The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, June 29, 1866, Image 2

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ittlif AVcrkln "Domini. DAW SOX, G A., JUN K 20, 18667 Author sort Ago-nts. The followifti g.nll.mOn are authorized to re ea've and receipt for subscriptions and advertising for this pope;': Si'KCUL Aukst. —Rev. Thomas T. Christian. LitMi’KtN.—E. T. Ki'ltsev, Rev. 1.. I*. Davies, I.kk OoL’Kiv.—Rev. Tiros. 1.. Speight. ttCTHOKRIp— Rev. Via. A. Turks, Ittßn Mrvvrf-,— Dr. 0. It. Moore. UhfMti G* —-V. 6. Danish ('.mitKas-tuHurciijiK.—Rev. C. A. Crowell. AMKRtnt*,' Oa. —ll.av. .1. W. Jordan, (ia —F. 11. Oboeveg. Monois fir..—Dr. R. T. Kendrick. TriANKS.—Wo return thanks to those of onr ttattotts who have ih cyphered "our “prize puzz’e*’ of last week, art! have acted accor dingly. Wo cheerfully award to them tho promised “areJit.” Cos tl, Rot’*,! It certainly i fields all good cifizrns a degree of jtleasure to tie tl*o indications of , the radical party becoming “a ho use divided rgainst, itself. All that, need be done by , the oljeefs of their hatred is to “lot the o rip.” Ti e olil imp, Iliad. SteVcns, pitched into the ether crusty eld bachelor and | crack-braiucd poli&'iiD, Sumta t, teCcntly, . eh a rac tori sir g him as_ “gross, fou', outrage- ; ous, with every other vulgar epithet which polished cultivation could command.’’ . We say with I’rentioc, “Go it, Stevens l Hit him again, Summer ! The public will I view ycur sot-to with the serene indifference j of the lady who looked composedly on w hile i her husband Lad a tustlo with a bear. , Drake Jail. Chits. W. Savage, or 1.0 uas recently sentenced to sis months imprisonment anti twelve months duty in the chain gang, for attempt to commit rape, managed to “un cage” himself on Saturday night last — not, however, without help from s me out siders It seems that he had teen furnish ed with an auger, with Which he bored through the flooring of hi- coll, and “dug cut,”—and tho indications are that some one else “dug in ” lie left a letter to tho Sheriff and Jailor, somo two or three pages in length, in which, we are told that he gives these gen tlemen tits genera My*-ridicules the idea of keeping Aon in jail six months —and winds ujy by advising u.& Sheriff not to offer a large reward for him, as nP was not worth much to tho county. The Sheiilt seems to agree with him, ns to Lis worth, as we have not heard of any reward for Lis apprehen urn. Said Savage, is seme twonty-fonr or five years of age, about five feet eight inches high, has black hair and eyes, and rather daik complexion. Tlso lisittoiKtiiiK War in Europe. Even tlrose who have thus far been most sanguine of tho peace of Europe, will cer tainly relinquish all such tapes now. The interest of die three great powers of Eu rope demand pence, but it is very apparent that in the present condition of affairs on that Continent, the first gun fired will light up the torch of war from the North Sea l to the Caspian. A war between Prussia I nud Austria will inevitably involve Prance j and En c land. Neither of those powers, it seems to us. can afford j u*t now to be brought into a conflict widen in its progress will involve these governments hi protract- ! cd and oppressive war- The indieatious , now are that after all the efforts of England France and Russia, war is imminent The p'an for a Peace Congress has been | abandon and, at least fun the present. The Louisville Journal says tho demands of Austria were hold 1-y England, France and Prussia as amounting to a refusal to deliberate at all. These demands Were, and übtlees, that the cession of Venelia to Italy shou’d not be --onsiderod. This cersion was regarded, by tbe neutrals ttsam infallible pacification (or tho watlike Italian it. - Prussia, too, was dissatisfied with tl;e conduct ts Austria in referring the Ilolsttiu question to the Ger man Diet, thus making the nation the arbi ter on a subject which Prussia bad-wished to discuss with Austria alone. Hostilities ean hardly be delayed any longer. Aus- j tria hue now eight hundred thousand men ! under arms, of whom six hundred thousand are designed for active service. Ol this l'6t number over half will operate against Prussia and tho remainder look after the 1 Italians. Prussia has called out tho largest unity she bus ever raised. It consists c f forr hundred and fifty-two battalions of infantry and twenty one squadrons cf cav alry. It is expected that the first fight will occur in the du’chies on the Elbe, but that Austria’s grand movement will be to possess herself of Silesia. Thus somo of the great battle grounds of Frederick the Great and Maria Theresa may be the scenes of contests as decisive as those of a Lundred'years ago.” House Law.— Among the points decided 1 by the Supreme Court of Georgia ia a case from Spulding county, on which the decis ion was rendered in these words . “If while the trial is in progress, one the counsel en gaged in the prosecution, entertain and pro tect for a night, free of charge the horse of I some of the jurors, a verdict of guilty after wards rendered will he sot aside aud anew < trial grafted; 1 ' There waa a doubtless some undue influ ence used by one borse over the others, but 8B the horses were not on the jury, we don’t gee how the superior legal kuoledge suppos ed to be possessed by the horse of the coun sel could have affocted the jury. A London paper says of the 20,000 pco p]e at the l>erby, 19,000 were beastly drunk when they left the course. The Simtliv illc Celebration. We Lad tho pleasure of attending the Mt sonic and Sunday School clebrati mat I SnsithviUo on Saturday lus*, and returned to 1 oar postftn remember for tunny a day (he j pleasure* of the few hours enjoyed among the hospitable and agreeable people of that i section. The “Mystic Drrthcrhocd” was well rep- I resented, and formed a considerable proces-1 sion from their ledge to the Baptist Church, where, in company with the Sabbath School -a l argo number of rpectators, they lii ; tened to a very appropriate and edifying nd ; diets frout Col. Wellborn, of Atuericus—af ter which tho nudianre was very agreeably j 1 entertained by the singing of several beauti- 1 ful hymns by the children of ilia Sabbath l School, led ly n ycuitg lady who displayed t extra qualifications in this pirrlizular- At 12 o’eleck, the assembly retired to a beautiful grove not far distant, where we i found a veil arranged table, loaded with all tho “good things” of the sensor; and being a strong advocate el'internal 1 improvement,” here’s whero our pu t of the programn e was j performed, and we have w itnesses to the : fact that wc did our “whole duty.” Wo regret that wo could not remain to hear the SaMalh School addrets of Roy. 1 Mr. Irwin iu the afternoon. Peace the Tru* Pe'iejr of llic f SilElUl. I To bo under tho rule of tho Radical.! in ' peace, is bad; but to be under Radicals or I Democrats in war, would be infinitely worse I The war of words and on paper, between j Northern Demccra's aud R publicans or 1 Radicals as the worst extreme of tho latter arc now called, is one for place, and power. | If the sympathy expressed for the South, i and the defense of her rights on the part of 1 Nothcrn Democrats rested upon uo more vi tal sentimeut than that of love for us, or real ! concern far our welfare, it could not bo maintaioed for one month. If there were no offices to fill by election or npp'OiLit'Eont, the strictures upon the paity ;n power, would sink down into very small proportions, and the discontent at tho outrages of the | hated Radicals, would bo small compared with wbat wo seo and hear from public 1 journals, printed in tho North for eiraula j tion in tho St u‘.b. If there wero no i fficcs ‘o fill by election or appointment, it would 1 soon appear to U3 all that the Republicans, ! tho .Radicals and the Cot pitheads and 1 Democrats care as littre, fi r the negro, aC f or j tho white-man, and but little fer either. It ii purc’y a wir of words,and on paper between j the outs and inns of office, iu which tho | South has hut, little interest. The Repub j licans and D,mc*rats with exceptions so i few as to he barely worth mentioning, made war on the South iu 1801, and with j a common iDtent, to restore the Union, and 1 reestablish tbe authority of the Federal Gov ernment. The troops of both parties stood ! together in battle-line, and shot down j our meD, and when they died it was no ! mpttrr of distinction' whether the puce j that did the execution, was aimed by a j Democrat or a Republican. I would as soon a man would shoot at me t j make me Late him, as to make me love him. If he kills me, I am dead, and it makes no difference to me what his object may have been, i When the R publicans saw fit to change* j tb C l ‘j;ct far which they and the Democrats J get out, and the latter refused to avow the object of suhjugatr'u, ahcl.ton, and cotfis ! cation. They did not ru‘>sc to support tLe ! war which they knew tho R---cals Were i waging for lLat object. They refuso I” cry ; out “Groat is Diauua of tho Ephet-hns, I but they nevertheless worshiped in the same temple with the followers of the war Goddess. They discovered the objosts which Mr. Lincoln an 1 Lis supporters or part’zians avowed, aud they criticise I all his blunders and mishaps, not for the love of us bat for the hate of him—not to promote us or our cause, but to elevate themselves into offie and power—not to put down or weaken the Federal Government, hut to give itstrcngtli i aud vigor, by putting the inns out, and the ; outs iu office. Tibs is tho whole story ! The Deuneiats were as much tho agents of: the destruction and waste which ha re boon visited npon our country as the Republicans,! aEd they are guilty before hgih Heaven and ; the inqiartial judgment cf posterity of the murders, arsons, robberi s, rapes, and mul tiform cruelties, which the North visited up jon the South in the lato cruel war. There never was a time when any party in power North, would have let the party South go j iu peaee : aud there never was a time during j tho war, w hen the great body of tbe North i ern Democracy were actuated by any high cr motive iu oppesing Mr. Lincoln, than ! that the war was his party measure, and to demora'iza the wUr was the most promis ing means of breaking down that party. ,| This is a bold assertion, but it will bear the teat cf rigid analyi-L upon histotiaal I facts, which we could refer to if necessary. The independence of the South UJa fore gone conclusion. It is in no way involved in any quarrel between the Djoioerats, the Copperheads, the Republicans, and Rad icals—not involved ia any quarrel between i the President and his villainous persecutors . and accusers; not involved in the Fenian j movement either directly or indirectly.— ! There will be no effort to impeach Johnson, ' for the reason that tho war upon him is a pa- j per and party war, and is controlled by cool men who though mad, have method and pur pose iu all their cxtrpvagnucc. If au at | tempt Is made to impeach him, it will only be made to demoralizj him by the general [ advertisement of tho plead mgs, ami for par- ty purposes, and to furnish fuel to feel the tiros of fanaticism, and keep the party ma- I chines all a-going. Radicalism itself will not prove black enough to carry the presa -1 cution to aliu&l success, and an ouster of the Executive. If it were undertaken, success fully prosecuted to the final judgement of impeachment and ouster, it would be harrep of results cither beneficial to us or hurtful to the lfadicals. For the reason tint Johnson is a peace man, and not a revolu tionist. lie would quietly await the dis- ] cussed aud the filial vote, lie would thus ! give juflsdKlroSTo the'erurr, and taken the 1 public not to expect, a deeisica by the arbit ! lament o( tho sword now'iu his hnt.d andi .-übj -ctte hi* will, ho would luim ly • *w«it the icjult of tho ballot until his office is on. . i nulled) his power gone, and until bis instal ! led aueccKer as made by virtue of the Con- j stitutiou, the eemautler-ia-chief of the army : and navy. 7 hen Andrew Johnson would he only: AndrowJjhis nos TcnnetPQo, and would: have uo more power even if he had tho! will no stir up a revolution, than any other great civiilian of the South. The impeach- j facet of Johnson would call forth a tithe of excitement in the NoHb, whifli the asasina tiorr of Lincoln ani: and as to a war from that I. rcc, there would ho no more eharceofit, than the laughing if Head Center Stephens. Cueon. The C’onslimUoirif 1 Amendment. M USAGE FROM .THE PRESIDENT. Washington, June 22.—Tac President sent into Ouugrcss to day the following mes sage iu relation to tho reconstruction amend ment to (he constitution : 7 o the Senate and of Representatives: I submit to Congress a report ot the Secre tary of State, to whom was referred the con current resolution of the lStir inst.,respect ing a submission to tbe Legislatures of the Slates of an afdiuaord a. tide to the (Jjls itu tion of the United States. It Will L 6 pcen, from this report, that tho Secretary of State had, on the HLh inst , transmitted to the < lev, j m f- o< the several States oertifi-d ies of the joiut resolutian passed on the loth instant proposing an amendment to the con stitution. Even iu ordinary times any ques tion amending the C'on dilution must be just ly reguarded as of paramount importance. This imp rtanceisat the present tinii en hauced by tho fact that the joint resolution was not suiwiiittul by the houses for the ap proval of the President, and that of the thir ty-six States which coasitute the Union, eleven are excluded from representation in either house of Congress, although, with the single exoepti nos Texas, they have Lcen entirely re.-t red to all their functions as S ates in conformity with the organic law of the land, and have appeared at the Nation al Capitol by Senators, aud have been refus ed admission to the vacant seats. Nor have tho sovereign poofla of the nation been af forded an oppoitunity of expressing their views upon tho important question which the amedment involves. Grave doubts, there fore, naturally and justly arise as to whether the action of Congress is in harmony wi h the sentiments off the people, and whether iu suoh an issue they should be called upon by Congress to decile respecting ratification of tho propos'd amendment. Waivi g the question as to the eonsttu tibual validity of the proceedings of Congress upon the joint resolution proposing the amendpient, or as tr the merits of the article which it submits though the Executive De partment to the Legislatures of the States [ deem it proper to observe that the steps ta ken by the Secretary of State, as detailed in the accompanying report, are to be considered as purely ministerial, and in no sente what ever commit:;; g the Exccutho to tho ap-I proval or recommendation of the amend ment to the State Legislatures or to the peo ple : On the contrary, proper appreciation of the letter and spirit of the Corstifution, as well as of the interest of nitioual order and harmonv and union, a:.d a duo dif.reuee f r an enlightened public judgment may a‘ this time well suggest a doubt whether any amendment to the Constitution ought to he proposed by Congress and pressed upon the Legislatures of the several States fur final decision, until after tLo admission of such loy 1 Senators and Rcprescnta > sos the now unrepresented States as have been, or may hereafter he, chosen in conformity with the constitution and laws of the Uhited States. (Signed) Andrew Jqunson. The l*etvTariff Bill. The tariff bit’, in roetuccd to-day, is the longest ever repor ed, and its consideration in the II us.', is iikly to last the whole week, ad there are many poin s which will oeoasion discussion. Considerable additions have L-ecn made to the f- r co list but net to the extent demanded by certain interests. Ext-'nsivo charges have been made to lev yir.g specific, itiS'oad of ad voralcm duties. The classification ot ii r JQ is en irely differ ent, and much nitre minute ttn»o t n the pres ent tariff. The duty on coffee and ul.a is changed ; on cigarsjtwo dollars and fifty cents per pound, und til’ty per cent, ad voralem duty on champagne wine is unchanged; duty on coal reduced from one dollar and twenty five ccntsper ton , to fifty cents per ton; duty on all ki ,> of iron will he increased from 1 to 1 cc .t per pound, iron pigs, nine dollars p r ton ; railroad iron, which now pays seventy cents her buudred, is raised to one dollar ; iron bars, one and one-quarter cents. The duty on steal of all kinds will be doubled. Oj I’urL wLito one and a half cents per pound. The duty ou prpor has not been changed, but the internal revenue tax has been taken off. The duties on cheap wines are very largely increased both ou the spccitio and ad valorem taxes. Tennessee —The Representatives in Con gress are waitiug to hear from Tennessee be fore fixing a day for adjournment. Should a Convention in that State ratify the amend ment, the BamitoiS aud Representatives will be admitted at enoe, and a desire to do this promts the delay. Old Browulow has ad ded another coat to Lis covering of infamy by ealliug a convention to ratify the “uncon stitutional amendment,” cn the 4th of July. The Nashville American says .that in dis j interring the Federal dead who fell in the : battle of Rcsaea, they discovered a body I which excited attention from the smallness Sos the feet. On examination, it was found i to be llrat of a woman who had beau killed by a bullet through the Lead. Tue grave was marked “Charles JoLn-:on, private, Sixth Missouri Volunteers.” Mr. Stevens says that an “Irish Repub lic” exists in Ireland complete in all its parts That no tnan is allowed to unite in it who is not a sworn member of the body. The oath rises above all social, civil aud re ligious obligations. It is moro solemn and superior to Priest or Pope. The trial of Maj. Gee, for alleged cruelty to tedcral prisoners and iriug the war, was brought to a close on Wednesday of last week, and after the examination <4 seventy witnesses for the defense, and fifty for the prosecution, he was triumphantly aqeuittcd. T Id Jsld Cff U A 1* I L 1 <J. HhToiit'ril.vr AUSTRIA HAS DE ' GLARED WAR. COTTON ADVANCED. l'.vriixi: Piq.NTu June 25—Tho steam ship Moravian pss-ed hero te-jlay with Ku i ropean advices to tho loth. CoMMF.ItICAr,. Cotton in Liverpool had advanced 1 2»ld, : Sales of the week, 70,00 t) bales,; Middling : Orleans quoted 1 l l-2d. Stock at Liver pool, a tuition hales. Consuls closed at 80 5 8 ; Five-Tweelies, i 05. POT.IWAL NEWS. It was motored that Austria had declared war, but latest advices do not o mfirnj tlm re port. The Empffror of Austria said iu a speech on the 14th, that ho had dono everything else, and should uow have to res art to the sword. CALL OF A NATIONAL UNION CONVENTION. Washington, June 25.—A. W. Ran dall, First Assistant Postmaster General, Senators UyolittU', Cuvvao, and others, form ing the Executive Committee of the Nation al Union Club of this city, have i-sued a call for a Natijii*l (Julon Couvention of at least two dil’gates'from each Cougressional district of all tLe States, two from each ter lilory, two from the District of Columbia, aud four delegates at large from each Statd, to be held at Philadelphia on the second Tuesday of August next. Such delegates will be chosen by the electors of the several States who sustain the administration in maintaining unbroken the Union of the States under tho Constitution which our fathers established, and who agree in cer tain propositions, including the mainten ance inviolate of the lights of each State to order 'and control its own judgement exclu sively subject only to the Constitution of ! the United States as essential to the balance j of power ca which the perfection and endu rance of our political fabric depends, and the overthrow of that system by the usurpation aud contKiliz itiou of power iu Congrets, would be a revolution dangerous to R -pub lican Government and destructive of liberty. The h dding of the Convention is endors ed by Senators Dixon, Hendricks, Norton and Nesmith. Under the new post office law, just approved by tbe President, dead letters are i t > be returned to the writers free of p s age, and prepaid letters may be forwarded, at the request ot the parties to whom addressed, from one office to another, without addition al charge. _ itews Items. On Saturday the ceremony of decorating with timers the graves of the fallen Confed erates took place in Petersburg, Va. There wa3 a graud procession, the houses were draped in mourning, and it ii said that when the decorators were at the cenietjric» scarce- [ ly a person was seen upon the streets of the j city. LikenefS of the loading Conliderate Generals were boruo in tire procession and’ displayed upon the houses. The whole,sale plundering of tho White I House, aftpr the Bs asßipation of Jfr. Linoon, ! has prompted the creation of an owner to be known as a steward of tho I’resinent s house hold, who is responsible for the plate, and who is to give bonds for tho faithful dis charge of his duty. At a mooting in Newburyport,Conncticu f , an ebony Afriean was chosen as tho hand sotneest woman in the hall and received the , prize—a handsoom bird. Some folks have singular tastes both for seeing and; smelling. 'There were 837 divorces in Ohio during 18G5 of the following causes: adultery, 275; absence, 250; cruelty and negolct, 220; drunkenness, 55; fraud, 20. The use of the cignretta, at the dinner table bv Parisian ladies, is becoming custom, ary. They are to bo provided with costly Sevres spittoons. And of course, have ac quired the art of spitting eolonge water and other perfumes. The French minister of Foreign affa-rs has given the U. S. minister at Paris the most solemn assurances of Napoleon’s filelity to his pledge to withdraw the French troops from Mexico. This is regarded as sealing the fate of tLe Mexican Empire. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, of Augusta, who was elect'd Clerk ol the Superior and Inferior Courts in January last, and has hern acting in that capacity ever since was notified on Friday last that lie could not per- , form the dutiis of his office any longer, he having never been pardoned by tbe Presi dent of the United States. As A TYPE OF TIIE LAWLESSNESS of tllC times, which should bo brought sternly be fore the public, we have decided not to sup press an accout oftbe “prize-fight,” so called which took place yesterday, a few miles bc law the city, on the Virginia bank of the Potomac. Wuen thing! have arrived a* that pitch among us that such trai st-ctious are remitted to the Lower Potomao by reason of its notoriety at tho North as being a re gion without the Union, and unguarded by usual law, then a question art.-cs in just mints, whether or not a state of political af fairs giving vitality to such prurient ideas with the violent elements iu human naturo should not arrest special attention. It is not to be disguised that political and social mis chiefs are life ; that their seeds are scattered far and wide, and are springing up in most detestable forms. —Nat Intel Not ]>KEss.--It is not your dress, ladies, j your expensive shawl or golden fingers that attract the attention of men of eousc ; they look beyond these someone hath said. It is your character they 6tudy. It is the love-; lincss es your nature that wins and continues j to retain tho t-ffectir nos the heart. Young j ladies sadly miss it, who labor to improve j their outward looks, while they bestow not a thought on their minds. Fools may won by gow giw, and fashionable, showy ! dresses; but the wise and substantial uro | never caught by traps. Lot modesty be your dress. Use pleasant aud agreeable lau ■ guage, aud though you may not be courted by the fop, the good and truly great may linger in your steps.- fcixty different amendments to the Consti tution have been proposed during tbe pres ent Session of Coßgrcss. And every amendment only gives it a darker hue. The'National Intelflgfcneer hastho follow-1 ing : R v. Dr Hamlin, cf Constantin op V, 1 saved hundreds of lives by tho following; simplo preparation, daring tlao terriblejrsg in| of cl|olen in tlmt city « few years since. ; Mao erne did the remedy fail where the disease could he reached in season. Itisco less affective in chekra morbus and ordinary; diarrhoea: One part laudanum. One part camphorated spirit. Two parts ticctuio of giugcr. 'Two parts oipsicum. Dose—One teaspoonliil in a wine glass of water. If the case is obstiiate, repeat tho dose iu three or four hours. | A Lonhou letter to a banking firm here I Ha f s *he specie arrivals are immeusc beiug for Americau credit, that tho amount sent from America is everywhere admitted to have saved general bankruptcy in England, t The letters to the other tanking houses in 1 this city are very much to the same effect. Among the advertisements in a lato Lon don paper, we read that “two sisters want washing ” Wbat a dirty a, uple, toneod such a public admonition. KNOW THY DESTINY. Madam* E. F. Thornton, tho great English As trologist, Clairvoyant aud Tiycornettieian, who has astouishod the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located heraeif at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec ond sight, as to enable her lo impart knowledge of the greatest Importance to the married or singled cither sex. While in a state of trance, she delin eates the very features of the person vou are to marry, and by tire aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psycomotrope, guarantees to produce a life like picture of the future husbaud or wile of the applicant, together with date of mar riage, position iu life, leading traits of character, ko. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimo pials eau ussert. She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. Ily enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, anu enclosing 50 cents and stumped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired Information by return mail. All sacredly confidential. Address, in confidence, Madame E. F. Thobntom, P. O. box 223, Hudson, N. Y. June!,3m New Advertisements Wltfl. WOOTEW, Audios & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dawson, G^eo. % Lb business entrusted to his care wi'l receive ii prompt attention, it Terences: E It Loylese, M 11 Ha’dwin, Dawson, Gi; J \V Fears, Macon, Ot.; Butler k Peters, Atlanta, Ga.; Irwin & llat dee, Savannah, Ga. june29,6m fiJ. S. Internal Eiercnnc, r I'M!E Annual Sh lets for 1861 have been turned -L Over t<» m a by the Asfle&eo.* for collection.— ab;c t lent can now be made at Dawson, to J. E. L Pi. a-ri. 1 hope that all parties will come j and pay promptly, and save me the disagreeable j duty of charging ten percent, addi ioatl. | J. U. McBUUN’EV, Collector. W. C. Godwin, Deputy. jane29,2t 38ACO Y A N f> €OlBl% ! orrEHEo rosi cottojt! T T E are now receiving from a Louisville house, T > 30 000 Bushels choice yellow COEIK, lihds Choice is;mm 9 ben-t U3 to eich mge lor cotton, payable from Ist to to l&th October, to responsible planters with good security. For particulars as to price of corn, bacon and cotton, pood planters will apply so J. 11. ANDFRSON & SOX. june29,2t Agents. Macon, Gi. lAotice. SIXTY days after date applicHtion will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Terrtll county for leave m sell the land belonging to the estate ol Noih Walker, deceased. June 25, ’drt. D. G. WALKER, Adm’r. TlenryhouneT Wholesale Dealer in Gr o cones, Con fectioncrios, LIQUORS AND FRUITS, I*o. 60, Cherry St., Jfl.lCOdr, rS now receiving a fresh lot ot Goods—bought low—-and will soli them, as the freights arc lower also, at f' ry Reasonable Prices. and calls attention to the fo’lowiug articles : LEMONS and Mesinn ORANGES, Claret Wine front $6 to $lO per doz Sherry do 12 to 20 “ Port do 12 to 20 “ Madeira do 12 to 20 Good Bourbon Whisky, sl2 “ Good Brandy, 12 to 30 “ Holland Gin, 12 to 22 “ Superior Horne made Stick Candies, “ Northe'n “ “ Fancy mixed candies, gum dropt, and decorating articles. CIGARS, from S3O to $75 per 1,000; Candles, Flour, Sugar, Wrapping Paper, Soria, Soaps, Crackers, Sardines, Ovsters, Bitters, Lemon Syrup, Vinegar, Chewing ami Smoking Tobacco, etc., etc. Give me a trial, and 1 will fiuamiltec Sat ist'action. juni‘27,lf Dr?. C. T. KEENEY, t RESPECTFULLY tenders his profetfiional ser* V' vices to the citizens cf Dawson and vicinity. Prompt attention given to all cases entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to Small Pox Office in rear of I)r. Janes’store. june22,lm /'G IIOEIGIA. Terrell County : \JT Whereas, 11. B. Herrington applies to me for letters of administration on tbe estate of Samuel 0. Hail, late of said countv, deceased, These are to cite and admonish admonish all per; sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this June 4th, IgCG. T. M. JONES, Ordinary. rTGODWIN, AGT, At I>r. Cliealliams" Comer, SOX TtE OM' lt\SO.r HOTEL, Koustautly on hand a genera! astort i ok it <i*o«»i»s, groceries, HARDWARE, SHOES, DATS, Clothiny, Yankee Notions, etc. Hast received a large lot of "Wood "Ware, Soch as Tubs, Backets, Pails, Measures, Howls, \ Trays, Brooms, etc. All of which will be sold at unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Call coon aud get bargains. June l «. i nor: ns ba: rriACOA, «i<:ossosa. 1500 Sacks Mixed, and Yellowy 1200 Sacks WIIITE COKIST. The mixed and Yellow I am selling at $1.40 by car load, and in smaller quantities $1.45. The White $152 1-2 by the car load, and $1.55 in small lo Stocks large—Orders promptly tilled. 30 Casks CLEAR .SIDES, H 5 Casks “ SIIOILDEK^, 5 Casks “ IIA HIS. THIS Dtacon I am selling at the foUowing prices: CLEAR SIDES, by the Cask, 23 cci ts. CLEAR RIB, “ “ 22} “ RIB SIDES, 22 “ SHOULDERS, 19 “ HAMS, 25 to 30 “ \\ r . A. HUFF. iiirrin 75 Barrels Superfine, SO “ Extra. 100 “ Family, 100 44 Fancy Ilrasuls. This Flour I am selling at i>rioes ranging from ?10 00 to 818 00. XV. A. Ii L IT. 50013A.0ES PRIME II^Y- This hay I am selling at $1 90 to $2 25 per hundred, according to quantity on/« cd. This is a great reduction in prices on that article In addition to the above leading articles in my tmde, I am prepared toSilanyi all orders that may be offered lor CCKH jIKAL, STOCK PEAS, SIIBI I’, o»nabnrg-§,Cefiee, Soda, Aaiis, Cotton Yarns, Tobacco, Sbot, 55 aus in jy, Hope, etc, \VM. A. HXJFI'. w mm i so. 5®2,,000 nsr gold. §83,000 11ST SILVER, Highest I’lrciiiiiiifii paid S>y W. A. HUFF-