The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, August 17, 1866, Image 3

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,(>' S'iN JOURlfeAift' i;i AVnI ' ST 17 •s*""-~OHI Scw»pap«w. ... ha , o on band a largo lot of nettspa- Dkndid for wrapping paper,—at hundred - K sma n quantity of good honey, (in comb) fauii'y use, will find sale at the market f 1 J if brought to this offioe in three days. — n , r Mend XftVe Mainsfor if. Vents, ' is”tfe 1 - 1 tto bo behind hand with hie fall goods, teroiioea n y or k i as t week, and his now a - rdTV * :r_i ? naw’r He Foolish." —You can make Six Do!- “ wo ’ Fifty Cen's. Call and examine an arti lV r 0"! needed by everybody. ifr a wimnie *“* .V nail foi-.Mle. tMt retails easily for *O, K»« r 'l wlleott,C 110 Chatham BquW*\ New h* K- u jy‘27 r«tk. chilli and Fever are beginning to be but little / .1 aincs a never failing Cure W-heon rntro ' t pjllighan's Fills never fail. For sale at join's and Dr. Keeney’s. pmomsts tin .1 others should . not fail to . ke advantage of the unsurpassed iuduce nto offered bv the celebrated Drug House of J. B Min & Go, Maeon, Ga. jtave the expense and fatigue of a long tviD by calling or sending them orders. Dr C. T. Keeney, an experienced phv jici.n and druggist, has purchased the ex tensive drug store of Avent & Adams, and will keep a complete stock, lie also of fers his profcssi uial services to the public. The lovers of good things should not fail to re al the advertisement of N. C. Precr. Ho keeps n full stock of Family Groceries, and sells cheap. John Barleycorn. Since taking up cm abode in this delightful region, we have become almost a stranger to this prime m ctiga'or of mischief; but souiowtramwthmS of the rast bw weeks on the streets of our pleasent town, have reminded us f >r cibly that the imvirrigible" “Ohl John’’ pteke, into proplo hern sometimes, as well „in other places. We regret very much to note his demoralizing presence,, and ty-po ou- friends will more- serupulou-ly . gacr.l uoainst his enc r oaehn>6t>ts ; for when alloav td to get unrTcrhol(t-~-hc seldom, fails to prove himself a successful wrest of. Demand for JJksid^sce.s.—'Tb re are more npplidatlons'for VesnlenceS in Daw son, at tiffs time, then there tire houses to rent or sell.- It w enriitbr a very pi-ofVfb'e investment for those who have the capital is tuv jots and bu Id-houses for the pur pose of renting. No doubt .fiftee nor twen ty good residences could be readily rented, at remunerative prices, immediately. As bouses me mi scoll'e we wuoliVuggcst ttv thosr who desire to locate in D..\y on, to buy lots and build r or themsclvesf I.iim lisr is abundant and cheap, and beautilul juts van he had at reasonable rates. Th i" is no place, thnt we are acquain ted with offerhig m»#w inducements to t! sc wishing to settle in a Town, than Ihw-son We h.are school facilities supe i r . . ost any other place. Aldotjott Institute, is in n flourishing con dition. Mr. AldehoiT cannot bo excelled,‘ ssa teaihcr. in tbe St'liitb. All WVo have tried him will coincide w ith us this ion. • We have beside tills, two-other , schools, Mr Hood's and Misiss Caldwell s, both of which a-e doing splendidly. There are other ad . antages in locating in Dawson, which at another time we will present. _ , I. a. MRSMIMB. M J. WICKI. 3 \V. WICKS. JENNINGS, WICKS & BRO., COTTON FACTORS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Augusr io,tf .Vr»r Orleans, M.a. STAPLE DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Business, 'orner of Broad and Eufaula Street, EUFA ULA. Aug. lo,6tn* LANEV Ac UItANXOIV. II! !R« STOSEf )U.L.d"pE««», lIAVIXQ REMO VED 11/: S' CXMPIJiTE STOCK OF DRUG S , '' l flitms, IMiKM / t\l I . s dye stuffs, perfumery, Rooks AX *> sT ITiOS EKI, ■ a ncy .A.rticles, Etc., artd Beahtfful Store just' completed, L °y'ess Block, takes this method of thank .l 118 “uraerous friends for their liberal patron : i.m respectfully soliots a continuance of the Stqre. julylS^tn TERRELL SHERIFF SALE. ) N ' TIIEfi KST TUESDAy IN SEPTEMBER thp W the Court House door, n N i ol * ll °*Uawao_n, Terrell county, between the in? Ur 3a '°> Allowing property to-wit: in the T°»n District, Nos. not Herr’, “ t «‘ owa “ 3 the Utyne. place, opertf” l s^ ra '- n '*™ eß now lives—sold ns the »r.. tim a ®y' ,ro ' Haynes, under afi fa issued loa u Court of said cpunly iu favor of Itm’ 4Bat ‘ or *K*'n*t John T. Howard, Ab. io*.' i' Wn ’ and Haynes, sold subject to osar. Propertv pointed out t>v if I,you. >« 311986 . M W. KENNEDY, Sh> ff .^ t Wo YoJicc. ■ d®le application will be made se!’, „• y, 'J‘n»ry of Calhoun county for leave id courd J ei estlte °f Joseph S. Yon, late of A . SARAH J. YON, ’ Administratrix. First iNarioual BaaU oi IGPT ahd time bills oh vurlods points pjrehas lOeil at all times. Liberal nflvai)ivs made on shipments of Cotton IQ ativgood Northern or European housoH. t-'onecltob.sahhdb and promptly remitted lort Wf shall keep soppliefi so far as possible with New York isKch»s««, which sill bo sold at tli« lowest rates •hafgotl iu other- citie* of the Sul*. W. W. WIUULY, Cashier. T. C. PLANT, Fra,Want. Directors: It, L. Jewel', Wm.T. Lt_likfnd'; K. Johnston W. U. Uois, Win 1!. Diasmore, 11. li. Plant. .. .-. I.f . I't.ldT. WILL continue business at his old office, and will ; make investments for parties as they rttay direct. lie will also purchase uhdsell Stocks, Bands, Gold, Silver; Banka Notes, Seven-per cent. State of Georgia B uds—new ialue—and United States Revenue stamp—ail denomination, lora sale here AT I’AK. He tvilhmalic Itbffttla'dvahCes midi good sale can be made, charging a Small commission for the same. Important to i'iaiifcin, The Iron Ban;! and “Arrow Tie.” . FOR BALSNG COTTOM. AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTAGE AND STEALAGE. Banda and Tiesarc a complete substi -I tute for rope In bailing cotton, ‘combining the utmost simplicity, which ihe greatest possible se cecurity. They are cheaper than topp —are fastened quick er, and hold the hale £to less in size. Every liand is long enough tor the largest hale, and cart be instantaneously adapted to the eiz« ol any bale while in the press, as quickly and with the same ease as ropes. They are niaruftctufed in Liverpool, of the best English u> uuiforni lengths, of ten feet,! and put up in bundles of Sf> Hands and Ties each complete and i:rß*pe?able, until dpetied out for use. They are thoroughly painted and are not subject to damage * being equally adtpted to bales made, by plantation presses in eveiy section of the eo«n- I try, merchants in the interior may deal in them 1 with greater security than rope; and the unifortni -1 ty of the bundles enables both merchants and planters to detofmiued precisely- how to order j for any given imupbejr of thiles. Sininc the'close of the wfti', they have been intro i duced into the Mississippi Valley and Texas, where they have met with great fivo”, and are fast so ! peroeeding the use of rope. The working of the “Arrow Tie” is so simple, that the compressors of i cotton in Now Orleans have been unable to sustain Tves in their opposition to Iron B uni’, and they are now using these Hands and Ties, without an*y objection, and with enure satis- Taction. ' ■* • Messrs. Baldwin & Cos., are ouc regular author jz)d agents in from whenn merchants and planters nny qbtjith the Bapd and Tic iu any de> tired quantity at the lowest terms. The undersigned, for tliis District is pre pared to fqutUli them lo dealers and consumers in any quantity. JiS. A. UATL, Agent, At E. Bond’s St. jy 13 3m 2nd door from J. 3. Iloss i Son’s DENTIST RIT- J. A. & N. M. THORNTON, of' /Lumpkin, Georgia. AVIXG completed their arrangements, hare I opened a branch of heir business in D-twtfOn They ajo..prrpired to daftl! vrorjtin their the most improved stole. With a long rxperionce and a supply of all the afpliances of the art., they feel confident of giving sitisfaction in every in stance. Teeth put up on gold plate, wrh of with out gums, Aj*o, q.l vulcanite of rubbe.r base in the best style. A>l wnk warranted. For furthei iuformatinn, address J. A. Thorutou, Lumpkir, Ga., or N. M. Thornton, Datvson, (Ta. Olfice, on corner of lot. now ocenpi -d t>V Elam Christian. tlivdr (.flice is tit od up Lhey will wait on patrons at their residences. CO if IST! ””” BACON"! FLOUif! on " EXCHANGED fur Hie presotit growing crop of COTTON, either nt li.l ICa «KVor . U!i:H tv fTS, ■fttfi.Tm-eyloyless. NOTICE. months after date applicjation will be made JL to the Court of Ortfinary of Tetrell county for io sell the reiil estate of C. P. Huekaby late of Terrell county, deceased. junGio A. SASSER, A4rn*r. BROWN HOnSE, E. E, 15«OWtf & SOS, F -urth Street, Passenger Bc|)bt, *TJ vfc;;j, Georgia. the lftt of July tlib business of ffUsYfdnse .jt will be coudjrcCfd by E. E. 3; own & Son, the Senior having as oemtelliis son, Wnf. F. I? owo, in the management and ii.terest cf.tlie lip tel. Tht*ahou*t‘. contains iixty rooms, which are te servt and chieliy f>r fiite use of nfelon t guests. Competent assistants have been se«- cured ia every dt partmeat, and every attention will be paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooifti plena and airy, and the table alw pHed with the best flie chdhtry affords, i’orters atreml arrival and departure of all trains to con vej b 'ggage and conduct passengers aero-s the freer to their quarters. jidV2*7,tf ILWAiS OA ISIAD ! 4fwitL* Saddlery and f(M l NtM’Ts Do;i3>ie Single luU IlariiC!#, from sls to ileO. 200 Assorted ladies’, gents, and boys’ saddles and saddle-trees—from $6 to sbi>. 1000 assorted car riage and team collars—equal fa any in the IT. S Also, bridles, martingales, whips, and saddlery hardware and leather in my line—to which the at tention of dealers and planters are invited. lin tend to do good work and sell it low. (live me a call before you buy, G. BKRXD. july2o tint* ~ Ootton Ayrnue, Maconi, G*. C"l EOKGIA. Terrell tonuty: X Whereas, John R L. Grice applies to me for letters oT dismission from the estate of Felix John son, late of said couuty, deceased, TheSe are to cite and admonish admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this JaAy AT lb, 18G6. T. M./ONES, Ordinary. rpWO moflths after date application will bo 1 to the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county, for leave to sell all of the real esta'e of -lames A. Taylor, late Os said county deceased. JESSE TtTKER, August 2d, '66. £j’ r . •*-’ "tHIF x. o. HAAt.xnt.jwv CUBIiEIXiE, BANKERS, Street, .Wttfon, (ia. Slocks, Bonds, iinciirrcnt finds, coin, sierlinp and doroesjit t‘|oli4lU{S unj vvid,—.itwms it« Xevein d—iiiOuii'4 invested »s p»rti«s ntay direct. Collections made and promptly remitted. Ai-tiiorizxo Hrkkrkncks—Nut. Bank Republic, N. V ; 3d Nut, Bank, .-Nashville, 'i'apn.; JCirst Jia. Bilik, CbaileSteo, S. G.; Savunrali S niotial Batik; Atlanta Yut. Bank, Atlanta, (ia ; Josfah Morris, blanker, Montgomery, Ala.; Joint Caldwell, Colum bia, South Carolina. julyl3,fim CautcimPu,: CHILLS & FEVERS fist I.IOIUN 8 Plus are ■ ampnsedsiniptv "f Vryi tn hb- Mrdirhu*. Tliey are Cftlhitvti. 'Pills, noting upon the >Y. i/iach, /. irrr, amt Jiotrvls : c.ntaitiiiMr uo Arsenic, l alom. 1. Blue Mass, or any other Mineral sal,stance. The great advantac,- the froprict.,reclaim for those Pills is that, »ithhut tho atil ~f Caloujul, Itliie Muss or any other Minerals, they svill core the most, obstinate raw* of (TIILI.s ANI) FEVER dumb ague, periodical headache, nk.u- KALGIA, mid nil atTW'tions of n like character. Fol low the directions, ami you will find they will do all that is claimed for them. Try one box, and their own merits will recommend them ever afterwards. We have used UaUiyltan’s and nave never known them to fail to cure when the directions were followed, und unhesitatingly recommend them to public favor. Dow. T. H TVATT&, Ex-Gos of Alabama. T. >F JP!>GE, .Mjd»:e Suprcine i’ourt of Ala. “ KOHEIiT DOUGIIaItTY, 9th Circuit of Alabama. Wm. O. WALI.KK, Sheriff Montgomery Cos., Ala. Hon. ALEX. 15. ( LITIIEUALL, Montgomery, Ala. Col. .I AS. II W LAYER; •• “ “ I'HAWFOHI) HI Hit, »* “ Maj. K A. HANKS, Com. Merchant, N. 0., La. * ,Rti ’ Mayor Wetuiupka, Ala. MIKE L. WOOL):*, Att'y atLaw,2oo li’dway, N.T BLOUNT & HALE, Solo Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS, Ilarrnl, Rtelay A rompkinvU-t Chambers St., N. Y. K. J Itart si Cos., New Orleans, La. Blount A Ilule, Montgomery, Alabama. Sol<l by all Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt of $1.50, ohebox of the Pi I* will to sent to any part of the United States. WifOLKSvr.K also bv T. YV. Marsden, New York, Edward it Cos, ix>ui«vi!le Ky. For sale t D iw.Con,’ by Dr. J. L. D. Ferrvman and Avent & Adams, Druggists. july27,6in HEAD THIS, Ib#, ; PIES^ NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BEST, FINEST, AND CTTEAPEBT IX TIIE MAEKET! t'o:j!c Oiie! tome All AND examine the splendid stook es goods -£\. which has just been received aud opened A7 judgjc si:,r:rox&' qia^rjAJUt Consisting of the latest fashions of Muslins, AIOZAMBIQUEd, LAWNS, ALSO, C 3 j l. (J OKg s UluacheJ arid Unbloached I> O M E ST ICS, MILLINERY GOODS, HOOTS ahr! SHOES. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Notions-of all kinds; lEas’d Ware, Tisi Ware, Scgars Sc Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Ami a thousand other things too numerous to mention, which will be sold SjOlCtr than the idOict st. All I ask is to give me a call, and judge lor yourself, as there is no* trouble in show ing my goods. I earnestly invito the ladies to call, and they should be snre to REJJIEIVIBEK TIIE PEACE ! At Judyo Simmons' Old Stand JAKE M. MAINSTER. Dawson, May 25, 186(1.—6m C. L. ANDERSON & CO., -GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUXAYTA, GEO,, J. 11. ANDEUSON & SON, Grocers aud Commission ITlcrcliants, Macont Gra., TXLE Folluit consignments ol Cotton, Bacon, yt Flour, Wheat, and other produce. Prompt attentivu Cowles, and returns-ol same. Cash or ders for any of the above filled promptly. J 206 p EOKGI.I, Tyrrell Comity: IT Whereas,'Wm. C. Carter, applies for letter! of administration, on the estate of R. M. Carter, late of sai dconnty, deceased— These are, therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why fa'd letters should not he granted. Given tinder my baud and official sicnaturc, this Aug. 3, 1866. T. M. JONES, Ord’y. Harness Hoods, €o?ii: to Tin: CDEIIEI J AS. C. BRYAN OFFERS AT Wholesale and ISetail 1) n Y G () () TANARUS) s AND GROCERIES, AT R3DUCED PRICES. ' r |’ > HE ttndersigned hiving purchased th** stock L of goods of Mr. T. J. Uanuon, and sec ared the excellent position of “tbe corner,” offers them ut prices that will let others live, as well as hiui self: lie has on hand, uearly every description of LADIES3DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, PeLANES, IJAREGES, GRENADINES, MOZAMBIQES, PRINTS, nnd many other article* iq the line of Ladies Drea* Oooch, which he will dispose of at the low est prices, in order to make room for his new Fall Stock. To Planters & Citizens lie offers a large and well-selected stock of CLOTHiisra, of all Descriptions, I f --• i Boots and Shoes, II ITS & CAPS, Shirts, Splendid Collars, nod all other aiticlos necessary for a gen tleman’s Wardrobe. Fine Stock of Crockery and Glass Ware. Sfiirthvarc and Cutlery GKOCEEXIS, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Flour, Cigars, Confectioneries, Iv'pt constantly on hand and at prices that defy competition in this market, O ■— - Chewing Tobacco, Not excelled by any in Eufanla. LIQUORS Os All Descriptions, BY tHE IMRRELorCASF, Tbinkinp the ptiblie and hi* old friend*, for the liberal natronag- heretofore received, be fcelscon- j ftdent that he will be ails to give them entire sat isfaction, by calling on him at "the Corner," dAS. C. BRYAN, August 10,6 m CtFAIILA, AL.I. J Sj[ oiu srant Is Dow as complete as any in Go- rgia, of every variety of Goods in our line, and we feel confident they arts offered at as low rates as elsewhere. Wo therefore invite the attention of all to -» our stock of Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Rulldcre’ Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, House Furnishing Good?, Wooden and Willow Ware, Seales and other Store fixtures, Children's Carriages, E'c , Etc. TURNBULL’S SCALES, A NEW STYLE, The best and most convenient Scale for re tailers or for home usej ever offered in this market. For sale bv. Wrigjcy & liuoU. A eRICULTURAL\IMPtiEMt MTs | t ': 1 ..4 CHILDRENS’ CAHRIAGES ANOTHER STOCK OF Childrens’ Gig?, Perambulators, Ramblers and Buggies, Some new and Beautiful patterns just re ceived and for sale by. Wi’ig’ley & Knott* TOILS i NAILS! BOON TON NAILS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and for sale by WUIULEY & KNOTT. Garden Implements. Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Steel lloc c , Grub Hoes, Spades, Tie-rchiiqj Hues, Hoc and Bake Shuffle ILus, Garden Trowels, Garden Lines, Wheel Barrows, E’c., For sale by W RIG LEA A KNOTT. FISIHIACw TACKLE. AYE invite the special attention ol Coun try Merchants to our stock of Fishing Ilooks, Lines, etc., which uHtrge and cotn |Jcte, and at lower rates than ever before offered here. YV’RIG LEY & KNOTT WOOI> Eft W A nE, SIEVES, &C. Rrass Round Cedar .Gars, Brass Round Cedar Fails, Rrass Bound TnN, Cedar and Painted Tubs iff uests. Painted Baskets— 2 aud J hoops, J uuiper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Oak Pails, Well Rackets. (7 styles,) Iren Bound §etta Measures, Plain 3ets Men sores, Iron Bound H’s Bushel Measures, Plain Hull Bu-hcl Measures, Iron Sieves, — Nos. 20 aud 21. Blood's Patent Sieves, For sale by W RIO LEY & KNOTT. july 13 3m- “WE TOLD YOU SO! THAT imm HAS BLOWN! Al l) jtl A Ok TIIL KKSILT ! One of Berjatniu Franklin's maxims was, “Tlis uimblo six-pencc is better than the slow shilling T 7 For Proof of the Assertion call at the Groat RSADQ «I Third Street, yi ACOA, And you will find a Heavy Stock ts Choice Yellow and White CORN, Fine ribbed and clear Bacon sides, hams and shoulders, Choice IB ay, Oats, Itleal, HSuckcrcl--iu packages of ala kinds. Superfine and. Family FLOUE. Also —A Splendid lot of Extra Leal JuO,X*<l 9 in Firkins and Tierces— and many other articles usually found in a First Class Produce House--for sale as Low as the Jhtrket can reasonably afford. KUIIDICK Sc HI Of*TINS, . Produce and Commission Merchants, Second door North of Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, July IS, tloct . Third Street, Maeon, Ga. CHEAPER CHEAPEST! By ItAI.UWO & C)O., (At ISalcl win’s old slaml,) Dawson, : : Georgia. Wc are receiving direct from New York, a large and ecneral assortment of DR Y aOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, itOLLOTV WARE, untt «r«rything <dse u nulls fonrrd in a first class store.. AH of which were bought IbrCAHII, at tbe L WirfiST NEW YORK PRICES. In'our stock may be found, at reduced prices, i., tit if: s' rtnrss coons, Prints of different grades, lieau ifitl Muslins, White and hleachvd Goo’s, llosery, Gloves Ribbons, Dress Trim mings, etc., etc., ALSO LADIES Hats, Bonnets, and shoes of the very finest quality, and gentlemen’s Hats, Boots and Shoes for s.Jo u( AVholosale l’ricos, and as cheap as they now can he bought in New York. Shoes and lints range from HQ cents up to 65 00. Wo keep everything necessary, to com plete a gentleman’s wardrobe. Bix dozen Grindstones ot best quality. It is unnecessary now to enumerate dis ferent articles. We intend ke ping every thing the people want. Our goods shall bes Id at the vu v i LO WElS'l’ I’OSB fISUK FI (FUR ]■:. ; 'Oountiy Merchants anti planters can save money by.calling on us. j Our Motto is “Cheaper ihau Hie (iieapest.” J uno Bth, 1800. LAWTOH & LAWTON, i : GROCERS A.\i> Produce ITicrchaub, t! hnfcsnle auul Jlelail Dialers in COFiJr-YJiLi.o w a.x/j warm. ; Ft.ICO.V—SIDRS, aKOI’UiEIiseRAMS fiJiMi- i i.r. vraves. \ HAY, OATS, SALT, MACKEREL,' Sardines, Pickles, Sugars, and a general &H.-ori- ! meat of Groceries, j‘2o,3m . LAWTON k LAWTON. NOTICE. ! r PWO months after date after date application 1 I r 4- *iUbe made to die Coart of Ordinary of j Terrell county for leave to sell leal estate belorg ing to the estate of J. 15. Wilbanks, late of said ! conntv, d* ceased. ELAM JOIIXSON, ! July 13, 1866. Administrator. N OT I 011. O IXTY days after date application will bo made kJ to the Ordinary-*r Terrell oou.uty lor leave to" sell land belong ng to estate of James Parrot late of said couuty doc’d. HARRIET PARRUkT. julv2o,2m Adsiinistratfix. TAILOR SHOP ! * -pms much needed institution has at last boen 1 established in Dawson. Man, years of r,- pertence, and doso sttention to business enables me to guarantee aaliefactian, both in fits and ottal tty of work. Shop itj the haildit.g farmer I v 0.-vu jm*4 hy Harper e*; Barham, court house square. j,2o,tm j. k RL'JINEY J. EEED & 00., ,11 the Old Stand, J T i,Li’ cooataritt? on Tiaral n’gor.eiaai jiSaOfUuctii IV of on r coons, such us PftiNTF, ' LINEN, FLANNEI.S, BED TICKING, Bleached und Sea Island Homespuns, GROCERIES. Sugir, CoflA-e, Ten, Pepper, Spice, etc. HARD WARE, Os .ilmnn* any description that may be called for. A splendid assortment of CKOCKEfIY, Our stock of VlJTMjflit I\ both Pocket and Table, is largo aud ol good quality. TSoots and Shoes. For Gentlemen and Ladies, at Low Figures. In lac', we expect to keep a peneral uppoi tment, aud wf invite the old friend* of Reid A Go. to giv« uj their putronuge, believing we can sell them goods of any kind as cheap as they cau be bought n the market. June 1, IS«<>. 1S««. SPUING TRADE! G. Al. HAY, Wholesale and Retail Dculerin STA & FAIKCY DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, etc., | AMEIiICUS, OA. | TT AS * Urfe »nd welkselected ufoek of Staple 4 4 and Yuncy Dry Good*, Groceriea, etc.—of fering to the trade th!? aprii <r. ,1 much larger atm k than heretofore. The OFtFiSS C OOFFS Dfparpnent, under the supervision ofilrs. A. L. Mitpp, is complete iu every pnr icular, aod a com petent, tlress maker will superintend the making ; ami fitting 'of dresses. The C'f. OTFFC Department will embrace an unusually attractive assortment, together with Ha's. Otqrw,' Boots and Shoes, and everylfiing for gentlemen’s wear. Also, Flue Brandy, Wines, Rum, Gin, by the whnlesalo. Candles, Nuts, Fardinee, •Jrackera Cove Oysters, Flour, meat. Corn, meul Sugar, Coffee, etc. Apiil 27-6 m ’ THE EXCELSIOR JM£ STORE. B>II. C. A. €IIEATI!AM Proprietor, IS adding monthly to his already large and eorn plete stock of M’resll UUtl tiCHUinc DIvUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, :.nd every other article usually kept in a first data drug stoie. Also, Gcmbs, Brushes, School Books. / aper anti M/nveltryes, the best article us te A and COFFEE, The purest I!raiit!ic« and H i m s, the best ."moktng and Ghewmg Tobaceo, and tho Finest Oigars, A lu'.'i Line of Perfumery, Soaps and other 'loilet .Articles. No matter what you may want, call on him, and if lie hasn’t it on hand he will soon nave—as be has made arrangemeuts lo have shipped to him at short notice any aud everything in his tins that the people need or may wish. Itcmcnibcr he has no Old Slock j ALL ARTICLES W ARRANTED ! The Medical Profession supplied on liberal term* M’rtseriplians put up at all hours bv a is liable Physician sod Druggist. Dawsou, Ga., June 20lh 1866 ts