The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, August 24, 1866, Image 2

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(She lie eh In c....*--- rr=rr . .j ’JZ=. '■d»rs Daw sox, (i a., aUc; us r 24 iBG«. Author.?orl Agents. Tho following are authnrix*il *n re M ! |e and recoipt for *abs<;rfptiona and adveriiaiug lor t'lU paper: Sp. 'la. Artvvt.— R«». Thomas T. f’.brisiiwn. TnrMrK.v.—lS, F. Kirks-v, U-v. I*. .1. D.vic*, I,at: Oi.tfsrv. —ft >v. Thn«. I, SweigV. fYruurtt.—lVv Wm A. P*rle>, lluth Ho* tv.—TV, f>. 11. Moore. Mti.roan, Ha <—X. 0. Dmiel. Orticfci>)\<natoiMK.—U>'v. ft. A. Crowell. Anicniens, (Ta,—R»*. .1. W. Jordan. pAirnvn.i.K, Oa.—K. n. f!*>-cve«. <i*.—Dr. R. T. Kendrick. Mr. Bi«ticV, an esteemed cit'z n i f Ca!- Im> in countv tlicd on tie 15th inst at Lis rc idence. Cotton ConVkntio.v. — We reflected to notice that tbis convention will he held at Macon on the Gtb of «rs FL'p'cm ber instead < fin August, as first proposed KiUJSD »Y IvfOrrTNiiro. —Wo learn that tl.r e negrmrs were killed by light irinsr, on the T(Vh irt»* - , at the plantation of OoL Ilk-hard Colli r. They were in the yard under a shod, whore cooking was turrit- 1 on when the ant i lent happened. CVsTTurChoiv.—Orw of our wire he awe men, who has just returned from a tour of observali in, through Terrell, Calhoun and contiguous couotio*, Tcports t’ c cot'on crops very g o I —lunch better than was thought it olull bo. This gentleman i. an old far m-r and a man of fine judgemon*. We can rely upon his oyiairn. lie believes there will be tr» tfamsnmi bags of cotton shipped fferr* Dawson tbis season. This will do very well fur a abort crop. Tlic Coniine Ileelioin. "Both sides nrc boasting. Fcnator Cow an, of Pennsylvania, predicts tho defeat of tlio radicals at the October clecti n In that State, by a great majority. On the con- 1 trary, nays tin New York llerakl, “lead ing radical orators and ournals profess to be very sanguine of carrying tlte corning fall elections by something like the I ni.>n war majorities of 1864. Thus, the Chica go Tribune prophesies that they wall car ry Ohio by forty thousand, Indiana by thirty live thousand, and »M the Wotern States east of the Rocky Mountains, by at aggregate majority of over two lurcL-w;I thousand Bit these radical prop *• ha'ched. The elements of a great oal roveliUiwi arc at work.” Cou.vtV Co’JKT.— Obr county cat mv. on the 2nd monday, inst , and af-:r a ses sion of tw> days, on p tition of the Grand Jury, and olh rs, adjourned until tftj regu lar srmi-annual term. The following cas"s were, diapered of: The 8 a'e, h Larceny from the vs - house—‘l.roo months Daniel J dies, 1 chain gang. The State, a Simple Larceny—three vs months chain gang and Smart Scroti hr- ) thirty nine lashes. The State, i vs- > Simple Jcircenv—fined Buck Sliac’ilc f.rd y 812,50 and coti of suit. The State, 4 vs > Simple Larceny—fined Ultra Shaelllefbrd / 12,.4. and eost of suit. A Qlben in Washington.— A little royalty goes a lor.g way in a republican ! eountry. “Quooa Emma,” of the Sami- 1 u ich Islauds, is in Washington City, “the guest of the nation.” Her domain' is a few iitfanls in the mid Pacific ocean, about t*iw thousand square tnsfes in aggregate ex tent, including volcan- e» and uW, with a popula ion about equal to that! of Ki«h numdpbut (lucre sing with a wonderful ra piijity ami regularity, Hut she is <t queen, and that is a great deal. In New York, she wus much lionized. In Washington she was met at the cars by an escort, and conducted to- Willard’s Hotel, where) roims had been prepared f r her. Fhe was there received and weksomud by Hon. Henry Stnaftery, acting Secretary otSta'e Attention! The fO2» o » rapidly approaching when our planters wil# beg’n bringing in their co'ton Unless the bridges and roads lead ing to Dawson are repaired, wo fear that a goed deal of cotton may “Bead” for some Other point. These things ought to be looked >fter]at ODee. Where is the Superin tendent if the roads ? Let him be after his business. Hvcry inducement should bo giv *s to piasters te eome to Dawson. Wc call particular attention to tbo fol lowing defective bridgts £~, which wo have been informed of by as oW citizen, who is well posted, from olsrrvation, ami earnest, tly urge their renovation : Tbo bridge atGus. Jobc’s, cb, the road leading to Milford, another on the- same road at C> gnu's Mill; another over the Notobway on the road from Etover to Uuth bert; over the same stFearn leading from this place to Gjthbcrt; Hall’s bridge on the Kinchctfoonee ; also ou the real from Dawson to Ghiekasawhatchie, the bridge and oauaeway over the creek are almost im passible with a team. Sauk or Point Lookout. —This well- Inown point, situated at the mouth of the Potomac river, much resorted to previous to the war as a sursmer resort, but which for eomo time previons to the close of the con flict was usod as a prison for Confederate prisoners, has recently been purchased by a company of New York capitalist’' who de sign putting everything in first-rate repair by next ecison, with a view of using it as a watering place. The price paid for the point has net been made public, although it must have been quite large, as during the time it was occupied by the Government upwards ef half a million of dollars is said to have teen spent in putting up buildings alone.— Alexandria ( Va) Gazette. The l*olittr:>l Sitti:»»iou. Tlte tic*l na i uft) eonvuutiiwj, hel»l iivthis country {n six ypars lias Closed its lapacsf alter a shoit an I exceedingly hnimonioiis session. Notwill.standing tho utmost en deuvu sos the now disunior H.-nheals to create discord ami thwart the pntri«il+e purposes of this convent ion, thi'r grow ing insititia ions have been sllnsly eowtent - tied. The convention, wo trust., situ ep-'ied the wav for lira r stor.tiou.of lb j Utiiots4.v the people, despite the ellwi ls of tlur dirt* eating disciples of Slimmer and Ftepbcns. j In the rn -untiine these ru nation ]>l"tt rs are fixing up the fumy ol their canisti uentsj to meet tho enterger cion of the fu’l elect mw*-. 'The Tribune squirms and qni/./.les, tiko a skyrocket that won't go o(T. OH Pnrrtey, , of the clirtmie’o—tlm Radical organ—rolls j his eyes around, reminding one of tiie de funct fowl, which Ik: now reprewentw, an 1 declar s the country—meaning the radical party—is “on the verge. < f ruin ” \\ o i hope it wII not bo long before it f giK-a over.” An 1 still worse for tho expiring Rads, the fold'ers—the main ih ]) - tidctwje for sup port in mo t of their States the s Idlers, whom they imagined were sufficiently fill ed with prejudici on the hat lo fields of the war, to back them—ev n these, h ave caught the inspirat'on of harmony at the Philadelphia Conven'i n, and propose to hold a soldiers Convention, < f own from both the late hostile armies, to renew fra* j tcrnal feojr g—to annormetr theif belief ' a the fact that the questions heroto r oro dis- tur! i»g the two sections were ] t actically settled by the war,—that tho soldiers of bo'lt armies recognize these facts, and do])- ! recate the wo’fish wrangling of those who j :u'e still dissati.-fied. The drlega'cs to the first Con vent ion are j returning with full con(i leu eof the In nest j purposes of those who profess fr endsbip 1 for us in the North. ’1 he skies wc l Tight ening in every quarter, and wo have good reason to hope that a better day \s ill soon dawn upon > ur countiy. Our wisest Southern - S'ntewmen are In•jn.-fu". that the i iv-rrfftcj* wit] change i the coloring oft 1 e nxt Congress material- j lv,and Pro ident Johnson h s expressed j the or. % \ t at tla- igh he does not expect i mocrar majority in Congress, he des svreeft .X e.iii' ;e«(k aun.’wr of k»m(¥ j«»’iti ci'anw yn-Mitibfo (ln» more save s- fully to corn ,vitl) the fans', s. A ,j i r r avy blow to the Radiea’s is the. r-j'.r. of the Kentucky tlecli n—for Clerk of the Court of App-aL. This is a t< st ejecta '11, and gives the Bern crats nearly fifty thousand ti.ajo ity in the S ate. The Pennsylvania Radicals have ve-nonv.- n-t' and Thud Stephens, and there is no and übt about that oi l “female - cat” being on hand, with his usual pels; and theprob nbdity is that the death-struggle of ties polit'eal pest \vi 1 bo an attempt ttairerfoench the Pri sident. lie, however, is watching their movements, and it is to bo hoped that when the emergency comes Ire will bight tihe devil with tli;e.” Speech of lfa<; President, j A large crowd assembled in Washington j ou the 18th, t"> hear the ITesidei.t in re sponse to Rcverdy Johnson, who jn'CcciTt ed the President with tbe official proceed- J iogs of tho Philadelphia C nvention Araor.g other things he said, refeimg with feeling i to represent'd of Sou'h CaroUtn and Massachusetts entering the Convention j arm-in. avon,.“lie was overcome, and could j not bot conclude tlvo-t an avrrruliug IV'vi- J deuce was diiweting us aright. Ho said —j, I our brave mot have performed their duties : in the field, at and have won laurels im perish able but turning to Cion. Uranf, he ooiitin- 1 ued, —but them are greater duties to per- i form, and while we ba*e had their co-opt - j rad w in the fit Id, and wo new need their I off rts to pcrpotuati peace.’’ (Applause ) j “The Executive Department has tried to i pour oil on the wound i .nl to restore the \ Union, but it has not entirely succeeded. I Wchavo sem, ho continued in "one depart i meat of tho Government every effort ’to f prevent the restoration of peace and harmo ny in the Union.. Wc have seen,, hanging ! on tbo verire of the &overnmr nt, as it were, 1 a body called or which assumed to be, the ' Congress of tho United States, while in j fact, it is only a Gongrcsiof a part of the J States. Wc have seen this C ingress as sume and pretend to Iks for the Union, wlu-n its every ste*p and cct tended to perpetuate disuuion, sit 1 nuke a disruption of States inevitable. Instead of promeling reconcili ation and harmony, its legislation haapar taken of tho character of penalties, retalia i lion and rovenge.. This has been the course 1 and the policy of one portion of your fiiov ornment. The Bumble individual who s now addressing yon, stands tho representa tive of another department of Government, The manner in which he was callod upon I , to occupy that position, I shall not alltula Jto on this occasion. Suflioe it is to say, tatho is here under the Constitution of the oouutry, and being here by virtue cf its provision*, be takes his stand upon that charter of qur liberties, as the gnat ram part of civil ami religious liberty. [Fro loogcd cheers.] Having bet'll taught in my early lifo to hold it sacred, and having practiced upon it during my w hole public ca reer, I shall ever cout.inue to reverence the constitution cf my fathers ami make it my guide.” (Hearty applause.) The -president.then pocccdcd,'nnd denied the tshafgc that he had never bceu tyranieal or despot, but said, “Sueh charges were simply intended to deceive and delude the public mind into the belief that there arc some in power who are usurping and tram pling upon the rights of constitution. It is done by those who make 6uch charges for , the purpose covering their own acts—(that’s , so and applause.) | ***** • * * Hut I must say that, having taken my stand upon tho broad principles of liberty and tbo Constitution there is not power enough on earth to drive me from it. [Loud and prolonged applause.] Having placed I mjiw If. VP on That broad platform,! hsVfi n e it been awed Dor dismayed nor nt ndd itrd, by I ' lirentt i r (Htcroachtncnts, hit have sod Uhftre, fiboor.jandi m with {katri itio spiri s i soUuding tho toc-iu of alarm, whou 1 de tui-d I the Citadel of I/beity in and ng r. .[Gotf ■ applause ] ,k„ * * * * % * >VI ea 1 lock with uiy paird.V eye upon j 'hit cilkfLn. of ci izens coining tog thcr I voluutrrially and and ting in council, with j ideas, wi li r rineiplcs a*-d views comtitCDSu | rate with a'j t ic States and co-c.x ensive wi ti | die wh L people, and contiait it avith t’n cdll£«lipu of pars ire who aic trying to de istroy the c untiy, I rig rd it as more im* > portant than any Coov n ion that has sat at least since, 1787. [lt aoved applau'e-J 1 I think I may a!s" *ay that tlte is lua'iots that wire thetc male are (tptitl to the l>u laration of Indepeudc-nce itself. At and 1 i here, to dav pronounce them a recond Ihc j taration cf Independenqo. [Vries of chs s and a most enthu-f otic and proh nged ' applause.} Your address and decluatioo arc nothing mere nor less than Waffirmation j of tie (! 'Dft'tution of the Unstcd States. Yes, l will go farther, and say that the dec i hirati ins you have cnuDci itcd in your ad dress are a.? cond Proclamation of Emanci pation to the - leofle of the Units and. States, C renewed applause) for, in proclaiming and reprod aiming the >e great truth-i, you Loiue laid down a coo ti-ulional platferai upon which oilcan make oomtr.od cause and stoftl united together for tho restora ion if the States and cf the prrservati. nos the Gov ernment, without le'er.'DCC to the jar'y. The quostion is only tLo salva ion of the i country, for rur countiy rises above all party oonaid.-rafiou and in fine nee. If'Ow J many arc there nowin the Utii’ed Statcs| |that rt \v retpiire to be fnc? They have tLc shackles upon their limbs,Jand are bout and as rigidly rs th ugh they were in fact in , slav. ry. If L wanted authority, or if I wish id to p rpetuate my owo power how easy it . wjuld have been to hold and wiifl that w bicli wa> placed in my handi by the measure called li e Freedman’* 15 ireau bill,[laughter and a| p'aa-i ] with an army which it plac ed at my discis'ion, I could have r< maiued at the capital of the nation, and, with fifty or seventy millions of appropriations at nn diipiftt 1 , with tbo machinery t) Lt w< rtc <1 by my satraps and dependents inevety town ami village, and the L'iv 1 Iliglits bill follow - j ing as an a ixi'.ia - y, [iauglt- r] tnctnntc'ion with all the o her appliances of the govern ment, I could have jiroi laimed myself dicta !'>•'. But, gentlcm.'D, my pride and my aut- Li'ion have bten to occupy flat pisiticu which retrits ail power in the bands es the j people. It is U 1.03 that 1 Lave always rtlied | it is upon that I rely now, and I rope: t that j neither the taun's nor the jeers af Congress, nor of a subsidised, culminating prrss, eau i dri'J,: me Lean my purpose. [Great applause. , In the gbove quotations wo merely give (the gist of this great specch r ai tckgraphcJ ; (rrer the wires. From them may b: seen j the p’atfonn es the President and his de- I termination to adln rc to them, despite the attuinpls of CoDgress to thwart his lnnest I endeavors for th<' general good of tho p op!c Steleu hotilliiiu Jewelry, vvlies-«: to Fin«l il. i Tho follegtng is an extract from a Liter from New York, published in the JJ-ihitnore Episcopal Mcilum/isl of the 4th instant: A Southern larfy ca a vi it to this city went to worship in one of tho up t, \vn churchps. Soon after, an elegantly attired New York lady, of Ligh social standing j entered tie satao pew and remained during service; after v. hell tho Southern lady call and her aside into the v. st-y rcotn I and iu the presence of the icclor, with I whom she was acquainted, thus addres-ed her : “Madam Ido not with to offind you, | but that shawl you are weaving is mine.” (The shawl was :a snpetl> one.) 'The New ; Yorker protested, and declarod there must he some mistake. “If,” said the Southern ilady you will exa.raiuo a certain e* irner, you will see my initials worked in it, and the j reotor knows my name very wo il.” Tho i corner was fimnd as well as tNo initials The Sou'kern lady then remarked, “That . ring you have on your finger is mine, and if you will t ike the trouble t) ex imioe the in ids, you will see the same initials tngrav iediutbe ring ,r Similar moremonts as | tjjove described, teiik place, and wi'.h sitai- Inr results j Turning to her again, Tho Southern lady I said.. "Madam, that bracelet you have on is mine also, au 1 by pressing a spring on the i’iside, it will unclasp-ana sh iw you my portrait.” The New York lady did as requested, and th-re was lha lady’s por trait Si e prom; tly returned the nng and bracel t, as shat was c nwincod beyond power to eon'r :rt it, that they were the property of the : - hern lady, and remarked as she .did so, “.hay we jours, and you arc wel come to them, but as I wore the shawl to ctiurih, I must beg the privilege of wearing it home again.” The Southern lady aoce led, i of courte, and they exchanged cirds. The j shawl came back in duo time, but the New : York lady had probably obtained the arti ctes in su h a manner as to render it too uu plensart to divulge. No more was said j about it. Moral: If Southern Indies want to know where their articles of missingjow dry and wardrobe furniture are, fi t them attrrfl sotr a fashion iible, “up-to wit,” New Yo.k church, and if the men want to know w hat has beci me of their tine horses, shipped ! North by army officers on i “bummers” let them spend an evening in Central Park. i What Doks it Mean d 1 | JFAiy, of the 13th, call*) the «xttenti in of the military authorities to the fact that for sev oral days .-quads of negroes haye been com. i iug to that city with sachets, haversacks, -and other trappings. As- many a» two huu i dred passed through one of the toll-gates on j Saturday morning. Whoa questioned as I to their lu'vemt-nts they said that they | had been required by tho liureau to come and to be registered under a penalty of 830 fine. No such order haviog been published, their movements are b-dieved to hive some other object. The Army \Vobm — This destructive inset has worked its way inland from the coast aud made its appcarcnco in Lowndes county generally, and, to less extent, in Montgouiry- Perssons who have traveled through scctieris where the worm has at tacked the cotton say that some Colds pre sent the appearance of haveng been blasted as fire in places. Its ravages are most de structive. Planter who ten days since could closely calculate their crop at fivo-huudred bales, canuot now hope for more than one hundred. —Muntyoviry Advertiser 13(A. firm Itniil. Tim iMriTure itup in l’l rida. promises. :t i. ffturk iffiy i.ugo jiold. Ttcl.n Grange, (Texas') New Era kmrws of a Ire dm»n who will make 309 bales of cotton this year, A white woiuuu li a.boon senteucod by a \ irginia C unty Court, to bj w hipped for stealing. fJetti-fal Baird, who was in on mm and tit New Orleans at lie tdue of the Gonre-ntioif riot, lias loeen removed for tHreliness in obcyfi.g the 1 ’resident’s order to have troops on bund to prevent the out break c f tlte negroes mil roadtea's. Tit • second I’k-nury CkKineii of the Cath olic Cbun-li in the United States w ill con vene ttt Baltiinore on the first Suud .y iu Oo obef. The Church of England basfonn 1 tt new o dt-r of luinisters ca led “readers ” 'i'hev are not to adntini ter tbceonuuunion, or be ctilled ‘teve.t bI.” The Co’onist, pwbl shed st the Belize, British llonluras. says a number of South et ners-friHtt the United State- itra vi.»it ng that place with a view to .settling there, and tliiit in re are expected. The recent General Ord r issued by Geyeitil Grant, ferjuii thg department ctitti rnmtaiTs to forward Copi sos such news papers within tl.eir respective commands as o o,tained sentiments of disloyalty and hos j tility to the Government in any of its 1 ntneloes, wi li a view to their suptireieion, has been revoked. News fretu Vienna says there is great ex citement there. Four Luuilied and cig ty four men are to be tried fc* high treaoe.- (Irowds in the strtets hailed the limperor with si outs to abdicate. Advices have been received frwnr the een i tineut iuiinati *• tlre jfobhble renewal of war hatHeen tbo Pru-sians and Bivatitns upon the territory of the latter power. Great fears are c n’ertained of such an event. The commtsdon of James Johnson, to be “Collector of Customs at Suvanah, Georgia, vice Joshua Hill, declin and, was to-day tign cd and forwarded by tho P.e'Jdent. The rcpor'fi of Emmons, and D t-by, rela tive to the Glade Gold Mines in co in ly, arc to tLe effect that they are very rich M j r II i ros Von Borcke, avho was cl.j .f if staff t) General J E. B Stuar', an 1 oon triluted uu accot n' of his expluita to Black wood’s Mag zinc, is now < n the s'aff of Prince Fred rick Carrie, of Prussia. Fiaarixa in EnarrEAND A^!^"UlCA.—ln P’ i it of the numbers engaged and the rapid ity of movements, and als > of results, the Lite ba'tle of Hudowa was one if the greatest —if not th - greatest—cv> r ftught in Europe. Five hundred thousand men were brought in‘o direct collision with ach other, and fought frvr ten hours, whilst the casuaiiri s were at least 2’->jXW). This was quick w ork but the proj o -tion of loses beats but rTglit comparistn to many of the battles fought daring out late reto'lion. At Sadowu the losses were in the proportion of one to twen ty, whilst in several of our battl s they were as one to five, and nearly always reach el as high as oue to ten. — Phil Lutjc.r Reported Doiiu.k MvKßEit.—A pa'nAvf : Turner was-in circulation, yesterday that the two dau«rliters of liev. Mr. Porter, w Methodist minister, were murdered, by two treeline v, near l)okn, on Sunday afternoon la t. '1 lie particulars of the terrible rep rt I so liar us we bit we ber.fd, is that the yotrng ladies w, fit o a Baptist protracted meet- i i g, at tho above [dace, and not to nrning, ) at. a bite hour search was made for them, j wh n they were found in the woods, a short distance from the road—one of the ! ut.fortunate gif's lasing quite dead, arid the other just üble to articula e “two ne— ct'ot'H,” when she, too, expired. —Columbia j Pho wix, loth Ox Til» Keleashs of Mo. Uavi»—The Washington City correspondent of the Now York Nows, says of the r ports relative to the release, of Mr Buvis, that * these reports hare the following foundation, and n i more : Tl e lapie of titno has entirely dispyl :d tho assassinatiou charge ag inst Mr. Davis. For eight months his bitterest enemies have ;;beca dragging the fswt ts atid gatters of so ciety for cn nturcs base enough, degraded enough, to swear to Lise hoods roady-uiadc to put in their mouths They have found few suah creatures > hut, a? Mr. 14'gers’ masterly report shows that they have not found one sbred of evidence that could go before the jury. The President has been fearfully deceived by thus; men. They have constmtly assured him that there was abun dant evidence to convict Mr. Davis of tom | licity in the assassination. But now when they had oadfosscdly fai'ed to n tik ■ go id tbis assertion, whsu it is evident Mr.. Davie must bo tried for treason or not Sricd at pH, the Precident has determined that be shall no longer be held in military custody ; for, be it remombered, that Mr. Davis is luld a pri - oner of war —a prisoner cf war six-tccn months after the termination of the w ar. It is a grave offense against the laws (f the nation, to bold prisoners < f war after the war has ended; and, therefore,, it is said the President has determined that Mr. Davis shall be cither at once released, or else hand ed over to tbo custody of the civil authori ties. Fucli, I believe, after diligent inquiry, to be the f> undatiou of the rep 1 1 that Mr. Davis is to be rcLasad ” Tuksident JoftNSON. —The Washington corespondent of the writes that the White House seems to be the center of at traction now-a days. Nearly every morn ing a large crowd of strangers can be seen waiting pa 4 itmtly in fnc hulls andante-rooms. They eomo from all’ parts of the country— the North, South, East and west being al kc represented. Their bmincss, of course, is a matter of spcculatiou among outsiders, al thofigh it is generally understood that the tuvjoity of- them arejlooking after appoint ments, cither present oi prospective. The President receives them courteously,, and as rapidly as possible. The applications for positions under the different departments are generally referred to tho Secretaries,, w ith or without katrutibris,. as the case may be. It is eurrently rumored that as soon as Postmaster General Ilaudall returns, a Urge number of lladfeal po-tma tors in the States will be removed, and friends of the Admin istration appotuted in their places. Similar dispoti ion will be made of mauy internal revenue collectors and asses ors, who arc known to be supporters of tho liitniji Con gress. TELt Car 14 A P 111 c. SOLDIERS CONVENTION. WASiilkdios, Aug 21. The tail four a C invention of Soldiers ami Sailors who en dorse the President’s policy to mart at Cleveland, Obit), September 17flt, has lem and endorsed by May >r Gen eral Fratik P. Blair, Rosseau, Cus'er, Mc- Cook, Steadman, Cox, Meredith, l)lx, Slo cun, and near’y erte hundred general officers of tho late Federal army, and as many more subordinate officers. The address dierccs it to be tin duty o f each Sutc, as well as their tight to a par j tlcipation in the Govetflment, that the | signers of tht? call ti leivc that the South is sincere ia its declai ation*, itud they arc un willing that the people shou’d be held in vassalage and they can’t be dented fepresen tition in Congress, without plain violation of tho Cttas'itiitioh. STANTON’S REMONAL AGAIN. Wasiiinotov, Aug. 21—Kin o-s are re vived of Stnntnn’s removal, and probably. th‘< y are true, as theta is and strong pressure against bith. Ihe Missouri (Vnv»ntjo»i dul fgation urg-' tlie app untment of (Lri. Fratik Blair, but Stuadmau will probably be tho j successor Wasaisgton. Aug - 21—The President j has officilly announced to Gftvrtv » Hamil ton, of Texas, that h« i:f relieve ! of his pi tition rs Pi'oUsional Govcßor of Texas, the affairs of that State baviug bee n remitted to the constitutional authorities, chosen by the pet>[l) thore'if. DOMESTIC MARKETS- Nkw York, Noon, Aug. 21.-—Gold 1-17 &-8 ; Exchange 108 3-4. Anivel—the steamer G'crada from Charleston. Cotton quiet at 84a30. MOBILE MARKEtS—QUARANTINE. MohUjE Aug; 21st—C t'on sales to day 1,100 bales—to g*> to ] iverpoo'; Mid; ulings 30 to 31j., and there is 2 gqod de man 1. M trket closed firm. The military authorities have quirantin tined vessels from New Orleans tefr fiftrea days. fn Sumter County on the 15th inst., Mr. Jolin MuAnon, of Terrell Cotrtity, aged U 2 ySort 1 . The County his lost a wonhv Cit'zsn in h!s death. New Advertisements' /1 l«Oß(iif l, Caliiomi Comity: vj Whereas, John T. Pace applies to me for let i ter* ©f adininistratioD oa the estate of Penuie Freeman, Ut iof said- cornty, deceased. These are therofore to cite admonish all per- Rons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be grunted. I (Jiren under my hand and official si*nature, this August ‘22, IH6O. W. E. GRIFFM, Ord’y. First in tho Market 1 FALL GOODS ARRIVED ! AT- - N. C. GREER’S (undir Masonto Ilall.J I have just received ft fresh scpfdy of K.inev and Ki">ily Groeeriis s ici'i as CfmdUen, Itaii -Inn, J’ltfa, Sardines, Oysters, Crackers,.tie. Also a large lot of FRESH FTaOTJR ' of different grades and many other articles, such as i Vfaelceral, S ilr, Coffee, Potash, Spioes, 'l'O m hcccOef iff (It'S, tfc.j lam determined to auppiy the lovoes of goexi things at all .times and at the Ljwest* Prices. Give me and rarlr c,VI. wigH Sin :T. G. SURER. tt Esit)iLACK PIN>PE PaT V FOH SA IJI Ibavf*some desirable resileiree ppnpertry in Dawson fo' Bale low. Also 435 acres of land roar tow n—improvements new. Good water and dtsira ble location. To any one wanting such property a bargain win be given. al7 0. 0. NELSON. NOTICE. f I'VWO months after dttte application will be made Jl to the Court of Ordinary of Terrell county for leave to sell the real estate of C. P. Iluckaby late of Terrell county, deceased. j,&nets ‘A/SASSfcft, Adm’r. !\OTI€L. MY wife,. Ywtoria Kaigler, Lavin-sr, without cause, abandoned me, I lieroby forewarn all persons that. I will not I>j reßoonsildp for kiit con tract, she make. aulT GRURGR* KAiGLEif, C. T. 11l ! r> ESPEUTFUL'LY tenders his professional per il vices to tl>e citizens of Dawson and vicinity. Prompt mention Citven to Calls. nAYTNG soi l rur Drug Store nndeiMhe Masonic Hall, lo Dr. Keeney, w'e respectfully solicit our old fiends to eive him their pstrronage. AY ENT & ADAMS - ; CUP£ .»£ .1 C,IJLI. lie fore iluy iitfi Elsewhere. “QPICK SALES AND SMALL PItOEITS." Mr. Ailsnis of the old tbm will be constantly on hand. All prescrivuor.s carefully compounded by myself. aug!7,2 Dr. KENNEY. J. B. JESStSOS. M. J - . WtCKt. J. W. WICKS. JENNINGS, WICKS & BEG., COTTON FACTORS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Aut;eat 10,tf .Yew Orleans, JLet. STAPLE DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Business, Comer of Broad and Eufaula Street, KUFA ULA. Aug. 10,Gm* LAXEY& H3t A XX Oh. JEWETT & SNIDER, Jflacony - - - - hUovijiUj AGENTS FOR WILDER’S SALAMANDOR SAFES, VT manufacturers prices, witih only the freight aud dray age added. A supply uaw on baud HATTON P. REDDING. J. R. GLYNN. J. B. A*ELLS.* H. P. REDDING & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES, AND PRODUCE, Soda ll'afcr, Sand's Cream •■tic, ICE, <fcc., Third Street, j 13,3 MACOM, GA. CROVESTEEN AGO., Piano Forte MannlacturcriS, lOtt Miroadinry iVtu' \'ork. ril UE aU<u.tiou of the public and the trade ia in* I vited to on* .tYir Scale, Seven Octave, Ilosrtrooit !*iano M'ortes, which for'vol ume and purity of tone are umivalled by anv bitlu fto otTerod In tbfs They contain all the modem improyenicnte, French grand aetior, harp pedTil ffver strung bass, etc., and each instrument being mane under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. GrovkstJckn, who has a practfoa! experience ot over thirty years iu their l manufacture, Is fully warranted iu every particu lar. Tlrx* Hjlrov<*Mw»u Fhtiio Forle’ Rpc*d the highrrt irwsrd ctf met it at tl»e celebrated World's Pfcir, wheie were exiii&i ed instrument - * from the best Philade phiu, Pslihuore, (fusion and New Yock ; and also at the American iusilmte for ; e succes - sive years, the Gold and Silver Medals itoui both of which cm he seen at our ware-roomi. 1W the introduction of improvements wc make a still more perfect Pianc-fpite, and by manufac turing largely, with strictly cash system, are en abled to etter these instruments at a price width wIM ftrecliS© alfi’ottpi titfShj. (fur prices are fiom SIOO to S2CO cheaper than nnV first* Piano forte. TERMS.— Nkt Cash in current funds. De scriptive circulars spent Faint. augl7 DAWSOJN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. It All. ROAD CAR, Foundry and Machine Works ORDERS for all work in onr line promptfy at tended to, iuctudin'Er Kul Roid (box anj platform) Cars, manufactured from the brst mn*r ri%l and wtfrau4*d BJffifal to •/.*«#/ in the V. S. We furnish CAS T 1 TV G S Os Evcrv Description, and execute .Vtachine II '(trk in the best manner, and call attention of all men ongiged in ma in SouUi- Wcstjfm Ge(»«gia loth© fact. are prepared to fill all outers as pfouiptTv .a'ncLeu A‘s reasonable terms as the same cau be done anywhere. We Rnild aul Ropnir Machinery, of all kinds, and from Mill Men golieit orders for all woik in thijir lire. We furnish to Planters Cl in Gcat'itlffc Stiff*** Mills* inf (ties, LVr. Address O. O. 1 aPn s’t., Auglut 17-ft % Ga. fAII TRADE. NEW GOODS JUST COMING IN. n IRA SI Pmith and Southern Mlcfifga*' Premi urn Flour, in bnrrelln and Half barretl*. A, B, 0, Crushed and Powdered Stg«r. Old Brown, Java and Little Gteeu Coff’f. Adamant-iue, Speim and Wt x Caudles. New Mesa Mackerak in ki*s, and at retail. Now Extra White Codfish. Fresh Sealed Herrings. Extra Leaf Lird t u, kegs. Hoa'et f ei’|, Drake’s Plantation, and Rush’ S&: l>oinirga Bitters Cip-ts, S*»ffine and Non pareil. Pure Marseille S.»lad Oil, quarts and pints. Presetted Ginger. Boneless Sardines. Pure Cider and imported White Wine Vinegar. Bottle and Corks. Pure Jamaica Rum, Inanity, Whiskey, Chumpnigne «nd California Wiurs. Havana Cigars. Fine Chewing Tobacco, Sublime and Solace. For sale low at OURER k I A KK’S. augi7-tf Macon, imeorgia, DENTISTRY- J. A. & N. IYI. THORNTON, of /.JtmpWiD Os&irtjia. I J'AVING complrted their arr nzemcnto, hav« I L opened a branch cf h*»Tr bu ieess in I)i«s> n Thev arc prepared «11 woik iu tht ir fine ii . .the most impnoved With a Ior«j experie' e» and a HUDply of all the aj p’iances of the »rt, th»y feel -confident of givitrg sitisfsetion in cv*ry in g’aacc, Teeth put up on gold pi tie, wi h or with out gmns. Also, on vulcanite of r«4*ber base In, the best, sty W. All work warranted. For fur she i information, address J. A' Thorntmi, Hinmnkin, Ga. ; or N. M. Thornton, D iwson, fi.t. Office,'bn corner ©Mot. now rc , up?*d hy jSlsm Christian. iTntil flieir <»mco is fit ed up they will walton patrons at. their r?si gnets. COiLNT liA^COiST! FLOUR! OR IHONE3T, EXCIIAN-GEl>for the jirescut gf^wing crop of COTTON, either at 0.1 n'SO.Yor .l.flCillt is. Jl” _ E I B.J-OYLESS. ILWAVS OH HAND ! Saddlery and lAA SCTTS Donhlc and Single lUl f Harm,**, (null AIM to §l5O. £.OO Assorted ladies’, gents, and boys’saddles and saddle -trees- —from fir to S6O. 1000 assorted car riage and team collars —equal to any in the IT. S. Also, bridles, martingales, whips, and saddlery hardware and leather in my Hue—to which the at teutiou of dealers and planters are. invited. V in tend to do good work and Sell it low. Give me a call before you buy, G. BERND. july2o 6m* Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. BROWN HOCI SE , li. K. KKOWK * SON, Fourth Street, Opposite Passenger Depot, .nacon, Georgia. ROM the Ist of July the business of this House will be by E. K. Diown & Son, tnie Senior liaviiv; asfooistcd'liis son, Wm P. Brown, in tho management aud interest es the Hotel. The luju-e contains sixty rooms, which, are re served chiefly for the use of travellers aDd tran sient guests. Competent assistants have been se* j cured in every department, and every attention will be paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and the table always sup-, plied with tho best the country afford*. Porters attend arrival and departure of all trains to con : vej aud conduct passengers across the treet to their quarters. - july2'7,tf Notice. SIXTY days after date application will bo made to the Ordinary of Terrell county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Dnr-> ling Sikes, late of Lee county, deceased*, for the bene6t of the heirs. ELI COCIIRAN, August 13, 1866* KaeciUor. Le.bray^ DKALEItS IX Cooking Stoves, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS JitrilJl.A, ALA. rev, J,ir,t.r.rcn „ nd n , Qm U'.tltE, „t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Wc also keep a complete stock of TIN PLATE, SHEET I ((ON, WIRE; Anti Tinners Sfoek GeneraOj tisk iro,\ witch J A ( elobrated Cooking Stove. south i<:rw st\rJ A CTt :ap Qnalrtj, but Highly RecvtiiemlJ SVBrAIItIt: FLOWlilt] »Ei* FBANKLUV, 1 A 1.-rgc Oven Stove. j i Ol NG AMFJSICI, I KEIIOSIENE OIL. I LAMPS.'-Of ah • ■ ORDERS ■pnu't.’lTßb EROJI SOCTHtvIsTXU.V Ut* attglO tint I LADIES, 1 LOOK AT TISISII ALEXANDER & WillTfl Have just r.ctivtd tie ir tlcik cf tewifl fucljiutiaLlc I Spring s!si<! Numurvi B I) li KS S tfOODS WLiifi wo arc c’osirg oil rapi.lly I Prices much J.nwt r tlmti Ltltclicri tul. -1 it) t! i-i Ilia.kct. Our priors .-ur; risv all uhu S artlißUi, j iiccouiH of thi iv fi ing sn I r. Our G"()<ls wt rn all !•{ light Eor Cfcb, II itioc the 10th of Ajiiil, awl Wt CAN AM) V. : i.i. s: LMIILI A 3-* i Leap as any Ollier lleiise in lliMiil Our Stock is Fresh, full awl Ceiiplcl onutyirositljg EVER YTHI X (| IN THE LINK . F DIIY O O ODSI TUKEE SOTIOSS, riOBIIiILY Oloves and Giai us a cull, and sec fur your jousckJ All ord rs |r n ptly filled, ami goods hy l£xr rvss anywn. rc. I am Zander a shitl* parol p. 4 jtilj 18-3 m Wacrnir <"i BARNETT & CO., coTTo.r F.icrOn^ tirccers & Gpii. Commission Mcrflaij ApaJadiieohi, J’/a , Cohtmlns, Fa. I I >ROMPT attention given to •» con■i|» ll, (!j aud shipments of Colton to New i» r • J Orleans and Liverpool.- Lib©!*! aiivnuotoi** 4 ■ cor.Bignmcntfn I FOKWATbHNG AND' J RECEIVING HOUSa i’ta< I DEAR SIU : Wo respectfully call tion to the fact, that we ( J house at AtpalachiCola, Fla., tbr the />' . ing a General-Commission and for ■ living crtiablWted " 1 the host houses Ui foreisfn and do “‘"”„| are prepared to o«,r unOlUal „ 1 pers of ootton aud other produce. tion W ill be given to all cotton aeut M 1 either in oir owti or any fotx;|j; n J" „<■ In additt jii to our Commisston bus) ' ■ keep const tntly on hand a large atot g GROCERIES; J which will be offered to merc'ianj 8 prices in the Northern and ** I merely adding cost of tranepartati ■ Wc will be prepared to accotnuio • witli advances on cotton sent us u j sale, and to lurnisli them with bags j [e gifl■ for the coming crop aud-during tD ,iS ■ N B Our house rn (Jolumhus. « ,■ continued, at the old stand,. co u rl !p r >-ryl i Ci !, | Broad alrecta. jyl.3. “ M Harness Goods, iM r nort° COTTOJST manufactured Bf DANIEL PRATT, Fr»U v »J L, WJ no has bad nearly forty (i uf \ V the business. Has lived J ?|11 , ,, planters. Has visited gm bous £’ oration, aud tliiuUa lie knows „j D . M other mau what constitute* a g jor tbs llaviug been appointed Age 1 er i » k L Cotton tiins,. we would «l u d P O f»« (]| sire to get bis make of S ln9 ' ' koo' , to bave made. If this «. . tinie . .« not fail to procure lhelr S'" 9 T initn&L All orders directed 10 pto<“ Allauta, or to ourself non. “• Aacul f > ■' jy!3,4ui