Newspaper Page Text
(the WttMg
JAWfIQy, GaTbEPT 21 1860.
Authori?ocl Agents.
The followiuii porttlotnpn arc authorised to re
Give Mil reosipt for subscription and advertising
h itliis paper: * - , '
•Kcut. Acrst —Rev. Thomas T. Ohris'mn.
uUmpkin.—K. F. Kirksey, lie*. L. J. Davies,
f.TK 00t...F-V. Thos. Ij. Speight.
CuTHRSitT.—Rev. Win. A. Parks,
Halt** Musky.—Dr. 0. U. Moore.
Mii.voh;>, Qa.—K. C. Daniel.
CuiCKASAWII ITCIMSK.—Rev. fi. A. Crowell.
Aumices, Da.—ftav. J. VV. Jordan.
SmiTlfvU.U', Ga.—P. 11. OrcVeS.
Mirtflis Da.—Dr. U. T. Kendrick.
4 Ktiraot-a, Ana.—John F. Jenkins.
NEW Ett" AT Ci'-i'illtiliiV.
The uudereiguod, having perfeoted their
arrangements, wifi commence the publica
ti m of a Firsl-riass Faaiily Newspaper,
lit Cutlibept, Ga., about the I'lllß T 01?
OGIODER, nest. Full particulars will
bo given in tine tune.
We acknowledge the receipt of an inter
esting letter from ''E.N.K.,” cf Smithvillc 5
bat rrg c tan' a pto.ious puss< f matter
Becesjimtee delay until next week.
Blow Tour Horn.
Ti i . oo or.nnunn for newspapers to blnrn
about eireu’uiti >n, that we do not do so—
hnowiug tint business tuou can’t bo influ
enced by such gas. Substantial business
cen make advertising a portion of their bus
l'iess,"and they know tlio circulation Os a
journal before they patronize it. It is dcue
by them as a matter of dollars and c n'V
ami with ean’ion. These are facts patent
to all met of business tact.
Without our own •'blowing” then, it is
only neoa s sary for those interested, to com
pare cur advershirg crlrnm with those of
(Vhcr pipers in this section, to determine
this qaestion.
At Dulo.vm, Saturday, Sept. 29fA.
As \vs# slated in the let.or of Hon, Thos
Tjarileriinn, member of the National Fir on
Executive Conmiittee fol this .State, it is eai -
n evilly de sired by our northern friends—w ho
stand between trs and the fires of the Itnd
i< als—that every c nnty of tho Fou hern
States, hold meetings to ratify the action
of ihe Philadelphia August Convention—
they hold that this is turessniy, from the
Let hat our eneniicß will, inllueneo tho.
Northern elections l>y a falsehood already
< ircuhiting, tlmtour people were not truly
r pljesi'iited tin-re.
Tluf success of this party in < hanging
the Color of the next Congress, is our only
salvation from negro suffrage, and the eon-
evils this foul liody h chiving to
heap U|)on us. Let every mm, then, who
has tho good of his country at heart, bo in
a*tci dance. It is a light duty, nod yet one
that is likely to accnmp sh a great deal.
Ci'Uio out, then ou the k'J .h 1
WibKT G. 'Parks,
R. F. Simmons.
Dt.l( y galc’B to the la‘o District Conven
tion. Jl mtbju:.—'■! be M ucoa TANARUS, leyruph
and nieß the report circulated through private
di-jßi:oh.s to tbo A laata papers, that sev
eral ca/cs *f cholera had occurred among the
Hoops which reached that city on Sunday.
No ,ga:cs have occurred.
A Nut for tub Had*. —Tho Dirliogton
Southerner says that* there i* a niovf.iw nt
ou hand among ihc freedmen of that place,
to get up a petition to the President, for the
withdrawal of the military,'the abolition of
Tyovost Courts, aud putting a ste p to tho in
lo' ferenoe of the Bureau with the affairs of
the blacks.
Mni'ic has gone for tho radical- 3 . Tlis
elections for G- vener, mi ml ers of Cmgrrsa
anl m lii' ers of the Legislative c ,111a oil on
Monday last. 5Ve have no detailed tc
counts, as yes, hut siiffieiont fion the dis
patch's in the N.w York paper* to show
that the radieats have swept every hiog he
fore them. So went Vermont, so gets
Maine, and so, we doubt not, wi Igo the
whole rs Dowd-E Bt-Down.
Th j New York llcia'd reports that the
treasurer of a company wl.i sh has rocent|y
jiccd rs'alilishcd iu Wall street, under the
title of -‘The American 0 itton-Tlauting end
Loan Company,” wi ll a reported capital of
$2,500,000, has absconded, leaving the fi
nancial affairs of the concern in a vc’ry un
siitisfattory condition.
The Conservatives of lUiuois claim that
they w"! c!cet nine memTers to Congress
at tbo next tk**ion.
A meeting of Irishmen of Nashville is
called to indorse the action of the Union
convention at Philadelphia, and ilie restor
atitn policy of the President.
Women’s Rights and Negro P»f
i'eage.—Mr. Thercdore Tilton has undi r
taken'the task of overcoming the white man’s
instinctive prejudice against negro equality
and miscegenation ; and Miss Anna Dick
icson pleads fir regro suffrage with a distinct
understanding that she appears “in bchali
cf the great unrepresented class of white
women. What is this but an emphatic hint
■**~tbat after Eegro suffrage is to come wo
men’s suffrage ? TLc universal rightß doc.
trine knows no limit. If black men can
vote because they walk on two legs, shsll
not the same privilege be conferred on white
women 1 and if on white women, why not
on black also ? The general opinion per
haps would place the women first. Alias
Dickinson reveals them agnanimity and mod
esty of her nature, when she gives prece
dence 'o the negro.
The greatest cave in the world is the
Mmmoth Cave in Kentucky.
“Ail I>c*]><n-uiMi:uu.”
If there is ono thing in regard so till *
s'ction of cotiiitry which we regri* above
all others, it is the disposition of some citi
ra»i>s, (wo arethflikfid tlmt tho number of
such is stnali) to dtspatr of tlio future
prosperity of the country. Wo know of
but one or two who have impeded olliei
sections for the purpose of finding a more
congenial locality but have returned, hki*
tho spies sent into tho promised land,
with unfavorable repo ts—‘Don’t think
they can better themselves.” And Wo are
satisfied that this will bo tho experiences ol
all those who have become acquainted
I with, and accustomod so tho pursuits of
life in this portion of the country, so soon
as they go in seireh of‘‘greener pastures*.”
The fact is, while we a'l accept in good
faith the political condition of tho country
generally, as fixed by the results of the
war, tot) many of us aro not individually
“harmonized” in reference to our present
status. Who will say that our proud, en
ergetic, an 1 persevering countiy owes all
its prosperity, its g- nial society, its means,
of living—everything—to tho negro—our
created inferiors? This political apathy,
til’s hopelessness, wo tell yon, Wow-citi
zens, when viewed >n it# proper light, is de
What 1 a cefWifry rnin r d which has just
passed through the most trying ordeal to
which a people was over subjected—over
run with sword and to cli—robbed and
plunder!—and yet, to-day, in reality as
prosperous ns when overshadow and by the
hn'my wings of peace ! Away with tho
ideal Away with despouilency ! And
let the heart oud mind of -every man, be
filled, tie a truo patriot's should, with Jol
ty ami patriotic hopes for our country.—
We have no doubt but if our whole people
would determine to mako the best of their
condition that they possibly can-go to
walk with heart, head and hand with this
end in view—vve should find ourselves, iin
a few years, in a land, in comparison with
which Smith Western Georgia, previous to
the war, was a barren waste.
Because, through a grand mistake, some
planters have staked tlicir till on cotton,
this season, and from the difficulties of in
ducing the negroes (o work, on account of
their n.wly entered status, and their be’ng
..surrounded with N‘rtherii sneaks, who la
l> r for their ruin—them men are willing
W abandon the broad and fertile acres
w lijcU have in years post tilled their col
tors, and surrounded thojn with ease and
plenty ;to seek homos in (to them) nn un
tried land. Let nil such duly consider the
course they aro wont to pursue.
Time and experience Ims taught th r >
commencial world that cur Sou the n laud
stunda pro-emin nl in the culture of cur
staplo. It lias been said that “king cot
ton’’ was dethroned by tho war. Not so.
With the increase of tlio general family of
Adam —with the progress of civilization,
thu demand for cotton will increase; and
if vve are allow' and to see the light many
years longer, we c nfidrntly expect token
tho wlpte crowned King once more estab
lish his throne under the Southern sun,
and the iron horse of the railway—the
|>roud vessels that traverse the mighty
deep—and every loader of commerce, bow
to seek his f.vor—wc rxr.ei t to poc these
bro ad cotton fn Ids of the “piny woods,”
sought for as eagerly, and hold as tightly
\vh<-n obtained ns tho e impregnated vvi h
golden ore. Wo expect to see men who
once Inxu. iated on these lands, dragging
out an unsatisl’actory existence in oth-r
pm is, beholding tho p'enteousness of the
more cunning purchaser of their lands, and
longing again to "sit beneath tbe'rVino and
fig tree” i'l ties congenial clime.
Then go to work, say vve, adapt your-
«elv'B to tno I'ireumstnruK* surr uiirling us,
mid you will in duo time find youm a glori
ously rich inlu-ri unco.
A corr-ispcndcnt of the Mobile Tribune,
who luu within the last two weeks passed
through parts of Mississippi Tcnncsee,
Gorgiaaud Alabama, says: In Tennessee
anl North Georgia, tlio crops wore very
poor. From Atlanta to West Point, Ga,, 1
they were wretched, almost nothing at all.
The noil of the region is exhausted, and
not worth cultivating. From West Puiut,
Ga., to Montgomry, Alibama, both corn
and cotton were good. Here are tho best.
crops I have seen in tho four Slates.
From all that I can learn by general in
quiries among plant rs whom I meet tj.i
summer from various States, I learn tbit
though the drought has bceu gmeraj, yet
there have been everywhere ptwriil excep
tions, where the crops .ore good. Rut I
believe the co tan crop will net reach one
and a half-millions of bales.
Sources < a Farm Mam - he.—\V. 11.
White of Windsor, Conn., writing to the
Boston Cultivator, on the resources a far
mer hr.B from which to draw fertilizers for
his laud, a-ks: “Does tho reader make the
most of his resources? Is there nothing left
that can be converted into fertilizers mate
rial? How is it with the hog pen ? Is that
l supplied with good material to absorb the
liquid as well as the ammonia ? A free
supply will tend to keep the hogs clean and
furnish a quantity of manure. Then there
is a privy, which is too frequently allowed
to waste its ammonia, instead of absorbents
supplied to fix it. A tight vault, into
which dry muck, plaster, hmn, etc., may be
introduced and mixed, will supply several
loads of poudrette, superior to what the
market affords, with little labor. The hen
roosts will supply several barrclls of gooo
guano, of the quality of which there is no
question, wheu home manufactured by sup
ply of dry loaru, plaster, etc., with fr qwen*
lUnoituwtli Report oi the
8. \y. U. K. -
Wo have received tho published Report
of the l’msidont, Superintendent and
Treasurer of the S. W. Railroad, .together
with tabular ntetcruetUs of the earnings,
sources of revenue, kc,
Tito following exhibits the noi car pings
of the ltoad for mo year.
Up fiefglu (Fastward,) *328,015 C J
Down freii-lrt (Wemtinl.) f 178,3411 8(1
Total from fciegut IS
Tinougli ngers £17,322 i-j
Way I’aseergers $200,732 45
Total from Passengers £3i'B OM 50
iliHiicllaueous Kiraingi k!l,fi-4 (i-‘
Ti.til Eirnlngs $8511,843 00
The current expenses of tlio
year have been 613,01113
SltOwiitcg net eamlugs for the
year of $1143, 80l 47
Which may lw considered a pietty fair
show ing under tho circumstance--'.
The K pork of tlio l’rcailant oft he Board
of D rectirs, shows tho not, earnings for the
fiscal year, eadiiig July tilst-
Amount, to *;;48.301 17
I'o wbluli mid new bjndi i sued fer
Done r loihia s*B,ooo ( 0
V .king a lotal of 4.01 ,30l 47
The fi H'.witig amounts have been paid, viz :
Felnm.y diviiiens of 4 fCr ct. $127,836 00
IrltOre.l on lloi.di to dale 73,513 S4
Ueveißie Tux 26,034 85
Bonds paid-to dat« 60,590 00
Anuuitjr 3 years to City of Macon 8,75 ft 00
Paid for Omi-t uclfon 40,804 20
“ “ 47 Freight C 1 30, 598 00
Macon Depot CO 00
Annulling !o the earn of $670,004 . SD
heaving 5 surplus of $37,705 08
The main items of expense were the buil
ding of n bridge over the Ohattahooehce,
the purchase of 500 tons of T rail, tho im
prifoment of the Depot Grounds in Eufan
!a, and the rcoeoßtruetion of the branch of
the road from Catbbcrt to Fort Gains. Tho
iron had been removed by tho order of G? n.
Beauregard; but part has been returned,
and thy balance will be paid for by tho
roads that oned tho iron. The President
says that GOO or 700 mare tons of iron,
w ill be bought, which will bo paid for from
the sale of the iron above mentioned, and
from the sale of old iron and worn out rails
now on hand.
Another heavy item if expense is the
revenue tax.
Tlad it not been for the above heavy and
unu ui'.l expenses', the net earnings of the
Road would have been sufficient to have
paid the stockholders a dividend of ¥1 per j
share for the past sis months, and wjuld
have done had not tho hnldcrs of bonds .
and interest coupons, not dchyed in demand j
ing payment. For the future, the Board
sees no reason why regular and ,i Ic di houl 1
not b? declared and paid to the stockhol l
ers of at least eight percent per annum. 1
Wc cmgratulate the stockholders udoq I
the healthy Bta e of the Road and think |
iho expressions in the Bivsideut’s report, of j
the appreciation of the sorviacs (f Ftipcrin- :
ti indent Bowers, Treasurer Boifeuiltt and
Supervisor Walden, highly deserved
The lt'-poit is very neatly printed by the
establishment of J. W, l»u:kc & Cos.
We are informed that at a very recent
meeting of the Board, Gen. A. U. Lawion, of
Savannah, wrs elected as Director, in jlvce
of John W. Anderson, deceased.
Ic-gro Eqnality Openly Favored In
Team vice.
The r.o'orii in Horace Miyra and made a
speech at A'hens, Tennessee, on the 21 t
in t., from which wo make tho f llowsr.g ex
tract. It sprnks for itself, and canics with
it its comment,:
I am an abantfonis*, and hove always been
one. I was aceu cd of being ona when I
fivst.enfmigrated to this ‘■'tat-e. Tho' charge
was just; f was full and ru ning over
with abolitionism, hut I deni -d fur poli 'y’s
sake.- lam priud t a that I have boon
classed among the persecuted sit, and deem
it the highis* com; linient to bo dericuneel
as such. And I tell you, gentle men, that
in a short time all this camplai- t about, ne
gro equality Will be done away with. Smi 0
montl s s nee, and it was said that the ne
gr» would nor, boVf.ffored to testify iu your
courts—that his oath would not he grant and
him. But Low Stand masters to-l#y ? fie
is not only permitted to test fy in your c mats
with impun'ty, but ‘.Loro is every evidence
that he will he ou a scc'al equality with 'lie
white man in your State. Yes, gintlcman,
in a short time he will marry and internaar
ry 1n your famili-s It is a little ol j, ction
ahio to-day, but you v. ill soon get over this,
and the persecuted negro will lo welcome
to your parlors. 'This will be the result of
the political and social changes of the uest
few month -.-
Negro Ff.-ss. —The Danvil'c (Va.)
Xrivi cont... * a very intcris p g account
of an address lueonlly delivered to the freed
oms in that city, at the African church, by
one of their number, turned Lewis July, a
h'g'nly intelligent man, form rly a slave in
Pittsylvania county.
The obj ct. of the address, the News says,
was to upon the minds of the freed- |
men theimp'rtance of a eoroet understand--;
Tug of {heir true relations of the while mm :
of the South, wh >m 1m represented as b ir.g !
their only true friends. The spe kcr strove
to show them the nrcess’py of cultivating
amicable relations with the whites', by u
cou s' of lifi which would entitle them to
their k ill ooasidiration, and make it to
their interest to retain them as laborers, in
; stead of employing immigrants, who were
! pouring into the country. Their only chance
i now, he urged, was to depend upon tho’r
| own industry, honesty anil frugality, with
! out which they must become ufore -il oily
degraded than over, ari l thoir raeo ukianpo
ly extinct. He did not fail to critidiio and
ridicule'the forced and u natural s.d of
those Northern fatuities who profess to be
the freodman’s only “friends j” and his sen
sible remarks seemed to be received with
; delight by his audience,
A Sagacious Dog —There is a dog in
this city who goes daily to tho commons
with his master's cow, and from morning un
til night never loses sight of her, or allows
any one to molost her. As night comes on,
and the cow tnrns her steps homeward, he
follows her—keeping watch and ward
against the gangs of oow thieves that infest
the suburbs. That dog ought to be elected
an honorary member of the police force of
this city.— Vhixniulc'i: Sentinel.
We thiak he ought to go to TeOfiiAco,
md rua agaimt Obi Lir jwnljw for fiorer
Fmcutmcuh <.i
The O’rand Jury Os Webber Siipcrjis
deptembr Term, ISU6
We, the Gran! Jurors of thcSaticrlor Com
of th i Counij of Webster renfuht;ly en ptan
ni lied at tho Fcptember Term, to servo ac
cording to law, beg leave to make the fol
lowing presentments.
Wo aro unanimously of opinion, fr m mi
exhibition of tho practical results eium ;i
before cur body, that the general law passed
by tfio last Legislature, organizing (Jaunty
Uourts, wan unwise, injud cion*, and that
it ■originated anl grow out of the umctik'J
and chan lie Condition of the country in® lent
to the great rr.dical change of the status el
so many inhabitants of tho State, la c >uu
ties culitsining large towns or cilksj vvhct'4
frocdinen collect in largo numbers, it is
p'ldiablc that »uoh a law may subsorve some
useful purpose, blit in count os liko this,
in which there is no largo town, for that
ojnss of the populadou to gather in ilargu
numhtis, wc boleivc there vuho a sufißicai
numb r cl o ur s to adju liiatc all c i es oon
templated by tho addit.oa of s; i 1 co*m y
courts. Wo are forced to tl.o le
giiiiuate coac'u»ion, tint tbo goueral law
au bor sing said courts, should be repealed
by the LegLla lire at their next regular ses
sion, as said couri’y court is becoming an
intolerable nuvianco t> tho ciiizousi f uur
coon y, which subj e s rimes* every wLi c
man to o, o.'. » burdens, o.u i g i.oglcct of
their much modid vocations Hiiluutfoo oi
rowa>'d, for lime tr service, without any
Lope of leu fit to Lo dsiived there from to
the public g. od, but serves to engender unt
i>y frivi! jus prosecutions, and a co .sequent
increase of taxation to defray the expenses
Qflnvc&tigatioaid and trying eaprici ms cares
foUiidud on the whims of tieodnun.
Wo wuenf re, m<st roipoetfuHy invoke
the L gisla nrf to rejeal the ohuoiitua law
(if n"t gencrrally) at least so fat as our
Uoumy is concerned, aud thereby relieve
ourtiiz iMtfsuehan unp-rofitable buteau.
I Wo pane hi end that so of the Gener
al Presentments as relates Id tho county
court be published in ilio Snrnter Republi
can and Daws ,q Journal.
J rhn 51. Bbep rJ, Forcinm.
R• W. Gunnolq B. I*. Kiuiborochf’i,
| W. L. C'.urkc, \V. H. 'iicid,
V. G. Jones, i). 11. L Wel'V,
Jacob Denarii, L‘ B. Cau ey,
Wrn. iMurgan, W. J. IloJlcmor,
Robert, Barker, N. B. Hall,
Jam s S. Aven, W. S. Akin,
A true extri'Ct of the minutes of Webster
Bupie ior Court, iSoptcmb-'r T. r.n.
J. 11. Cawool), Clerk.
1 UK DotcinAS Munl.mkn’i?.—-It wi 1 con--
iist of a. circular platform face, (jfiy-twe
feet in diameter and two and a half fjet i igh.
. Upon this anjihor j hitform, surmounted by
j u sepulchre twenty feet square and eleven
| feet high, with walls . live lbet thick. Ju
j this, ifiaml cr will be placed tho saic ipliagr.s
: visible through a bronze- door. Surmount
ing the sepulchre a pedestal twenty-one feet
high; on this will bo erected to acolumn
forty th' e feet in length, and six fort square
ot the base, and three and a half at the ti p. 1
This column will bo termiuatd by a Cap <dx
feet high, which will form the base for lb;
co'ossi l statute of die great I) lug'nu. Four
life-s-ei symbulio figures will sarreund the
s'pulchrc. Ojc -o, r.sealing Illinois ladd
in lor Land a ::.e lio ike c.s of i) vg’.ze. •
'Tho remaining figures will represoot Amer
ica wi.h a slucLl, iy recliiiing on a
tablet, and Fa ne with the symbolic wre. th
and trumpet. Over entrance of the sep-j
ulchrc vull s'.ind an eagle, also Las rolie ’s.
represemi .g stages of pioneer lifo, riimiii-roe
and scieuco. Th - firsi sccdoa of th ■ inir
unicns's about half cja.piotcd and the toaib.
uearly liaislied.
Enutjsu Bautists.—Dr. Block, of ton*
dorj, is on a visit to this country as a dele
gate froui theT’JgLiHh Babti'sts.
At a mceling iu Chicago he reported the
following :
As an eyiJotcc that the Bubtists of Eng
land 5v ro a live people, ho stated that they
hal r is and m tw> years and a quarter £250,
000 for church exter ti 11 purp- ses The
Loudon Associations arc buildipjtouc church
every ye tr in one of the suburbs of that
grewt metropo ls. Mr. Spurgeon’s ohurth
had 3.800 members anl was undoubtedly'
the larg si G iristian church irf the world.
Mr. Landeli’s hid 9iJO roe.diVr . ILs <iWn
had 8!l0. II ibtist Noel’s 530. Tho B.t>-
tiJ oh urchh* of Loudon,are strong and ag
gr. s ivo bodies.
TiikParjirrs Bakometuis.—Take a eem
mon glass bottle, wide-mpu‘hed ; 01 i* with
in three inohe 3 of the top with water ; then
take a common Florence fl .sk, removing ;so.
s'nw eovering and eler-Dsiof? ihrfli. k tl di>;
oughly ; plunge the neck if the fi sk into
the water in the bottle u.-f fur as it will go,-
aud the b-r iraetor is campiNjte. In fim
weather the water will rise into Mie neck of
tue flisk even higher than the mou’li of tf;o
bottle, and in wet and windy weather it
will fall within an inch of the mou Ii es the
flask. Before a heavy gale (f wind the vxi
ter has been seen to 1 ave the fltslt 1 1 e
gothcr, at least eight hours bofore the gale
came to ila Ixiglit. The invrnti-.n was
made by a German, and eommunituleu to u
London paper.
The new Intertill ‘l-Ventre Lvt contains
a provihi ;a that ali papers which wore exe
cuted in tbe insurrectionary S a tea - before j
the vs'ablislimeat of ool'ccion districts'(here-.-
in', which are inval and for the want of stamps,
may be fendert-d va i 1 by fixing the propor
stamps at any time before firot of January,
A “True Bn.r,.”—l>r 11. Ilbikley, writ
ing from his “Prairie C >f:tgc,”' -Alsßadra, ■
to th; S 'utfccm Rurali t jgi vjj in a few pithy i
and p.-rrir ent words, about our agricultural
iu the South. v i
‘Small firms, good iir.pknle.ots, better’!
tillage and measures, must be resorted to, s
and tho proprietor must learn to take his
own coat eff and pitch in.
Tits New York Jlerulil , since tho Maine
election went for the Radicals, has turned
its back on the Adminis'ralion heretofore ;
so fervently advocated by it, and embraced ;
tho “ebony idol.’* About as we expected of
that sheet, and when the main eleetiou
ecincs off, watoh him Rads, or you lose him.
Beast Ban. Butler ilie busted butcher and
braggadocio, returns an iqoomeof
sixty thousand dollars.—Hut he don’t re
turn the spoons and silver ware Le stole iu
New Orleans'!
. • r>io*i.
DiudatDnvt-r, ou tho 7th iust, Lola Gra'
ham, aged three yc’ars aid these months)
daughter of Dr. J. Jl. Ja^es.
Probably wo one, di or you .g suffeied
more lban did this little, child beforo lmr
dooth. Almost her entire faco was eaten
away By d.sort.'e.
Sho was a child of enarkab’o mind—a.
wonder to all \vho knew her. When first
taken pick she told hot parents that she was
going to di s—th; t-fdio wanted to.go and be
with God—that the would meet h.-r lin e
cousin in that beautiful world hbovc. Cpi
on ouc sccasjoq «heycq.ucsted thnse around
her Di sin# “I want to be "fix -nugil.” At
another time tho hey facets her
Grandmother and said ting “Tike me
home lo hcavcD.” The write* of tlifs has
never beheld «uch it triuiupaant death. Till
last request, sho made was in toe following
language “Now lay mo in my cr : ( b t ill iny
coffin comes,—ill ri lay me in my little Cof
fin and place white roses iu nvy baud.
May her parents live to meet her iu Heav
i’ii-r: ’ . i.r.’.v’V-.3
-j, V\ r i-H est :-j- ?|
wa i n:n ouse and
W'E ore now th* Ware-House formerly own
ed by Dr. It. C. Black, on C o’ton street, but
wifi soou be at oiir old rtasd in the Mick Ware
Boose'now being built by Mb. F. 15, I.nylensi. j
We are prepared lo furuidi Itaggiug and Rope:
to planters, make advances Oil cotton or otkerpro
duce iu stores, ship cotton to New Orjcajij, Savan
nah, New York or Liverpool, making liberel ad
vancements an our ghiputenl*. We. can af o ificoj
cotton iu our War<S~7loose, as elm -p as it cstijui
dome in any other ht-pae ip tine #Uv. Opt
hou3« is remote from auy .olfier builuiug. As oar
senior'll is been in lira coltou DuieinCfS forilielaat
filte'en ymus, and always mi ilia side of *J(C Planter,
we hope to and) a leuapm-.Ue G are of the collna
business. f.VUon Dbioped to us befjw lids pSint
on.Xbe S \Y. R. K. will Only be charged one ($4)
dollar per bale aud no drayage at this place 1o our
\Vait!mu.-e. S< pUI -f-n
A N OBJ 1.7. hi
for Sale' ft jijautfition
JL- contui’.iiwi' tKH) acres of valuiMc laii(j,~threo
lauidred acr is cleared (tvrp liQiiJre'.l of wliicli is
fresh land,) ill H n h»ijh of cultivation, !yi6g
just below Mills, in C-tlhoun county.
A.iho,. the ihg “Brown’? Mil!?,” ami
two thuosand acrefl oi land, ou which the iniild are
To be sold aeperatoly or together, as purchasers
m.iv desire.
AtHiressjno at Morgan, **Gdlhoua Cuuaty, Ga ,
or apply at Mills.
Svpt.. 21, ISHti. 2m* M. P.
v > JroTMici:. “7
month after d\te apVl^'cation will l-o madt
1. to th* Ordinary of Terrell C'ounty for lea vs tn
sk !1 a hoiwo and lo f , and three vacant lots in thi
town of D.iwsan,belo'cg’iig to 'he egia'-e, of Jefirpli
G ipin deceased. -S. F. GilrP-i.V,
Sept. 20, Adm’x.
Ad 611 u tel ra I o v ’i sat e.
virtue of an oiderof the Court of Oi dinar*
y of Randolph Cornty* Quo , will bo rpht, <Ji
the fi st Tue-tlay in November next, at C-nthbert,
Geo., the u and vid* and ha'f uifereet iu the foMowing
Undrt! lot. of Und N*>. two hundred ami ihirletn
(2GB three fourths (2) of jot two hundred andimitr
(*4iH) and one fourth, in the nortli west coiner ( ‘
No. Inmdred and thrfg (2hsi) !n tim ton h (U))
district of Kmdolph County— to the es
tate ofEtizibUh Spier, deceased.
. S pt. 15, ISCfn Adm’r
• Sait#.
\\, T 11.1. .1-2 sqUI uniter an 0 Jarifthe Dnirt-ot
. v * Ordinary nf Tertvlf Count*, l>, fore the
o’ixn'i llo'oa iloor in the town of Dawson, oil thi
li st rueiilay iii Novciiilier uoxt, I'urii'f: t| a nail#’
hours-of s 1 le, h flefllya-rsiL of kutU iu'Lhe I fib (Us
irii-t TerM)ll_. C'-ayiv, e~.r;taining . ftror ImuuinM
aort S, more orbs-', known as tlio l»le < esTgeuce o 1
D jVht If. Rsvefts. (ic. ■:! Holg thegi opeif'
of Die estate of Dai id D. Rivats, sufjTet lo ih
widow's dower, for (lit) henefi t of floss hews arid;
C!vd)'rtr« of Poid sleeeased. Toi'ms- made - fuewi'.'
on duv of sal GEO. A. LoFTOif, j
Sepr, iS, (Kg. Adii.V.- |
IAY viflnft of sin orJh'r (yf t x e Co'irf.
y of it iftd nlp£ will be' soM, on !
tlte-firftb Tut "sj kv M Non fiilf-T next,* nt Cntlfb? lL
Ui’p., one/ct’e f»l 'ofc es ’and No. th-rest (8) and alt
of fnctioiLtl lot No/-tivo bn»dr.'(J ajid forty fiicep
(i43), i»i ij»e tenth UiatiH tof Itj ,r dolp^i
C-mn'/—Belongiuj to iVe *of Ti/'->nisY,"oraio,
ik*cea'3t tl, * THOUAS J. fcOB-V-V?,'
10, ItKCi. AdijiV.
Y '-virtue of an.order of (be (Ur r‘- of Ordinary !
y of Uando'-ph <kjuuty, -Geo., be K>ld t oh A
t';e first IHd aday in N'-vonibcr r.ejiN a.t Morgan, |
Oawionn County, (hn andividi•.»! haH' iutoMisi in Jc tj
of L-nJ Ng. ciKj liundred and thi.. Lj-fenr, (LS-1) au-L;
two buruhexl and thiiM.v-f4x
i no bn U “ifanti thivtT-'lotfft, J-bft it»uiLb
dis r»«t ol.OaihTMiWiOpuutv —b lor« ; ug to theesrale '
ot Wii. <h Sin 10, Ajeceasad. Theobber bu’J will be,
sofd attiiO-iame l ' and pls< e.
LY, IBl'io. Adm’r.
will be made to the CQurt of Ord ; -!
riarv pLOtilbon.n CYiuuty tvro mandia ; a(U r ’
d;ttft, for gave to sell >x fi? real C3?ato belonging to
the e ; nje oi Peaule Frecuia i, UecftaAed.
rrpf. 15, TSfifi. Adm’r.
I*'ob* Sale.
T offer lor sate my »«•)> iinp-oyed and well »r
L ranjred pin els, in the town or Dawson. The
dwelling is large anil snatious and wt-II suited foe
in hoarding house. Kverv biiFdtWjg rcctSsaTy to
l.e in. a tl-ica; is on my place. It call be bought:
for twentv-five hundred dollars.
| pt, 'el U- W. E. PJEffilQNg. _
I. «f lL» l. VIS TJU. JTO §VS S. /I,IV
I>Y virtue of ns order of 'be Court cd Ordinary
y of Ran']t*lp!» County, G«o., *ill be sbki, on -
th* fir t Tuerdur in vein bet next, at
titro., e -fit half of lot of hod Nx one I tindrad and
Rfvou? one, in the sixth district of RmnLolpli.
[ Com*fcy~-btlonging to of William Joiner, de
ceased. LENNAUD C. L’ELL,
J Sept. 15, 1f66. AdmV
! ' r .ronci: :
KENDRICK & Knowles baring associated them
selves together in the practice.of medieiuo,
lender their »tofe3i?iohal services to the peoplagen
erafly. They are prepared to prescribe /or, and
totally case they may be called to see. Chronic'
diseases of all k‘n>ds will bs treated by corsuUing
u\ either by applying in person or w riting, giving
the age, habits, constitution, symptoms, and dura
tion of All V inds of produce t iken for prac
tice dono. One or the o*.her can he found at all
times at their office or residence unless profesfion
ally absent. Freedmans practice not taken by
contrac', and, when done, the employer must be
responsible for the fco. E. T. IvEN T DRICK,
Morgan Ga., Sept- 21, 1866.
t ou SijSt kettle lit*:
rpHOSE indebted to R. T 4 Kendrick must come
Jl forward and settlo for lam determined to
close up my old standing accounts and note*, as I
have commenced anew bushiess and will need
a'l the money f can get tp caurj* rny tnis acs."
and pay mv iKdds, taxes Ac.,
iXotgou St p >1 it, K. -». KKNWUCK.
In South-Western Geor^iu
filiould lia-vc, Oil hi or more Boxoo of *tho Kxuo.*
hior lMlld—-tlrpy never fail to vnre und
.Fever or Billious Fever. And u-Qally wfiheutrM'o
aid of any other medimno. It* Terrell and the.nd
joU*i:igt:ouutieS tiny have the
•ctH-ctf more than ilve hupdfed Ofibea wltuout a
diugle ‘ailurt** i’rice only one dollar a box.
j;vi;my rinitii*
HhotHd have nne or inpre of tho F,tec 1-
«irr AuG'ftiliQCs ya thirl to Pill-*. For ifio of
Bick Headache, LWer diaeaoGti &e., They
only c.oct fifij c«»i;3
Wlrora tlmrc <re children should liavo a
,of rhe
sho'. for every kind', of Worma, And a good Ct
■ tlßirtio Medlclue for thfldrcu. fifty cents u
Should have a supply A*l BxcelsioV I’ain K il
ler. Fur the cucc-mi' pains of tvery diaraC’vr, po
mnitar where-tiitwated— and one of the JaetfL rom
culifts ever M«cd for rpri'iw iwftl iiitfh •«
bcatiC— fifty cents a Bytily.
Should nhvays UiA.p a UolUp of the Excelsior
Soot bin j Cordial. A'safe and curtain cure for
Oholern, DlarrlfC, and Peculiarly
ad ted lo the cue of tho JJiarrhoi o; iulauts
wliilu teething. Price one dollar a Bottle.
Irm Fiim,V
SUoultl have and always keep nn hand a supply
of the fixcelsior Cougli fiafeam. For tho rein sos
-Uoiiglis, Uatari-bs, Inlluesiie ar.J lircii-'loul uf
feiMioiis. Also a good Kxpectoumt and- Anodyne
f u r Consumpiives. A cure f.»r Uuuglp
E-'very Wife and Biinitfiter
Troubled with ivt- guhußjr <r any.uteifii.' affec-
Uon or Wimib Jliaease, should have a Botile c.f
ill* Excelsior Female jicaforative. I" l* ! l
toDriug rtlaf. Cu:cs) cine Uc.'h- of S' omfiijlce
lion* Aud from iti alieraiive and P*if!fyii.g ac
. liiHi alwi.y3 produces a clear, fjr, afiJ boaAildl
complexion. Piioe three D >ih-re .poF BiMie.
AM of (lie above Family Mi'ilicines are •oWfikret!
amt sold Wholesaleei and Rctnilat the Kxoel.-ior.
Drug'StdVe,'BiTwarirt Boa' V/ndro nhef l niay_ h'
found a and complete Stock of Fretdi and
geiHcnc.Drug), and iledjeincs. And every oU:e:
article uWlljliept in a fi s' class Frtg Store.
Arrangements '' «ill soou be coJEfTftsd to have
every tev-'ii, \ilage ar..t in tPOMTCH
ui'.h tluiExc.'leior FißiJv V.-dieines.
A. UliKATfl A v I'tOjuM ir.
[ HKIJBBY annrixMto to thu ei;'.z .us, of!
*• Tcrrf.l. 1 aud atlj 'in ng coujiit-ih«4 u.
have on bimf, and am oon t n iy r .ccivh g
a largo slock.of
CerEi, Hoii!’,
Uf";\ MBS'.
Ruffii, . ■
SA i.T.
NAILS," ' 1
Til urn GRA INF, '
i! T.\
TQTTOJT (.'AlfDrt,'•
Ty.;uL:ET r s, . ;
' TULS,^
Aiid u p‘sujt inatiy ffihor srtj.ol ship qu .
morons ta inaatieai/Which l Wi.l null ns lAw
an any < ftm. ,_ s ■ j
;* Highest market jniiie jjiiW .'or cu ton '
and i.tbti' frod .CH.
Bring your Rocket BiiTifcc midst 1! off)
South •side Public Pjw eon '
C. L. A CO,,
COM MJ 3 S 1- N V.3.3C HA NTS,
J. n. Axi>i*iSox & io:C
IVl.n con» CvtL.,
\\7 E Fo’icjt consigivniwit* of Gotton, Rtcon,"
t V Phnir, Wheat, and other produce. Piort.jr
attcnUon to Sales, ruhj returns of sjiho. Cash or
tiers for any of the above fillet] pr«H"»tlv. j*2ofi
Tlie fi m nfjonca KCfldiclc «V ffc/iir' thf? dfv dig-
Holf#wJ. bv ♦tju'utl cm«i.-nt.. .And the h)ni#rri nfT
t!>e old (inn will be continued i>y Jci)cs v & R«(Liuk,j
wlio wi.i.d j sMie ly, u <; bu in Uh* fu'ure.
All peißoiis unrooted so the old firm wilLaieiiscd
come forward and sctHc HTMncdi^teJv.
Dawson, Sept. JS/lSffß, .j
*/fi* 17 FA IS TR. STV It'S P* fX j?.
WILL he sold, umfer an order of* the Court of
Or (finery of Tfcrreli L’tHnitv, on the sirs fc Tnes lav in '
Xovemb'r nexr, fir, the Cnnrt Iftm-d Tfoor in ti e
Town of Diw«on, jduiiug the uhuul hours -of sile,
lot <1 laud So.jH Ul thf’wv.l distiicb Terrell Comi
ty containing two hundred wound one hblfacvF,'
more or less. Sold ibl* ihc henefit, of the heir/. ]
Terms Cwh. V .Vs. POWELL, ’ 1
PIXTY Jays uff y data nrplicati<'i» will be made
to the Oiii mrYorTYm H Cmirtty for'U-avo to fell
all of the ra :.t-' of VV.ill's M irdn l.Uc of said
C’oui.ty, dcctand. Far tbo t-ory-flr of {*'<'l-r ilecs '
Sept. Id, fSfiit, Ex’r.
« i Ti. Wa*VIS TRt 1 TO 5s S.iX JE.
lindor Rn order from the Ordinary of, Terrell
Counlj. will bo solil bi fori'-the Cewt Hons* door
ill the luwn.nt D.iason, within lbs usual hours of
ialo, ou the first Tuesday in Novemlifirj Jot nf land
No. (150) one hundred ana fifty, in the 11 h Dis
tricl of Tcrrelf couivtv, sola M the iiroperty of J.
It. WiUMiiks, late of said eonnt.T, deemsod,
Sept.-1,4, 186*. Adinn’r.
.1 18. II;,Til. tTO It'S S.ll ; E.
T’NBEfl au order from the Court of ordinary of
Terrell County, will be sold before the Court House
door in Dawson, on the first Tuesday in November
next, the following property, belonging to the es
tate of O. P. Huekobay, late of said county—with
encumbrance of widows dower ; (J00O) cue thou
sand acres of land, mofb or less; also two lots
(Nos. 41 and 42) in the town of Dawson. Fold for
iho heirs and creditors. A. SAFSEK,
Sept. It, 1866. Adm’n’r
» flacott , .... Georgia,
4 T m*tTH!*>cUirefs pi ice*, with only the f*elgl»t
il diayiige added. A supply now ot» hrind
FALL or 1866.
new arrival
- ;* 1 V of ; *
FALL A1 will
•*. idvyfciift l±!ocky Drpni
ARB BOW Uccuiuug and Oponing their
Os Fill an J Winter Gacil.q embracing ,
c jiupkrt- on i ssortuient as can Lc fouaj j
th a teedrn if uuuntry.
The attcnlion of the public is imbed i
their Fine Stock of
Ln.liracing fimicthing ti suit the tsst o(
everybody Lummau, Fine, un J t*p, r j;„
tiF.tts F.’JI,; CJLtUIIIAI.
Loota poU lluts umi Caps, and i
faot everything usually found in a
rfi'xl Clast. T.i y unrt Clolli
isijj More.
\\ a ehnH -alsri.kni'p rn hand a goed ;U
Ly of if F-zaLy Groceries.
(Vy of ;Jif firm, of many years errcien
ii* Gb* Jii v.'G bn4i e-n ns now in tt
L Murk U-, will rtaiain tlnme
ihr si'T-'ur, f;i\u'#i'V'ry advantageAf and
ilnetau'i n-- of t.hoic markets, t" comtaoii
r< |i'er,i-h < hf rtsclr.
R mttxber the pi".*,'—oprosite the I,
cry Stable it) Ixyl As new Block Jlu
}i»»;?.. , i
slr '.T It n L. Orifftuvill always V J
hand, an.! will he pleas-; <1 to exhibit 'd l
old Lien is cur Now GoCc's.
fr. i Glfl
r. 8! «si. «7 ibg"
•f 'C 0. Vl.Ertwn. I . tV. J*. AMisinti
Jj«>. 11. -VP.VranTl * 11 ** j Tt. ,f. JFn,.f ol .
M’riPBAM, AftMSTitENfi &C?
&. Ai'niMc.uu!,)
rrjcviSroH dealepj
ConimisvJoiß .Hri'duits
VNI> AecciFj* fpr litysdnf*, JViU> K »pr, k T*'”
. ihircriMii tho “H.m
No. 21 Mai::, bet. I>f k 2nd, and i*.♦ tUliii
i: St.
la. ftiMnvf & SOI,
Ai&coni (Icortjia.
{'LMIQM 'he lsl-t>f Ju) v the ti
;/ t r conduct jjb}'E. E. B own A F<m, fl
fr'Oib M’m. F. Diowi
ii Ihb Ji'fri ci r»M»'d ii-Yercst < f the ffetcl.
'/hr Jinn e ; io.ty rc*oms! xlTnli r(
• tj'Vf eh*-.- Hy f ih>%Fe of ttsi v» mfl 'f l * l
idt-nt g-neAfs. C< nip-tt iil hi*v<? been si
cnr-d i.T i*v« iy and linent, and r-vf»ydwTW
will be plod lo eiisuro comJVjrf to ibew cufiirnm
.Jiofujav 5 oa f » »iid airy, and tl o tHl»le dw JWW|
pWld wifn the cou -try l itud’. I*'
attend iiviiVsl and < f all jiAwc®
• td/ heir tquiflorg.
rvnx. ,m. j. wipK'C Vvtntd
An^, s rf),i( .Y.u j Ortwn* > lM ‘
Commissioi! Business,
: r K.,e-,..!a Ptr '
Au»- If,iln> Ii.VHETABS-T”
E E i*odasce i?JcrchiiiU J i
i\%Jejafe tfgd Retail Aairn il a
4’OBS.r- YJthlik IK AlV,>
SI. 3 < ■ O. V- SID AX, SfloailAhßS * lU*
ia'G O f IV. L (JR Ait MU.
Sardines, rifles, -Eugars, and a general
rs-.ctif of Groceries.' . , .wrrX,
- (20,2 m LAWTON &
Pfrsf iu Iho MoiW
AT- -
(uflilir Masonic Ilall-j „ arC ,u«
Ilia vo just received ft fresh supply “
Family Groceries atiuh as Lnaut
inn, .Tiffs, .S'nrrfi****r f ■
< tracker*, Stc. Also a large let o'
of different grades and tnahV (j.jtpj, ft
Mackeral, Salt, *p.r. Coßho. PowJ. WJ* l
httceo , fHatirn, sc., 1,m .. ,n tiuM 15
supply the lovers of good llimgs i« ctl
at the Lowest Prices. Give me
nuclTSm 1—
_ ~YOTMtW. illbe> iJ
017 TY days after date aPP 1 * 0 *' I ,®* ,„v,
O to the ordinary of c ‘‘J'° a "
to sell the real estate of
late of said county, deceased, Ad® r
Sept. l. 1866. loiJXX
.VOTICf:- . . Ilbc »d
O IXTY days after date app | '®* t ' 0D fp»M
O to Hie ordinary of Callipuu o-uW
to sell lire ioal«state belonging
William It Ml, late
Sef*. 7. "•*'