plant 4 ;
The Marianna (West' Flos ida) Courie
ftT, !o ,U t T equer,ceof lhe f“>law of
1 1 otU . J I) ff eud t 0 geminate, in mauy in- j
stances in that planters, for
want of fresh B eed. have planted land in
cGrn tuny *,.3(1 designed for cotton.
'i he cotton crop in the vicinity of Hou»-
ton, Ala, is reported a* very sorry. and not
at -ha fa stand.”
A late Memphis dispatch says: ‘CVt
ton Loaders are nil ju’ ilant on aeeount of
t ie overflow, and calculate oo two thirds of
ta-. co ton cro, s being destroyed along
the banks of the Yallaaoshfi, W.ts. Arfcun-
Red and Y-. rco river .
Terrell fcapetlor Court.
This tribunal assembled on Monday
morning His Honor, Jtv\ T. Clark do
livir dto the Grund .lory, mi nWe and
elaborate charge, nc mending a strict,
enforcement of the petml laws, especially
coinmendig to ttc public, humanity justice
and kindness to the freed blacks in our
midst, as tlie mosteflicient moans of making
them an orderly peaceable and useful pop
We h"|>e teat portion of h : n charge,
with reference to improvement of roads
bridges, etc , will cause the Grand Jury,
by presentments, # or in some other way, to
stir up our county officers and road over
seers to do something iu this direction im
There is quite a full attendance of the
members of the bar from tho surrounding
counties of thi* and the Southwestern cir-i
cuit, among whom are Me-srs. Hawkins,j
Scarborough, McCoy and Goode, from j
Americus; Messrs. Strozicr, Hines, Vason,l
Spicer and W right from Albany ; W im
borly and Barrett from Lumkin, llurr»li
from Webster; West and Kimbrough from
Lee; Ilower from Miller; and Blutt,,
Douglass, Hood, Robinson, KivJJoo, llai
den, Fielder and Taylor, an! the Solicitor
General, T. It. Stewart, from Cuthbert;
Judge Lyon from At’anta; together with
Messrs. Wooten find Hoyl, F. M. Harper,
Simmons and Coker, James Spence, and
others of our own county.
But few trials of much importance have
taken place up to the titno of going to
John 11. Parker, a youth under twenty
years of age, wae examined in open court
on Tuesday morning for admission to the
Bar, and was publicly congratulated by
the pr siding Judge, upon his proficiency,
lie was a student in ttie law office of our
old friend Judge Harden, of Cutlibert, Ga.
Mr. Han-ock, of the Sumpter Kppubli
-1 an ii also in attendance.
I < nrevil'M.
Tho Prci-i lent, has diree'ed Major General
Howard to cause tho arrest of every officer
of the Bureau in North 1 Cawdina. who is en
gaged, pecuniarily interested, in the cultiva
tion of jtfantat ons. Brigadier General E
\V. Strong has been dispatched to execute
this order. Judge Advocate General Holt
has been instructed by tho President to
cake out the charges aud specifications
against these officers, with aview to their trial
before a court martial.
We find the following dispatch from Gov.
Walker, rs Florida, in the last Tallahassee
Sentinel. The sunt has been raised within
the last three weeks, through tho exertions
of the ladies of Tallalias ce :
Tallahassee, Fi.a , May 19, 18GG.
! To John 11. Geo, Prisoner, Raleigh, N. C :
I will send yeti, in draft, on New York,
by the" holies! “ May the God of mercy aud
justice bless them and preserve vou.
I>. S. Walker.
! A casa f r agaibst ibe South
Western Rail Road was tried »nd determin
ed in tbe Superior Court of Bibb coHQly on
Thnr-day. Tho suit was brought by Mrs
Sarah M. Sheffield against the South West
ern Rail Itoad ffir the killing of her husband,
an employee of the road, caused by tbe cars
running off tbe track near Montezuma, in
Dccempcr, LP63—damages laid at §20,000.
The Jury gave aju lgeuieat for the plain
tiff for $3,000.
The New York World’s special of the
18tb, says it is rumored the House Judicia
ry Committee will mako nnf report ou the
charge which they Lave bad under consider"
ation fi r some time, implicating Ji ff. Davis
with the assassination plot. It is said that
•he Uou:mit:ee do not regard iho evidence
which tSey have taken ou this point as of a
oharacVr to justify them in presenting it to
the House. Ihey will, therefore, confine
their rccomcndations to the treasonable
part of the matter submitted to them fur ex
Mr. Samuel Hosworth an eslimnblo citi
zen of Amcricus, di. and in. that city on the
‘2sth inet , in his 89tL year.
A negro named Joe who committed a rape
on a lady in Sumter County in July of last
year, while boiog carried frura the jail to the
Court House iu Ame icus, last week, to
stand his trial, was shot by Mr. Grisham,
the hus-banal of ties lady whess person he
had violated.
Mr. VI m Elies was killed at his residence
in Sumter on the 22dinit., by seme unknown
person or persons.
The mill of Dr. W. W. Harlow was brok
en into on last Ihur.-day night by a negro
man an 1 a quantity of meal taken there
Staging on the Central Kail Road, will
this week be reduced to 13 miles. By the
end of next week the connection will be
Cotton is worth 32 cents in Macon, strick
mi Idlings wiil readily command that price.
Toe Chattanooga Union says theGovern
rcent is repairing all the Churches of that
place which were damaged by the Federal
Army. It would he hut jusiice for the
Government to repair aud rebuild all the
Churches in the South destroyed by the Fed
eral soldiers.
The effort to create anew state out of
Fa t Tennessee has failed.:.
C egress has pawed a joint resolution pro
b bbirg the v.sit of the cholera this year.
After sueh rxtensive preparations fur .ts
reeeptiop, snob conduct npoa the part of
U is very arbitrary
Celebration ai Weitou.
Messim Bmtoub :It ling generally |
kn >wn through the surrounding counlry that |
there would be a celebration of the order of j
Knights of Jerico, and of the Sutday School,
at Weston, on Saturday the PJih ins*., at,
art early Lour of that day the people bogau
to come into town from all directions.
T'was a beautiful aud pleasant morning,
a good omen, wo trust, of success to ti e e
two causes so well calculated to promote tbe j
moral interests of mankind. A procession ;
was firmed and CullducteS by tbe marshal
of tho day to tbe church, where a Urge con
course of (triple laid assembled iu honor to
the occasion.
The exercises were oj eocd by a song from
tlie music class, under the dinction of their
accomplished teacher, Miss Sillie Harper,
und an appropiiite prayer by tbe ltcv. Mr.!
Crowel, of ChiekTsawha’chee A Lorutitul
nalutory addrecs, pleading the cause ofcSun
day Sehoo’s, wih ih n handsomely delivered
by Master tvimiuie l.nyless.
The Ilcv. Mr. Davies was next introduced,
as orator of the day ; and tho expression of
gratification and pleasure which rested u| -
011 the countenances of tbe audience, in an
ticipation of “a sea tof reason” from this
disiiagumhed minis cr, was unmistakable. —
Aud more than the expectations of tUe aud
ience wt re realized. Fro orotban an hour
he held the minds <J his hearers enchained
by a thrilling amount of the evils of i ate in
nuance, and the beau'y and moruften laucy
of its opposite—the cause of temperance.
Another tong or two, with ex’e’lent iu
strumcntcl tcusic, and the hour l->r dmner
had arrived.
The procession was ag'.in formed, with
the spectators iu tho rear, and marched ti
the table, which was arranged » grove
uear by, 15p, feet in length, and li;eially
groaniug beneath the weight of ail kiuds of
cdibl s pleesant to the taste. Just here, ii is
due the ladies of Weston and its vicinity to
say of them thut they cuunut be surpassed
by any other any where in preparing a pub
lic dinner table.
The iitn'-r man being sufficiently refresh
ed, a very interresting oereufony was per
formed. It was the preaeoMon of two large
and richly trimmed cakes from tlie ladies 10;
tho Knights of Jeriohj and tbe Sunday'
School. Ti e ladies ware represented in a
handsome mmoer by the Ilev. Dr. Baldwin,!
and the L >dge and Sunday School by Dr.
C. A. Mo. ■re, the z alous and efficient su-;
perintendant if tho latter organization. j
The ceremony of presentadon being over,'
the Ixl loi oi were resumed in tLe church.—
Master B nnct (’hamfiorlm delivc l an ap-,
propriate address in behalf of the Temper-,
auee cause. ;
The Rev. Mr. (Irowol was then called for, j
who said in response that it was “downright 1
cruelty to compel a man to speak whi n he j
had nothing to say ” To u-.e a military |
expression, the whole of King Alcohol’s
dominions had been Airm'shc'd so thorough-j
ly that, nothing was Ift for him to do. A-
I bene diction by tho llev Mr. Qrowel, and
tho exercises were over.
Knight of Jericho.
Weslou Ga. May, ‘2(J h ISCC.
Tlie President's I’olit y.
The most material declarations of Mr.
: Johnson, as to his views and intentions, arc
Tbe Representatives of the Sfa’es
should bo loyal men, willing to abide hr,
and be devoted to tlie Union lud the Ccu
stitution of the Siatis t
All resnonsihlc positions and places ought
to becot fiaed distinctly and clearly to men
who ar- unmisfakebly and unquestionably
loyal— Fresithtil'* rrjily to the Virginia Com
I hold it my duty to rccomend the admis
sion oi every State to its share in public leg
islation when i f presents itself in the person
of representatives whose loyalty cannot he
questioned uncf> r any exi.. , io? Constiiurional
or legal test —]’resident'» Fflo message.
The Constitution declares that to Sta f e
shall he deprived of rqual suffrage in tho
Senate of the Unitid States without its con
sent. Then where do we stand? All that
is needed to finish this great Work of r s
toratiun is for the two houses rispectirely to
determine the' question. Oh ! hut seme
will say. “A tiaitor might erme in !”
The answer to this is, that each House must
be the judge, and if a traitor presents him
self cannot either House know that he is a
traitor ? And if lie is a traitor, can they not
kick him out of the door, and send him hack, j
saying to the people that sent hiui, “You I
most send us a loyal man !” Is there any 1
difficulty in Ili a' ? If a traitor presents
himself to ei ther House, cannot that Ileus: ■
say to him , “No ; you cannot bo admired;
into this body. Go hack. Wc will not de
ny your people tho right of representation,
but they mu and send us a loyal representative.” ,
President ! address to the soldier * and sail -!
ors. |
I will put an end to the Freedmen’s Hu-;
reau just as scon as the South, by j roper j
action for the protection of tho freedmen,'
make it unntci .-ary.— Prudent's interview
with Gaisenar r .... - —a
To this collecti >n of the President’s dec
larations may now be added the views cx- i
pressed or plainly indicated, in the Prcehi-I
mation of P. ace. Wo have, then, proba
bly, the substance of all that has been di.-'
closed of the programme adopted by tlr. ad (
ministration, for the treatment of the South
ern States-
Plowing vp thf. rf.maiss or hie Con
isdfkate DjcaD.—While the noble and be
nevolent women of the South ar n engaged in
strewing fl iwers ova r the graves of the Con
federate soldiers who fell during the war, the
negroes are busily employed in plowing up
the bodies of the brave C who fell
uponathe buttled Id of Franklin ! The Ruf
falo (N Y.) Courier in noticing this fiendish
and atrocious barb iris r, says: “The Freed
men’s Hureau, presided over by a Radical,
win se pretensions to extra piety have been
used to throw a cloak of respectabib'y cv.r
the iniquitous Ilurcau, has tun e I with fiend
ish maliciousness, the battle fi.ld of Frank
lin, Tennessee—where thousands of Confed
erate dead, from every quarter of theriomb,
lay buried in shallow ditches—over to the
negroes of the Frfedmcn’s Hureau. The
gioutd is being plowed up, and the bodies
of the dead inhumanlu disinterred and obus
ed Such biutal vandalism should be re
buked by the people of the North in some
public manner, or they will forever be dis
graced iu the <yc-a of the civilized world.”
h apiiic.!
dfa 111 OF LIEUT, g F,.\* BCOI r
Ntw Vobk, - j
era! died at West Flint at 11 o’clock j
15 minules this moruing.
Savannah, May 29. The steamer Oak. j
from H iwkiusville for Savannah, wailmru
ed last night near Wilmington Island, wiili
five hundred and twenty-five bales of cottcn
ou boaid. Nine lives were lost.
Washington Mav 27th.—In the House
yesterday, the Tax Bill being under c mod
eration. Mr. Thad. Stevens (ffered an
amer.dmeut taking from the Secretary of tbe
Treasury the apjointment of speei and Cotn
misioocr of'he Revenue arid providing that
the latter officer stall be elected by Congress.
Mr, Stevens remarked that ho offered
these amendmenhs because the Secretary
had said he would ajpiii t to office only
those who supiport tho Freddeut. It was
true (Mr. Stevrus remarked), to build a
wall to protect those who support us. The
Secretary was a recreant tool of a recreant
Mr. Hale, (Republican) reproved Mr.
Stevens and showed that C ongress has no
such power of appointment.
Mr. Delapo, (Republican) defended tba
Secretary, who was lot a slave, and thus
prevented from rpewking his sentiments.
Dare he not have an opinion of his own ?
Must we all sqnaie opinions by a regular
line at the dictation of an individual. Just
such acts as these of Mr. Stevens were cre
ating a very bad sentiment iLroughout tho
Stevens, thus discomfited, withdrew his
amendment, promising to renew it on Mon
Washington, May, 23.—Nothing done ;
in tlie Senats to day
In tho house a resolution was adopted di
rect 11a tbe Secretary of the Treasury to re- j
port the amount of gold sold since May Ist,
and at what rates, and also what agents
wore employed theres r.
Williams submitted a preamble and reso- '
lution-, requesting information from the Fres-;
ident as to whether any government employ- j
ce, in the Southern States has offered pub
lic honors to 1! ad or living Confederates
Nicholson objected to tho rc.O-irtLii, and it
was laid over. upr
Tbad. Stevens introduced a hill declar
ing that, the Slates lately in rebellion hate
fmfeited their rights under the Constitution,
andean be re iustated in tbe same only
through the actioD of Congress. It provides
that they may form valid Governments, the
' present ones being oontinuc 1 for municipal
purposes until they shall be duly altered,
land their Execu'iv's and Leg!-Lturrs r"eng
-1 nixed. Constitutions are to be foim dby
Conventions, and submitted to the p' p r * a
majority of whom is ncces-ary for ra'ifiea—
tion. All male persons above 21 years of
prre to vet". No constitution is to be pre
sented for Congressional sanction which de
ires civil rights to any person
The bill was oommittfd to the committee
and the vyholfi-Oa-tiiC
Tbe Southern Recorder rep r a some for
ity odd convicts now iu the; Peretcnfiai v,
| and the expectation that, the numbir will be
inereased to ere hundred before the close of
the Spring Ch urls. Most of them are neg
roes convicted of stealing meat, t ko. ’flu
R‘ eordcr says, truly :
Wo cannrtconcuve how ti e n"gro can
he work'd to advantage in the Pchetentiaryr
it will not pay to make a mechanic of him.
and the small space v.i,hin the walls will
soon be filled, and the d'fTercnt branches
of business crowded. The best thing that
| can bo done with him b to put him on a
plantation, and his legs so chained, as to al
| low him to walk ca ly and f.illew tire plow.
1 He could thus be made to feed them elves
and to iurnish • food for others. A proper
gO ! ,;d system would keep him safe. At
temp s to ef OS P e bp punished so se
ven ly that few v». vld he willing to risk it.
That’s the idea li ' Izy feeedmen
would like nothing hotter tba.. to b'kcpt
at light work anl fid. fi’bis will be j
no punishmeut to one of his grovelling tn-!
stir ets. Nor can you make a good me- I
chan’c of him, under penctentiarry pnpil- 1
age. Nor should it he done to the disgrace!
of the honest white mechanic who has a
family to support. In the name of this rc
spi cfahle class of our c mmunity, we pretest
against rhe attempt to make mechanics ol
negro rr even white convicts. The Recor
der's plan is the bast. Put them in the j
chain gangs and set them to work in the j
field or rend them to Stone Mountain to gei
out grauite, or to work on Railr ads or ■
common ro-ads. Any thing hu’ trying to I
rniso them to the rq'jality with the
tahle cilisera and mechanica of the State. ■
If the “Civil Rights” hill is in the way I
of the chain-gang system, let the convict's
be sent “and. wn .-ss*,” duly c nrigeel to
son, SkilfiPfey & C l Poston would make ;
quite a good H-itopy Hay f. r such fellows,
and then they wutrfd be among their friends, j
which ought to h: a gnat cm-eiderutiou j
with Philanthropiio st'tesrnen and legisla
tors.— Georgia Citizen.
JScastiring Corn.
A friend hands us the following rules for
meisuring corn, which wiil doubtless he
useful to many of our readers:
Ist-—Shucked Corn—Measure the l. cg'b,
width aud depth of the crib in feet; muiti
ply these threo dimensions t 'ge'her and
their product by eight; then cut <ff (wo fig
ures to the right: those on the left will be
so many barrels, thoso on the right so
many hundredths of a barrel.
2nd —Unsbucked Corn—Multiply as in
rule the first tho abovo extmplc, and' the
product obtained by 51; then out off two
figures ou tho right, those on the left will be
barrels, those on the right so many hun
dredths of a barrel.
For grain fruits, herbs, in house or box,
find the length, breadth and depth, mul iply
these together; then annex two ciphers
and divide the products by 124. Answer
in bus! elp, peek o , and quarts.
31—Liquids—Find the lerg b rs inches
from the irnoj, the under fdgo of rho head
or chime; muhiply it into itself twice, and
divide the product by 270. Answer iu ga!
lons, quarts pints ar.d gil's.
Measure 209 feet oa each tide end ycu
have lacking an iu.h, oce square acre.
fVnmlerl'iil I’iieiiouieiion.
A mini u:ho efln kttp a voice at lung as hr j
phases, arul then strip as lung as he pleas- ;
es—He keeps atenke for over one mortth,
and then sleeps three weeks. *
STANKSVILLE, April 4, 1806.
Editor of Wilkes' spirit of the Times:
Fir: The following very st»fl?ge nnomal- 1
ous circumstance has just tianspirod in oar :
cntnmuniuy. Mr: Gabriel Ellis, a flourish
ing dry goods mercl ant, had fnquently re
marked that ho could rit up three weeks
without aiy mateiivl detriment ia his
health; and that after the expiration of
that time ho conid go to sloop, and sleep till
the loss Was made up. He was ltd to bo
lieve this fact from experiments on a smaller
scale. Iu the early part if Fcbuary he
sold his store and i iveated tlie cap ital thus
raised iu a farm which gave him lemure ;
and in compliance with the wi.-lcs of seve
rs' scientific gentlcmc 1, he began on the 1 1th
day of February to .abstaiu from sleep.
Gentlemen sat up by turns to sali- fy them
selves if his stmnge faculty; and to pre
clude all possibility of being aecus -d of mo
mentary snatches of sleep he would read au
dibly all night long, and keep his feet dur
ing the day —watched all the while at his
own request
He would comment in a clear, forcible
and intellectual manner upon whai he
read—dcplorieg the heartlessness of “logo,”
laughing at the inimitable drollery aud
humor of the “Army Straggler, etc. On
the 16 h day of M-urch, at the earnest solici
tation f> f friends, he wi’Dt to sleep for tho
first trus, and did not awake until the ninth
Jay of the present month'. Ho expressed
tne opiui p that he e- uld stay awak- a year
and then sleep iu proportion, without injur
ing his constitution. He never gets sleepy
until ha closes his eyes aud resigns himself
to slumber, at which time he gets asleep al
most instantly, without ngudto the noise
or excitement ground him. There are nia
ny cutious facts connected with his case
which might interest the readers of y ur
vikublo paper; but as D ctors Edmund,
Willis and Jord in, are prepi ring for the press
an elaborate statement of their exporim-nts
and discoveries, I desist. Yours, very truly,
Richard L. Dante.
New Advertisements.
fi Sc ? cd High SeSmol f or both Sexes.
r | A HE Full Session of tMn school will oprn on
1 June 25. Tui i>n 00 per session pre
paid. Language* $lO 00 addinonal each.
As the number of pupils will b* limited, stu
dents should make an early engagement anti en
ter on ih<* lirst if iy. No pupils will be received or
retained, who cannot or will not learn.
il W. von ALDEUOFF, A. M.
Dawson, Ga. May 28th, 1868. 3t
A Steam Engine and Boiler
ON C Horizontal Sfoam eight (can be
worked no to fen) Horse Power, aud cue Ten
: lioise Fewer Flue Boiler,
All {*o©«! as New.
! ALSO—Seventy six feet SSsftiug tnd Counter
bit Mug,..., «a.
A TTOK.'VJLVS and Counsellor., at Luv
J 1 Cuthbert, Georgia—Will p-„rii c 0 q,,!
c.mni,. of Kmdolph, Stewart, Q*-.n.n, CHv.
M "h. r, Decatur, Calhoun, Tyrrell, ni.d Sunncr *tw]
in the Supreme Court of the Sta e.-aud the U S.
I>is riel C.-urt for the S a*eof Georgia. They will
give prompt attention to the eollfetiou and paving
over of claima. j*i 1,1 m * *
T. K.:SNE).:D,
attorney at lav/,
jol ,2ii* OGLETnotIFi;, Cn.
Allorsicj at Ej n« ,
p'Lfim C I TIiBERT, G.I.
fitfftk'ri, Randolph County , Ga.,
All husmess L ntrusted to bis care will be faith
fully attended to. June 1
Attorney at La -w ,
June 1 CVTUBERT, Gel.
Jtlorgan, Calhoun County, Ga.,
Wi l piad ! ce in all ilie Courts of the South
western and I -iiauk Circui s. June I
isi. siU€Ki:iaFOisn
CAXILLA, Xitt'iicll Cos., 4ia.,
AG EXT f'ir purchase and sale of LAXD.
June 1, 1866.
J. XtddED & CO.,
.11 the GUI Stand,
KEEP con'tsntly on hand a general aasortnient
of a»nr goo vs, such as
Bleatbel and Sea la’-and Honjespuns,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Ftppcr, Spice, etc.
Os almost any deeciip'.ion that may bo called for.
A splendid assoitment of
Our sleek es CVTCJBR I', both Poikct
aDd Table, is large and oi good quality.
13oots and Shoes.
For Gentlemen and Ladies, at Low Figures.
In lac’, we eipect to keep s g .neral assortment,
and we invite alia old friends of Held A Cos. to gi“o
us their patronage, believing we nan evil rFera
goods of kind as c'acrp as they ran be bought
ia the maiket. June 1,
ES StlC'Si !
—i W\/ V GOOD BRICK row rrady for Hie
i fJ.U' 'U maiket at oui brick yard i" Diw
eon, j01,4t ADAMS k GRfcKR.
Nornuiuiti .til'llAh
mum ciinttiY.
I*rlni ipnl Office at *tthenGa.
CAONTINUES to insure of all kinds at
J reaftonnhle rut* », ou the mutual system. The
undersigned will luke inks in Terrill and Calhoun
counties. S. 11. WEOTO2I.
D twson, Ga., June 1, 1866.
At Dr. thearhimiv' Corner,
soi 711 of n.itrso.Y hotel,
KEErS constantly on band a general as-ort
mcni ol I»Ji» GDtf US,
Iteatlu-JWade Clothing, YaLkce Notions,
etc. Hast received a largo lot of
"Wood AVare,
Sech as Tubs, Bucket., Fails, Measure., Bowl.,
Trars, Brooms, etc. All of which will be sold at
unprecedented low price., for Cash. Call soon
and get bargains. June 1
will he .-old before the Court House door, in
• the town ol Dawson, Tt mil county, the follow
in proper tv, io wit; One lot of land number
hundred mid thirty-on (231) i'» the Third District
of originally Lee, now Terre l county. Sold-as
th * property of Re* a*fl R Rd»v, under a fi fi is
sued Ito n the Superior Court . f Tern 11 county, in
of Wm. A. Rtwsihj. Piopf'rtv pruned out
by pi a i miff. M. W. KENNEDY,
Jonul.jds Sheiiff.
Gi I.OKGIA, tathoun
T Whereas-, James B. Siewart applies to me
far le ters »»f nilininisUation on the estate of Ben
janiiß Arnold, late of s id county, decea-.t and
These are, theiefore, to cite and*admont6h all
and smgnlur the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased* to be and appear at my office ou or before
the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if
anv they can, why said letters should not isg'ie.
Given under niy band and rffieitl «i -y i t*uro, this
May 28, 186 rt. W. E. GRIFFIN, Ord’y.
M ADAMIC E. F. Tn IFt NT ■N, ih • g-Pi' English A-'-
trologi.l, Clairvoyant and P.ycomplrici i", » ho h i.
aStonUhed tbe scienCfic of the Old World,
ha. now loca'i il heTself at lliiißon, N. Y. M and .me
Thornton possesses such wonderful !>'-». 15 ..: sec
ond aigh', a. to enable her tn impart knowledge of
tbe greatest importance to the nunied or single ol
ci'her sex. While ill <a state r.f tianc, .be delin
eates tbe very feature, of 'be p. non you are to
m irrv, and by the aid of an instrument of intense
powe-, known as tbe Psyeomotrope, g-.itrantees to
I reduce a life like picture ot the I i'u e 1-ushaud
or wi:e of the applicant, together with date of niar
riige, position in life, leading trait, i.f ter,
A- This is no humbug, as tiiott-andi of te.tlmo
ni.,l= can asscit. Siie will send, when desired, a
erica, and certificate, nr written guarantee, that the
ptemj-e i. w bat it purports lobe. By enclosing a
small loelt of b ii-, and stating place of birth, ag -,
di po-i ive, »nu eticlo-ing on evira un i «t..mpid
envcl 'p- addressed to yourself, vou will receive
>he picture si and desired inferm iMon by return mail.
All coiu'i.uiiicaiiim.sse'edlv eonfideptiai. *.ddi e.«,
in confidence, Mapaak K. F. Thornton, I’. U. b-x
228, Hods .... N. Y. «sh et,Bra
jg ii irar «<>
IT teaches bow ... remove T-m, F.ecWles, Pimple.
Blotches, Moth PatCltc, Sallow ness, Etupionj
■ rid ail iutpuritiea of the ekin ; how to' enatn t the
skin; leaving it white « ! ei , r na alabu.'i r ; ho*
to produce the fullest and. v. 10.-m.-nt ol the -p...
fnim, (as practised by 'be Kc-c\) cm;.-h a t- e
bust to grow round a; and full, and it the f nil bus
been 10-t by putting, laettg ir mate.tdfV, restor
ing it to more 'limit, o.igin, il fnllm
and besu:v. It teaebes now tn reduce i:i size ibe
hands and feet, produce corpU-'enty or othei wis- •
remove eupeifliiouv hair haii ; cuit-eciv.s, budions
watt, and mole* ; renew your age; cure drunken
nes° v ci'anh, dyspepsia, nervous detelitv, As.
how to fascit a e and gain the love a -I i fl'.-tiou of
anv person you may choose, together with oiler
u-.-ful and valuable information. No young ladv
or genilciu in should fail to send their address to
ih uti b signed, and receive by return mail a enpv
of this Talaah e work in sealed envclipe free of
eh.uge. Address, BEIICEII, SHUT Iri & CO,
Chemists, 285 It'ver St., Trov, N V.
For improving and beautifying the Complexion.
The ino-T yaluauln and perlcct prepira iin'iri
use for giving the skin a beamilul pearl-like tint,
I that is on.y- f.tmd in ytnith. It quickly removes
j Tan, Freckles, Pitnpitv, Blotehs . mntn patches,
| sal’own •-«, eruptions, and all imunritlcs skin!
I kindly liealin: ibe same, leaving rhe skin white
! ati-l vie IT as a lab r ter. Its n.-e ear,no hr and t cteri
by the closes; a.:ru joy, ad being a vegeiald ■
preparation, is p, tfecly harm!-ss. "it tail e cnlv
I at felt es the kin i used by the K.encb, and ia con
sidered by t o- Parisian as indiaperr-ablit to a per
fect toil-t. Upwrrlqol thirty tboussu ! batlh s
were soi l dtiriog the past year—a suffieient guar
antee of its efficacy. Price only "Scans. Sent
by mail, pugt paid, on if . rect : o’ of ae order, by, Sifirr rs & t o , Chen i-s,
28» River Sr.. Tn.y. N Y.
E. J. J HNS TON & GO.,
Watches ot all' Afekes,
«*.\«s_:c!*sfcr and tiitg’i
Si'Vi rl* a*cd Pituhrr?,
Cake lUski rs, Cuotur-, Waiters,
T.g*. S)run Mug-*, Solid Silver
T tide Ami Tj h Spin ri',
Kn’v p, Fork. o , Cups, Pilchers, tiud Spoons for f
clUd.ue, Uc. j
Waich Wor!t.—Wu h.t?e tke fervww of I
the very* betit. workmen, aud are i r p .r and io do ail |
woik promptly and warrant it. Engnivitg and!
Jewelry repaired by Mr. S. E. Theu°f Wo k re- !
sped fully solicited.
n.arSO 2m Colton Avenue, Macon, (ia. |
/ 'J JEOI/l, Tern'll County:
V-l W hereas, Mary Admis applies Applies for j
letters of guardiaiifchip of the person and property j
of A ia Adams, orphan of Tkos. Adams, late oi i
said couuty, deceased—
These are, tbeseforeto cife and adtnoni&h all j
persons concern id to be a*id appear at my office
wiibii) the time prescribed by !aw, and t>how cause, ;
if anv, wl r s».iJ letters should not be granted. j
G;v n under my hand and official signature, this
VI iy 18, 1666. T. >l. JONES, Oru’y. -
W. €. SE2ATS, of U k.,
fi. L&KISBM £i C 0..!
Successors to J. S. Christie,
BOOTS AND gisaous,’
33 CoanUniil kill Libciv Sts , First door
above ilcrchant’s Hotel.
" A. Li'tnp, p xtt ~r .
' manufactory.
ci Tiiifi:in \. - . ci o/u,,
BUGGIES and h.rnp.a for s a | e .
as they can be bought anywhere I ‘" ,l
good and neat buggies,-*ith nest si|j. t
harness, at from $225 to S4OO. Con«id et - '
generally, such articles could never he r," -'“' c
this money. Many citizens of KsndolDhT 1 ' 11
and adjacent counties were acquainted 1:,!'"'
style r.t wink previous to the «», ~,. . " ,l t
fully solicit a liberal share of ’nar,m r ” m
those counties, 'f In
Having a corps o« Splendid w o ,U ini
strict personal attention to his brninon t’
confident of giving any reasonable iiu,
SetlisfatUon . '"H
1 am prepared to build my kind ~ v
needed in souili-weat (JeGigia, and will t “
buggies and harness constaul, o|| j , "Pi
or dray harness made to. All n . ' ■
be done with neatness and difpa'ch * ar^
Call and examloe for yourbtlvfft. ’
Mav 2.5,fim t a
i> E A l TX.S
ttPegM 11 Auburn, Golden
JSiJjllt Flaxen, and Silken Cuils]
Pro! D-Brvcx's Fill<F.l’
application warranted to eml the most so
and stuUbcrn hair of either sex info wary *l*’
or heavy massive cm Is. Ha. been m, ,l
fashionables of Paris and I,undoD, with then
gratifying ri-snlis. Does no it jury to the
Price by mail, sealed and pos paiil, |i j, ir
live circtilars mailed free. Addr,«» ft p<
SHCTTS A CO., Cbemtwta, No. m »)", i:
Trov. V. Y. 8015 ngcti-s for the Ui.i'ed ft
v » 1 ?.keus*>;
’ . and MtsTACtirs
forced to grow upon th,- mu*
smooihest face in from BpJ
using Di. SEYIONES
--| PIUIiAIKE,The most wood -rlul and ovm 1 n,
• rrn science, acting upon the It aid und II ,it i.
almost, miraculous manner. It.h-s been u-,-
the elite of Pa'is and London wi-h ihe mow I
tering soccers. Names of all pnrcha.-eis w ,
j registered, nod if entire' s,. isfae* on is not :i
j iu every iostam-e, the money will he eheetfullv
tutjdel. Price by mail, sealed and po-tps 1!.
| Desc iptive circi Ur. nod testimonials mailed!
! Addrecs,' If KKCEK, SHUTTH ti C'o., Ch. a
I No. 285 It Ver St, Tiuy, -N. Y. Sale 0.-eMi
I the Unio and States. May 25
Aucti o n e e r i
Viserry Street, Aiacou, ha.
At the .S ore formerly occupied by E. Bond ,t
Wetmore -V Kirkland, New Turk
H iki-e, S.mtt kCo “
E. F. Wood A Cos, Boson
Kii-lte, .t A idprson,
C. V. t Mi. b.ola'in tleinpl.i?, Tmi
S. 0. Wood. * Cos Nashville "
HatiHpn. OS . A Go., New im™,,
! Crane, Jv' n-ou i G raj bill,. S iVauiiali, C,
i 81-ii", A C 0.,. A '.gut,. Hi.
| 1, t- 110-. y rs, Colim.bus, "
I J It. Wall ice, U .C.V,
! Cl, Geo. P Swift.. . W, Ih.
! u - ettensioii g;V i; H to ihe | unK
I Sale and Srvpment of Cotton, Copuij Y
(>. naburg.-, S', &•■., An,
.1 Oil S' H Ni ! 1. EY, T.atp firm of E. Bold, k
,V .1, W.AUSii. L,,tu firm ui 11-n.eXVti
May Pith, 188(1, 3i
Franklin Buildinge, Albania Street,
. HUintu, - - c hrwg
WE ore prepared io execute all Arden for [I
tation supi'lic-s,
c o*vsiciJt\wr.ittTS
I 0r Gico-I, Corn, flour, and P.nk on hi
~NU r ±?IGK7~
■ "X. Gri E i-hereby given that-nty oScev I
v ' *' ■ j i F. Clmi., Cl ik Ot lilt hupi
Com t, who, Hi-'ing as my cl- k, Is now ami on)
1 by st -'ll e lo ii.s chi rge ~b ,i,e du i. s pmiitiij
i my ofiice, in 1111 uU . i.iv, 1,0 in li iut
| seter. i would fuciier notify ail pt'i.v.H 111
; to he in'eres.ed that the first term i t ibe con
! Con t w 11 be held 00 tlie second V. edit 11 J
j n«-xt. VY. G. PAhfcfj, J.C..Q
: Macon, - - * Gc^rgi^
| a Min Yt'* r >‘ion of D ’alars is
A siLd reli&bic house. n t ;i’ 18.0 si
Wild Sile and R rail Lkalc'r.' in %
Fancy Family Groceries
FlttlTf 3 , MJl'ty
Provisions CJentiraHy,
St., opp. First Nation 1 i
Mavis, Sin ITt UA)I, GA
WiH. It. lil'j <>• C' 4 *
BRifDfIHD, WtllES & Cl,
(Successors to Longs:reet,'Br.idh‘f<l A Cfi-J
\Vnt: Wie Dealerp*in »nd. of
Mens’ and Boys’ Clotogs
22,2 3 A 26, R' »de Sr., nearly opposite A
'i . S'cwart A fn, c
May IA, fm .VLIU VOliK‘
!cu TiHiEirr house,
l #i
Cutljbert, Ga?
j r Ilotel, formerly known aw the
| JL House,” is now open and prepared to
i modate oil who ma/favor us » cu w jj| ba
! public may rest assured that no puns,
spared to render the guest# comfortably
! wi lbe supplied with tho best the mar ] )ag beta
■ country afford. An experienced
j secured, whose whole time wiil be devo r
proeuremeftt of IZtiiblfS oi D gi
cription. Poli;e un i artentivc *r , a
Hooins, (jood f'air, and moderate c 6
surely satisfy our gues's. dda
3 U. W. BOJ3CLAI3 *
Cuthbert, G* , May
n LORCIA, Terrell Comi'U-
Whereas, Klam Jobnson «pp 1
lctrerf of »dmir,is»r«lion, dc bonis ron.
. ire of James E. Wilbanks, late of said <*»» ->
* These set, therefore, t 0 « ite <**
persons concerned to be snd spr
wiil-Jn ibe ipi-r prewaribid b» i« w . eti i.
if any, why t.i 1 fo.iid « i, *
Given under »» hand sn J '‘l ? ‘ o ja J-
M.\V 1 i It, 18f,’; T. M. « (