The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Terrell Co., Ga.) 1866-1866, November 02, 1866, Image 4

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ri( US£ Vi V : I (AIUfiHAU'sPiLtS CHILLS & FEVER' f*ri.i.i»*w*r**roirf»**«l-»»f»t4y of PVye-fci- W- Mfiianrs, lls V :iIV i nth'irtir rwtiDg upon ik*M**tnr>;h. Jim w;il /»*.;'/•<•/*; c**ni-iiiin t»” A,*,nii (n!(>nii ], f»hio Mh>«. or nt v ot'irr Mineral •nb-Lmc® IL grrat wlvftnlsa« the l’*rnprl*tt»niclaim f««r th -iM Pill* U iliNt v itkoiit tin aid of o•Jomrf. Blu* Mas* or am «tUr MinoenK lL«*v wHI cnr* tho inr«t ofcrfinoti* co** of « ItUX* A2TT> ITTKU, PI’MR AGIX. ruaoi)kt'A!. UF.ADACIIF. KKH KAI.GIA, aiMl all affwUofm of a Jiir* o-har»rf*r. P'»|- luw Hie •UrocUoiitt. and v»»u wiil find Uu*v will <lo ail that if vlaltned *>r them.’ Try <>a« Mi. ami ttidr own nrcrtla will iri'opnkmil thorn ovor afii»r»\ arils Cfy- Wf have uk«s Onlllgh**’* Vitim, and nar* DUHT kiitui n thifn to :»o o«ro » hen the diroctlons wpr fnliowud. an-1 n&liffiU(il|)/ recvliutcnd them to |>cMW i»vor How. T. H. W ATTS. T.x Gov. r.f Alabama. “ T. .1. .iriNiK •Itidir*' Supromo < viirt of Ala. ** KOIiKJtT !ior<:Uc.KTV. Judge 9th Circuit of Alabama. A\ *. 0. WALL I*sheriff Montirornpry Cos.. Ala. Hon. AI. EX !’. < I.ITIIKirAIX, Mont-«mcry, A!* Ci*u .IAS. II WKAVEiI. - rii.wvmi n limit, - „ “ Mai. E. A. HANKS. Gan. M rrbant, N 0., La. oro M %S*ON, Rug . Nb'.*r Wettttupka. Ala. MILL L. WOO US. Alt'vat Law,*t)o ii'dway, N.Y BLOUNT & HALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgomery, Alabama. WHOLESALE DEPOTS, n»rmt El.lcv .V T„»pkiin. 14; I’hao.E-w Ht, N. Y. L. *1 lisrt and: Cos.. New Orleans, U. Blount A ILile. M->nt*»m*iy, Alabama. Sold l>.v all DruffsriHtx- Retail Price, $1.50 per Box. On receipt of SI.M», one box of the Pill* " ill be •*'•*»* to any j«rt of the United States. Wiiolbaai.R also bv T. W. Marad.-n. New York, and hid ward Wilder A Cos, Looiivillf. Ky. For sal.e at Riwson, by J. L. I>. Perryman, Avent k Adam*, Druggets. J. E. BRAY & CO., DEALERS IX ( ooking Stoves, HOUSE FUi NiSHING GOODS, Eli MI L 1, ALA. n.r, <v li'oon II \IRE, c.t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AVe also keep a oomplete stock of TIM PI,ATE, SHEET I ROM, WIRE, Tinners' Stock Generally, i THE WITCII, A Celebrated Cooking Stove. SOUTHERN STAR, A Cheap Quality, Ilighly Reeomended PRAIRIE FLOWER BEN FRANK LUV, A Lirge Oven Stove. YOUAO AMERICA, KEROSENE OIL. LAMPS. —AH Descriptions ORDT.RS SOLICITED FROM SOUTHWESTLHK oio. auglo,6m L A D|Es - LOOK AT THIS ! ALEXANDER & WHITE Have just received their stock of new and fashionable Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS) Which we are closing out very rapidlv at Prices much Lower than have heretofore ruled in this market Our prices surprise all who hear them on account of their being so low. Our Goods were all Bought For Cash, and since the 10th cf April, and wo CAW AWD WILL SELL TIIEH AS CHEAP as any Other House iu the City. Our Stock is Fresh, full and Com plete, comprising EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF DRY GOODS, YANKEE WOTIOWS, Hosiery, Gloves &c. Give us a call, and see for yonr your selves. All orders promptly filled and goods sent by Express anywhere. ALELiNDEK Sc W HITE. Prices’ Old Stund julj!3-3m Jlitoou fta. FOR iEVERY FAMILY “izicii tm i»ooit,” lii South-Western Georgia c.ill .i.ri) gf.t TistxH : Ll 1:11 V FA.nil.V S(m uM h#,t' p i.i c or hito < f ,h * I Rtc. Uwr Seuj I’ill- it*»' rt-r. rs i * " r, “ I Kev.r „r tiilliou. trv.T. Hr.,l ti«n --1 .llv * 'he »iH “f ."r »'her inr<h"n'‘- i» • Teir. I! »!><t ll.e ..’loirinr roonlie. '*•' h » ve j . f (!t . , . t ,„,n,er cured more ih.u Ovo •ifl-oii* » single Pr,, e oulv one H„!l r « box. 1 vi uv i mill Hhmil.i h«f» OH* or m ire li 'Xee of 'be Vx i c .l wr gn-LBiHow C-'h.rie l»iil.. 1 o-*U ' , of lJiiiou* llenonem H«'>iih*l ' ->e iiu :H«'. Sick Vfeed.n hr, I.iver rt,«-.»ee JC \e. 1 lii >• oiiTr oort fifty ern'r a Box. Fl IiKV FAJIII.V \VJ, -, are cbiirtr, i: shout I hire « lixiu'i »t 'l',- Kxiemo# I'mlariic Vermifuge. \ dendelm 1 lor even kind of W And , L . OOI | e.'h.r'ic Medicine for chil Ireu I’.iie Bf'» tent. » Boole. EVERY FAtlltV Phould a eupplv ol the Kx ■ !»'Or f 'in ' IC'lier. tor ihe car ot pens ot .veiy char niter no oiatler »here silosted rid one of : .he host r. n edie* ever ' red for s ' ar-d Hiu ! -e-»—i«, man or inaei—Price lifty cent- a Bottle. ....... - r EVERY 1 AMll.l Should ai.-.-ke. pa lioldeof the Excel : dor Soo-i tn-Cordial. A safe a"d c mm cure for Ciioiers, lti»rrl o . ""d Dyseut-re. | I’epuhaii.i 1. and .pted to -he " re "f the D.srr «•■ 10, iulHiits alulc Iceditt'lE- i lice one dollar a Bottle. EVERY I'ARIEI Should have ai'd »!*.»« k '-P “ r ' * sup'ilr of the Excels ,1 Cough B lo*m ror the relief of Cough., Oatanhe, !• flue./.is ai.d Bronchial affect on»- Al-on good Ex ! pcelo’a" 1 a-d A nod rue foi Couruntpaves.— 1 A cure for » hooping Cough. Evorv Wife an<« I»*a«iBlil«*r Trouhlcd wilb irr giili'Uj or any u'eriue HffciOi, or Wot b DLysso, ehonid ban* 1 Bottle of the Es osier Female Restora ive. It mn lr I. i* to bring reef, v•' e. nine ten h* of W. mb iiffeciions. And from it- al tern live and Purifying action slimy--pi "duces a e'eor fair, and tianu'i'ul completion. 1 rice ti r-e Da n rs ncr B Mile. All o tbc stiove Family Medicines arc p-o --p red md so and \Vhote a s!e and Kctai! at the F.iceluor Drug St,re, luison ',eo, Where | al-r, \be found a Urge and oomp.ete Stock of Fresh and genuine Drug and Medicines. A id ,-vcrv other article email) kept in a mat. I class Drug Store. . ~ ' Arrangements will soon he completed to haveeverv town, vi' ard neighborhood 1 supplied will, the Excelsior Fam lvMed,ernes. C. A. CHEATHAM Propnitor. BARNETT 8c CO., coTTOjr r.iiTons, Grocers A ( omniission Merchants, ! Apalachicola, H<i , Columbia, Ga. OBOVPr given to a!! con-ip- I ment6, and shipoioiius of Cotton to New Y«Tk, New Orleans and I.iverpool, Liberal advances made on c‘>n* Gi ws n,,lt,nls * FORWARDING AND RECEIVING house, .Ipa'athltola, Fla., OKAU Blit: We respecfuily call your at tention to the fact, that we have eatab ished a house at ApaUubicoln, FU., for the purpose ol doing a General Commission and Forwarding b ’siues'. Having established re lations with some of the best houses 111 for eign and domestic ports, we are prepared to offer unusual advauta e< to shippers of cot ton and other produce. Special attention will be given to all cott in sent ns for sale, either in our own or any foreign market. In addition to our Cos nmissiou busimss, we will keep constantly on hand a large stock ol GROCERIES which will he offered to merchants and plan ters at prices in the No-thern and \\ estern markets, m -rely adding cost of transportation We will be prepared t l accommodate our frier-ds with advances on cotton sent ns lor shipment or sale, and to furnish them with bagging and rope for t! e coming crop aud during the entire season. }C. u—()ur house in Columbus, Ga., * ill he continued at the old stand, coruer St. Clair and Broad streets, j jyl3 BARNETT & CO. G. L. AJsDEUSON k GROCERS AND C O MATS SI ON ME R CIIA N TS ALTLANTA, CEO., J. H. ANDERSON & SON, Crorcr* ail 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Maooni Ga., WE solicit consignments of Cotton, B.i con, Flour, Wheat, anil other produce. Prompt attention to sales, and returns ot same. Cash orders for any of the above fill ed promptly. j2ofi FINE COTTON PLANTATION For Sale. I offer for sale my plantation in Calhoun county, five miles sou h-entt of Morgan, con taining Six Hundred and Ttcen ty-t'ive .acres—ahout four hundred cleared and in a fine state of cultivation.— There is on this place a BEAUTIFUL IMYIILI.IXC, eoo.for.ahle honaes for twenty hands—also a good g'li house and screw, and all uecessarv out-buildings. If desired I will sell stock .v?S ■ '- -iocs sufficient to do the place. For furthers p.rticulars address, JJI.EPII W. ROBERTS, octl2 4t Morgan Calhoun Countv. CROVESTEEN&CO., Piano Forte Manufacturers, 499 Rroailtcay % .Yen' Porks THE attention of th** pub) c and the trade is invited to our JYnr Scale , Seven Octave , Mlo&euwoil Piano Porte « which for volume and purity of tone are un rivalled by any hitherto offered in this mark et. Tlicv contain all the modern improve ments, French grand action, harp pedal iron frame, over strung has. o , etc., aud each in strument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. 11. Grovestkkn, who has a practical experience ot over thirty years in thsir manuf teture, is fully warranted in I every particular. 1 Tho “OroveMecii Piano Forte” i Uec'd the hishestaward of m erit at the oele- I brated World’s Fair, where were exhibited j instruments from the beßt makers of London, Paris, Germanv.PhiUde phia, Baltimore, Bos j tot) and New York and also at the American I Institute for five successive years, the GoK | and Silver Medals from both of which cm be , seen at our ware-rooms. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instruments at i pnee which will preclude all competition. Our prices are from SIOO to S2CO cheaper than *ll v firs class Piano forte. TERMS.— tNKT Cash in current funds. De scriptive circulars sint ra*x. Aug 17,lyear I-. 15. LOYLKSS, T)AWBON r , GA., A' VV u Xtut oii/I'm/* Li ctri) Stub's, nsjrt ti' or to J. H f.Vi'm <(- Cos. OFFKIiS VERY LOW, DRYGOODS, G HOC KIUES, FIA lIDWARF, CUTLEUY. He his in the Ir. of l>rq (rOOfto : FUINTP, JIU .'LIN ?, SH! KTINC., SHIRTING, LAWK'’ HOES, G ENTS* bait HOES, Quaker 150 N N K 1 S, GEMS’ HATS, liOO'S a .and .''HOES, Fur Ladies and (ieutlemen. And expects to keep every u-her srtiele in Ibis line usually kept iu a Dry Goods Store. AI .SO, Sugar, ( offer, Flour, < O II M , SMOKING AND CHEWING T O 13 jV C O O, Snn r s, Candy, Powder Shot, Lead, L3i*idles. Saddles, HOUSE ; OLI.AIiS, Huggy and Wagml hips—pait.ted and brass -bn 11 and I? ckets, Tubs aud Selves, Wash Puts,Dinner-L’ot c , Ovens, Spiders, and extra Lids, Plow l remand Steel, Weeeding Hues and Smoothing Irons, C ffee Mills, Tea Kettles, Carpenters TOOLS, & MAIIGE LGT OF TIN WARE! SALT. Paints and G lass j JttOiVEl’ trill hr advanced on next Crop ot Colton. So if you wavl either to Spend Money, | Oi Get Mo ray, r, (live Me a Call! Daicsorty (ia. , Muy ‘JS, 0/h New Livery itnd Sale Stable. STOCK BOUftilT AND SOI.D. D A.WSO IST , Ci EO. UR. IV. W. FA It If ca, keeps good stock, good vehicles, and good j diiverp, and is prepared to send passengers to any of the adjoining counties. Hacks at the Depot on the arrival of each train, feb 2Ji ly W. A JENKINS. j. K. JENKINS K. W. JENKINS. J. M. JENKINS .J KNKINS BROTH BUS Grocery merchants, .taction. General Commission, BKCKIVIXG AND FORWARDING HOUSE. Broad St., Eufaula, Ala. 13ERS0N AL attention given to the sale of Cot'* ton, t Sugar, Molasses and Country Produce. Orders for the purchase of Plantation Sup plies, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., filled and shipped promptly. Consignments for sale or re-shipment respectfully solicited. Will at tend to receiving and forwarding Cotton and every description of freight with dispatch. Instructions strictly obeyed, and prompt re’urns made of all sales. apr27tf ADtfiNISTK ATORS SAU\ OX the First Day ol November next at the Residence of the la»e Charles G. Bos tick deceased, (said Residence being situated in Calhoun county, seven miles Southeast ot Morgan) will be sold a portion of the perisha ble property of the said deceased, consisting in part of horses, mules, cattle; hogs, sheep, goats, and stock of all kinds. Also the farm ing utensils, Wagons and Harness, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, and the Corn and Fodder on said place ; and at the same time, the Plantation will be rented for the next year. Terms of Sale —Purchasers will be required to give small notes with two good Securities for amounts exceeding Five Dollars, to be due the First Day of October (next, all u.ider that sum, cash. The sale to coniinue from day to day, until all is sold. Also at the same tirna and place, will be sold, the Perishable Property of John C. Bostick deceased, consisting of Stock &e. TeraS of Sale cash. oct Bth JAMES MORROW Adra’r Xoli<T. iK blorMtiid Creditor*. VLL persous having demand* ugaUct Charles D. Bostick, late ofCalhouu coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified and requir ed to present them properly attested to the undersigned within the tine jrtsoibedby Law. And all persons indebted to said, de ceased, are hereby required to make immedi ate payment to the uudersigned, parties iu- ; debit'd to said deceased, w ill find them in the hands of L D. Monroe, Attorney at Law, Morgan Ga., who will proceed to collect, im mediately, if not Settled, this October 8;h 1866. JAMES MORROW, ottl2* Admu’r. r month after date apt 1 cation will be X. made to ilia Ordinary of Terrell 6*ounty for leave to ell a houses and lot, and three vacant lots in the town of Dawson, belonging to the estate of Joseph Gilpin deceased. Sept. 20,1866.* S. F. GILPIN, Adra’x. . YOIMVJE . Under an order from »he Ordinary of Ter rell Coun‘y, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dawson, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, lot of land No. (150) one hundred anu fifty, iu the 11th District of Terrell coun ty, sold as the property of J. 11. Wilbanks, . Ute of 9aid county, deceased, 1 FLAM JOHNSON, Sept. 14, 1860. AdmnV. C'Otli; TO TICK C O 11 .E 11 ! JAB. C. BRYAX, OFFERS AT lVlio!cs:i!c A E’dai! DRY GOODS t AKT> GrI3QC E MISS, AT REDUCED PRICES. 'IMIE undersigned having pu cha«ed the 1 stock of good jol Mr. T. J. Cuimon, and sec Jred the excellent position ol **ihe corner’ offers them at pi ices that will let others live, as well os bimselt: He has oil hand, nearly every desciip ion of LADIES DRESS GDODS, MUSI.INS, PkLANES, BAREGES, GRENaDINES, MOZAM BIQF.S, PRINTS, and many other articles in the line of Ladies Dr< 83 Goods, which he will dispose of at the lowest prices, iu order to make room for hi* New Fall Stock. Planters & Citizens, lie offers a large, well-selected stock of CLOTHING, of all Descriptions, Hoots ancLSlioes, HATS A CAPS, Sliirts, Splendid Collars, and all other articles necessary for a gen tleman’s Wardrobe. o Fine Stock of Crockery and Glass Ware. j Hardware A f nllcri GROCERIES, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Fleur, Cigars, Confectioneries, Kept constanllv on hand and at prices that defy competition in this market. O Chewing Tobacco, Not excelled by any in Eufaula. LIQUORS Os A.ll Descriptions, BY THE IS A (UH L or CASE O Thinking the public and hia old friend. 3 , for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he feels confident that ho will be able to give them eutiro satisfaction, by calling ou him at “the Corner.’* JAS. C. BUT AN, Ang ust 1 0,6 ;n KITAILi. AX A :* j. Jo:isstON. <»• «• Obxaß. E.LJ3HNSTON&CO., dkai.kus in Wa tehee ct all A Takes, nIr%HfO.\U IS 8 cluster aud ait'g’e q >ii ' ( Silver Plated I’tD'ht rs, (!iko I5 .skots, Castors, Waiters, Tea Sets, Sytup Mllg l , Solid Silver Table and Tea Spurns, Kirivie, Furks, Gups, Piieheis, am) Spouua fur child,,". , (c. U atcll Work.-Wi' have the so v'e - -of t'.e very best workmen, ami are pre ,*re.l to do *ll work p-ooip lv mrl warrsnt it. EiisraTii g end Je«i-lrv repair, "I bv Mr. S. K. 1 heus. Wo k re.pee'fnllv aolioi'ed. K J. JOHNSTON & t'O. julv 13 Colton Avenue, Macon, Ga. VALUABLE PROPERTY LOU SALE WILL be s»ld before the Cou:t House \\ Door iu the Town of Dawson, Terrell County Ga , on the Fii>t Tuesday in Novem ber next vritbiu the log>»l of aale, the following propcit' - t A FINE COTTON PLANTATION, sDnited eix m ; Ls from D-uwon, known as the Musgrove Plai.tation, confining sixteen hundioi acres, six hundred of which i-* open and in fine s'nte of cu!tiva»ion. The place is well Wrtt-red with running water, conve niently arranged lor farming, under good fer e*, aud uo'.ed for being healt-iy. On the place h a good dwelli g, and plenty ot com fo. table cabins fjr laboiers ; also a good Gin House and sete*. Also, at the 9tnie tim3 and p’ace, will bo h >ld another l uabU Plant nil an* situated three miles sou iiwest of Di\v-»on known as the Kelly place, containing six # hui - dred and fifty acres of land. This place is very healthy water good, and comfortable houses, open lands, under good fecce, and in fine H'te ot cultiuilon. ANo at the same time, will be sold, lot of land. Number eighty-five in the Twelfth Dis trict of original Lee, now Terrell County.— lot is unimproved, but heavily timbered, lying near Brown’s Station on the S W. R. R. ANo at the same time and place will be sold A SPLENDID RESIDENCE, in the towu of Dawson, knotvu as the resi dence of the I.vh Harrison Musgrove dec aa »*<i. This residence is very desirable, a tine dwelling house, containing five Too ins, with dining-room attiched, together with all ne cessary out buildings, a tine young orchard, rve-lota, garden, and everything complete and in good order. This lot contains five acres. The term 9 of tl N Sale will be twelve months credit, to es well secured. Anv person wish ing to purchase any of the above pro pert) at private sale, can do 90 by calling on Cos 1. F. M. Hirper, Daw.on Geo , who is mv attor - ney at Luv aud in fact Fullv aii'horized t> sell p iva'ely, and make title* ia my name. All the above sold as the prep tv of the I N* Harrison Musgrove, of Terrel! County deceas ed, for the beneft cf the heiis aud crediiore. Ibis Sep emb«T 11th, 18G6. AM kNDA A. MUSGROVE Ex’trix. P. ?. Purchasers Can be supp ied with stock aud provisions on either plantation. p FORGI A, Terrell Comity: \ I" Wiierea«, Naomi Coxwell at plies for le»tcr of dismiscion from gua; dianship of Wil liam Coxwell. These are therefore to cite and udmonish all pr>rson« concerned to be and appear at my offi-re within the time rrescriVied by luv, and •Ifowcause, if anv, why said letters should no s be granted. Oven under mv hand and offi ial signature, this October s’h 18G6. Oct. 5 h JBG6. T. M JONES, Ord’y. HAEDWARESfOEE! (THOMPSON * KENEKICIv’s OLD fTAXD.) W. L. WADSWORTH & CO., Americiis', Ga., VRE now receiving and have on hand, one ot the largest aud best selected stocks ol HARDWARE, TOVES, TIM, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ever offered in this mu kef, viz: i-arpenfer’s, Rl.icksmifh’s and Tanner's TOOL 8-eve ry iliscr'ption of /ladder's Ua'dnare, Paints, Oils Glass and Putty, Axes, Hoes, Trace Chairs, Shovels and Spades, (irind>tono9, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, &e. The finest, lot of Cooking S oves iu Southwestern Georgia, at prices to defy com petition. A full line of Wooden and *i'- loiv If \tre, Buckots, Tubs, Baskets, Chil dren’s Carnages, etc. Table and Pocket. C-lil lery Spoons, Coffee Mills, Selves, &e. A targe lor. ot Tiil W*Ure always on hand of our own manufacture, at wholesale and ref nib R »ofing and Guttering done by com petent workmen iu the best style, and work warranted. Amerieus, Ga., April 13-ts LOUISVILLE PURCHASING HOUSE VAN PELT, MOSES & CO., 24G Main St. HAVING been connected in business here for the past thirty years, and de voted our atten tiou to the close trade and purchase of Goods, we are enabled tobuy as low as any merchant, andmake choice se lection. We therefore solicit or ders from the interior merchants for any goods they may desire, such as DRYG OODS, Groceries. Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes Iron, Produce, Agricultural Implements, and any Merchandise wanted by merchants. We feel confident of giving entire suisfac tion, as we have done to our already numer ous customers. Persons ordering will please state as plainly as possible the kind of goods wanted. Merchandise insured, unless other wise instructed, and charged on bill. Terms—For all bills under S3OO per cent, over that amount 2 per cent. We ask a further trial. Van PKLT, MOSE3 k CO. j. c. van pelt, wm. mosks, formerly with Jas. Lowe & Cos., GKO. C. NEWBERRY. LOUISVILLE WHOLESALE HOUSE FOK LADIES FINE GOODS, oooits, Notions, Paper Collars, White Goods, Cloaks etc. Van PELT, MOSES & CO , S JO Main St. between 6 & 7. WM. WOOTEN, Auction & Commission Merchant, Dawson, Greo. ALL business entrusted to his care wl’l re ceive prompt attention. References: E U Loyiess, M H Baldwin, Dawson, Ga ; J \V Kears, Macon, Ga. ; Butler A Peters, Atlanta, Ga.; Irwin & Uardee, Savannah, Ga. june2!l,dm and ( Ji.tco.r, ft y:oj v\v =p&t mm OCR STOCK 1* now as eompl' to a? any in Gcorff", of every variety if G'o la iu eur line, anil wc r eel cot ft lent tbey are off red at a* 1 a rate a- 1 1 ewhore. We therefure iuvite the attention o f all to oar stock of Plantation Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Builders’ Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools, House Furuisliing Goods, Wooden aud Willow Ware, Scales and other Store Fixtures, Childreu’s Carriages, Ecf., Ect. TuriibiallN Scales A NEW STYLE, Thcbest and most convenient Scale fur retailers or f.r home use, ever offered in this market. For salo by. WHIG FEY & KNOT T ' V"-. CHILDRENS’ CARRIAGES. ANOTHER STOCK OF C'ui'.drcrs’ Gigs, Perambulators, Itimbl rs and Buggies. Some new and Beautiful patterns just received and for sale by WEtGELY & KNOTT. MAILS!MAILS! BOON TON NAILS. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received and for sale by WHIG LEY & KNOTT. Garden Implements. Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Steel Hoe=, Grub floes, Spades, Trenching Hoc and Rake llocs, Shuffle Hoes, Garden Trowels, Garden Lines, Wheel Barrows,Etc., For sale by WRIGLEY & KNOTT. FISHING TACKLE. WE invite the special attention of Country Merchants to our stock cf Fishing Hooks, Lines, etc., which is large and complete, and at lower rates thau ever before offered here. WRIGLEY & KNOTT. WOODEA WAKE, SIEVES, &C. Brass Bound Cedar Cans, Brass Bound Cedar Pails, Brass B mnd Tubs, Cedar and Painted Tubs in nests. Painted Backets—2 and 3 hoopr, Juniper Buckets, Stable Buckets, Oak I’aiis, Well Buckets, (7 styles,) Iron Bound Setts Measures, Plain Sets Measures, Iron Bound H’s Bushel Measures, Plain Hallßushel Measure, Irou Sieves ,—Nos. 20 and 24. Blood’s Patent Sieves, For sale by WBIGLEY& KNOTT. inly 13-3 - b. a. mi CHERRY STEET, MACON GEO. I AM NOW OFFERING Til 12 FOL LOWING FOR CYYSEI ONLY ON THE Rost Hoasonable TERMS: 300 13©UL C, C. Males, 200 Setts Handle Granite Coffees and Teas, 200 Setts 0. C. Cups and Saucers, 00 d' /ci. Gobi* ts ai.d Wines, 0 White China Dining Setts, 2 Gold Baud Cuiiii Diui ir.g Setts, 10 Cbma Tea S. t's, 50 doz Msorted China l’lalcs, 10 doz. Bar Bottl s, ‘JO di z Bar Tumblers, 100 pairs of Ewers aud Busies, PLATED GOODS 50 di z best Qualities Plated Tea and Table spoons, 25 and. z. plated Ta’ lo Forks, H dor. plat'd Castors, 2 d< z. Plated (J.icea Di[ pers, Goblpts, Cups, IVailers, &c., 15 and 'Z Wire C vers, 50 and 'Z. painted Buckets, 10 nests paiated Tubs, 10 nests Juniper Tubs, 5 and z brass bound Buckets, 15 drz. C era D pprrs, 20 gross Table Knives and Forks, Ivory Handle Tea ami Table Knives Shears, Scissors Razors, Kitchen an.l Butcher Knives, With a splendid A-soitmentof POCKET CUTEFRY. 3 gross Glass Self scaling Jars, 30 gross Tin Plates. TIN WARE OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. Si!?© WHS, THE CELEBRATED IRON WITCH with other patterns, At Reduced Prices. ■With a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods, Embracing nearly everything usually keptin my lino. IK. A. WISE, Julyl3 Gm Cherry 9t . Macon, Ga NEW YORK STORE WHOLESALE & HETAII B. B. MYffi ft £ (3i.cces.ors to J. W Buttn, oß t Pc' DAWSON, G A , \ WE keep the largest and tncsl extra a?Brtmcntß of IK! Mill •>£- K this Market. We have, For the Ladies, r rcin-li, Eugfi.i, „ lfd A|ll<>| «*an Prlut«. Silks yirrinos, Wor] PeLains. Fn pr. Cloth, EmbrnderJ*. I, ee«, RibL, Hits. Artifleitl Flower, Nubias, Hoods, Borrets, - Honiery, Dress Hat Triintnirgs all varieties Shoes cf all Kinds, Balmoral , Polk»«. B,irl-I 0 p „ fr , Gaiters, Glove Kid An’ l. t., Eic, FANCY toilet Aiinn.ft Handkerchief Extract., C. Jn ?nc g, Oil, Die--, fte , etc. The mo t c ni| lote aseortmm to j found in S mth-Western Georgia. h*"r f .*-- '■ For GeaUciiK’H. i .11ST ItFCF.irt l) t/VA Pt'liVCri best, lit IU, unit 1 \ " Su.ok Hg T 'bsc^o. A 1,0. a tine l»l ot Pulllirllol OCkM Stores from Xo. 6 to y. i- • We have a large varied assortment Hats-, Caps, hoots * snoi> Cloths, Catltneres, Ac., For Cunts, Pants, and V< sts. T'S'! with a beautiful assortment of READY-MADE CLOTH IX All of wlioh will be sold at VERY low price: Wo also keep a full, complete KSCDWARE AND CRCCRERV TABLE AND POCKET c u t j. T R Y OF EVERY DESCKH’TF -' GKOCEKIE^ A splendid lot of Rio and J“ T3 Sugar, from common to the fi nct,t ‘i Tea, Lamps, Ivero;enc Oil, F (H.titS AND '!'o(sA <<0 ' TIN Itr fact, a general assortment of suited to the mirket, both for Wholesale and Retail Tr«^ We will put up any goods tUn fc r Country Merchants at MACON FBltf’ Uivousawll- ."P-Ur. that do house in boutb- ly ' gin. shn‘. undersell us.