The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, July 13, 1866, Image 1

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gvt.&J.K - :U ghrtosqii (Wlediln Jounul, Every Friday. Pi j. K.,cuni.<TiAX, EDITORS tNQ PUSUSHfRS. r f I in .ldrantf. Tt il ' $1 od Till" n"' l,lllS -•' '' ‘-V '«’ ,2 OO - Si« V ...$S 00 ii iita vs .JiU erlbiny • Ul,'rP*T-«|U«repf lines iOT the Urn Sk* 4 '...iSeve.iiv.avs Cents per njuare for * &0. not ».**»»* «”«• Ve * '•< « 8 '"*■ Amourim 1* (hi") u '* r 20 00 i q. i ,quire one T'O-'l ’ rSOIMT .«* * »>-- t : Sfi ||,|fco!ua>o sir month 7() : rh—;.v:::::::ioo h —;.v:::::::ioo m j . jj. ar fcof evjry descr.pMon erccuM i ,',.tnra*»ni diipaWfo at moderate rau-B COHJJ* ■ \V< KlI-I.N - & liiA W AT b ' 1 ja\vaon> G a.; ITiOMEY at law. ]}\\\ * 0a 9 TLR:ILLL 1 (i. *• \V;!i .i .. ~ri)ai it aueulidu to 111. business f>u AttwriToytil la l\\ t , 03:01101.1. , aijjyotS f ' is ly tv 11. 0. C.KKK JAMES SPENCE, attorney at Law. ».i fs Office at lhe Court. House. fob 23 ly OR.’5. A. CHEATtftSf D V7SOX, CEoKULi^ I' - .S'-' ft .'/< ; f V*/ cor/*cr P o W.«r or/ ft? 'ON ’ IN UK’S ;lut practice of' Me licit e#n uU ii« ' Sr »u« l»* 11l * nv-» spu-nl attention r<» the tr#*a*me!»t t>f kW irooic It' cti.iiis of «ithc*»- sex ; a#ui to the ' treat jli Aitv 1,0 consul'ei} by h tter, dpPoHbing acre, i, ov. uo I’iofi, nut! hufiils; -nxi giviig an a ecu '• Vs Viti iu «t ull th<* syibp<cmis, duration of a—. »»•<»., Ami enclosing Ten £foi irs ft- rt'Miru m-ilho will far warl all ot the c ss.,rrv m ilioinos wit!; full directions. 3 Fv. !R. Q„ KAUSN 3 EITcf, ’-*? Services to ii»« tv’* ) '' •* f D. a .n mwl it e s cTiurjiling v. ! D .wson llotr-l' -uv Stairs. ttb'23*^n DR. D. H. FA R MER, • the Utis’ liesfi?enre at C.•*. PS *jw# S3, .ius, near U~ice&»s, i*u* \ fill «in experience of *2O yea'fl in the prac ' titic of medicine, fetd-t qualified to treat v '••i-e he iniy he called to atr-cud. fcb*23 t IR. J. L. D. PERRY? kFEIIS his prof»'BsirnHl services to the c.lti ' z-i sos D *w«ioa and vicinity as M B rescrlh V Physician. Ollice ft* his Drug Stora (It tb? M.sonic II ill. Also takes this occasion to hi-* old army friends, who are constantly ting: his advice by letter, to apply to some re ctbhle physician persouallv, where they can e their cu3es‘ properly .examined, and so pre bed for. marl 0,3 m frip/. XEEpoisrT HATCH /H.ijp ASH CP AI HEB i4J!j EIVEL Elt • Dawson, Da., i jtrep ired to do any work in bis line in the vorv best stylo. ts J. G. Si. N.tllTtl, TJN SMITH .AND MAchinist, t:r* 'v. : : Groryla. s .of ;. . Pistols, S.-*i«c Ma li ly. . ftp iIOTEIj) Corner D .VWSON, GA. t’H. radsiieabebg, el) - 23, 6m Proprietor. l abiit pt, Slx o p ! Rogers & brown, their 4)Ui stand on Depot Street, prepared to ruanufo'ture Furniture, such i W Bureaus, Wardrobes, Ta • > asbstands, etc. Wo are also prepared to P window sash in the best style on short notice. ‘Mooers. apr!3,6m ’ b. h. brown. in:, r. j. maiitin. his Professional Service to the citizens <Zy hick <t sate hat chce, Ga., and the landing country. A W CAHI). undersigned have this day entered into a !ri(i? , p" 1 '' rR * , 'l' * °' tlie practice of Law in the oils p a ‘ Sontliweatiwn and Pataula anil. Bu ® ne " eotrualcd to their care will be *".ended to. i G^ ROCOH > Am ">cus, ) Whet G. Parks, G*. ( DawsoD, Ga. jls ...» ' V t - » -I" Jt - * ■ ■■■ 'mu ■■■■ Ii iij !i > ME iM SON : a.WEEKLY JOURNAL. Neiv Livery and Sale Stable, ' A y f \nl ■■ ■ ■ M i V./U . .. SIOTK BOUGHT DAWSON, G aV . DK IV.IV. FIRUIAU, kOPDB good illt'ek, good ♦chi.dep, gtj good arivart. and is pro (Mr. aettd !■««••• to anvfof die ad joHnng eountiup; Hack.-- at tl e Xl.-pot on tba ar» lit-d es f.iob’traip. f'U.2D ly Cl'UAl' Dli i’G Si OBT.! A VENT 5c ADAMS. (Next Hai_hvi‘L) . DAWSOJ, - - CHOltlilA. i KHyi'igCvin’g aid offering to iU* publioj a large couipk'a aroorinieut of Krugs »!k3 iflcdicinc^ All fre-h and good. We are supfdied with every arncltf 1^0 nilv iu a fi’Sl yl sh Mug '•Vu iri'.i S.JI J&png#, W)fcc Httitle, oßk', otc. Caah &}• l*roducc. ’3 All nr4ltr|ranand lv .ill t'li Jefl 1 1% / i •' w » i t‘pr 18if NOMIOI-:. \ LL : i-oris indebted to the hern of Gla&3{; '. v .u4u-k 011 JlfoV tjkar .ruo.!' •% *,!!»« therwise all ictomita wifi hi; hi'cLs* 1 pr-.ecd : i suit. hig»ii es of the firm must and will be eloped. 1 f*iit 20-3 m GLASS k WHITLOCK. A EE persoiib indeht.-d to the esiate of Willi*m u iL Keel, l.te. «<»f cQut'fy, de care herebw fu't fi j«t.tuc6fte rnalte j)ay.ujent imrnJnhi'ely, and all persons noldiugclaims against g .id (Kate are hen hv notified to present the;rf in accordatice with law. 1L F. BRAY, api 13.3 m Ov t\ r Gfo¥ tce.' HJKOSoG.O will practice in all the couth* eof the S tidi «i Kicrn, in L{win ol’ South-1 err, C OVo* ami \ M flrf #>i the UrviTswick, and in' s' of the turn 1 tsf.l 'l he CaftiuUlHicuitS. OrH 1* "i. Y' i,*‘i'ghiu Sticu|, oppo.-fle the Kx p. i .«s i Albany, Ga. uay\l ly .. { ■ ■: and. r ■ IIE undersigned will :»UelAl to finr busi— A. ness entrueU'd. fe Jus cite, iii H:u»hw*s‘nra Hi rgi i. Olvce jd. Lulbciq.llf , On. m..N 11,l v* *■ ‘ * E. 11. PLATT • >; atos- nc y tut i* aw, jutTfmi ’ ■ crttinmiT, a.i. T. 11. STEiVApT, A’fT’iTOJ*:*>’-#V IT l AW, Ciilh-Jtri, Ranilotph County, G’i., A’l bu<invi rufl'jd 10 hi.- ■*■..« l! " t-i li fullv ■ t ■ d.-d in. J - llie 1 E. L . DO I3G t*ASS,' t t o l- n <■ j’ at 1w 5 June 1 cvruirßiiis G.t. . 1 . E . HIGO J N BfOT His M , at sdi\ iA at I. A it, • Maryan, G't.V: Jf-iii O'-i., Will m ad the Courts of the South western and r.i,uul.i Circiii’S. June 1^ T7icrrsGLEG7^ ATT OR* N F.Y AT LAW, jnl,2u.* OGLETHORPE, fe»{ _N Qtif’A'- VI.Tj persons indtb el to the estate of John «i. Anrison, d,ce,sed. j,i*,«N-«b/ uoiilied to <m«|e »i,*> ii.t, i.h lXl.oso- holding cHm4 atyiinst said estate to present them iii terms of the law. May 11-40. VV. G. SIMPSON, ItV r. An. ES. SfSA€KK'iLI i, OIRI> ATTORNEY AT LAW, O.vnIM.A, Cos; Ott-s AGENT for purchase and sale of LA AD. June 1, 1860. HERBERT PLCLDER, V 'S'TO ISSEY and Councillor at Law, Ootbbert, ' Georgi * —Will - practice in the couirit h of Randolph, Siowart, ‘ Quitman, Clay Miller, Decatur, Calhoun, Terr, H, and Sumter, and ; H ,he Supreme Court of the Stn'O. and the U S. Dis riot OoWtoh she S'ate «f Giorgia. lie will give prompt ettehtiou to the Colt ction anil pavihg over of claims. jul ,1 m , Notice. O IXIY da-.s after date application will he made O lo the Court of Oiiliun v ol Terr, 11 county for leave to roll the land belongmg to the estate o! Noih.Wahu- , deceased. . Jane ti, ''it>. D.'L. \t iT.hi.rt, Adm r. DU. S. G. ROBEttSOJN, SURGEON BENTIST, Uiv4 C« ithbcrt, Georgia. JAS. LAMAR D. S. BUTLER, ClihW Al-I.A liO'f Ml, EUFAULA, ALA. rnUE undersigned talte pleasure in notifying the 1 traveling public, Jthat theCbewalia Hotel, (late the Howard Hoaiae oi Eufeult*, Ala.,> has unrlcr gone a thorough refitting, and- is now -open*for I The aeeomodation ol the travelling public. The prcseul Proprietors will spate no expetißc to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. A splendid corps of attentive Servants have beer rngaffed ; and we slitter ourselves that we cat please the most fastidious. Give us a trial. BUTLER & LAMAR, 2 6mA. Proprietors. DAWSON, <«A., FItIDAY, .11 tl A IM, lAiOO. I iX> e fiL4«t|.V, fjilltouilf «)idtl)7 vJ .U h, jcu*-, MaiiliM Feuin mi io iqc for ictteij u| <id 11 Rifs ‘’ u | icy i on th*. W afe o! J. t ti-e*.--, L*(«r of rniid Qf>up?y, dx ccnhcd— Tnese Hte, therefore to cite iutdudmoi»iJi idl per- WM cor.corned to be and appear at rnv ollice with- U ifiii fjtne 4>i'\*oijl>t;d by hu, actd itmw cuU.-c, ts 'affv 6xhJf», VliyVnf-,! l&uefg VhooU Glvmi under rev Land nmJ oitir i«iUiyiHt»w (, tbi*. Juto2o,lß«d. ‘ W. Urd’v. p EOUGI Ay Cail oMu COitnly. VJ Whereas, Ruben MiEorquod.tle applies to vre Ln letters of .idmtuisfiacion op Otf Wui. B. Martin, Ute of fluid count .yum .aaed-^ These, are Uiereforo, to cite atid ndmaivßh nil persons xkmcwood to bo and :ippc;.r at. my oilic© within the time prescribed by law, altd show 11113c,- if AnyicMfei*, Why said Ltilra flhmiid notri-ifilic. - Given under iny han.d anil odieinl. aignaMite. June 12, 18(5fi. W. E. GRIFFIX, Ofd’y. i 1 EfteO|4i Jtr|ef| Ctyii uty: II f Wherett.-i, J. 11. A veil t applies to niu forbyttei® Ml from tlm esmtQ of Wiiliam Av«ut,. late of said conutv, deceased, Tlit>se are the-'eiore aitd admonish all pnr scm.h ooucerued to be auj appoar atmv pllice >vi h iirjJftr uty Uautl apii offit iaJ'iji«i4tqre, this Hay 11, T. if. JONES, Ord y. / 1 IIOHGIA, Ti'rrtdJ i <!»viri(y: v I WLerfljis, W". J r i pfli slo me for loi ter aUf V.i-nmsiotr (roof tfic fldmM.iflH ition of eaiute of J. M. EL z-or Uric of said cou .iv, dec’aii.i i «rvncetried to 4>v and aiqvi af nt u:t ''office wiihin pnvcrilied -Lv<ki w, and d lidvy efufle* if any they have, why said letteia should Given under mv haud’Wnjl this April Jl, lijfjfi. fim*. T. Al. Jy^NiiS,dinary. / 1 T.OICGf A, ’feyrr<*ff tnmify : Wi.cre is; Ahrah; *a Sa-fler Hjl’ph.-s to me soy. h-tterH cf 'di''Hii»sß)u ,ti umi /lie etvufte of R. S. Hooks, late of said county, deceased*—»• GL r P TI AT -IMiose aK ,<thc#oiWo to udirvouisU s.ll per' so it#? concerned to t»e and .-ppenc at* u»v oHioe wit h% .in the tnuo-p 1 v«« lihrd by L»mt, ami altow CiiUr-e, if iilv? exist©, why iid LiAa tK sli.ovdtl tntt be graitfcd. Given under my hand and oUo'Ll-vfciiifci•«e,' Muv- Ll, ABfifi. T >l. JONES,' uliiwrv. 4 r-r* —— fi 1 —■ /HvOiiGJisA, Tcucl!, Ftituf:, : AT \Vluji« , Fo*ey~*}jpiie* «o m«* tj;rlet b is of oismission from th*»* estate of J. JaTo a’cll, Litß.nl saij county, diseased —:. T-ittflC l >.w, fT»eri4drc-!9 ci»T-'atkl adnignLh all per sons concerned to be and appear at Hiy office wiilu iu Um liqie pi*; forihfd by law, Hftrerftsifl, why said letters should ih if bdgranled. Given under my ofii ;i .1 signature, this Mav Tl, TLfifi. *' T. M Ordinary. ■ Gutlibfirt# On, , Wilis Ilbtel, fovme.ijj IviUiw y, as • In' “Xijdoo ' X is now upon and prepared to dccom- , modtUe all who may favor us vv !i a- call. The pubiicjri iy rest assuve no pilnV will be to : d'j >!•-* ‘ ; THE TA I iT.LT] will be'snpfdisd with the b sr. the fdSfrkct and the country affoid. 'An experienc'd caterer lias been secured, wto*e wT L.* time wjUr-be* «14vr»»< tbo pro urent-fit 61 \&Jdibifti J oY tf rr?/ *df'S frl;tt£,Otl+ Eoh;ej*nd attentive tervants, no 11 Rouiwtf, Good Fair, ifc-l. charges will .surely satisfy onr gues ? s ■ *■’ BOLsRILAI'- .& HiUK, Cabibor, nv, Sliy ll.iy » ivpariyu. iviONEY ADV/..N J.. C (T\ ~ 9 f** *»!• "T * l \jr sit ww* * « W- * ■ C >VILE iiv c ts-m rs the cpn'in ?. iT!>; arX ad -1 Vn. . •- --•«! h and. !Tv fa in Dawsc, ~- Atm -us by the fiist of N r oV- m-xt. Cn<J -0,2/n 2T s^. PLAJUiATieW SALE. r J''rtG Mib&cribercfSrtß for sab* his ; Lnlmion, ly 1 ing ili Calhom* cn«;aJ Trwrtl'Mor i g in, - (fiuo) Ltid TiTd »i ues Os lyfld— one hui’dtVd and* fifty aoics and if el -wd fildv dead ened. • W : R sell crop, stock,'arid prov s ons, if and.- .•Led. There iff si r.Tv’acres in cotton]—Mhe balance io.Mfrrt, Yo. The plantation h ut} fnesH, and very he*Litv. - W. D GHKNEY, join B,tf ’ - * - &t©'«g«w, NOrtGE. A LL persona holding Gotten Ileceipl ’ 4>y /v hi** for Cotton stored in Dawson, G,t., ale re quested to bring them forward by the 4: h of July*, hs I want tjieni Httyn a&d not hoid myself responsible any longer than linvr time. j.uneiSitf ’ ■* , E. £ l pyil’s^. g. T. KEENEY, I) ESPEOTFTJEEY tenders his prose s*t> se:- U vices lo ‘he citizens of D*wson and vicinitv. Prompt* uf&'nusn given 6** all cisef «fF ry-"f*«l to ■ his o*re. Piirtkjnlaf atfeNli'tn |*4id-to Sumlf Fox in rnar of Dr. J flics 1 <Wore. iu*te22,.| in patlwThavM ( “ • Wholesale and Retail BQOKSt'LLERS.- STMERS. And General N«ws [),*alei gul..r Ritu k,- Chesty Street, Jrfacot i, Cta. * 2\i mmmwm & sos, DRUGGISTS, Macon, - - \ Georgia. r l''ilE attention of Dealets is invited to iliis o:d 1 norf rdlrabU honse: nlty^s,6flT NOT 1 OK. *r|AVV r O roomtis-afler date application v- i!i bo mad*- H the Court, of Ordiiu*ry of Teireil county tor l4i»ve wo sail the rial estate ol C. if. Iluckaby, late of TeirtU county/ dece ipedt' iuoela A Adin’r. a I —.— : : —7 =* ♦ Notice lo auri Creditors. ALE persons indebted to William A. ll:owo,* -forward and TiuJie p%Vlifeut, »ird all tb^se'hoiding claims against said dyiieasetl, w ill render the same in to me. LliO 4 ’. J PROWN, May -vHttd, AtJiuir.U|t»'£*t4r. FINDLAY *k fJSANCHAWI, oil sale and U*fail Dealers 111 Fancy* Family Groceries! WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, * FRUITS, NUTS, QANPV, I Gen yallv, Uercmtii St., opp. ra-tN»'lot. \ I>*uk, May 18, 8m MACOS, «A. Bb. c. B. AIOOJtL; H’ESTO.r, TTTTXL ChntiitntThe practice of Medicine trt ail \V iia bratichi's. Having h.d extensive expe rieufe aud eyecess in the treatment of "Diseases of Females,” he uill pay special attention tb that biauch of the profession. . March 23, Sm Tlic fit op*-- W*!h —A Tlilr ol «ic Ktiie. i > Our pnil.-«M<'n it a i-tt'iingu oiiO. sir, 1 1 jCi»IV ■:! Kl.- «>I -injji-1 x mental turtluvuncq :u <1 unloM. plQit-ioiji .bhih-li-liipn. it nil vitv- pU'iisitnt .totltw «!)(> pnv llio.r (wji (liiUiii’h .to bur wd otu- vf.. lintvioiii L iuid, dltcn -limcs, imv.pei4loun acriAxutin i.-uU. Tln-y ,Juit;.'h iit tho <'<tri«l>‘?ntvd j«-kt-tt of thii v’owuj nail; p!aifl«lfc'f jit, aeruil \vlii.(h itotmilVotjuently iuvulvu-tho lifo i r tlie kotl-- Uy wyli.irg of lliß ugto-, who, wli In liw liri tens will) irrub-ful ours t<>tha jjlatjiJ t.sof tho c’XcitiiJ ui.ultiiuUo vvliitir jscoud ’ ((/ bin. wlifju, j*uihu|us, lilty-faot tiowio tin ir (ii'iufo, .knowMjpt will d<aoen<J in (iiiioty to iUii.Jo bin.liii-i,l boxy, ,{>r.full, ii ajufußiiJ ijiafis of bono igid, i4 thoif so t. Yes,. for; tb" oxtyrmils ofotir, profysbion fro till very uull; who of tlm au.iiuuoe tiiU'Wi.or t-uroa .for that punt of our lives v;■ io-.-u.i it!i f - puUic r, I'.yftgjjen muitj- -tinjjr. All ifli.tho } topple mnei' would uremn of; but 1 „ don't, iittondAq toll- yon all I JuiGV Jfl diil, Ilm afraiJ 1 Moult] weary you waft liorrors. Why i’vo «eeu Hie clown, urid gilio tb - atidien’e one mfjiuto, iipptrrsiijjy (he h.o pi .st jeliow in ■’wor] i, and the next, ttpli and -cry, like a broken hearted chilli, ever tile dead body ol wife. lie as [a pulKr, tliu.t eliw n, jim! deed ft;et of tj lH'ro be stood before a {p'in lii o crowd of people, convulsed . with bis tikes, the manager held bim tp hij. vvorl.J it . was. lard; but what cared the mailer lor flue fife ol a wjuuni) .or the heart, of a nmn ? The clowii teas eng-,1 ‘or a special purj'ijwe, and beiiitist do it, ok OirfeitJ. is ]i’aeo,,aud inuuli • :ke sides! So you sen, wt? j.ol!y. fellows of die. .rinj buveoii earns auj.our panes to e m-' »b i eijtiiiljy. th se who pay their half dollars to s s ii- j ke, atid jump, and ridu, an*! tumble ab ut in thj> - s a.v_- There » ; ,r, I r-JIUO br, « t‘y, (]uiet .little* w •'man—whore liusbuu.l has U'nki'ii his neck while, reh.-ais.iupt u bare bit k, ct • —■witlr us aup season,.w lip was u capital di' a-r. She ph-as.u,! e\ on-, ly Ac jc iph-, lut the I'plnpiiiiy, wip sv.-iV very.kind to her. R»cr _■ reature, ilie had Xrbncbmf cotisumption", tuhl -.vajs. iUeraPj neecysit .ted ... daiiro hjAelf into the g.'.ie., She had a chil l-a yii I—to tppport, and many y time have I 1. ijowu her, v-heu she Was lot Stroup i hi/.,;!i j : it*iu lies chair, rife up, and, hied.' by her great will', staler to tb,- ecu tre oj the i itig, aad tltere pirouette, arid Low, am] pnjile (while, the tears st. od in,my eyes) to dliu. t'tjutts of the people- and, .whep her w.pi;k was Hone, will; Th-. ocatli sw, at u u her. Li'Piff,jstag'* oer back lo !.( r, tin io t*) pai.l, c usji, unfii her turn l.cxt epuu to appear before the p.tildt •. Oh, sir. it jvas dreadful. to look upon that tvouunp ! v(is djiitg (jr i Olh Her < yes w'ere bright —a- are fuse of all consum’it ves—ren de.ed dotildv so by the glare ot the Itghtfo ami an time w as Ta-dapbeil with paint, so that no.lie out o; the complin/ might K mv that Ylcatli lut I pl a t'd his tig ure there, and was relentlessly . drugging her bill Ot lln'i earth. I’oorsiiu!!. t-'he care! nothing for her self llcr'iittlc girl w 's-’affshu tliyijjlit'if'.- Well, one night s*lie went help e lb- pep-. pile appiirenny iti uniirtiiaj sjuivts As sins ‘eft us.she’reiyifluted th t she had no!, tell s i stroinp for w eic . In'air" hour (the was beyond hfliUiln' aid or sympathy, and the next day her. ho .y was p'aeed by file bide of that of tier Ifusbaml lif :j (ew.Vvceks the public liatl forgiV* t*ii the'ilend danse us-. A.i*ot!ier, cfiually as attractive, hail been Touti l to her ami wear b cf J.iyirtls'. Hutyyc.oftho. s onib uy did nothueiit her.. Hr child. \. J a whfi in, JsaiSinpj 'irtfi*- tight |opc;Biul vjliouonciev ed the idea that she coul i make a phenom enon out of it. Wc!f,'s r, L believe the wo. jiiyii wart C..ISSC t alious in hes- effortnto pro x ide tbr the chilli, for It sweeter of better bctiti-vel littlp-oi) • litre saw. Myhva t. yearned toward it; and bad it not been my own Lundy was Jan- -, lakiug all my carrtings for its support, I should never have let the rope walker take cl a r ge of her. When tti icompa ity firiike ftp-, I loS-higlit-of the child anil the w. man who bad adopted it. Indeed' it was some eight or ten wiut rs subse fluently that »c Game together. Tho wo iiian"alid*’cbikl w e t to Mexico, and thence ti ropgu ti,iur(h An-vA' l ? ,w bikjJ eta and iii (tie States, tint*i-in lug'to go far aivav irotn bpme. \Vh n wa .dyd conw together, I found ti.ilt the tiy-balae liad grown into » G<‘(oi4i(at ynun,q woman ; Lot it uti-nck rue that our rigornip dim to wonld prove too severe for heft 1 Ipad’attained to the po y,fi uof ring-tnartter, a digrnty I did not* covet; butyem.’s were t l'ing on ate, an.! I f, uml tlm’ lily »nusdes were ti t -o elastic as they laid Lcen. My/atjiily li;id •grown ifp, r.|id I Hill happy't<> soy Hint nit one id them is of their tnAiefo* protnssi n. l tety I tmi wttndewng Ti: fiiao Mile Luso*r» — that vints-thc name file M efit ly—iii twrr rinjr, !IS M ri-i.-r noil . eif rmer on tie tijj’.t r po . t.he created a . lent teyooithiit. among tito po pX. Uer nits tvt'Fu momt|iHU iiFual y jrraci ful, and. hcrd-tiing.moreincnts very vnydorfnl.— OL: siirgei'i(» f nru'.iaji lumi t U’dulil often leap into my nu.uth a.X looked upon <bit j > vom-g.tjd. is. tici' uiiJUW’P«#tfd eli'or “ . SJie a.d-e ivd u-Set W itiiliSJ-cstft ti^«|bAr.! H<p i.UnkTvefl skeined-, inrtlrfr'liMt 5 exSte- j incut of thf*'moment,. ff> • eorruscat; ii!;o,| stur , whitetUer' fa»r.-«wiy lineitt'vWcli, tv ana* i tir’fc of" L.xtutv, wAS tiirdild with excitemeut. .1 have ee-ju baocfeotAityvi'Oxoli . in my time, sic, b.ut Miju. La.-emi surpass cd them all.' lles holy was spleaUklly dc .veluped ( and I’.e. Itimef t*..u ! ~,tt*T ii" ;e*uco£l! i adopted ihod.oT, bi.uwas.iis pure as she was beautifii 1 . in-.this respect filretuis not tttiti w hit behind her dead" n.oU-if —thoddtn sr. Gke Aeoa-etl to Totin' thr wditifin AvTfO Fiffd tttLoli e*fii(?e l bs her, nnd tvho now newer attempt.d itrsiiine hj foto the lights as she tmeo did. it was 1 Mioogh that her- siuogtiUi", n* whum-lier Hearttectn'-'d to centre,Xciuli rc|K-at,'«nd even surpass, in ease and h ;r happiest • ffotti of th bygone time. - -- - »»- . I l .Ji U And boav Ute sadilcot |.art of-tny ; .-'miv: •* J i Mile bnscnrj Inal npml'a rtueorssflil pUitjft pjlh(n.(i was no. 4cm ing that, Tim 1 upnrigci'.was entirely satldled, and lu.toiT Wind joaplong staisou of , Aright yfej- night-, tbolame was lii'lcil top m.ufo! j nhe t capiaeity ; and.spdoug aspl(a young girl appeared .*yi the ring, whither on horseback or on the curdr e’ tftitju ', (liero was u continuous rgar (jf applause. .La dies waved liieir iiiinkeruhi ds, and geiults pn \r per. to.thy echo During us her feats, her great beauty, and übtfoss, cicrei cd a wonderful iiTtluenao. *>yer the lyultlluje, who, «hen she had jin.dly *rc;tir ed for Hit} night, seem, and to care Jittlo for the rest, of tliu perform new. Os ep'yrse, a young lady endowed witlt sui ti wo'juh'i fu! beiiuty eouKl not long re mini) w ithoiit ndmirers ; m il gentleman iltore daring tlma tlie rest, sought and ob tained ah introductoii toiler. ,11 e was a -man of superi'ir u/dc. -<*; Iris easy, wii tiin j lminlK'ii werb well cH[culaTed to gain'upon th.ejfs'useej iibljitics' of one, who, by h»r. eoiu si* of life, had Ki tle op|i(irtmnty to ae ’ipbi'e know ledge'of tho vyoHd. Her years' hadelii.lTy Ime’u pass’d In tho ring;‘and ' tbose.w'ith w hom she had been brought in "< ontac' w ore not <f a class ro plcilse her turturaby refined tempenuhent. To (ait a long hfbrv short, sir, Miss Tgis CiU’t f ll deeply m love wifli tho M»n»Jc.maiT who hail digs obtruded him-eii il|fon her. I have tlolhingto siy against hini. 1 lie-, lidvti In* esteem and her highly ; but they, like alj foobsti young poojJb under 'similar wirciiifistinices, had their quarrel j .; and I itfn so. ty so say thij fast om wits tilt) most' Whist of"all. ' Tim young Indy liad uihei-ited ft- nt her father nuieh ol tiiat fire w hich is sdid.In he ichar:ri;ti’i-i tie bf the ’.ltalian rtioe. " It/ile viilojij'fi jtsnlf in her in the di.-y*yy iif in tcnsii'jeidpusy. Mm t'euM' nos '*iv',lin i e to ”st*e-heKamaliceffTiiofe Upon imy riju r wo-‘ ‘ldlin', ft i-hc de cetvd him fu liven a glance at one’T jii’r kcX, ti!;? w. -nIT beroiinf dccj'.ly- irc'mHe !; her. lirv.'-rthcn anew nri boauda 'Ti,,s was h/t-, air! qr htfoLusaui.e it-wAis 9ub«rq *''*!y to tVcir 1.-. st rp .rr,- tlifo youi'g't[?a i i ffefiiig that h'‘l.uif (J’ouLbhVd tg hn'l dotr-'.’iimd 6a : iSilfj)’;s"il ab'c ntitf fr.riii h, r pj-minve'f.-r mv, r: 1 ll A '/ , price b. e ■•< e s .mew hut humid d,' ‘a. 1 she "-fi to him ti r. itc, J< Mil.ft - haiwflity in ten, ear, i.uVaajs h,aj to civil upoii if i.’ - Jt ves-date in the stierngni tviv n the' y.ouii t man r cuive.l the uiisaive ; but he has c.ied ,t onoo.tiM]ie eirim-, that he tright’if pus-iidp. aj<( ftk to her fceioifti vhe IniJ j,» i to dress f »r the evening’sp. I .l.uraiam'°s. 11 was.too late, however, for this, aarl entered the body of tho I. mao atid soleeted a scat in he audience part, ho h p.-deirf ii.iglit s>av >iiiu,uad graiity tier by his m.ia lyg this iiltantioiv, hq-pluoi'd bimaelf iu ,r o itunmdi .to neighlmrhord of a lady with wlc-m he was ij aaiuted,, and "t an Wf'fins.iic s ale if beauty to ling iff; AJtv,.La-- eaii-j—Lying ad .added bluiidc—u as certainly uie.-t a ;ir.-ij'ivc. The .yuan/ gyeiLm.ui pu uudi't.iy e.-aiuicnuod aierii.jai.uv4 JvU.nina tion with, his fair hi uu. aul l did not . notice ix-'igt by i be. routin’# id appJao»o , which in variably aeci liipaij. and MJlc, Lay, m i’s appear aucc, her entiaunc-in thu ring. i’iu feu. -u that, vti re to ,b-; attempted Unit night by (he rope jrnTkur were, of a double Ami. utcr, and e part Vifulting , upon the corth ehudfijtf/! and acs -of. L.ofsc— : uiain-bij', to gjvp.grvu'et eclat U) wJ|ipL,.s«?* woik, were t> b*e burned id the stage of ‘.lie pey’oiuai cij where i; b-cauie ( mb. A difficult, j wugju. the rjeg ut the Gain of *l»e enliai ce of Mile. Lascaii, and iustaully eaw that the had do.leeted the | rcscnce.of her affianced. II r ch. ek:, paled, uud s)ie placed her hand v icoly eti her b. soip, a, if to stdp the beat- Tdgs iif her heibf. I saw thaCghe'was deeply escrfi'4 She evidently regarded the presrffice of The lady beside her lover as a premediated i'rgiult, v.nd f and übt no*, had the had an op portunity; she would 'nave made a FCcao as 'lamentable as It. wotild h-avfi been ludiciuus: Bui ili' had no time f ranghf, but that of amusnrg she multi'While the Met lc» •rune anim'd «n which she rode—‘fiery as her owatoul- glid.-d swiltly around tho rhip, she never tuMk hes eyes i<f the pair that were sea foil in the box under, and when the caifle towpiieg from the b elt ot tho «hi mal od tin- c nrtfe, wheiu she was trv repeat, a V.irioty'of postures,and thence, amid a tdrz • of inafiy c l .rrd Ihx-workqregain her p*ti:o od the hi r• so haek. rtl.e wss led rutberby instinct or habit than reason. Ilereyos-wwre, jk> matter what posh km she assuiueil, ever upon the unlucky pair. \Vboa the tune arrived for tba pyrotechnic displey, flic youg linn secnicd to tkiveiic cmu« enneiuus of the .worliiags of the poor giri's mini, aod hantiiy icsv te idv duet to to take a pu#jiku that,, in hicejes, would seoui *li s» n pteu.f l Bible. 'J hat. Was yuy. iir pri ssion at the jimo. - • Jav »s the geutjemaa rose, a bUTtik cf fear—.if Jmrror —eamo fu.ui the eruwdedffiu di< no . Ihe kedfio aee-wiiW’cceld have ijaut o l. this tmdi*"n outburst. Gretyt G *ll how u-y 11 ol kecuietl to eur- Ultt in :ny yuo> 1 . By Rome hrUebiii co tlio burr ing powder frtil V-s’ - U iiOkh -f thn p> >r"pirt’* lfpi.-t <La- i -p ry .! wi-s' -i ’Lc h i*, ..AiaL whs wru d.jug .r nt <! the ring a- it hu i»j ,i. w- run be.6.c. 'J h-.- .-t..iH e vep s ylkcr-vtci;.* Obc* hllcwt and tl »>** : 'i t!.! i ;'y -IVi*tul kguts cothi nut h*.-sfiusUvd -u,' tii* | Mgl e»u»r; h(?f ; r!y eriid tru»i L-sty -n id . U. (V. I'r ii it I WiiS" i. ej t : ei.vl H.l , tl i tha, * lTu*t t)S . gtxnilirg feint 11 tacr t-Jt lMe-Hjl'Al* ex-.lti U» I4.tscaj j U ehi toll* Ska t it ;; Loot. ~ . . •fit? itpti**v.iLSea i>:- l-*vi4iw*ly Ht »• y*e*tTr(Si*\ 1«t h# e)uT>r to do w itL a Uwtimty ts tr»rj ■■ •• ! ’• l way of 10.a.-t-H.m iter loverx.sf per.-civm j tho danger in' whiok-ritc wo ji.-iecti, rpteng wildly iiHottbax i ,ir< iv», and madly o-sayed to stop the talari* i stttil -T he n<*i i:ut ih ho.wns pr - ! trsted hi the tit*-**, aud thcro lr»i:»plmi-all ! hut to doaih. When at leDjpii ho was pk k*t cd op, his liaibs amfrihs were found hr. k :n, i and ins face wna a utaee c f bruised ilusL and bouc. I Y.*u fn»y-rfoidil-y guru* the rot, sir. 'i'-be'jM uw gild dpignruJ ill. Inmhbv-pin fur mft'iv di-vs, and ilmiu died, with.(the ! napip of hgr bolovcd eti her lip,, bad come linin'# to ilie'—lo be phieed to lue oeui cten-groufuf by the ti fe #f hi r father add ■luotherr /. • .* . - - Aifor the young man, ha was iuune'tiato. ly taken to the h upifal, where in time he recovered of his bodily wounds: hut the dreadful sfudek Lis mind received was too' great lo’ ba overaorne. [ls is row an idiot —deprived for ever si sight.—in on* of bur asylums this gibberish always of the rope-' wilfc/r wtin torjsbcil tbeiiug. I* was mud, all-oonrii'iiifijr Jealousy, sir —alrhouhgh the wold knows it not —that was the cause of tho dreadful aatsstriiphe And yet, perhap-,it was Wi 11 that the end should have been as I have deatltiWyip tor h id llieyjurirriid, I duub: if Uiey would have lived happily— a fta*o of Qxistduco worse '■haa ahu idr>d des h> by fife. « - r . -s- . ‘ . • • Krt*-*- dH A IlcrrtbleStvij. A l’aria cuii>p.ind,mpe of- :hp L'-ndoa '‘lar gives the foUnding : The iiauuted house in the Kits do MUiHinusets is to he demol i-lmil this week, fn the days of Krat’iUW 1, ilouii-heu a parher aud ap:t ry (©ok. ftnd ,'lfoy WCJ-.0 good neigjtburrt -Ti o pita sold by the latter were udmirahlo—Soyer would n.t 1 ave disowneT (Bom. Their (1 rtA,- had a dolichey tllatt nut peculiar, but delicious i'oo ha iitr, too, was a master of his ait—ihe mist ho gave to the silky moustaches of the emort u iih'.p w.v, priujouncrd perfect A s’riVrTge rnnn r:; i... 1 .iTiioiigh the' ‘city” uieynwiiije,, A pudL r loi i kou *< in iu enter Hi ’ Early mre mmiritqja eohbler fro in' a’clrs b-'«t part . (TAp ;m I' fn t» be shav and. uiig.V Jir.d idivs . 1 h’tu aud trscjd him VLkd in-yTorlju-. oLd !;ii-f ly-fallefrl A -fi fl ei'tjfe'p truailig <>ArW|jeu tikfl 1 nrorif. >ho iG'UJ* igb b !' ':f ri'.il let!' i'.Tf I’lj W—,‘W ti'OV, ‘Was so > -.’t' kfrfl tj idl-r 4 M'l’-j* ibufd it ‘ 1)6 ?At i yi.i-rg g k e{ V»s ui. ,-,pj. Tiic pies' « -\ ' -T i* Aij-Tiog.- A diafr *■ 1 : 1 . ’’ ‘ tin. court, r. The girl * T' l t&> ,; . r r*i'i'!.ef 4 N,r'inu(! u- n.nMke'a fuss' 'tlf o r, !>• < Vh ■ hud ; -l Onele, and jijc was. u - rviter i-v the ho ishyl.i Lbftfon ■t do .ly,. • StJ ’■ Is By \ ted biNuir e 'u:-- i l«*d id ofHnr. Ai.dr'ffptmiiig ■ii . N . • tid l v ben shut un nrr #r ; V iI u ‘h.'*. •!■'!', -nb’t If - (M-Plti f ; ,tod aid ■S v y ;o vpi.H and b.v The tak icaf-hed [ fj- *;•;( L : ■‘ltem•!•!*'. Th"’- s-T,i eo . fnuiotT ,'ifbd f tlie it ! :rt ■ *?■--• -’i i> ar rcAtJal j already cmim to T.. .r. Ol cl i l‘,il- rJ ’> '•.♦ ’ eh ed to j.vx h the }.; o• i...: . u v .gi, 1 is, wh . ■'•• .i p put;; I'-bfi.'. ’'f f- 1 •* r " ■>- Ia hoi • r a-tin on v* 1 ' 'L I»v ' f golden hair, lay u.ili p.ltH A hubuij bi.uds, hiddep behind a .be'hr3rf,v o) our r.-sot t.’tt; ui?f iv .\»l le'f., r pie's. WellJ it canm'out that the' harbor punpled the meat, while tho pastry rnaa cook ed the piej, I fatg.-t tjre fatc.ef. tlu so *for» Hhlrt*—s iii'thing about burning plrcora tearing fihsh f'trtneif-filiiiyTodi is, and b. ii it .J ,f :t>; nut c-fipofoas hi »!,,;.-o : days, ire any one msy believe who has turn id' hv* r t s l- 1: :wr - twi j- jfytfp ed -1 n -do*,' th e hr rex d' irroux 'ft’r fbe i* t three l.undrcd I'i‘iin ;« rwd in the library of the th-neier gcrie. Rjveil‘ao'ii ftitbvras nut an agreeable one, far from likely io' emetttaye ff-t nuf/e*, : yet society k»» produced atvatsius from that, day to this- A Fit Exert lipjyttick— lo (ho great, cn t'tia! uxhibrtiud cf jfictufoi in Paris* thiro is' this year a p >rtrait bf a Day, wlih tiro i im pie tittle “the widow,"in tho catalogue. There is a terrible story corin'.cbd with this picture '1 ho lady is tLo tJimnties O ,who,fi'bhough only twenty four years of age, has-been ‘twice widoiyed. She is firid to be id humble birtfc. but VLo'ri only rix tecn years of age.her gqin't heauty attiaetod i the attlritiun of the HLjijujs'dc.-—, who mar ried her. On leaving Or church,however,- the ‘Marquis was 'asbihsihatcd by seoic ob soure rival, and the fridy was hft a widow with an immcrlse fnffuno. Thri Marquis re tired ton convent where sue remained un til her twentieth year. S*ie then imuie a j mr ney lo vaii of. Europe and visited, among wthi.r piaeiyqSt,. Pettushuig, where one tl the must wealthy bnyarde of ltuss'u placed ut her feet his h art, his duuiuads, end his u>iiduns The marriage wis celebrated ia tho lionse of tjru bri'icgtowa’. maker, in a remote J arj. of li'Jß»ie, some dn-tanae frou' his own estate.’, s he. vijy. uiarriod liuuM.e lef t . for their r-d* humeriu a. upikidfic; nt di Ou '.ho V/a; tLey were ftlt-ekr’il ly waive*, rlt d flic Cos ft. in trying to deL-nd his hi ido, made a false step, fell cut of the*sleigh into the snow, aud was irpucdivtoly devoured ly tbor wolves. The horse.*, mud'with terror, daen cd iff wi'hiibmens'* rjjred, and did.riol stop t>! ! ’tLejTArileff* 'VtV (!rt ,; CLdriV c’airtfau, whu4* w»» bnlrianifyriHurt'f-.atedY (Hbo re ception es the newly married wuple. '* -■ | lli■ t - -: A (Ur'o .Its .pijch, sty | the NuWs, ytutpaftigujars of <tau r t £ pi-e*i..aliy Li mel >l« t vcut*4irg t'.Ajy-.jjiy Two i ;■ -. ,t. uoL» is .i a for \oung I A-- ut that were arrested by K-dioal ibe ter tcacbiLg. wiihi u" " - ; ll:<- e. t■ ! ■ ;.n «t It( a, ii,- ..TVVs , td an.yrg: SU ’ cdas&s of llr pi. ... V'y "t .■* i i. -rs !fl 'conduct, Mir 1 VW3. 'SrsD-dbi anf^fti/dbe : j (i: by '.Rs' «;Mfits- Th'e C'.,u! - «W*T. <n»v WM’i'rtie- Hut* *L wcTit tr'.a\.kt 'iij.dfxGt ii>: w ab >tit eli au and**-*to .ur set’.-e -ter a). h~ ftuie. iiffotnd id.-v ot |ee i.«. ifnt and iiteb the 1 ret ion-* ipjviiej ■-«■* 1.-tiAvr r tkl piiipiif^ til iuiprW'fsfl 3-hs! is.:;-ii* Way be-f. .fti. and fro,,, ->»t«<iiit<t»nt-4 -rwvctittc tux os c-Atort i.w» rcftH*. n '*>..■ f-'b-'v isp 4hn# I fiow /in#out last, up tl.<* •.t • ■* • May : I M*c..n tit ttiet, tivri n i|£> >w ttblUis • Augua |ta ilt't r , one mdihiti and lt»r« rb's.yauwoh dis- Ltiiot, time Tuudnd and sixty • thewsvnd del- Slurs ' T Atlanta-o stne*, SvVo htHidred ami ei.rh hifi i uiuud doiUt* : a tothl < f ihrcn ndl/ton i six bundted and 14r v thousand and» liars in ' nine ntoatLs.—JAo-d» T.tryrajih VOL. 1. .VO. 23. | Bride nun Bridegroom; a Century f T , . ~ A «“- V rtl in. laegia with the Laiiyt. llerdooks wore struihud iqMvitil over nrr iintnenso wArtiion j that «at like an inejabus on hw* boncf, and plastered'dVer with pomatum, aiuf then s|irini.'i'd < wi;. with anhuwor of white pow der. j. ha Jieig'ht of, this (jowar was some what over a firot. (doe single whipp m«i bud lily* on its top like an, eagle on a hay stack. ()vt*r lor neck a’afi bosotn was fdld cd u lace hankerchief, fastened ill fcdvtby a bosom-pin, ru'her larger than a crown piicr, containing Kdr grandfather’s minaturo set ia virgin gold, -ifer airy form was braced up iu a sa'in drees, the sleeves as tight as tiic natural okin of tho arm, witii a waist fiiriried by a b'dice, worn outside, fromwhence the skirt|flotved off, a fid wais distended at the top of mi ample hoop Shoes of white kid with peaked toes», and la elrt of two or three iuebes- elevation,.en closed hem feet, uud glittered w ith spangles, rts-lmHHthrpeMal tnondJUvspeeped ly out. .. • ' - Now for tht) swain : Ills hair wassjyek od back and pteniiluhy b. flowered.' while his queue projei-ted like the handle a skillet, ills oofcl was a sky-Wue srik, tiaeil will) yellow ; .his long vest, of white siltin, embioided with gold-Loc; his broaches, of the Suin'c material) aiul tied at the knee wi h pink riijtioa. White silk stotkfhgH arid pumps w ith laces, and lien of tlie sffmu hue, cofiipleletl the habiliments of his erjuubt'. Lace rutih s clustered around his wrist, and portentous frill, woiked in cor - rotijiotuldm-.e and bearing the ininialury of his beloved, Hushed his truly gcntecTap I’ttt i l’y tionrr.—Dr. H., who is pastor «f ua O, laid ox church, had been for simetimo i. . > I hv tho fonuudness of a lay brother ■ -yp ~” when ever an opportunity was Tii , t :!• frequent exclusion of thoso wli •" )■ !., !: had u greater tendericy to -eitifienG iv. i :> bud boprt carried so far t at die . or, whenever ha shite 1 that “an eppurtiuiity would now be ..offered to any hr thor to giv« an exhortation,” had always a 'o; die,.d of the J ijuaciuus member. Dv Ti ucoani u tlio latter pre fac'd » atnl li'ilious harrangue with an ucc itii.t us a.y i-cwubs o ntr.iverSy ho had 1 -■ 1 v"" i gdm v.ith tho great adversary “My i.i- : sail he, “the devil and I iu v " n fi l in it for more than twenty I 1 1 mo not. sneak t night. |i. t Is gHuuiuedl would; lie suid'foaae of lhr i ei nal tpeftk better rhau I, bnl,*trli ,r t. t thftt I could u t keep sil.ut Ita ovea rivlii.-;efrrd tlrit [ ’spoke too eften, arid that u iiaAy. wimtcfi hilniar me; but 1 wis not . to he put, down that Way, and now T havo ; jiiiud tbn vrtfory, I must tell you Ml that ; is in my heart,” * . - Tin; followedfb-).prosy, iaedcrcnt lu angiie :.f r said. A= they were coming our. lii.-. Load'au that his jiuatb apprimohed tho I tar f i!.a n.ilitaiiUnember aud whispered,— ‘ Tirol her, I think the devil was right.” Cminxirt! of Bcix.nci:. —Oourugu in the LaUlilikpl is ceiuhrated tu history mid in s mo, but li'lle is said of the.courage exhib ited in pursuing scientific investigatior, (hough often displaying more rrnl bravery than was ever exiled iuto action iu war. It is sued that wV.erf ArngAanii Dulong,. were employed by the Frehch gbvcrnmvnt te make i-xperituftL.s upou the mbj -efs of the oon struutiou uud s.l'cty oi s cans boilers, the tu-le was one of j>s lumh danger #e dilliculty Tiio huidino of boilers,, to which they are 'tsoas'autty exposed in a limited locality, wart mere h- Sirdows than thut of sheUs upon a battle held; for while military officers who'ted thtju—pien of tried cell rage in tho ooLfiict— grew pale and 11 and front the scene, the eavans proceeded cooly to make their ! crlculatiotiv, arid to fibs, rve the temperature | and pressure upon the boilete alucst at the l very pi.i A of explosion, ■-«#! “N >w Girls,” sold Mrs 1* rtin'.trq, tLo otbea day, to her ti ce*, “you niust got htts bandsti* soon as pisAWfl, or tb y’-U be mur* durpd-”. . » . j,. ‘Why so, aunt V{ ’Why,l see by the papers thut we’ve got al most fifteen thousand post-officers, and near ly all on 'em dispatches :t mail every day. Tho Lord have increy on us poor widows !’* and the widow stepped ijuietly to her lot k* irg-glasa Lo pot on hpr.tio-w.capi “V/eii, .lint, how did you mako>’ it dlAwn South ?7 - v Fit si -tale, made pleuty of monry.i’ Vyioit did you do with it Laid it r-ui, in houses and lets.” Where Every place I have been when there vui any. , , ~: g - tr ’» V* 1 ut kind of bouses and lots 1" i Cos floe hausiK and lota of Whisky.” A provost luiirffiul writ**: One es f.ho jaeivt at lintuii brought a colored mnn iu .to the u&ee, charged with eteuiing wuter iticlouN. Ab i-u vvud lc4 a\vay, X ‘suiil so him i “I fff. bit, Tam,"that I may ccter see you -hercMtgain.' l * •- " - ■■---■ Ai a turned to rn? with a peculiar, shruvvel expression, and aaid : • s xm*m “You wouldn’t ha’seen mo dis time, j ‘-•up’ii, it do sogers hadn't fdteh tnu.” Do. Lor, do you tliinkthftt tightdacinjy o bad for iho consumption ?” . » “Not at id!—-ii is what it Jives va.^ . “Diel >our fall hurt you ?” said .ono Fen , .a*i to ifh.-Loer, who hue! falien horu-tho , o'a-two-btory lit.use. ■ -\oi iti li.o. least,.honey; ’twaß 6topp)iu , i so ipjiiik that hurt i»e.” ! “W hv, Tom, fny dear fellow, how oIJ »you UK*.”. • ' - •* “Dare sny, Bob, for the fact is, I never | vr&a so-.fiJ before in my life.” A golden rule for a young lady, is to con verse always with your female friends »s if a were ot the party • and with yvuung . men, as if fuaftle cuiitpaititutß were ..present* f Distrust ail those who love yo-n extreme ly u| on a short acquaintance, and withoub at y visible rt-asou. Be ttpon y. ur gward, I too, against those who eoufess as thc*r w«*k J j ucds, all the ca:diu<li viituos