The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, June 08, 1866, Image 3

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DAWSON JOURNAL 1 gwßof < = A., JUNE 1, ISOO. C’hbatkk than tiih Ciikai-icst.”— I This • t ho motto of Messrs Baldwin & Cos., 19 _ of our oldest and most substantial ami we invito u perusal of their adver foment in another column. They arc just T .,iving a largo and splendid stock, which J are invited to call and examine, p j[ Diesel & biro, aro offering their ■present stock actual cost. Dawson Sohooi..—Tho fall term of this flourishing school opens on tho 18th Mr. Hood, the worthy and generous principal’ jreposes to instruct, gratuitously, four wor thy poor children. Fine —Dr. W. G. Barlow, v i!l please accept our thanks for tho splen did lot of vegetables which ho presen ted us la t week. Such 1 potatoes, beets and cahbago wo have not seen this season. AVe had tho pleasure of attending the exercises of last Friday at Aldehoff’s In stitute —the ending of tho spring term of that popular school. For want of room, and other reasons, there was no general examination. Tho excrr : » s were conducted; wo understand, in tho same manner that tfley aro on Friday of every week—a com prehensive review of the studies of the week. Nevertheless, we were very agreeably en tertained, and highly gratified at tho evi dences of sludiousncps and intellectual pro press displayed by the pupils, and the in dications of thorough discipline on part of the Principal. Wo do not wonder at his popularity as a teacher. Scott’s Montolt.— Mr. J. R. Derrick, the best prose and verse writer in the South, has become associated with Dr. Scott in tho editorial management of Scott’s Monthly. This Southern Literary period ical is rapidly gaining favor with < the peo ple, and deservedly too. Wo understand the July number will commence a series cf handsome embellish merits, which will add to the many attractions which this monthly already presents. Terms $5 per annum. Wevahi.y Magazine. —This is cmphali rally a Literary paper. The articles aro all original and from the best writers in the United States. Tho Editor displays a great deal of tasto and judgement in its management. It is a splendid magazine. Its beautiful stories, fine engravings, and excellent music are unsurpassed. It is published in Boston Mass., by Moses A. Dow, at $4 per annum. Frank Leslie’s Publications. —Wo arc indebted to this gentleman for his kindness in Mailing us regularly, his excellent pub lications. Frank Leslie's Lady’s Magazine is one of tho best Lady’s Books published. We would recommend it to our lady friends. It contains, in additton to its reading mat ter, beautiful fashion plates we have seen. Terras S3 per annum. Tho ‘’Chimney Corner” is really a family paper, 1G pages of choice reading at &3 per annum. The “Illustrated Weekly,” cannot be ex celled in the whole newspaper family. It is published in imo. foirn on tho very lest paper, in in autiful type, and filled witli beauriful and thrilling stories. Terras $1 per annum. Copies of any of the abovo papers and Magazines rnay bo seen at our office. A writer in tho New Orleans Christian Advocate says that so far as be has asccr tamed, between one thousand and twelve hiDdred church edifices were burned dur ,og the war. These churches, he thinks, had cost the people not less than five mil lions (if dollars. In the loss the Methodists * [ rc the greatest sufferers, the Baptist* ncx’, fen the Presbyterians, the Catholics least. Terrell County : 'J Whereas, 11. D. Herrington applies to me for eltrrs of administration on the estate of Samuel "• Hall, late of said countv, deceased, These arc to cilo and admonish admonish all por ous concerned to be and appear at my office witb o the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if tor, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this i»M4th, 18CG. T. M. JONES, Ordinary. ;BOBGIA, Terrell (odist y 7 '■-J W hcrcas, D. F. Lawhorn applies to me for itters of administration, ue bonis non, on the cs 'v ts Daniel Lawhorn, late of said county, dec’d, riieseare, therefore,.to cite and admonish ail mm concerned to bo and appear at my office 1 1,1:1 the lime prescribed by law, ar.d show cause, ~v! said letters should not bo granted. ,lrctl tinder my hand and official signature, this 4,18G6. lm T. M. JOSES, Ordinary. |EOUgi A; Terrell County : - Whereas, Elam Johnson applies to mo for . dc bonis non, on the cs ased Jamcß Wilbanks, late of said county, de tNr,r° nro > therefore, to cite and admonish al ithi„ 1 !i. COn - cernot ' t 0 Go and appear at my oflico inr a? U " le Proscribed by law, and show cause, Ijj" ’ W 1 - v jaid letters should not be granted. cn under my hand aud official signaturo this TUth > 186*. t. m. JONES, Ordinary. TERRELL SHERIFF SAIeT ) J!' L FIRST TUESDAY IS JULY nest e ‘ , *1 Galore the Court House door, in pro”' . L,iw .™ n > Terrell county, the follow adr?i s V° wlt: I* oo lot of land number two -orißin»n and j llrt f'' ono (231) in the Third District 6 Pronctt I r' C £’.r ow Tcrrell county. Sold as edfrn' T of R'chard R. Roby, under a fi fa is vor <,!V ‘; l[ " > > n,,r Court of Terrell county, in Pliivia A- R awßon - Property pointed out WI.L M. W. KENNEDY Terrell Comity: Iters 0 r "*7 Adams applies hpplies for Ada . , r(l| anship of the person and property OanUT’ or Pl>an of Thos. Adams late of «e d T“ Cj - T 9ans Pr „’ . ler cfore to cito and admonish all 'thin the'iu!. rtlCl ' t 0 1)0 and appear at my office »nj, p Prescribed by law, and show cause, liven uf„i ld cUcrs should not be granted, if 1- 1 P r !lat| d and official signature, this ’ T. M. JONES, Ord’y. E. B. LOYLESS, DAWSON, GA, At his new Store, opposite the Livery Stable, next door to J. li. Crim & Cos. OFFERS VERY LOW, DliY GOODS, groceries, hardware, CUTLERY. lie lias in the line of Dry Goods : PRINTS, MUSLINS, SHEETING, SHIRTING, LADIES’ IIOEB, GENTS’ half lIOES, Quaker BONNETS, GENTS’ HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. And expects to keep every othef article ill tills line usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. ALSO, Bi:gar, Coflee, Flour, CORN, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, Snuff, Candy, Powder, 'Shot, Lead, Bridles, Baddies, HORSE COLLARS, Buggy and Wagon Whips —painted and brass-hound. Buckets, Tubs and Seives, Wash Pots, Dinner-Pots, Ovens, Spiders, and extra Lids, Plow Iron and Steel, Wcced ing IToes and Smoothing Irons, Coffee Mills, Tea Kettles, Carpenters TOOLS, A Largo Lot of Tin Ware! SALT. [Paints and Grlass JtIOJTE i' trill be advanced on next Crop of Colton. y So if you leant cither to Spend Money, or Gel Money, * Clive If Bea Cat!! Daieson, Ga., May 25, 6m KEiD THIS, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 33ES TANARUS, FINEST, AND CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET! Conic One ! Conic All ! AND examine the splor.did stock of goods which lias just been received and opened A T JUDGE SIMMONS’ OLD STAND I Consisting of the latest fashions of MUSLINS, MOZAMBIQUES, LAWNS, ALSO, CALICOES, Bleached and Unbleached J> OMESTICS, MILLINERY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Ilats, Notions of all kinds, Hard Ware, Tin Ware* Scgars & Tobacco, Ponder and Shot, And a thousand other tilings too nnmorous to mention, which will bo sold {.OWO’ Unit', the Lowctst. All I »3k is to giro mo a eail, and judge for yourself, aa tnorc is no troublo in showing my goods. I earnestly invito tho ladies to call, and they should bo suro to REMEMBER THE PEACES At Judgo Simmons’ Old Stand. JAKE M. MAINSTER. Dawson, Ga., May 23, ISCC.—Cm 111 PRICE CASA STIlt! * MANN & WHEATLEY Djiwson, Georgia. ARE now receiving their largo and well selected stock of Rought Ssescc the Great Panic in I\ 7 cw Y®**Sn! Our stock of TmY GOODS complete in every particular, em bracing Ladies’ Dress Goods, Radio's Hats, Cotton Yarns and Sheetings from tho best mills in Georgia, Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Dcst Whittemoro Colton Cards, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery sasau! Glass Ware, Gobi els, Tnsnblcrs, Looking Glasses, efc. A Good Variety of TIN WARE. C£ T2X >Om J.ITh!S —Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Spico, Pepper, Ginger, Indigo and Madder, Salt, Nails, Babbit's Rare Concentrated Potash. OZV CONSIGNENT. A Fino Lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco—most popular brands—at manufacturer’s prices, freight added.* 2 Gra IFOR WESTERN PRODUCE! ■Kp UM A -.A'. [_ ‘ 1.";...' .. . ■ Third Street, - - MACON, GEORGIA. DEALERS IN CORI, EMC it OATS, 111 MMI, EYE, Mess Pork, Fish, Syrup, etc., WE arc prepared at all times to fill all orders promptly if accompanied with tho Cash, and at the Lowest Market Rates, aa we are dailv replenishing our Stock, thereby enabling us to DEFY competition. CORM —Yellow and white in any quantity. FLOUR —all Grades and Prices. PORK —Prime Mess Pork, at low prices. BACON —Sides, Hams and Shoulders, of Best Quality. Choice Timothy Slay, in bales. EXTRA SIACRBRSL—> n barrels, half-barrels, quarter barrel,-, and Kits. • Ad Less than Market [Prices! All of the above articles for sale in Lots to Suit Purchasers. BUItDICK & IIVDGMS, Produce and Commission Merchants, Second door North of Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, ( May 18, tloct Third Street, Maoon, Ga. OF ' , ,P B y HARPER, BARHAM & CO,, AT DR. FARMER’S OLD STAND, Opposite the Livery Stablo. WE aro just opening ono of the Largest and best selected stocks of Spring and TY gammer Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., ever offered in this market, which our friends arc invited to call and examine. Uno of tho firm, of long experience, and well ncouaint ed with tho wants of this market, remained in New York during tho gfeat Diy Goods Panic and was-thus cnnbffid to buy on terms which warrant them in offering their stock AS CHEAP, IF NOT Cheaper Than Anybody I The wants of the Ladies were kept specially in view, and they will find us supplied with Prints, Muslins, Lawns, Jaconets, French Organdies, Chambrays, Mnzambiqucs, Swiss * Muslins, Nainsooks, Brilliants, Irish Linen, White Bobinct, Dress TrimmingfS, every variety of Edging and Inserting, Ladies’ Collars, Cuffs, Tucked Skirts, Spring Bal morals, Mohair Skirts, Ladies’ Ilats, Bonnets, every style of Trim ming for hats & bonnets, Plumes, Wreaths, fancy toilet ARTICLES ! And, in fact, everything pertaining to a Lady’s Wardrobe. Also, a splendid stock of dents’ Clothing and Furnishing Cioods! Comprising Cashmers, Cloth, Linen, otc., for men and boys. BOOTS AND SHOES, And a thousand other things too numorous to mention. ROBERT J. LOWRY. WILLIAM M. LOWRY. |L. H, BRYANT &. CO., ROBERT J. LOWRY & CO., AUCTION AND Commission M!croliants» coMJttissiojr .w f /t c im.yts, MONEY BROKERS A Mi© CUTHBERT GA Wholesale Dealers iu Geu. Merchandise, .y Rales at Jcnkius DroUicra’ Auction I 20 Uianilu Front, Alabama Street, | T T House, Kufanla, Ala. Consignments sc alar 30 Um •Atlanta, Ga. I lioted at either place. May 11,3 m j. an. ur.sFoJf. J.jjii H AUKri El i\lVE.l,«lL.l. STOVKSI STOVKS! Ear ye and Sleauflfnl /*attcrns OF THE ami of ie hi, AND THE ma^noWa. Also a splendid assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, •Os everv description, all of which will he sold CHEAP, by J. A. LESSON <fc GO. We nrc non ready to supply at wholesale TIN WARE Os tho very hoot muiiufucturo and warranted.— “ Patronize home indußiiy, and build up your me chanlea.”; Send us your orders. Liberal discount oil all purchases. April 27. 3m. , J. £i. -BUTT, Denier in ViunUy :««<1 Pintid’limi GHOCEHIES! W incs txiid Liquox's, Uroad Street, £ufu»!u, Ala. april27-Bm. DEY GOODS AND GROCI2ZSII2S S r * 'HE subscriber ia just receiving i\ vary largo L and carefully selected stoch or Jlcrriliillilise, bought in tho eastern market during tho recent low prices, and which he is pre pared .and determined to sell nt Small Profits with a view to Quick Sales. The Htock now opouing consists of the very latest styles and patterns of Dry Goods, a well-assorted stock of If eels and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Yankee Notions, READY-MADE CLOTHING, And, in a word, everything likely to bo wanted, from a fishdiook to a bridal out! JUST RECEIVED 9A A BBLS. Flour, 10,000 bnthels Corn, 40, yUI) casks Clear and ribbed sides and shonl ders, 80 barrels mess pork; 10 barrels pickled beef, i 5 casks brioe hams, 50 boxes tobacco, 50 barrels whiskey, VO baskets champaigne, 10 eases Brandy, 5 oases wines, 15 sacks coffee, 20 barrels coffee sugar, and a general stock of Family Groceries. I have associated with me in business Major J. C. Bryan, Messrs, 11 - . W. B. Price and Delaware Morris, well known in this section, who hope to receive frequent calls fiom their friends. Will also bo kept in the storo under the Daily News Office, a large and well selected stock of Catnilu Groceries, at Wholeale or Retail. JACOB SMITH, April 27-3 m Eufuuk, Ala. JUNIUS JOIIDAN, Wholesale and llclall Dealer in Staple anxl FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Siloes, Crockery, etc., ap27 3nv Broad st., EUFAULA, ALA. J. E. BRAY&Oa V HAIL Its /-V Stoves, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Tin, Japanned, and Wood Ware, at salcand Retail* We also keep a sfook of tin plate, sheet iron, wire, and Tinner’s stork gen erally, at wholesale aud rotaiL Orders solicited faom Sou f .hwestern Georgia, apr27-3m 119 Alf f?t *HP9fSVMSSR© hiin u Id biSvji B EL EA ULA, ALABAMA. Xuiportcra and Dealers In HARDWARE SWEEDS AND ENGLISH IRONS. GERMAN and Steel, Out and Wrought Nails, Agricultural Implements, Builders’ Redware, Mechanics’ Tools, Carriage Springs and Axles, Spokes, Rims, Hubs, and all. kinds of Car riage makers’ Trimmings and Materials, Sugar Mills, Sugar Pans, and Cauldrons, Gin Gear and all kindß;of Castings, Rubber Bolcing ail six 's, Tan-, ners’ and Shoe Findings, Saddlery, Ilrrdwaro, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc , etc. apr‘27 3»u U. A. SOLOMON. E. K. PEAHRK. A. T. MATTHEWS. SOLOMON, PEaSrEAMATTBEWS, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Simpson & John son's Old ‘Stand, Eufaula, .Ada. Consignments respectfully solicited. Prompt personal attention given to purchase and sale of Cotton, produce, Ac. Refer to Messrs. Wm. A. McKenzie & Cos , Ap alachicola, Fla.; Epning, Ilanscrd & Cos., Colum bus, Ga.; S. kJ. Schiller, Now York; Simpson & Johnson, Eufaula, Ala. ISGH. v IS«G. SPRING TRADE! Q. M. HAY, Wholesale and Detail Dealer in % STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS,, Hardware, etc., A MERIC US, GA. HAS a largo and well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc.—of fering lo tho trade this spring, a much larger stock -than heretofore. Tlio Si HI ASS CifiGStS Department, tinder the Supervision of Mrs. A. U. Mapp, is complete in every particular, and a com petent dress maker will superintend the making and fitting of dresses. Tim CI. O TIS IJtfG Department will embrace an unusually attractive assortment, together with Hats, Caps, Boot* and Shoes, and everything for gentlemen's wekr. Also, Fine Brandy, Wines, Rum, Lin, by tho Wholesale. ITfm/ff *, Nuts, Sardines, t’rackerfl, Cove Ovuters, Flour, nreat, Com, meal, Sugar, Coffee, etc- .April 27 Cm cr rait i. \ ApviEiTismr. m ts. WALKsi & BftBHITT, Eufaula ------ Alabama. Dealers in DRY < fdobsJoROCERIEIi, IIARD WAKM, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AO. April 27 3m. WALKER & DAItNETf, Agts \v. c. hLksYX co., South-side Broad St., one door from C. J Caiman. DSnfn.ulla, -fYln- Dealers in Staple ami Fai'ey Dry'Goods. CS”Otiiorß«oil«iU'd froiutioutbwcDtcrn Georgia. April 27 3m. IST. M. HYATT, Dealer in JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER AND . PLATED WARE. 27 Eufaula, - - - . Jlabatna . 3m ““IIOWAPiP~IIOUSE; iimfauilo-, . . . Alabama -111 AVE removed from tny old place of business to the bouso formerly known ns the “ Eufaula llnuae.” April, 27 fiqi. ill LT Jb’A. XJXjA. I li ON WO R K S, liUFAIfI.A, ALA., I AM now prepared to build Engines, from five to ono hundred horse power, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, GIUST MILLS. Iron and Brass Castinejs ol every description,' Machine and plantation blacksmith work. Boilers made and repaired. Old Cast Iron, Brass and Copper bought. For further information, address apr27-6m J. \V. YOUNG. " HARDY j TeeW& M’GEHSE. GENERAL COMMISSION ME KOI IA NTS, Mil) COLLECTING AGENTS, Eufaula, . . . Alabama. We have on hand and are receiving a general assortment of Dry ,Goods and Groce ries, which we are o!Teiing“iow at Whole s a 1 o . Jous ll.vanr, former Caah’r. Kost’rn. Bank of Ala J. Bekman, iornicr Teller “ “ “ “ 1 Authorized Rxfsmncics.—lion. John Gil Bliorter, Eufaula, Ala , I. C. Plant, President First National Bank, Macon, Ga.; E. M. Bruce & Cos. Augusta, Ga ; E. F. Mescals, Savannah, Ga.; Hop kins, Dwight & Trowbridge, Now York. April, 27. 3m. J. C L. mART&t, GENERAL INIIRANCE AGENT AND EXCHANGE DEALER, If l t',ll /..I : : .llabama. Represents a paid up Capital, in A No. 1 Com panies, of 000,000. Takes Fire, Inland, River, Marine, Life, and Accident risks. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. npr27-ly. jTChIt. MARTIN EUEavE.t, .ir.i; Manufactures * CANDY, BREAD, CAKES AND CRACKERS, in all their various style”.'VKeeps Emits, Toys, Clyars, Clalionery, Clonks, LIGHT GROCERIES, KcrosSue Lamps anil Oil, Garden seeds, etc., etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cash Orders respectfully folicitod and satisfac tion warranted. No charges made for outside purchases. £2s“Agcnt lev the Washington Iron Works, Steam Engines Castings and Machinery of every kind. April 27. ly. i. p. nange'i LUMBER AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. E l/FW ULtl, . . . • llahama • Will give attention to the sale auu purchase of HEAL ESTATE. Solicits consignments of Country Produce. Itofjrs to Ex-Gov. Shoh.’sh. April 27 3m. EUEvIUL*! •llahama, Cornet Broad and En/avda Streets. WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL Dealer in St«S>lc Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, _ (''ROOKERY, And cnqtj dirscrfptlon of Staple Goods usually soli in this section, all of which JvtU be sold at the lowest prices. * Solicits tho patroxfago. of Mer chants r.nd Planters of Southern Georgia. apSTSin W. A, JENKINS. J. JENKINS 13. W. JKNKLNS* J. M. JENKINS -JENKINS BROTHERS, Grocery iVZcrchants, . Suction, General Commission, DECEIVING AND FORWARDING HOUSE. Broad st,, Enfeula, AJa. 13WTSDNAT, attention given to the sale of Cot ton, Sugar, Molasses and Country Produce. Orders for the purchase of Flinta.ion Supplies, Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., filled and shipped promptly. Consignments for sale or re-shipment respectfully solicited. Will attend to receiving and foriviirdiug Cotton aud overy description of freight with dispatch. Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt roturus made of all sa'ta. apr27tf EUFAULA IRON AND BRASS FOXJIsrHIIY. IF you want anything in tha way of Hark •Villa, Sugar Jmm, Columns, Mill Gearing, Gin Q*Bir, I'EKING FOR CEMFTRIES, or at.y tiling else that can be inatle at a Dross and Iron Itoumiry. Adjrci* or go to W. C. A. DLAIK, 2:> Cut. liufaula,Ala. EITALLA ADVERTISEMENTS* IE SB MS9ICIK! DRY a SMITH, EUFAULA, ALA. IF von want the ASost ilettable and tho Beat finality of Medicines, as well as all other articles in the above line of business, Call at Thin ECouso, OR SEND YOU R ORDERS, And yon will bo certain to get the goods you wau6 PRICES AS LOW .Is the Eowesl for the same kind of goods Now on hand and constantly receiving, a large supply of Pure Medicines, Selected for Physicians’ Practice and Family BSCy Patent and Proprietary Medicines, WHITE LEAD, ZINC. PATNTB, VARNISHES, LINSEED OfTi, TRA N OIL, TANNERS’ OIL,. CASTOR OIL Illuminating and Lubricating CD.IE Dlts, SI’CItITS TCBEE.Vri.rEi Window Gloss and Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Purer Brandy'and Wino& For Medicinal use, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Snuff, h'JUttWTJ M EEY, TOILET SOAPS, DRESSING COMBS, HAIR BRUSHES, Aud all other goods kept by a first class Drug Store. A Druggist of Twenty Years’ experience devotes constant attention to the business, and everything connected with the house passes under his supervision. It is the intention of the firm to build up an establishment that will compare with any othor in the South, and all who patronize them may rely implicitly upon obtaining tho BEST.’ G DfiStS, and at CHEAP, RATES AH orders promptly fiiiod, and just rs faitb fully as if the purchaser .were present, and ALL GOODS WARRANTED To be what they are represented. Call at tho store one door east of Bray & Bros.' Bardwaro house. Broad street. Eufaula, April 27, 1506-Cm W. E. BESSON J. T.^SNDALL BESSON & KENDALL, Proprietors of tho EAGLE DItSJG STORE I EUFAULA, ALA., Have in Store and Ear Sale S.otr, FOR CASH ONLY, The Largest Stock of MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, I’AINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYES, , GLASS. POTASH, Etc., Etc., Ever offered in this section, The patronage of our friends is respeetfuliy solicited, to whom tve guarantee Perfect Satisfaction in every respect. Buying our goods from First Hands, iu I.arge (juantuics, and Entirely Tor Cash, we Hatter ourselves that Otlf •trtrein faeff* tor Seeling Loir cannot be sarpUFscd by any house,in the South; and to all who wish to buy reliable medicines at LOW PRICES! Either at wholesale or ret&H, we would say GIVE US A CALL ! Bcforcjmaking your purchases. t oil Supply of all the most popular PROPRIETARY MEDICINES; • Os the Day constantly on hand. Also, full lino L’ERFXJJVIERY AKD Toilet .Articles ! COMBS AND BRUSHES, Os All Kinds, IIAR OILS, POMADES, SOAPS, Etc., Etc, All orders, with the cash accompanying prompt ly filled, and upon r Ketter Terms Thnn can be obtained in Macon or noighbotina chics. IiESSiOIIiVKI^DAII, Sign ot the 4t <joldcn Kaglo uud Mortar,” apr27 'Om Euraula, *&la\