The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, September 28, 1866, Image 3

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LffSON JOURNAL GA., SEPT. 28, 1860. ifgcAl- COLUMnT jfow Advertisements. gce Jcgai advertisements. Nultc* 1° Creditors.—E B. Liylesr, iJengimin is ready to wait on the la test her house. t GeEEN IJacks Wanted —J. A. Foster o [M OVAl..—After next Saturday wo wiß to our new building, opposite our locution. y (U should not fail to call at Iles’or & Col awl oxaniine those new and beautiful jjdirs Oloik% Hats and Bounets. Their (!of t i< excelled by ji n ? in this market. Ci Randolph legal advertisement in to, iiwp»P cr - They will be continued in the Journal until Elam Christian’s paper bt jtarted at Cuthbcrt. . N[w ButLDTNtis. —We hear of some five s ix new rcsideuces und at oontract to bo completed at once. There is more jmprovo meat and enterprise :u Dawson uow, no jjijbt, than any village in Georgia. Rehoigos Revival —A revival of much interest, is going on at the M thodist Church ijlUwson. Twenty have joined the church ,pto this time, and the interest is unrbated. rte meeting oeen continued day and jipbt, since jfce 1 Uh of September. Cotton Makkkt —The new crop is maing in prottv freely, and buyers tire laying to-day (Wednesday) 26 cents, nr.d uying the throe cei.'s tax. We have lib— pal buyers here and planters cannot do l iter in any o her market with the r cot iin. To oca Merchants —As we intend en-*- jr.ring next week, we w ill have room for inre advertisements. Your new goods ro arriving and should be jidvert'sed fe hope no man will be too rinse and to patronize bis own paper, especially liere it is a real bent/fi* to him, keeps up he paper and gives character to his town. Our tonus arc as low as arty other rcspec ihle piper in lit: State. An Kctovice siys Dinurtt, of the • New ' ,i'k II rnl l, his either bton belly seared vtberesu't of the elections in M duo and minnt, or ho has dive v.fdthat the .Ja i,tins Lava the moat money. Pf.bably last. “l)iin’r Itk -Foot.tsii ” —Von c r. make 'iv.-loib,r- from Fifty routs. ( ill and is mini''in article urgently fir "led by ever / «1» Or a s'lmrle ?<••)» Lee 1 y mr.’l (nr litis n‘ retails ersv fir S > 00 by It. L Xf >■* toft. 7ft nhathntti S'piarc New York. jv 27 J. V. PRICE & SONS, IVA'lllbllOUS'KA^l) I'oxuiisssoct llerdsissils. AMKRTUTJ.-*, G'EOKGIA. U'H • rr ' now at |V»p \\ r arc-Ilou«e formerly own- i «<lhv Dr FI C. Blaik, on Cos ton street, but "‘I • Bf >on We Ht. i in- old in the bii« k Ware I H.» ii iw b.-hipr built bv M \ K. I?, L »v>s*. W, ;i r »* trepared to f’urnt-h Digging and Rop a > pianfe s, make advk* c. 8 on cotton or other prt.» iii stoios, ship cotton to New (Vrlvnne, Savati; I New York or Liverpool, making libera! ad ; »ncementrt on our shipment. Wr can af e iswo "'ton ii our Ware—House, is clrnp a* it can be i o»e in ativ other hen e in the c ; m\ Fjr wo're- ; is remote from any tv h r building. As out : I,l 'or his been in ffi * cotton business for the last ; *-•‘♦*o years, and always on tie* side u'/the Planter, hope to do a ’eisonabh* rhst're of the co'Cm , 'l CVton slurped to us below iIA point j n SW.R. R. will onlv bo cl trjjed one (As 1) i '' ; hr per halo and no &rayago ;U tyis place to our i urelnu?f. Sept2l (>m j .YDTM i:. davp :ifrer date ; ppl'Cfion •will Vie no de to Hie ordrn ry of Hhlu'Mih County fer leave j n **ll the real estate of M.ilcom ft•! of said county h v v -•.d, 1 IStJd. Ilt'iir > McCoF.uFofOkYt:, AuniV. j * forward an*l sttUe for I ,am octet mined to up mv old standing n’cconnts ind ii6tee, as I “ v,; commenced anew bu-miesa aud will need lithe money I can get to carry bn tUy busiucss Mpay my debts, taxes Ac , Moigan Sept. 21 ts. E T. KCidDRICK. Notice. § 'IXTY days aft£r date appliea'ion will be made ■ to th* l Ordinary of Calhoun countv for leave sell the real estate of W. H. Drown, late of a rid tunty, deceased. THOMAS j. BROWN, AugMi TANARUS, 18t»6. AdmlmLrator. Retire. wn months after date win oe’made - to the Ordinary af pa 11 • op.y county for leave dl the esi itfe af Yon, la.e of *'dcoun‘v, deceased. SARAu. YON, n»ii^n|Btratr|k. > Li uH4;l SMWliirVrp \N f the. first Tuesday in Oct. next, will be sold ' before the Court House door in vie town of '‘"■son, Terrell county, between the legal hours j •sale, the fnllow'ng p#*pe -ty-D-wit; The South half of Tbwn lot No 49, situated on ! west side of the f üblic in the town of , |vson, levied on afi the property of B. F. Brooks John McGrcgpr, to satisfy a£ ft issued 1 i coutt of Terrell conatv, in favor ioveng oi Dumas vs Thornton & Biobks, prin- P’ . and John A McGregor indorser; Property | *‘ted out by F. M. liartier .phutitiirs atlorndj.— Prt; tn withdrawn. M. W. KENEDY, a»J£. -1. SUff. Tl * s «, BMM t: ti a if s* / r the first Tuesda) in Oetobeg next, will 1)“ r . before tin: Court House Door in the town I Terrell Gomnty between the usftiil hours following property to wit: one house and ' a tow n of Dawson, six acres more or less, ~ <of ?ia S r * Tl^.v Academjr lot, sold as the p oper- D‘ »ntlv ilhaer a fiYi isstred from ‘ uperior Court of Terrell County, in favor of •• Brown for the use of J. B. Terry, vs X. J. M. W. KEN NfiJ 11, aug. 31. ShlV. 'Suable property For Balc. [y 3f> ld on the ltt Tiiaadav in October, L % . ore fheCourt House door in the town of bewra of aule, the house Jf 8».-n*et, a< iwc.-ent occupied by %tk!o k^°^ erß a8 a ca^*nct shop sold for the tjg r j hftfrs and creditor*, agreeable to an ,IOIn inferior of Sumter county. tOTTft AtmTr. ! ! Fir*;t National Bank of Mtcou. Id£lT and time bills ou various points pjrchas ed at all times. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to any pood Northern or European houses. ( ollectioi.a made and promptly remitted for. We shall keep supplied ro far as possible with New York Exchange, which will be sold at the lowest rates chaiged iu other cities of the State. W. W. WIIIGLY, Cashier. I. C. PLANT, President. PiHKCteus • li. b. Win. T. Li htfno', K. Johnston W. 11. tvo3% Win. B. Diusmore, 11. B. Plant. I. €\ i’LJUVT. WlttL continue business at his old office, and will muke investments for parties as they may direct. He will also purchase and sell Stocks, Bonds, Mold, Silver, Banks Notes, Seven per cent. State, of Georgia Bands—new i.-sue— and United State*. Revenue stamp—all fora sale here AT PAR. He will make liberal advances until good sale can be made, charging a small commission for the same A CAR! TO PLANTERS. Tilt* Opinion of Lotion Dialers ami Planters. Mac n, Ga , July 13th, The undeisigned, having examined and witnessed rlie operation of the patent, Iron Tie ail ft tin mi, lor Baling Cotton, for which Mr. Jas. A. Haj.l is Agent, unhesitatingly pro nounce it the cheapest, most simple and complete, and ike best thing of the kind ever presented to the publ'C, (one of its Greatest A-dvantagoft being the almost perfect protection against loss by fire} and earnestly recomm. nd it io the use of tho Planners of Georgia. Hardeman k Sparks, .T IT. Wool folk, W. I). Ttainev, Adams, Jones & Reynolds, L. A. Jordon, John T. Napier, Tb <deuf G. Holt, Pulaski S Holl, T. R Bloom, J. B. Ross k Son, Dunlap k Cos., Knott & Howes, KoflM, Simr, C. F. Efubhn, L. Bond. ang 3 JSTpT TO BE UNDERSOLD. AT J. H. ZEILIN 4 COT DRUG HOUSE. Cherry Sl, - - Ci.f.J V\7"E offi’r to the trade great, inducements and ▼ y a selcciion from the Largest stock of 1 MKMCiNK8 f CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, Etc. [ In the State of Georgia, most, of which were pur chased w hen Gold 2» pet oenf., and we | i have revised our prices to coniform to the now j [ low rates of Freights, being determined to give! j our customers the benefit of our Low Purchases, : ] and all the reductions possible. linre inducements offiued to make purchasesj from the trongfer l>!'ssg Store, 10,060 lbs Blue S'one, Congress Water, tjafjitogi Water, Kite linger Water, • Vichy Water.! ■ Fn unites ran. mule /lair men syn t'iy .JJ’u-! I fees at hume* Aztimi’a Yi as* Pow lers, £>oo llm <7aib'ta'e Antonia, Flavoring Fx nets, Oils Lemon Sa-safris, etc.! Bikers call get all they want ia any I.iaillify very cheap. Turnip S<ec«l, Hit a P. in, Flat Pit*, 11. il Top, G'ohe, Hie., - Merchants, ITupgia's nnd Dealers Generally i will find it a wasto of money anti time to go to • more distant markets, incurring the expense o£| { travel, the.rtek of transport a tjor\ ihtt }::gh pCefti for boa r d, Dying out of their money some time \ ufore ffet'ing their goods, and being induced j to b'iy Drg- »• hdls than they Whilst by j bitting at, the Y«»d< r : Dmg IKore, you enn buv as ; you w■ vnt. and then, only pav what {Jie Goods : would cost \du laid down, and IV< que*nilv cheapen j that the I'ipii f.eights and other expenses Will al l low to lav then, down, f *r avoiding the lisk, rnsu -1 runce, loss, bieiikajje, ti al.ige, and in pearly ev f ery ctc Saving . i ~) yior cent. ; (vn| t.ntti lUii’r rabi t'n Oiilcrs by mail,, | ivb cb shall have the teal urms at .5. !Z. /111 I.! TV ilCO.’i* .3. li. ZhiLi « <>.’*, iS. A CO/x, Is the place to get the Baigains aml the Goods. COTTON GINS, MAM r A CT’J U hi) 11Y lUMEL VAX TT, TraUv Ilf, Ala., \\l lit? has had nearly forty years experience in v v the business, lias lived all ‘lie* Mine amongst planters, dlas .visited §iu huuses, put gins in op~ eration, and things he knows as near as most liny other man what cons iiur. s a good gin. i Haviwg*been appointed Agents lor the above Cqttou Gins, we wouhi r» quest Ranters who de sire to get his it ke of gins, to a favor by: jneudjng in their ouh rs, so we mayAnow whi:t>ize to have made. !f thi* l c urse is pursued they wiii, not fail to pr ocure tin ir gins in time. All orders directed to G. L. Anderson k Cos. Atlanta, or t,o ours'dves will receive oroinpt uttcu tion. ‘J. If. ANDERSON A SON, jvl3,4tn Agt iitp, Macon, Ga. J. A. & N. Ml, THOR Nf D N, oi' Georgia-. UAViKG cofTiph-teil t! vir •rrsnccmrntv, hive opened n brariuh of iheiv bu-liiess in ItAfum They arc pr.-p ircd to do all wrtrli,in llieir line in the nioat iinptoved elole. With a long experience and a bnpply of all the apjjliances of the art, they f«.d omrftdeiit of giving >;niirfaetjon in, every in s'aicc. Till th pnt up i::i jjoldpUie, wirii or with A|eo v ,on vii’lcarite of ruliirpr btiss in theSfst Style. AH w <'i' K warrantlU. For furthet J. A.Thorntou, Lumpkin, Ga., or N. M. Thoruton, Liawsnn, Ga. -(.Ulice, on f •rater of lor now ee i»i i-d by Flam OMatian. Boxil t'r.eir olfi. e is lit cd up they will wait on patioua at tbeir n sciences.. G!ti>i / .s/ee.v* to., Piano Forte Msnufactflrcrc, 11)9 Miroaiitcaif, Jl'eic \*ork. '■pilESE Pianos received the kwlrrd of 1 moiit at. the World's Fair, over the best, j makers from London, Paris,/Germany, the cilk*s of Ffew York,J*hili»dolphi i, SallHifore ard Bostort ; also, the tute, for Vive Successive Years!! Oar Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Ilarp Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all modern improvements. Every Instrument, warrented five ve.jii'S. Made nnd. r the siirpofvision of Alt*. ,f. 11. GRW ESTEEN, who has * practical experience of over thirty live years, a the ma ker of over eleven thousand pUuo Our,/a cili'ics lor manufacturing enable us to sell these iustrumenta from to S2OO cheaper than any but Jawu piano forte. Aug. .1 lyr R* W. GUOUSDQfi. O. A. CALDWELL. W. 11 AZLEHUttST* CUBBKDGE, CALDWELL & CO., BANKERS. Second Street, .liacon, Ga. Stroks, Bonds, t’ncurrent funds, coin, sterling nnd domestic exchange boueght and sold—depos its received —monies invested as parlies may direct. Collections made and promptly remitted. Ai trorv/.ki) Bu khkm i s— Bank Republic, N. V • 3d Nat. Bank, Nashville, Tenn.: First Nat. Bank, Charleston, S. 0.; Savannah NaitCual Bank; Atlanta Nat. Bank, All min, Ga.; Josiah Morris, Banker, Montgomery, Ala.; Johu Caldwell, Coluiu bia, South Carolina. julyl3,6m J.E. BI LVYtVCo. DUAL KBS JX Cookii!i; r Stovni, HOUSE rURHKHMG GOODS IF I Vl I. l. ALA. I.l'F.’l. anil i» -turn llVf/if , at WHOLESALE AND lIETAiL, We ulso keep a c impletc stock of TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, And Tinners Stock Generally. THE IHO\ WITCH, A ! Ccle'bratetliCoal;ing Stove. SOUTHERN STAR, A Clreap -QaiatHfy, L«t Ilig+i’y Uecomcudcd. 1* S? A SIIIE FLO WE 3S* BEN FHAAKMA, A T/i'ge Oven Stove. VOFAG AMERICA, ICE ROSENE O I In. LAMP 6.-« f All Descriptions ORDERS SOLICITED FROM SOUTIIWPSTEIIX (IfO Bug 10 6m - LADIES, LOCK AT TIW.S ! I ALEXANDER & WRITE, Have jml rc'crivid ihtir stock of tow an faribionab'o Spring :an<l Siuiitm']' li S£ « S. 14 0.0 I> S-, VVhi'h wo arc c’ofiing ou* very rapidly al l’ricfts much Im'wir iknm have hcri tufurc ruled in this matket. Our prices surprise all yho t il tli'cm, on account 'of thrfr being so ] uv. Oar G "ds were ali 15 uglit Far Cash, and -iucc thii tftth of April anal WI!« A \ AX» « I It, M U Til 1,51 AS < heap as any Our Stock is Fresh. f&U and Complete, comprising i: V Kll YTHI JS” XJ in Tiir.-LiN.-y, f p (D 11 Y a OODS, YaJiUfs; ivoT-ioaK i-iOSIBUY G-loves & c . Give us a call, and sec for your yonsclv-s. Allordirs fdrimptly ffllcd; aud g-iods sent by Express any where. aua indera white. Pi ices’ Old Stand. july 13-3 m j^SK’Cilv BARNETT &. CO, COTTO.r JT.IVTOHS, Grocers & ficn. loiuamsiou Meivofeants, Ajinluc/ttculu, Fla , Columbus, Ga. I>ROMPr attention given to all consignments, dud shipments of Cotton to Xew.York' N\w UrTcaiis aiiTl ‘l.iberal advances inuUu on ccHistgtimeiits* LORWAIbJING AND RECEIVING HOUSE, • IlHilaihlcola, #’/«., OK Alt Silt: VVg rp?DCC>(ully vtiU your atten tion to tiie fa'-g "inatWr TI.VVe entablished a ‘house at Apalachiooi.i, Fla., for tho purpose of do l |ng a General Commission and Forwarding h-wi- IK'-H, eH|al,!fl|li«ii reSatiow »oili ol the best houses in foreign and domes:ic pot:., we sare prepared to offjr unusual advun’ages to rliip ipers of uptnjn and other pti dueo. alien (tion will he given to at 1 eotena sent <l* lor sale, (either in cur own or cny foreign market. " In addition to our Commission business, we will keep constanllv on hand a large sleek of GROCERIES* whieh will be offered to merchsti's and planters al prices in the Northern and Western marketa, adding cost of tramp utat-ioa. We will he prepared to accommodate our fiieuiL. wilh advances ou cotton sent us for shipment or sale, and to furnish them with bagging and rope for the coming orop *hd dfmieAkr entire season. N. 8.-Mwir Hbuftc in'ColutaWts. <sa., will be continued at the Old stand, corner St. Clair and Itroad etrecta. jvl ' BARNKIT4CO. -SO USE ;>Nt ’ AoroßjV-,- (CHILLS & FEVER • - ,| rrßTAis w**-} .- ' (Jali.l'iiiam's Piua arc composc.l simply of Vegeta btr Mrilicinr*. They nro i'itthartir JUlls, acting upon the Stomach, Uver, nnd Hon'd* ; conUiniug no Arsenic, Calomel, 111 no Mn-s, or any other Mineral Mibatance. The great advantage the Proprietors claim for these Pills is that, without the aid of Calomel, Blue Mass, or any other Minerals, they will cure the ino.-t obstinate caws of (1111.1.S AND FKVKIL jJI MH At!CE, I'EUIOmt’AL UKADACIIK, NKIK KAL(J IA. nnd all affections of a like character, fol low the directions, and you will find they will do ull that is claimed for them. Try one box, and their ow n merits will recommend them ever afterwards. M’e have used (iuUiyhan't* I'ilts, and nave never known them to fail to cure when the directions were followed, nnd unhesitatingly recommend them to public favor. llon. T 11 WATTS. Ex-Gov. of Alabama. *; T. .1 JJJDGK -hillin' Stinrrine fi.urt us Aim “ ROBERT iKH OIIr.HTV, Ju,l-o Dth Circuit of Alabama. AVm. O. WALLER. Sheriff Montaotncrv Cos.. Ala Hon. ALEX. 11. ( LI l lIf.UALL, Montgomery, Ala C«»i.. and AS. 11 WKAVEIi. “ *' Jr “ CUAWFOUD Itlßlt, ME. A. HANKS, Com. Merchant, N. O. La. iiU ( V M . Ai iV N ' !' Kti ’ Ma y° r Wetumpka, Ala. MllvL L. \\ OODS, Atfy at Law, 200 DM way, N.T BLOUNT & HALE, Solo Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS, Harm!, Rlslvy Jt F. J llart A Cos., New Orleans, I^j. Llount link*, Montgomery, Alabama, Sola I>.V sill Druffjjisis. Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt of $1.50, one box of the Dills will bo sent to nuy part of the United States. Wnoi.ts.u.K also bv T. \V. Vnrsdon, Now York, l-ilward Wilder A Cos , Loitisville Ky. i Kor sale at I) iwsiin, liy l)r. J. L. D. Ffrrvman and Avoid & Athttus, Droggista. July *A7,C>in important to Fiaiitei^. The Iron Band and “Arrow Tie.” FOR BALING COTTON. AN INSURANCE AGAINST KIRK, WASTAGE AND STEALAGE r : Ef>E Baud’* and Ties are a cooiple*e sub?ti- I lute for rope in balling cotton, combining the ! utmost simplicity) which the greatest possible se cecutlty. I They are cheaper than rope—are fastened quick er, apdf.oM die bale fto i less in size. Every I Bmc is long enmrgh for the largest bale, and can j be tartanti*ncoiu»}y adapted to the siz • ol any bale while tu the prets, us quickly and w ith the same case as ropes. They ar e manufactured in C/ivarpool, of the best < English Iron, cut to uniform lengths of ten feet, • and put up in bundles of 3f> Bands aud Ties each—, complete and insuperable, until opened out foe use. They are thoroughly painted and are net .subject .to damage; being equally adrpted to bales made by planta ion presses in every section of the coun try, merchants in the interior,may deal in them with greater seeitriiy thap rope; and the uniformi ty of the bundles enables both merchants and pla.u-.erji to deteinHned- precisely.witAW to order, for aAy given number of bales. Since the clo, e ol the war, they have been intro ’ duced into the Mississippi Valh y and Texas, where ; they ft.tvc met with great lUvo*, and are fast su percced*')" the use of rope. The working of the “Ai riw Tie” is so t *iinple, that the compressors of cot»e«i in New Orleans hivo been unable to sustain tliembelves in their opposition to Iron B iuus, and they are now using these Bands aud Ties, iv ;ibc>H a,uy jclion, atidw ith entire satis factiofc. !b K Messrs. Baldwin ot Cos., are our regular author i/ »and agents in -Diwson, from w hom merchants and pi.niters if iy obtain the B nd and Tie in any de* ttiffifiLfluautiry at, the low<s'- U‘wns. - ' The undersign* and agent h r this District h pre pared to furnish them to dealers aird consumers in any n lantity. 7 AS. A. K/;:.T$; Agent, At K. Bonk's Oberv St. j, 13 3in 2nd door from J. B. ltos.s & Son’s FOR EVERY FAMILY, “RICH OR E’OOK,*’ lii South-Western Georgia ( .//al J.VB GUT TiMEJtI ! I VFalt V FAAIIFY Should ha?**, otic or more Boxiij of tho KxecL sior Agu * PiUa—thoy. never fail l Jr chilU au<i f ever. A -usually without the j aid of any other mediciuo. IWTerroll and the ad rjoitiing-counnes th<y have .the summer cured more t Iran five bundled casea wimout a single failure. Price only one do’l.t( a box. tVERV I lUSII Should have one or more Boxes bf the Fxcel si r Anti-Bilious Cathartic I**ll’. *F>r trie cure of | Bilious lierangement, HnbitwU (Justivc ics'*,— S'ck UfHil ichc, Xaivcr.diseases kc. t t They only cost fifty cen s a B >x: £¥£» y Whore there ara children should have a Bott'e o 1 -the K xctLslor Gathart i o Y erroi fnge. A dead' aboH’Of every kind of Worms. An*l a good Ca thartre Medicine for chßdfcu. P.icC fifty cents a By t tie.. i:\Cliy FAM3LY Should luwe a supply of the Kxctlslor Petii»fKil ler. For the cure of p v ,»ius of i very .natter where eiiuated 0113.01 (ho hcstyrcin ( dies ever used for sprains and Cruifi* l—iu man or beast.—Piici fifty cot ts a Botite. \ liVEIU I \ 7I3LV I Should always keep a Pottle of tho Excelsior toothing Cordial. A safe and c riain me fi r Cholera, likirrl*/r., ai*J iMscritury. peculiarly of Ihe Diarrbiei'4p iulauts while W<t!‘ing. Piice «»h; dollar a Bottle. CVtßtWMUif’f Should have and alwavsNecp on harS a supply of the Kxcok.ioj- Cough B.lsitn. Per t*.-> p*»l j< I'of Coughs, C.itixrrh«, 1 r»* ler? <s and B-Itx-hint «f --feeriuris. AL-o a gvood F.xpeetomnt .L 7 Awodyne ior Cbnsnnip Ives. A cure for wboopiiig Cos Ugh. F\ery Wife mid K>ai(k r btcr Troubled With iir gtltauiy ( r any uterine uff. c tioy or Womb-Ibsens'*, should h*to « Bortlc of the Excelsi< r Tjntelt- Pe-torative. 1 * a rely firl< 10 bring fvhdf. Cures nine tenth’ o! Womb affec tions. And from it a alterative jnd i-Piffifylug ac tip« always pnpddcea a clear, fair, an s bi complexion. T. ice three bolters per p ntle. j All of the above •Family Medioims are picpared ;,tul sold-Wholesale and ILfctilftt (’xoclsior I)Cttff Store, P *wsbn (jto, Where, ufa ro:»y' he found a large »nfl ci>mph-fe StGjJt off Fresh nnd genuine. Drug , Hn«i Meuieine*. %’dj|very other article us» aljy kepilu a sis.* <Ti-s *. ArrangttU*, e,itJ " !; ° o '' conuh ni u> lup/e , very to Vi, a»*d supplied wllh tbe ExcdlaiorTamilv V.cdu irn s. C. A. CHEATHAM Pppiictor. First in thi'. Mai’lui! fall (joods auu.'Vi:i) AT- - N.C. GREER’L i # ( umlif MuHOhio ILU.Ji . . aft Ihuvr just Wimiveil a ircsli »appt< wn.; firoei-rii s mch ■> L'otrt (Hk, /fain. 'fun, ,»•#»/■*, Sttnlhu*. I>UHl*rs, < rack*rs, Sc. Also a lot . FTOTTK of tUft'i rwnt erHik-Hw'it m.ov oihor frfilos, such a< M»«kvr»l. B»|t, Siljitr, C. IF.e, I'otaib, TV>- Inn fa. Cigar*, Sic., Imn lefitmimd to wuppiy the lovers ot good things a all limes and at the lowest Prices. t*:Ve tile se< ■ tlv call. ev.-H S:u M-r'SUKKR. 1 COME TO THE 0@11E» l j J yYS. C. BIIYTYNj OFVHIt? AT Wliolrinlc and Itrlait I) K Y (5 () O OS j AND GIiOCFIMES, AT RESVCBD PRICES. j j 'I'MIE undersigned having purchased tlm ato k ! L goods of Mr. T. J. Cannon, and see ired ihe excellei.t position ot "the corner,” offers them it prices that will let others live, aH well ms hiui sell: He has on hand, nearly every deserfp ion ol j LADIES DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, KfLANLS, LA UiJGl’in, GKKNaDINES, MOZAMIiIQES, riIINTS, : uni] many oilier articb-H in tile lino of Lidicv i)rt'SA Gooilh, wliicli be will dispose of at the low ' eat [ rices, in order to make room for his New Kail Stock. Tol'lsmlei s A Citizens lie ofi’ rs ft ftiifl 4fcll-3clec* J etl stock of CTiOTJAIMQ, of mil Descriptions, (Boots and Sdoes, H ITS A C ITS, Ss, SpLeudid OoliarSj i j anil all otliur articles necessary for a gen tle nan's WarilrtVbc. Fine Stock til iCfockwy anti Glass Ware. ibirdn iiiT iiud < lillti y CHOCERtES, Cfiffre, Su^at-, Fit tr, liigars, Cuufceri'jniNca; • Kept corsif+aiftlv on hand amljrf, prttes Giftl -defy compel It lon io Hum rudrket. C'liciviag Tobyceoj Kct ex«slle«l I'} iitiy in LIOTJOItB I ■* ■ Oi' All IJOscriptioii.s, BY THE ki hki:l or ctsi:. s&■■■_ , * w iKte.. o . Vhvkif’C; tlie public .n't It''! oltl hwmK ft»r i hb.r»l n.liniWKc brr»ihl'.ir* rccrtr.'il, lie f elscoi luient Ih tt bS '*lll be nh!n ift them entire e»t isfjetiun, by c.Hltip on liitli ;tt “tile Corner.” ■IAS C; Bit TAX, A lt;tf,t|o,t.» I.IFU L I. ‘■Wit; TLOD YOU SO!” THAT “WHISTLE MS BLOWN!’’ ArVD jIIAKK Till: ItllSiLT l One of Berjamin Fraalilin’ft niaxfms was, “The nimble six-pence is better than the slow shillingD For Proof of the Asset I 'ion call at the Great HI A! E Ja m i? e mm;* Third Si reel, MACON, GA., Anti you will fiud a Heavy Stock if Choice Yellow and White CORN, Fine ribbed and deaf Bacon sides, hams and shoulders, CTtoicc Elay, Ouls, Meal, tiackrrcb'in pui'lisijgc* of sill kiiuh. Superfine and (Family FLOFTB. A Splendid lot of Kxira I .on ( Lnril, in Firkins and Tiercer— and many other articles usually found in a First Class Produce House- -Lr sale as LoVf as the Market'can reasonably afford. KCmSHC K ftV IHJDGIAS, Produce aid Commission Merehants, Fecond doot North of Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse-, July Itloet Third Street, Macon, Ga. CHEAPER ■*-*. CHEAPEST! ISy If A LI>WIH* A CO., (It Baldwin’s o!<I ilauil,) TJr-iwson, t i (“rooigria. We arc ree4?ivirtg direct from Now York, a largo and General assortment of D It Y GOODS, (JR< )CEIM ES, IfAItDW aim:, CUTLERY, IIOLLMW WARE, and evei-yth-ing c.Lo u utilly foun 1 in a ; first duelHtor'e, All of which worn linnir’it for CASH, at tiio LOiC KSt A K IP! yo#k rmeins. Li our mAy be foirtJ, at reJnetsd prices, L.mi #•;,s’ nness a<>oi>s, Prints of different frail s, Ueutl'illll Muslins, White ntnl hlei-dib'd Coo’s, UosLt'ry., Gloves UibboiiSj JUrcttK. Trim things, ole., etc , ALSO j LADTES lints, lion nuts, an! shoos of the j very linest ijuality, mid gunlleinen’a Hats, i Cools and Shoes for sale at AVkoJitaalc FninG, , and as as tb )’ now can bo bo-ght lin Now l-o«t. Slkxt, rnd Wats range 1 I lioin .00 cep Is lijj Op I We kcofi everything necessary '6 cotli I plate a gentleman's wardrobe, j ISix dozen Grindstones ol best qun'ity ! It ia unneeessary now. to. ei’inneValo «lif j ferent articles. NVe intend ke oing every ! tiling the people want. ()ur.goods siiatl le s hi at, the very j LOWEti'r -POSSIIiLK FIGIHSP. County ;t|:< 1 pl.iutv-s ev.n : save money by cubing on u... j Gdr Moth''t “Cheaper Ihaa f!>? ( it«.>pe?4»” J uno iU;, 1 SCO, J . J. JOHNSTON. U. P. OBKAiI. e. j. j:i::;£To?j a go., Fealels ] N Waicbo.s ot nil 'M;tlcns D* i H»,U> 111 UG v -etch er anil su g’c Silv r I’latcil I’ttehirs, Cike Baskets, (/ustor-, Walters, Tea Si M, .Mug--, Mini Silvir t able anil Tea Spot n , I ICiiiv. s, Forks, Caps, Titblirtrs, ami ft|>o«i!s for k ajhijil'ee, ftc. « . i' U (alt'll tVitrK .—We re Vices of pl’ie very boat, ii, and are pr. pared to do all ; work prompt tv tirtd warrant it. Kagiaviog aril '■ ■l.'wclrv ri-inired by Mr. S. Tltiur. Wok re- 1 'V e'lully Koiioiltd. k ,i .nmxsToy a (o j ill 01 3 ('oituu Avenue, Macon* ((a. j 1 -k,—t- *. --1 [ ll W. SoI.OMON. K. K. IKAKUK. t. T. Mil Till Mi. ! | SOLOMON PtARRt & MAITHFffS | t)EAI.F.BB IN fiENKKAL MKIU 11\M'L/L', AND COMMISSI 0:/ ME R Q H A N T S, Si*np*on tfc Jofintern** Old ItLantt li ilia alia, aAla. Conpignmehtp rcppcctfulfy eolivifcd. Tron p ! prrsoual aUcntion given to puiohate and pale of j <>otton, produce, <* • Refer to Mesere. Win. A. MiKur/w* k Oo , Ap- 1 iilachi* ola, Fla.; Epoki?, Hanoeid k Cos., Cuiltn - bus, Ga.; S. kJ. Schitfor, New York ; Slfetpscu 1 k .ToHiuon, Eutnula, Ala. SPRING TRADE ! C>. AL. II AY* WhoTcsale and Retail fiealerVn STAPLE A FANCY DllY GOODS** Groceries* Hardware, etc., AMKRICUS, GA. HAS a .large and well selected stock of Staple and Fincy. I) r y Goodr, Groceries, ctc.—ol i faring to the trade kbit apting, a much larger sfpuk | thin heretofore. Tho IttIJESS GOttit* i Department, under the supervision of Mrs. A. L. Mrtpp, is complete in every particular, and a corn ! potent dressmaker will superintend the making I ind fitting of dresses. Tbe G j Department will embrace an unusually :»t(racuv« assortment., together with Hats, Caps, B.'dts ami ! S'Joes, and everything for gentlenien’s wear. Also; Fine Brandy, Winss, Rmn, Sir, by the wholesale. Kuts, ?ardinr% 1 Crackers Cove Oysters, Flour, moat, Com, in»al’ Sugar, Coffje, etc. April 27-6 m GROVESTEEN &CO., Piano Forte Maiiulactuners, 309 li road leap .IV tr I’or A*. fpIIE after tion of tbe pul Fcand the trade is in-* I to on • .IVwj Scale* Seven tHUvcc* Slosc;rood i*iano Jrortc** which for vol ume and purity of tone are by niiv j hjtlurto offered In this marked. Tliey contained be mode op improvefben.Ls, w'rench grand action, narp pi-df.i 1»on frame, over strung bass, etc., ana each iusfrument beir g made under the persona! uipervi-ion of Mr. J. 11. Grovkstekn, who has n pnctical experience of over thirty years in their nu> impacture, is lully Warranted iu every particu lar. , ; Tlie “CJtovcKliiftß PiiJiio Forte” ; Rec’d tlie high* st award of me*it at. the « elebrated i Wor’d's Fair, where were, rxlrbi’ed instrumerta from the best makers of London, Paris, Germain, Pliilade pbia, B«*.l:imore, Boston New Yo k ; l nid also at the American Iq«iitnt.e ff»r five sueves | sivc years, the Gold und Silver Medals Torn both « of which fin be «*cn at our a .*ire-rnohis. | Bv the introduction ofdmpiovrtnenfs we make . r still rsiore perfect, and by rnanufac- Lnring larg» ly, with a strictly cash pys em, are rn ahlcd to offer these hist*um« nts at a price which ♦ will preclude all romp# tirion. , 0 ir s arc from SIOO to S2CO -ilifapcr than env first el ss i’iano forte. TI.RMS. Net ('asm in current fimrs De scriptive circulars S»tNT free. Arg. 17,1 year ii.wavs ea iia.Au i ji \l \ Double nnd i' 'J troiu jjlh lo •»*OO Assorted ladies* .gents, and boyrttesaddl'-s and . addle -tree*—from $b to soo. 1000 assorted car i i;:ge and teurn eoilais —« aual to any in the TJ. ii. Also, LriJhs, martingales, whips, and saddlery hardware and leather in my Jihe—to which the aTs t.cnrion of Jt a lens and plan ins arc ievitrd. I in t rul to do good work acd gill it low. Give me ii call before you buy, G. BKUND. *• juh2o<»m* Cotton Avenue, FALL TRADE; : HEW GOODS JUST COMING IN. HI it AM Smith tnd Soutl ern M|ch : g*n I*itni irti V i nr. inbai iclln ntifl'hell Ia mile. A, I I>, 0, CruMc'H rt> and Poedpibd Si^'gi>; Old Browiij , .litm end l.itilo or> n (Yffi t-. Atbuu.Blir. , I Spent) "I'd W.x Caudles. XtwMcßS Saikeul. iu ■lts, at.d at retail [New iyttia Wfc Todfisli. { Fn sh ,Uahd He»ri-fg«. Fx ra Leaf bard, jk* gs. Hosu t»ei V, Xliake’s TL n'afic h, and Rknf’ '■St. Domirgo Bitters Cap'rs. B'-ftiue ard Nbu paitll. Pure Oil, quarts risd rrcscnrsd 6iHgeL BuneV'S Sardine?. Pure Cider and ; tnpo»( 4 White Wine Vinegar. Bottle and TVm&tw (’oiks. IMire Jamaica Hum, ftrat.ilv, WhinV**' Fhampiiigue and Caiiforuin Wrttt. Ifavann Cigur^ Fine Chewing Tobaveo, Bubble aud Solace. For !wde low aX ORfefcrU I AKE’S. at-gl' tt , f’cf*ra;