The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, August 10, 1866, Image 3

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I{) \\VN()N JPUR \AL | : i,v'.V' IN- GA, AUGUST 10. wl IDistrict Conference. I fco,,,l f Cmfe'entse for the Lumpkin District ■ t n lW r»on, 6a., -commencing on Kri- Wl bf cjnoiomhor. The locnl preachers, 141 ‘ | e ,dcr«, s’owards aud Pabbath- Rriior'C"’ * I( , nta within tlio bounds of the B' l ’ oo ' SUP rn ri e" mostly solicited to attend. Bi ,1( "’ "' s nrooqso coming will n’cise inform §S*~' TSWr... ■ illtin I Ererrtklu Re4«ce4. H „ ] ~,c f,r yourself at J.ike M. Mainsters'. ■ C 'A o fC»lico onlv 20 cents. Sheeting from ■ 05 rents. Give me a call as lam bonnd to ■ ' make room for mv stick. Remember the at Judg® Simmons’ OH Stal'd. ' c It I CoIT( „ splendid bulls of ■ D cotton were sent to our office bj Dr. ■! 11. Farmer, on Tuesday—the first wc I (IC s oen this season. I {IARPEtts WeeKi.y —We havo reeieved Blelatt number of tins “low-flung,” filthy, V r gsheet, and recommend it to all who ■ ! te t ’e Radical negro-equalities, and take rJ in reading their hatched up, lying Rcoant.s of the condition of Southern s-.ciety. Bit Journal of civilisation !’’ Deliver us ■ fllo h civilisation as these peaec-destroy- ■ g j W obins ore striving to establish. I Death of an Old Citizen —Wc regret B, announce that our old and esteemed fcl- Bwciti z ’ n - Judge Husgrove died at Indian K,rings on the night of Friday, the 3d iust. Bni-v-r he had gone to spend the Summer Koctbs for bis health. A letter from his Hit, who WAS with him, to a gcntlomau of states that he had a severe bilious u n the Sunday previous to his death. H J symptoms of paralysis at the ■ fills demise. It:;. ,j u It is a sad loss to our community, Lsili be deplored by all who knew him lIIuitOLARY —lsy a transaction of last lintsday evening wc were shown that bur- Irsdo uot confine their op-rations to cities, ■ else that we have second class hands at |e business in our midst. On the evening |entionrd just about dark, while Mr. Jacob Led had gone to tea—where he remained I; a short time —bin store was cnt< red at lewindow, and his money drawer relieved I some two or three hundren in “greens.” ■ must bavo been quite a liberal thief how- Lr t ss we learn there was afnegold watch li;e handy, which was undisturbed. Ifi far the scour.drol has been successful ■‘•Keeping dark.” IfOUGIt, Terrel! Comity: m Whereas, Win. C. Carter, applies for letters Bdmini'tration, on the estate of R. M. Carter, Bof sai dcounty, deceased—. are, therefore to cite and admonish all Bins concerm'd to be and appear at my office Bin th? time prescribed by taw, and show cause, Bir, why said letters should not be granted. Bwn under my band and official signature, this m.\ IS6O. T. M. JOXE3, Ord’y. | DENTISTRY^ - ■A. & N. M. THORNTON, of Cutnpkht, Georgia . BAVfXG completed their arrangements, have B opened a br.iDch of ilD'ir business in Dawson. Bi°v are prep ired to do nil work in their line in improved stole. With a long experience B* supply of all the appliances of the art, they ■confident. of giving sitisfaction in every in- B l '- Teeth put up on gold pi tie, with or with- B'ims. Also, on vulcanite of rubber base in ■pftsfvle. All work warranted. B r furthet information, address J. A. Thornton, Bp'' - '”, Ga., or N. M. Thornton, Dawson, Ga. Bice, on corner of lot now ocjupmd by Elam Bun. Until their offico is fit ed up they will Ben patrons at their residences. VIIJX ! I3A_CO N-J FLOUR! OR IVIONBir, t’HANGED for the present growing [of COTTON, either at ¥>• I ii'SCKV or .I.BFBIC VS. | llm E. B.JL OYLE SS. NOTICE. |0 months after date application will be made Io the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county ■*e to sell the real estate of C. P. Iluokaby |i Terrell county, deceased. i's A.SARSER, Adm’r. |0 WN HOU SE , I E. E. BBOIV* & SOX, Bh Street., Oppogite Passenger Depot, Jtiacon, Georgia . ■W the Ist of July tlio business of this House conducted by E. E. Brown k Son. the ■ Loina; associated bis son, Wm. F. Brown, ■Management and interest of the Hotel. ■ -on-** contains sixty rooms, which are re- V ' Ay f«>r the use of travellers and tran- B’ IJ . Competent assistants heve been se*t ‘■i (‘very department, and every attention W 10 ensure comfort to their customers. eir. am] airv, and the table always sup- ■ v 'he best the country affords. Porters W irrival and depaeture of all trains to con and conduct passengers across the quarters. july27,tf |W\VS ON HAND ! ) SETTS Double and Single Harness, from SIS to #l5O. ’sorted ladles', £ents, and boys' saddles and to sso* 1000 assorted car ' team collars—equal to any in the U. 8 ’ales, martingales, whips, and saddlery irf l e& ther in tny line—to which the ’ dealers and planters are invited. I in . °Rood work and sell it low. Give me a you buy, G. BERND. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. First National Bank of Macon. SIGHT nud time bills on various points purehas ed at all times. bibgrul advances made on shipments of Cotton to any good Northern or European houses, l olleetior.s made and promptly remitted for. We shall keep supplied so far as possible with New York Kaehauge, which will be sold at the lowest rates chaiged in other cities of the State. W. W. WRIGLY, Cashier. I. C. rDANT, President. PittKCTORs : H. L. Jewett-, Wm. T. I.i.'htfoot, E. Joliuatuu W. 11. Ross, Wm. H. Diusmore, 11. B. Plant. i. v. Fi.t.rr. WILD continue business at his old office, and will make investments for parties as they may direct. lie will also purchase and sell Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Banks Notes, Seven per cent. State of Georgia Bonds—new issue—and United Stales Revenue stump—-ail denomination, iors sale here AT PAR. He will make liberal advances until good sale can made, charging a small commission for the same. SVfSli Who want good and Cheap Articles will find the Largest stock of DRUGS, Consisting in part of 1,000 ozs. Quinine, 500 lbs. Assaf'oetida, 500 ozs. Morphia, 2,000 do*. Patent Medicines, 300 lbs. Opium, 300 lbs. Cream Tartar, 400 gals. Castor Oil, 10 bbls. Sulphur. POINTS. 20,000 lbs. White Lead, 2000 lbs. Venetian Red, 2' 0 lbs Chrome Green, 100 gal. Furniture Varnish, “ ‘f Coach “ 1000 lbs. Putty. OILS' 5000 gal. Sperm Oil, 300 gal. Tanner's Oil, 400 gal Goal Oil, 600 gal. Linseed Oil, 200 gal. Lard Oil, 100 gal. Whale Oil, DYES. 200 lbs. Logwood, 200 lbs. Indigo, 400 lbs. G iperas, 300 lbs. Madder. WM' J. H. EILIN &CO. CORNER 2d AND CHERRY STREETS, Gf.ff fJ.V, G.i. Always keep a large supply of everything in the Market connected with the Drug Trade, w hich are offered at the very low est cash prices The above li tis only a tr fling sample of their Stock, which is the largest in Georgia ; and merchants, Drug gist-, Physicians and Planters will find it greatly to their advantage to make their purchases from us. We are selling in largo quantities, ana ouctuvuv io “quick sales and small profits,” Congress Water, Vi and and B ttle Corks Kissengen, Snuff, Vichey, Dentist’s Plaster, Instruments, Brushes, Perfumery, Tobacco, Segars, Soaps, Blue Stone, Potash. Starch, Soda, Black ing, Turnip Seed, Port and Sherry Wine, Brandy, Whiskey, Pepper, Cinnamon, C’oveS, Ging r. jy 13,6 m Important to Planters. The Iron Baud and “Arrow Tie.” FOR BALING COTTON. AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTAGE AND STEALAGE THESE Bands and Ties are a complete substi tute for rope in bailing cotton, combining the utmost simplicity, which the greatest possible se cecurity. They are cheaper than rope—are faitened quick er, and hold the bale Ito J less in size. Every Band is long enough for the largest bale, and can be instantaneously adapted to the size of any bale while in the press, as quickly and with the same ease as ropes. They are manufactured in Liverpool, of the best English Iron, cut to uniform lengths of ten feet, and put up in bundles of 35 Bands and Ties each— complete and inseperable, until opened out for use. They are thoroughly painted and are not subject to damage ; being equally adapted to bales made by plantation presses in every section of the ooun try, merchants in the interior may deal in tbem with greater security than rope; and the uniformi ty of the bundles enables both merchants and planters to determined precisely how to order given number of bales. duced into the Mississippi Valley andTexas, where they have met with great favor, and are fast su perceeding the use of rope. The working of the “Arrow Tie" is so simple, that the compressors of cotton in New Orleans have been unable to sustain themselves in their opposition to Iron Bands, and they are now using these Bauds and Ties, without any objection, and with entire satis faction. Messrs. Baldwin & Cos., are our regular, author ized agents in Dawson, from whom merchants and planters may obtain the Band and Tie in any de sired quantity at the lowest terms. The undersigned agent for this District is pre pared to iurnish them to dealers and consumers in any quantity. JAS. A. HaLL, Agent, At E. Bond's Chery St. jy 13 3m 2nd door from J. B. Ross & Son’s GREER & LAKE, “66 THIRD STREET, 66“ WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL FANCY GROCERS, Dealers in pure Brandies, Jt'ines, and Liquors of all grades and size packager, Imported Segars, Fine Tobacco, and every-description of first quality Family Sup plies constantly on hand, and freah arrivals com ing in every week. All of which we will sell to consumers and to the trade upon as reasonable terms as any house in the State. Call and see us or send yourorders to fi«, Third Street, ,Tlacoil! Ga. july2o,2m GREER k LAKE. Harness Goods, R - W. XIIBUKDUK. o. A. CALD\VI£I.L. W. lIAZI.EU PRST. CUBBEPGK, CALDWELL & CO., BANKERS, Second Street, .Bacon, Ga. Stocks, Bonds, uneurrent-funds, coin, sterling and domestic exchange bounght anti sold—depos its received—monies invested us parties ntay direct.' Collections made and promptly remitted. AtiTtioßizrn Rkfxrkncxs—Nat. Bank Republic, N. Y ; 3d Nat. Bank, Nashville, Tenn.; First Nat. Bank,.Charleston, S. C.; Savannah National Bank; Atlanta Nat. Bank, Atlanta, Ga.; Josiah Mortis, Banker, Montgomery, Ala.; John Caldwell, Colum bia, South Carolina. julyl3,6m USE; Y —</(for CHILLS & FEVER? tjal.i.initas’a Pius are composed of Yraeta hh - MettUiH «. They arc Cathartic >!/!*. acting upon tin* Stomach, JAvcr, and liottrls, oontnininir no Arsenic, Calomel, nine Mass, or any other Mineral substance. The great advantage the Proprtetora claim for then,. Tills is lliat, without the nid of Calomel, Blue Mass, or any other Minerals, they will cure the most ohstinate ensea of CHILLS AND FEVER, gUMti AGUE, TERfCtDICAL HEADACHE, NEU KALGIA, and all affections of a like character. Fol ow the directions, and you will And they will do all tuot is claimed for them. Try one box, and their own merits will recommend them ever afterwards. t*T We have used (ialllghan’a and nave never known them to fail to cure when the direction* followed, and unhesitatingly recommend them to paolic favor. Hon. T. H WATTS, Ex-Gov. of Alabama. M T. .T. JUDGE, Judge Supreme (Vmrt of Ala. M EGBERT DOUGHERTY, Judge 9th Circuit of Alabama. Wm. O. WALLER. Sheriff Montgomery Cos., Ala. Hon. ALEX. B.■CLITIIERALL, Montgomery, Ala. Col. JAS. H. WEAVER, “ « “ ( RAWFOLD 8188, f, ° rn - Merchant, N. 0., La. s®?- m _ a BON, Esq , Mayor Wetuinpka, Ala. MIKE L. WOODS, Att’y at Law, 2oo li’dway, N Y BLOUNT & HALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS, Harrai, Rlsley A Tompkins, 141 Chambers St., N. V. E. J llart «Sc Cos., New Orleans, La. Blount Ac Hale, Montgomery, Alabama. Sold by nil Drugfjjists. Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt of $1.50, one box of the Pilli will he sent to any part of the United States. Wholesale also by T. W. Marsden, New York, Edward Wilder & Cos, Louisville, Ky. For sale Diwson, by Dr. J. L. D. Perrvman and Avent & Adams, Druggists. july27,6m Patronize SOUTHERN MANUFACTURERS. THE subscriber takes pleasure in informing the citir.ens of Terrell and surrounding counties, that he has continued the Carriage Jfiaking business in LUnfIPKIN, GA., conducted for the last 25 years by my father (Lu cius Mansfield deceased. And hits now on hand and will continue to keep a large and well assorted stock of C AREIAEE9 of the most approved style and finish. Also, a good supply of Harness of my own make. As I am prepared and determined to sustain the former reputation of the shop, I use nothing but the best material, employ none but the best workmen, and consequently build nothing but first class work, finished in the most superior and dura ble style, and not to be excelled by any similar establishment North or South. Owing to my superior advantages for J. 11, ZEILIN & CO? Manuifac turi n g’, I can sell as low as elsewhere, and I re«pectfully invit? alt persons in want of a good article at a low price to give me a call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Buggies delivered in Dawson free of charge if desired. Further imformation to be obtained from the Editors of Dawson Journal. ISAAC C MAYSFIELD, July 6th 3m Ctnapkin, Ga> LOUISVILLE PURCHASING HOUSE! VAN PELT, MOSES & CO., 24G Main St. HAYING been connected in business here for the past-thirty years, and devoted our atten tion to the close trade and purchase of Goods, we are enabled to buy as low as any morchant, and make choice selection. We therefore solicit or ders from the interior merchants for aoy goods they may desire, such as DUI Y" GOODS, Groceries. Hats , Caps , Boots, Shoes , Iron , Produce, Agricultural Implements, and any Mer chandise wanted by merchants. We feel confident of giving entire satisfaction, as we have done to our already numerous custom ers. Persons ordering will please state as plainly as possible the kind of goods wanted. Merchan disc insured, unless otherwise instrdfiod, and charged on bill. Terms —For all bills under SSOO per cent; over that aruouDt 2 per cent. We ask a further trial. Van PELT, MOSES k CO. j. c. van pelt, wm. moses, formerly with Jas. Lowe k Cos., GKO. C. NEWBKRRY. [ouisville Wholesale House! FOR LADIES 7 FINE GOODS, rr;«.visn/.vc goods, Notions, Paper Collars, White Goods, Cloaks, ete. Van PELT, MOSES A CO., ftp r 6,tf 2 10 Main St. between 6 & 7. LAWTON & LAWTON^ GROCERS A!%D Produce IVlercliants, Wholesale awd Retail Dealers in COHJT— YELLOW AND WHITE, DelCtKY— SIDES, SHOULDERS and HA MS M'LOt II—ALL GRADES. HAY, OATS, SALT, MACKEREL, Sardines, Pickles, Sugars, and a general assort' meat of Groceries. j20,8m LAWTON k LAWTON. TAILOR SHOP! THIS much needed institution has at last beeD established in Dawson. Many years of ex perience, and close attention to business enables me to guarantee satisfaction, both in fits and qual ity of work. Shop in the building formerly occu ped bv Harper A Barham, court house square. jy2o,lra J. E. RCMNEY. fca yr-t* or 11 STOCK 14 now as complete as any in Goorgia, of every variety of Goods in our line, and we fed coi fidout they are offered at as low rates as cUewherc. Wo therefore invito the attjn'.ion of all to our stock of Plantation Hardware, Ag icultural Implements, Builders’ Hardware, Meehanies’ Tools, Houso Furnishing Goods, Wooden and Willow Ware, Scales and other St ire Fixtures, Childiej’d Carriages, Etc , Etc. TURNBULL’S SCALES, A NEW STYLE, The best and most convenient Scale for re tailers or ftr home use, ever offered in this maikot. For sale by. Wriglcy & Knott. j^cuuußWUMnris [isKSs ... :■■■■ CHILDRENS’ CARRIAGES ANOTHER STOCK OF Childrens’ Gigs, Perambulators, Ramblers and Buggies, Some new and Beautiful patterns just re ceived and for sale by. Wriglcy &. Knott, NAILS! NAILS! SOON TON NAILS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and for sale by WHIG LEY & KNOTT. f2l Sr., next' door to Express Company. 1 ’ I Garden Implements. Iloes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Steel lloe c , Grub Hoes, Spades, Trenohiug Hoes, Hoe aud ltake Shuffle Hoes. Garden Trowels, Garlen Lines, Wheel Barrows, Etc., For sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. WE invite the spocial attention of Coun try Merchants to our stock of Fishipg Hooks, Lines, etc., which i* large and com plete, and at lower rates than ever before offered here. WRIGLEY & KNOTT. WOODEN WARE, SIEVES, AC. Brass Bound Cedar Cans, Brass Bound Cedar Pails, Brass Bound Tuts, Cedar and Painted Tubs in nests. Painted Buckets—2 and 8 hoops, Juniper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Osk Pails, Well Buckets, (7 styles,) Iron Bound Setts Measures, Plain Sets Measures, Iron Bound ll'f Bnshel Measures, Plain Half Bushel Measures, Iron Sieves, —Nos. 20 and 24. Blood’s Patent Sieves, For sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. jaly 13-Gm- iff GOODS CHEAPER **»**• CHEAPEST! By BALDWIN & CD,, (At Baliluiii'«Dld ttlaiul,) Dawson, : : Georgia. } r We, am receiving direct from New York, j a large and general assortment of DTI Y GOODS, GROCERIES; HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOLLOW WARE, ami everything else u-ually found in a first class store. All of which were bought for CASH, at the LO IE LS T N1? 11' YORK PRICES. Ui our stock may be found, at reduced prices, L.inif s 1 nit ess ao o its, Prints of different prad, s, Ueau’ilul Muslins, White and bleaclml Goods, Hos ory, Gloves Ribbons, Dross Trim mings, etc,, etc., ALSO LADIES Hats, Bonnets, and shoes of the very finest quality, and gentlemen’s Hats, Boots and Shoes for sale at AVliolesalo I’rice«, nnd as cheap as they now can bo bought in New York. Shoes and fiats range from 50 cents up to $5 00. We keep everything necessary to com plete a gentleinah’s wardrobe. Six dozen Grindstones oi best quality’. It is unnecessary now to enumerate dis ferent articles. Wo intend keeping every thing the people want. Our goods shall bes Id at t.ho very LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE. Country Merchants and planters can save money by calling on us. Our Motto is “(Reaper than the Cheapest.” J une Bth, 1866. HEAD TIIIB, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BEST, FITTEST, AND CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET 1 Come One ! Come All AND extmine the splendid stock of goods which lias just b*cu received and opened AT JUDGE SIMMONS' OLu STAND 1 Consisting of the latest fashions ul MUSLINS, MOZAMBIQUES, LAWNS, ALSO, CALICOES, Bleached and Unbleached DOMESTICS, MILLINERY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Notions of all kinds, Hard Ware, Tin Ware, « *> rwn « Poivdcr anil Shot, And a thon«and other thirgs too numerous to mention, which will be sold Fotccr than the FoU'fftt. All I ask is to give roe a call, and judge for you’selt, as there is no troub'e in showing mv goods. I earnestly iuvite the ladies to call, and they should be snre to RF.,HUtRBEI( THE PEACE ! At Judge Simmons’ Old Stand JAKE M. MAINSTER. Dawson, Gi.« May 25,1866. fim G. L. ANDERSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ALTI.ANTA, CEO., J. 11. ANDERSON & SON, Grocer* stud Commission merchants, IVtacon* Ga., T\7F solicit consignments of Cotton, Bacon, t ▼ Flour, Wheat, and other produce. Prompt attention to sales, aud returns of same. Cash or ders for any of the above filled promptly. j 206 “¥E TOLD YOTJ SO!’’ that WHISTLE HAS MM!” A AII MARK THE RESULT ! One cf fterjarain Franklin's mafcims wa**, “The nimble six-pence is better than the slow shilling! 11 For Proof of the Assertion call at the Great fill IW * HE MM ART EUS* «1 Third Street, MACON, OA., And you will find a Heavy Stock of Choice bellow and White CORN, Fine ribbed and clear Bacon sides, hams and shoulders, C hoice Blaj , Oats, IVleal, l?lackcrel--in packages of all kinds. Superfine and Family FLOTJE -A-lso—A Splendid lot of Extra Ijoal Lnrd, in Firkins and Tierccr— ami many other articles usually found in a First Class Produce House—for sale as Low as the Market enu reasonably afford. RlTltmCK & HUDGINS* Produce and Commission Merchants, Second door North of Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, July 13, tloct Third Street. Macon, Ga. ONI PRICEIASTSTOI! MA.3Sf]kr & WHEATLEY Ueorgia. ARE now receiving their large and well selected stock of sPitiM© t Bough! tlac Orcsat E'aiaic in New Our stock of DTf'Y" GOOt)S is complete in every particular, etfi l.raetng Ladies Drpss Goorts, Latlie's Hats, Cotton Yarns nnd Sheeting* from the bod mills in Crcorgta, Boots arid Shoes, llats and cajts, Best Whittemore Cotton Cards, Hardware and Cntlery, Crockery nnd Gla§s Ware, Goblets, Tumblers, fiooltiiig Glasses, etc. A Good Variety of TIN WARE. T Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Terper, Ginoer, Indigo and Madder, Salt, Nails, Babbit's Pure Concentrated Potash. ON CONSIGNEN’f. A Fine Lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco—most popular brands—at mafiufaethrer’s prices, freight added. 6m J. HEED & 00., .« the Old St unit, KEEP constantly on hand a'gotieral assortment of DU f GOODS, such as PRINTS, LINEN, FLANNELS. BED TICKING, Bleached and Sea Island HomeepunS, GROCERIES. Ragtrj Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Spice, etc. HARD WARE*- Or almost any description that may be called for. A splendid awortmeot of CROCKERY, Our stock of CVTLKUY, both Pockat and Table, is large and ot good quality. In fae', we expect to keep a general assortment, anil We invite the old friends of Rehl A Cos. to give us their patronage, beli.viug we can sell them goods of any kind as cheap as they can be bought • n the market. June I,' 1806. 1866. SPRING TRADE I Gr. Mi UAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu STAPLE * FANCY DRV GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, etc., AMERICVS, GA. HAS a large and well-seleoted stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc.—of fering to the trade tills spiiep, a much larger stock than heretofore. The DItIJSS GOODS Department, under the supervision of Mrs. A. L Mapp, is complete in every par icular, and acorn potent dress maker will superintend the making and fitting of dresses. The CLOTIIM (1 Department will embrace a« onnsoaHy attractive assortment, together with Jlats, Caps, gcots and Shoes, and everything for grntlemeu’s wear, Also, Fhie Brandy, M ines, Rum, Gin, by the wholesale. Canities, Nuts, SardiDes, Crackers Cove Oysters, Flour, meat, Corn, meal, ! Sugaa, COflee, etc. April 27 Sin THE EXCELSIOR mem DR. C. A. CHEAT DAIS Proprietor, 18 adding monthly to his already large and rcm plete stock of Fresh unit Grit nine DRUGS, tofcbrciNEs, CtfEMICAtS, <jnd every other article usually kept in a firPt clafu - 4 '"o. Uombs, Brushes, School Books Daptr and envelope*, the best article of TEA and (. lOTT KXTJK Smoking and ehewlftg Tobacco, and the Finest Cigars, .. A Full Line es Perfumery, Soaps aud otire* -A-PTiclfeSe No matter what you ihav want, call on him, and if he hasn t it on hand he will soon navi-,, he has made arrangements to have shipped to iiin at short notin'. any and everything in bis line tint the people need or may wish. Remember he has no Old Stoe h ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED! The Medical Profession supplied on liberal term i Prescriptions put up at all hours by a ro liable Physician and Druggist. DaWSoft, Ga., June 20161806 ff notice/ ' TWO months after date after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county for leave to sell real estate belong ing to the estate of J. B. Wilbanks, late of said county, deceased. ELAlil JOHNSON, July IS, 1886. Administrator. NOTICE* SIXTY days after date application will 6e made to the Codrt of Ordinary of Terre It County f Qr [leave to sell the land of the estate of Matilda Grif (tin late of said county deceased. ■Mj r» V. M. POWELL, Adm’s.