The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, July 20, 1866, Image 2

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Uiif Wcclilii jtlcumial DAWjjOX, GA., JULY 20 1860. _ itHW'IMI Agents. Taefnllrninz pentlmii “n are nuiliotized to re .v v? ml receipt" fir •aSucrljiOiins and advertising lo' thia p.ipi' ; , H4wiT.-R.-t. Thomas T. Clirwiun. Ui **>*l*.—K. 1- KiH.-sry.-R t. !- B. Bivlcp; Oui'srv. — R •». 'ftipp. 1. . l-bTii'ui-.T. —R.-v. Win. A. I'.irhs, »Uiwti Vn\n.*-T»-. 0. R tfoote. Murom,, (h —-X. C. D.uii.l. <"Hicx.\»A'V|ix*«lUK.—Rtv. 0. A Oti.wpM. AMtuici'p. ( <i. — H*‘V. J. \\- .loniau. ftejtwviu.s. Oa —F. n. C'-r eves. MomllS G i —Pr. ft. T. Kendrick. IHMrirl (ommliim-vt ii'Ml < «n- Crmionai Di*»lricl. A UtinvMrtioO to l o composed of as nisn) (k-logViM as each county io *l>« R' str ' ,t cn'-iUol tp is the L'g-sLt ire oT tb«, ; including a Unitor from noli rou-Oy, viri bj hcfd in Amerie««,-for this the 2nd. Out-1 grcsri-nnlDistricVn WEDNESDAY, Utr fir;.! d.y of Align y } to fi ler! ( del gates lo r q.ivsoi.i iho District in the N*- j tiuuiii L uion Cuo'<»t>Uop. Vaperi io the District ore requested to | puhh -h t’ c ab AC notice. llov Tuet Lovk Tiu m!—At the late Fourth of July c'd'bration in l’hi.adelph.a, the wcgr<#*, who desired to participate, were refused a ’mittinca in <ho prnccs. ion. and errn driven from ttie streets durirgthe dis play of the gram! pagein*. Jti a reported that many alienations oaeMS-r'd between flip] wlit-is m 1 blacks, and the* latter vrere final ly driven by. fore ’ fr.'Ui lb* walks and Public square,*nd conpell d*o seek safety in fl’ght sr.d concealment. AVhrru is the Civil R : gbts bill? P.rbaps. it was only iateodod to m ike n-gres equal witL Sou /am while men. PfopeiS oJ I hi- A m eiidiii trial. The iiai'iiostiuUirinal umoudmei't U up parentlv n Utter pill even to the i fTseour-. ings of TetiiwS&ee The Senate lms man 1 uic-il to. get it through that body; lu‘ the] House, up to the loth, hull no quorum, mol »;.? not likely t' have. \Vh‘n anvth'njy fails to Like well with ; i lie tools of Bfown’ow, what will belts l'ate in rrspo table Legislature* ? It is al ready pusi ively assorted, find on tiie host of grounds tint nt leaht ter of tho ‘ loyal" States, which v ere counted rn to n dead Peri unity, by Stevens jig l ! his eoay’iu' ors. wiiLre'iisu to take, imy notion in tlie mat ter. And certainly mi Southern State will entertain the proposition for ft moment. — According ‘o the constitution wldcli was in days past, the o .1/ guide of tl a Lady which cow tramples it under foot, it requires the sanction if twenty -seven < ft’ e! Slat «if the Union to make tho prop-sod amendment to that invlutriont v.lid So, it seen that this attenyiUsd usurj a dueks). This pi ices tli > untiring Thndefls mil his cohorts in a dilemma—they are yt a stand still—and it ie hoped that they w ill be compelled to remain still, until the final • lUtbuipt of public rnligna km shall hurl them from urn's rs trust and p wer to their proper deyr ded sphere. la Iho meantime they arc confivmted "'th the unanim Hsresjxmse from a 1 seo ons of the Country to tho call f r a con -ervative convention at I’Li’adeij.bia The platform iff this convention is the broad principles of right, as portrayed in the re- Oiistruction policy of Prffliricnt Jolitipob, 'he inly ft usable plan for efTeeting a lusting •11 union. Lot us take fresh courage, for the skies a c brightening ! Tlie Philiitlelpliia Cvuveuliull. 1 he proposed Convention is daily growing more in fav rof the S uthern people. Sev r»] of the presses which were ut first di.;- s'd to doubt the propriety of the South irg represented, i re now in fayor of a full erprescßUiion. Among ihe ablest in the Lbile ib’g’sier k Atlierii-er. In a late sue, that paper says : “The proposition for a general Conven ! .on of the representatives of all the States >ud Territories in favor of a restoration of the Fader il Uni jd, to rtieet at Philadelphia next month, was on: to challenge the atten- i iion cf thoughtful men, and not to he accep ted or rejected without careful deliberation. S.'mcwbst doubtful of its origin, wc did not • n its first presentation give it a cordial sup port. \Yc Lave not f.iled, however, to give ibe subject the cjitful and anxious reflec tion its great importance demands, and we have arrived at the conviction that duty to ourselves (speaking of the ostracised South ern States) and t« the future common weal . f alj the States commands us to encourage a full representation of the former in that body. TMs Convention has not for its ob jects the nomination of party intn for office, or the construction of mere party platform* W e take it to have its origin in a patriotic desire to unite all the friends of constitution al freedum iu opposition to the designs of a factious minority now in poression of (be Government and to rescue the heritage of liberty hit us by cur fathers from the hands 1 men who are intent on its destruetjop ——, Itas not only at the South that good uic'u ire alarmed for the safety of instituliotp tin der which, until within the last five years ■ f Radical rule, fte people have been free' nd happy and t! e country Las marched on in a career of unparalleled prosperity. Tire .aieful effects of this brief rule, of New England ideas in Government, are too pai oible to the living mind to mod words ©Pours t) deepen its odiousuess. A terrible war, hat- moderation tod wisdom instead of hate nd a led ambition in the public coctcils. would have averted j ipua iojtul debt verg ing to i nii.mal bankrttpty ; laxnfrsis Onerous as those wbh h livu Fuadi cd yi; r.-> ofjeace and par l/wv, iuip#od upoßihu pccpltjjjbf Gross IT'.'ain, and a 'total ohTi’ernti m o< the great larnhnsrks of a u ised Government which tu* imcestor* ha 1 io siudiorsly and patriotically erected, n l*r» ken I rrim Kivt es*T»ng-d und embit ir-d secii >tis nrc tie I rnfuj sef the P.m adu.iuistratiwu. (tan these thirty uiiWieo* ff Aunra'an people afford any lergir ta fit quietly down while il,ii wi ik of tuin go's 'on, ml the nu n who have vvioagbt itfclill hold the big J | I.c s ~f tiuat and p-jwvr in the .Narional au*hiity? l-’ar. fiot inutn.l with ti e nriscbiif already done, they u-e insanely bent nn pcrpcluat. irlp und deepening lltc policy ' f und *lismtogt*ti'jQ wLi h they inaugurated to bring the ount-y to itK present unhappy and disgraceful pass Tin* thought that inse'r el ibis Ceuvenliou cij s “no" to lh» qu’ijj.- tipfi, and it cod I c luplaL’.s an agr .‘at tu the nsson and to tho imuiee. and -.he palriotr m of all Iho people if all the fc’ntf s to make e iminon cause against the c mn.ou eacmics of '.he Republic. It is curiutlitly projej that cur Sutheru vi.iees ahau’d bo hoard in an assembly that proposes these objects, and bcintr started, no reasin-blemeastires should be ncglicted to mike the Ceuvetiti rti a grand sucee-s. . - \Ye think that it will rot admit of < pute that if the Sou'h is represented in the., body, i’ should he by men who truly repre sent; i's present feelings and principle* There is lfttle difficulty in ascertaining what these are. lie wlio deserted her in Lor sore tribulation, and br.s now aa iron-clad stom ach (ajmblo of swallowing an and digesting the ircn-elad oath, and he who, now that, the war is over, is too passionate and unreason able to appreciate tie public cxigrr.cicc, and to except the logic of events, arc iqually uu tit to represent the people. Ilir true exam plars are those who were- faithful to her io her fiery trial* of struggle, and have the wis dom to sec that, uow they have ended in de feat, her policy and July in the discretion of enlightened and enlarged s'atesmanship. point her to the earliest lestoration of her political relations with her former confeder ates of the Constitutional Union. Any representative who will fill this nreas uro of qualifications, and who are besides ia tpliigcnt. Gnrq discreet, can saf ly bo trusted to sjicak for her in the first assembly since the war, of delegates from Y.U tho bta'ts. As (hue are no party difi'irguees among ourselves, as to National affairs, and vs we all Lave a common object of res'oratinn on thegenorul basis of President Johnson’s programme, it would seem bardly necessary to resort to the trouble, expense jmd formal ity in Alabama, at least, o r State Convention to nominate dil'grtas. "We wcubl, therefore CUUfCUtj tilut Ul3 iJAubiUiUb) 11IC Govonor appoint the r.quiaite number of delegrtos, taking them from the different parts of the Stafe, wtih an af crnat'Jto tack, in the case of the principle should be unable to attend. At all events, this plan would save delay, greatly simplify tho. mode, arid yet at ain the end desired by all, of a suitable representation at Philadelphia. Editorial Jtrevilies, Sena’or Jim Lane, of Ivmsas,. died on the 11th iiiist., of a self-inflicted wound;— It seemrs that his mind bud never fully re covered since bis long illness, mid whilo riding with a took* occasion to go behind the buggy at the tiina Iris friend alighted (o op'-n a goto, at which time lie cried out “good-bye,” and fired a shot into his mouth, entering lha roof of the ..same und coming out though the top of his skull. Gov. Morton, of Indiana, whrr has been for some time rn the verge -of the grieve lias had hi» furlough extended by “Old N’lek,” aril is getting able to u sp at tiro” at ye rob* ns usual. General Butler has excite 1 his • colored equals in JTew Jersey to test before life courts their right to vote. He, is the-juui ciptil counsel. We think he would till the position of ATichn Minister to a T. Dennison, l’osttna'ter geterul, and Speed, Attorney Gem ral, have resigned. Ilarlan , Secretary of tbo Interier is expected to re sign. I’hiladelphia Convention the cause. Crop I tents. 1 he farmers of Coweta comity complain that freed men have been eutouug their tields and carrying oil' their wheat. The Tullebassee Floridian of tiro btli says: The corn crop in this portion of Florida has been suffering greatly of In'# for want j .of rain. \\ hen it is .remembered that j much less than the usual crop was planted, tint \vhat was planted tuts been poorly cub | tivated, and, having in its eatly growth I («n greatly damaged by excessive rains, it is now suffering uo less from drought it will be apparent that the prospect for a Florida corn crop is eminently cliscotmrg- A eorxespomieni of the Savannah Herald, willingHvui C»i|t'lco couuty, j>ays : This county, before the i#|o war, produced about *snd bags sss islaud cotton, ami abOifirVffo hundred th'oirsand bushels of rise at-innalty. This-year, one hundred bags -of ffitlon and thirty or flirty thousand bush el* cl rice wrjjl be about the quantity pro duced. Weans suffering very much for the want of rain. A correspondent of the Herald, writing from'i h'unaville, says : corn crops riirorgh this section are johr, with'but few eieepti’om. ,r, y t'piiiion there will not be more than half as much made as there wr* in 1860, and Os vears prior. The cotton crops uro generally sorry. 1 he Barubridgo Georgian stys : The e ra erdp is suffering from rain The cotton is growing finely, hut the ground is almost too hard to plough i>. T K JL. Id H AJ * i l IC. mtTllldt I’ilOM lU'liui’K. !; r K &, tIIJEAT OF TDK l’Kfeft-J BIANS. ’tin: w.ui YinnALUX ended. | ATISTIf! A OK f> I'IS \ M N K'l'l A ! yU'OLMOX HEDI ITOIt. Fahthuk Point, July 15—Tin N"v« Kiiriia Irwin l.ivcrpionl with ilat * t > the sth, via Limdinelei iy Clli, Ims juisseU. ror.ntc.w. Niws A front buttle occurred rm the J 1 near I.l;da\Vay hi which the Prussians gained a ciunpiMe victory cajitTuiny fourteen iliom am) Aitstrians, with tenriblo loss to both armies. Austria sent in n flag of truce. Austria bris agreed to the ces ion'of \e oetia. rut! Accepted Napoleon as rnediato-. f ntnedivtely cimituunicatcd w ith tlie lielfigeretits. I.oxdon, JMy f> — Tlie Prussian a*d Italian rcji’y to the proposed ni mistice bas not yet transjiiird 'l'hero aro rumors that the Prussian reply is not favorable.— The Morning Post thinks that the Jluro pcatl Congress w ill shortly ass mbit) end | the French (loverrimeut will propose u general disarmament. In the commercial circles of laOsWlot* p race, if regarded as vir-j tually. conefud and. COMMKIU’IAL Livkki’ool July 5 —According so Bro kers’circular, sab-s in the cotton mark l for the week arc r jiorted at 88 OOQ bale*, j jiieli.i I'l 500 to 'exporters. r l'ho maive' opened ; du 1 and downward, but closed buoyant with an advance of 1 2 to J 1 of a' penny' on American, and 1-4 to 1-2 penny on oth er descriptions. Owing to a piospect of police, there were sales to-day of 20,QUU bales, the market el sing firmer and prices udva nuing. Breadstuff market very dull, with a de cline in all qualities of pfovi ions Marko' inactive, but film and steady. "STILL LATER. Nmy York, July Hi.—ThcParis Mdiu tcur of the b h July makes the following, annpunccrueul ; 1 Alter lrav rig maintained tlie honor of his arms in Italy, tlie Emperor of An trie, orenn'ing in the i leas expressed in Na poken’s letter ol the 11th June, to his Al ini ter of Foreign Affairs, cedes Ycnetin to the Emperor, and accepts his mediation for the ten illusion of a peace. Napp’eon liasbined t> respond to the sum inuiis, HiHtimmediato'y eomminicatecl with iho Kings of P.tissh eu 1 Italy in order to .obtain-ftn -ann sM e ’’ The battle’ of Siiltowa lasted twelve biurs. Tho Austrians were eomp'etely routed, losing LI 001) prisoners and 110 cHnnon. Three Archdukes were wounded. Prince Liefleushiw and Udiscbcr were tnkec pi le tiers. The London Times says the war is vir tually elided. It was reported that Garibaldi attacked the Austrians at Mantasu Ito rn the 3rd, mid was repulsed. Gaiibuldi was wound eel in the thigh At a meeting he’d in Luuipkin, Stewart County, Ga., on the 12lh inst. Oa metiou, Judge J. T. Clarke was galled to tho ebair. and J. B. Gilbert was request ed to act as Sefirfaiy. -Oarniotian a eauiniittce of three consist Lug of Dr J. E. BLuut, Judge. M. Willis and J. 15. R'ehardson, were appointed to ! draft suitable *Trsiluti».n3 txprcasiug the obj vl us the uicering. Fail Comiuitteu re-1 i-ttcj a iv-iy Biietst and leturred with j thoJoili/wiug resv'uriorit;, , U.iUned. —Teat we aaruestriy recomm nri to the people of Georgia, and of all the Souihcrn States, to take prompt measures so. scud delegates lathe Natienal Union Convention, to he held in l’ailadclphia, on the 14th of August next* Ji<m —Tliup. we prop ss to the people ofthe 2 id Congressional District, to meet' ill Canvet turn a.t Americas, on Wcnosday the Ist. day of August, to select -suitable delegates so: said District tj said National ConventiiU. Jim. —That we recommend that each Coun | tybe represented in said District Conven ventron, by as many delegates as such fChmuty has members iu both branch es of the Legislature. Dr. Blount and Judge Willis made short and aj propiste speeches in support of the 1 resolutions, whtu they wete unanimously adopted. Ou motion a. meeting was appointed to be h old, 1 n the Lt' Saturday in July at Lump 1 kin, tq appoint delegates to represent the 1 County cl Stewart ia said Distriet Conven tion. On motion it wa s — ■ AV-aobec/.—i ; hu», 'J’he Dawson Journal, the Cutbbert Reporter and the Columbus papers, be requested to publish the proceed ings of thir meeting. Tho meeting adjmrned. J. T. Ci.arkk, Chairman. J R. CtLitEaT, Secretary OltlXU Alt 1. Died in Webster County (la. on tlie BUI of July 1800, Mrs. L C tl a!’, consort of Win. M. liall, in tlie 25th year of her a“e. SUe joflncd the Baptist CtruroU at eleven years of ngjv, and through the whole of her-alter it:'; fully- exsniplllted the truth, amt power of eliriathmity, by a p insistent and nsc fu'l lifo.. She was possessed of a ii»iet and g ner ous disposition, at and a ze »i and efi-; gs for ijvtry tr-oil wo k- ciivnePteii with tint Christian charity i lint “pass til all thing*.” Tbesj train with other i cliristiiu virtuoa, admwahly qualiitied her for the I position assigned bar by providence, and const mt i.ij incited in her so -lings a strong (Wire to promote I the various int.-n-rtfe of Uumaniyy and nelijibu. ; She hired her own ehtTrcli ardently v but Christian - charily tvni not limhed to her church clone ; for j she wits ever n-ady to lend a helping liaad in the cause of hor m 'fetor, "livn ever an opportunity pi* aeuted. She liaaiored the. ch.isitin character un der whatever danoin'ha iona' peeuliari-y she found 1 jt. and was ever ready 10 unite with all chiistiaus ,ot any order i 1 promoting the interests cf the eu'WOni k-’r Heavenly Father. Hi ing naturally and lffdeut and rcsc-v-d i-i Jut ma- n< r», she did trot speak.of her c.'Vrig-i wXpetjen-.-e as often as many others, nevertln-h’s.'we lave lur pious example from eleven y a-s of rge to licr list iTnoss, to which is added Ws a natural rciul’, her dying tes timony —that she still felt dJteimmed to trust her Savior, and resign lier all into h-s.huids. Ily her drerth. a fonffy,(Jsyo ed hu-bmd lias been bereft i of a dOViOW compmion, th-ee Interesting little diildec-iiirffdvcdflectionntr inoffi->r, and a numerous train end fnohda of one whose charity never failed. Bit we soirow not as tho 0 without hope, but look forward wilh pleasing antie paliqn to the j lime when “we will .Til drink together, the Wators I of eternal life” of which ou - blessed Savior is the i psrertuitl fo’’Btain. V, Aot LnaxiuoOS •—The -Augurfi Garun• ielo; New Yprlc World, Ariacua -New Era, X. j. Grtfx-in, the \Viii»l)orJ S. C News •ni-tht Mytrili A Ivrrtis r.ara out adverse to the Soutfa being reprercatod in the i’iiila dolphin Radical Conservative Convention. KNOW TUY UKSTIXY. AF a r* a off k L.L. Tif’.r. xf**s,itc* flngfisfr Rs-’ irologlst, I'Uii varant mO P.+vi-. iuru lei m, .istonislteif I he. iwicacUe cl i-sc* i>t Oil 1 Old World, ha* now loeait-d hro-elf al Iludvon, X. V. M.tdume Thom ton poppc.-ma sncti wnriderfut power* of sec ond sight, HS to runt.!,, her to impart, knowledge of ihe grealesi imp n ll.e mnrih dor single ol eiiiiaa sex. While iu a state el trance, she lUjlin ealcs the very sea utes of the p<rson r»u are 10 ' m.irrr, And hy ihe aid of on iiistiuraent of intense power, known as Ihe IV-yeomoirope, guarantees to I roitujo n life like piotor* ot tlie tninre hu-haud or wile of the applicant, u*|reflier w iili mar- I'Uge, position in life, leading trail# ol character, .ke. f i hla is no humhng, hs thousands of leatiiuo can oaseif. She will scud, when desired, s certified ceriitic ite, nr written guaraivee, that the picture in whal it purports tube. By er,closing a suiall lock of hair, and staling place of hirth, age, disposition, ano cnclcsiag 50 ceicx aud stamped envelope-addressed 10 yours-!;', you will receive file picture and desired inforinaiion by return mail. Al! communications#icredlv eonfidoniial. Address, in conlidi m., K. K. XnonstiiN, I*. O. box 2‘JJ, Itudeon, X. Y. Janet,Dm i\cw Ailvcrtiscmcais (>itEK?! k LAKE, “66 TUIRI) STREET, 66" wiioLJSvttE anii HEr.ur. FAXCY OROCEKS, nKAI.'dtS IN I’l'itK Itrinullcs, Jl’iiifi, (mil U'/ttatW "I nb grades and sis'! I pack Ig s, Impiir O 1 Segira, Pi tie. I J'o'lilCfO , and evmy description of li s' quality Family Sup- j plies couslaruly on hand, anl frcab arrivals com ing In every w-iok. All of which we will sell to consmneis und lo the trade upon as reasonable terms as anv house in tlie State. Call and see us, or send vour orders to GC, Thi'd Street, .Vlsi <‘Oll* jiil,T'l,del Glllilßß & LAKE. G. L. ANDERSON & CO,, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ALTLARiTA, «EO., J. 11. ANDEIiSOX A SOX, Grover* and illcr{'lranl§, iNlficorij Ga., 11 T R strficif. ol Cation, H:con, ?? Flour, Wlk-rtt, ami other produce. attention to sales, *mi returns of sain j. Caah or derd lor any of ihe above filled promptly. jio6 ALWaTS OH II .4H IK l J® ' |||« Sadd lory and SET S’* ,E>«n6U; aiifl Single lUU Havmiss, fi'oisi SrBS **> - 1400 Assorted l adi gen's, and troys’ saddh-s aurl saddle -Tees—from »ti io sso.' 100 assoried e-iro. » —n] ftunv in the U. bar iw.'r* tti.d leather in wiy line—to which line at-' lent ton oF d’filers and planters aro invited. I in t»nd to (T) good work and sell it l iw. Give me a call b fore von buj, G. BI'JHND. julji»ifO Cub* Go ton Avenu\ Mkcod, Ga. LAWTON & LAWTON, E*IOCEIiS AMD S*2'«€] SiCC itl drill S5 SJ XVhqlesale and Retail tiers in CTtit.r-YELLOW AND WHITE, /t.H rt.v- sines, shoulders a- hams V!, O t H - Al. LOR A DFS. IIAY T ANARUS, GATS, > SALT, MACKEREL, Sirdinf*.**, Pickle?, Sugars, and a geirerul assort ■u nf of Groceries. . j>o,Cm LAWTON & LAWTON. NOTICE. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Terrell county lor leave to «el! land belong n» to es’ate of James Parrot, lat« of Biid eouuty doc’d. lIARKIKr jul> 20,2 m Adminiscat.cix. TAILOR SHOP! rpHIS much needed institution has a; . boon A established, to Dawson, Many y x peiience, and closo attention to busin.n i4es me to gu traiitPC satisfaction, both in fits and qti'ii* ity of work. Shdirin the buildit occu ped by Hnfper k Barham# court bouse squire. j y2f),lm J. lb. BUIINiCY. Terrell Ssijierior Court, .Hay Term ISO#. | Grcenbcrry lay 1 or , J r*. > Libel /or hivovtt. Martha Taylor. ) It appealing to* the Co.urt by the r 'turn of the Sberilf, the defenJaLt Maitha Taylor is not |to 6e found hi Top oil County, It is ordered that i said Martha T«)*for b* and tippear at the next 1 Superior <'o rrt to liold in Terrel County on the : 4 l.i. Monday cfKowittber n *xt ami answir siid Libel, if any answer she his to make, and further that Service c f raid Libel be perfect and ou her by a ptiblica'ion of this once a month for three months, be f ore the nex f term of tMs Court, ia the Duwsoa JonrmL By theCooT. ScAIWIUROUGH k Gq.OL'K, rrff and Att’-J. A true from tho minutes of -the Sups rior Court, July 10th 166(J. j >o,lam?;m JOHN C. V. CLARKE, Cleik. CaeorgiK, T«rr€‘l County: IT ifi ordered by the Court thit an election bn held on'Tqesday the. 7 th. div ol August an* t at the Court House; and at the diffo Qnt in ?iaitl County, for a Supeiiufendent of Ronds and Bridges iu Tewrett Count f. Jufy 16 h. 1866. SAML. L. WFLUAMS. J. I. C. J. M. SIMMONS J. I. a j2O. J A \IES. R. KN O fT- J. I. C. fcrreH Superior Court. May Tkrm 1806. There bei a large amonnt of bysiaess on the variOu: Docket of thig Court undisposed of and it bejtig deertied Importaut for thei iterc3:s of tho Coumy litigate, that all matters ready for trial bfe di»po?ed of as rady as practicable, It is therefore orderd th»t tkD cour4 stand a Ijourncd until ten o’clock A. M. of the third Mouday of Augus: next. Jurors, Partfc? and Witnesses# will take due notice thereof and bo M'a'tendance. The Clerk of this Court will cause thifi order to be published in the Dawson. Journal, three weeks before tbe slid 3d. Monday in August. A true Extract-from the minutes at the July h6tb, LS66. j2«\Sf John C. F. Clark, Cleik. NOTlOfi. SIXTY daYs after data application will be made to the Court of Orainary of Terrell oouuty leave to sell the laud of tbo estate of Matilda (iri.- ffb. laife of said countv deceased. July 13 ' U. M. POWELL, Adrn’r. lIAIION J. It. Ail-Vim, _J. B. » *LLS\ H. P. REDDING & CO. f Wholesale and llctall Dealers in (jEOCEEIES, AND PRODUCE, Soda Water , Sand's Cream rile, T O K , Ac.. Third Street, jt3,3 IHACJOIf, GA* COTTON GINS, MANUFACTCREP BY DAMEL ER\TT. Prattville, Ala., \ \J IK) has had nearly foT-ty Tenrs in ▼ V the buaiuefw. II tu< lifed alllhoti*»« amongst planters. Has visited pin houses, put pins In op** oration, and thinks he knows as near »s most an? other man what constitutes a pood pin. lUvimr been appointed Apt nts for the above Cotton (tins, we would request planters who do* sire to pet his tinkc of pins, to do us a favor By sending in iheir orders, so we may know wha?>izo to have made. If Giis c urse is pursued they will not (nil to procure their pins in time. All orders directed to G. L. Anderson A Cos;, Atlanta, or to ourselves will fceetve prompt atteii lion. J. U. ANDKRKON & SOX. jy 13,4 m Agents, Macon, Ga. LADIES, B*OOBi AT THIS 11 ALEXANDER & WHITE, IJuvo just received their stock of now and fashionable S|»rinp and Summer I> SB Ft S S « O OHS, Which we ore c'osing out very rapidly at Prices much Lower Ilian have here tofore ruled iu this maiket. Our prices .surprise all who hear them, on account of their being so 1 >w. Our Goods were all 15 night I)’or Cash, and since tho 10th of April, and WJB CAM AMI* WILL.ELLTIIGIU • AS Cheap as aii.v Other House in the fity. Oar Stock is Fresh, full and Complete, comprising E VE R YTHJ N G IN THE LINE (T DRY GOODS, YAM US;!'. MOTIONS, HOSIERY Gloves Ac I Give us a call, and sec for your yousclve*- All orders promptly filled, and goods sent i by Express anywhere. AI.EXAAOFIE .V WHITE. r. ire*’. Old StaiiJ. jilyisa.ij Maecii, Ga Harness Goods, "TIE IMS STOSS!" uit j. luJekbiim, 11. l VJXO RKMO VET) HIS ('XXII‘LETE STOVE OF \ I) 14 XT G S , I • site: vrvi.rlEs, r/f r.itEt\il s, DYE STUFFS, FERI'UMEk TANARUS, HOOKS AMD iTATIOSA KV, n*\'vricy Etc., To the Npw and Beautiful Store just completed, in the Loylt v sa Block, takes Iflp his numerous friends for their liberal'patron— apo and respectfully 4 continuance of the same at his New Store* inly 13,8 m JAMES SUPPLE, WATCH. MAKER g JEWELER. 2od Street, 2 doors from Mulberry, JffHcon, • - - Georgia, ALWAYS on band, a fine assortment of Gold and Silver WaNihep, Snlid Gold Jemdry. <Ttins, Pistols. &c. Fuauk celebrated Rifle, (warranted) can be shot 24 times por minute—best iquirrcl and lurlcev guu in the world. jidjlLSrn* 59 Mulberry SI., .riacon, La. 59 D. C. HODGKINS & SON, DEALERS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, nsFii.ra tackle, Gun and pistol ammunition, gun and piutol ma terial and Sporting €*ooilh cf every des cription. Also, One Horizonfal Steam Engine A Boiler, New and C<)iupMc—at a Bargain—and ouc Gun Sjui*h’g Hand Rilling Machine. julyl3,6m JEWETT & SNIDER, JlAfOtl, .... FmfOVffUf, AGENTis I’OB WILDEh’S SALAMANOOR SAFES, VT manuhicturers prices, with ouly the freight . and dravage added. A supply now on baud. C 1 fii| AVITIf HBNKY. MOOItS & EKMUffi. Mannfnetnrers and Jobber* of CLOTHING, ,l'o. 522 Vroathray, Opp. St. Nicholas Hotel. .!*£ !»• I'ORK. Would respectfully solicit tbe psltorrags of bis many friends. jimels,4iu A. U. ADA.VtS, v. B. JONES. Late of tlie firm of Adams k Reynolds. DAMS & JONES, Wt R Elf or « K " Atro COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ( At old ft And of Harris & Ross,) Vomer of Seeoml and Poplar >/*., Alacon» Ga,, Will give particular attention to ihe Storaga and Sale of Cotton. julyl3 3m BA. VUE, (llllßKl ST EFT, MACON GflOO. I AM NOW OFFERING THE FOL LOWING t.oous FOR - CASH ONLY ON TIIE host REvsorvAitLi: T K 11 M S : DOZ. €, f. I*lalcs, i 200 Setts Handle Granite COFFEES TEAS, 2(}o Setts C. O. Gups and Saucers, S 60 doaen Goblets and Wines, 6 White China Dining Softs, 2 Gold B ind. China Dinning Setfs, 10 China Tea Setts, 50 dox assorted China l’latc*, 10 drz liar lirtflvj, 20 flez. Bar Tumll rs, 100 pairs of Ewers and Basins, PLATED GOOI3S Vs * v . .-'1.;., Ta ble spoons, 25 d* t. plated Tal lo Forks, J doir plafcrd Casters, 2 dox, Dlateii Cocoa Dippers, Gobifts, Cups, Mailers, &«N, 15 diz Wire G vrs, 50 and ’Z painted Buekete, 10 nests painted Tubs, • LO nosts Jußiper Tubs, 5 and. z brass bound Kuekets, 15 di>* Cocoa, lYipporg, 20 gross Tabic Knives and Forks, Ivon Handle Tea and Tabic Knives, Shears, Scissors Razors, kitchen and Butcher Knives, U itb a splendid Assortment of POCKET CUTLERY. 3 gross Glass Self sealing Jars, 30 gross Tin Plates. T X JST WARE OK EVKKV lIESCJIirTION. wmm, THB CEI.EIIIIATKD IRON WITCH, with other patterns, At Reduced Prices. With a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Embracing nearly everything usually kept in my liu«. R. A. WISE, julylo 6m Cherry St., Maeon, Qa. j/Al I 1* v< ftl OCR 4T«i M Is now as completo as any i„ y MI • every vari< (y of Goods* tUT )j n , * ' feci cot fident they arc iffvrrd at a * i f , t .. aa elsewhere. We therefore invite tbq attention ot our stcek of Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Builderc’ Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, House fi’urnishiDg Goods, IVooden and Wrillow Ware, Scales and other Store Fixtures Children’s Carriages, Lie , Ri o .’ TURNBULL’S SCALE A NEW -STYLE, The best and most convenient Sea’s for toilers or fir home utc, ever offered m t market. Fop sale by. Wrighj X l4t:u Lfc- - *'£?.■:•■ "AH’i *s\ CHILDRENS’ GAIUM AGE‘ ANerriKii stock or G irilrrrs’ flip*, , rs atd Baggier, new and BoaulLul rattcins u t ccivcd and for sale ty. Wrijjlcy A Knot n.tii.s! a ails: BOON TON NAIL! A FULL A'EUKTMBNT Ju. t rrcervul ij.-.d fir soil by WRIGLLY L KXOTT, [ ; ,1 UALSIIxTrSTTr 'J f KAMCiK, I |2l Si., next do ir to "•/ | j Express Gum[>rny. ri". Oiirdcii Impknifiil floss, Lakes, Forks, Shovel.', Steel H Ol Griib Ho.s, Spades, TieocLini: How, Hoe and Rake Shuffle Iloe?, Garden Trowels, Garden Lines, Wheel Barrows, E c > For sale by VV RIG LEI A K-NOir. FISHING T it KUv "WE invite the special aitect'.oa o! I :BC try Merchants to our stock of 1 “ Hooks, Lines, etc., which is Leg o aDI^IOB plcte, and at lower rates than cvci 1 offered here.' WHIG LEY & K* olf ' WOODED WA Rt SIEVES, AC. Brass Bound Cedar Cacs, Brass Bound Cedar Fails, Brass Bound Tubs, Cedar and Fainted Tabs in ecs-J- Fainted Buckets—ff and 3 ho’F- J uniper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Oak Fails, Well Buckets, (7 styles,) Iron Bound Setts Measures, Flain Sets Measures, Iron Bound ll’f Bushel Measur Flain Hall Bushel Measures, Iron Sieves, —Nos. 20 aud - Blood’s Patent Sieves, For sale by „ -pyol? WHIG LEY A july 13 3ni-