The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, June 01, 1866, Image 4

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SEAR I?. R. DEPOT, DAWSON, GA. r % a 3 t? % $ $ ,scar Strict Attention piid to the Pur chase ;d Sa] o 0 f Cotton. "’ehouse Capable of Storing Mineral A«* on Cal- Jo:i Starcfl. JEt3£” W o will attend to the filling of all orders for our customers in any market. la U.?! IS EH : JL u ifl BEff 2 ! SHARPE & BROWN, A very shortest ( ftnlendid dPine Lumber. frtio Lwriher will he dpl’vered at the Depot at /,.» on. ,J -. C an be left at the Depot to be *&--d. e eonatantly running, T/O Sl „. SMD syw mills.; / ; ■■■ 7 ‘ i Aiyliilh Promptly Altcindul 10. |]¥©w Ai'rangciiient S NEW S TOtK! „ Grocery AND | Plfiffl STQIE, GrJV. SHARPE & BROWiK * ! Arc now receiving and opening a large and : general assortment of FAJIILY GROCERIES and I*RO VISIONS. Burn AS FfcGUB, CORN, w BACON, BALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, LARD, Bagging sand Hope, Smoking Qit«i ciicwing Tobacco of All Grades. | We intend to keep a large stock eon etantlj on hand for tho wholesale .iah itEmuJ rie.tin:. Ouv arrangements with Western Markets are such that we can sell at very reasonable rafes- Capt. John A. Fulton, whom every body knows, with competent assistants, will bo on hand to attend to all business either in otsr Warehouse or Grocery Store, ■t ,r J MACON WHOLESALE HOUSE. N (> T I < E TO TIIK t m m si m t VYK havo uow in store, and arc constantly re plenishing the following Gr O O JL) S , Which we cspect to sell w / \ R.vLK.4 Macon Mills Sheeting, fjU 45 hales Fliut River Osnahnigs, 20 “ Cotton Yarn?, No. 8, 10 and 12 100 bbls Crushed, Powdered, A, B, C Sugar. 100 huge Uio Coffee, 15 “ Java do 75 hoses Baisiti?, whole, 1-2 and 1-48. 41 Fresh Cove Oysters, 55 hoses Adamantine Candies, 16 “ Sperm do 20 “ Sterine do * 20 cases 1-4 hoses Sardines,' 1 10 “ Green Corn, 10 V Pine Apple, 20 baskets lleidsick Champaign, 20 botes Indigo, 10 ‘‘ Madder, 80 cases Concentrated Potash, 10 “ “ Logwood, 150 “ Brandy, Wine, Whisker, Schnapps 100 boxes Starch,» 100 hoses Soap—assorted, 500 bags shot—assorted, lOUkegs powder, 14s, l-2s !i whole kegs, 4A C4.M Triftn .nil brass. DO dozen Planters’ lloes, 29 doze.n Leverrto’celebrated Axes, heavy 50 boxes Candy, 50 dozen Brooms, I 50 dozen Painted Bucket?, 875 boxes Tobacco—ossorled brands, and as low as anywhere in the United States, 60 boxes ss keg Soda, 15 peas Juniper Tubs, 75 cola Rope, 50 bac* Bagging, 1,000 ‘ Cotton T«ino, 60 cases Army Brogans—No. 1 article, 200 kegs Nails—assorted, 20 bags Pepper, 10 bags Spice, 50 doz. Spades aid Bong Handle Shovels 400 sides Sole and Upper Leather, 300 dozen Tad Locks—assorted, , 300 dozen Pocket Cutlery, 4,000 gross Screws—assorted, 4,000 pipers Cut Tacks. 50 dozen Jute plow Lines, 1,200 pounds Shoe Thread, 300 gross Blacking—assorted, 25 dozen Shoe Brushes, zznzusn TTorse Bmireh, 15 dozen Whitewash Brushes, 500 pounds Bigzing Twine, 25 hhls Plaster Paris, 10 Mds Bourbon Whisky, 21,000 Cigars, 100 5 and 10 gallon kegs, 329,000 lbs American and English Iron, asaYd 2,900 pounds Cast Sheel, 30,000 pounds Plow Steel, asso-te.l, 4,000 feet Rubber Belting, 2 to lsi’iucb Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. DRY GOODS, DEE Al 11 T M E ZST T. 1* W E are now receiving and opening ottr Sprirg , Stock, which embraces every vsriotv of Goods i kept by u», and we expect to off. r induce j meats to dealers unsurpassed by any house South or West. We buy and sell hugely, and wi'l be contented with small profit. We fel conficdeut j of giving sitisfacliou to all who patronize us, and ' believe we can make it to their interest to trade in I Macon ; thereby saving the tediousness of a jour j ney, and expense to tho North or West. J J. B. ROSS & SON, Wholesale treesrs ap.d Dry Goods Merchants. CORNER 3d an.l CHERRY STS., a r l6 Macon. On. J TXGELSJQRd* 1 THE EUROPEAN PLAN! ISAACS 1 HOUSE. Just below Journal and Il#?*engor tlßee, and di rtily opposite the Magnetic Tch graph ifli.e, • Macon, On. .iccommoilaUonti I'nrr.isfitil ut ex'T no mu. ' I’IIK undersign. and t»!-i s plen«ine in annc.uncing 1. lo hi.i friends and the public generally lhal bis new I uilding bus beou oon)|let£tl in (Triv par i, and that he has auccee ed in making the most complete arrangements for earning on a ! ITirst Class House, iDu the European Plan. The oxters ve c*xjer'^nee ! of the propiietor in the Hotel and lit: :iuraitfc bus. iiiCS: 7 , warrants hirti in g'Umuitet’ir? to his patrons j the iituurat sutibfiictiou in cverv pariiuuUr. K. ISAACS. H. p. mmm a go. ~ \Vrocn"t ittul Fro<i'tct- lituhrs, O ED ESS FOR i GROCERIES, corn, OATS, 1 FLOUR, BACON, LARD, SODA WATER, and SANDS CHICAGO CREAM ALE. I’romply Filled. i Third St. Opposite Express Office, rHacoit, Gst. John E. will be pleased to meet bis old friends at ibo above stero. G Sin. KEATING, GALE & CO., FLOUR AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COTTOS »nt! TOSICCO Factors 4 1 South Main S', ST. LOfft. KKrKRrNOr::-—Leroy Brown, Dawson, Oa.; 1.. Pptlle, Columbus l , Ga. mat 10 '■ ns tvit. i. M'KUf.v. bau'l a • see;:us ft/i’ELROY 5, SUBERS, Manufacturers of all lduds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc and Lea l Wares, Pumps, etc. Wholesale and Detail Dealets iu B T O V IS 8 , Tf,V PX.JTD, SHEET UltKYand .fIET.tES, Fourth SlreM, - - - F’AtO.V, "GA. Z%T Hopper S«ills on hand and made to order at short notice. Give us a call. We sell cheapo than any other house. marl 6 8m Mctropolitun Jflii j GREAT GIFT SA&E OF TUB | JNU. vv iuua A. ISO 1 iW. iuriac. ‘ ~ I Jewelers’ Association, Capital, : : .■ * $1,000,000 Depot JO7 Broadway. [ An immeii9c#loek of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for cue dul’nt' each, witliour regard to value, and not to be paid lor till you see wliat you will receive. Certificates, naming each article, and its va'ue, ar& placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed.— One of these envelopes will bo se-it by mail to uni address on fhceipt of 25 cents; five for £1 ; eleven for $2 {'thirty for $5 ; sixty-five for $lO ; tfhd one hundred for s>3. Ou receipt' of the certificate you will see wliat you me going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar end twite ti e artie'.wor not. Purchasers pray thus obtain a(i ,id Wutcb, Diamond Hiiir, h I’isiio, Sew ing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1 ; and in no ease can they get lets than a One Dollar’s worth as there are no blanks. Agaßbt are waaled in every town in tie coun try i every person can make $lO a day, selling our certificates iu the greatest cole of Jewelry ever Luoivu. * Send 25*. fora certificate, which will inform yon wliat you can obtain for sl. At the same time get. our circular, containing full list at and particular.-; also. Terms to Agents. Address, •I AUKS HUTCHINSON & CO., marl 6 Sat lU7 Broadway, If. Y. 1866, 1866*, ST. iOOS, CAIRO AND JOntfSONVILUE PACKET COMPANY. FOR ALL POINTS IN TENNESSEE, CAIa'jCA ILL; T A - Alabama. Daily Line of Packets! TAKING FREIGHT To St. fifiicHfir, CAfthr, • lAberly, Cage Girardeau, Cairo, .’jOilii.. t frrjr, .*/» frupwii.r, Eatluedh, Johnson rl’if, Easfporl, 'Aiistuinia, jT'on nee, Ami id! hti’rmcdi-ilt Lvn inrgs—Receipting Through to Nashville, Chatlanonga, Knoxville, Atlanta. Decatur, West Point, Montgomery, Ma con, Coin •.!•’•=, • - .ft'-; Points S„u:h am] South-East of Nashville. t£T Taking freight through to Atlanta' WthouJ, break of bulk. 11 El} VCES\ It.t TES. FrejgtS sent through witlrtjmck dispatch to JCash villc, end all points South, i! ceiviug at ail hours at Companj’s Wharf Boat, hot of P iplat- street. Coutracls made and Throghbil'aof Liuding signed by C. J. CAFFREV, President, L. METCALF, Sup’t, IVo. (I. So uth Ct n ix;jrcinl St . BOYD k SYLVESTi.It, ) Agents, JOS. MeEN" J 22, Commercial St. March 10— FOSTER EaO&JSE. S. L, FOSTEJ!, Proprietor. Moreau, Calhoun County, Georgia. March, 20 1?66. 3m I* IU W - ' UNDER THE MASONIC 23 A L I*. DAWSON, GA. bi\. pmywAS, * Dealer ia Foreign jas;<l l>oisit‘slsc DRUG?!, MEDICINE?, pUEMICAL?, OILS, TAINTS, ETC , EU'., ETC. FsWE LIQUORS, 'fc'up ritir Wines n:id £li*sD!3<lic.« 9 For Furposcp. llnifit>f; roGpived a and well select’d stock I hIB ready to supply I*li 5 lU-. and X'ittsie Uii't with eeleclaud 1.. g j*> medutoe of evoij *kiud. Also, 0a Hand au:i t.» Arrive, J)ve Wood and Dye Stuff-'. White Lend and pa’iits of nil colors. Linseed, i'anuerV, Train, Neats foot, Keroscuc, and Oator Oil. • Si i’ifs of Turpentine, and Varnishes. Chcwii.g and Smokiug Tobacco. BGAP, Castile and a large VHiiety of Superior Toilet, and Shaving Soup, delightfully perfumed. For tHc fiadies, Cologne a'd h; Ikcrcbief extracts iu usual va- I ri-ty. llaii Oils and Pen !es. Jlaft invigorator-’, | Ilestorators, and Dyes. Tooth, Nail, and Hair 1 Brashes. Maunoßa Tuhß t,- Lily White, Mean , Pun and Rouge Balls. Extracts lor tiavoii. g. 1 Physicians orders tv 1M receive prompt attention ! and all put up with particular care. S r ELVTi©;*EniG A large supply eftt.struntty on hand. J. L. D. I’EHRYMAN, DavtS' t), (is. LOU 83VSLLE fflHlffl HOIMI VAKPELT, MOSES & CO., L i-6 Main St. HAVING been connected in busineps sere for the past thirty year**, and devo’ed our atu-n tiou to the close trade and purtha' 1 of Goods, wo are enabled to buy as low as auv luiirchjsnt, and make choice seleciior.. We therefore solicit or ders from the iurtUor merchautg for any goods they tn.ty desire, such as DE Y G OODS.! GwiCCa’iCS. flats, Caps, Hoots, Shots, Iron, Produce, Agricultural linplemeotc, aud any Mcr- Chandise wan led by morel aura. W e feel confident of giving enfiie svtit-f. etion, as we have done to our already numerous cua'om-* ert*. Persons ordering will please otate ae plainly hi possible the kind of good* wanted. Mi rehan tK«e insured, traless Otherwise instructed, and on bill. For all bills under S3OO per cent; Wc nek a further tii.!, Vas PELT, MOSES k CO. j. c. van rpLT, wm. muses, formerly with J is. Lowe k Go., GKO. < N KWltKKi> Y. Louisville Wholesale House! FOR &ADSES’ r2NE GOOSE, FUJR.Y3SJM.ra aa am •, Notions, Paper Collars, White Goods, Cloaks, etc. Van PELT, MOSES A CO , 2 *0 Uau St. between tl & 7. j. x. Seymour; JVfACON, <TA., L;I IN feiiOeMiM % rii/lMiil, And Gcncritl Oornmisfsion Atercliant, nearly every article needed in the Grocery Etm, including MsJQt 'OHS, — Sells large qua-nMiies of COE.\, OATS, BAC©A, Lsird asa«l Flout*, And has the Largest and most complete assort ment of- • Jlamifetured Tobacco I ' the citv. All of which he nil! sell'fer a very -'fSoiltraU Profit. CeSEL .XTIi SEE J . N. SEYMOR. March lti, 3m. , RANDALL WARE 1 , BLUKS’IITH, V. AS3X REPAIRER, &C. At hi? old stand, rear of the Journal office, IS prepared to Shoe Horses, Iron end Repair Wagons, Biiggies, Farming U'enslL-*, etc., in the very b-. *. manner. JI • i • «.**pcrfcurcti and sliliful wf.ikmr:i, 1m warrants ail rcik dene iu his 1 sp. Give him 1 a Die’. -■ •. I ... II EAR EVI'UY ONE wbo lias tried it say they can buy tbc CHEAPESTGROCERIES AND HO VISIONS, Such ;.a COFFEE, . SUGAR, FORK, BEEF, II UTTER, etc., &0 T K A 1. islttep, Wine?, Drautly, Rum, Gin, Furler, Ale, Cider, Claret, Champaigi For tie . | ADIES: 1 CHOICE FRENCH (ONFECTIOSLRIEi IT uncs in Fattcy Boxes, Foreign Fruit?, Candies, r>, &e. ' Al 3IEGRATII, rVQ I’IISCN L CC.T-, Mulberty St., opposite Lanier House, 2 Gu.* Macon, Ga. SPsLliVia df O SI FOR S. PJ!. S3 ES ZL & B RO., H AVE just reoeived an elegant f:»ohinn»ble Stock of SPIIIJVG aucl DRY GOftDS AM) CLOTHING, To which the attention of their friends is yespect- I fully invited. Our Dress Goods For Cadies Are not surpassed, either quality or price. .... ; Gentlemen Dressed Out J'n tlie Eatcst Styles:!; V£c keep od hand Hardware, Cutlery, FISBIXG TACKLE, And, iu fact, jußt armhiiß you want. Cull end j eximiue whether you buv or hot. Mr. J. W. Johvsui), whom every body know?,! will be on baud to show goods and give i to ills old friends. liENRYIiORNE, ! DEALER IN* FANCY GROCERIES! 1 FRUITS, D INES AND LIQUORS, Vflacoit, - Ceorgia, HAS ju.t received, »nd will receive eech w-eek, Irish mppliee of OKAHiCiKS A.’vXD 1.15310Y5, for sale at wholesale at the Ve;y lowest prices. 11ST STORE, For Bale by tho barrel, gallon or bottle— Choice Madeira 'Wine, Ch-ioe Port Wine, Choice Sherry Wine, llolDtid Gin, Pikes' 'Yhl ky, Peach Brandy, Crown I. mrhon Whi-lty. Al»o fifiv b.iricls Sweet rhrntpi'gn Cider, pure imported While Wine Viucgi.r. mi t vervtbfng usually fouud iu a ’Eirst Class Family Grocery. 1 rices as Lew as the Lowest. Macon; May 4, if .* liESRY HORNE. .« A»sci*or’s Office, Dawson, Ga., Jfky 10 b, ISiiG. VI.L piareons in the county of Terrell, eu' j- C " to a license tax, or liable to pay Income lux. far the year 1885, under the Revenue laws, *n hereby required to come forward, ini medium ly and give iu the same, as the Assessor lias but a limited lime ia which to make his returns. /,' F. Ft St VOX’S, !?.2t Ass't Assessor P:v., 2d Diit, ‘ FURLOW cN BRO.J nKKRBY call tho attention of the public, their large and well assorted stock of MLR ('ll HIZK, just received, and ready for exaiiiinu tion uiid ealc. Their mock of m Vi-S’ TRTS.S GOODS 'is eomplf to nnil c uinot he suytasseJ in beauty and | at s 10, consisting of Tit sue?, l’rinltd Muslin?, Ot gandie Muslin?, Dine Apf.le Grenadines, 81 111 Gremidities, Printed uirten?, Embroidered Undersleeve?, “ Cuffs a?:d Collaa?, “ 41 audio rchief?, S: k at.d Cm on Hosiery, CJkves at.ti Gauntlet?, ! Their itock ot , S II OKS embrerwsjgvtry satiety of style and quality for L sites, , 1 Men and Boys j We have a very la-go assortment of ILEADI..II.I I>E- CLOT IlfsG AM> HATS | in abundance f‘> r Ladies, \liises, Men and Roys, together with a few CIIA RMING BON NETS. A now bopfily of SADDLERY, Carriage aud Buggy Harness just rcceiv^; Our line of 1. WHITE GOODS _ isvery complete consistiog of Swiss Muslins, Mull Muslin?, Checked Muslin?, , Nainsook Muslins, Bishop Lawns, Irish Linen?, 0.-‘".'2urgs, beacon -Slirelirg, S> a l.'land do, t'na I land Shirting, , IF.cacbcd Goods of all grades. j We have made large additidns to our stock j Hardware, ; . Plow Fleet, Nails, t Crockery, Iron, W illow-Ware, I having almost every size of Pots, G-eus, Skillets, Frying Funs and i Stew Puus. We have on band a few 73 a I'M' tiles Keel ; Stcsiiis, very uice and Cheap. * Our stock of X’ANKEia MOTIONS ! W- ul uml w *il fti-U avLata.i- s-l j auajj ariiwlis hotii I't fai anti Curicus. ; A splendid assortment of i POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY —O The above goods will bo sold at a liberal dis ! cot ’.if, upon our re iil *o MeHibuius. i Ainericus, April 2711», 1866 6-iu. | ArJjCiviiki &, Arms itp’u Gbctund .-si Macon, Ca. Ar L'mfsar? Fuperior to 11 otb- Ii C iii liurahility Simplicity and \ 1 .tdirify. T ht* ai kle Mid kneejoint* *re uvade j upon i if p:iciple ot bull and muUm, m G iiMe' g't ; loose or wci*r out. Seed lor a Dainrdtlrt. *AddieSsi AMKRICAN LEG CO, | ! cp 6,1 m Macon, Ga. i wiuiiFlliT, {Late D. H. Tl’.L turns, & Cos .) Wholesale Dea!er»ln HATS, CAPS, Straw and AI i llinery Goods, No 122 Mi eting S',, next dot. r to Chailestou Bote ESTO.V, S. (’. n. K. wiltUns. eprti,Btn it. c. corner. M. L. ALEXANDER, Formerly of Fasfirille, Turn., with i JAMS I. CLARK 6 CO., (SCC'CESSOBS TO ACTON, CLACK L C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF dpy ooodb. 103 Pearl Strict, Between Vine aiul Race, Tho Commercial facilities of Cincioraii are sect r.d io none iu the Vuniteil States. 26in HARDWARE STORE \ (tuojitson & Kendrick’s old stand.) *W, L, WADSWORTH & C 0 Amoricus, Ga., VRE now receivirg have on hand, ono of the largest and b at selected stocks of KAltimA:!!, -TCYES, TIN,. •HOUSE FUiLMSIIING GOODS, cter offered in <his market, viz: Carpenter’s Blacksmith’s and T.m ers TWO US-every criptiou oi BisHd r's Hard tea re, Faints, Oil?, Glass aad FaUj-. Axi-s, Hoc?, Trace Chairs, Shovel, and Spades, Grini],t>.ncs, Pols, Ovens, Spiders, ke. The finest lot of Cooking Stoves iu Southwestern Georgia at prices to defy competition. A full line of Wooden mi ff 'Uiotc It'are, Buckiw, Tuba, Baskets, Or '.lren's Carriages, etc. Table and Packet Ci:t lert} Spoons, Coffee Mills, Seives, kc. A large lot ol 'Jin B. 'tire always on hand of our own manufacture, at wholesale and retail r* Roofing and Guttering done by competent workmen in the best style, and work warranted. America'. Ga-, April 12 tt NEW YORK STORE!; r"" 1 ■ % niSMtETIII s * EC IM G | GEERS 6 Qp ( i (Successors to J. W. Bu Hinton 4 Co s.) DAWSON, G A . a WC ,he lar S CBt «* extensive assort, uicnts of In this Market. We have, For the Ladies, French, L'itgiisb and An-.sricun Priuis. Silks Merinos, Wo- l DcLaics. Kn prnj Cloth, Embrndcrips, Lsces, Jpjj, , ls Hats, Artilicii!l Fl< we ?, Piunns, N u .' l>i»?, Hoods, Bonnets, Gloves, [lc-iav Dress Hat Trimmings of all varieties j Shoes of al! Kiitds, Balmoral , Polkas, Buckle Cor arcs? Gaiter? I Glove Kid Anklets, E'c, ] Fancy Toilet Articles .'I RuadkcrcLicf Fxtracts, Cologne, Hair U,:,| Byes, etc, otq, ’ 1 < ho mo t cm; le e asroitaient to le fos.ijl in South-Western Georgia. ■ For Cjreißtieiiien. J CE T li EEE It -i: p. i ()o r rscs b< ' ,t iEimc * j, Hf/.sipckiii Ai -'°< :1 **'••• 't t f Fat.t cilo Cocliiij S/&VCB f rnt No. ti to 1). V* e have a large and varied a=- rtm-i.ttl Hats, Gap*-, BOOTS and SI TOR St Clothi, Casiutct'c.t, Ac, 1 or G«at?, Pant?, r.t.d Vi sts. with a beau iful assortloeDt of READY-MADE CLOTHINGj All of which will be sold at ITERS’ LOW PRICES. NY c also keep a full and complete stock oB HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, I TABLE AXD POCKET ■ CTJT Jj E 11Y J OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ■ GROCERIES I A sjdcndid lot cl Rio and Java Sugar, frem common to the liw-i Tea, Lamps’, Kerosene Oil, st ol CIGARS AXD TOBACCO- ■ TI Xf A\ r A II :l ’ l Jn fact-, a genera! assortment of c suited to the market, both for tho ■ V Roiesale and Retail Tra^ 1 H We will fmt up any goods in cnrL c * Country Merchants at MACON L’K I CldW Give us a call. c arc no houso in South-Westefn Gc g t lu. -I! us. S;.